PAO! EIGET TEE CANADIAN STA~EMM~AW UriuIIAtamT.T.u V~%PPAUfi - -~ -, ' - - THURSDAY, MAY U~ 1947 IL ne Orono News 1fr. . H.Walh frm W. IL Rowe, A number from Orono attended )M. J. D. Brown andi Mrs. H. the supper at Kirby Church Iast WerrY attended the Annual Con- Wednesday evening. Pupils of vention of Ontario and Durham Orono Continuation School rut on Counties' Women'a Christian Tem- their, one-act play given at Com- ] rance Union la Oshawa last mencement and a group from edneaday. See reports on an- Park St. Church gave a short play other page. under the direction of Mr. Ray- Antloch and Lcckhart's School mond Chapman. pupila played a friendly game of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lockwood softball at the park Thursday ev- and family took a trip to the Nia- ening. Score 8-5 in favor of gara district over the holiday. Antioch. Clarke Township Public School Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alun and Teachers held their regular rnonth- Joan spent the holiday at Apsley. ly meeting at Crooked Creek Clarke Township Assesuor Robt. School on Tuesday evening of Molet and Clerk J. J. Mellon at- last week. A picnic supper was tended an Assessors' Convention much enjoyed. before the business at Peterbono last week. meeting. Congratulations to Mr. and Atacngraioaseeigo R. H. Keene on the arrivai of a Atr on Cruileetaina-f baby girl in Bowmenville Hos- gimoCiinvit astwseended ten pital. Rev. Andreinv utacwa ennieg, Clarke Township School Areasto eco me theupster.WiAnipg,1 13oard met at the home of the Sec- t eoeterpso.A f retary J. J. Mellor lest Wednesday ficial Board Meeting was held eveniflg. The next eternoon tiiey prier te Congregational Meet- paid a visit to several achools that ing, Rev. W. W. Pattenson, ep- are comlng into the erea next peinted by Presbyteny to have 3year. charge of the circuit until a new __________________________minster takes charge, pnesided ____________ _ z_____ at both meetings. A numben of ardent fishermen, YOUR membens of Orono Fish and Hunt Cub, spent the holiday weekend fishing et Baptiste Lake, in North ORCHARD IIatns NEEDS Mr. Lenoy G. Brown who has been acting representative of ProperHuron Cbunty has new been ap- peinted Agricultural Representa- Foli nation OtroDprmn fArcl BY ~ture.E A veny pleasant evening was1 spent when relatives and friendsc 13 E F4 Sof Mrs. Milton Green gathered at Contact us for Information the councii chamber to honor Mil- manriage. Miss Wilda Hooey read C A . .an s an appropriate address and a pe sentation was made to the bride Ph. 4r2ORONO and groom of a walnut coffee table, a large minron and an elec- ____________________ tric fan. Dancing was enjoyed and G'OB PLOOR "Uni Ô UPHOLSIY MOUZLE AM ClMIVERTOOI. Th. affa Zmen [ tACECy$88-50 Canaclian women who knew the value and performance of Goblin Cleaners before the war j'will be thrilled with this fine model by the British originators of vacuum cleaning. Let us give you a Free Demonstration. D.f.rr.d Paym.nts GIodIy Arrangod THE RADIO SHOP BOWMAN VILLE 'S AUTHORIZED NORTHERN ELECTRI<J DEALER Pow., uym 38 ing et. E. Phono 573 wmi POUR DJus FARMER,ç 1%1%g im wil on b. here. 9Btock u] w i h ay i forresand trip roe. W. I large quantity on hand. Mako your summer choe.hours shorterN DeLaval MiIker. Save milk witha DeLaval Cooder. Help olve your pasturo problems witli ELECOTRIO FPENCER Fertllîzer la on hand for your a W. H. DROWI DEALER FOR Camo FÉrm machlury - Ffresie DeLaval MiLkers and Sepaatars Eosy t... rStable Etulpment el ring et. W. ýp noI have a with a aI ii orden Nf e Tires Phone 9 a doudcous lunch aerved. The degree teem cof Bowmmn- ville P.obekah Lodge visited Hea- ther Lodge, Orono, on Thursday evening when five members were xmitiated. Park St. United Church Sunday School held their Annuel Anni- veîsary services on Sundey when Rev. W. P. Fletcher, Oshawa, was guest speaker and gave splendid advice te the children and young people. At the morning service intermediate girls made up the choir end sang very sweet]y ec- companied by Mrs. J. Blue. Miss Arlene Boyd eccompanied the be- ginners class and a chorus by the entire school, as well as the rlymns ini cembination with the ongan played by Mis. R. H. Brown. Very artistic arrangements of marsh marigolds adonned the altar and othen parts of the chunch. During a special meeting of the Masenic Lodge Thursday even- ing a lire started in the kitchen and made considerable headway before discovered. Someone call- ed the line departmnent, but the blezing ceai oul stove had been cannied outside and the lire in the kitchen put out befone the firemen arrived. It was a veny close cal and would have been a terrible loss if the lire hadn't been dis- covened eanly, as the lodge room had been ail remodelled and furn- ished just three years ago. May meeting of the Evening Auxiliery was held at the home of Mns. A. A. Drummond. Mis. C. Mellor and hen group had charge of the evening and we were ail greatly impnessed by the imnpor- tance of Youth in Christian Liv- ing, both et home and abnoad. Musical numbers were