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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1946, p. 1

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he j IVOLUME 92 oncil Windu Lranges $25( Nlayor Express Ail members of council were in,. attendance at the annual, statu- tory meeting held in the councl chamber Monday evening. Bus-1 iness included financial reports of committee chairmen, the clearing up of current accounts, progress reports on public works, arrange- ment for debentures of $190.000, plus current borrowings of $60,- 000,4, and adjustments of income for civic employees. Mayor C. G. Morris, in his valedictory, thanked hits colleagues for their splendid co-operation. It was disclosed that two prev- ious special meetings had been held Dec. 12 and 13, at which the following business was transact- ed: New Industry Sale of the officers' mess build- ing at the Internment Camp at $1,000 plus two lots on Liberty St. -for $100 was approved, to Leo Berger, Montreal, the buyer, who proposes to establish a tannery on the building site. Salary of Town Engineer Ai!. Bickle was raised $10 per month. An honor- arium amounting ta 1 per cent of tax collections was approved for Town Clerk and Town Assessor. AUl town eniployees will be given ukesfor Christmas. Added Costs At the second meeting, Dec. 13, a report was' received from en- gineers Proctor, Redfern and Laughlin on progress in public works, details of which are on file. An agent of a Toronto fin- ance corporation was in attend- ance to confer re raîsing deben- tures to be floated. Final costs of the King St. repairs were dis- closed as $3 1,536, with a balance of $4,732 yet to be paid. The de- bentures required are for a total o! $190,000 in repayment units covering a 20-year period. Letters Only two communications of importance came up at Monday's Sc ei t: 1 3e la tr au th Ti i PL c "Durham County's Gjreat Family Journal" iBOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMJ3ER 19, 1946 NM ; Up Business Rabbits Scctrce as Rod& Gun Club Stages Annual Drive ),000 Credits ses-:-Farewell meeting. Board o! Education re- quested council to recommend ap- Z pointment of W. J. S. Rickard as representative for 1947. Approval will be forwarded counties coun- cil. A. C. Lake sought authority to set up a bus service within the town with a regular schedule; fares 10e for adults, 5c for child- * ren. Town solicitor will obtain information and report back. Finance Mr. Dickson, representing a To- ronto financial house, presented a schedule o! payments of principal and interest for the $ 190,000 de- bentures to run from 1948 to 1967. The rate quoted was less than a similar issue for the town of Picton. Finance committee met later and recommended a by-law to approve arrangements. Reports Councillor, Nîcholas read a ser- ies of payments required on cur- irent account. Three separate to- tais were gîven, $22,939, $14,588 C1 and $11,559, mostly made up o! foxe payments on public works. Ap- the proved.mar Engineer's report on tile and pipe for new sewer construction offered little hope that these ma- teriais could be procured prior to March 1947.i Hydro will be petitioned to erect new lights near the premisesT -of Fuel and Supply Co., and on a *street section, Ontario-Liberty. Short supply will pxobably delay the work. Budget Excess Most comnmittee chairmen re- ported spending in excess of bud- egets. Approved were supplemefl- LI $1,064; printîng, etc., $9.50; Fire ;S Dept., $3,053; police $415; roads and Street's, $1,821; Civic Com- mittee had a surplus of $757. Bal- )fance bf $100 will be paid to Lib- Ss (Continued on Page Two) mongworth Mlemorial Award MA.nounced for B.RB.S.* Pupils The Board* o! Education and. citizens of the community are deeply grateful to Mn. and Mrs. H. E. Longworth, Woodstock, Ont.' who, at this Christmas sea- son have pnovided a continuing scholarship for pupils of Baw- manville High School. Recent guests with Principal. L. W. Dippeil, the donars arranged for this greatly appreciated gi!t in honor o! the memory o! their son, the late Harold F. Long- worth,, B.A., former teacher at the High School, who paid the supreme sacrifice overseas .while a Pilot Officer with the R.C.A.F. Termed "The Harold F. Long- worth Memorial Scholarship" the award will go ta the pupils standing highest in general pro- ficiency in Grade XIII. Candi- dates must write