'MT'DTnA 7 r i-, . ~. - . THE C!ANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAR[O IThe Orono News i ti n Ir The Women's Association of was originated, up to the present 1 Park St. Church mnet, December day. Recipe bookiets were dis- tI lth. Mrs. C. Wooti conducteti the tributeti anti the recipes tiiscuss- C devotional perioti anti Mrs. M. J. ed t ITamblyn, president, conducteti the Mrs. Ballantyne saiti that many -business. Reports were given o! o! the social problems o! today the Holstein banquet anti plans coulti be solveti if the juveniles made for the January meeting, were given sornething to do, that when newcomers to the village dhr salcaiefet in hobby t will be ententaineti. The nomin-tandeicra lcrtvefsls atingcommitee rporte as fl- hanti that it is perfec- f atws: Presiet, Mr M.aJ.fTa- tion that lifts a "job" into a "han-i. r wsyn; ls vice, Mrs. LiJttlewo dticraft." A list o! good sourcen lst ice Mrs Litlewod;matenial for many hantiicrafts wasa edvice, Mrs. W. Hoar; 3rti vice, îeft with the Guilti. C. Duncan; treasurer, Mrs. R. E. Miss Gwentiolynne Brooks, a Logan; correspontiing secretany, member o! the Guilti, anti a teach- Miss M. Davy; pianist, Mrs. J. J. er on the Orono School staff sangr Mellor; visiting co rnittee, Mrs. a beautiful solo, an ti an encore,s.M H.Sal ; ert y, r.r F. Kelly anti Mrs. F. Tamblyn; with Mrs. M. Staples, playing the pantry committee, Mrs. M. Smnith; accompaniments.. propenty committee, Mrs. I. Win- Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn then intro- ter; parsonage, Mrs. C. Woods. duceti Miss McBride, chilti psy- cbologist on the staff o! the Wo- rnen's Institute Branch, Dept. o! ORONO HOMECRAFTS GUILD Agriculture, who spoke on "Par- ent-Chilti Relationships." Miss McBride's talk was untier three The Dec. 4th meeting was given heatiings, the flrst being the psy- entirely ta two special outside chological needs o! the chilti. In speakers, Mrs. Lereine Ballan- this connection she saiti that -tyne anti Miss Irene H. McBride, while the unwanted chilti hati one both o! Toronto. strike against it to start with, on Mrs. Ballantyne, who is On- the other hanti "Smother" love tario Fielti Director for the Home matie the chilti anti later the1 Service Department o! the Robin youth unfitteti to get along with Hooti Flour Milis taîketi on "The others. Also that chilti guidance Story o! Handicra!ts?" She gave is no sinecure, for behavior is an outline o! the histories o! learneti anti not born in. xnany crafts, among them spin- The second part was "Aiding in ning, weaving, pottery, china, em- the feeling o! security" anti fac- broideny, etc. The different eras tors nameti were: A satis!ying at- ~which brought these crafts anti titude between parents, no dis- industries into being were aIso crimination between chiltiren, anti given. Mrs. Ballantyne express- being untierstood. Parents were ed regret that Ontario's floral em- urgeti to take time to enjoy their blent, the trillium, was nat useti chiltiren, to emphasize their gooti more o!ten in design!; o! craft points anti not the bati, to take wonk. the chilti into their confidence Te story o! baking was tolti, anti thus make him feel he be- Irom the da ys o! the 17th cen- longs, to give hirn only responsi- Thry when the "baken's dozen" bilities suiteti to his age, to bel 4' LIJJ~~ -_- -~ - -~ - - * - - - -~ - ~ ~ . - RBWMANVLLE - PHONE59E TOPS IN ENTERTAINMIENT Thursday - Friday, becember 19 - 20 A new klnd of a guy lni a picture of strange obsessions! LUCILLE BALL CLIIFTON WEBB WM. BENDIX