THURSDAY, JAN. 3th, 1947 'i'm. ('ANMAriTANM sTATESMAN. TBOWWANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE TEN ' -- -- - BIRTHS FOGG-At Bowmanville Hospi- tal on Sunday, January 26, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. John Fogg (nee Evelyn Woodward), a son. 5-1 JAMES-Mr. and, Mrs. William G. James, Bowmanville (nee Irene Fletcher, Glasgow, Scotland), are happy to annovnce - the birth of their daughter, Heather Irene, at the Private Patients Pavilion, To- ronto General Hospital, January 25, 1947. Mother and daughter are both doing well. RICHARDS-Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richards are happy to announce the birth of their son on Monday, January 27, 1947, at Bowmanville Hospital. 5-lA' YEO-Mr. and Mrs. Milton (Pat) Yeo, 31 Fulton Ave., Toronto, are happy to announce the birth of their son, Frederick Alexander (Ricky), on Sunday, January 19, at Grace Hospital, Toronto. 5-1 DEATII BROWN-In Darlington on Jan, 23rd, 1947, William Brown, son of the late Wiil and Jane Brown, in bis 86th year. PUGH-Suddeniy at Stouffviile, on Jan. 24, 1947, George Edmund Pugh, beloved busband of Maud Wilbur, and father of Lily (Mrs. A. H. Smith) of Oshawa and Don- ald Pugh of Bowmanville, in bis 7lst year. IN MEMORIAM BENNETT-In ioving memory of a dear husband and father, Ben- jamin Bennett, who passed away January 27tb, 1937. "We cannot clasp your hand dear Ben, *Your face we cannot see; But let this little token Tell that we still remember thee." -Ever rememberedi by wife Eliza, daughter Doris and son Harold. 5-1"' PROSSER-In fond and loving memory of our dear son, Denny, who pased away, Jan. 31, 1944. Three years have passed since the sad day, The one we loved was called away; God took bim home, it was His wiil, But in our hearts be liveth stili. -Sadily mîssed by Mamma and Daddy, brothers and sisters. 5-1 * RUNDLE-In loving memory of a dear brother and uncle, P.O. Sidney Gordon Rundie, missing over Germany, Jan. 29, 1945. Two years have slowly siipped by Silice that unforgettable day; We just can't believe you're gone, Dean Sid; To us you are just away. 'You share in our joy andi laughter Along with our sorrow and tears. None knew you but to love you, Your memnory grows sweet with the years. -Forever in our thoiights. Ed., Edythe, Ronnie and Gord. 5-1* RUNDLE-In proud and loving memory of our dear son and bro- ther,l Pilot Officer Sidney G. Rundie, missing over Germany, Jan. 29th, 1945. A good son lost, a dear brother gone The fondest fellow and the best. We mourn you wîth unspoken grief, And thoughts that cannot be ex- pressed. But ail that men desire in death Is yours! A good and honored name, The memory of years weil spent, The knowledge that you played the game. The part of you we knew and loved Lies not in coid and crumbling dlay, But lives, and in our hearts we know We'll meet again somewhere some day. -Lovingly remembered by Mother, Dad, Bernice and Barbara. 5-1"' SEYMOUR-In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Elvin W. Seymour, who died December 22, 1943. "When our loved one was taken from us It was bard to understand, But we know that aIl is guided By our heavenly Father's. hand." -Ever remembered by Mother, sisters and brothers. 5-1'* TOMLINSON-In loving memory of a dear daughter andi sister, Mrs. Frank Tomlinson, who pass- ed away January 22nd, 1945, aged 58 years. "One by one they go before us They are fading like the dew, But we know they're watcbing .o'er us, They the good, the fair, the true; They are waiting for us only Where no pain can ever mar, Dear ones who left us ionely Watch us through the gates ajar." --Sadly missed by mother, sis- ters and brothers. 5-lA' Lost BLACK andi tan hound, slit in one ear and lump on hind leg, namne Joe. Lost or kîdnapped. Re- ward for return to T. Lymer, Bow- manville, Box 51, phone 379. 5-2'* GERMAN Shepherd Police dog, disappeared iast week of Decem- ber. Reward to anyone supply- ing information about same. J. Graham, Enniskilien, phone 2468. 