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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1947, p. 4

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t I I . PAGE POUR TEE CANADIAN STATZSMAN, BOWMANVU.LLE. ONTAIO £&A~JAWJA.#~~ ~, UZ~.A1. UW1~ AW~ 'I~1T~aT~A~7 TAWT ft4L 15%âf~ Following usual practice Thi Statesmnan enumierates from il news columns many of the eveni that have appeared in headline from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1946. 11 another column will be found sep arate lists of the armed services The following items received pro minence: Jan. 3: James Marr heads Ma sonic Lodge. Hugh Cameron ap pointed local Registrar. Arthui Gay passes. Jan. 10: New council sworn ir Jan. 7. M. Breslin heads Legior Hospital fupd over $19,000 fron private donors. Charlie Stephen. son, MP., gets priority on camI buildings. Tom Baker, Sr., die! Jan. 7. School Area in opera. tion. Jan. 24: Rubber workers 7-poin, demands. Fire at Scotty Brown's Annual meeting Orono Fair. Jan. 31: Florence NightingalE Lodge observes 75th anniversary Wood's Senate banquet. Rotar3 record, 5 fathers, 5 sons. NevA policy at B.T.S. J. C. Franklir story, lived in 3 centuries. Feb. 7: Dr. Birks final health re- port. Durham Liberals organize Radio Shop opens. Council de- cides purch ase of camp buildings Robson Farm Equipment opens Charles Carter, Jr., Dist. Gov. oi Lions. Feb. 14: Thirty vets sign foi town housing. Women's legion gives' $400 for vets homecoming. Goodyear develops new synthetic. Annual police report. Feb. 21: Masonic banquet, New- castle. Harry Allin's grocery re- modeled. Fire at Northcutt a nd Smith's. Conservatory exams. Home and Sehool 3th anniver- sary. Juveniles win district hock- ey title. Feb. 28: Vanstone Bros. take ov- er mill. Fire burns Rotary coats. Many vets join Legion. Three town hockey teams win league titles and no home rink. March 7: B.H.S. at home. Frec Bowen Chairman Ganaraska comn mittee. Hospital, rink, school helc up, no materials. March 14: County Shorthorr sale. Legion wins Ontario shîeld. Band banquet. Durham Lodge centennial, Newcastle. Hancock fire loss $20,000. March 21: Jr. Farmers wir warden's Trophy lth time. Tax rate upped to 40 milis. Mrs. R. Richards passes, age 99. Wheel* ers win league. Mrs. Alf Shrubb passes. .PILLOWS QUILTS We have a Laundry or Cleaning Service to Take Care of Ail Your Requirements. OSHAWA LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING COMPANY LTD. Phone: Zenith 13000 *Collections and Deliveries Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday %nom.Review- of l19 rIN~ From Statesu ards. Rugby season opens. Wooti's Douglas and Mrs. Oke with the Senate in iaew quarters. B.H.S. latter's sister and famnily in Osh- wins district championship. Or- awa. ono fair winners. Mr. anti Mrs. Gordon Osborne Oct. 10: Goodyear statement on and Lynda have returneti to No- strike. B.T.S. returns to quar- bel. ters. St. Paul's 1l2th annivers- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bragg, ary. Public School fieldi day. Shaw's, at the Werry home. Bowling league opens. John Mr. and Mrs. Esli Oke with their Lyle's 98th birthday. daughter, Mrs. Elson, anti Jack, Oct. 17: Progressive Conserva- Bowmanviile. tives meet at Cobourg. Health Sympathy Is extendeti to the Unit to supervise school health. family of the late Joseph Bell. He Story of "Your Paper" told at was burieti in Bowmanville cem- Rotary. Legion Armistice dinner. etery. Oct. 24: Goodyear strike endis Sympathy is also extendedi to Oct. 21. Community Council or- Herman Sweetman in the loss of ganizeti. Breslin's- commence his mother, Mrs. Sweetman, whose broadcast. Businessmen petition funeral was helti at Little43ritain. council on street