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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1947, p. 5

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THUESDAY, MAT 29ti, 1947 The attitude of "serves the oth- Funeral from Ms grandfather's, eludlng pulses) la Mzc t1 M. rydrma, Bwmavile.pet cent. Grain louses (incldn _____IN-_TE_____AND_________S chased a new organ and 'Robt. T aiated at seVen and five prcn White has a new buggy with hisU g UE 5.ad f J 1 respen"ctlv e 1y. Stst'a inor- »0 9bo UPauhigh steppxgri'ver. B3 UT. aU .V EnV l3 uu a tono world louses laincomlt ______________________________ Clarke-.Rnhhdan m b r m Ww wu b ut If it'runs to the averae o tr ,of sheep killed by dags. Joseph _____live per cent of analial Wr Ra v May Z5. 1922 ta the Methodist conference in property. T. Hayes sold a fie Te:drlmme o bu n alo hs o Metodat huch nnai eprt ewaste.teamn of horses. ham, Cotlnty, C. E. Stephenson, Finance: (a) offer no relief from enteing v ltase wilb u R o . Mthois ChrchanualreprtNewaste.Orono-Joe Henry ships a car- appears ta be getting the major the oppressive buiden of indirect of tusngworade . Appra w lsa ASPHALT - FELT - SRIINGLE shows a very successful year with Toronto Durham Club met at Ioad of horses ta Boston and R. assîgnments in radio braadcasts and hidden taxes on staple neces- fiist itemraon the agenda'o h membership increase of 95 and Dr. and Mrs. Frank C..> Trebil- T. Rowe ships a carload of hog allotted ta the officiai opposition sities that compose the f8mily London -meeting, togetherwh Brc iigtotal contributions of $17,000. cock's with Dr. J. L. Hughes pre- ta, Ottawa. H. George Beers i: at Ottawa. Last week Mr. Sté- budget, ail of which taxes Increase the contsideration af whatmas Brik idngMrs. L. A. W. Tole, District siding. Resolutions af sympathy on a bicycle trip through Lind- phenson spoke over CFRB on.-a the cost af living; (b) offer nlo unes should be applied lnvaiu Supninendnt prsidd a t e moved by W. J. Bragg, M. say and Peterbaro. Wm. Pingle non-political topic which was re- encouragement ta those engaged areas and cauntries taovd Eavestrouhlng WMS . onvnentei ed in Oroho.P.P.-ta the family af the late has contract for water tank at fire ported in The r3tatesman. He fol- in the development ai aur natur- aeut rtcinfrsoe Mrs. W. H. Argue was appointedâ Walter H. Elliott, M.A., PubVc hall and James Wood does the lOwMed this on Saturday evening al resaurces, especially xinng foods, such as the proviiona secretary-treasurer. Schooi Inspector.* icem~a excavating. T. W. Jackson leaves with a broadcast over CHEX, Pet- 'and agriculture. (c) feul to pro- ixnproved warehouslng faciiis St oh' ngianCuche- Methodist Mission icemta for England ta establish titie ta erboro, in which the political vide for reconveaing of the Do-_________ FUM ACES ect a ablet ecordig the' names iss Grce Trein'ssceneraonn-CapitalteHiceiewasCapresenillwminion-Pravincialrvincinferencencein ec ctbe rcrdn hedae d ubr yMse ine Netnil onGloro-ted ta Durham constituents. order ta complete satisfactory Ohw AND ai those from the cangregation, Webber, Florence Morris Janey ens th. Temperance Htl .TeBugtareetTrt h rvncsadO hw al n t ch. wH. C.uris , bandmthter 'aDmno-raica rgai f tT iigSho wH.oC.nlî ste nd atr o Mason and Bernice Bagneil. P. Rîch bnightens his house with Deaiing with the budget he sald socialscnt~ elhadpbi IL U N R Bowmanville Band, opened a she sre Tat Bswallenea paint. Walter Jones has a beau- that 'When il was laid down il :e- investment. 