v i " ,j 'j THURSDAY, FEB. 6th, 1947 PAGE SEVEN THE~ CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWVMANVILLE. ONTARIO M4ARIR' S JEWELLERY Phone 463 43 King St. W. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ft.ee MM Mrs. C. E. Francis, Winnipeg, is, Arlene, Toronto, were visitors visiting aunt, -Mrs. E. J. Silver. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs.. Sutli.ff, Minneapolis, Thos. Bennett. Minn., visited lier cousins, the Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Robinson, Misses Galbraith, Ontario St. Mrs. George Jackson and Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Coombes and Toronto, visited Mr. andi Mrs. Carol, Guelph, visited her par- Chris. Robinson. edlÎ, MWr and Mrs. L. Hilderley. Mr. A. R. Johnston, Harbour Mrs. John Spencer has return- Grace, Newfoundiland, who bad ed home from Oshawa General been on a business trip in the Hospital and is making satisfac- United States, was guest of bis tory progress. sister, Mrs. D. S. Ferguson. Mrs. Spencer Wood met with a Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Babcock en- painful' accident on ThursdaY tertained at a chicken dinner on w¶ien she fell on the icy sidewalk Monday evening to celebrate their and fractured a wrist. wedding anniversary, also Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paterson and Babcock's birtb&ýay. YOUR OLD WATCH IS WORTH MONEY Trinity W.M.S. met Feb. 4th in the Sunday School room with President Mrs. C. A. Wight pre- siding. "Aid to China Fundi" was discussed and it was decided that each group leader would look af- ter this within her own group and then it will aIl go in as a do- nation from Trinity W.M.S. Mrs. I. Bragg, literature super- intendent,*reported that the Tra- velling Library had arnived. As wc 'have it only until Apnil she urged ail members to pass the book on to some other member as soon as it is read so ahi may ben- efit. She gave a bnief synopsis of the book "Christian World 'Facts." Mrs. R. T. Hoskin gave a review of the book "Behinci Mud Walls" by Dr. and Mrs. Wiser, Igîving us a picture of lîfe in some Indian villages and revealing to us that we have much to do in that vast country to change the oid ordier, but we must -be sure that we give them something worthwhile to take its place. The worship pcniod was in charge of Mrs. C. W. «Shemon and ber group. Dr. G. W. Miller, spoke on "The Health of India." Because of the number of years he spent in India he was able to give a comprehensive picture of many situations there. He told of the great need of more doctors, nurses, dentists, etc., but assured us the ones there are doing a great job against overwhelming odds. Sanitation is primitive, ife is a battle. The political problem is before us now and will require great patience in attempting to solve it. Mrs. W. R. Strike, community friend'ship secretary, urged us to be friendly especially to strangers and to call on themn and also the "lshut-ins." Last night Bowmanville Ban- tams wcnc defeatcd 5-2 by Port Hope in the Hill to'wn to lose the round for the district titie 6-2. This was the last'of the home and home games, the first being play- ed at Orono Monday night. v ~ f$<~bvN4<>\v, Be A, Lovely Valentine 0 yours for the askin g. is an individual Hair Styling of Deep Waves and Soft Curis, easy to manage ... deihtful... to enhance the beauty of a Party Ensemble. PHONE 453 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blekie 95 CHURCH STREET AT CORER0O GEORGE - Permanent Waving and Ail Lines of Beauty Culture I IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST1 From The Statemmaa Fies More April flowers are report- ed blooming in January. Mrs. Eric Colwell had white rock gar- den plants in bloom in her garden on January 26. Although it.froze, the blooms remained until cover- ed by another fali of snow. These flowers usually appean as a mass of white in April. The Ladies' Guild at St. John's Anglican Church sponsoned ano- ther of their popuilar cuchres: on Friday evening. Prize winners were, Mrs. Leon Dumas, Mrs. Thomas Gould, Miss Ruth Mutton, Walter Cochrane and Leon Du- mas. Mis. Harry