5-1* Found ON King St. in flrst week of January, one eiectric iron. Own- er may have saine by proving ownership and paying expenses. Apply Statesman Office. 5-2, Articles For Sale FORD coupe. 1935, four good tires, seal beam iights, in good running order. Phone 52 r 11, Orono. 5-1* QUANTITY of carrots, by bushel or basket. Phone 2179, Stephen Jeffery. 5-1 PAIR girls' skates and white boots size 5; also white push sleigh for young child. Phone 612. 5-1 WRITING desk, desk lamp, and pencil sharpener. Apply 68 Church St. 5-1 CAR radio; also Goodyear tire 600xl6, almost new. Phone 2244. 5-1 MODEL A Ford, 1929, good mo- tor, fair body. R. Williams, New- castle. 5-1* FANNING miii for cieaning seed, good condition. Apply Aif Shrubb Cream of Barley Mill, phone 2.680. 5-1 * TWO oil heaters, one with wick, one without. Apply Howard Moore, R.R. 2, Newcastle, phone 3930 Clarke. 5-lA' CONVERTIBLE pram or go-cart, blue, good as new. Mrs. Harold Green, R.R. 2, Newcastle, care of John Rickard. 5-3 SET of steel wheels with new skeins for wagon. Apply Taylor & Hall, R.R. 5, Bowmanville, phone 2402. 5-lA' MOW of No. 1 alfalfa hay bar- vested in June. E. Milison, En- niskilien R.R. 1. Phone 2263 Bowmanville. 5-2* COAL oul stove, new oven and burners, excellent condition, $20. Also winter coat, 14X, blue, good as new, $10. Phone Orono 82 r 4. 4-2* SILENT Sioux oil brooders, also limited number of electric brood- ers, and oul heaters for immed- iate delivery. Apply Richardson Farms, Pontypool. 4-3"' TRUCK, 3-ton G.M.C., 1939, com- bination stake-dump, 20 ton hoist, Al condition, new tires, gravel box and 5-ft. side racks. Cash or trade. Phone 2318. 5-1 COAL brooder stove, Jamesway, with hover, nearly new, reason- able. A. Weinberger, 147 Elgin St. E., Oshawa. Phone 1915W 5-1 * CIRCULATOR heater, nearly new; Quebec beater, neariy new; used DeLaval magnetic milker outfit; used wood farm wagon. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, phone 497. 5-1 OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything in modern. Chester- field, bedroom and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quai- îty merchandise at competitive prices. Before buying visit Bnad- ley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf PAIR heavy damask overdrapes, green shade, nearly new, $7.50; also go-cart $8, both in good con- dition. Apply il Duke St., side door at south. 6-1 Livestock For Sale HIOLSTEIN heifer, due to freshen in February. Phone 2150. 5-1 TWO calves for vealing. Apply H. L. Anderson, Bowmanville, phone 2215. 5-1* TWO purebred Yorkshire boars. Sacrifice for immediate sale. Dal- ton Dorreli, Nestieton. 5-1* HEIFER, Holstein-Hereford, due February 10. Apply Neil Rainey, phone 17 r 8, Orono. 5-1* DURHAM caîf tor vealing. Ap- ply Clarence Soper, Bowmanville. EIGHT Yorkshire plgs, 6 weeks old, extra good pigs. Phone 2234. 5-1 * REGISTERED Holstein bull two years old; grade Holstein bull 11/2 years old; several Holstein heifers ail ages; 5 Yorkshire pigs about 150 pounds each. Walter Frank, R.R. 5, Bowmanville. Phone 2403. 5-1 SHORTHORNS - Young bulis, young cows, club calves. Also registered Guernseys. Baker Farms, Hampton. Phone 2180. 51-tf "IBUYING chicks early means more profits" says the govern- ment. That means Jan., Feb., March. Bray bas started cocker- els, immediate delivery, and odd quantities day-old chicks. We can quote prices, take your order. Or- der especialiy for March - April now. F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 5-1 GIBSON'S Barred Rocks - Buy your Barred Rocks from a reli- able, long - established O.B.S. Breeder Hatchery of 1,000 Blood- Tested birds. For bred-in liva- bility, early and continuous pro- duction of large eggs, don't over- look our strain. Write, or phone for circular. Take your chicks a month earlier if possible and help fil the egg and pouitry meat con- tracts to Great Britain. Donald E. Gibson, Bowmanviiie, Ont. Phone Clarke 3811. 