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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1946, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, O WMANVIL.LE. ONTAB0 *muu = tion Armny work.. Married Recently in Trinity United ChUrCh Congratulations to Mr. W. L._________________ Virgin who celebrated his 77th_______________________________ birthday on Sunday, December i th. With him and Mrs. Virgin -CH U R C H £ 5 stabilitY and securitY thon any in able price Increases. t)' e whole agricultural history of "Today, rnost of us take tb~e ST. PAUL Minister: jOrganist Phme83 o hi appy- occasion were Mr. A.1 - and Ms. Haold Virgn* n Choir Dire V....U UU UUU UU ZU. UUdaughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. 10 a.m.-e Miss K. O'Neill, Toronto, spentbeuiu do1,n which te Virgin, 'Toronto, and John and i .. the week-end with her parents ladies of St., John's Church Guild BararandVir Bl Pten, town.. Mr. nd Ms. J ONill.havebee seling ickts. 121 arMu.adrs v.,BiTorateo nCrs Mr. and Mrs. Athur Kent, One of Bowmanville's oldest sending in a subscrîPtion as a "hr Tortohs ater Mr.eCarlnB. Ket. residents, Mrs. S. W. Mason, 94 Christmas gift 'for a relative i. ohn' ateMynarBToronto, years of age, fell recently and write: It has been oui practice Nco M.hi fayinaB oranioe.fractured ahpneestting her to send The Statesman as - 47 p.m.-Si ispending two weeks' vacation reo at hospital. Crsms itwihhspoe with hs aiyi omnil.rmvl hitaitwihhspoe'Choir: Mi adMr.Bo Mlven Capt. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, ta be a much appieciated gitt. hly spe ndthe week-end ih hisand Penn y Dianne flew from We, oreleo, "Bt o wniîe Ne;d"Tn settewe-n ih hsWinnipeg ta spend Christmas Out the good old (Ccavil eiln Mr. nd Ms. . 0.Mc-leave with their'pareflts Mr. and Rag." We wish youuself and staff (o t Magart Trbilock eftMis. A. Harnden and Mr. and a very merry and happy Christ- Margret fraecok eftdMis. J. J. Brown. __mas.______ visit with relatives in Peterbor- Mrs. W. P. Loughman, 19TRIN«' og.Jane St., Toronto, writes: I am SgrH lsSce Mr nMs imiigyu$.0for the States- CH] old ert e.J Mi. and M is. gh S. Ritchie miigyu$.0e-T ~ ~ Polm and Jane, Toronto, spt th man. We enjoy eading happen oWorid rblm CI we-end wihMs ngs of the Old Town and oid wih is araetfiedeocyar se. It keeps Whnvr theie's nothing we Miesock us in touch with a place that is can view with alaîm, hf i' (Joyouc MissDorothy Brooks an dear ta us. A veîy Meîîy Xmas woîth living for an American,"7pm- Luefla Brown spent the week- to the Statesman Staff. says Ed. Erard in the Kingsville Trees,' end> ith. he ltter' sistr atAîkwîght, uint(Texas) Record. But the epigîam desa endw ith the latt r's iste ahrs t: Mis. R.noB. dves ta Americans, the River, R.R. 1, Ont., wites: Please whole civilized world has acquir- Crs Dr. Dorothy M . Jam es and Dr. fn n lo eand0f r m s b d su h a pp tt or aa m Mary L. Northway, Toronto, fn nlseAngeoriysb e uha aptt oraam ll wee ust ! h fîmrs cîpîn 14. teand jitters du ring the past seven Hutch mraN.SlB am s hkp a be witmuhoutatndw r ionow well beh nd uiw mother yeaîs or more that, although theitsc Mi. interp r a n d n d C h r istll n M .w r s n o el e h n u , w adMs. Donald Robinson, Osh- Ms. Alice E. Ganer, 19 stili crave for something to wor-Chit awa, were weekeind guests with Churchill Ave., Toronto, wiites: iy abot. And there is no short- (Worshil Mrs. Cora Allin and Maîjorie, I always look foîwaîd