on at least eight papers, French and Ger- man being a requisite. In ad- dition the candidate must have won the School Crest. First, $75.00; Second, $25.00. If in any yean, no student qualifies in Germnan, then Lation may be sub- stituted for that year. The late Harold F. Longworth, a graduate o! Western University, London, was Modemns teacher and Rugby Coach in Bowman- ville High Schaol fnom 1938 tc 1941,' when he enlisted for ser- vice. Highly popular in the communitY he held the deep af- fection of ail students, the teach- ing staff and the Board o! Educa- tian, during his years a! service in Bowmanville. Harold was coach o! the B.H.S. Senior Cassa Rugby Champions o! 1940. A !ramed picture o! the team hangs in The Statesman office. Among the 25 shown, a] save one followed Harold's ex- ample and volunteered ta servE in the late war. Several paid thE supremne sacrifice. The lineui includes: Major L . W. Dippeil M.M. ané Bar, Principal; A. Fergusan, Dor Rowe, Ken Summerfard, Lin Mitchell, G. Underhill, C. Fisher Don Ventan, Jim Powers, S. Den. sem, B. Richard, H. Casbaurne Jack Coiville, Capt.; M. Lam boumne, Bill Hutchinson, B. El liott, Fred Payne, Sid RundiE Bihl Brown, H. Moses, A. Tan blyn, on Aluin, Keith Slemor Gib Mcllveen, Harold Longwortl Coach. ý6 Cubmaster Pickard ~Itec.V*sSrpirise As We go te press, infor- mation bas been recelved that on Wednesday evening Scout and Cub Master Den- Dis Plckard was presented wlth a magnificent trench- coat and other glits by over 60 Cubs. Mrs. Erie Colweil made the presentatioli on bc- bal! of the boys and Rover Scout John Brooks resd au address whlch had been pre- pared f1r thc occasion. Ad- ditional details willi be pub- Ilised ln next week's issue. Just Four More Days a' For XmasShopping e Last cail for Christmias a shopping! Only four days re- ti main to select your gifts. T Read this week's Statesman I i for bargain values in up-to- P the-minute articles on sale n by your merchant friends i Bowmanville. Avoid a last d minute rush out of regard f for the staff of clerks who v will serve you as promptly s as possible and with a smile I of welcome.s Twp. Clerk Honored On 41 Years' 'Service Un Cartwright Council Cas4wright Council met Dec. 16 with Reeve Norman Green presiding anid ail members pres- epartmeft of Highways in a communication allowed $1,000 more for roads. r By-law re slaughter houses was *filed. ) Clerk was instructed to order *3 cords of wood½ 50 sticks of Lbridge timber and arrange sale - of pine trees opposite Lot 19, - Con. 8. ,e Orders signed as follows: Observer Office printing --- $136.00 Clerk, bal. postage--------- 17.48 ýsTreas., bal. postage --- 32.00 ,T. Swain refund dog tax -- 2.00 e C. G. Venning, janitor__._ 45.00 ilC. G. Venning reps. hall --- 11.00 *H.E.P. hall and arena --- 10.12 Wiiam Bescock The clenik was presented with a pocket bail pen at the close af the meeting in honor of his serv- ing for 41 years. Brie! add.nes- ses wene given by sevenai mem- bers, then al netined ta the clerk's home for a 7 o'clock din- ner. Your Respoasible Duty Is To Voieà Whenever an election is called, and in particular a mun- icipal election, the press takes the lead in urging the electorate to get out and vote. In fact it fails upon the press to, take the lead in encouraging a more general interest in public aif airs. In the absence of compulsory voting and the lack of any officiai proclamttiofl urging people to exercise their franchise, this self- imposed task of* the press is one of the f ew remaining factors in stimulating the flagging interest in democratic institutions. When once again we reiterate the slogan: "Vote as you please-but vote" we trust it will be received at this particular time with a sense of responsibility in greater measure than has been displayed in former years. Even when candidates have pro- vided transportation to come to the poils, the response has bee n too often discouraging. The only way to preserve free institutions is to support them through the franchise. The.election on Monday is highly important in view of the fact that so much important work is in prospect for the coming year. Ratepayers should be impressed with the necessity of electing the strongest possible representation for 1947. The Statesman off ers support to no particular slate. The matter re- mains strictly in the hands of you-the ratepayers-who supply the funds to run