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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1947, p. 7

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THURSDAY, JAN. Gth, 1947 THI~ CANADIAN STATL~MAN BOWMAN TLT~W. flMTAWTO A<IU! Marr's Jewellery. PHONE 463 43 KING ST. W. -N in and take advantage of stunning Coats at amazing reductions. . . Ail sizes, colou.rs, styles. IN SMART DRESSES Dresses taiored for you, de- signed to Élirn your figure, place flattery where you want it. You'll be pleased and delighted with aur New Year's selections at budget prices. Be sure ta corneini and see thern to-day. MEN'S OVERCOATS Just the thing for cornfort and style. A wide selection of Overcoats in a range of styles, sizes and colours ta meet every budget. Get yaurs today while the selection is good. Couch, iohnston & Cryderman PHONE 836 LTD.- BOWXANVILLE Miss Mary Southey visited Miss Barbara Virgin, Leaside. Miss Rae Wright was guest with her sister, Mrs. W. Davis, Toronto. *Mrs. F. Cator Is visiting her son at Windsor. Mrs. Roy Sainles visited her sop in Stratford. Mrs. G. C. Bonnycastie has re- turned fromn visiting Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Gould, North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. -Bail, Rich- mond Hill, were guests of the Misses Allen. Miss Lena Haddy, Toronto, spent New Year's with Mrs. Har- ry Foster. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wright and sons, Trenton, spent the holldays with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wright. Mr. W. L. Scott, Sutton, spent New Year's with the Misses Allen and Miss Scott, Beech Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Richards, Toronto, spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. Len Richards. Mr. W. Clarke, Division St., has returned ta London after holiday- ing at home. Miss Wilma Richards visited her sister, Miss Darothy Richards, Toronto. Miss Margaret Buck, Toronto, was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart James at New Year's. Mrs. Alf. Nichols and Ferne, Whitby, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nichais. Miss Lillian Osborne is a stu- dent teacher at Shaw's School this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Downey, Manvers Road, were guests with Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Beamis of Oshawa. Miss Mari orie Purdy, Fart Wil- liam, spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Purdy, King St. Mr. Russell Moffatt and Miss Doris Mighton, Toronto, spent New Year's with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Moffatt. Miss Helen Gunn, Toronto, spent Christmas and New Year's holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gunn. Mrs. R. M. Jamieson and Mrs. H. Jamieson spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. oscar Jamieson, Peterboro. Miss Greta Palmer, Belleville, Miss Rose Palmer and Mr. Russell Jacobs, Toronto, were guests o! Mrs. Nellie Palmer. Mr. Paul Symons of Victoria University and Mr. Kelvin Symons of Toronto University visited their mother, Mrs. Muriel Symons. Miss Ida Weekes, R.N., Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toronto, spent the holiday with her sister, Miss Edith Weekes. Agricultural Representative Ed. Summers is attending the Junior1 Farmers' Short Course at Bethany on Jan. 7th ta Jan. 3lst. Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Bunner, Elsie, David and Alan, Whitby, spent New Year's with Mrs. Muriel Symons and Miss Vivian Bunner. Misses Patricia and Winona Clarke have returned ta Univer- sity of Toronto after holidaying with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Clarke, Lover's Lane. Dr. Dorathy M. James, Mrs J. B. E. Staples, Mr. C. H. Haddy, Toronto, were holiday guests of! Mrs. Norman James and Mrs. C. H. Mason. Miss Gladys Jamieson, Windsor,1 Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Cameron, Oshawa, spent the holiday week with their mother, Mrs. R. M. Jam- ieson. Badminton challenge matches start Saturday evening in Bad- minton Hall with a local aggrega- tion of raquet wîelders taking on Peterborough.t Mr. and Mrs. Norman Clemenst and Marilyn, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Clemens, Ronniec and Barry, Hampton, were New Year's guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Clemens. Miss Gladys Miller, Westan Col- legiate staff, Mrs. WillýAllchin and Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Fox, Oshawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Alîchin.s Mr. aMl Mrs. R. Williamson and Mrs. T. Johns and Freddie, To- ronto, and Miss Audrey Dean,T CHURCH£S EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Pastor: H. W. O'Brien Sunday il a.m.