0 L U R E S repaiir hopinStandard Bn ,store iefo.civdgnral avrbeco Cniun-tecurn buildin.Bak awson. ___M-_____ in.Tw unrd xsevcemnment but as M.P.'s and the public Provinilal Issue programsaet the Boys' Trann Two hundrforedizsex-service nd $menr came ta examine its terms more Mr. Stephenson went on ta dis- Schaol ,the boys enjoyed a '1hus Calno uofr rîe ai$25,$1end $1 anFre trekking iram Toronto ta Ottawe CONTROL LIIVESTOCK e closely, the original relie! prom- cuss the breakdown in Dominion- dlay Nighters Speciai," My 22 Gurnee okestry Association for the most in- were treated ta a liberal lunch a" INSECTS w1T D.D.T. ised was much lesa than et final Provincial relations and the me'- when the Oshawa Salvation r y telligent essays witten by school the Fair grounds at the experseapeed Thsulsanoc-td mpye byOta Songsters Brigade provide chidrn, eaingwih smephaseaitecroton Insecticides offered for sale in ed was in reality the proceeds of farce acquiescence ta its teris. great treat of sangs, readingr n af tree planting vndc.r local con- o!W.J. Bragg is elected president Canada must be registered in ac- the sale of war matenials form- Whiie holding ta the pninciple af stonies. Sang leader Jim rad A iS G NT dit ýcns. -o ntania Fruit Growers' Asso- cordance with the provisions Of erly paid for out of taxes, and conferences such as the United wha was introduced by charn DA I & G ANT Ms .R Heeley, Public Heelth ciation. the Pest Contrai Products Act, although applied ta reduce the Nations setup the government in J Graves, led in the followin e 1H Nursei charge ofloa 5il arlington: Base Lin. Sutiday. Unden the regulations of this Act, national debt, was in fact almost Canada denies this al-esnia lections: Opening chorus, Wa PHNE: 82 27 wlfro!mpiglcal s cho anniversary featured solos th. ingredients, guarante, pur- a hundred million short of paying pinciple at home. The resuti Friend W. Have in Jesus;payr PHNS 24 v2a elcami i g l eaves for a by Miss Hilda Langmid, duets by pose af the product, directions for the interest on the debt. a inancial disaffection and a con-s by Major Roberts; vocal mrh vaaini nln.Mr.ad MrsG. F.Anis;accom-dacn J. A. Holgate, F. C. Vanstonie ran s. . . M is , agr b use, and the text o! labels o! in-NainlDb nugthe ontoalntyVcorAcamdyt» panst wre is MrgaetAbsecticide mateniais are reviewed NaTonl espeauknetr et tanedtatioa niy Vicons AcleuMebytL ang ernethy and Mrs. Ross Pearce. by officiais of the Dominion De- The point striâssed by the speak- Thnessios ained thatmiite volste ecttion, Mr. n field Orono-Ross S. Lang has been pertment ai Agriculture before er was that during war the nat on cesin ene the poics d ominiwaron vocalses len Eeanez b h appainted ta the resident staff of applications for registration are ai debt had nisen from on- b y uther prineing teywr dMyeSa b l e eing, rs Toronto General Haspitl.-Mrs. accepted. Mention of this is made billions ta not fan short a! 18 bil-. îy eu refemet hey w ould reGlary, Songsters; chorus, boyc n A. A. Rolph returns from a visit in the processed publication lions with an annuel interest bill nw eurneter the ar, wedrte Songsters; vocal trio, DoE h in Manitoba with her mother, "Livestock Insect Contrai wîth D. a! same 540 millions. Having oweeents cntituigonalyad th Stubbings, June Oliver, Doee: a hoe Shine Stand Mrs. Walker, and reports a nar- D.T." ta give assurance thatpro- service this debt for many long eet e einrd MacDonald; vocal ac ro scp he ercrtundpnietary insecticides may be-pur- yeers ahead, the apposition has Immirationi Army's Merching Sang, Songrs; aven in four feet o! wte.