to getting age in the supply. When we are CI Hampton. the Statesman fîom in hom not aiaîmed over the atomic Mrs.E. ennttMr.andMrstown and enclose my subscripý- bomb and being woîked-up into Mi.E enetoi n is tion for another year. a state of belligerenCe by the re- Chas. Bal, Fred ad Rny ot fE OsawvîitdMi adMi. Rev. A. R.Cîagg, former the labor uthonspae onfereu s iP Benaw ett an4 dMs. a E. inist R!. Pue Uie lriguin rvd sw Thos.in interludes in the faim Pritchard. Chuîch in Bowmanviile and whaofsrks M . A rnold Lobb wa th has been stationed in Sudbury for Thaon e ue c o.hi-x holder of the lucky ticket on the the past five yeaîs, has accepted teenros tnini ht7:30 p.i ____________________a cail ta First United Church, teeniOs eso sta Waterloo, fetv eiaYît more people than ever are suffer- Cogrtlaiosta M. n g from high blood pressure and 8 p.n- Congratlation stomach ulceis. These are said Ms. Gea Brooks, Tyrone, who, t@p be "diseases of adaption" à a - will celebrate their 62nd Wçd- which "result fram an anra ua I ii I'ding Anniversary on Christmas ai excessively prolonged adap- Mu. and Mis. George Albert 1 iariage, Jthe bride was Miss 13 e i day, also ta Mis. Brooks on her tive reaction ta the stresses and Someiscales, Bowmanville and Hele eanne Montgomery, Foung Bth birthday. Mi. and Mis. strains of life." Dr. Hans Selye, their attendants Miss Lorraine daughtei of Mi. and Mis. G. A. Brooks are spending the wintei o! the Uniest !Mnra Someiscales, sister of the groom Montgomery, and the groom is Nt OIL URN RS t 10 Luis St. St Cahernes ha bee stdyig te iflunceand M. Milton Carson are pic- eder son of Ms. Violet Somer- came tc OIL URr.S a and0Lous., . Catheri nsOfcehasien dstungth nluce s-tured as they are leaving Trinity scales and the late Mi. George the8 and is.J. . Byceando! ertaDing diets ua schitwsUnited Church, Bawmanvilie, on Sameiscaies. They wil reside in in nat for ~~childen Suzanne and Sylvia, uig waiaudy e.7h ro ahrBwnnil.i ai for arrived fromn England last week o' served in England that in- GaudaiDc.7h Pii ahr omnvle ta spend a short holiday with Mi. *ihabtants of heaviîy bombed up thei and Mis. F. W. Bower, parents chies suffere' fram an extra- What Does Xmas The question foi each man ta by tou Ilithen Stov s o Mr. Brce.The leae tis rdinry igh incienc ofsettie is not what hie would do mental week on the Queen Elizabeth ta stomach ulces at the time Ot Meaui to the Pepe Buildin Kithen Sto es f M s Bryce ITheyle a hoîay igh iciDrSene sy fh hotetantmin drs UatPfr'a that after numerous futile efforts As one views the hurrying fluence, and educational advan- man, * *Eat Afic.ta unclerstand the cause o! these crowds that surge in the streets ages, but what hie will do with port B Mus. W. W. Manning, 199 Bloor so-called "air-raid ulceis,"' it was and fill the atores at this seasan the things hie has.-Hamiltan "yol St. W., Oshawa, writes in re- found that similar ulcers could o! the year, one sometimies asks Wright Mabie. ing an immediate newing' her subscriptian ta the be produced in animals 'by men- "What does Christmas mean ta Statesman: As 1 have been a tal stress, and that they could ail these people?" delivery reader for a great many yeais be prevented by diets rich in Doubtiess the answer is a I wauld miss its coming every sugar. varîed, one; ta childien it means week very much and wish yau That of course, cloes not neces- the excitemnent of the caming of and yours the compliments of