~WE8DAY, MAT 5tb, 1H? TEE CANADIAN STATEBMAN. EOWMANVIILE. ONTAEXO PAGE TE~TEEN j-0@.lP iff-A.i E. W. Phillip, bas been tidsing in Kingston ,- RfNewcstle Lions Cà sponsored I>yBowznanville Club rcccived Its lnternational Charter on Monday evenng at a banquet and enter- tati e ,« In Newcastle Commun- tt, fll. A full account o! Which MU pppear ini next w3ek's States- I!ftïa Henry Ragen, was hostesa TOP PRICES PAMO for Local Growm FRUIT A"D VEGETAIS iý LARGE OR SMALL SQUANTITIES BOUGHT FREE SDelivery Service FOR "-RUIT - VEGETABLES AND GROCERIES ANY PLACE IN TOWN( MFEETERS' BROTHERS FRUIT STORE 44 King St. E. j BOWMAN VILLEC j on Wecns4y et a supper party when she entertained came o! the ladies o! St. Matthew's Bçwl- ing Club, Toronto. Right 11ev. G. A., Wells will ad- mninster confirmation et St. George's Church, on Sunday mas- ning, June lstat etilo'clock. Mrs. Lillian Toms spent a !ew days wlth Mr. and Mrs. ruie Toms, Ottawa, and ber daughter Miss Frances Toms o! Montreal spent the wcekend- there. Misa Hazel Rowe aid 'Mrs. Scott Pollard spent the weekend at Wolf Island. Mrs. A. H. Fisher, Belleville, visited ber mother, Mns. George Riekard. Miss Ma ry 'Dewdney, Blshop Strachan School, j Toronto, was home with ber parents, Rev. and Mrs. Douglas Dewdncy, for the holiday wcekend. Mrs. Bonathan and Miss Don- othy Bonathan, Toronto, witb Mrs. Morley Sallows., Mn. and Mrs. Éarry Jose and little son Douglashave le!t on a mator trip ta British Columbia. Mrs. Joseph Hochen is keeping bouse for Donald and Frances dur- ing their parents' absence. Mn. Joseph Hochen, Ajax, spent holi- day weekend with bis wile and baby son. Mn. and Mrs. D. Griffitbs, son Joe and bis chum, Hamilton, were weekend guects with Mn. and Mrs. H. S. Bitton. Miss Margaret Ash, Toronto, was guest o! ber aunt, Mrs. Gor- don Ash. Miss Lida Lake, Toronto, was home for weekend with her moth- en, Mis. Frank Gibson. C.G.I.T. hiked to the lake for their meeting, May 20th. Aften the usuai business peniod the girls piayed a few games, then, enjoyed a sing song while eating bot dogs anound a camp fine. Messns. Frank and Ted Hoar, Toronto,,were with their mothen, I "PLAINSMAN and the LADY" STARRING WILLIAM ELLIOTT - VERA RALSTON - ALSO - 1Laurel and Hardy m "Murder Case"p Tihe, Newcastle 1ndepenudeut rb m M A quiet but pnetty wedding took place on Satunday, May 17, at the home o! the bride's uncle, Mn. Walter Douglas, Newcastle, when Audrey, youngen daughter o! Mns. Ragen and the late Henry Ragen, Toronto, was married to Dr. Jesse Ketchum, Harrow, ont., son'o! Mn. and Mrs. Jesse Ketch- um, Saskatoon, Sask.- Given in marniage by hen uncle, Mn. Walter Douglas, the bride looked charm- ing in a gr&y gabardine suit, white accessonies and cannied white car- nations. Miss Peggy Sheppard, Toronto, as ber attendant wone a brown suit, brown accessonies and corsage o! talisman roses. Mn. Douglas Townsend, Harrow, Ont., was best man., At the reception the bride's mo- ther received wearing a flowened siik mesh gowni and corsage o! ned roses. She was assisted in receiving by the groom's mother Who had cosseup fnom New York where she was visiting ber daugb- ter,* and wbo had chosen a rose crepe gown with corsage o! pink roses. Later the bride and groom left for a motor trip through the States, the bride travelling in a blue and sand tweed suit with bat to match and tan accessonies. The bride who is a graduate of Toronto General Hospital, is ,,a gnanddaughter o! the late Mn. and Mrs. John Douglas and bas many 'friend. in Newcastle whene sbe haàd often vlsitcd ber grandpar- èhta during ber school vacations. RED CROSS WOMEN RECEIVE WAR PINS Neyer boas mare than anc trou- i ble et a time. Some people beari thre. kinda: ail they have ever! had, ail they have now, and al they expect ta have.