I PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEB. 6th, 1947 Courtice 1f. nd M.RosPearceen- JOye aleasant hoidaywih fi- ends at Watertown, N.Y. Misn Lia Osborne, Toronto, visited at her home here. Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. C. LE RADIOS $30.25 ]ROYAL Vacum Cleanes Cembination Floor Polisher and Cleaner HI-Heat OII BURNERS For Kitchen Stoves Metal Tank $5300 INSTALLED M URPHIY'S Phone 811 57 King St. W. Adams on arrivai o! a little daughter at Oshawa Hospital Jan. 21st.a Mrs. Bob Barber is home from Oshawa Hospital after her recent major operation. We welcome Fred and Mrs. Bal- son and Ray who have moved in- to their new home. They resided at Harmony for some time. Report of Farm Forum meeting held in January appears on an- other page. No.4 Mission Band held its meeting Wednesday afternoon. Scripture reading was given by Mrs. Coverly, and the offer- ing prayer given by Raymond Osborne. The following programn was presented: reading, Marion Grills; story, Helen Rocko; two choruses by the Seniors; story by Miss Gwen Osborne; recitation, Elaine Senko. We are sorry to report the con- tinued illness of our former pas- tor, Rev. H. C. Linstead, who was iii before leaving here for hie new pastorship at Paisley. He is now in Owen Sound Hospital suffer- ing from mastoid trouble. Services at Ebenezer werc wel attended on Sunday week when our new pastor, Rev. Frank Yard- iey, was in charge. With his wife and daughter, we weicome him to our community. Suitable music was providedi by the choir under the leadership of Mrs. F. Annis. Sunday School session was carried out in the usual manner. After the evening service the yound people were invited to the parsonage where a get-acquainted, pleasant time was enjoyed. A rippling bapk - f ull gracicus sleeves, short and handsome . . . that's your new spring coat. Colors that you dream about in cloud-soft wool. Make your selection here today. *CHOICE 0F STYLES *RANGE 0F COLORS SPLENTY OF SIZES SNOW SUITS The ideal protection for your child on these blus- tery days and at such amazing reductions. Wide variety of colours and sizes te choose from at about Haif Price. Couch, iohnston & Cryderman PHONE 836 LTD. BOWMANVILLE Buy With Confidence GENiERÂLq* ELIECTRIC APPLIANCES GENERAL ELECTRIC Automatic Irons . $1 1.00 NEW 1947 G.E. Mantie Radios $M8.95 up GENERAL ELECTRIC Toasters... $6.95 GENERAL ELECTRIC Vacuum Cleaners SS9.S0 BE READY WITH C.I.L. PAINTS It won't be long until sprint paintin.g time wilI be here. Be sure of the best - buy C.L. Paints. Complete Unes now lu stock. Higgon Electric Your Genoral Electric Âppliance Dealer 42 King nt. 3. Phono 438 The Newcastle Independent Phone: Cla.rke 3314 Messrs. Harold and Frank Hoar, Toronto, with their mother, Mrs. Ed. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. D. Griffiths and Joey, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton. Miss Margaret Roberts, Toron- to, was guest of Miss Frances Dyer. Several members of the Y.P.U. attended Oshawa Presbytery skat- ing party in Whitby. A number of skaters were on the ice at the rink on Saturday evenîng and enjoyed- skating to music. It was the first skating since the thaw. Mrs. W. H. Pearce, Mr. Ernest Pearce spent the weekend in To- ronto where they attendtd the wedding on Saturday evening in St. Stephens Uniîted Church of Mr. Roy Colwill and Miss Pearl Hutchison. The groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Colwell (the former Miss Ethel Atkinson) and is a nephew of Mrs. W. H. Pearce. The fiowers on the altar of St. George's Church on Sunday were in mem*ory of the late Dr. and Mrs. George Carveth. Mrs. T. Arnold-Forrester who arrived- from England in the au- tumn to visit her mother, Mrs. T. M. Gibson, saiied for home on the Queen Elizabeth, Feb. 5th, from New York. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brown were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thackray, Mr. and. Mrs. Errol Brown and little daughter Beryl, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bailey, Mrs. Eugene Bail- ey, Brooklin. Evening Branch of W.A. of St. George's Church met at Mrs. Gar- net Porter's, Monday evening. Chief business was election of off- icers which resulted as foliows: Presiclent, Mrs. Douglas Dewd- ney; vice president, Mrs. Harold Gibson; treasurer, Mrs. Ed. Bar- chard; secretary, Mrs. Wallace Gibson; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. Ed. Neilson; flower secretary, Mrs. William Lake. Balance of the evening was spent in recreation in the form. of a card party, with the money realized from rame being appiied on freight on baie sent to Drayrton Valley, Alta. Dance given under auspices of Brown's Home and School Club in the Community Hall on Friday evening was a great success. Win- ners of draw prizes were as fol- lows: Pressure cooker, by Ha- zel Yelland, Oshawa; table mats won by Mrs. J. J. Cornish; pair of nylons won by Mrs. Antony Byr- as, Newcastle. Mr. and, Mrs. J. S. Dyer and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Aluin ar- rived home this weçk after'spcn- ding three weeks in Fiorida. While swimming in the Atlantic ocean at Miami Beach during his trip south Mr. Clarence Allin noticed among the hundreds of others en- joyîng the same sport, a charming and beautiful young lady in dis- tress. When he swam ta her res- cue she had 'become unconscious, he quickly brought her ta shore to the life saving station where she was revived. Lake Shore, Clarke Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pollard and family, Brampton, Miss' Jean Holmes, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stringer with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Alldredi. Mr. and Mrs. Bob AlId!red en- tertained a few friends at cards Saturday evening. Mrs. W. Hoimes in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Far- row with Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Ail- dred. Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams and Keith in Toronto. Wesleyville Farm Forum met at Richard Best's with 12 present and a good discussion followed. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Oughtred and Donna had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thorn- dyke. Mrs. C. Payne, Miss Pauline Peters and Howard Payne visited Mr. and Mrs. William Payne. Murray Payne and John Elliott, Port Hope, attended the ski runs at Baltimore, Sunday. Clarence Nichoils motored ta Toronto on Monday to attend the Ice Follies. Mrs. Reeve spent the weekend wîth her sister Mrs. Bennett, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. C. Beighton's daughter, Mrs. Clarke of Utter- son, had her home completely des- troyed by fire Sunday mbrning. Congratulations to George Mar- tin of Welcome who has purchas- cd a new Kaiser car which is fre- quently seen calling at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Mason. Solina Y.P.U. met Monday evening with Ewart Leask, Feliowship convener, in charge cf the pro- gram. Ray Pascoe, Eilecn Far- row and Gladys Yellowlees as- sisted in the worship service. Readings were given by Harvey Yellowlees and Haroldi Clenden- nen, and Betty Smales sang. Eu- nice Leask and Gladys Yellowlees conducted games. A programn presented by the Primary and Junior classes, pre- ceded the Sunday School lesson period, Sunday, consisting cf songs by the Primary pupils and recitations by Harold Yellowlces and Allyn Hoskin. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Reynolds, Mrs. Ev'erett Cryderman, Messrs. S. E. Werry, A. L. Pascoe and Clarence Vice made a business trip ta Toronto, Saturday, on be- hait o! the Church Building Com- mittee. Harold Pascoc noticed a young deer stallcing across his fields last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd' Broome entertained a number o! rela- tives and friends Saturday even- ing. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH VESTRY MEETING St. George's Church Vestry meeting was held in the Parish Hall on Monday evening, Janu- ary 27 with the Rector, Rev. Dou- sglas' Dewdney presiding. L. Gaines was appointed Vestry Clerk. The Rector gave a sum- mary of the year's activities in the Parish and extended thanks to ail societies for their splendid support. He stresse& particularly the fine work for the Anglican Advance Appeal when $1,220.75 was raised towards this fund. Al societies showed, a favorable bal- ance with allotments paid in full. There were 4 marriages, 4 fun- ierals and 9 baptisms in the