MARK STEVENS ln the "DARK CORNER" Aduit Entertainment SHORT - HOLIDAY ON HORSEBACK CARTOON Saturday, December 21 A DOUBLE FEATURE YOU WILL ENJOY SEEINGj "NIGHT TRAIN TO MEMPHIS"I Starring RAY ACUFF and bis SMOKY MOUNTAIN BOYS plus LEO GORCEY and THE BOWERY BOYS in "LIVE WIRES" TECHNICOLOR CARTOON Monday and Truesday OnUy, Dec. 23-24j ANN DENIS JACK IRENE SHERIDAN MORGAN CARSON MANNING "iSHINE ON HARVEST MOON"Y FOX LATE NEWS COLOR CARTOON consistent in their handling of be- havior and above ail "Do Not Nag." Miss McBritie emphasized that while order anti routine were necessary, theyý shoulti not be made a fetish. "Adequacy anti satisfactions needed"l was the thirti part anti the speaker saiti that !arnily coun- cils were helpful along this Uine, that littie successes shoulti be natie steps to better things, that while chiltiren shoulti be helpful in the home, they shoulti not have just the uninteresting jobs to do, that they shoulti have their own spentiing anti saving rnoney, that feeling adequate resteti on the sat- isf action o! feeling capable to rneet conditions anti that skills anti handicra!ts aideti the chilti in maturing. Miss McBride's talk was rnost interesting anti was matie even more enjoyable by humorous an- ecdotes illustrating the points she was making. Fluai Meeting of Term of The final meeting a! the Home- Ir cra!ts GÙild's flrst terra was helti S in Orono school on Wednesday, M~ December 1 lth. Eleven meetings in have been helti in ail anti-the Y members were on hanti to make P this meeting as successful as the C others have been.jB The meeting openeti with the singing o! "O Canada," anti then six o! the most familiar Christ- cl mas carols were sung. Before each carol, a short synopsis o! its history was given by one o! 1V the members. This helpeti to give the carols even more rneaning andti interest than usual anti Mrs. H. Cornish, who arrangeti the feature is to be congratulateti. Mrs. F.h Boultbee playeti the accompani- e ments. C Mrs. L. McGinnis gave a shorta talk on organizing the Christmash preparations so that rnost o! thee day woulti not have to be spent in the kitchen anti all coulti join in the festîvities together. Severala itieas for using the left-over !owlV anti vegetables were given in de- tail also. Mrs. O. W. Rolph then introduc-E ed Mrs. Clarence Hayes o! George- town, who had been the speakerÉ iat a conference helti by the OronoE Wornen's Institute that afternoon. 1Mrs Hayes complimuenteti the Guilti on what they wene doing anti said that it was along tiff- ierent lines than the average adult education group was follawing anti that she was going to pass our ideas along. She also wishcd the Guilti cvery success in the fu- ture, for she saiti it was to be bopeti that the classes woult bej continucti. Mrs. Hayes laid stress on keeping Up interest in just such projects as these, anti others also, such as rcading broatily, sa that ithe latter ycars o! life necti not Ibe lancly anti empty but insteati filleti with many vanicti interests, so as ta keep young, if not in years at lcast in tboughts anti ideas. Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn gave some gencral ideas on gift selections anti suggcsted that the "outsiders" Ianti "ncwcorners" in the commun- ity shoulti be nernembereti in some tlittle way, for instance one o! your plants, a box o! your home-matie cookies, etc. Ideas for bouse de- corations wene given too, stress- ing the value o! having one focal Ipoint o! interest, anti planning the Srest in relation to it. Mrs. L. Reid, gave a really ex- Iceptional talk on Gi! t Wrapping, Sreminding her listeners that it was not the gift alone that they wnap- peti, but also the thought anti spirit bebinti it. Suitable wrap- pings for gifts wcre spoken of, ai- sa wrappings suitable for the one neccivîng the gift, anti Mrs. Reidi ernphasized that the gifts thern- selves shoulti be suitable, some- thing that the recipient will like anti appreciate, anti not just an article to whicb tbe tonor took a fancy. Two garnes were playet-the flrst a progressive Christrnas list. Eacb member put the narne o! an article she woulti like for a gift, on a slip o! paper anti foldeti it underneath to keep it hitiden. The paper was then passed on ta tbe next person who repeateti the pro- cess. Wbcn the lists wcre coin- I Free Parking Phone 1011 OSHAWI THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT. DECEMBER 19-20-21 Olivia DeHavilland and Ray Milland lu ""The Well Groomed Bride" MONDAY - TUESDAY DECEMBER 23-24 ""First fMan Into Tokyo" Second Hit '"Man Alive" SPECIAL HOLIDAY ATTRACTION WEDNESDAY t., SATURDAY DEC. 25th t., DEC. 28th Frank Morgan and Elizabeth Taylor ini "The Courage of Lassie " in Glorlous Technicolor We extend to ailou patrons Best Wlshes and A MERRY CHRISTMAS. - The Manage- ment and Staff. Wesleyvine at Tu Th Po Tu i Si 'w pr an wi ci gr pr ht er 1 There was a small attendance ýSunday School wi.th George 'ufford acting as superintendant. 7he evening church service was )orly attended due to the nasty veather. A pleasant eVrening was spent ýuesday at the home of Mr. anti Ers. Earl Inch where a Progres- ive Euchre was held in aid of 'ick Children's Funti, when $8435 vas realizeti. High score winners vere Miss Dorothy Mason anti vr. George Best with consolation )rizes going to Miss Verna Coyte tid Mr. Victor Thorndyke. Our annual Christmnas concet ras helti Wednesday evening with a large attendance. The ýhildren put on a splendýid pro- ram and a sincere word of raise is due Miss Hoiglins and Lrs. George Campbell. Wornen's Association met at the orne of Mrs. Trurnan Austin. It was the annual election of offic- rs with Dr. Oke presiding. New Dfficers are: President, Mrs. Earl Inch; Vice-Pres., Mrs. A. Austin; Sect'y., Miss Berniece Best; Treas, lIrs. Harold Reeve; Correspond- ing Sect'y., Mrs. H. Brooking; Flower Committee, Mrs. W. Payne anti Mrs. Tutt; Visiting Cornmittee, Mrs. Hughes andi Mrs. Beighton, Mrs. W. Payne anti vlrs. P. Holtiaway; Redi Cross, virs. A. Austin and Mrs. Barrow- :lough; Children's Aid, Mrs. H. 3rooking, Mrs. Barrowclough; Pianist, Mrs. Carroll Nichoils and VIrs. Oke. Sincere sympathy is extendeti *o Mr. Roy Nichoîls anti famlly in the loss of his father, Mr. John Sicholls, who died in Port Hope hospital Friday night. The. fun- eral was helti !rom Wesleyville church on Montiay. Dr. Oke gave a sincere adtiress closing with the riymn "Rock of Ages". Pall bear- ers were Percy Snell, Arthur Hale, Ernest Bowan, Sidney Lockhart, Simon Barrowclough anti Victor Thorndyke. Relativesç were present frorn Bowmanville, Bailieboro, Port Hope and Wel. corne. . Miss Hotigins spent the week- end at her home in Prescott. Mr. anti Mrs. Arnold Thorn. dyke spent Friday wîth ber par. ents, Mr. anti Mrs. J. Brima. combe. N n( Ar Mvi ini 44E Se an Rc Ci se sa th ar i pieteti anti iead out the results D' were highly hurnorous, with ne- qucsts nanging frorn "a baby" ta c "a sheer black nightic," anti frorn 1 "ia pet" ta "better living accom- t motiations." But housecoats antid nylops seemedti t be on the ma-- jarity o! lists. Next