-R. Z. chased and used with confidence, teken the stand that the goverrn- Th bnoedcast concluded with e vocal quintette, The Teenaes £Hall is elected W.P.M., ai Orono in accordance with the dlaims and ment ought ta cut unnecessery ex- summery o! the legisiation em- vocal selection, Joy in theAry O p n ~A.F. and A.M. Lodge. directions shown on the label af penditures ta the minimum reth- bracing the 57 ordens in caunicil Sangsters; vocal duet, Lety d Op n t'Nwate-ehds nie-the products. er than continue ta expand thie unden what is known as the Qin- Shirley Price; vocal selectionc h sayprogram lncluded music by Information is given in the cmr- civil service and multiple boards nibus Bill, which extends for an- Story o! Old, ar.d Sun ai M ol Miss Leta L. Bragg, Miss Elle culer about D.D.T. formulations, with their vat expense on aur other year the wertime powers of by the Songsters. Turnbull, Miss Hattie Mason and ail sprays containing D.D.T., em- ecanomy. the gavernment unden these it- In the absence o! AssistanSu N T- W ACou tice-Frnk Wàlter leaves ders and water suspensions, con- txpayers have shown they do not ed on the Immigration Resolution itors were welcmed by 'W.Bg Why ot protect your shoes as well as repair themn? o n a five months' mator trip Irai o! flies and other insects in bject ta paying reesonabie rates and the statement ai Prime Minis- neil, thanked by Welly Bradin WhY thnough U.S. buildingsinclud-oa taxation but, as he seid, if a ter King on that q9pstion, which behel! ai the boys and tue tff If anu abvut tabefobutldintsow. LldL If yu haen'tbefoe tr it ow.ada, advertising Creain af Barley. ing horn fly contrai, contrai o!fermer. had a mortgage on bis offers little immedffe hope thet The mal cot i wel wrththeadvntae»!lice with D.D.T.-caltle, hanse, farin, his first concern wouid be immigrants cen be secured ta ne- The am îl os i we l ort t e dva ta e!h g, sheep, goat, chicken, and dog ta bend every effort ta curtail all lieve t e dr stic shortge in f em Try it once and you will agree. FIFTY YEARS AGO - bedbugs in, chicken houses, unnecessary, expenditures and pqy labor. Mn. Stephenson clased May 26, 1897 sheep ked, sheep blowflies, fleas' off1 the bill as quickly as passible. with e boost for independent «and ticks. A copy o! this process. The samne should apply ta gov- braecsting stations which per- Location 74 King St.,, West Eariy closing by-iaw enacted; ed publication No. 65, may be ob- ernments. He feit ihat the budget mit broedcasting reports from stoesta loe e 630,exeptSe- ained by witing ta the Domin- was mare paliticaî'than a business Panliement Hill. This repart is urday nights, factory pey nightsio eatetoAgiutrdcmn.btavryrefs mr fth Originally the West End Shoe Repair and nights pnior toa apublic holi-iOntt ea. ten oLArcutuedou entn buttverybi! mryo h day during June, July and Aug- Otw.Sm !teaoaisi u ust, when the fine bell is rung. oefthanmlsinhear Delgets l Liera covenion INTRESINGPOITS budget have become apparent. ENORMOUS LOSSES Owne andThank You, hel in B om eanvlcinvuentiE. INSERED PRODUCIN sale tex n soi drins ndcend hedinBwmnileinlde .For instance, while cantinuîng tue Y NS TRDNT o p e a t e b y O x . n a v p e s o n e l. B e l m e n J o n P r c y C . L . u n -b a r s th a t h its d ir e c tly t th e c h ul- T e F o o d a n d A g r ic u ltu r e O r - H a v e y o u p la c e d y o u r o r e son, John H. Kydd, ±t.. Fielding, F. A featune in forage crop seed dren oi Canada, the luxury taxes ganization of the United Nations for Chicks from - out Bar __________________________________________G. Humber, Marvin Burk and production is cited by the Plant have canitinued ta hît just as dir- (FAO,) bas ennounced that ils Rock or Leghorn, governet John McKay. Producîs Division, Dominion De- ectly et the smaller income group 47 member governments have banded and blood-tested stck Rubber Fa~ctory by-lew grant- partment af Agriculture, in the while' givinig relief tô the graup heen invited ta send expertstai ing a bonus ai $6,000 ta Bowman- final 1946 seed crop report, con- wilh large incarnes. Take 1h. case