parish. f The Rector expressed regret at 1the continued illness of Mr. Hor- Erocks and his resignation as Mis- !sionary secretary. Mrs. Mat 1Brown who was faithful in, at- tendance at Sunday School and at the Altar Guild, when health per- mitted, is also greatly, missed and 1the hope expresse&' that she will soon be able to again help in these organizations. Reports of ail societies were read and ad'opted. Harold, Gib- son reported for People's Wardens and, these were appointed for the coming year: Howard Gibson, Saxon Graham, Cyril Rutland, Wallace Gibson and Mr. Babbs; Recétor's Warden, Geo. Crowther, and sidesmen, Donald E. Gibson, A. Garrod,, Walter Crowther, P. Williams, L. Gaiules and Geo. Ste- phenson. Lay delegates to Syn- od are Geo. Crowther, Harold Gibson, with D. J. Gibson as a substitute. Envelope secretary, Miss Audrey Horrocks. Mission- ary allotment secretary, Mrs. D. B. Simpson; advisory council: The chairmen of ail societies and Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Simpson, Miss N. Horrocks and Miss Butler. Mem- bers of Great Chapter of Dean- ery: Wardens and D. J. Gibson, Harold Gibson and L. Gaines; au- ditors, Saxon Graham and Fred Thomas with Mrs. M. Gogerty as substitute. Nestieton Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs visited her mother Mrs. Smith, Lindsay. Miss Jean Malcolm, Islington, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm, of Blackstock, with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. John Nesbitt, of Biackstock, have moved to their farm east of Nestleton. Mr. Harold Wheeler srpent Sat- urd-ay in, Toronto. Mrs. Wilmer Fitze visited Mrs. Jas. Williamson. Mrs. L, Joblin visited her mo- ther, Mrs. Jas. Malcolm, Port Perry. Mrs. Hed-ge visited friends in Toronto. Miss Jean Black visited Miss Irene Marlow. Mr. and Mrs. L. Jojbiin visited Mr. çgnd Mrs. George Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm, Wayne and, Brencia visîted. their grandmnother, Mrs. Jas. Malcolm, Port Perry. Miss- Evelyn Marlow has gone to Kingston to work in the aium- inum factory. q c At the Twist of the Dial You'IlIhave perfect radio reception at the twist of the dial - if you count on us for expert repairs. No matter how old your radio, we can tune It up for bet- ter Iistening - qulekly and economically. Let us pick up your radio today. Roy W. Neads Halllcrafter Radios Crosley Radios Records - Record Players Amateur Supplies 85 King St. E. Phone 580 WORM OUT ind àagau «ehn &ay. MteId.&0 w.rk--cvmkj with miseaidm ont of erder-ler a at à -bulg ainsi- ru-s W . Dd'sKiâsy .Teà Orono News Visitors: Mrs., Harold Hancock, Eileen and Grant, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Edgerton Hancock. Mr. John Coryell, Peterboro, at Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowe's. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Millson, Ajax, with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown. Mrs. J. H. Leslie, Peterborough, with Mr. and, Mrs. W. J. Riddell. Mrs. Geo. Crowther, Newcastle, with her mother, Mrs. C. Wood. Mre. H. Lycett and, baby with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gamey. Mrs. I. Winter and Mrs. J. J. Cornish in Toronto. Mr. John Delve, Oshawa, with Mrs. Delve and Mrs. H. Curtis. Miss Lorraine McDonald with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor. Miss Mary Burgess, Kirby, with Mr. Robt. Burgess. Miss Pauline Robbins, Leskard, with Miss Wilda Hooey. Mrs. W. J. Martyn has sold her home on Church St. N., to Mr. Orme Gerry, Hamilton. The new township grader with snow plough arrived in Orono on Saturday and was soon in use be- cause of the big snowfall. Mr. Fred Sisson, who has been iii ail winter at his home is now in Bowmanville Hospital. Bill Boyd, Kirby, has rented Milton Cornish's, farm and will take possession this spring. Mr. Cornish has taken a position as head herdsman for Col. R. F. Mc- Alpine, near Fenelon Falls. Congratulations to Mrs. R. H. Woard who celebrated her 84th birthday on January 24th. She was well remembered by cards and, callers. James Nixon, Bowmanviiie, has purchasied the house on, Main St. owned by J. E. Smith. The Smith famiiy expect to move to Co- bourg. The Mothercraft grouýp held' an interesting and educational meet- ing