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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Feb 1947, p. 12

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-t k PAGE TWELVE >1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVIL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEB. 6th, 1947 BIRTIlS RAY-Mr. and Mrs. E. G. (Bud) Ray are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Judy An", on Tuesday, Feb. 4, 1947, at Bow- manville Hospital. 6-1* [MATH HODGES-At his home, Conces- sion 7, Oro, Jan. 31, 1947, Thomas Hodges, in his 7lst year. Inter- ment in Guthrie cemetery. CHIROPIRACTIC STECKLEY HEALTH CLI!41C Druglesa Treaiment IneIuding chfropractic Electro - therapy, minerai vapor baths. Practlsing 24 Years. PHONE 224i 146 Slmcoe St. N. - Oshawa WANTED For Adoption! THREE WISE FOOLS adopted this ente, cuddiesome littie darling. She's as sweet as honey and with a smile that does thlngs ta their hearts! Don't miss . .. MARGARET O'BRIEN starring -in THREE WISE FOOLS, with Lionel Barrymore, Lewis Stone, Ed- ward Arnold. (Joming ta the ROYAL THEATRE, IWONDAY. Carde of ThanIks* Mr. Howard Challis wi.%hes to thank the doctors, hospitai sup- erintendent, nurses and staff, rela- tives and, friend.s for fiowers, fruit and cards received, during his ill- ness. Special thanks to Miss R. Stevens, R.N., for her kind at- tention at his home after her hos- pital duties were done. 6-1* IN MEMORIAM COWAN-In ever tender and loving memory of our dear sister, Alma Cowan, who went home Feb. 9; 1946. --Sadly missed by Sisters and Brother. 6-1* DAVIE-In loving memory of our dear 'husband and father, Charles Davie who passed away Suddenly, Feb. 6, 1944. A day of remembrance sad to recail, Without farewell he left us ail; Some may forget him now he is gone, But we wiil remember no matter how long. -His Wife, Daughters Lorraine and Margaret and Son John. 6-i * DONOGHUE-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Eliza- beth Donoghue, who passed away February 5th, 1942. A day of remembrance sad to recaîl,' Without farewell she left us ail; Somne may forget her now she is gone, But we will remember, no mat- ter how long.. -Ever remembered by FamilY. 6-1 * HENNING-In loving memory of our Son and Brother, Clarence J. Henning, who passed, away Febru- ary th, 1944. In our hearts, your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true. There is not a day dear Clare That we do not think of you. -Sadily missed by Mother, Dad, Sisters and Brothers. 6-1* Now is the time to think of your needs for spring such as Repairs - New Implements and Ferti.izer. We will be glad to help you fi your re- quirements wth new equipment and give you a hand repairing your used machinery. C0ME, IN TO-DAY AND MAlLE SURE 0F PROMPT DELIVEIW NEW OIL BURNING EQUIPMENT Save time and money with the New Automatic 011 Burning Water Heaters. See our display of OÙ1 Burxing, Ranges. W. *He BROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm Machlnery - Firestone Tires DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equipment el King St. W. Phone 497 Good Reasons Why WE INVITE YOUR PATRONAGE- WE OFFER YOU: .4 + Walîpapers J. & J. Sutherland%' Highest Quality.. Selections for Every Taste Spare hours pleaaantly spent modelling dlay or wax, making shellcraft or plastic articles. Scarfe's Paints Hîgh Gloss or Plat Finish, inside or outside They serve you best. IRON~S TRILITES TOASTERS J'LABSHLIGHTS AND OTHER QUALITY ITEMS IN MEMORIAM PARKIN-In loving 'memory of Bruce Parkin who passed> away Feb. 14, 1942. "Time changes many things But love andi memory ever dlings." -Ever remernbered by wife and family. 6-1* VICE-In loving memory o! a dear husband and father, Walter Vice, who passed away February 9, 1937. "Sulent thoughts, true and tender 0f one whom we shahl always remember." -Ever remembered byý wife and family. 