meet in London, England, on Aug- Ail eggs set are, produced o v oile Ruber4. cridb e cerning the output of Red Clver of waches and cloeks, and- knives, ustl 4, 1947, ta considen methods of out own farm. * jniy i 1.seed, especilly ai he double-ul foks and spoons used in eveÈy reducing ]ses due ta infestation __ ~~M. A. James, John Hellyer and or medium kind. The crop home. -The eight per cent is cal- of stored foodstuifs. This meet- Aleik x.tfroe f l W.. H. Banbury wene dèlegales amounted in 1946 la 8,674,000 lecled on these, for strangely they ing will follow up the studya- Aleik xetfro the Methodissî districtstdisrit metng oreador65merdenemre haWareshind s lxhatcintheies ieor mdeossiblegon D..,hancelorpoaibeioncll trin Oshawa. 1h. 1945 crop Of 5,260,000,. and. is gel. by the Expert Committee on De- sold out t. May 28th. Dr. Q. R. Petterson, dentist, op- well ebove the five-year average struclion o! Food by insecîs, miles, Don't trust the safety of your home to inexperienced ens an office in the Bleekley of 6,358,000 pounds. Lxre o ae rodents, and mold fungi. woke.Alo p lcrcashv a er f Block. -Alsike claver in 1946 et 3,702,- On the othen hand, ail paint- It, is well known that annuel WB HAVE ON HAN» w o r i n n . A h f p r e l e tr c i n s a v h d y a r o M r . a c l~ e a a nja s s r- 0 0 0 p u n d s sh o w e d a n in c re se i gso fr u s u p i t h 3, o s a se s o ! s t re d . fo o d th ro u g h in - S E V E R A L J A M E S W A Y practical experience in -every branch of eecria prise Party on her 83rd birtbday. 13 per cent aven tue 1945 crop. brackets are flot taxed et ail. The festetion reech serious propor- OLBODR Miss M. Mosetta James 4vas sol- White claver et 60,500, pouncls samne goca for expensive cultiw-lv ions, sey 1h. FAO experts on the _____________________ a1ig ist et t.he TarantD Norma-1 School was aven. seven times rnau!0"i rs, ne -tax-et al hf if 'th. on- subject. Under adverse climaîic cneti.adof Sick Ç*~dren's the 1945 crop ai 7,840 pounds, and dinary. housewi!e buys a potted and unsetisiactory storage condi- WiefrPieLto Hospital.was made up elmost enlirely by plant ah. pays tue 8 per cent. tex. lion, the annuel loss af grain, Poo23 X440 ure OUr irin is dequae fo you reqire.Miss Mary S. Colville returned the Ladino s trein. QOrchand grass This la aira a direct blow et tue pulses, and ail seeds due ta in- Poe23 K~esue yurwlingIsadeuae or ou reuie. from Collge in Switzerlnd and and Medow Fescue showed an pottery industry. Il would lmost festation May run much iger ments. Be sure ta consuit us at any time about you was met in New York by her bro- upward trend in prodcioOr pear Ihat the poorer people will Ihan 10 Per cent in some coun- the W.Covile.chard grass seed crap et 30,100 bave ta farego knives and fonlcs tries. Even in cauntnies with well wiring problems. Free estiniates will be gladly ,William Coleman, 65, and Min- pounda, and Meadow Fescue et and eat with their fingers and be developed lechnological services, furnîshed. nie Tyler, 25, pssed away. ý 166000 pounds being respecivey content ta make artificil fowers lsses run from three la five per H . . rook01 Firemen bad a successful dem- 88 per cent and 66 per cent langer for Ibeir homes. Many such un- cent. RL 31 3, UWMAIL&" onstration on.May 24; visiting fine than'the 1945 cnops. stances are coming ta îight ini the, Figures, based on pre - wan brigades wene weicomed by May- The record drap o! Canadien budget. years, estimnate grain laosses (ex- WE SPECIALIZE IN HOUSE AND PARXWRN or.R. R. Loscambe and C. M. Caw- Blue Grass seed et 560,000 pounds, As ta exemptions for the lowen ________________________________________ ker wes Chie! Marshall. In the as against 275,000 pounds un 1945 incarne gnoups, ail that