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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1946, p. 10

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NOW SOLD AT 'NUESE STORES Newcastle: J. S. Dyer Drug Store, D. G. Walton. Hampton: G. A. Barron & San. Enniskillen-T. M. Siemon & Son. ]Burketan: Harold Gil. Blackstock: H. T. Sayweil. Nestietan: J. G. Thompson. Pontypool: J. Crowley. Orono: Tyrreil's Drug Store. Newtonvile: W. C. Lane & Ca. *Tyrone: F. L. Byarn. Bowmanville: W. J. Berry, J. W. Jewell, Jury & Loveil, W. J. Bagneil, Statesiman Office. I ----- - - - - - - - - -- To one' and ail, we wish you the merriest Christmas ever with a Happy New Year ta came. MURPHY'S 57 King St. W. BOWMANVELLE Phone 811 IF NOBODY CAKRE» If nobody smiled and noix, cheéred, and nobody helped us alan, If every man looked after1 self and good things ail'i to the strong; If nobody cared just a littiE you, and nobody thought about And we ail stood alone ini battie of life, what a dr old world it would be. -Author Unknc )dy t9, hlm- went e for me, the .eary owfl. PUBLIC PATIENCE WITH LABOR IS RUN OUT "If anything mare were needed ta evaporate the last few remain- eing drops of public patience with fabuse o! power by labor leaders, the recent performance o! John L. Lewis provided it, observes The Financial Post. "Many Congressmen have long been violent opponents o! what they considered Raosevelt's pro- labor bias," says The Post. "They have long been champing at the bit ta do something about labor. In a. few weeks they will go ta Cangress filled with a fiery deter- mination. and a holy conviction that they have a mandate from the American people ta put labor leaders in their place. "The danger for everybody- not just labor leaders-is that the new Congress will be too anti- union; that it will go on a wild binge of repressian and punish- ment. Such a course will inevit- ably end in trouble worse than ta- day's. For this reason it is un- fortunate that the latest Lewis challenge came just at this time ta add steam ta the already dan- gerausly loaded boilers o! Can- gressional and public opinion. "Nevertheless, society cannot go on daing nothing about the war which some labar leaders have declared against it.- "Canada will watch with int.er- est and cancern how the new U.S., Congress tackles this whole prab- lem a! bringing law into line with taday's facts an this vital human problem?" The secret of success is coi tancy to, purpose.-Disraeli. Light a Candie For us on Chnrstiiias Day-and miay its glow i-efleet the radiance of dur cordial %vishes ta you and vours, tlîis Christnias-anc a1ways. ldrrY Aluin The Corner Grocery KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 367 - .:.uu.rn iuu:ii.u :.: N Peuse rotum empty boer baffles to your nearest Br.wers' Retail Store or phone for pick-up service. Refund price is 720 for 2 doz. pints, 600 for 1 doz. quarts. From. Btossoms to Fruit ms i t i i Sir Eia i t al 'c fa in in W or Sc iti o. pr stI ha fo: ne WC sÈ Georgie Palmeter of Kentville, apples passing down assembly lin e packed their apples in boxes. In N.S., queen of the f946 Nova Sco- in Nova Scotia Apple. Marketing former years, the entire crop was tia Apple Blossom Festival, holds Baard's new cold storage ware-. packed, and shipped in barrels. a basketful of lusciaus Nova Sco- bouse near Kentville, where tbey Ontario orchardists are long over- tia apples, now being harvested are sorted for size and quality due in adapting modemn market- and packed. The inset shows Miss and then wrapped. and packed in ing methods by packing their ap- Palmeter in ber robes as queen of boxes for the domestic market. pIes in boxes which is the popular the festival during blossom time This is the first year that An- way ta seli this deliciaus health last spring. Lower picture shows- napolis Valley fruit grawers have giving fruit. Gasoline. Sales lTax Wili End in April Finance Minister Abbotz has announced the Dominion Govern- ment has decided to withdraw its three-cent tax on gasoline sales,, effective next April 1. Explaining the proposed action, Mr. Abbott said: "The Dominion gasoline tax was put on in war- time in order to meet the urgent needs of war and it was flot inten- ded to retain it as a feature of the Dominion tax structure in peace- time any longer than was neces- sary. Business Directory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MAS ON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public IKing Street W., Bowrnanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 9%/ King Street E. Bowmanville - Ontario Phone: Office 825 House 409 MISS APHA I. HODGINS Barrister, Solfcitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental College, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sundav Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudell 2827. DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 23-5* Monuments The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ont. Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing MOVINS WEST M. Rowlinon LimIted retularly izk Up md hlpHouseboid Fumniture. C..- .oIldard Pool1 Cmr to Manitoba, Saakatch. .w n b ,B rtih C luamba and t. Calori.Write, wire or Phone for r.duced freight rates. Ktabllah.d 1885 614 Yong. St., Torontgo. Lingadal. 5125 MOVINS, PACIII N& ânppls aid 310110 Twe Ways to Progress means o! production which en- ________abled England ta save Europe at By R. J. Deachman the time o! the Napoleonic strug- gle. We have a parallel to this in Some people have long memor- the development o! Russia. The ies. I was talking ta a chap yes- leaders o! Russia were impressed terday who said: 'Corporation by the idea that they were going profits are far too high." What ta be attacked and they had some hie might have said was: "Some justification for this. They turn- corporation profits are too bigh." ed their efforts towards industrial That would have presented an production, tbey did not attempt arguable point but my friend ta raise the standard o! living o! ignored the fact that in the their own people beyond a levelj United States, the home o! big which would. make tbem capablej profits, there have been .very o! efficient work. They produced sharp losses and in some years capital goods. They expanded taking industry as a whole. their armies. Eventually came I mentioned nat long ago the war and victory, because they case o! the Lincoln Electric Coin- were prepared. pany o! Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. In the thousands o! industries James F. Lincoln, the head o! that which constitute the industrial life Company, spoke nat long ago in o! the United States, Great Bni- he City o! Toronto. He. bas suc- tain and Canada, there are always 'eeded in making big profits, re- a number o! marginal corpora- iucing the price of the products tions, companies which sometimes lie sold, paying his men the high- make a fair profit, at other times est wages o! any corporation in are in the red. If we are going he world. So when we make a ta restrict free enterprise, if we general and sweeping statement are going ta rab the industrial life in regard ta profits we are likely a! tbe country by unfair and un- to be wrong, there are many var- just taxation, or wage rates, be- lations in aur industrial picture, yond capacîty ta pay then the weeping general statements are marginal companies must pass ikely ta be wrong. out o! business. We shahl have Then my fnîend went back fur- stagnation, new businesses will ber than this and put forward the not be born. We shaîl ta that ex- laim that whatever might be said tent reduce production. f capitalismn as we have it today, Theïre is a fine illustration o! ,t was desperately bard and cruel this in recent developments in t the time o! the Industrial Re- mining. Tightening the wage rate olution and in the days o! the limits the field a! operations. 2hartist movement. Who can Cutting the costs a! living and loubt it? Man's trail across tbe costs o! production increases aur ýace o! the earth bas often been available natural resources. It is riarked by cruelty. Yet tbrough only another evidence o! the fun- t aIl we maved upwards, seek- damental truth that the gains rîg always for a better way. from improvement in the means Wbat happened in that period? o! production, wberever there are dan began ta harness power ta such gains, should be passed on ndustry. The United Kingdom ta the consumer in a îawer price vas a capital hungry country. The o! the praducts produced. In rdinary means a! credit creation that way all classes gain. Wben carcely existed,. The banking we reverse this principle we raise ystem bad not reacbed the pas- the nbminal rate o! wages and ion it now hol ds. The leaders salaries but rab those who gain ýfindustry migbt have lowered by an increase in tbe cost o! rices and thus raised slightly the living. andard o! living. On the other________________ ýand they might use their profits Dr the more rapid application o! ew methods o! production. ItR 'as only natural that they should 1,,oKed forwara tofa n epndn trade, ta a phenomenal increase of 'production. They used their profits for the expansion of in- d.ustry, for the increase of em- ployment and.eventually for the betterment of conditions of the nation as a whole. The result - their country made phenomenal progress - greater then than in any other country of the world. 