-Bellevers' Meeting 7:30 p.m.-Evangelistic Meeting Wednesday 8 p.m.-Prayer TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, January 12, 1947 11 a.m.-Holy Communion and reception of members "In the sttength of that meat." 7 p.m.-Young People's Union Installation and candie lîghting service "Religion and Recreation." ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH lst Sunday After Epiphany 8 a.m.-Holy Communion il a.m.-Morning Prayer Subjeet: "Another Way." Nursery: 2 years and over 2:30 p.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class 7 p.m.-Evensong. Subject. "Conversion." istrate Gee dismissed a case against two local mex charged by Newcastle police for fighting on the street. Barrister L. C. Mason, for the defence, was suc- cessful in his argument. A paiienger plane was busy Saturday afternoon taking up children for a sky-ride. Equipped with skis it landed and tpok off on the J. J. Flett farm, Liberty St. The youngsters had a grand time. After the recent heavy snow storm Goodyear employees gaing to work between 6:30 and 7 in the morning were agreeably sur- prised to fînd the street had been plaughed out. This is a great convenience. arranged by the cor- pbration and the Goodyear which is. much apprecîated by the em- ployees. Mr. A. W. Pickard was called ta Kîngsville Christmas weekend owing ta the sudden passîng of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Russell Pickard, who died Dec. 20-th and was buried in Kingsville, Dec. 23. Mr. and Mrs. Pickard and daugh- ter, Mrs. O'Heron (Paullne) vis- ited his brother and family one month previaus. Zion Mr. Jack Stainton at Wingham and Toronto visiting relatives.- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hulatt and Victor, Oshawa, at Russell Per- kins'.-Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stain- ton and Eileen, Jack Stainton at Misses Eleanar and Lyla Stain- tan's, Oshawa.-Mr. and Mrs. P. Langmaîd and Bernice, Osha*a, at Russell Robbins'.-Mrs. W. Glaspel with Mrs. F. B. Glaspel far the winter.-Mr. and Mrs. L. Metcalfe and Larry, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hawley, Peter- bore, Mr. andl Mrs. Lloyd Stain- ton and Gale, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Ayre at A. T. Stainton's for New Year's.-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron and Helen at John Shackelton's.-Mr. and Mrs. Don Stewart, Agincourt, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart and Diane, Toronto, at Mel. Morgan's:-Mr. and Mrs. August Geissberger and «family, Harmony, Mr. and Mrs. John Sut- ter and sons, Maxwcll's,. Misses Alice and Margaret Sidier, Thorn- ton's Carners, Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Knowlton, Oshawa, Mr. Herman Schmid Jr., and Miss Mary Schmid, Newcastle, at Hans Geissberger's. Mrs. N. Hircack is in Oshawa Hospital for X-rays. Mrs. Alex Fisher is stili ill aftcr having the jaundice. Miss Cowan, Oshawa, student teacher at S.S. No. 12, is staying at Alex McMaster's this week. Mr. Thas. Martin has been laid up with sciatica. Obituary (Arnprior Chronicle) MRS. DON H. BROWN The sudden passing of Mrs. Donald H. Brown came aj a severe shock ta the whole community when it was learned she had dicd in hospîtal here Sunday morning, Dec. 22, after an illnee of anly four days. The late Mrs. Brown, who was 39 years of age, was one of Arn- prior's most active wamen and, a leader in many spheres. She was wideiy known thraughout the Upper Ottawa Valley and espe- cially so among lady curiers, be- cause curling was a game in which she excelled.. It was oniy Wednesday last that Mrs. Brown became iii and on Thursday she was aamitted ta the local hospital where an opera- tion was performed late Satur- day night. She came through the ordeal but she did not rally and at eight o'clock Sunday morning she passed away. Mrs. Brown's maiden name was Thea Lillian Martyn, born at Bowmanville, daughter o! Harry Lamne Martyn and. the late Mrs. Martyn. Rer mother died when she was an infant and an aunt, Mrs. Mabel E. Couch, of Bowman- ville became her foster mother. In 1924 she became the wife o! D. H. Brown and six years later they