G. Morden was winner of the lucky chair prize. Owing to the recent stonmy weather the January executive meeting of Oshawa Presbyterial Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church which was to have been held Jan. 30, was post- poned. Arrangements have been madie to meet Tuesday, Feb. 11, in King St. United Church, Osh- awa, at 9:30 a.m. Box lunch and usual program. Mrs. W. 2E. Rog- ers, president of Oshawa Presby- terial, will preside. The Misses Allen, Beech Ave., had as their guests for dinner hast Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Laurie O'Hara of England. Mr. O'Hara was a pnisoner of war in Ger- many for four years, afterwards serving in .the U.N.R.R.A. for a time. During the war his wife did war work in England. They hope to settle in Canada. Mr. O'Hara's father and mother were born in Bowmanville, the latter nec Alicia Simpson, was youngcst daughter of the late Senator Simpson. The O'Hara's left Bowmanvillc for Toronto late in the last century but Mr. O'Hara's father, the late W. J. O'Hara, was well known to those of his old friends who are left here, as "Willie" O'Hara. Trinity W.M.S. Hear Address on India By Dr. G. W. Miller Haydon: League m.eeting had a good programn with readings by Vera Coulter, Fred Ashton and Victor Toole and solos b5y Mabel Beech. Maple Grove: Ross Stevens, Iv- ison Munday, Laurence Wood and Miss Viola Stevens motored to Virginia. Orono: Farmer's Club officens: President, I. T. Chapman, vice, Arthur Robbins; secretary, C. A. Chapman; directors, Geo. Cain, Frank Cooper, W. J. Lycett, E. Syres, Gordon Powers, John Tamn- blyn, Heber Souch, F. Brima- combe and R. Ard. In the Editor's Mail Newton Hackney, 73 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa: Please find subscrip- tion to your paper. Even though still within haihing distance of Bowmanville, xve findi we cannot keep up with Bowmanville and .Durham.County news without the assistance of The Canaddan States- man. When one gets away from bis native hcath be soon finds that it is nice to know that good old Bill bas another boy-or that Jack is getting married-or that Tom bas become vice president of this or that company. In other words it's nice to receive that let- ter from home and thanks to you andi your staff, that's just what The Statesman amounts to-a let- ter from home with ail the local news. Here's wishing you and, the nest of the staff the very best of everything for 1947. CHURCHES TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. E. Griffith, Minister Sunday, Feb. 9 1l a.m.-"Our Colleges." Prof. Chas. Leslie of Victoria University. Junior Church 2:30 p.m.-Sunday Sehool 7 p.m.-The Minister "Papa was a Preacher" Great hymns (Let us Worship together) EVANGELISTIc TABERNACLE Pastor: H. W. O'Brien Sunday 1l a.m.-Believers' Meeting 7:30 p.m.-Evangelistic Meeting Wednesday 8 p.m.-Pnayen THE SALVATION ARMNY Officers in charge: Capt. and Mrs. J. Brown 'Fighting Faith Campaign' Special Evangelistie Services Sunday, Feb. 9th, 1947: Il a.m.-Holiness meeting 2:15 p.m.-Directony Class and Sunday School 7 p.m.-Salvation meeting Speaker: Capt. Sybil Mutftrn Monday. 8 p.m.-Cottage meeting, Mn. and Mrs. E. Willatts Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.-Home League Ail ladies are invited Wednesday, 8 p.m-Praise meet- ing. Capt. Helen Cook of Port Hope in charge Thunsd»y, 8 p.m.-Public meeting Capt. and Mrs. Henry Bunden of Cobourg in charge Plan te Attend TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO February 2, 1922 Dr. Hazlewood gave instruction at the home nursing class on bac- tenia and inflammation. Mrs. A. S. Tilley presided at the Women's Canadian Club when musical numbers were giv- en by Mrs. J. B. Neale, Mrs. W. R. Courtice, Mrs. C. Cawker, Mrs. M. A. Neal and Mrs. D. R. Morri- son. R. R. Stevens, president of Hol- stein-Friesian Club was chairman at a banquet at Christie's refresh- ment parlons when addnesses wcre given by Stephen Jose, Mayor H. L. Quinn, W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., Fred W. Falhis, R. M. Holtby, J. J. Abernethy and Capt. J. B. Neal. At Counties' Council