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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1946, p. 9

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TMECAAIAN STAtÈS« ,that, I wou ld~ 1~K&~ fre@ from. Port Huron were ES18VRO AIGOPencig los hqecvrigsne U s en netk Sudyguests at Sid HaUowell's. LEADING CUE DEATH H ub Te EISo's apedn logte od IdHm mne ta ie ol b lo (Intended for Last Week) vsited Mrs. Llew Hallowell, re- A &up 54 52 ______as____I_ Miss Eileen Farrow, Bradley's Q Bthe-bin arn nii ~' O ntcle pnb i setthe weekend at home. Mr. Reg. Bolton, Toronto a .HDiess*leprt Diseses HIert Diseses Hlert Diseases Fntaeloadifthschqualls nog, probem. etledinth rgh M r on e l, M . td r . c G eorge S m ith's. I t HF e D s us n el on .a ls a pendu d b a vnidf p i e a l at s a an erieso i Dear Mr. r.adJamese:M.an Ms SutaviitdDec. l6th, 1946. just let me ko n 'ld h a.Gdms etknit Knight, Millbrook, visited Mr. and Mr. andr.rJ.mShs:ka visite Mrs. Lorne Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shutka and Miss Josie Trim, Oshawa, spent babe, Oshawa. 2nd Pneumoflia Hlert Diseases Ilert Disess Cancer Cancer Cancer The older I get, ue qulckerNefu.tirpasohrietere- the~Mr n rs o sn ee i time seems to fly, and I guess its 1 trust this ete fncs otof ors il be n va . M y tee t e w eekend w ith her m other, MM ya d MolDob on wer i Mrs. H. L. Trim. Port Hope. the same with you.myodfinsnth betfcreagetaaknlgtth Laverne Farrow, Welcome,Ceealeebl You go planning your day, your health, and ta hywl aewrda agadmyteeb Vctor Farrow's. Apniii Diseses of Cancer Ceobgcing to do ths and that, and much to maetinhiimSamn;fudsei~gteCrs Mand Mrs. H. Gilmer, Bow- C utc rgecec hemorrhage hemorbage your quite sincere about t tOc, merry one. W ida hswn fteCrsra îe ville, at Clarence Gilmer's. as erusac Miss B. Scott, Toronto, visited buteass e c re ,yourha c tosiUSoth a terriblestew ha hodarwelMrJmsndttyu iends recently. C.G.I.T. held a very successful 4th Pneumoniaa Diese oNephritis Nephritis Nephuitis fchadot, niht as aln upon the that things ol haebnwilavaMryCrstaad Mr. Arthur McKay spent #'ues- bazaar and concert with Gwen Os- rgac e.fatthnithsfle utrfc day ~~~~~~~~~~~had to be set aside for the mor- but alas, thePaew aealfryute'etb o ol iss Norma Hallowell, Toronto, eral numbers were given by the row or some other time. longed for sesvr a e aso oalm red h enigafwdays at home. cting nsQatte opSev- Sth Cancer Nephritis Neumanià ýPneurmonia * Diabetes Days ago I plannfed towriteyou moved. te ~ i kSaosGetns o ls Elwood Rusk, Toronto, Mr. of Bll Rundle, Elmer Down, Mur- m sa el etr ui ,ta an Mrs. Rusk, Port Hope and ray and GEorge Osborne. Read- had to be left, time flew so fast away to tegetPic fSneey ings were given by H. F. Osborne Cerebral: that 1 just didn't get it done. Peace, and i hyddsteeG olne and Muriel Down. The bza was 6th Nephritis Appendicitis Nophrîtisl I'hmorrhage nuoiomncHsabevirhe1am akgabldw l we Pickell, who. with hier assistant, w.Istoifr yubchacl Gwen Osborne, thanked all, on 7h Cneia acrCrbe yhlsSpii behalf of the C.G.I.T. who had M oalformations erorebSphisyhli assisted in any way. ProceedsmafmtoS were most gratifying. Source. US Census 8ureou. 