sarily mean that stomach ulcers Santa Claus and the delightfui the seasan. can 'be cuîed by a sugar diet, but mystery of colorful parceis be- .baU m. S Farewell services wili be con- it struck me as of special înterest neath the gaily decorated tree; 14 u rpducted . at the Salvation Armny in view of the fact that there has ta those away from homne it *veCitadel, Sunday, Dec. 29, ta mark been, and is, a woilcl shortage of mneans a chance ta spend a littie r Phone 811 7Kigs.W. appreciation for Major J.Coop- ua.Ibgnt oder wheth- time back at the aid fireside with er, Muls. Cooper,' Jimmy andi Da- er al aur international and social smiling faces that are greatiy vid, who leave early in January troubles were due ýo the sugar loved; ta wives and mothers it 4.for St. Thomas where Major shortage. Every parent knows means that added but ungrudged Cooper will take charge o! Salva- the pacifying eff ect o! a piece of toil o! many preparatians and candy upon an obstinate or cryt dear mysteriaus plans; ta the e. îng child. An ill-tempeired hard-pressed merchant it means horse can be rendered docile and a vast upsurge in sales, such as friendiy with a piece of lump- wiil tide him aveu the leaner days LADIES' GiFT SETS sugaA. Young. loyers know the that must inevitably came. T h e -F N M 111 fedctv*poer o a box o! Sa Christmas means different choolaes.Sa hatthe scientists things ta different people as it j.cannot dlaim ta have been the camnes and goes each year. Jresents first ta discover the pacfin That this should be the case powers o! sugar. is, o! course, inevitable, for each WI AlP<~The worid is bad-tempered, o! us views the facts of lîfe with rLn,)Aa'~~ peevish and jittery, and it mayhiaw eesndntetem wel l e that it is suffering from of his own character and circum- what Dr. Selye defines as stances. But lie who has not also HAÀNDBACS "dîseases of adaptation." The sensed a deeper mneaning ta this deleatesat he UN.O coner-Festival has not been true ta the ences CErtiny dîsplay symp- highe r things ta iewti i Brownl or Black Plastie nd soul. toms o! high blood pressure and Out !alth ofsino u Bags with Amber Fuamfes dyspepsia in many af thir speech- mOdet old hronioaofspek es. Here is an oppoîtunity for mdr olCrsmssek SPECIAL the scientîsts ta tet their theor- o! the few essential simplicities ies as ta the value o! sugar in that alone make if e goodi and Max Factor -----$3.45 ta $11.35 cases of mental stress. It great. In all oui absorption with Vita-Ray ---------- $2.65 to $9.80 $3.69wauid neyer do, of course, ta lét material things, Christmas re- Evening in Paris ------ $1.45 up th eeae nw ta hyminds us a! those higher spiritual DBry- 12 o$25 $ .6er~e beigted as guinea tleY values by which life is mnost truly Muarel ----o----s--$125 ta 125 but it mnight be arranged to slip enrichd avlu---------$.0t$Z2 11 i1 31 M 11 fla box of chocolates or succulent T eyes blinded by the glitter candies on each delegate's des k o!fh hnso Time, Chrsta before a debate. A littie sweet- brings the renewing vision o! enngmgh el ooh M.realities beyond sense and sight,. jfod 1 * ein mgh wllsoth M.and in it Eternity speaks, ta oui ilod 4 b'I li . ~ig 4'4Molotov's fears of the atomc at-on sul.H i pr bomb and even induce hîm taeat-un sus. H ispr crilU- in he eto indeed who closes his hearle ta '<1 ive p th+Vet!