came ta Arnprior ta resid-e. She had been a resident here ever since. active in the work o! Grace- St. Andrew's United Church, once praminent as a vocalist in the choir, giving generously of her time and talents in any worthy cause and excelling in athletics especially swimming and paddl- ing. Only a few days ago she, mc- signed as president of the Arn- prier Ladies' Curling Club. She was a member o! the Eastern Star the Women's Institute and various organizations in the church. She was a devoted wife and mother. hier home bcing her greatest in- tcrest in if e. Surviving are her father, pres- ently rcsiding in Saskatchewan. her husband, Kenwood Milîs sales representative, twa sons and two laughters. Douglas Brown, of the ..C.N., Halifax, Mrs. Howard Slater, James and, Ann, ail o! Arnprior. The aunt, Mrs. Couch, survives, as do twa grandchildren. The funeral toak place on Dec. 24th in Grace - St. Andrew's Un- ted Church, where service was conducted by Rev. D. H. Wood- house. Interment was in Arn- prier cemctery. Palibearers were H. A. Short, R. M. Neilsan, C. A. Mulvihili, i tg e c n A Iaw is valuabie not because it is lau,, but becausetrei ight in It.-Henry Ward Behr IIN THE DIM AND DISTANT PASI SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Ploue US Municipal election results: R. R. Loscombe, mayor for the sv enth year; J. K. Galbraith, reeve; Jos. Jeffery, deputy reeve; cauncil- lors, West Ward: J. McMurtry, J. B. Mitchell and J. H. Percy. South Ward, R. Worth, J. Lyle and Archie Tait. Samuel Hughes, Arden, Man., was in town and spoke hopefuily I.D.A. LAXATIVE COLD TABLETS------------- 25C MACLEAN STOMCH POWIER Buckley's Cinnimated Softor 1 Saler I1 ONBo.e, I Froua The St T7WENTY-FIVE YnARS AGO January 5, 1922 New Year's reunioni of the Bragg family was held at W. S. Bragg's Kingston Road, with rel- atives present from. Toronto, Bea- verton, Darlington Township and Bowmanville. John F. Gould, age 87, an early Pioncer of East Whit¶iy township and father of M. G. V. Gould, bar- rister, passed away. A pleasant surprise was given Mr. and, Mrs. Donald MacDonald on their l5th wedding annivcrsary and gifts of an electric toaster and a reading lamp were pre- sented. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Martin cel- ebrated, their 25th wedding anni- versary with an evening party when games and. dancing were enjoyed by their friejid6. Members of the -Public School Board were: F. F. Morris, Chas. F. Rice, M. A. James, Dr. C. W. Siemon, A. N. McMillan and Win. Brock. Miss Nellie Gould was married ta Frederick J. Ellis, B.Sc., Iro- quois Falls, at the home of hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Gould, King St. Mrs. Jean Squair Grant, widow of the late Rev. John Pinch, pass- ed. away in hier 87th- year. Win. Rickard, J.P., Newcastle, aged 79 years, passed away*after a brief illness. He was an impor- tant figure in the life of Darling- ton township and Newcastle. Durham Shorthorn Breeders' Association was organized with John Baker, Hampton, president, andi F. C. Paterson, Port Hope, secret ary- treasurer. Blackstock: George Tate Black- stock for whom the village of Blackstock was named passed away in his 65th year. He con- tested the office of M.P. for Dur- ham in 1887.-R. Philp, secretary of Cartwright Agricultural Society reported a successful year at the annual meeting. Hampton: W. R. Allun was ap- pointed issuer of marriage licen- ces.-Rev. W. H. Spargo preached a fine sermon relative to the hol- iday spirit. Solina: S. E. Werry was elected school trustee and R. J. McKes- sock was appointed a delegate ta the O.E.A., Toronto.-A public meeting was held ta discuss the erection of a community hall.- Alf Ayre exhibited sheep at Ot- tawa Fair winning many prizes. FIFTY YEARS AGO both grooms. Bridesmaids were Miss Addie Balson and Miss Reid. THE STATESMAN NOW SOLD AT THESE STORES Newcastle: J. S. Dyer Drug Store, D. G. Walton. Hampton: G. A. Barron & Son. Enniskillen-T. M. Siemon & Son. Blackstock: H. T. Saywell. Nestle'ton: J. G. Thompson. Pontypool: J. Crowley. Orono: Tyrrell's Drug Store. Newtonvillê: W. C. Lane & Co. Tyrone: F. L. Byam. Bowmanville: W. J. Berry, J. W. Jewell1, Jury & Loveil, W. J. Bagnell, Statesman Office. Goodness and benevolence nev- er tire. They maintain themselves and others and neyer stop from exhaustion.