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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1947, p. 10

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- f PAGE TEN BIRTIIS POLLEY-Mr. and Mrs. Win nounce the birth of their daugb- ter, Donna Lynn, December 24th at Bowmanville Hospital. 2-1* UANCOCK-Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Hancock announce the birth of their daughter, Margaret Amie, at Guelph General Hospital on De- cemâber 30, 1946. 2-1 McMANN-Mr. and Mrs. C. W.! McMann wish ta announce with p ride the arrivai of their son, Frederick Raymond, on Thursday, Dec. 26, 1946, at Bowmanville Hospital. 2-1* KITSON-Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kit- son are bappy ta announce the birth of Ibeir daughter, Betty Mn at the Bowmanviile Hospital on Monday, Decemnber 3th. 2-1* DEATHS YEO-At Tyrane on January 1947, Richard John Yeo, beli husband af Bertha May Si aged 62 years. LYL-At his late residencE January 2nd, 1947, John I husband of the late Mary Mur ln his 99th year. MacDONALD-At his home, Annette St., Toronto, Jan. 1947, Donald D. MacDonald, Paed., farmerly of Bowmanv B1eloved husband of Laura St art and dear father of D. Stev MacDonald. I believe in abeying the law the land. I practise and te this obedience, since justice is moral signification of law. justice denotes the absence of1 Mary- Baker Eddy. SHEET META] .WORK Gilson Furnaces Roofing - Eavestrough Oil Durners for immediate Installation1 heaters and ranges. Clean, even heat. DAVIS &GRANI Scugog St., Bowmanvfll Phones: Bus. 2842 Res. 267 4th, lved hart, e on Ly1e,1 tison, 411 6th, 1,B. ville. tew- wart 's of each1 the1 In- law. L tF c ti 1 f: fi ci Dg c ti ti 2- ln t] c a] n( T to le nC hi r t S t -th -6 ni 1 Tha's Swell! You'li bc glad you didn't get rld of your radio or record player at a sacrifice - when an fnexpensive repafr job by us gives you perfect resuits. Rtoy W. Neads Halllcrafter Radios Crosley Radios Records - Record Players Amateur Supplies 185 King St. E. 1 Tile- Phone 580 Tex i F lb AOSPHALT TILE To combine beauty with endurance for a lifetime floor Laid and Finished Complete by Expert Workmen Broandey & Son Phone 653 BALES OFFICE Ueppard & 0111 Lumber Co. Lizited 96 Ring St. E. Phone 715 THE CANADIANSTATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JAN. 9t, 1941 IN MEMORIAM DEWELL-tn loving memory Helen Marilyn Dewehl, dar' claugiter of Percy end Evi Dewell, who passed away sude ly, January 15, 1946. --Sadly missed andl lovingly membered by Mummy and Daddy. 1 COMINO EVENTS Ice carnival at Newcastle Rink, Saturday, Jan. 18, at 8 p.m. Na- velty numbers, pnizes for cas- tumnes, races and fun for young anti aid. Refneshmcnt bootb. Gen- enal admission 25c. 2-1 Keep Wednesday, Jan. 15th op- en for the Foumth Concert of the Lions Club Concert Senies at the High Schaol auditorium 8:15 p. m. Four outstanding artists wiii present a varied pnogram of great music. Admission $1.00. Al seats reserved. 2-1 ENGAGEMENTS The engagqmcnt is announced of Muriel Winifned, daughter of Mrs. Staunton anti the late Mn. Fred Staunton of Hamilton and Ancaster, ta Glenn Allan Gibson, son of Mn. anti Mrs. Edgar Gibson, Bunketon, Ontario. The wedding wiIl take place in St. Mark's An- glican Churcb, Hamilton, at 3 p.m. Satîir,-Iv. Jan. 8194OA7. - Mr. and Mrs. W. È. C. Work- man announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Margurate Louila, ta Frederick Samuel Heil- yar, of Bowmanville, son of Mr. William B. Hellyar of Clinton. The wedding will take place the latter part of Jan-uary. 2-1* Wanted Room and Board ROOM and board for two school girls for winter months, wiiling ta work in part payment. Phone 2265. 2-1 YOUNG business girl, quiet dis- position, requires raom and board in Bowmanville. Write Box 821, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 2-1 Seed Cleaning HAVE your seed grain and small seeds cleaned at the Newtonville Cleanîng plant, up-to-date equip- ment. For particulars phone Clarke 1304, please note new lo- cation. Harry L. Wade, secretary- treasurer. 