6-1 WOOD-In loving memory of our dear father, Frederick J. Wood, who passed away Feb. 9, 1946. In our hearts your memory lingers Sweetly tender, fond and,' true; There is not a day, dear daddy, That we do not think of you. -Lovingly remembered by Daughters Ethel a pd Annie, Sons Ted, Norman à nd George. 6-1 * COMING, EVENTS Come andi enjoy Alka_§eltzýr program and crokinole party sponsored by Newcastle United Church choir in the Sunday Sehool roomn on Tuesday, Feb. il at 8 p.rn. Prizes. Refreshments. Admission 25c. 6-i* Annual Valentine dance held in Newcastle Town Hall, Friday, February i4th from 9 to 1, with Russ Creighton's Variety Band. Lucky spot dances. Refreshments. Auspices No. 9 Home and School Club. Admission 50c per person. 5-2 Change of date: Corne to Tyrone Community Hall, Friday, Feb. 7, at 8 p.m. Basket social, progres- sive cards and crokinole. Ladies bring baskets. Ladies wit. bs kets free. Admission 25c.Po ceeds for the Tyrone Recreation Park. 6-1 Amateur Show at Eldad Church S.S. room, Solina, Friday, Feb. 14. Good prizes for children and aduits. Auspices of Young Peo- ple's Union. Entries to be mailed to Miss Pearl Leach, R.R. 1, Hamp- ton, or phone 2235 before Feb. 12. 6-i Reserve Wednesday evenîng, Feb. 19th for the Fifth Concert of the Lions Club Raddo Artîsts' Concert Series, featuring five tal- ented artists in a variety program of fine music. Tickets availabie from any memnber of the Lions Club. Price $1.00, 6-2 The annual Sabbath Schooi convention of Darlington and Clarke Townships and Bowman- ville and Newcastle will be held at St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, Wednesday, Feb. 12. Guest speakers, Miss L. Ar- chibald, and' Miss Carol B. Fuller, Toronto. The theme "New meth- ods for an old' message." After- noon and evening sessions at 21 and 7:30. Supper served by St. John's ladies, 50c. 6-i Agents Wanted BE independent. Seil Rawleigh Products. Good nearby iocaiity open. Write today. Rawleigh's Dept. ML-B-140-D,, Montreal. 6-4 VALENTINES For Young & OId Don't negleet this opportunity ta gladden someone's heart with a friendly greeting. M echanical Valentines for the klddies 2 forl1c - Seceach Valentine Cards 5c to $1.50 «ach Butterick Patterns' for hand made garmenis Lending Library New Books XHONE 556 'BIG 20" COMINO EVENTS The annual meeting of the Bow- manville branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society will be held in the Council Boom of the Town Hall at Bowmanville on 'Thurs- day, February l3th, 1947, at 8 p.m. Whether this branch will surrender its charter, or whether this community will continue to share in the work and responsi- bility of the Canadian Red Cross Society, wil be decided at this rpeeting. Ail Bowmanville and Dariington people who are inter- ested are asked to attend. 5-3 Articles For Sale ONE Bean orchard sprayer, 240- gai, tank. Appiy 163 Ritson Rd. S. Phone 2063W, Oshawa. 6-1 PRESTO cooker food searators, just receivedi, $1.69. Get yours now at The Radio Shop, phone 573. 6-1 SMALL size Quebec heater com- plete with 9" ail burner, and stor- age tank, in excellent condition. Appiy Mrs. C. H. Nesbitt, 304 Scugog Rd., Bowmanville. 6-i* WOODS electric grinder; miik- ing machine; Woods milk cooler. R. R. Stevens, phone 2637. 6-1* QUEBEC heater, êmail; Quebec heater, large; used M.-H. ham- mermili, cheap. W. H. Brown, Case dealer, phone 497 Bowman- ville. 6-i CHEVeOLET sedan, 1929, in fair running condition. Apply Ivan Brown, 93 King St. W., Bowman., ville. 6-1* DODGE sedan, '39; 12 gauge shot gun, 90 Elgin St., Bowrnanville. 6-i* ABOUT 250 cedar rails. Phone 2215.-61 GOURLAY piano and bench in Ai condition. Apply 69 Queen St., or phone 379. T. Lymer, Box 51. 6-i* SET of heavy duty truck chains 700-20, practicaliy new. Geo. W. Graham, Newcastle. Phone 3321 Clarke. 