Obituaries ERBEICT M 3LWOODHOUSE A Canadian press dispatch, Dec. 18, 1946, aPPeared in the daily paPers which announcecj the passlng of Herbert M. Woodhouse»' 21 Temperance St. City Engineer of Fort William, Ont. Hie died of a heart attack i bis office. He was ini his 60th year. Long resident in Fort Wil- liam he was appointed City En- gineer i 1943. Many local citi- zens will recail that Mr. Wood- house was born i Bowmanville, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mor- Phone 561 timer Woodhouse.,1 The editar bas received a letter fram James Richards, Orono, who pays tribute to the late Herbert Waodhouse as a fine man and true Canadian. Mr. Richards has this to say: "Herbert Woodhouse callapsed i his office just after clearig off a heavy fali of snow tram the walk i front of bis bame. He wallced the short distance ta bis office and expired withi a short time." "I remember bis father well. Hie was bookkeeper for the late Sam Edsall, hardware merchant, who ran one of the finest stores in Durham County. The family were very popular in town. and Herbert was a splendid young lad. His friends will be grieved at bis passig at a camparatively early "Those were the days of Dr. Hillier, Mr. McArthur of the Up- per Canada, Furniture Co.; stores included those conducted by Paul Treblecock, John Higginbotham, Stott and Jury, Cawker Bras., Lyle & Martin, Murdoch Bras, Big 20, Jack Maynard and Lew Carnish, Milne's Grocery, Thos. Nasewor- tby hardware and many others." Local history written by The Statesman, now regretfully adds the name of Herbert Woodbouse ta those who have passed on among those who have left a fine tradition of good citizenship. .EDWIN S. NAYLOR This town and community were saddened on December 12, when Edwin S. Naylor passed away ai his home on King St. He was born in Rainham, Kent, England, son of the late Charles and Mary Jane Naylor. His bayhood and schaol days were spent in England and he was with the army in the First Great War. At the close of the war he mar- ried Kathleen Linfield at St. Mar- garet's Church, Angmering, Eng- land. They came to Canada and resided in Belleville for a few years before caming ta Bowman- ville about 25 years aga, where he was engaged at his trade as sboe- maker and for several years he also conducted a retail shoe store. He retired from. active business about one year ago and although not in the best of health he had only been seriously 111 for about two weeks. He was a member of the An- cient Order of Faresters, Superin- tendent of St. John's Church Sun- day School for 20 years and also a faithful member of the choir at this church. The funeral was held at St. John's Anglican Church on Dec. l6th. The service was conducted by the rector, Rev. J. dePencier Wright, asis-ted by the Rev. Gor- don Channen, AU Saints' Church, Whitby and Canon C. R. Spencer, a former rector of St. John's. ;Canon Spencer who knew the deceased for so long and s0 well in his many duties at the church paid a fitting and just tribute to a fine christian character,' with the following remarks, "It is a great privilege to bear witness to a very fine christian character. Edwin Saylor was a man who loved his Viaker and Redeemer and he showed it by his lite and works. As a Young man Mr. Naylor was a be11 ringer in England and some- times he spent three hours at a --- -- -- - ~As the tunîe of many aid Christmas Carols are sung throughaut Canada, we pause to extend season 's greetingys ta aur many loyal friends. We would speeialiy like ta thank ail thase friends who have been suchi a beip in fixiingUp aur nexv establishment. Miller's Beauty Salon PHONE 852 --- --- - - - --- -- --- --- ---- - --- - TR1~ CWAflTM ~'P'I'U!IIAT* SAMYT TD' lA ?é 45'. VV £.I.