-Edward Ev- erett Hale. Native Son of Newcastle, lishop CharlesJLelaent Given Impressive Tribute Mis, Ed. Hoer oves Uic weekenc. Mrs. Scott Howard viulted her daughtar and son-in-law, Mr. and Mn. Donald Gibson. It is with general regretta the members of the communit have sald good-bye ta Mr. and Mrs. John* Sandham and children on their departute to .reside li St. Catharines. They will both be greetly miued from echurch and communlty life. Mr. Sandhaxn has always been deeply interestcd in promotlng Uic Wvelfare o! the- youth o! thc village and bas been untlring li bis work in this res- pect and aira in church activities. Mrs. Sandbam madeomany fniends with ber charming and graclous. personality.. The best wighes o! the conimunity go with them to their ncw home.9 Mrs. Sclby Spencer and littie daughter, Hamiltono were holiday weekend guests o! the former's mother, Mrs. -Mary McEvoy. Misa Louise Trenwith is spend- ing a few days li Toronto. Holiday visitons with Mrs. Wm. Parnal were ber sister, Mns. Full- en Cator, Bowmanvilie, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Caton, Ralph and Di- anne, Toronto, ber niece Mrs. W. Crackle and great-niece Elaine Crackle, also of Toronto. Miss Margaret Mornison, Ton- onto, was gucst with Misses Na- omi and Audrey Honrocks, who arc moving this week to their summer home "Half-a-Hill" at Newcastle on the Lake. Mrs. T. M. Gibson who has been wîth hen daughten, Mrs. Eani Wynn, Port Hope, is now at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. Eric Wicks. Mrs. Ernest Haigh is visiting fniends in Toronto. A number o! summen residents at the lake spent the holiday weekend at thein cottages. Mns. Harold Canr, Pont Credit, was weekend guest with her mho- ther, Mrs. W. H. Cooke, Miss Phyllis McNeil, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Erwin Farrow, Gar- den Hill, with Mn. and, Mrs. Wil- lis Farrow. Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell attended Northumberland Music Festival at Campbeil!ord. Mns. Campbell was guest o! Inspecton A. A. Martin. They are to be congratuiated on their. winning two finsts, one second and two thirds. The winning entnies be- ing, men's chorus 85 per cent; Mrs. Roy Bickle 84 per cent; Mary Philip 81 per cent; ladies' quar- tette 82 per cent. Ail entries irom Bethesda South. There was a fair attendance at Sunday School. The evening ser- vice was under auspices o! the W.A. A good congregation greet- ed the guest preacher, Rev. R. C. Copeland, Pickering. T\he solos o! Mn. Dyer, Newcastle, were very much appreciated. Mn. and Mrs. Sam Butteny and family, Mn. and Mrs. Ivison Mun- day and family, Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Welsh and family, Bowman- ville, wîth Mrs. John Lancaster, Mns. Mabel Langstaff is in Ton- onto visiting ber son, Wilbert and family. Messrs. Fred Tufford, Hugh Stapleton, Don Vinkie and C. Bur- ley.spent the weekend in Hali- burton county. We are glad to report Mn. C. Bnown's health much impnoved. We are sonny Mn. Frank Stoven and Mn. Pency Farrow are con-. fined in Bowmanville bospitai. Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey, Pont McNichol, with her parents, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton. Mr. Win. Ovens, Toronto, was in the village, Saturday. The play "The Stnike of the La- dies' Aid" was given Monday ev- ening by Hampton ladies in thc Community hall and ail parts wene weil presented, It certainly gives the lie to the popular idea that women are not good sports and do not enjoy a joke against tbemselves. The school orches- tra ententained between acts. Rev. H. A. Bunt le! t Tuesday morning to attend Bay o! Quinte Conference at Brockville. Mn. Laurence Gilnier spent the weekend with bis aunt, Mrs. Ma- bel Leushnen, Niagara Falls. Mrs. Gilmen who bas been visiting thene returned home with him. Del and Ken Whitney ahd G3eorge Stapleton attended the Ontario Hereford Association sale at the Royal Winter Fair CQiiseum in Toronto, May 21. Mr. Èitncy purchased a heifen. Mn. and Mns. Bert Caldwell and Mn. Eagleson, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. George Smith, Stark- ville, visited at Max Stapleton's, Gleorge Stapleton's and Lanson Cecil Stapleton and W. E. Reid purchased a dozen Holstein beif- ers at Madoc last week. Mns. Thos. Bunkeli bas return- ed !rom visiting ber daughter, M4rs. Epzweiller, Milwaukee. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE -Newtonville Women's Institute met May 21 at the home o! Mrs. E. Alldread, Newcastle, with the new president, Mns. George Kim- bail presiding. Arrangements were made for the trip to Guelph on June 18 for the observance of the 5Oth anniversary of the W.I. Ail those wishîng to go, were ask- cd ta notify the president not lat. Bowman e er than June 11. Date of our own June meeting is changed to June M otorSales 25 Mrs. Redknap \vas appointed C. E. Murreli delegate to the District Annual Convention at Nestleton on June DODGE - DESOTO DEALER 4, alofig with the officers and Dis- 166 King St., E. phone s85 trict Directon. It was decided flot to request a short course for the coming yean and the choice o! district services was le! t to thc - - - -- -delegates. - - ST unther rcceipts fnom card par- VI Ities were handed in, maga to- M OVII W EST tal of $27. The usual donation to U. Eawtfaom LfIud auIaeI t te anadian Institut. for thc Up"» UdSiPý-gC ebehb.- - P tII Bijnd la te be sent. ew» Ju Batl*cebou. Md Convener Mr&. Halgh took the cauIormaWut.wf»r.eb..f:=,i.u chaIr for the presentation of thc tv.Iiht tme*&. WeubIh. U 610 Yonte Se., Tout. Ltaad*ie 512 following program: Rtoll all, SIVA~ rSii~ ~ SJUIISomething my grandmothcr used --- to make. This was yeny intereot- Phone 451 1 - THIE MODERN STORE ing mnd Instructive, as ecd one o! thc 30 ladies present mention- cd a different accompllshment for which her grandinother was not- cd. Piano solos by Mrs. Brooks were enjoyed. Mrs. J. C. Han- cocki iniher owz iInimitable man.- ner, gave us a brie! synopsis o! the history of Clarke township, mentioning the chie! industries from the ycar 1792, when thé pro- vince was flrotdivided into coun- tics, then townships. It was noted that while several o! these, such as thc ilsh hatchcry, corne o! the flour'milis, etc., are now thlngs o! the past, then. arc stiil plenty o! churches, to accommodate the whole countrySide, and bow nice It would be to sec thern filled more o!ten. Mrs. C. M. Joncs .!avorcd us with an enjoyable vocal solo, "Some Day MIl Wanden Beck Again," quite In keeping.with the dey's tapme of Historical Research. A deliclous lunch was served by Mrs. Alldread and Mrs. Haigh's group, Mrs. S. Johnston express- ed the appreciation o! ail to the bostess for ber gracious bospital- ity. There were many admiring comments on the profusion o! spning flowers and blooming plants in her home. Lake Shore, Clarke Mrs. Roy McKay and boys, Miss Helen McKay and friend, Bronte, Mrs. Robert Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail and Mr. and Mrs. Les. Alldred and family, Onofio, with Mr. and Mrs, Bob Alldred. Miss Jean Holmes was home from Toronto. f Constable Ian Gilchrist, R.C.M. P., Ottawa, and Misses Jean and Annabelle Gilchrist, Toronto, were with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Hendty. Overbeard the other day was one Lake Shoreite saying that every, time he took off his.red flannels the temperature dropped, so perhaps it would be wise if be kept them on ta bring us some summer, wbat! Just now the Impossible is nec- es sary. Dr. Floyd J. Cutteil, Westfield, N.Y., son of the late Sam Cutteil, for over 50 years editor of The Orono News sends us the foilow- ing letter andeditorial from the Buffalo Courier -Express, whic h we are pleased to publish. know- ing many of our older readers wilI be interested in the* weil-' narrated tribute paid ta Bishop Charles H. Brent. Dear George: The enclosed lead editorial Is, I think, a tribute not. usually ac- corded an Episcopai bishop in a predominately Roman Catholic community. Bishop Charles Henry Brent was as you know a native of New- castle. Certain members of his family znay still reside there. May- be the generation of his friends and admirers in the County of Durham have passed on; -but sure- ly bis memory is as fresh as ever in New York state where he be- came the best loved and most dis-; tinguished of the nation's clergy. 