the business of the town. It is big business. Therefore, take timne off to vote in Monday's contest. )nly 14 jack rabbîts and two1 approximately 80 members and foxes, but the nîmrods feel they location for the next hunt. They 0 f riend fteGoya o n did such a good job last year are pictured at Goodyear Rec-:. es put in an appearance fo Gn Club held their annual rab- that there was nothing left when reation Hall where they were i e s ty in C nad!a Scen Sexpert marksmen and one [biît drive on Saturday. Last they went over the same ground served a bountiful supper and 8 ww . ,rkswomafl pictured here when year's booty was 36 rabbits and 4 again. They plan a change of provided with entertainment. A s e u C e tn n t ________________Lions Announce Milison Depiuty Reeve .Last Cali to Renew Turkey Resuits Wins Large Majority Statesman For a Il n Darlington Township Christmas Gift Dir.Siny mthTlsCu r1 B c S o Late last night, Mayor-elect ____ ____S d e ________________ Sidney Little drew the tickets Elected by a majority O! 274, Both new and renewal sub- Getsekra h oe' which denoted tpe ten lucky former Councillor Arthur Mili- sciptonsfo Th Stteman CandintCub, , omn'sB det Nw ________________winners in the Lions Turkey son, Enniskillen, becomes Deputy driping Dec Tebae h a ve Mnada DC.l6, Dr. Snin, de o ts oNeasMas The Younger Generation Draw. They are: Mary Goulah, Reev e for Darlington Township _______br hve Mna, e.1,Dr iny oti X a al "Ysir ha asagod 26 Duke St. (1219); Allan Walker for 1947. Together with Reeve reached an all-time high. Smith, President, University o!f____ "YnessMyr idtatwasa ood 1 ropcBt.(71; r.E- yeSuar-h received an Personal calîs and a huge Toronto, presented the very ar- W ertt a htsm loey m' ary ord ito eh- eetBck,17 nài St; acclamation, Mr. Milison wl mail bring in a volume of rsigtogtta mn h place in the mails our budget o! (234); issFranes ear, Byýs'repessnt arligto on thediverse elements !ound in Can- Newcastle, Newtonville, Tyrone offspring after he hadl pond- Training School (1402); Gus A-sbcitosta a h drgoarca n eiiu ered on the Christmas Sun- nis, King St. (217<2); W. A. Rich Cqunties Council at Cobourg. capacity of the office staff a real and abiding national unity msan i Phonnewalîs eend layscoo lsso fr ve a ards, Hydro Apts.,Ton(16; C teig oth off ice of but we can handie yours as is not only possible but has be- Wednesday to establish the fact day. -It certamly showed us W. Len Eiliott, Centre St. (2063);l Deputy Reeve were Councillors wl eoeDc 1 hn cm lal paeti h i-ta hyhdbe aldi Ihat he was duly impressed Mrs. K. Maynard, 64 Wellington Milison and S. Everton White, rat fr Dc ,wes advnce fom s.oo t torpunfoded inCofeerai- pîety tme. a en di with the spirit and signifi- St. (1847); H. M. Taylor, Ritson Salem. In the voting which took $2.50 per year in Canada, and tion. Unity in diversity was a It is hardly any Wonder that at cance o! this Yuletlde season RdNotsaa(15)F.j place, Monday, Dec. 16, the re- $.0i .s recurning theme in Dr. Smith'sleta!e ltergoatafr ndn thohis ha apn-a Mitchell, 204 Chunch St., Town, suit by polls is as !ollows: Onîy 10 business days re- subject, "Canadianism." O ne a !ew days when ahl the Post Cai ng wi thmre thain iSat (1449). Winners may obtain Milison White main to take advantage of point o! great interest was the as- Offices across Canada are deluged Clu adelcri ranida. turkeys by calling at Norman - - our offer: "'Al new and re- sertion that, among the nations with the largest amount o! Christ- ***Allin's Butcher Shop, Bowman- Providence 13 68 newal subscriptions filed be- duly constituted in the two Am- mas mail on record. Mother Take the Rap ville, on on a!ter this Saturday. Tyrone 35 159 fore Dec. 31, will be at the ericas, North and South, Canada However we hope that it Winl Maple Grove 71 7 old rate of $2.00, including was the only one neyer to have reach us in timne for next week Indeed it is a wonderful sea- ide Relm rd Hampton 64 4 those falling due in 1947.I experienced a nebellion, a veny when we will pnint it along with ýn for young and old. It is the KdmsRe e brd Enùiiskillen 105 24 Why not take advantage of lencouraging historical fact in fed- the negular news for the week. a o! o good fellowship when By Legion Branch Countice 259 5 the offer to send The States- eral development.