3-tf Personal goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-9 Radio Service THE Radio Shop, Bowmanvilie, offers honest charges, iatest type equipment and trained person- nel. Our two radio technicians both hold Government Certificates of Proficiency in Radio. Phône 573. * 1-tf For Rent VACUUM cleaners, late powerful type, $2 per day. The Radio Shop, phone 573. 3-tf RECORD players and publie ad- dress amplifier systems. The Ra- dio Shop, phone 573. 3-tf SINGER portable electric in your own home. $5 per month. Sing- er Sewing Machine C0., 16 On- tario St.. Oshawa, phone 696. 10-tt FARM-207 acres, 98 acres now under cultivation, 40 additional acres now used for pasture, (dlay loam) could be broken up for crop. Fences on one hundred acres good, fences on other hun- dred acres need posts and general overhaul. Tenant will NOT be allowed any fuel from the pro'- perty. Tenancy to run from April lst, 1947, to March 3lst, 1948, if tenant satisfactory, lease may be renewed. Apply Ed. Youngman, Pontypool, Ont. 5-3 Wanted to Renit ABOUT 75 acres of pasture land, must have water, some shade if possible, for the coming season. H. Schmid, Newcastle. 5-1* HOUSE, five rooms or larger, im- mediately or how soon; in Bow- manville preferred. Will pay rent in advance. Write Box 827 Statesman Office. 5-1* APARTMENT or two or more housekeeping rooms urgentiy re- quired ýby veteran. Furnished. or unfurnished. Replies to P.O. Box 99, Bowmanviile, please. 5-1 WON'T someone rent us a three- room place. There must be some kindness in this human race. We have no chiidren, no dog or cat. So won't you please help us to find-a fiat. Write Box 828 States- man Office. 5-1* Wanted. lO Buy GOOD barnyard manure, any quantity. Highest price paid. Phone 2318, Bowmanville. 5-1 LIVE poultry and feathers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bethany 7 r 13. WANTED-300 live horses for mink and fox food. We will pay top market prices. Margwili Fur ,arm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanvîlle 2679.' 35-tf OLD horses for fur farm, $1.00 per hundred, approximate weight, delivered here. For slightly less we wiql humanely destroy your horses on your own farm. Ran- kine Mink Ranch, Haqdon. Phone Bowmanville 2888. 38-tf Films Developed SNAPSHOTS! Your films care- fully developed, printed and en- iarged. Out of town orders in- vited. 24-hour service guaran- teed. Mail, or bring your films to Alpha Photo Studio, Bowman- ville, Ont. 5-1 EXPERIENCED single man for dairy farm. Apply H. J. Brooks, phone 2636, Kingston Rd. W. 4-tf WOMAN for general housework, sleep out, $60 a month. Apply Mrs. M. Breslin, phone 436, Bow- manville. 5-tf GIRL, woman or young girl to help with general housework; three adults; no small children. Apply 66 Warren Ave., or phone 872, Oshawa. 4-2 MAN wanted for Rawleigh busi- ness. Seli to 1500 familles. Good profits for hustiers. Write today. Rawleigh's Dept. ML-A-140-S, Montreal. 1-5 RELIABLE woman or girl to as- sist with housework in a modemn home. Must like children. Week- ends free. Please state full par- ticulars in applying to Post Office Box 137, Port Hope. 5-1 EXPERIENCED, responsible man for dairy farm with hydro; ex- perienced with tractor and mod- ern machinery desirable. Yearly employment starting on or before March lst. Housing accommoda- tion if desired. Apply stating wages, experience, references to Kenneth Gilbank, Burketon. 