0f the severai Durham - born who became worid famous, Bis- hop Brent and Admirai Sims, na- tive of Port Hope, were the iiiost outstanding. (And I think in that order.) Yours, Floyd Cutteil. Chairman o! School Board. Pros. of Teachera' Org 'x~.. It's WXaIker's For-' Tub'bable Summer Frocks Beautiful figured spuns, striped cham- brays, striped seersuckens and checked ginghams. A smart new selection of summer styles to choose from. Easy to heep fresh and crisp. WÇlear'em Wash'em. Sizes 12 to 20 and 34 to 46. I t!' f t t $4.95 each Plain Coloured Rayon Crepe Tlere's the niatenial for that better dress you want. Fine quality rayon crepe in plain summer colours of deep rose, grey or light blue. 36 inches w'ide. $1.85 yd. Spring Puises Reduced 25%' Here's your chance to buy a New Purse at a saving. The balance of aur Spring stock, that includes: Pouches, Envelope, Over-the-Shoulder and Zipper Top Models. To Clear at 25%/ Off. Exceptional Value ! Pure Silk Hose ~~ TLovely, sheer 54-gaugP pure silk hose that are made ini the U.S.A. Yolu will wvant several pair et this iow pnice. Onie shade oniy, Sunlure. Sizes 81/ ta 10. REG. $1.59 $1 .25 pro Chlldren's Rayon Panties 120 pair of £Children's iRayon Panties in brie! style. Ail finest quality. Sizes 8, 10 and 12. Peach or wvhite. Be eariy for*these. Strlped Awning Duck. Tisse ta replace veranda shades. If ere is a heavy quality duck hi multi-colouir stripes to do the job.yd 27 " wide. ,,.............-.-....... ..._ 1 5 39Ç r Dotted Marquisette Fine quality, snow white dotted mar- quisette, 48 inches wide. Ideal for frilly bedroom euntains on any room i the honse. ...... 65c yde Bowmanvllle able, to get done what h. wanted don. . . . Hit plans were what h. believed to be the WiU of God.0 Iný the, passages quoted, IBîshop Davis di& more 'than, pay homage t* the mémory of a great spirit- ual captain. Be held up an .j&al for theF convention to keep ln mind toduY i#hen it elects a bishop coa dJutor who wll become head of the Diocèse of Western New York aftcr Bishop Devis- retires next Fall. There was only one Charles Henry Brent; and xnany years may pass before another great statesman o! the Church arises to lead anxious and quest- ing men toward, Brent's vision of world peace and Christian unity -a vision which encoTnpassed not just soie countries, but ail the world; not, just some churches, but ail Christendom. There are niany ways'in which. the Brent ideai, as set forth by Bishop Davis, may be approached in election of a new bishop. Par- ticularly inspiring and persuasive is the description, "a God-cen- tered man of powerfui personai- ity . . . forgetful of self, obed- ient always to the heavenly vis- ion, yet human in bis understand- ing, sociable, loving and lovable, humorous."1 As, recalled on this page recent- ly, in its 109 years of history, the Episcopai Diocese of Western New York has had six bishops- De Lancey, Coxe, Walker; Brent, Ferris and Davis, ail strông, wise, devoted spiritual leaders. There is every reason to believe that the convention today wiil choose a worthy successor to ail these, a rightful heir to a noble tradition. Newtonville GARNET RIOKARD, R0Y±LE !HEA!R TOPS IN ENT1ZRTAINMENT THURSDAY - FRUDAY - MAY 29 -30 SATURDAY - MAY 31 The lnspired- Epic of the Pony Express! TWO COLOUR CARTOONS MON. -TUES. - WED. - JUNE 2- 3 - 4 Adult Entertalnuwnt FOX LATE NEWS' 7kLâe4 S1toeÀt, - l ded StarkvMle Mr. Roy Mc-Kay, Bronte, et Mr. Arthur McKay's. Miss Helena Hallowdll, Toronto, with Mns. Richard Hallowefl. % Mn. and Mrs. Warren Carson and family with Mns. Best, Orono. A numben attended a present- ation li Starkville, Frida even- ing, for Mr. and Myrs. C&oulson, Oshawa. Mns. Coulson was form- crly Josle Trlm. Miss Dorotby Farrow, Toronto, spent Uic holiday at home. Mrs, M. Shutka with fniends lI Oshawa. Portrait of a Bishop (Buffalo Courier-Express A wise, strong and faithful bis- hop paid a moving and impressive tribute to the memory of a great predecessor in the Right Rev. Cameron J. Davis' address to the Epîscopai diocesan convention at Niagara Falls yesterday. ln this, bis final report as head o! the Diocese of Western New York, Bishop Davis, whose entire min- istry has been spent in this dbo- cese, looked back over the haif century since bis ordination in 1897 and said: "It was after the First World War that Bishop Brent set forth with force bis proposition that moral pninciple rather, than power politics must govern internation- al relations, preached the Leaguç of Nations, and started the Con- tinuing Committee out. o! which. came the ecumenicai movement, because, as