èN. ~ . L1Li~J . T~LSD Y,2DC. , 1 - i Dr. Walter Thos. Willard was laid ta rest Navember 26th. For 46 years bèé practised dentistry in West Toronto and was one- of the great pioneers in dental work in bis community. In the early days be bad a su'b office in Woodi- bridge and used a horse and bug- gy ta make the journey. He had been iii for the past six months and died at bis home 396 Annette St. His loss is greatly felt in many circles, as he was. active in the cammunity, a real church warker, member of the Masonic order and a charter member of the Kiwanis Club of West Tor- onto. Funeral services were held at High Park United Church, ser- vice conducted by Rev. Mr. James, assisted býj Rev. Mr. Parks, former pastor. Entomb- ment Forest Lawn Mausoleum. Dr. Willard was born in Gaît, where he received bis early ei-- ucation. He graduated in 1899 tramn the Royal College of IJentis- try and established a practice in Toronto. He was a member of the Academy of Dentistry, Rani Ghar Grotto and I.O.O.F., a lite member of bath Stanley Lodge, AF and AM, and Weston Golf and Country Club, and an elder of High Park United Church. Surviving are bis widow, the former Hilda May Logan; a son, Logan Willard, and two sisters, Miss A. Willard and -Mrs. W. Knetchel, both of Toronto. St alsWMS IReceive Reports and Elect Officers for 1947 St. Paul's W.M.S. met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. J. H. Jury, SSilver St., with President Mrs. SK. Werry presiding. Yearly re- Iports of the Treasurer, Mrs. Geo. Chase and the Christian Steward- Iship and supply by Mrs. D. S. McGregor were particularly grat- ifying. Mrs. C. Lunney's report as literature secretary was also very good. Following the business discus- sion a fine programn was given with Mrs. C. Lunney as con- vener. Mrs. K. Werry rendered a very fine poem, Mrs. W. H. Carruthers read the scripture lesson, Mrs. C. Lunney gave a reading, Miss Olive Barton led jin prayer, Mrs. Reta Dudley and Mrs. K. Werry sang several Christmas solos Which were much appreciated. Mrs. Geo. Chase read "The Moderator's Letter." This fine programi was iinterspersed with hymns appro- priate to the holiday season. Mrs. J. H. Jury presided for the election of oflicers and Mrs. D. S. McGregor presented the report of the nominating committee as follows: President, Mrs. Ken Werry; lst vice president, Mrs. H. Ferguson; 2nd vice president, Mrs. Otto Bragg; 3rd vice presi- dent, Mrs. C. Carruthers; treas- urer, Mrs. Geo. Chase; Rtec. and press secretary, Mrs. J. A. Cox; NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES Between ail points in Canada and te ail United States border points Far. and One-Third FOR THE ROUND TRIP GO: Any time from Monday, Dec. 30, to Wednesday, iJan. 1, (moLi) RETURN: Leave destination neot later than mldnlght, Thurs., jan. 12 Fare and One-Haif FOR THE ROUND TRIP GO: Until Wednesday, January 1 RETURN: Leave desination not later than mldnlight, January 7 MNIMUEM SPECIIAL FARE * Aduits or Chlldren - - 30e *1 Full particulars fram any agent brisimas reetill~s Jury & Lovel YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE Merry h ----------------- time ringing chimes at churches and'catbedrals i many places, i- cludlnmg Canterbury Cathedral. VZou couhd count the times be did not go ta churcb and Sunday School durig bis wbole lifetime. During bis 20 years as superin- tendent of the Sunday School and as a member of the choir at St. John's he neyer missed a session for years. He also belonged ta the Men's Club and was a faifb- ful member. Edwi Naylor was caurteous ini manner, modest i jemeanor, sterling i character, Étrong in faitb and resolute i good warks. His passing is mourned deepIy by bis wife and daugbters and be will be missed by bis associates and friends wba beld bim in bigb esteem and warm affection. It's for those wbo are left ta bold «him in grateful memary.e$ The chair at St. John's Cburch rendered several of the deceased's favorite selections. He is survived by bis sorrow- ing wite and two daughters, Miss Lilianne Naylor, wbo teachers vo- cal and instrumental music at Noranda, Que., and Miss Isabelle Naylar who was a member of the air farce in war time and wba bas since been attending business school at Noranda. Palîbearers were Messrs. Reg- inald, Victor and Albert Burr, Oshawa, sans of a boybaod friend of deceased in England and Geo. McGregor, Oshawa, and Reginald Harding and W. J. E. Ormiston, Bowmanville. Leautiful floral tokens were sent tram the chair, Sunday School and ather organizatians of St. John's Church and from the Neill Shoe Company and al- so many tram friends. Friends were present at the t u- neral tram Belleville and Osh- awa. Interment was in Bowmanville cemetery. DR. WALTER WILLARD r InternaticnalIAntlmem Jain Hands, ye nations, this is the last eall: join bands,, or the Play ends, and the curtains fali. Gun and bomb and mword have had their day: now for the living Word and the King 's way. Let Peace be the bridegroom; if he is denied Death xvili take bis place, and Earth xviii be the bride. It is yaurs ta say. This is the last eall: jain hands, or the Play ends, and the curtains fail. -Wilson MacDonald The Corporation of the Town of Dowmanvile 1 1 carres. secretary, Miss Olive Bar- ton; supply secretary, Mrs. F. Pattinson; missianary montbly secretary, Mrs. E. Dilling; litera- ture secretary, Mrs. C. Lunney; temperance secretary, Mrs. W. H. Carruthers; cbristian stewardship secretary, Mrs. D. 