__________ Lther forgets his business long____ Bradley's 1575 man as a Christmas gift. The SpeakerTrcesAm o .iuht eueaChristmas The'fimal meeting o omn Born in the Maritimes, educated rcesAmT -ee which he hopes will suit the ville Canadian Legion fon the Totaîs 704 430 in law at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Organize Association sembled forces at home. He year 1946 took place in Union Majonity for Millson-274. Next Week's Edition Dr. Smith assumed the presidency ven takes tîme ta put it in a Hall, Thursday, Dec. 12. The In his first try f!d.r an off ice PbihdT edy of Toronto 'University after 10 An informal meeting !Dr .icket o! coal and may carry the poppy Cmmiteewasappintd hghertha tht ofconciror ecorations !rom the stoneroom, t vsi al omte ws a thedm-Mnh ilisothn tcanesof n eaiion years as President o! the Univers- ham and Northumberland truck- adho pteextensions mnt !cmadswo!ie stbihdb i !tortelt Sn oyEry ity o aitb. Dnawing upon ens was held in the St. Lawrence mudt hfook uph aie stbise y i fte the la0 his observations and .expeerices Hotel, Pont Hope, Saturday night ae coloned lights will work. to neturn fnom the late war and Eben Milison, who served many in order te clear the decks across Canada he suggested that ta hear Joseph Goodman, repre- 'hen, o! course, on Christmas ta present gi!ts ta mothens and years ago on Darlingtan Council for Christmas and give the toa many canadians display ten- sentative o! the Automobile Trans- cîonning he is in hîs element children. and the United Counties Council, staff opportuflity to enjoy the dencies to introspection and have port Association; Gnant Bennett, laying with the youngstens' toys Nominations for Legion offices, Cobourg. festive day as well as Thurs- developed a complacency, a self- Bowmanville, and Wallace Mar- nd being the big shot while 1947 were received in prepara- Darlington Council for 1947 is day, Dec. 26, which is boxý- satisfied, even gloomy view o! the lo,,ý, Blackstock, urge the forma- nother, who has bought ahl the tion for annual elections which nwcntttd ihte fl ing Day, The Statesman wIll future o! this country. tion o! a United Counties Truck- reensdeonte te ne adwill take place at the f inst meet- îwn ebr:Ree ye be published Tuesday, Dec. 'one ail the neal work looks UP ing in Januany: Zone. C om-Suir; eputys Reeve, Anthu 24. It is understood that aîî Some may be !ound who con- ens' Association. rom the stove and. enjoys the made Tredgad, whtb, ir; nDeCucllrsRoy NîcArhour tre o avll i sider Canada to be still a colony, The meeting which was attend- ight o! her family nelaxing pander hisoficadl vstd, spoke Harlod Skinner and'Roy NMcGill btoeclsedin Boxnig Day as othens that we are an appendage ed by 47 nepresentatives o! Un- vhile she is laying plans for te on p oeisiade i n pk aol kne n o cGl. b lsdo oing theas o! the U.S.A., fomh nporsmd nteZn nms te on.any believe we ited Counties trucking finms held umtosmas-h . Zone ee Clerk, J. D. Hogarth, Hampton, h otohrtws havé~ no culture, art, music, liter- an election o! officers for the corn- umpuos eas hîh îl kepduring 1946. Comnades Living ilser thmmesathe in view of earlier publica- er working until late at night and Hart were appointed- to audit Januswaresin.hsavme rs Det tion, therefore, all copy, both atune, that we are anaemnic, colon- ig ear. John Richardson, Co- he mn il b hpp adthe books for the year. esad dvrimnt less, as a people. It is time there-1 bog, a ppme teiet Intatdtommbrhi er:should be in the hands of the fore to take stock bth collective- Geoge FinniPn oe ie verflowing. J. D. Weîsh, 0.R. Pingle R. N. clamations. editor and staff by' Mondlay ly as in Canadian Clubs as well pesident, and Cliff HeCobourg; ***Cole, H. S. Brooking, G. White)j noon, Dec. 23rd. Cards of as individuals on a national scale. Alfred Goheen, Part Hope and Things Will be Different and J. E. Hockley. New appli- Mrs. H. Baskenville, 95 Bant- thanks, country correspond- The plea advanced was Io take aGnant Bennett, Bowmanville, to cations include, F. A. Nicholson, lett Ave., Toronto, enclosing $2 ence, social notes and so more abiding f aith and even ai the boardo! dinectors. Sometime, we men are H. O. Hockin, C. F. Rogerson, N. for the Statesman for 1947 wrîtes: forth should be prepared te passionate pnide in Canada. cording ta Mn. Richardson, golng to spend more time S. Stewart, W.J. Ha,D. G. Tere is a lotof goo reading in reach h fieb the abvPonsf strthaim o! the association