he said, a divided Church can neyer save a divided world . .. I can neyer forget the effect o! Bishops Brent's coming to thîs diocese (in 1919.) It can only be compared with the par- able in Ezekiel where God brea- thed upon the dry bones in the valiey and they lived. It was not s0 much what he did . . . But it was rather what he was, a God- centred man of powerful person- aiity who led us to think beyond machinery and dogmas and forms and territorial limits, and see and feel God as the great reality7aiàfd the worid as one world in Hiim. 0f ail the expeniences ofthese 50 years of diocesan history LIbélieve Brent's. comins. was thé moàt stin- ifing and the , nost enlarging and vitaiizing.... "It was Brent's personaiity, centered in God, forgetful of self, obedient aiways to the heavenly vision, yet human in bis under- standing, sociable, ioving and loy- able, humorous, that made him Dowmanville Motor Sales C. GUY,1 their awmcer cottage. Mins Rileen Mnolmly& apet Uic weekesn ethome. Mina Helen bechert iii Toronto. Mr. and Mns. Howard Farrow lni Oshawa, reccntlY. Mr. and Mms.Hugh Stapletço.,I and sono, Newtonville, at W,.A. HalloweUl'a. Mn. Frank Stone has been un-' derging treatment in B6wrdft-,. ville Hospital. Miss H. Decbert and Mn;su Mrs. Howard Farrow attended "Open House" et Bradlcys achool last week. To appeal tao men'a seif-Interest On Tbursday evening, May 22, Iin the Council Chamber o! the ICominiunity Hall, Mrs. Arthur W. jEllis, Toronto, past president o! ,Ontario Red Cross Society, pre- sented the Red Cross Women's War Work Pins ta memfbers o! Newcastle. Red Crossý Society. Miss Beatrix Mclntosh, presi- dent, presided for. the meeting and extended a welcome Io Mrs. Ellis on behaif o! the members o! the branch. Mns. Ellis addressed the meet- ing on the great need for the branches ta dontinue as peace- tisse organizations. The work o! 'the Red Cross neyer ends-wher.. even the need is, there the Red Cross comes with ssercy and heal- ing. She urged the Newcastle branch ta continue as an active bnanch and spoke o! what is pos- sible in a bnanch the size o! New- castle. Thene is the boan cupboard with aIl supplies necessary for a sick noom and whîch equipment would bet loaned out free o! charge where needed; the Emer- gency Units witb siipplies ta take cane O! any emengency in event o! local disaster; the service ta veterans and their familes, also prognamssoa swimming and water safety, etc. If there are things that should be done in the com- munity and we are not doing it, we are the lasers, uniess we are willing ta carry on and do some- thing to make a better world. To carry on in peace as in war Can- ada needs a stnong Red Cross. At the conclusion o! Mrs. Ellis's very cloquent and inspiring tallc, Miss McIntosh put the question again before the meeting wheth- en they should, as previously de- cided ceeue ta function as a Red Cross branch, on whether they feit another effort should be made ta secure volunteers ta take office and carry on a peece-time pro- grass. Aftcr considerable discus- sion it was decided thet a commit- tee o! three be appointed ta act as a nominating committee ta se- cure, if possible, a dlate o! officens ta carry out peace time work as Newcastle Branch Red Cross Sa- ciety. This cassmittee will re- port ta a meeting that will be cail- cd for Thursday, June 19, and if unsuccess!ul in their efforts, ta secure volunteers, thet thc branch will cease ta function and that charter and balance o! funds will be sent ta headquartens. Mess- bers appointed to nomineting coss- mlttec wene Rev. W. W. Patter- son, Misa Beatrix Mclntosh, Miss, Ruth Hancoek. 1 WEDDING 0F INTEIREST TO NEWCASTLE CITIZENS IMUMMY. MAT »M, Ibtt THZ CANADMESTATESUAN, BOWMANVnZ..& ONTARIO A Field Day and Picnic 8ponsored by the South Darilhgton Townshlp Area School Board wiU b. held AT HAMIPTON PARK commening at 10 a-M. FR(IDAY-9 JUNE 6th Special Speaker: MR. G. A. PEARSON Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education for Ontario. Basket Lunch Hot Water on Grounds Refreshment Booth provided by Hampton Women's Institute IN EVENT 0F RAIN WILL BE HELD TE FOLLOWING FRIDAY, JUNE l3th. »"ALL PARENTS URGÉD TO ATTEND"9 PAGI