-tis eathof the spirit which X51.00 What Makes You "Smart"?1 Your attractivefless be- gins wlth jyour hair. And we'd like hi show you how very much smarter you can look, with a hair-styl byi us! Just the thlngtoI g e t wlth Chrima glft-cash. PHONE 453 Leonard W. Brackington, C.M. G., K.C., LL.D., D.C.L., o! Otta- wa, has been appointed Honorary Counsel ta the Canadian General Council o! the Boy Scouts Associ- ation, it is announced by Gerald H. Brown, Ottawa, Honoîaiy Sec- retary o! the Council. Mr. Bîock- ingtan who was first chairman of the CBC from 1936 ta 1939 was special Wartime Assistant ta Can- ada's Prime Minister from 1940- 1941 and was Advlsar on Com- monwealth Afi airs ta the British Minister o! Information during 1942-43. MORE"AUTO INSURANCE, MORE ACCIDENTS One year's operation o! Mani- toba's highway Safety Respan- sibility iaw has produced good results in making car drivers financially responsible but s0 f ai hasn't proved it will make the îoads safer, says The Financial Post. Mare than three times a sj many motorists now carry pub- lic liability and property damage insurance as a year ago (87% o! motorists, against 27%/). The number o! persans in- jured in traffic in Manitoba, how- ever, is 50% more than last yeaî. In the 10-month period ta Oct. 31, 1946, 1,848 persons were injured and 66 killed. In the same time last*yeau, 1,252 were injured and 51 killed. Brushes, Tooth Brush, Razor and Soap Holders, Manicure pleces etc. Gifts for Smokers Pipes ------------$.0 i 7.00 Cigarettes -----440 's, 50' S -66c Up Tobaccos, hait lbs -------- -- Up 4f. ta S.75. THURSDAY, DEC. l9th, 1946 FOR EVERYONE: 6 Aàt -Your 1. D. Aà. Drug Store Here are saine of the highlights frain aur stocks Of gifts. Prices caver a complete range, with many fine gifts that are quite inexpensive. Visit us and make your selection in the fi iendly atmosphere that is character- istic of your I.DA. Drug Store. Don't delay. Shop moon. R~L CHRISTMA CARDS 2for 5c, , b0, 15 CHISMA CRD 2fo S v-10v 15e GIFT STATIONERY I Fancy boxes 25c to $3.0 Wood Chests $1.50 up Correspondence Cards 25c - 40c - 60c Baby Gift Sets - 60c- $1.10 - $2.00 Bath Dusting Powders - 75c to $2.20 Gift Perfumes fancy pkgs. m SOc up DRESSERWARE SETS Latest Styles - $5.95y $6.95 and up 5-PIIECE SETS--------- $5.95 BABY Brush, Comb set $1.50 Seals - Tags - Cards Tissue, etc. Se -l10e - 15c 25e Remington Electric Shavers 19-95-23.95 Shaving Brushes - - soc to $7.50 Photograph Albums » $1 - $1.50 - $2 Thermos Botties - $1.19 - $1.35 Cigarette Lughters 69c to $7.50 PEN and PENCIL SETS XWatermn .flTaperrite -------------$15.47 Parker "51" - Gold Top ---------- $28.OO Watermafl---------- $5.94 - $9.52 - $14.57 Eclipse - ---- --------------- $1.73 - $2.60 Individual Pens --------- $1.15 to $18.00 Bubb.le Bath Gift Cologne* m 60c to $2.00 Fitch's ---------------------------- 95C Colgate's -----------$1.00 - $1.50 Woodbury's ----------------60c, $1.00 Mennen's ----------------------- $1.2 Palmolive --------------------- $1.75 Bath Saits soc to $2.00 Lovely to Look at compacts Choice of designs ln metal $5.5 -$5-95 to $13-U0 Cosmetie Sets Three Flowers ---1.80 UP Gemey --- ---------$2.25 hi $1.25 Petaltone---------- - ------ 60C iii Three Secrets -------660e to $5.00 Molinard ---------------- $2.25 Up PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY AL EX LAURA SECORDCADE McO ,REOOUR DRUCS PHONE 792 - WE, DELIVF-1 LU UUUUUUuUUUUUUMUUUUUUU c SOCIAL AND PERSOI S Este lie.Beauty Salon -this country," Mr. Tagg,,art told view, he went on, "that; ail the 1,l UNITED CHURCU junior club