194 3 tertained at Albert Street Unitedabua olpetymstlw ChrhAxlayfOhwwhen o igUp abuthecllase-he mut bowwould have to curtail drastically Church njoAuxleir, shwa, osnpte aloo up the balloon until it bursts. its use of printing and in many togethe. Devoional_______e They hv been blowing ut> the 'instances might cut it out alto- by Ann Holt assisted by Mrs. H. (B>'Lei Mlign wage balloon of late and calling In he piit f hrit- Sweetnf. Readings were given The other day I was watching upon the workers to admire their gether, and the balloon would Inte sito hist- by Mrs. Lloyd Courtice and Mrs. a youngster blowingut a toy achievement. burst! Apply the saine process mas,>ews Oia G. Chartran. Mrs. Wilfred Brown balloon. He wanted topsee how happiness, health and and Mrs. Erie Courtice contribut- big he could make it, and at every What is perhaps an extreme of boosted wages to ahl trades and unbuned s.ed iao ad ccodin nmbrs.blw h wuldhod i a ar'sexapl o this distention o have universal inflation-and Refreshments were served and a length and admire his accomplish-wae isctdb Th Paiccoape socil trne pen. met. he bgge it rewtheGrove (Calif.) Tribune in an edi- R. . ail& on The Home .and Sehool Club More he liked it, and in his delight1 tonl 1etitled"oMrGos" The whole hope of hurnan pro- sponsored a euchre party when he called upon his companions to Te riuesythtt"lk ressisspended on tite ever- General Merchants five tables were filed. High lady "Lo " itntly the balloon aifs enewstygtoab- rowing influenceothBil- Tauton - - Ontrlo was Mrs. Lloyd Countice and high disappeared like a soap bubble in- tg h meia-aorMv-Wl IH. Seward. gentlemanari Mr. Norman Hinds. to thin air, and the expression on ment." The Typographical Union_______________ Cnoain, ay r.TbGa- the onse' face can be better has recently become affiliated with 0 - 1' _________________ yougstn'sthe C.I.O. "With this new associ- - - -~-'-----:'ing, and gentleman, Chas. Archer. imagined than described. ain"sy h rbn,"per RefrehIflets wne seved.We have been perpetually warn-edtesregedfrnny No. 4 Mission Band held its ed in recent years of the danger whih ole a rt orempoy- Christmas concert with an attend- of inflation, and it is doubtful if ens a hndrhed yar o h ad por- 03ance 0f aound 30. PresidntR-oe in twenty pensons really un- ignj y casd iseorain rnond Osborne, occupied the chair desanswat inflation means. Pninters in Chicago 'today get 4,th irthdyaoberted$op-dange oflosinthisballone h and hymn, Band Purpose and bus- The youngster did not nealize the aot$ nhu.Btpitn mess w't are i demand nowp-dang r so ltheg iC.I.O.o ; n ened the meeting. The Worship probably though.t he could keep on sr i ets a îghnpio n pinthers.I.O period with theme "Christ Every- iniiating it indefinitely, or that it setshhe folloing emannds where opened with quiet music would -core to a point beyondwt h oloigdmns byshp Gwen Osbornie. thel to Wor- which his butin power tatcould Oly212 or a weekpe (51/2hor- .. neading was given by Elaine Sin- stay right there and he would 1stnaîght time; $6.04 per hour ov- Fhckerinig flamin termte ushl 'eko. The Christmas stony and pray- still have his big balloon. It would ertire; $9.06 per hour for each erwas given by Mrs. Stan Cov- seemn that many people are no hour of overtirne exceeding 10V For each snowflake thatth am o eourhe earmtvacatiouranoodwo kisessin thecreek wd ~~ ~ erley. This prognarn was then wiser than that youngster, and hus 90 e oro oias A ~~~ presented: Chorus, The Band; re- that they believe they can keepforwesvatin ndt .kssyur hek e ct to , M arion G rills; Christ- on inflating the urrency balloon w eges' more sick leave at fuil. Thr mas symbols, sixth and seventh by means of higher and higher wgs grades; reading, Delbent Grills; wages without affecting its pur- '"'To the rank and file union for a Christmnas of joy \~~4 chorus, by the school; piano solo, chasing power-ruch less of risk- prnter this looks like a petty incandescent ligtadforsetiltts \Y' Lloyd Covenley; stony, Miss Gwen ing its complete collapse. good way to make