5-1* Real Estate For Sale SEVEN-roomed frame house with bath and garage. Apply Mr. E. Passant, 122 Duke St. 5-if Auction -sales FURNTUR Sae. Ms. _. E McMnmn ,76 Saleoms S.,RPort Hoe, wiliaeil bypubliactiont oe Satuday eb. pulste ati .m their tre huseodefectss, t . Theissaewinchuslud afui es ofsslewl furitu uasdewful ith- iffntlateigrhe neonts. Fo further prt iculars otsee bFis uTers ah. Jak R e acills- eer. 5-lA' EXCLUSIVE Furniture Sale. A large consignment of excellent furniture will be soid by public auction in Newtonville Commun- ity Hall on Saturday, Feb. 8, at 1 p.m., the property of Mr. Chas. Watters. The following are a few of the many items to be offered for sale: A beautiful 4-piece wal- nut bedroom suite, new; 6-piece dinette suite, new; studio coucli, with Marshall mattress, new; white enamel cook stove, new; Easy electric washer, new; 66- piece dinner set in Harmony Rose pattern, new. For further partic- ulars see bis. Remarks: Anyone interested in purchasing good furniture would be well adviscd to attend this sale. Terms cash. Positively no reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 5-2 ben corrected up to January lOth. Check your yellow label on this issue and please advise us at once if there is any error. Come to the euchre at St. John's Parish Hall, Fridlay, Jan- uary 3lst at 8:15 p.m. Prizes. Ad- mission 25c. 5-1* The Women's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Church will hold a Val- entine Tea at the home of Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin on Februafy 14. 5-1* Bishop W. L. Wright, D.D.,.bro- ther of Rev. J. dePencier Wright, will give an address in St. John's Church, Feb. 7- at 8 p.m. on "The Challenge of the North." Brown's Home and School Club are holding their annual dance at Newcastle Community Hall, Fni- day, Jan. 31. Russ Creighton's Variety Dance Band. Admission 50C. 4-2* Come to Tyrone Conimunity hall, Friday, Jan. 3lst,, at 8 p.m. Basket social, progrtssive cards and crokinole. Ladies bring bas- kets. Ladies with baskets free. Admission 25c. Proceeds for the Tyrone Rècreation Park. 5-1 Annual Valentine dance held in Newcastle Town Hall, Friday, February l4th from 9 to 1, with Russ Creighton's Variety Band. Lucky spot dances. Refreshments. Auspices No. 9 Home and School IClub. Admission 50c per person. 5-2 Amateur Show at Eldad Cburch S.S. room, Solina, Friday, Feb. 14. Good prizes for cbildren and adults. Auspices of Young Pea- ple's Union. Entries to be maiied to Miss Pearl Leach, R.R. 1, Hamp- ton or phone 2235, befone Feb. 12. 5-1 Rot Water Repairs Agent for 0il-0-Magic 011 Burners Instafled in Any Type of Furnace Jack Drough )Phone 2384 3 King St.W. Jteksit PLENAMINS A bridge and euchre is being sponsored by Club 15 on Wed-nes- day, February Sth at 8 p.m. at the Lions' Community Centre, Beech Ave. Anyone wishing to arrange a table please contact Mrs. Nelson Osborne, 2891 or Mrs. . Russell Oke, 896 by February 3rd. Proceeds for Lions' Community00 Centre. 5-1* The annual meeting of the Bow- àuo a,~ " manville brancb of the Canadian tqck. %0% . 0«% Red Cross Society, will be heid in 0% o the Council Room of the Town Hall at Bowmanville on Thurs- day, February l3th, 1947, at 8 jNoe p.m. Whether this branch will 0 "<ll surrender its charter, or whether this community wiil continue to share in the work and responsi- bility of the Canadian Red Cross Society, will be decided at'this PURETESI PLENAMINS-The 2-c. meeting. Ail Bowmanville and day easy-to-take apuls-contain D arlington peop e w ho are inter - 6 e s ni , vt m s _ u h@ o oi e ested are asked to attend. 5-3 6esnilvtmn-lstebnIs of Liver and boan. IlfC ) CHEC F.Lo ox 0' 50 Capsules For qulck reli f frani Itchins caused b huir. aht'sfoot, ecablu otheritchln u y <gImI S"LD.iI7RdWRPT1og.Gre.aee.nd aWnm. Soothes. comforta and qulckly calme VOUR REXALL STORE kstmma ttchlng. Don't suife. A kyorrugul.t Nqdav fer D. D. D. PEscNaPTolIoN. Phone 778 King St. W. 11 Simcoe St. N. No Phono Orders Please I T'housands of Items Drastically Reduced! 1 Reductions as, Much as 50%1 Space does flot permit us to list these unusual bargains which cover every department in our store. Listed here are four typical examples oif the reason why it will pay you to corne downtown and inspeet the values at CHRISTIAN'S GIGANTIC INVENTORY SALE! 1 1 Silmcoo Street Northi O sh'awa ý 1 1 1 ! 1 1 , 1 ' 1 1 TO