6-1 TWO bird cages complete with stands, good as new. Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchard, Statesman Apts., Bowmanville. 6-if BROWN enamel circulating heat- er, good as new. Appiy Mrs. Her- bert Toms, Newcastle. 6-1 TRUCK, 3-ton G.M.C., 1939, com- bination stake-dump, 20-ton hoist, Ai condition, new tires, gravel box and 5-ft. side racks. Cash or trade. Phone 2318. 6-i TWO baby sieighs, high backs. Mrs. A. Bickell, phone 468, Bow- manville. 6-1* CONVERTIBLE pram or go-cart, blue, good as new. Mrs. Harold Green, R.R. 2, Newcastle, care of John Rickard. 5-3 MOW of No. 1 aifalfa hay har- vested in June. E. Milîson, En- niskiilen R.R. i. Phone 2263 Bowmanville. 5-2* SILENT Sioux oul brooders, also limited number of electric brood- ers, and oul heaters for immed- iate delivery. Apply Richardson Farms, Pontypool. 4-3* OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything in modemn. Chester- field, bedroom and dinîng room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coveýings a specialty. Quai- ity merchandise at competitive prices.. Befome buying visit Brad- iey's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf Livestock For Sale SIXTEEN thrifty Yorkshire pigs, 8 weeks aid. Phone 2184, Isaac Hardy, Solina. 6-i THREE Holstein cows, fresh; five Holstein cows, springing; il pigs, 10 weeks old. Ralph Davis, phone 2413. 6-1* SHORTHORNS - Young buils, young cows, club caives. Also registered Guernseys. Baker Farms, Hampton. Phone 2180. 51-tf SCOTCH Shorthorn bull il mon- ths aid, from a jiit cow and sired by Gioster Royal. Papers avail- able if necessary. Also il good Yorkshire pigs 6 weeks old, wel started. McLaughlin cutter in good condition. Appiy Sidi Tre- win, Ennskilien. Phone 2351. THE govemnment says "buy Jan., Feb., March chicks." To meet ov- erseas demands, especiaily, but me- member home markets must be supplied too. Every egg that can be produced is needed. Bray Hatchery has started cockerels, immediiate delivery, and odd quantities day-aid chicks. March- April chicks shouid be ordered now, too. Save timne, contact agent F. L. Byamn, Tyrone. 6-i GIBSON'S Barredi Rocks - Buy your Barred' Rocjcs fromn a reli- able, long - established O.B.S. Breeder Hatehery o! 1,000 Blood- Tested birds. For bred-in liva- biiity, eariy and continuous pro- duction of large eggs, don't over- look our strain. Write, or phone for circular. Take your chicks a month earlier if possible and help fil the egg and paultry meat con-. tracts ta Great Britain. Donald E. Gibson, Bowmanville, Ont. Phone Clarke 3811. 3-t! W. Victor P.acock 341 Rlcbmond St. E. Oawa, Ontario Help Wanted SUPER VISORS for Ontario Train- ing School for Boys. Qualification: Two years High School, ex-service personnel, 25-35 years of age. Ap- ply to the Superintendent. 6-1 SINGLE man for modern dairy farm, electrical and tractor equipment, top wages, good board. Apply> W. Wesley Werry, Solina, phone Bowmanville 2471. 6-tf-l* IF you are energetic, ainbitious and interested, in making good money, inquire about our money making proposition. Fanlous Pro- ducts Corporation Dept'. 0-B-1 370 Guy Street. Montreal, P.Q. 6-4 Work Wanted YOUNG woman desires light housework or cafeteria work. Write Box 833, Statesman Office. 6-2* EXPERIF.NCED farm hand (sin- gle) desires a job on modemn equipped farm. Can drive trac- tor, truck and handile ail farm equipment. No milking please. Can start, March lst. Write stat- ing highest yearly wages offered and location to Box 829, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 6-1 Wanted To Buy WILL buy young calves or beef cattle at hîghest prices. Ralph Davis, phone 2413. 6-1* CEDAR saw logs. Apply Pete Newell, Adams Lumber Co. Ltd., Newcastle. 