Reeve C. E. Rehder is on finance, legisla- tion and education; Deputy Reeve M. J. Elliott on contingencies, county property and roads ana bridges. Senator Robert Beith passes away and a very large funeral was held at St. Paul's Church with palîbearers Alex., James, Gordon and Robert Beith, Chas. P. Blair and G. H. Duncan. St. Paul's Sunday School con- cert featured solos by Marjorie Bounsaîl, Margaret Colville and Ruby Haliman; recitations by John Macfarlane and Allan Clarke, and a duet by 'Alex and Freeborn Colville. Nellie Vivienne Mingeaud was married to A. W. Tucker, Tor- onto. William Courtice, 95 years of age, passes away. Girls' conference was held Iby Bowmanville Girls' Work Board with president, Miss Amy E. Mc- Kowan, vice-pres., Miss Hazel Wilcox and secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Chas. A. Wight. Reg. Jones refereed the win- ning H.S. hockey game when Bowmanville defeateci Oshawa 5 to 3. Bowmanville team: S. James, Armstrong, Somerville, Fraser, Pointon, Tilley, Hall and Dale. Tyrone: Miss E. M. Werry led the C.G.I.T. girls at Winter school in Cabourg. Misses Geraldine and Edythe Clemens playedr a piano duet. Hampton: Dr. Lorne E. Hast- ings, native of Hampton, was el- ected president of Philadeiphia Association of Industrial Medi- cine. LOWEST PRICES For quick flrst aid. BANU "AID ADHESIVE BANDAGES Thermometers $2.-$1.50-$1.25-$1. lodine, 5% Spirits of Ammonia -- Hot Water Botties---- Hortechs Malted Milk Agaral Vlcks Vaporal Dr. Chase's Nerve Food $1.39-98c 98c-49e $1.29-69c ----- 43e $1 .50-60e FIFTY YEARS AGO @February 3, 1897 t West Durham Agicultural So- ciety bas a balance of $324 with presîdent, D. B. Simpson, secre- tary, R. Wîndatt; treasuren W. F. Allen; auditons, J. McMuntry and F. H. Mason. South Ward Tabernacle concert features a tableau witb musical accompanîment. Mrs. R. Hamlcy entertains in honon of ber daugbten, Mrs. Chas. Gorvet, Sparta. Attractions at the South Ward Sunday Scbooh concert were Mon- nison 's orchestra; Percy Punsbon, entertainer; Miss Effie Glover, so- prano; H. J. Kn'ight, tenor, and Miss Anna Haynes, elocutionist. Solos were given by Miss' Mo- setta James and James Goard at a social evening at Dr. W. E. Tilley's. Town Coundil made these ap- pointments: Toývn Clerk, R. Win- datt, salary $56bJ; assé*or, S. Bur- den, $150; chief constable, Rich- ard Janvis, $550. Two petitions ne cows result in the one with 344 names in favor of cows baving their liberty, sponsored by John Percy, becoming law. Archie Tait is appointedl on Poor Relief com- mittee in place of Lewis Cornish. T. P. Goard joined the police department. Excelsion Social Circle enter- tains with an hour sîcigli ride around the town when two big sleigb loads of young people en- joy the ride and-iater an oyster supper in Royal Templar's hall. Orono: David Noble selîs a fine team of horses for $300.-R. T. Rowe opened a butcher shop in the Henry block. Mns. Wm. Thornton passes away in ber 76th year. Clarke Union: A social evening at W. L. Cobbledick's was much enjoyed with solos .by Mrs. I. Cobbledick, Mrs. W. L. Cobble- dick, instrumental music 'by Miss Bickle and S. Cobbledick and ne- citations by Miss Worden and Miss V. Cobbledîck. Mount Vernon: Arthur Milîson is home from O.A.C., Guelph- Thomas Wilbur suffers from a se- vere attack of sciatica.-Heatlie Bros. entertained with violin music at Chosen Friends' concert at Taunton. Ebenezer: Ida Rose McDonald and John Bright were marriedi at ber parents' home, Mr. and Mrs. W. McDonald-School report, y, G. Annis, E. Worden; Sr. IV, H. Osborne, G. Worden, A. Annis; Jr. IV, C. Truli, C. Courtice and W. Found. Maphe (drove: Rd. Snowden is cutting quite a dash with a new cutter.-Chas. Axford was injur- when a loadi of hay upset.-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snowden celebrate their wedding aniversary 'with a party.-Harry Taylor and Leslie Snowden are quite ill.-J. A. Law- rie is on a driving tour in Scar- boro and Vaughan townships. Alka-Seltzer ........ Vicks Vapo-Rub ..... Magnolax ......... Sot as a fleecy simud! Idasal Tablets ---39c Borace Acid - --25c-15c-1Oc- Epsom Salis- 15c-1Oc Milk of Magnesia Tablets -----39e-25c Milk of Magnesia Liquid ---55c-33e-23c Idarub -------- 39e Bronehida --- 50e Laxative Cold Tablets --------- 25c b Mustard Rub -----25c E Zinc Olntment --- 25c Astringent Mouth Wash -----69c-23c Fuel to Burn Hello, Homemakers! AIl eyes are on the potato! A senving of potatoes eveny day is demanded by food nules for good health. Some people follow this rule without givîng it a thouglit. But not evenyone is quite that enthus- iastic about our good friend the potato which puts it up to the cook to do a spot of lurîng, with a different presentation of the val- ued vegetable as bait. There are some who have boasted that they need' not serve potatoes twice the same way in a whole calendar year. I do flot approve too much of that procedure myself, looking at the question from the dietetic point of view. There are some ways to serve potatoes which make them much more valuable, nutrîtionally, than othen ways can ever do-and so these should be featured. It is well establish- cd that the best part of the veg- etable lies just beneath the skin too closely aihiedi to that for us to hope to do any peeling in the raw state wîthout cutting away veny vahuable constituents. So, of course, our best practice is to cook the potato, skin and al- which means for the most part, stcaming or boiling or baking. The hast methodi is supreme fav- orite, both from the cnjoyment andi the nutnitional point of view. But there are other factors to be considered besides the straight question of what is thc one best thing to do with a food, prodiuct. Potatocs can be substituted for many expensive or hard-to-get foods. For example, mashed po- tatoes can be used to thicken soups instead of flour andi bacon fat; to thicken sauces instead of flour aid, butter; to substitute for breadi crumbs in poultry dress- ing; in pancake batter for flavour; in yeast mixture for good tex- ture; add to omelettes to make more of this dish; in clumplings (cooked or raw); also in many supper dishes as potato-fish pie, scalloped potatoes with sausages, split weiners filledi with mashed potatoes, potato souffle, pigs in 'taters, potatoes in haîf sheli, po- tato-cehery and nut loaf and veg- etable plates. Pigs in 'Taters Six large potatoes, 6 tablespoons butter, 41/2 teaspoons milk, 11/ teaspoons saît, dash of paprika, 1/ pound small saüisages. Boil scrubhed potatoes for 20 minutes. Cut a slice from 1 side of each then use coring knife, take out part of centre; MIl with sau- sages. Blake in moderate oven (350 deg. F.), until potato is brown and, sausages.are thoroughly cook- ed, about 15 to 20 minutes. Serves 6. Anierica'1s Finest Anthracite EGG - STOVE - CHESTNUT- PEA BUCKWHEAT "HAMfCO COKE" STOVE, NUT AND RANGE Alberta Aiburna Lump. . . Embassy Bituminousý Egg a a .Cavalier Reserve Stoker Substantial Quantities of Above Fuels in Stock The Sheppard & G1"i LUMDER CO. LTD. 96 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone 715 Noxzema Skin Cream Special 93e Size ..65e Peroxide ----39c-25e-15c Bayer Aspfrin 79c-29c-18e 39c-69c Charm Kuri $1.35 Halo Shampoo 75c-49e Vltoff Shampoo 98c-49e-25c Palmolive Powder Sham poo ------------ ----- 5c Ogilvie Castile Soap $1.50-$1.00 .~57c-29c .. . . . . . .43e .~$1.OO-50c Frosst's 217's- Grove's Cold Tablets ---- $1.50-75e-35e 44c-24c Calamine Lotion --25e Bromo Seltzer --- 95c-49e-25e' Aiphamettes -- $ 3.50 $1.85-$1.0 Elastoplast Kits ----------- 25e-iSe PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES M cOREOOR DRUS - PHONE 792 - WB DELIVIR r MAL H EALTH WEEK m FEB. 2"fl lU This week is sponsored by the Health -League of Canada in co-operation with officiai Departments of Health and Education, radio, press, sehools, churches, service clubs, women's organizations. -~ SICK-ROOM NEEDS Lysol Disinfectant ...... $1.35-65c-35e Dettol Antiseptie ........... $1.49-49e Ilygeol Antiseptie ............ 6Oc-35c Listerene Antiseptie ...... 89c-49c-29c Ex-Lax ...................... 33c-15c Feenamint ............... 69c-33c-19c MAKE YOUR APPOINTMEJMT BARLY TO INSURE YOU 0OP COMPLETE SATISACTION. j".'l Bile Beang Daim"