repairs. Lions Congratulations are extendeti concerts commence. to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. DeCoe on Oct. 31: Health Unît reports il the arrivai of their little tiaugh- cases of polio. Joint meeting, Ro- ter, Jane Valerie, on December tar3--Lions. Jr. Farmers win 27, at the Oshawa General Hos- honors. Legion zone rally. King pital. Also to Mr. and Mrs. Cur- Street contract publisheti. Farm tis Gearing, on the arrivaI of their Forums resume. Newcastle Board littie daughter at Bowmanville of Trade banquet. Hospital. Nov. 7: Rotary Anns entertain Due to weather conditions the m ý46 Happenings ian Headliues "OXODOODLE ie March 28: Scouts annual ban- R Z s quet. Rev. J. dePencier Wright a ;s appointed to St. John's. Wheelers W IN N ER S s win O.B.A. championship. :n April 4: Dr. Bruce resigns as PIE Jci cavi M.P. Ab Piper's teamn wins lsL 134 Windsor St.rvi bowling title. Contracts calleti g0S.00 Ha1ifàY, N.S. rfor town housing. Garnet Rick- ard, Alex Hendry, win top awards àat Quinte Fair. MeNulty Sports 2nd. PRIZE 'Mr. W.Baron )-Shop opens. Morrisis Road ir April Il: Darlington football $25000 Highlmnd Creek revived. Group meets to organ- Ont. n ize Chamber of Commerce. Jer-a . usalem Lotige welcomes soldier 3rd. PRIZE Mis, M. Ta,,ton n members. Local farms bought 22 Roxy Apts. ifor vets. Cartwright votes $20,000 $1000O Winnipeg. man. p for roads. 5s April 18: Hugh Templin, week- CHILDREN'S Pierre Chulebois -ly editor gets LLD. Forbes Hey- land Rotary president. Rev. W. lsL PRIZE 3207 Est. Onitari. it Rackham appointeti to Manilla. $00 Montreal. Que. sGlen Rae Dairy enlarges. New a sewer excavated. CHILDREN'S Robert Eaton .e April 25: Ross Stevens Lion s i. president. George Hart gets 50- 2nd. PRIZE CarMe,. Sask. Y year jewel from S.O.E. Local $250 ,v pantic in meat buyîng. Daylight n saving proclaimed. HLRN SadaCri May 2: X-ray clinic held. Robt. CHIDRE'S anr rnceS -Moffatt fire at Orono. Mr. and 3rd. PRIZE Chapprlottetn Mrs. R. R. Stevens present gowns m to Maple Grove choir. $00 L May 9: Council plans 14 more 3housing units. Dr. RudelI joins e Congratulations ta thse Win- fDr. J. C. Devitt. Roti and Gun ners above and to tise other 635 officers elected. Annual Lions Winners in Oxo's Oxadoodie r banquet. C. Stephenson, M.P., re- Contest. Other Winners are n ports from Ottawa. being informed by mail and of May 16: Hon. D. Abbott at Can. course StUC money for ail Club. Cadet inspection. Legionawdshegoeowrd cross unveilet a t cemetery -Knights of Columbus welcome -vets. May 23: Chamnber of Commerce formed. Mrs. A. J. Frank heads Home and School Club. Goodi- year and Union publish state- Remember for the mon delicious ments. County Health Unit re- saups, stews andgravies You hae ee view. tasted. for steaming invigorating May 30: Judge Cameron report deiicious hot drinks... conveahent on rubber dispute. Lions Inter- and su ecanamical... always use Oxol national night. Town housîng un -_____________ der way. Dr. Geo. Werry opens IOshawa dental office. June 6: New building by-law Ipassed. Palmer Bros. open war brides. New night constable Chrysler agency. Bahl leagues re- hired. Community Council dir- sume.. ector approved, salary $2,400. June 13: Lions vote $1,000 for Public School oratory contests at new hospîtal. Rubber union is- Orono. Badminton club is reor- sues statement. Landi bought for ganized. new school. Dr. W. P. Fletcher Nov. 14: Town housing contract tretires. C. J. Hughson, Orono, publîshed. Harold Gully speaks observes 99th 'birthday. at Rotary. Junior Farmers win June 20: Salute to Agriculture at Royal. Assessment revised up- special edition. Tenders called ward. Many oil furnaces instal- for King St. repairs. Story of led.'Honor Roll for Remembrance pioneers tolti. Town gets ship's Day. Health Unit inoculates 10,- bell. 000. -June 27: Farm Federation pic- Nov. 21: Christmas Seal drive nic. X-ray clinic report. Cem- commences. Redi Shielti tops ob- etery memorial services. Good- jective. Lions, open Youth centre. year strike starts June 24. Atom Newcastle banquets vets. List of bomb test at Bikini. Dryden DurVm teachers. Shorthorn history. Nov. 28: Council nominations July 4: Resuits H.S.