2-2* Applications Watd Applications are invited for the position of combîned? choir mas- ter and organist for Newcastle United Churcb. The village of- fers other excellent teaching op- portunities. Applicants will please state age, qualifications, experi- ence and salary expected, and when services avaîlable. Apply W. Patterson, Newcastle. 2-2 The courteýies of a small and trivial character are the ones wbich strike deepest ta the grate- fui and. appreciating beart.-Hen- ry Clay. -1 ta ia' ed aI: AI Ni 83. du ph M Sti ho tio foi br pri Ba 75 Ai WO registered Holstein heifers ie March and April, also fresh .Ilstein cows. Walter Frank, one 2403. 2-1 AiRKET hog about 235 lbs. Earl tphenson, Maple Grave, third )use north of Sheli Service Sta- Dn. 2-1* ABY Chicks, order your Gain- rth chicks ndw. Popular pure ,eds and cross breeds. For ices and information phone rran's, Hampton 2420. 23* SBarred Rock hens. Malcolm inslie, Newcastle. 21* 100 Bareti Rock puilets about 6 months olti, $1.25 each. Len Dow;- ney, phone 423. 2-1* REGISTERED Ayrshinc bull, ful- ly accrediteti, 14 months aid. %Vil- son Abernethy, R.R. 2, Bowman- ville. Phone 2419r. 2-1* Pets For Sale COCKER Spaniel puppies, thon- ougbbreds. W. Goode, 21 Liberty St. N. 2-1* FOUR black anti white collie1 pups. E. R. Taylor. Phone 2392.1 2-1 * POLICE pups. Phone 2158. 2-I,*1 For Rent SINGER portable electric in your awn home. $5 per manth. Sing. em Sewing Machine Ca., 16 On- tario S.t.. Oshawa, phone 696. 10-tf FARM-Possessian Apni list. Ap- ply John D. Moffat, Omono South. 2-1 Work Wanted FURNITURE efinisbed. I arn devoting¶bhe winten manths ta me- flnisbing fumniture. Now is the time ta bave youm fumniture ne-t newed. Stains remaved, cigarette burns taken out, anti complete ne-1 finishing. No jobs tao smaiî on toa lange. Work guananteeti. Freec estimates given, 35 Temperance St., phone 642. 1-2* CHIROPRACTIC STECKLEY HEALTH CLINIO Drugless Treatment lncludint chiropractie Electro - therapy, minerai vapor batha. Practising 24 Years. PHONE 224 146 Slmcoe St. N. - Oshawa ~3- --tf Personal HYGIENIC Supplies (mubber gaods) mailed postpaid in plain, seaied envelope with pnice iist, Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00, Mail Order Dcpt. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-9 Strayed STRAYED anta Lot 23, Con. 8, Darîington, one Steer weigbing about 700 lbs. Owner may have same by .proving propemty and paying expenses. K. l3utson, phone 2823. 52-3 Wanted to Rent TWO unfunnished roams for young couple with no chiidren. Phone 2546 2-1* IMMEDIATBLY tbmee or four roams, small apamtment or smail bouse. Write Box 819, Statesman Office. 2-1 IMMEDIATELY 4 or 5 noometi bouse, or rooms unfurnished. Phone 585. 2-1 MILLFEEDS DEMAND EXCEEDS SUPPLIES . Present prospects indicate that the flour milling industny will op- erate ta capacity during the great- cm part of the 1946-47 season and produce a quantity of millfeeds about equal ta that in the 1945-46 crop yean. The demanti is expeet- cd ta, remain equally large, with hogs anti tairy cattie consuming the bulk of the out-turn. During Uic 1945-46 season, thc production of milifeetis bnoke ail previaus records witb an out-turn of siightiy more than 880,000 tons. Despite this record, Uic demanti by the Canadian feeders for these floun-rniling by-products contin- ues ta exceed available supplies. To ensure that the greater share of the feetis are made available ta, the Canadian farmer, exports have been mestnicteti by permit anti at present only extremely smail am'ounts are exporteti. During 1945-46, 95 per cent of the total supply of 892,999 tons was con- smcd in Canada. NOON-In loving memory.. c very dear friend, Jane Short,d wife