màembers ai their fin- food that can be produced is need rRev. G. C. QuigleY ai luncheon in Ottawa. ed. Either it is needed for lin- st: Mrs. Reta Dudley, He reminded them, that, in the mediate use or for-future use if it T.C.., .C..M.past, the prices of agricultural is 4 product that can be stored. To ,.T..M.,F.C..M.products have been f ar from stea- meet the needs of the hungry and -ctor: D. Alex McGregor dy. Farmers have had no assur- to plan his production with secur- -Sunday School ance of the price they would get ity against loss, the fariner beAýe- -Nursery School for their produce and consumers fits by price stability," Mr. Tag- 'A Most Wondrc'us have neyer known what they gart declared. Choir: "The First would have to pay. No wonder eut as no nation can live ta ît- nas Morn" - NewtQn; everyone has been dissatisfled self and as this is especially true Were Shepherds" - with price fluctuations in food, es- of Canada which depends on ex-- .pecially when the eating habits of porting from 25 ta 40, per cent of Service of Song 1ýnankind remain fairly constant! uts agricultural produce ta main- "OChrismy Nh" A- Against this background has de- tain the Canadian standard of lv- Birhdy of a Ki" A- veloped a desire for stable prices ing, stable prices must extend to lieBirhda o a ing -for farm products-not absolute the international field. For super- ger. stability, Mr. Taggart explained, vision of worldwide stability of ome and Worship) as too rigid a price structure food production and consumption would produce disastrous surplus- FAO has corne into being. Even9 [T UNITED ClIURCH es of some foods and shortages of onily limited success attends "t1i others. But flexible controls, such efforts of governinents ta stabil- E. Griffith, B.A., Mlnlstei' as Canada enjoyed during the war, ize food prices, it will help ta give ~USMASSUNAY gave the farmer security of ade- the farmers of the world more RISTMS, SNDAY quate retuins and to the consumn- confidence and better opportuni- Dec. 22nd, 1946 er gave security against unreason- ties than lever before. -"Good Tidings" us Music) -The Christmas Festival:- lights and picture, can -M lnd carols; ProcessionalUii i I I I E )ray~er. tmas Story: "The Littlest given by Miss Ruth- iinson honme from DIramxa- iool, New York, story as reted by Helen Hayes îast SATURDAY, DECEMBER Zlst mas. p with us in these great Christmas services) 1ELISTIC TABERNACLEWHT Y (ntenw hg a) lastor: H. W. O'Brien HT Y (nte ew hg a) Sunday -Believers' Meeting MOST MODERN NIGHT CLUB IN THE DISTRICT m.-Evangelistic Meeting-fetrn Wednesday etrn -PayrPerle Mercer and His Rhythmaires Il Yeuth Week There will be dancing every d to e SucessTuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday mal Rural Youth Wee Admission $ 1.00 per couple to a cheering conclusion for junir fameiscomptingTickets now available for the Jonal contests of Boys' and Tarrn Clubs. As they woundN W YE RSE E R LC eir week's visit to OntarioÉ iring the Central Experi--~.O prcul ilFarm and Paîliament M% .0prcul rig inOttwa thy wreat 1000 Byron Street 0., Whitby. Phone 971 sed by J. G. Taggart, Chair- Agricultural Prices Sup Wilson Lee's Music ïStore, Oshawa, phone 2388 Board. )u young farmeis are, enter- in a period promising more Tobacco Pouches --- - --- que w ipr-. o ip L ýii à lui 25e Il r 1 CIFT SETS FOR MEN mie-M Special Box, 12 cards Fitted Cases for Men 1 1 'q

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