there were tonguc-twisters and this was in the nature o! an climinatian contest, but at the entid o! ail. the time that coulti be spar- ed thene were stili sa many nim- ' ble-tangueti ladies left compet- ing anti untiefeateti that a hait bat ta be callet. The tiisplay o! sewing antibanti- crafts whicb hati been accornp- lîshet througb the classes, was then vicweti. There were also several beautifully anti suitably 1 wrappeti Christmas boxes on dis- play. Mrs. O. W. Rolpb jutigeti the handcrafts anti awardcti the pnize ta a small child's dress. It was white, anti dexquisiteiy smocked in pale pink. Mrs. Reidi presenteti the pnize, a lovely nase bowl, ta Mrs. Norman Allun. The members thcn repairedti t the lunch room wbere taîl reti cantiles anti green decoratians on the tables, aiteti by gleaming sul- ver anti beautiful china gave a very festive air. Those pauring tea werc Mrs. D. Hooper, Mrs. C. D)uncan, Mrs. J. Richartisan anti Mrs. J. O'Boyle. Assisting werc Mrs. F. Bouitbee, Mrs. K. Gams- by, Mrs. C. Miller anti Mrs. L. Crabbe. After the very tiainty lunch Mrs. Rolpb spoke o! ail the work anti the many hours o! time it bat taken ta get the Homecrafts Guilti starteti andti t keep it going, Lanti sait that this bat been donc by Mns. J. C. Tamblyn, wba bat been an inspiration ta the lead- ers. At the conclusion o! Mrs. Roipb's rcmarks, Mrs. McGinnis presentet Mrs. Tamblyn witb a lovcly bouquet o! chrysanthe- mums on bebaîf o! the leaders anti their assistants. In giving thanks for the "eulogy" and thc flowers, Mrs. Tamblyn sait ýthat she bat grcatly enjoyedtihte work anti hapet that the classes bat been o! value, but that the appre- ciation really belongedti t the leaders themselvcs, for the time anti effort devotedto research anti the campiling o! matenial for their talkb wcek a! ter week. Sbe also thanket the Orana Women's Institute for the support, moral anti financiai, it hati given the un- tiertaking. Speaking on behal! o! the class members, Mrs. W. Wannan sait that the classes bati been o! great value anti that tbey bat ail bene- fitteti !rom tbem, and she thanketi Mrs. Tamblyn and the leaders for contiucting the classes. A lucky spot pnize, a fruit cake, donateti by Mrs. H. Dean, was won by Mrs. S. Rutherforti, anti a consolation prize, a srnall pottery ornarnent, by Mrs. R. Gilbart.' It was decideti ta hait meetings once a rnonth tiuning the rest a! the winter. Ativance notice wil bein the papers. The Mother- craft class bas also compietet its course o! study. Miss Steele o! the Northumberlanti - Durham Health Unit contucteti two meet- ings anti Miss Scott tbnee. This class will aisa meet once a montb, date andti Ure will be publisheti. Will those with borroweti pat- terns please hant themn in ta Mrs. H. Dean at the Onano Bakeiy. Magazines are ta be neturnedti t the owner where name is on tbem. Now is the tirne! Check your label on the outside o! your papen ta sec if you have taken ativan- tage o! the oit subscription rate. Aftcr January ist, 1947, anc year's subscription ta The Canadian Statesman is $2.50. Be !aith!ul aven home rela- tions; they leat to higben joys: obey the Golden Rule for human life, anti it will spare you mucb bitterness.