of Joseph Noon .who pas suddenly to, ber reward, Janui 9, 1940. None knew her but to love he None nanMed ber but in praisE -A Friend.2 ADAMS-In loving memoryo dear Father and Husband,' Char Frederîck Adams, who pas! away, January 5, 1938. Just wben your life was brîghl( Just when your years were bE You were called from this wo, of sorrow, To a home of eternal rest. -Ever remembered ýby Wifea Daughters lluby and Peari< FERGUSON-In loving mmc of a dear mother, Mary Kna Cochrane, wbo passed away J8 uary 6, 1945. "There is a link death cannot sever Love and remembrance last forever." --Sadly missed, by daughter Verna, Henry and family. 2- FERGUSON-In loving memo of a dear mother, Mary Kna] Cochrane, who passed away Ja 6, 1945. "And while she lies in peacef sleep Fier memory we shall always roeep." -Ever remembered by the Cochrane family. 2- Carda of Thanks Mrs. J. J. Bell and family w:i to express their thanks ta D F'erguson, friends and neighbo: for their messages of sympati cards and floral tributes senti he passing of a dear husband ar fàther. 2-1 I wish ta thank the mari friends and neighbors of Mai] Grave for the many beautifl cards and fruit and other delicz ies I received during the Chrie mias season; also the membersc the W.M.S. and Women's Inst Lite. 2-1* Miss E. J. Wrigi Mrs. Norman Alun, wishest tiank ail lier friends and the Wc îen's Auxiliary for get-weli card hristmas parcels and cards ai, il their kindness during bier il] ess in the Hospital. 2-1 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kessler wis ;thank their many friends ar ieighbors for their help and syn )atby during the loss of thei iome. 2-1 The Board of Management an( 3uperintendent and Matrono je Counties' Home, Cobourg vish ta, thank ahl those who fur iished entertainment, gifts, treatç whelped in any way ta maki uch a pleasant Christmas for thg )tients at the Home. 2-. Jn ir n. fa Ji Ju ai a O fo PL Kq fa: Si dil mc Su fal Visitons: Mrs. L. Patterson, Miss Lois Me- Mullen, Janetvillc, with Mr. anti Mns. E. Adams.-Mr. anti Mrs. A. Grace, Bowmanville, Mr. anti Mns. A Grace Sm., Mn. and Mrs. Bill Gnace anti Glenn, Beaverton, wîtb Mr. anti Mrs. Hanmy Grace.-Mns. James Gatcheil witb Mr. anti Mms. Howard Abbot, Haydon.-Miss Christina Gatchell spent part of ber Christmas holidays in Osh- awa.-Mr. Alden Hubband with Mr. anti Mrs. A. Altireti, Nom- woot.-Mr. Merle Hubbamd, Osh- awa, was home.-Mr. anti Mrs. Grant Wilson anti Benyl, IXinsale, witb Mms. Pearl Avery.-Mr. anti Mns. H. Gill anti Donald, Mms. J. Gill with Mn. anti Mrs. Hcrb Richards, Bawmanville.- Miss Ruby Bailey, Oshawa, Mn. Buti Thrasher witb Mr. anti Mrs. Tom Bailey.-Mn. anti Mns. Howard Gatcheli anti Haroldi with Mn. L. Gatchell. Mrs. John Carter entertaincti a few frientis in bonour of Isabel's 14hbrhday an Jan. 6tb. Congratulations ta Mr. anti Mrs. Ted McLaughlin on Uic 1,irth of a daugbter, Patricia Mary, Dec. 3Oth. Syfnpathy is extendedti t the family of Uic late Davidi Hall, who was a resident of this com- munity for many years. yof ring elyn den- re- 2-1* )f a dear ssed Lary ;e. 2-1 * of a tries ssed est, est; orld « and ary app ran- oryE pp ran. ful S.* sh a Dr.S ors pz hy, ir at Ji nd C ýny 1 le sl fu1 qi a- c. st- oi of al ýti- CE ,ht ta R a- mv ds gi nd A. j* SI shre rid FE nrC. *Al of J. r- - s, SI reg .e fa: lmi -ch~ Articles For "ae QUANTITY of loose hay, also Spanish and cooking onians. W. G. Allison, phone 2880. 1-3* AUTOMATIC heat contrai elec- trie irons, $7.95. The Radio Shop, 38 King St. East, phone 573. 1-tf OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everythmng in modern. Chester- field, bedroom and dining reom suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Qual- ity merchandise at competitive prices. Before buying viuit Brad- ley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf TIRES, 650A!6 tires, no repairs or breaks, $16 pair with tubes. Sissons' Garage, Orono.. *2-1* TWO new Quaker Burnoil Ranges one new Case VA tractor on rub- ber tires. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Bowmanville. Phone 497. 2-1 MOFFAT Handi-Chef, good as new. Phone 648. 2-if TWO coats, ladies, size 13-14, one brown tweed and one green. Ap- ply 21 Beech Ave. 2-1* ONE h.p. 110 volt used Wagner electric motor in good condition. Phone 573. 2-1 ONE pair skis with harness, ski poles; beautiful brown coat with Lovely collar ta match, size 14, good- as new, slightly worn; mo- tor or cutter robe. Write Box 820 Statesman Office. 2-1* SMALL building 10x12, good con- dition, plank floor and heavy silîs. MIalcolm Ainsîle, Newcastle. 2-1* PAIR girls' white figure skates size 41/. Phone 2327. 2-1 ELECTRIC radiator. Phone 560. 2-1 * T'ERRAPLANE Coach, 1936, in good condition with practically .11 new tires. Apply 103 Liberty St. N. 2-1* POTATOES-Choice quality cook- rig potatoes, $1.35 per bag. M. H. Pedwell, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 3823. 2-1* NOW is the time ta order your "Queen" Oul burning brooder stove. Entirely automatie; re- uires no cleaning; no noise; ex- ýlusive burner saves 30 per cent )n fuel; won't blow out. Complete it $29.90. M. H. Pedwell, New- ,stle. Phone Clarke 3823. 241* Livestock For Sale IEGISTERED Holstein ýbull, 8 nonths old, with extended pedi- ree. One work horse. W. G. Illison, phone 2880. 1-3* ;HORTHORNS - Young bulîs, ' rung caws, club calves. Alsor egistered Guernseys. Baker t 'arms, Hampton. Phone 2180. 51-tf 'ALF suitable for vealing. Clare Ulin, phone 2847. 2-l* OLSTEIN caîf for vealing. L. d Brock, R.R. 4, Bowmanville.V rione 2579. 2-1 ZARTED 'Jray pullets, off toaaE ýý:d F.f- ta get into production DI uverseas markets. Not so0 uch more chicks, as earlier n hicks, is the Government demand a )catch these markets. Immed- b ite delivery, also some non-sex- d.Order February-Mýarch now Iso. Agent F. L. Byam, Tyrone. p 2-1 [LSTEIN bull caîf 6 days ld.2 pply O. Friend, phone 2523 ow-- UMBER of milk cows. Phone- 33 or 2379. 2-1* ai Hllep Wanted MIDDLE aged lady or elderly girl as domestie help-village home. Phone 2428. 1-2* MAN wanted for Rawleigh busi- ness. Sil ta 1500 families. Good profits for hustlers. Write today. Rawieigh's Dept. ML-A-l40-S, Montreal. 1-5 OPPORTUNITY knocks but once. Dealers required ta handie our complete line. If interested ap- ply Famous Products Corporation, Dept. 0-B-1, 370 Guy Street, Montreal, Que. 1-4 SINGLE man for dairy farm. Must be able ta milk cows by hand. J. H. Malette, Bowmanvilie, R.R. 4. Phone 2616. 2-1* REGISTERED Nurse for 0xtar- ia Training School for Boys, Bow- manville. Must be under forty years of age. Telephone or write for interview. W. J. Eastaugh, Superintendent. 2-1 MAN wanted for farm work. Must be experienced with horses and tractor. James T. Brown, NeWcastle. 2-1 * BOOKKEEPER Stenographer, ta work in Bowmanville. Good wages and pleasant working conditions. Write Box 816, States- man Office. 2-1 YOUNG lady, 20 ta 25, as sales- lady in ready-to-wear store in Bowmanville. Experience nat necessary but preferred. Good salary. Write Box 817, States- man Office. 2-1 GIRL or woman for housework, '>ne day a week. Good pay and' lunch. Apply Royal Theatre, Bawmanville. 2-1* Real Estate -For Sale FIVE-room brick bungalow in Oshawa, modern conveniences. New ail burner and garage. Small down payment, balance as rient. Immediate possession. Phone~ J. H. McEwen, Oshawa, 4353W ater 6 p.m. 1-2* IMMEDIATE possession - Six- roomed frame bouse on Main St., Drorjo., with bath sof t and bardj water, furriace and electrie lights.1 Apply awner, J. E. Smith, Orono.] 2-1t Wanted ro auY )LD horses for fox meat. High-1 est prices paid. Phone Orono 771 r4 collect, or write F. C. Baultbec,t Orono. 50-tf LIVE poultry and feathers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1,1 Bethany., phone Betbany 7 r 13. 