6-2* KNITTING machines to make men's socks, handi models. Write Box 830, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 6-2* SCHOOL bell similar ta those us- ed in rural"schoois. State price, Ontario Training School for Boys, Bowmanviile. 6-1 LIVE poultry and feathers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1; Bethany, phone Bethany 7 r 13. 1-tf WANTED-300 live horses for mink and fox food. We will pay top market prices. Margwiil Fur .arm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanville 2679. 35..tf OLD harses for fur farm, $1.00 per.hundred, approximate weight, delivered here. For slightiy less we will humaneiy destray your horses on your own farm. Ran- kine Mink Ranch, Haydan. Phone Bowmanviile 2888. 38-tf For Rent VACUUM cleaners, late powerfui type, $2 per day. The Radio Shop, phone 573., 3-tf RECORD players and public ad- dress amplifier systems. The Ra- dio Shop, phone 573. 3-tf SINGER portable electric in your OWn home. $5 per month. Sing- er Sewing Machine Ca., 16 On- tario St.. Oshawa, phone 696. lU-tl FARM-207 acres, 98 acres now under cultivation, 40 additional acres now used for pasture, (dlay loam) could be broken up for crop. Fences on one hundred âcres good, fences on other hun- dred acres need posts and general overhaul. Tenant- wiil NOT be aliowed any fuel from the pro- pemty. Tenancy ta run from April ist, 1947, ta March 3lst, 1948, if tenant satisfactory, lease may be renewed. Apply Ed. Youngman, Pontypool, Ont. 5-3 Wanted to Rent HOUSE or apartment by well known business man, wife and child. Write box 831 Statesman Off ice, Bowmanvilie. 6-.1* ROOMS, apartment or house for young couple with no children. Or would buy house. Apply Hugh Rogers, 76 Ontario St. 6i* YOUNG couple, veteran and wife, wish a fiat or apartment. Write Box 832, Statesman Office. 6-i * Auction Sales EXCLUSIVE Furniture Sale. A large consignment of excellent furniture will be soid by public auction in Newtonville Commun- ity Hall on Saturday, Feb. 8, at i p.m., the property of Mm. Chas. Watters. The following are a few of the many items to be offered for sale: A beautiful 4-piece wai- nut bedroom suite, new; 6-piece dinette suite, new; studio couch, with Marshall mattress, new; white enamel cook stove, new; Easy electric washer, new; 66- piece dinner set in Harmony Rose pattern, new. For further partic- ulars see bis. Remarks: Anyone interested in purchasing good furniture would be weil advised ta attend this sale. Terms cash. Positively no reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 5-2 Real Estate For Sale FARM, 100 acres, on 7A highway, 60 miles from Toronto, 2 miles east o! Nestieton. Ninety acres of the finest work land, well cul- tivated, no stone, plenty o! water. Some wheat and seeding. Large bank barn, 50'x60', with good stables. Hen house, hog pen, im- plement shed, silo and double gar- age. Seven room semi-bungalow built in 1931, hardwood floors, bathraam good basement, sun- porch. flydro throughaut. Ap- ply Harry Phip, Nestieton, Ont. 6-2 Notice A resolution o! the Council of the Corporation o! Bowmanviiie, unanimously adopted, gives au- thority ta the Raads and Streets Committee ta remove ail matar vehicles parked an tawn streets which obstruct remavai o! snow by the town wark crew and that the cost ol such removal wiil be charged against the owner of such motor vehicles. Publishedi under autharity o! the Council o! the Corporation o! Bowmanville, this 6th day o! February, 1947. A. J. LYLE, Clerk. Lost PARCEL containing crochet cot- ton and coloredi serviettes. Findi- er bleàse leav'e at Statesman Of- fice. 6-1* GREEN striped knitting bag con- taining-socks, kerchief. Fell from car just west of railroad bridge on No. 2 Highway, west of Bowýman- ville. Pjease mail C.O.D. Miss D. J. Lough, 165 St. George St., Toronto. Reward. 