0f course, the Socialists might have tackled the job. Oh no! Soc- ialism cornes after production is well established. It takes over what others have built. It does not build from the bottom. Nothing sa inspires men to ef- fort as the conception that they are going ta build great industries which will not only bring them profit but benefit the nation as a whole. Do not laugh lightly at the last suggestion - making money is not everything in the eyes of the builders, there is the pride that flows from seeing the structures rise. Were They Wise? It was improvement in the WORK Gilson Furnaces Roofmng Bavestroughing 01 Durners For Immediate Installation i heaters and ranges. Clean, even heat.6 DAVIS &GRANT ougog st. -Bowmanville Phones: Ru. 26741 ability to everv need. Wedding MUId Docembr Sprlng Bringe -Out Blossome CàUN-AVIESStanding on the editor's desk is The marriage of Lois Katherine a water-fiiled glass vase with a Mary Davies, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Prederick Pavies, ta Leland spray af white lilac alniost in funl Murray Cain, s'on of Mrs. Edna leaf, with several buds on the Cain of Bowmanville, took place verge of opening and one beauti- at Christ Memorial Church, Osh- fui yeilow flower noddmng "Good awa, Saturday, Dec. l4th. The Morning" ta this D9)cember spring. ceremony was performed by Rev. It is evidence that even Nature H. H. Cleverdon, and Mr. W. G. can get crossed up at unseason- Rapley played the wedding music. able tîmes. The altar flowers were white and This refreshing Christmas gift yeilow chryanthemums. came from Mrs. James Hayes, 156 Given in marriage lby her fath- King St. West, Bowmanviile. She er, the bride wore a gown o! picked it from a tree in her gar- egshell satin with a sweetheart den on Dec. 18, 1946. She believes neckline. Rer fingertip veil fell the variety of lilac is called For- from a Queen Anne headdress sythia. The leaves and buds were and she carried a white prayer found cheerfully nodding in the book with streamers. She wore ________________ her mother's peari necklace and an expanding gold bracelet, the gift of the bridegroom. The matron of honor was Mrs.___m Rose Barnier, sister of the bride, m uM m She wore Alice blue crepe and carried an old-fashioned. nosegay. f Davies, niece a! the bride. Her gown was of Royal blue taffeta and she carried a similar nosegay. the gif t of the bride. I The best man was Mr. Ronald M Cole, a cousin of the bridegroom, M and the ushers were Mr. Edward M Davies, the bride's brother, and Mr. Douglas Shackleton. OF The reception was held at the Betty Cake Shoppe where the PF bride's mother received the guests. She wore a street-length dress of black figured crepe and a corsage T R of chrysanthemums. She was as- T R sisted by Mrs. Louise Luxton, the bridegroom's grandmother. The couple left an a trip to East- ern Ontario, the bride wearing an oyster-colouredl wool dress with black accessories. They will make their home in Bawmanville. 1:30j Wheelers Beat Petes In League Opener Saturday à The payoff on good coaching and pre-season exhibition games was realized Thursday evening when the Bowmanville Wheelers DECEM IBER Intermediate basketball team beat the strong Peterboro quintette 60- D I ON (nld i 42. It was the opening game of the Lakeshore Basketball League Lde and was played on the High Lde School court. Wheelers appeared off forma in N hrefrSa the first haîf and were down by N hrefrSa one point at the breather, 22-21 for the Petes. But in the second TOP NOTCH R spasm, Wheelers came to life by outscoring the lift-lock boys 39-20. Don Mason again led Wheelers in scoring with 18, followed by Clemence, 15, and Rundie, 12. Crack forward for the Petes, D. Griffin, netted 13 to lead his team- mates, all of whomn netted points. Wheelers stick to their checks, lg leaving forwards free to score. from university studies was the competent referee. Wheelers wil take the road in the current sche- dule which will be published home games until early in Jan- Players, with points in brack- ets: Peterborough: Gardner (5), D. \ ~ Griffin (13), Dundas (3), Route- I ly (2), McKenzie (4), Thomas (66, [ Jones (3), V. Griffin,(4), J. Smith (0), Currie (2), E. Smith (0). '~J ,Wheelers: Dadson (4), Mason v Mclntyre (0), Hooper (2), Brown (0), Gilbart (à), Ruddell (2), - - - Jackman (0), Stutt (2). The highest ability is responsi.- 1 - S -11 bility-responding with all your myom!oma , f ~ESTAURANT ICE S lIN )nday *3Oth .- 60e ýndstand s ê ,M To oi- man 'v friend.s aîîd cîîston'rs ini Bowînanville aîd ieinity we wouaiI( like ta ta ke tiis opportîmity of wishiîîg yau a Merry (iliristmas and a Very Happy andl lrosperous New Year. As we are disposing of aur business ta Mr. "'Bob" Ewers of Jiow- mnanvilie w-e would like to solicit for him the saine appreciated and loyal support wbieh yon have given us iii the past. White Rose Servie Station 180 KING ST. RUiT DRAN HODGSON LORNR McQUARRIE / 0 TUICSDÂ:,ï, Bus. 2842 9 1 S RI 'EF 1K INTO P.m. 28th. mg tax) Free ious Grau breeze on that December dy With a White Christmas ap- parently a remate prospect at the 1 Urne Mother Nature it wauld seem was doing her best ta brighten the occasion. Thankfully we ai- flrm it has brightened The States- man office. '<God moires ini a mysterious way Ris wonders to perform."l CHU ROPRACTIC STECKLEY HRALTH CLN Drutless Treatment Incluing- chiropractie Eleefro - therapy, mlnoraI vapor baths. PraetisIng 24 Years. PHONE 224 1l46 Simce St. N. - Osa &

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