at the Town Hall, Wedlnesday evening, when appropriate mov- ing pictures were shown. Miss Steele, R.N, Coun-ty Heaith Unit, spoke and Mrs. Everett Brown played severai piano solos. This group of young women wiil meet once a month to continue their studies. Next meeting at Mrà. C. Milier's, Feb. 13. Master David Phasey has been a patient in Bowmanville Hospi- tai the past week. Young women of Park St. Un- ited Church have changed their organization from a Bible Class to, an Evening Auxiliary of the W.M. S. Nominating committee met at Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn's and election of officers wili be hed at next meeting at home of Mrs. Gordon Watson. Carlos Tamblyn accompanied by J. T. Brown, Newcastle, has been in Minnesota and other pla- ces on business in connection with their Holstein herds. Antioch Farm Forum met on Monday evening at Bert Rabin- son's with a good attendance. Mr. and, Mrs. James Eagleson, Centre Street, entertained, friends to a goose and chicken dinner on January 22nd. Mrs. William D. Fowler, Peter- boro, Mrs. R. F. Cruse and little dauýghter Mariene Elizabeth, of South Monaghan, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagleson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagieson enter- tained their neighbors and friends to supper on Fridey evening. Miss Mary Burgess, Kirby, is visiting her uncle, Mr. Robert Burgess. Durham Centrai. Agricultural Society held, its annuai meeting in Orono on Jan. 9. There were several changes in the officers for 1947. Mr. and Mrs. M. Stewart of Saskatchewan are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Les Reidl, Cowanvilie, and Mr. and, Mrs. Wm. Reid, Or- ono, after spending some time in Peterboro with relatives there. Miss Lillian 'Hales was brides- maid, at her sister Jean's wedding in Bowmanviile last week. Rev. S. Littlewood~ started on Sunday morning a very interest- ing series- of sermons on "What Protestants Believe and Why." At the evening service an; illIustrated lecture on "Sunshine and Sha- dows in Alberta" was much en- joyed. Mrs. Lawrence Hooy adth ing reports were made by repre- sentatives of dIfferent organiza. tions. Miss M. Davey reported for Women's Association; Mrs. C. Wood for Women's Missionary Society; W. J. Stainton for Sun- day School; L. Crabbe for Young People's Union; Mrs. C. Wood for the choir; J. D. Brown for Trus- tee Board; R. E. Logan for Ses- sion; and Mrs. K. Gamsby for the Good Will Class. Church Trea- surer W. J. Riddell reported a splendid balance on hand, and Lhanked the members of the con- gregation for their loyal support. Elections to Session, Board of Ste%#ards, and Trustee Board were held and ushers appointed. Spe- cial mention and hearty votes of appreciation of their splendid work were made concerning the organist, Mrs. R. H-. Brown, the treasurer, Mr. W. J. Riddell and a sincere vote of thanks to Rev. and Mfrs. Littlewod for their faîthful and, devoted service during almost ave years on the circuit. A lunch and social time were enjoyed at the close. Hamipton Mr.and Mrs. Lloyd Broome, Ronnie and Larry, Solina, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Salter. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Disneyv and child- ren, Greenwood, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Cryderman. .Mrs. Don Robinkson, Oshawa, at Mrs. A. Allin's. Miss Dorothy Adamson, Toron- to, spent Sunday at home. Miss Ruby Clatworthy, R.N, Bowmanville, ýt Mrs. Austin Bar- ron's. Congratulations to Mrs. R. Av- ery who reached her 89th birth- day on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Jacklin, Star City, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rahm, Weston; Mrs. A. Binneli, Mrs. L. Cochrane, Mr. and Mrs. S. Pediar, Toronto; Mrs. F. West- lake, Mr. and Mrs. F'rank West- lake, Jr., and' Phyllis, Solina. withMrs. S. G. Niddery. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Reynolds and Sharon, and Mrs. Nelson Rey- nolds, Toronto, at J. R. Reynolds. A number of young people at- tended the Presbytery Y.P.U. skating party at Whitby arena, Jan. 28th when an enjoyable time was spent. Next Sunday night the church pulpit wiii be occupiedl by Prof. Chas. Leslie of Victoria and Em- manuel Coilege, Toronto. Sympathy is extended to Mr. C. Vivian in the death of his sister, Mrs. Wilbur of Taunton. An interesting event took place Friday night in the church base- ment when a goodly numrber of Hampton folk gathered- to honor five of our recent brides and grooms, and, ta present them-with gifts. Those so honored were Mr. andMrs. Reg. Kersey who were presented with a magazine and book cabinet; Mr. and Mrs. Bloyd Wilcox, a floor lamp; Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, a coffee table; Mr. and, Mrs. Bob Vivian, a table lamp; Mr. and Mrs. John Rundie, a coffee table for which they briefly expresed their thanks. In the absence of our pastor, Wil Wilbur acted as master of cere- monies. Mrs. J. R. Reynolds read limes of poetry and best wishes addressed, to them. A short pro- gram was presented consisting of a sing-song conducted by Mrs. Ken Caverly, humorous readings by W. W. Horn, C. W. Souch and M. Niddery, and musical selections by Misses Jean Balson, Mary Nid- dery and Jean Kersey. Mrs. J. R. Reynolds conducted a quiz contest after which refreshments were servedi by the Ladies' Ser- vice Club. Owing to unavoidable circumstances Mr. and Mrs. Boyb Vivian and Mr. and* Mrs. John Rund.le were unable to be pres- ent. Hampton C.G.I.T. met in the basement of the United Church on Feb. 3rd. They planned to go on a sleighing party. Shirley Car- tier had, charge of the worship service. Cali to worship, Irene Allin; scripture, Nancy Coutts; prayer by Joyce Aluin. Evelyn Smale had charge of the program. Yvonne Williams read the story; Muriel Hindm-an, piano solo; and Grace Kersey read, a poem. Brown's Busy Becs met at Mrs. W. Far- row's for a quîlting. Farm Forum met at John Rick- ard's, next meeting at Geo. Hon- ey's. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson at Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner and Sam at Austin Turner's, Lock- harts. Mr. W. Farrow in Toronto. The annual dance of Brown's Home and School Association was held Jan. 31 with good attendance. The d.raw was made by Reeve George Waiton, the winners be- ing: lst, pressure cooker won by Mrs. Hazel Young, Oshawa; 2nd, electric table lamp won by Mrs. J. J. Cornish, Orono; 3rd, pair of nylons, won 'by Mrs. Emma Byr- as, Newcastle. RePreshments were served in the basement of the hall. pkgb. 20e 24- lb.73 Bag 1-lb. 109 Bagu V 3-lb. ME Bag tP Pkg. e0 2Cakes l130 ~Cakes i Making the punishment fit the crime-a Chicago judyu;e used, to, sentence some traffic violaters te a trip to the county morgue to, impress on them the possible re- sults of their actions. You bet we study ! 80 THAT YOU may have the benefits of the- most, up-to-date provisions i nL your policy contract, we constantly study releases supplied to us by the in- surance companies we re- present. This assures you of up- to-date counsel at ail times. Stuart R. lames INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Quccessor to ..J. Mason & Son Phones: Office 681 - Bouse 493 King St. Bowmanville I MAPLE LEAP ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUE**7 OGILVIE WHEAT RHEARTS CEREAL VITA B 1-1.<o TON 1K WHEAT GERN PALM OL IVE SOAP a..*90 2 CASHMERE BOUQUET TOILET SoAP 2 TOILET SOAP WHEN AVAILABLE USE SUPR SDS - Pkg. 264 .- À& P ED ANDBilERANDDEEF - 1 STEAKS or BOASYTS POIRTEREOUSE BIRLOIN, WING OR BONELESS ROUND PINEM f FIRST FIVE RIB -s *lb. 45< * b. 33e elb 4le * e S S lb.35e SALMON FILLETS SILVERBRIGHT ***lb- 37# SALEON STEAKS- SILVERBRIGHT SS lb. 29ç HADDOCK FU&=ET Il' lelb. 4i< ~DFILETSlb.32g FILLETOF SOIE lb. 4 ANN PAGE MILK BREAD WHITE or BROWN DUY THE RD/EST! A&LP GREN PAS STANDARD 20- 11< DEANSSTANDARD QUALITV 20-o11 DLENDED JUICE 7s2 2Tin Dot; FOODm SOCIETY - 2 Tins 27< PRUNES NEW CROP, LOW PRICE 2lb.27 FIGS EATING £ £ e 7e 1ROBIN HOOD1 ORANGCES CALWFORNIA Doz. 27e ORANlGES ZPO 200'- Doz. < TEXAS MARSH SEEDLESS No. 1-96's GRAPEFIRUIT 7-'s 5 for e PIEPPLES .ach29 APPLES C. DELCOU 5for29 flAflNATIVE GROWN lb. mil AR Strawberry Red 17s TBNATOESHAND SELECTED en.29 FLORIDA PASCAL CELEET STALES0 2 for 259 LETTUCE N 2 for 29< RADIH~S TEXAS, Large a.-5e UDISECS Original Bunch DR~OITEXAS, Extr 'a&-a.259 ONTARIO, CANADA No. 1 GRADE POTATOES 1 Seo- 210 7B&lb. 1 29 CHICKENS MILK FED GRADE A ]FOUL GRADE A BOILING . b-- ',