1-tf WANTED-300 live horses forn nink and fox food. We will pay 1 tp market prices. Margwill Furb 2arm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanville 2679. 35-tf )LD borses for fur farm, $1 ..00 n per hundred, approximate weigbt, s delivered here. For slightly iess jl we will humanely destroy your t] horses on your own farm. Ran- kine Mink Ranch, Haydon. Phone Bowmanville 2888. 38-tf PARM an highway between Bow- manville and Oshawa, from 5 ta 20 âcres, buildings not necessary. Write John Petersan, R.R. 2, Cot- jV .m, Ont. 51-5* IV XTANTED a goad used ioI V 'banc 2564, Hampton. 2-1*IV *UG in good condition. Phone L 287.2-1 IV Radio Service Sý CHE Radia Shop, Bawmanville, N >fers bonest charges, latest type hi quipment and trained persan- J el. Our two radio technicians M th hold Government Certificates H ýfProficiency in Radio. Phone dt Our doctrine of equality ant ih- berty and humenity cames from aur belief in the 'brathenhooti of man, througb the fetberhood af God.-Calvin Coolidge. Whoever in prayen can say, "Our Fathen," acknowietiges anti shouid feel the brotherbooti of the whole race of menkind.-Tny- an Edwards. ,Caurtesy is love in tnifles, and where love is not, tbough its coun- terfeits may ebound, caurtesy it- self is nat.-George Jackson. Phene 525 152 Klng St. E. 1 1 No mare ashos, soot, diri, Ares that die out in your kitchon range 1 Five Vear durantee b mokers. Over 400,000 ln use taoy. ON SALE AI: C. A. ]BARTLETT SHEILL SERVICE STATION PERFECT DIAMOND4 -----------------------,--.-------.--,--. ---- - Tyrone Mr. R. J. Yeo passed away Sat- urdýay after a lingering iilness. We extend sympathy ta Mrs. Yeo and family. Mr. John Becxce zluiad a tonsil aperation at Bowmanviile Hos- pital. On J-anuary 3ird the Junior Young People held a toboggan party which was well attended. Later everyone went ta the Sun- day School room where an enjoy- able lunch was served and games enjoyed. There bas been no cburch service the last two Sundays. *,e hope weatber conditions will be better next ifunday. Snowplows have been doing. a splendlid job keeping roads open. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yeliowlees and children, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wrigbt and children with Mr. and Sirs. N. Yellowlees, Hampton.- Miss K. Macdon*ald, Osbawa, at home.-Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beck- ett and chiidren, Enniskillen, Mrs. Stan Beckett andi Mr. Nichais, Oshawa, at Mr. Oliver Beckett's. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goodman andi Beverley, Peterbora, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goodman and Judy, Bawmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Eanl Goodmian and Peter, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Goodman. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Philp, Ronnie and Marilyn, Miss Jean Phili with Mrs. T. Pb-ilp, ePicton, and the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goadifellow and fam- ily and attended the recept-ion of Mn. and, Mrs. Jim Bird (Shirley Goad-fellow). Shirley is d'aughter of Mr. Wm. Goodfellow, M.P., and Mrs. Goodfellow of Codrington.- Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Bragg and family witb Mr. and Mns. W. F. Park.-Mr. -andi Mrs. Neil Yellow- lees and children witb Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Maple Grave. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Philp and chiidnen, Peterbona, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Philp and Miss Jean Philp.-Mr. and Mrs. Lamne An- fis andi Brian witb Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bigneil, Toronto.-Mr. and Mrs. Dave Alldread, Doris, Mary and Russell, Bowmanvihle, with Mr. and Mrs. George Alîdreat.- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Byam, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park and children with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam.-Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Scott with Mr. and Mrs. An- thur Smith, Columbus.-Rev. andj Mrs. Cresswell and childnen with Mr. and Mns. Albert Wills.-Mn. and, Mrs. Richard Hatherly with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hatheriy, of Newtonville.-Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Spicer, Marilyn, Eileen and Audrey, Bawmanville, Mr. and MVrs. E. A. Virtue and John, Mr. Wm. Harýbly and Joan Beckett, Bawmanvîlle, with Mrs. Laura 'Virtue and, Milton.-Mr. and Is. Robt. Hodgson, Mr. andi Mrs. Ray- mond Clapp with Mr. and Mrs.f Dave Hooper, Orono, who cele- brateti their 25th wedding anni- versary an New Year's. Thursday afternoan Joyce HuIls entcrtained members of ber Pri-t nary Sunday School class at a sleigh riding party. Everyone cf- oyed a bot SUpper and games in he Sunday School room. Maple Grove t Blackstock Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Taylor and, family, Solina, Miss Lena Taylor, Bawmanville, with Mr. andi Mrs. Ernest Larmer.-Mrs. Franks, of Peterborough, with ber sister, Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy.-Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKinnon and, son, Lucknow, Miss Lola Stinson, Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stinson.-Mr. andi Mrs. Fred Bradburn and Mary Helen and Mrs. Barton, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Farder and Joyce and Ross Whit- field, Brantford, with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brad'burn.-Ralph and Phyl- lis Strong, Purple Hill, visited their grandmothem, Mrs. Robt. Bruce.-Mrs. John. Watson witb Mr. *and; Mrs. Lamne Watson, Osh- awa.-Stuart, Dorrell attendeti a short course at Queen's Univers- ity, Kingston, andi reports a splen- did time.-Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mountjoy badal al their family home for Cbristmas celebration. -Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnston en- tertained the Earl Dorreil fam- iîy and the Norman Mountjoy fa- mily on New Year's Day.-Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Shook -andi Mar- janie Anne, Toronto, with Mrs. John Marlow. Mr. Sam Jeffry is visiting bis micc Mrs. Katherine Dawney, Toronto.-Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kew- en,. Toronto anti London, at the Trewin Bros.-Mr. andi Mrs. Wal- lace Holmes and baby, Oshawa, with Mrs. Jas. Farder. Mr,. Murray Werry, Queen's University, Kingston, with Mn. anti Mrs. Rupert Werry.-Mrs. Sara Weld-on, Uxbridge, with Mr. and Mrs. James Parr and Mrs. Robt. Parr. Mr. and Mrs. T. Samelîs and Marris and Mr. S. Ferguson with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Venning.- Misses Mabel and Wiima Van Camp, Toronto, Helen of Oshawa, and Jessie, Seagrave, witb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. VanCamp.-Mrs. R. B. Harrison's mother, Mrs. Parks, is at the Pansonage. Mr. Norman Green is aur reeve again for 1947 as *a resuit of the nominations on Dec. 30. Roy Ferguson and Laverne Devitt re- signed as councillors. Arthur Bailey and, George Black are fill- ing the vacancies. New Year's Bye dance in the hall was weli attended. Music was supplied by Manchester or- chestra. We have aur share of snow but with two snowpiows whizzing by our doar we shouîd fare allright. Mrs. W. J. Swain (farmerly Lii- .y Prust of'Biackstock) died Dec. 30 at ber home at Grandview, MIan. With the local rink in full swing and lots of good ice thei hockey season is beginning ta take form. At present hockey nights are Monday and Friday. Juniors practîce 7:30 ta 8:30 witb the sen-C iors on hand ta coach. Seniors take over for the rest of the ev- ening. Wallace Mariow is pres- ident; Harold Crawford, mana- ger; Ivan Thompson, coach, and Roy Stinsan, secretary. The teachers arc ail back at schools, the young people teacb- ing elsewhere have neturned ta their charges. Miss Dorothy Bowers, Toronto Normal, is ob-V serving at the Public School tfi'l-s week. 0. Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. F. C. Davidson, Mrs. W. Riding, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. Sam Cale (nec Nellie Higgin- aon), Wetaskine, Sask., at Mn. and Mrs. H. G. Frecman's.-Mr. and Mtrs. Gardon Martin, Oshawa, Miss Louie King, Toronto, at Mn. and Mrs. R. L. Worden's.-Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Miss Mildred, Mn. Bob Snowden, Mn Lawrence Wnagg, [amilton, were ententained toaa Mew Ycar's Bye dinner at the ame, of Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. lames, Town.- Mn. Lawrence Vragg, McMaster's University, [amîlton, at Mms. L. C. Snaw- len's. Sympathy is extended ta Mms. FJ. Bell and family, Base Line, n the sudden passing of husband rid father. We welcome Mn. and Mrs. Hol- îes, son, Jim ta aur community ,aving purchased Jim Armstrong's arm. Sorry ta baose Mm. and Mrs. m Armstrong and family from lr cammunity. They have maved lck ta Devitt's. Jim bas acccpted tposition with the Hydro in sbawa. Wc welcome Mr. and Mrs. San- omd ta aur cammunity, tbey have .irchased the farm from Mn. loose, better known as the Lymer anm. Services were called off on .nday owing ta the road con- itian. Rcv. Sam Henderson, To- onto University, will preacb on ;inday. Mrs. Roy VanCamp with ber ther and sister tri Oshawa. Burketon 1 Hamipton Holiday Visitons: 1 Mn. and Mrs. Ken«taverly and sons, Douglas and Bruce, and C. W. Souch with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cale, Bowmanviile. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Robin- son and baby with Mr. and Mrs. H. Bail, Taunton. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tomlin- son and son, Bowmanville, at F. Rogers'. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Purdon and family, Toronto, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Purdon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Price and son, Billy, Willowdale, at A. E. Billett's. Mrs. Fred Honey and Mrs. Will White with the former's daughter, Mrs. Paul Kelly, Oshawa. Mr. A. E. Billett was in Peter- bora on Thursday with Mr. H. E. Price. Mrs. M. Heard, Bnniskillen, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Haskin. Miss Dora 'Purdon returned to, ber duties as health nurse in the Port McNichol area and Miss Margaret ta ber school at Cherry- wood after bolidays with their parents bere. Mrs. S. Kerscy and son, Ted, with relatives in Toronto. - Misses Cecile Petit and Gladys Cbapman, TorontowtMran Mrs. W. Chapman. wt r n Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin and daughte;s Erma andtila, Thorn- ton's Corners, Mrs. John Hoskin, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Has- kmn, Harmony, at J. W. Balson's. Miss Marion Kersey, Oshawa, at home. Raymond Petit has gone ta Ham- ilton to, take a course in cabinet making. Mr. andi Mrs. J. Balson and Jean with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin, Thornton's Corners. Mrs. E. Adamson attended the funenai of an uncle in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ciemens, Bawmanviiîe, Mr. and Mns. La- verne Clemens, Ronnie anti Ban- ry, 'Hampton, with Mn. and Mns. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Bloyd Wilcox who were married ini the churcb Dec. 28tb. A short Missianary program was canducteti by the Missionary Supt. Mrs. Bruce Hogarth in the Sunday School session. Misses Yvonne Williams and Annabelle Adcock favored with a vocal duet and Mns. Harold Salter gave an interesting Missionary taik at the evening worsbip service. Com- munion was observed in charge of our pastar. Mn. Will Wilbur was appainted Sunday School Supenintendent. Christmas meeting and election of officers of the Womeris Miss- ionary Society was helti on Dec. 17th at