* exams. leave 4 seats vacant. B.H.S. comn- Heat wave sets in. Hîgh School mencement. Officers elected to grads win scholarships. Howard Community Council. Durham Courtice gets M.B.E. grower Ontario potato king. Pub- July 1l: Rotary Fair. Music ex- lic. Utilities report. Blackstock am results. Vernon Knowles school commencement. Rh.ys Fair- awarded O.B.E. Beacock reun- bairn passes. ion. Clothing drive successful. Dec. 5: Dr. Harold Slemon is July 18: Rev. G. Cameron awarded F.R.C.S. Outside firm Quigley comes to St. Paul's. B.T. completes King St. job. Roy Ni- S. resumes quarters. Fire Dept. chois "At Home" Newcastle. Lo- gets inhalator. County Health re- cal men win at Chicago. Mink port. U.S.A. press goodwill tour, ranch at Orono pictured. Early Darlington history told. Dec. 12: Second nomination July 25: 2nid Batt. reunion. calleti. Clarke votes $8,000 for Camp Samac story. Frigid Lock- new hospital. W. F. Rickard, er system expantis. Werry 73rd heads Canadian Club. Hydro drive Anug. 1:ienionrjet to save power. Holstein and Aug 1:Unon ejetsGoodyear Shorthorn annual conventions. offer. Fîrst housîng unit solti. Dec. 19: Council ends year; Chamber of Commerce contacts seeks $250.000 credits. Longworth new industries. Scholarship for High School an- Aug. 8: Heavy storm, hail, des- nounced. Statesmnan rates ad- troys apples. Beach sporés held. vanceti. Fetieration of Agricul- Field crop winners. Local Hol- ture banquet. Early history of steins go to South America. Durham tolti. Health Unit, year's Aug. 15: Lions carnival. Polio report. epidemic feareti. Major Virgin Dec. 24: Four businessmen el- appointed Director Ontario Re- ecteti to council. Fîre Dept. story formn Institutions. Tom Dustan told. Women's Institute entertain passes. Local peaches harvested. war brides. Winter sports com- Aug. 22: Legion popularity car- mence. Happy New Year to ev- nival. Balmoral Hotel sold. Up- eryone. per School results. Local flor -__________ ists win, honors. Cryderman- Ruse picnic. Hampton wîns the C utc football championship. .u tc Augy .029:Mayor Morris at Van- ____ Starkville Holiday Visitors: Misses Beulah. and Norma Hallowell, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wark and Joan, Weston, Mr. W. Henry, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hallowell and family at Mr. Llew Hallowell's. Miss Josie Trim, Oshawa, and Mr. Bill Trim, Port Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Trim. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Savery, Betty and Wm. Savery at Lawr- ence Savery's, Oshawa. Miss Helen Dechert with her mother in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson and Mary Lou in Toront6. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hallowell and Miss Bertha Hallowell at J. HaIlowell's. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Paeden at Mrs. J. Paeden's, Newtonville. Mr. anid Mrs. Llew Hallowell and family with Mr. and Mrs. T. Falls, Kendal. A fine Christmas concert was presented in Starkville school by the puphls. It was well attended and great credit is due the teach- er, Miss Dechert for the fine pro- gram. Some attended the concert at Crooked Creek which was a suc- cess. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd and son at Mr. Clinton Farrow's, in Newtonville. Mr. D. Parker has returned from Lindsay. Mr. Allan Haw, Fort Frances, at Sid Hallowell's. Miss Dorothy Farroýw in Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lowery and family, Toronto, at A. Dobson's. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hallowell at Garnet Ha]lowell's, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stone at John Stone's, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell and Jackie at E. White's, Eliza- bethville. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott, New- castle, at W. Carson's. A serîous fire destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Keis-, This is the only national appeal to be made in Canada withmn the next twelve mon tha for Chinese relief. 1er on New Year's day. Miss Helena HallowAefl at homie. Mr. Roy McKay, Bronte, with Arthur McKay. Misses Audrey and Lorraine Farrow, Newcastle, at home. Mrs. R. Farrow at Clinton at home. -'Farrow's, Newtonville. Mrs. C. Reid and Hazel, Toron- to, at Willred Wood's. Mr. Reg. Bolton, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. George Smith. 1Miss Eileen Farrow, Bradley's, ..they " know how" to find ail the aches and pains your car may have. You may be sure your auto will get Ai care when our experienced 'mechanios check it. Drive in today! GARTON'S GARAGE Phone 2666 King St. E., Bowmanvflle This old peasant, bis farmn devastated by the japanesé, is too weak to work. His diet for months bas been grass and roots. 0f China's people, 83 per cent. are farmers. Mil- lions are in urgent need of food, clothes, medical supplies. UNRRA's work is ending; voluntary agencies must carry on. Canada must do ber share. Will YOU belp? China, a good neigbbor and 9asomer, will not' Me f*v'à/ China, a Good Neighbor, cails to YOU 1 CANADIIAN AID TO CHIINA M~ecbffl-Payable ta CANADIAN AID TO CHINA anm aii mProvicial Hoadq*rru Ontario Committee Headquarters - Room 101, 371 Bay St., Toronto 1 Chafrman - H. B. Burgoyne, St. Catharines, Ont.Vlce-Chalrman - C. R. Rowntree, London, Ont. Treasurer - E. J. Case, Imperial Bank of Canada, Bay ani Temperance Streets, Toronto 1 gathering was small, at the home of George and Mrs. Reynolds, on Friday night, but nevertheless two lovely occasional chairs were pre- sented to the recent bride and groom, Wallace and Mrs. Barra- bal. A nicely-worded address was read by Mrs. Eddie Warbur- ton. Refreshments were served and an enjoyable time spent to- gether. Best wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Werry from their many friends and relatives on celebrating their 59th wedding anniversary on Dec. 28. Glad to report that both are enjoying fair- ly good health and l al hope they may be spared to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rundle, who have resided at Ebenezer al their lives, have sold their proper- ty for the new highway and will make their home in Oshawa. The Highway Sunday School held its annual meeting when the following officers were appoint- ed: Superintendent, Mrs. Heron; assistant superintendent, Eddie Warburton; secretary, Eldon Es- sery; treasurer, Geo. Johnston; treasurer of building fund, Geo Barber; Cradle Roll supervisors, Mrs. J. Gearing and Mrs. Bob Barber. PUT YOUR CAR' IN OUR~ EXPERTS HAN OS - THEY HAVE TM£E N. aDRAPES i cleaninu 4Made tdsv 1 By Sending Us Your aCURTAINS aCUSHION COVERS aSLIP COVERS mBLANKETS = = ofhS cksneezy WoeksFast Right Wh.r. =aethemmnt you puta few droouleIs Of Va-tro-nol up ecd nostr!.Sots irritation, relleves congestion, niakes breathing easier ln a hurry. Also hdp Pventray clsfrom developn Ifusin tm.just t 1tWorks im Folw drcin der. VIKS VAI-TRONRO No More Setting Dough Overnight 1 m TT4TMqlnAv -TAM 1».h 1047 kT

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