6-1 Personal HYGIENIC Supplfes (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-9 Radio Service THE Radio Shop, Bowmanvilie, offers honest charges, latest type equipment and trainedi person- nel. Our two radio technicians both hoid Government Certificates of Proficiency in Radio. Phone 573. 1-tf Pets For Sale COCKER Spaniel puppies, regis- tered.. Walter Goode, 21 Liberty St.-N. 6-1 Furniture Refinishing FURNITURE refinishing and' re- pairs. Walnut, mahogany and al fine finishing a specialty. Work guaranteed. Phone 642, Fred Lake, 35 Temperance St. 6-1 Auto Service RADIATOR, heater and gas tank service. Clifton Moore, Radiator Service, 160 King St. W., Oshawa. Phone 4340M. 6-8 Obituaries *MRS. HOMER HURLBUT A esident a! the district for 64 years. Mrs. Huribut passed away at the home of hem daugh- ter (Nettie), Mrs. Elmo Daven- port, a! Kemble, Ont., Jan. 21. She was in aiing health for three years but it was nat until two weeks ago that she became bed- fast.. Mrs. Huriýbut was in hem 88th year and was born at Enfield. She was the former Annie Yeo Ashton, daughter of the late Mm. and Mrs. Johin Ashton, Enfieid. Sixty-seven years ago she was united in marriage ta Homer Huribut who predeceased hem in September, 1930. They celebrat- ed their golden wedding, Dec. 25,1 1929, with ail the family present. Surviving are five sons, Chas. and Fred, Owen Sound; Lindie of Baimy Beach; Preston andi Leslie o! Kemble, andi three daughters, (Nora), Mrs. Frank Davidson, of Owen Soundi; (Mary), Mms. Ed- ward Johnston, (Nettie), Mrs. El- mo Davenport o! Kembie. Four sons predeceased' hem, Rueben o! Woodford, Ont., Meriu o! Admir- ai, Sask., Johji, of Toronto, and Clinton of Kemble. Forty-one grandchildren and thirteen great- grandchiidren also survive, as well as two brothers, Fred of Toronto, and' Joseph of Detroit, Mich.; one sister, Mrs.- Ellis Pascoe, o! Brookiin. Four sisters and a bro- ther predeceased hem. Mrs. Hurîbut was an active member o! the United Church at Kembie and took part in the Ladies' Aid work. She was a charter member of the Women's Missionary Society and was an active member of the Women's Institute. Funeral services were held from the Beckenbridge-Ashcroft Funerai Home, Owen Sound, with Rev. Albert Bushell and Rev. Wal- ter Cannon in charge. Mrs. Jas. Howeli, Kembie, sang a beautiful solo, "He Wipes a Tear From Every Eye." Theme were beauti- ful floral tributes. Palibearers were five sans, Charlie, Lîndie, Preston, Leslie, Fred Huribut, a son-in-iaw, Edward Johnston. Entombment was in Greenwood cemetery, Owen Sound. MRS. WM. R. THICKSON Mrs. William R. Thickson, for- merly of Bowmanville, who rea- ched hem iOth birýhday on Mon- day, January 6th, died January 28th in Hamilton General Hospi- tai. A native o! Engiand, Mrs. Thickson came ta Canada as a child, livedi in Bowmanville for 50 years and in Western Canada for 22 years, prior to moving to Caistor Township. She moved to Hamiltan last July and resided at 254 Charlton Ave. E. Surviving the centenarian are a son, Frank Thickson, o! Van- couver; three daughters, Mrs. Ed- ith Masan o! Ajax, Ont.; Mrs. Jane Biaxill a! Hamilton, andi Mrs. Wesley North o! Manitoba; two brothers, James Riches o! Crom- bray andi Charles Riches o! Edi- monton; a sister, Mrs. W. J. Wii- iiamson a! Edmonton; 13 grand- children and il great-grandchild- ren. MRS. ELWOOD H. WILBUR Folaowing an ilîness o! three months the death occurred' at hem home at Taunton an January 28, o! Lily Jane Vivian, belovedi wife o! Elwood H. Wiibum, in hem 4th year. The daughter o! the late Mm. and Mrs. William Vivian, the de- *ceased was bomn at Taunton in Navember, 1907. With the ex- ception o! about 10 yeams spent in Oshawa she hadi been a life long resident o! the Taunton amea. She was a member of Zion Unitedi Chu;ch and was pamticulamly ac- tive in Sunday Schoi, Young People's and chumch womk. She was a lover o! hem home and