money, and it and a Happy New Year. Osborne. Refneshments were Money, of course, is asotf looks as if the C.I.O. is being un- ognzto issre hscmuiY t * served. elastic ýcommodity; it càn be ex-beivlYgotohen Afr A.E. Rundle, who spent the panded or defated within reason- all the C.I.O. is bigger and strong- su mrm e n at , his hom e here, as able lim its w ithout any very ser- er than 90 the bst of itsebilit.tAeother Chofstrna gone to Toronto, to spend the win- iOus danger with the ebb and flow poes o h a tpu?. ter with his son Elmer and far- of trade. But there is danger in If those figures were not quoted Yuletide greetngs to iîy. both directions, and more partic- by a reliable newspaper, one another year ...toyu odcer oneandal. Or sn-We welcome Ormie and Greta ularly in over-expansion, because would be inclined to doubt their f A sm-so h hv ovdf in that case the defiation is sud- accuracy. The question arises: R~oyV W .NVu onresand il. ora Obso w h o hveirnhove edfor den and complete. Nobody wants Who is going to pay the bloated e Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kinsman who wants to preserve a balanced ployer. "Since rnost srnaîî em- Hlirfe ais MryCrtasad and Fergus Kinsman, were visitons national economy. But there are ployers do't mnake $120 a week,"oie ado for hppinss, halth with relatives at Port Dalhousie. those in our ridst who don't like says The Tribune, "the increase Records - Record Playersle _______________ Our national economy or anything could not possibly corne fnorn Amateur Supplies POE 4 O MAVLE adprosperity in the LESS FEED GRAINS else about our dernoCratic sys- their pockets, but would obvious KING ST.444 adterri They would. like to establish ly have to be paid by the public 8KigS.EPhn50 FROM WEST TO EAST sreohnssen n nodri the form of higher pinting year ahead. MR. GARDINER FEARS to do this they must first bring costs." Naturally, the public Predicting a d.windling supply ofedgrains fromn western Canda f or eastern consumption,No-a v rb it yBu kh sw ns c e h sntc Hon. James G. Gardiner, Domin- ion Minister of Agriculture, told a recent meeting Of the Ontario Crearnery Association at Niagara a Falls, Ontario, that eastern fanm- production of feed grains if they JEWELLERhoet maintain their present JEWELLERpodutonr Qf livestock and dairy King Street Eastprucs The meeting was held in connectin with the associa- h tft th tri p teno o u" frw d- rc n ol. Bowmanvilie tion's annual convention. ta fts hesir g p tenof o aysfr adma hig old Referring to his early associa- tion with the dairy industry 'in _________________ Ontaio, Mn. Gadiner necaîîed N w B iko n r v rw ees y ~ W i o h etb y hauhing cneamui to thevv Winchelseait orthebet. uy "'In necent years, the produc- Pull »4 014 tion of feed grains has been ationfrom any gft lower in eastern Canada 1than immnediately preceding the wan, £ ' 0 *whereas it has been higher in ________western Canada. _________________________ "This was encourageti", Mn. Gardinen said, "at a time when thene wene considenable surplus- es of graiijLs of ail kinds-and - £ £ * panticularly wheat-in the west. The western farmen wasen couraged to transfer from the ýReleve ourproduction of wheat to the pro- duction of feeci grain. Farmens *~wene also encouraged. to feed WII.more w heat. ..... . * s Now there is a tendency for ............... s *...farmers in the west to go back Rhumti to wheat, and there is a dernand 'ever-ywhere that wheat be taken frorn livestock feeding adb made available to humans. r R D C FGN R LM TR i"t1 is important, therefore R D C FGNRL M TR I.

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