the home of Mrs. Merwin Moauntjoy. President Mns. S. G. N.iddemy was in Uic chair. Meeting opened with singing of canais. Programme was the Christmasn Candlc Ligbt Service, depicting ndian Women impersonated by drs. Niddery, Mrs. G. Adcock, M'Is. A. B. Biilett and Canadian Wamen, Mns..J. R. Reynôids, Mrs. H. Salter, Mrs. E. H. Cale and Mrs. Chas. Dow. This programme was prepancti and presidcd aven by M'rs. Chas. Dow. These afficens were elected: Past President-Mrs . S. G. Niddery; President-Mrs. A. E. Billett; lst Vice-President--Mrs. Rev.) Linstcad; Secretary-Mrs. A. L. Blanchard; Asst. Secretary-î Mrs. Gilbert Adcock; Treasurer- Mrs. Harold Salter; ianists-Mrs. E.H. Cale and Mrs. M. Mountjoy January meeting at Mrs. J. R Rey olds' with Mrs. M. Mountjoy i hfarge of programme. Pontypool Friday evening at the home of Mns. John Crowley. In the ab- sence of the president, the vice- president, Mrs. Crowiey, was in the chair. Mn. Hancock led in the devotional period anti after a short business session the mcm- bers playeti Chinese Cheekers and joined in a social time. Misses Inene andi Gladys Hick- ey went ta Toronto for an audition an the Ken Soables Amateur Hour. We are sorry to repart the pass- ing of Mn. Norman Hoimes a life- long resident of Manvens wbo had ieft just a few weeks previousiy ta spend the winter witb bis niece in Aurore. Although be had fat been well bis condition was fat considered seriaus. Mn. Norton Chambers, Toronto, spent a day in Pontypool necently. New Yean's guests at Bd. Youngman's were Mn. and Mrs. Don Thompson, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Spankes, Toronito, Mn. anti Mrs. Art Yourigman;, Tyrane anti Cal. Wilmot, M.C., Toronto. At Mn. and Mrs. Mel Gray's wemc Mr. and Mns. Liptrott and son, Fern Gray, Mn. and Mrs. Louis Webb and bis mother Mrs. Gray, Peterborough. Mrs. Loshaw, Frerîkford, with ber daugbter, Mrs. Colin Richard- son. The many fniends of Mrs. Paul- cy, formerly a teacher here, werc glad ta have ber celi during ber visit here with Mn. anti Mrs. Ger- aid Fisk. Miss Hazel Mountjay with Mr. and Mns. Wm. Miller. Miss Hazel Rennie, Peterbor- ough, Andrew Rennie, Toronto, with their parents, Mn. and Mrs. Win. Rennie. At the annual scbaol meeting Ed. Bredin was re-electeti trustee for another tbnee-yeen tenm. Oth- er sitting members are Hamry Richardsonj anti Bd. Cain. Service at the United, Church in Pontypool is being belti in the afternoon at 3 o'clock during the winter months. Sunday Scbaoî precedes the service at 2 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cain with hein daughter Mn. anid Mrs. George Vaughn, Toronto. Mr. Edwin Hancock spent part of the past week with bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hancock, Newcastle. He netunnedti t Ton- onto Monday ta resume bis studies at Emmanuel College, University of Toronto. To reacb a pont, we must sail, ametimes witb the wind and sometimes against it, but we must Rail, and fat drift, non lie at an- ,hon.-Oliven Wendeil Holmes. Bnergy will d-o anything that ,an be donc in this wonlti, anti no tlents, no circumatanccs, no op- anrtunities will-make a mari with- >ut it.--Gothe. f Jury & 1Lovel Skis - Harness - Boots - Lame Foies - Mltts - Caps - Socks Waxes - Car Ski Carriers Used Skates and Boots - Laces Guards - Ankie Supports Complete Hune of hockey equip.. ment - wool socks - sweatshirts pullovers - hockey sweaters- hockey stockings - wind- breakers - wool toques Bicycles - Tricycles- Kiddle Cars - Joyriders - Scooters Wagons - Sleighs- Toys and Games 30-30 and 32 Speclal Marlin Rifles Bowling- Gym - Badminton Flshing -Tennis -Basebal Rugby -Soccer -Football Basketball Equlpment Harness applied to Skis Skates Welded Bicycle and other repairs as usual. McNulty's Sports Shop Bowmanvllle - Ontario 1 -Jttll. 10, lZI'ti. Z-1- 1 9 e j e 31 r i

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