-Mary Baker Eddiy Visitors: M4r. anti Mrs. W. Adams anti nily with Mn. anti Mrs. B. Whit- ý, helping them celebrate their th wetiting anniversary. M'iss Jean Holmes, Toronto, at )me. Blackstock W. A. o! the Anglican cburch iet at the home o! Mn. anti Mns. rthur Baiiey, Dec. l2th, with .nrs. McKibbin, presitient, presiti- Lg. Meeting opened by singîng 'lark the Heralti Angels Sing," ;cipture reading W. A. Litany tn prayer led by the Presitient. tol caîl was answered anti fefs aken. The study book chapter 'The fan East" was taken by Mrs. rawfort. It was tiecided ta md church calentiars as a :mas treat ta aur shut in. There xas an exchange o! Xmas gifts. Koveti by Mrs. Archer anti sec- nded by Mrs. Tom Smitb that same officers be re-electeti for nother year. A hearty vote o! thanks was tenderedi the hast and bostcss for the use o! their home for a quiet candie iight ervice. January meeting will be held at the Rectary with Mrs. McKibbin program convenor. Mrs. Hayes, Georgetown, adi- [resseti Blackstock Institute on Fritiay aftcrnoon Dec. 13th, in he basement o! the Unitedi Church. There were 35 ladies I i 'j 'k <NI i i 1 r ;t it PAGE Nfl« I a I j j j j w-m, in afine selection of qiiality produots that will deliglit you. Shop here for Christmas Bpecials and for choice everyday needs. 'See Us First For CHRISTMAS NUTS - CRANBERRUES FRESH FRUITS - VEGETABLES Grose'1 s Grocery MAPLE GROVE PHONE 2582 Why Waste Time and Energy On a Cold Winter'ys Day ? Give him an Electropail for Christmas and save hixu thousands of stepa and time running to house for hotj water. The Electropail is the handiest thing around thej barn. Inimediate delivery. See our stock of Radio Batteries, Firestone Car Batteries,j Sets of Tools, Car Jacks, Anti-f reeze, Special Winterj Motor 0O1. W. H. RROWN DEALER FOR las in Stock ' Delivery rpractical home, gifts pring-FilIed Mattresses leld Suites - Bookcases miets - Cogswell Chairs » Suites -Drop-Leaf e Tables M.IDRRORS just arrived - Octagon shape $12,95 Iate Mirrors $13.95 9to $19.75 in stock) ------- set. wrs Case Farm Machlnery - Firestone Tires FDeLaval Mlkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equlpment 91 King St. W. Phone 497 F.aFo MORRIS Co. M For Xmas Eve Ail items shown and many other including: Kelvinator Refrigerators - Si ~ Studio Couches - Chesterffi Coffee Tables - Sewing Cabi k Utility Cabinets- Dinette Duncan Phylg SPECIJ Assortment of FINE PLATE: Round etched plates $10.75 32" Diamond Shaped PI (other mirrors from $1.29 CHROME TUBING chairs, tables, dinette sets, settees, coffee tables, telephone sets, etc. a. Largest assortment of fine Table Lamps, Junior and Tri-Lite Floor Lamps and Tri-Lite Torchere Lamps Hassooks $2.89 to $10.75 - Coffee Tables $9.85 to $39.50 DEU. 19th, 1946 1 1 Lake Shore, Clarke] Mr. and Mrs. Aif Holdaway anti Allan, Port Britain, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Powell. Mr. anti Mrs. R. Alldred with Mr. and Mrs. Les Ailtreti, Orono. Annual Christmas Tree and Concert was held on Tuesday ev-« ening, Dec. 10. A very delight- fui, program of songs, recitations and plays was presented by the eight pupils of the school. The prograrn was supplernented by outside talent consisting of, a gui- tar solo by Glenn Allin, New- castle;» guitar duet by Dorothy Brown and Etina Denault, New- tonville; recitation by Ross Brown, Newtonville, and a reci- tation by Mrs. H. Rowe, Orono. Santa arrived after considerable delay on account o! poor sleigh- ing, etc., distributed gifts Znd candies and then disappeareti with a rnerry ho!ho!. Mr. and Mrs. Iý. Alldreti and Lois visited in Toronto, Wetines- day. Jack Allun came through with the flnest Christmnas story o! the season when he relayeti to the editor o! The Statesman on Mon- day, wbat may be termeti, "The Case o! the Considerate Canine." It turneti out to be a true stony althougb witnesset by few people. It