they have f -,sparts contesta,' W. Crydermati offset the marked decline in the been, relieved from' is -'made up waon two-mile bicycle race and production o! Kentucky Blue and exceeded by Ibe .iing cost o! Levsh ecoalins i fega but-1946; 500,000 pounda in 1945) and Ia ae struggling la keep up pro- ing and evengreens on King St. the decline o! Creeping Red Fes- ductioywithlaborelmos- non M ~greeted the visitons. Oven 500 cue et 364,500 pounds in 19461 existent and farm cosîs ising, not flag adrnedtheDomiionOr-campaned with 851,000 in 1945. only gels na incame tex relie! but R ig on lee n e anand Piano Ca. building. Two Alfalfe seed declined by 20 per bas ta continue paying Ihese nui- thousand people attended the con- cent with e crop o! 8,300,000 sance taxes. No wonder ferm 42 King St. E. Phone 438 cent in the Drill Shed and fine pounds in 1946 as against 10,362,- production is fafling for the profit weelber contributed if meking 000 pounds in 1945. This decline is just nat there. the day's events a grand succeas. a! more than two million pounds mnmetfs Janetville-Everett Crydermen, came in e year when the demand Hence in Ihese cincumstences, W. C. Anderson passed away. o! the crop o! alfaifd seed was position introduced ils amend- pnduced in lb. lhnee prairie mn sflos -provinces, the 1946 crop in Ihet "That bis Houa. regrets that -area representing 88 per cent o! wspeid ta Wiime Richards who ent generation was a graduel received a lovely Patrol Cup for change and experience bas al- eaving the best peInai. The girls ready sbown that eyes considered ,. ~w* = heped er win il are. C. Dil- perfect under old conditions muat Cool Summer Dresses for Style Eling, B. Mundock, J. Kilsan, N. be betten equipped under present - *Sinythe, M. Venstone, P. Smith conditions. With Ibis knowledge W. have SlummRer Dresses galore! Ail au new and fresh *and Margaret Leddy. Useful An- tben, we 'are prepared 'ta make as to-rnorrow's headlines - yet they niake such modeat * icle was pessed by E. Hutchinson. the first step loard a well equip- u Oun Commissioner loak the en- Ped future, ephasîzîng the nec demanda on the budget. Corneini and-seqlect yours to-da. tme discussing Camp with the precaution in lbe conservation Of Gie.Don't fangel the church vision.prpnceed panade, Sunday et 10:30 ini front The velue ai vision is increas- COATS AT REDUCED -PRICES ojf the Dublic schoo". On behali ing more and more with the dc- a! Lieutenant Devitt end myself, manda made upan il. Many are AUl aur Spring Coats have been substantially redue -a w4ýnL ta wish you ;.P. a grand unable ta fi certain positions ta- cd. A large selection of coats in a variety of styles, ing fr orw yard engyoi epo- dcontiont ofteree.T ist in tue pait watyo hveben aiig summerwrd ol id y and inbep-ook- dyon accountoteireyin .thi s szsedclus uIwbtyuhv enwi tember. Till then, girls, remem- because the position ilseif was fr ber ta do youn "Goad tunn." only cneeted in the recent years. The vision o! modern days ls Teemwonk is a method o! pro- sa overtaxed thet unuch ai liie's ID~ duction even mare productive heppiness is jeopardized, for Ibis era I lban machines. reason I arn impeiled la freely ex. C u o n t n & C y a " He knows nol how la speak wha press fadas with the hope thatet -~ u h o n t n & C y o m n Phono Glen R iStDaW»y I nnat be silent; still less how ta few who become acquainted with P»EN 8U O XNDL Boum anyli.KIn St W. acl witb vigar and décision. Wbo tbem will- accept that which ta hastens la the end is silent; loud- them is applicable. MUMM ama la lmpotence-Lavater. -(To b. continue&)> o 4 YS! Muic theUDY JUNEc th1e1-1 LOYAL À OWBANVJICTR TIM CANADIAN STATESMAN, ibov;uL4»vffj.& OMAMO

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