-Mary Baker Eddy. tateomaa File@ of bright prospects for farmers in the prairie provinces. Mrs. W. L. Keyrs received word o! the sudden passing of her bro- ther Daniel P. Kane, St. Louis, Miss. Thomas Nichols and Mark Prout held successful auction sales in Darlington with L. A. W. Tole as auctioneer. Thomas Ni- chois will occupy the Jordon pro- perty east of Pinch's nursery in town. A. L. Nicholîs, "The Fair," was well pleased with a new "Queen" stove which burned -large raugh knots of wood and and -stayed in overnight. Dr. W. E. Tilley, superintend- cnt, presidcd at a fine concert of the Methodist Sunday School. Rev. H. A. Strike gave the open- îng exercises and, prayer. George Rice gave valuable aid ta the singing with coriuet accompani- ment. Miss Gertie Young, Miss Lottie Brimacombe and, Miss Ena Trebilcock acted as accompanists for a fine pragramn. C. B. Kent and W. Furze, rep- resented Bowmanville at an or- ganization m-eeting of the Midland Hockey League held i the Ben- nett House and Mr. Kent was ap- pointed treasurer. Marriages includcd William Bens Mutton and Matilda Fogar- ty, Alfred John Heari and- Eliz- abeth Beer and Herbert Henry Dilling and Alberta May Hancock, all of Bowmanville. Enfleld: Jas. Scott showed, a team of horses at Raglan Winter Fair andi sold one for $12500.- Eleven members were initiated at the Sons o! England Lodge and an oyster supper was given in honor of visiting brethren from Bowmanville, Hampton and Blackstock. Newcastle: The new electric lights are expected to shine in about a week's time.-Miss Dora Farncomb trained the chiidren o! St. George's Sunday School who gave a fine concert.-Edith Orch- ard, Annie Moore, Ada Allun, W. Pickard and J. Uglow gave untir- ing energy ta make the concert in the Methodist Church a most successful affaîr. Enniskîllen: Miss F. Virtue was presénted with a beautiful copy of Teacher's Bible for her efforts in the League and Christmas con- cert.-J. W. Virtue visitecl his brother in Illinois. Maple Grave: Herb. W. Folcy was presented by the scholars at Fraserville where he had been teaching, with a photograph al- bum, autograph album, fountain pen, writing paper, shaving mug and brush priar ta lis departure. -Miss Eva Annis, teacher, was presented with a gold dam at the school closing. T. H. Lockhart gave a fine addrcss, and lime-light views which were much enjoyed. Solina: Frank Orchard and Miss Clara Clarke and George Reid and Miss Helena Clarke were married. Wmn. Clarke supported PHONE 556 "BIG 201, Creotone,- for bronchial trou -bles . 98e Grove's Cold Tablets ........ 24c - 44e Idaphedrin Nose Drops .......... 50c Buckley's Mixture .......... 40c - 75c Vick's Vatronol ................. 43c Bayer Aspirin ........18c - 29c - 79c Pertussin 59c-99c-$1.39 Anacin Tablets 25c-49c C.B.Q. Tablets ---25e Mason's 1149" 40c-75c A NICE WAY Hâlbw Lit,, , Wampole's Extraet $1. A " Iitoiin cOmft -k th..,C "Obifd« Idasal Tablets 39c-89e ft e»@ 9* . ore U Musterole --------35e a Syrup White Fine 850 - $1.50 and Tar ------ 25c-45c ~- Buckley's White $2.75 Rub --------- 30c-50c Bulld Resistance -- Against Wlnter Colds Take VitamIns Now! W W'4 L Aiphamettes $1-$2-3.50 tel)~i Cod Liver 011, HIgh Test ---69c-$1.19 N.C.F. 1 N.C.F. Llquid $1.15-2.45-4.45 Horner's Maltlevol -- -------2.00 Vitadiet Capsules ----$1.15-$2.70 PR£SCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX LAURA SECORD CNM DRUOS PHONE 71 - WE à *The smnall courtesies swee"s 111e; the greater, ennoble it- Bovee. I ONI 211741 F lashIlghts C raiftMaterlals C rystal Croit Radio Service 0 yen Toasters W ax (Modelllng) Filectrician'. Tape K nives (X-Acto) 1Irons (Aatomatic) New Supplies G round Colour S caries' Paint. T rilites W ilson Buzzers B rushes (Paint) 0 Id Dutch Wax Water Paint Modeîîing Clay Appliance Service Neverub Polish V arnishes Implement Paint L amps (Desk) Lo-Glo Paint E namels Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.----------------- 39-6Se Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ---- 49c-73c ENOS 'FRUIT SALT' CLE-RRRCE 1947 Calendars Canadian - Floral - Scenie and Sacred HALF PRICE Costume Jewellery Ear Rings - Glamour Pins and Bracelets Sequins - Hand Painted Gold - Silver and Rhinestone HALF PRICE Use that Christmas money to brlghten your costume. Lending Library NEW BOOKS 3c a.Day - 15e a Week Je W, JEWELL / = = = E i I I I I i I j McOREOOR TRUPMAY, JAN. 9th, 1947 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOVJàLA.ýý ONTARIO PAGE SXVMr,

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