appears that Sarnmy Sey- mour who was motoning along a South Ward street, saw what he thougbt was one srnall dog worrying a langer one, tugging anti yanking without any appar- ent resistance. He stopped his car to investigate. What he learnet was in the best Boy Scout tradition. Marks on the pavement in- dicateti that the large dog hati been stnuck down by a passing ,matorist anti lay belpless on the street. The small dog, belong- ing to a nearby neighbon, came quickly .ta the rescue. Braving traffic he seizeti bis canine pal anti with mucb labor tugged buT to safety. Once over the boulevard and onto the iawn the smal nescurer stooti guard anti licked the wounds o! bis fnient. Frorn finst hanti accounts given The States- mnan's reporter it was an act of rare courage anti belpfulness. It is worthy o! telling at this par- ticular season. L Tranquil pleasures last the longest; we are not fittet t bear long the burtien o! great joys.- Bovee. present., Institute ladies from Nestleton anti Purpie *Hill were inviteti. Mrs. Hayes spoke of the grand work the Institute was tioing anti the neeti of greater co-operation. Mrs. Stanforti VanCamp and her group serveti a very nice lunch. Mrs. Frank, Miss Hazel Rogers, Mis Beatrice Whitfield and boy frienti, Whitby, spent Suntiay with Mr. anti Mrs. Earle Brati- burn. Mn. and Mrs. Gortion Strong and family spent Suntiay with Mrs. R. Bruce. Please senti in your list of Xmas visitors, to your corres- pondent. Have you noticed the nicely decorateti front windows at Say- well's Store? Mrs. Howard Say- well andi Gary Venning were the artists. Considerate Canine in Boy Scout RoUe 1 far ne, 261 hoi Ooalmaagr f hearyeic ObituaryPublishing Co. She hati been an active mem- Milss Amanda E. Bond ber of St. Stephen's Broadway church, a member o! the Maxii- The. rernains of Miss Amanda toba Redi Cross society, andi form- Ellen. Bond, of Winnipeg, Man., erly a member of the Quota club, were brought to Bowmanville on and the Prof essional anti Busi- ness Women's club. Saturday where burial arrange- Miss Bond is survlved by two ments were in charge of the brothers, A. J., of, Winnipeg; Morris Comnpany andi service was Orville, of Oshawa; two sisters, conducteti at the cemetery by Mrs. Maud Harris andi Mrs. Har- Rev. J. E. Griffith of Trinity old Tuck, both of Toronto, ail o! Uniteti Church. Many relatives whom atte9tied the burial serv- from the district attendeti the ice at Bowmanville. The funeral service to pay their last respects service 'was held in Winnipeg to a departed relative anti frienti Thurstiay in Gartiiner's funeral who during her lifetime hati con- chapel, with Rev. H. A. Frame tributeti ruch to the wel!are anti officiating. cornfort of others in her quiet Miss Bond was a niece of the unassuming manner. late M. A. James, editor o! The Miss Bond was in her 74th Canadian Statesman, Bowrnan- year and was the daughter o! the ville. late Mr. and Mrs. John Bond, whicb farnily liveti for m any H w v i , wt o t t e m rt years in Oshawa. She hati been i how ain,! wh itout h ment in failing health for several i h ae TeIit fHmr months anti for the past month Consciousness of right-doing was a patient in Grace Hospital, brn si o ew d;b t a d Winnipeg, where she passeci away itow readbuami December 11. She hati been a the smoke of battle is menit seen resitient of Winnipeg for 35 anti appreciated by lookers-on. years anti for 19 years hati been -Mary Baker Eddiy. HOLIDAY NEEDS . ...M-any months ago we began planning for this lhnlid. iA w aon This forethou-Sht las resulted 4