will be with our families. We sit Walton, P. G. Tulloch, J. S. The Statesman and it seems ta date. May we have Your Recent histony has been bath a tion te endth trnckrso! the and dream of the day when Evenett, D. J. Wright, D. W. be a link that holds me ta the kind co-operation in this ne- source of grief and pnide. Grief diticbtn the fi rm s hich e- We'll be able to devote much Aluin. ulace o my childhood. spect. in the loss o! 50 rriany o! aur pdithem.d h irswic m of our efforts te helping with yau th in twa great wars; pnide in lollwig hebsies metn the odd jobs around the ~-E their courage and sacrifice. Quot- EdBranwoheduan exFmem-in house; to taking our share floodvear Î.od & GunCliub Executive ing a poem written by an airman, miBng enterand itpinoFlay- of the responsibility of train- ~. Dr. Smith pointed ta its last verse ing an stining and Stano laton ing our chldren imstead of as a triumphant note o! optimism, iprensid g ntd heloanli on- leaving it ail te Ma while prsdeto telca im on we dig oOnute ciiliansidetsaitthecil, showed two ententaining films. d'nig pour. Siom e a On -i ath i C iana. sdth evenng aper Soe dy ~ .~ - -----~ '- ~-"-'* -speaker, we have the encaunaging we'1l be able to spend every î>. view o! history. In 1867 Canada Ladies Bowling League evngeer, truck rer or had a population of four millionEns ist cedl - eeng aying firemandriver o- .strippig down to our under pole. Within a geneaanhr____ Wear and enjoyig a rous- (Continued on Page Eight) Fia ih ne h is igseball gButatsme wtha schedule of the Ladies' Major doesn't seem to come, espe- Trinity Young People five points fnom Marg E. King clally at thdis t imnear Elect Officers for '47 and these teams are tied for first tsrking dkeay and night Trinity Young People's meet- cerned but Ada's teami won in season is on. After Christ- * ng, Monday evening, was in the pins. mas we'll do iL - form o! a Christmas party. An Bern Carter and Donc Mutton conducted by Dorothy Bedford espectively. High single for the Pity The Post Ofc and Mari onie Rundie, On the night Lola Mari errison 280. Spaigo heCrsmsChristmas theme. High triple Vi Martyn, Marg E. rspeakîng rall o! the Chnîta Rev. J. E. Griffith pnesided for King 612 and Lola Marjernison rsh, if nat you ell ould drke the business session when the 54 in ta, the Post Off ice late any following slate of officers was Ada Tomlinson will meet Bern evening. There, the night shift, presented and approved for 1947. Carter's team and Marg. E. King compsedof te sme popl asHonorary Pesident, Rev. J. E. and Donc Mutton will batte il the ay hiftexcpt tat heyGriffith; Past President, Helen Out fr the best 2 out o 3. The look paler and sleepier, dig in-, Pritchard; vice pres. Jean Cross- winnen will play off for first and to ahug pil ofmai bag filedman; secretary Margaret Stacey; second place on Friday night. with parcels, cardaý and letters. treasurer, Anna Johns; pianist On Thursday evening in the Soon every availabie bit o! table Manian Foley; convenens: Chris- flrst games of the playoffs Ada space and haîf the fonr is covened tian fellowshie, Frayne Johns, Tomnlinsan and her squad tool and the clerks are trying ta find assistant Ronald MacDonald; two straight games fromi Bern their way through the mora5s. Christian missions, Alne North- Carter. They were both go This goes on until the wee hours cutt, assistant, Marjorie Rundie; games but. not good enough far o! the morn when, with the chnistian citizenship, Gwen Gil- Bern Carten's team. They last boxes crammed ta overfiowing mer; assistant, Doreen Hardy; by same 170 pins in the two and counters heapeci high with christian culture, Helen Cox; games9. In close competition parces thy thak th Lordthatassistant, Helen Nelles; recrea- Marg E. King took two- gamne Christmas is one day dloser ta tion cammittee, Shirley Grant; from Dorc Muttan by a margin being past and head for bed social committee, Eva Pascoe and o! three pins in the last game where they wake up screaming Aura Trewin; publications, Jim As a resuit o! this Marg E. Kin iuith letters and parcels fioating Nokes. Installation o! officers and Ada Tomlinson will bat. At :30su he ornng heyareand cand.le light service wil be tie it out on Friday at 7:30. Th. arou9d in theirpet nightmareP Nl e d e r ok n st >n ig Lt- ls le ed .1- Las d Ig 0 e d d 40 ai an cï te N%.

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