de- voted ta her family. Besides hem hushanti, ta whom she was marriedi in 1937, Mms. Wilbur leaves to maurn hem pass- ing two sons, Harvey and Lloyd; a sister, Mrs. Gardon Jahnston o! Oshawa; and three brothers, Charles, Walter andi Wes*y. A sister, Lucy, predeceased hem in TONIGHT'S SPORTS Wheelers bpéketball teamn play Whltby tonight, Feb. 6, ln the Hlgh School gym at 8:30, admission 25c. They are stili undefeated ln the league. Blackstock On Friday evening, Cartwright Agricultural Society entertained the cammunity to an evening o! euchre in the hall. Many took ad- vantage of the oppartunity and there were 13 tables. Mrs. Merv- in Graham and Mrs. Richard Stinson weme winners. A bounti- fui lunch was served and evemy- one certainiy had a goadi evening. S.emmy ta lose Mr. andi Mrs. John Nesbitt from the village who have maved'ta a farm at Nestie- ton. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. David Archer on the death of hem father, Rev. Dr. C. E. Whittaker who pasedi away Feb. lst. Dr. Whittaker was the Rector of St. John's Anglican Chumch before his retirement. Mm. and Mrs. John Argue have returned from the West and' are visiting Mrs. John McKee. Mrs. Jerry Henry feul and frac- tured some ribs and is in pôor health. Hem sons, Mm. WaIýer Henry and -his wife and, son, Ca- bourg, and Mm. Meredith Henry and his wife, Kingston, visiteti hem on Sunday. W.A. of United Chumch met at Mrs. Cecil Hili's an Jan. 28 with 22 present. Devotional talk was taken by Mrs. R. B. Harrison. Mrs. N. Mountjoy gave a most in- teresting reading "WThy Not Wor- my." Mrs. W. Archer and Mrs. Clarence Malow also took part in the program. Election of offi- cers was campleted as foiiows: President, Mrs. Norman Mount- joy; lst vice, Mrs. T. Sameils; sec- retary, Mrs. Clarence Marlow; treasurer, Mrs. Mervin Graham. Newcastle hockey team came ta Blacksthock on Monday evening ta play the local team and won 4-2. It w9s a gooti game and providedi an interesting evening. 1919. The funeral was heldi Jan. 31, followed Igy interment in Zion cemetemy. Rev. E. S. Linstead of Zion United Church conducted the] services. People speak of "the middile way."' Any half-way way of lite can only be half-dead. Dowma Di1e FUELS &sUPLE America Anthracite STOVE AND NUT, PEA COAL HARDWOOD (Bodywood) and Sftwood Siabs READER. MOTION HENDERSON SHEET METALI WORK Gilson Furnaces Roofing - Eavestroughing Oil Buruers For immediate installation ln heaters and ranges. Clean, even heat. DAVIS & GRANT Scugog st. - Bowmanville Phones: Bus. 2842 The Iris Beauty Salon 38 KING STREET W. PHONE 455 We specialize in ail branches of Beauty Culture* DYES.. SCALP TREATMENTS . . . MANICURES FACIALS Here you will find trained operators with years of experience to serve ail your beauty needs. Individual Hair Styling - OPEN EVF1NINGS BY APPOINTMENT - PERMANENTS 11011 Yo rs for the us ki'ny i Res. 2674 BLEACHES SE R VIC E RADIO OR APPLIANCE We offer the quality of service we would want. N Announcing the Arrivai of HELENA RUBINSTEIN BEAUTY CONSUJLTANT FROM THE HELENA* RUBINSTEIN SALONS,, TORONTO AND NEW YORK "Here ls Your opportunity te secure without charge or obligation, an expert analysis o! your skin . . . is typé . .. lis condition.. lts individual needs."1 On Thursday, February l3th, Miss Shirley Falls, beauty expert and consultant, associated with Helena Rubinstein Salons, New York and Toronto, will be present in person lu our Cosmetlc Depart- ment. Her arrivailu "beauty news" of unusual interej Without charge or obligation, Miss Falla >~i thoroughly analyze the type an~d condition of your ukin and give you a wrltten recommendation as ta the individual care whlch should prove Most beneficilL Visit Miss Falls at your earlest convenlence. JURY & LOVELL THE REXALL bRUG STORE

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