'S. McGregar; assaciate helper secretary, Mrs. S. McA]lister; community friend- sbip secretary, Mrs. R. D. Wbit- mee; mission band supts., Miss Elva Orchard and Mrs. G. Gràh- am; 'baby band supts., Mrs. J. Bàrton and Mrs. Ron. Hetherig- ton; group leaders, Mrs. C. Lun- ney, Mrs. R. Dudley, Mrs. R. Hetberington and Mrs. W. H. Carruthers.1 A social haît hour witb a de- liciaus cup dt tea closed the meet- ing. St. John's Gulid Hold Good Euchre Party A pleasant sacial evening was spansared at St. John's Parish Hall on Friday evening when the Guild of the cburch hehd onq o! their popular euchres. Mrs. Thomas Wright and 'Mrs. E. Henning were the commîttee in charge. There were fitteen tables o! players who enjoy tbis papular pastime. Mrs. Reg. Jones had high score and was awarded a generous basket o! groceries, other prize winners were: L. S. Dumas, second; Mrs. Thomas Gould, third; Mirs. Bert Parker, fourth; Mr.' Willan, fiftb and AI.. Fletcher, sixth. A beautiful Christmas cake which was the work of an artist skilled in decorating these beau- tiful and nutritious cakes at the festive season, was won by Mrs. 0. L. Metcalf, Toronto. The Guild bave been selling tickets on this grand cake for some weeks. Mrs. Reg Jones drew the winning ticket. This was the first of a series of We're bursting, with good wisbes for you this xonderful Holiday. ilere 's ta a gay, tinkling, ligbt-bearted Christmas and New Year! el \i!nu*s Taxi Bowmanvifle wàmL ----- ---------- ----------- Faor every star in the sky we have a Christmas wish for you . . . wishes for happiness, health and prosperity ever- lasting. W. Len Elliott PLUMBING - HEATING - TINSMITHING p p t~t-,u s Mr. Snowman joins us ini wishing one and ahi the merriest Christmas ever and a Hlappy New Year. Dowmanville SHOE REPAIR DIVISIJO~N ST. S. It's- always a pleasure for us to w ish ex ery one of our friends a Christmas and New Year filled to overflowing with happiness. CAWKER'S GROCERY Phone 677 21 King St. W. Bowmanvffle C6kristm as .KING ST. IL A Merry, Merry Christmas and loads of good ebeer tbrough- out the coming year. THE TOWN SHOP KING ST. WEST 3Five Hundred Dollars Saved by Thrifty Statesman Subscrlbers Pause at page four, wben, fol- lowing a mast satisfyxng Chris- tmas dinner, you relax ta take up your Statesman for a quiet bour in which na doubt your tboughts will turn ta good resolu- tians for 1947. One resolution may be ta observe economy. You wilh see on page tour how you can save bal! a dollar. Under the beading "What Does Your Yellow label Say? is a blank form for name and address. Fill in with amount o! subscription and mail ta The Statesman. by Dec.I 31, 1946 and you effect an im- portant saving. New rates are set forth be- ginning Jan. 1, 1947 as you wihl see in the announcement. By taking advantage ot this oppor- tunity, already both old and new subscribers have saved about five hundred dollars. The response bas been truly amazing and mast beartening. Read the offer, use the coupon, start the New Year right. With it goes our sincere wishes for a Happy, Prosperous, New Year. N. S. McNally, Coîborne in renewing bis subscription to the Statesman for 1947, writes: We enjay reading the paper very much and look forward ta re- ceiving it each week. It is the best weekly paper I know ot and cavers a lot o! territory. social evenings wbich the Guild is spansornig and was well at- tended despite unfavorable Weather and other counter at- tractions. In the New Year several more euchres are -planned and ather evenings of social get-togethers have been arranged by the Guild. At this glorioustmeo he IJu1.i~tveyear we want to take time out 407 to wish one and ail a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. McNlulty's sport Shop King St. E. Oowan Block Bowmanville TME CANADIAN SrATP-qýWAN InwuAwv*.T v nwmAlpTr% fi p SI A b Phone 348 Bowmanville 55 King St. W. amm