enjoyed, especially a musical contest, which put everyene's musical memony to test. The social hour was enjoy- ed, because during this time, we were privileged in seeing some of Mns. Drummond's beautiful paintings. The lunch was served by Mrs. G. Watson and hen gnoup. Visitons: Mr. and'. Mrs. Roy Crabbe, Ot- tawa, with thein son, Mn. Lloyd Cnabbe and Mns. Crabbe. Miss Elsie Rowe, Newcastle, with Mr. and Mns. W. H. Rowe. Miss Edria Best, Tononto, with her mother, Mns. H. Best. Mn. and Mns. J. H. Arnott with Mns. A. Roy. Miss C. McKay with fniends at Penrytown. Mn. Chas. Wood, Kitchenen, et his home. Mr. and Mns. Wm. Muin, To- ronto, with Mn. and Mrs. R. Glan- ville. Mn. and Mns. Hargnaves, Toron- to, with Mn. and Mns. C. S. Mc- Laren. Mns. Maria Smith with Mn. and Mrs. Frank Andron, Tononto. Mn. end Mns. Morris Duff and Shirley, Spencenville, with Mn. and Mis. Donald Duncan. Mns. Gannet Towns and sons with Mr. and Mns. W. J. Stainton. Mns. H. Pattersen, Ottawa, with Mn. and Mns. R. R. Waddell. Mn. and Mns. Ross Stonehouse and Wallace, Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. Fred Trull. ORONO POLICE TRUSTEES Orono Police Trustees mel May 26 with all members pri Secretary was esked te secur Farrow and arrange fon the du. ing o! 50 yards on the west of Tanneny Hill as soon as poss and aise anrange that the neE 200 yards be durnped thenei time te time during the sum and faîl. Secnetany wes instructed te firm arrangements with the To ship for the putting cf a pri oil coat on the village stneets, te the village te, be approxima $40.00. Some compleints had 1 made concerning the ditch on east side of Mill treet in the n part of the village and the Se tary was instructed te write to Provincial Engineer concer. same. Thene was a lengthy discus conceîning the collection of bage in the village and it agneed that W. Riddell shi make definite inquinies about dumping place and if hound te proach the Township Councilv a request that they punchase same and that the Secnetany xm -publice t the next reguln i Sing the Trustees would anis for the cauling of tenders for negular collection o! garbage the Village o! Orono and that cost for such collection must bonne by each family unit. These bis were ordered pi Workmen's Compensation Board--------------------- «--$2( Qieno Times, Daylght Saving Ad- William Mitchell, Sign Painting ------------ R. E. Logan, taking signs down and replacing ------- Township. of Clarke, Snowploughing 12 SILVER MEDAL CONTES!] The Silven Medal Contest, uný auspices o! Orono W.C.T.U.,1 Friday evening, was a spleni success. Mr. Sam Berry madi splendid cheirman and introduc the venieus contestants in e vi able manner. Newtonviile Schi Orchestra conducted by Mn. R( Iaid Bunley, gave several sel, *tiens which were veny muchà *pnecieted. They are te be beart cengretulated on thein talent a a bility in per!onming se wg Vocal solos by Mis. Everett Broi and'Miss Stella Best, eccempani by Mrs. R. H. Brown, were a *very much enjeyed. There w4 -13 participants in the elocutiona icontest and aIl did wonderfu' Iwell. Girls' medal was ewerc te Caroline Jones, Orono, endt Beys' medal te Robent Mani *Lockhert's School. Othen conte anta wene Cethanine Powers, Je Bulleck and Arlene Rainey *Clarke Union School; Helen Tu: *er, No. 9 School; Joanne Corni IGrace Gemsby, Anna Marie Sho wxn and Margenet York of Ori Jeck Wilson, Orono; Henold Cc *ping, Kirby School; and Ivan Bg *nard, No. 9. Judges were 1 iBruce Stewart, Newtonville; M~ 'Halsteed Coatbem, Antioch, a *Miss Cathanine Stewart, Kenc EMr. Stewart complimentWd1 contestants on their1 splendid1 formance and esalsted by Un. Walsh end Mrs. J. D. Brown1 sented eacfi witha suitablo 'i and the medels te the winners. great' deal of! credit la due Mrs. . Rwe, who erranged the elgspoemme' and trai several of the contestants. freshmienta were served et close. Burketon pr- pre- book i A .W.1 ev- dned Re- the The ennivenseny 'services were very well attended. Rev. R. M. jSeymour preeched et both ser- Lvices. Mis. Seymour and Mar- garet sang two lovely duetsend Mis. T. Hopley sang "The Tord's Prayer" in the afternnon and "My Task" in the evening eccompanied by Miss Gwen Dean. The cheir eccempanied by the organist Mis. K. Roblin, rendered special num- bers; Methers are invited te take their. children te the clinic et Blackstock' the lest Thunsday of each 'month instead cf the fourth Thunsday. Miss Bunma Morlock, R.N, is in change. Visitons: Mis. Alex Messie, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Needhem, whe celebnated their 28th wedding annivensary. Fred Carter with Glenn Al- dred, Norwood. Mis. J. Carter and Fred attend- ed the Canty-Avis wedding in Te- rente. Mn. and Mis. Winters, London, visîted Mn. and Mis. Ken Roblin. Mis. Ed. Caughill is visiting friends in Niagana. Mrs. J. Gatchell and Christina, Mn. Tommy Gatcheil, visited with friends in Kinmount. Mn. and Mis. Dave Gatchell end family with Mn. and Mis. Steph- enson, Bethany. Mn. R. J. Hanthoîn, Fenelon Falls, is staying with his son Bruce and family for sevenal weeks. Mn. and Mis. A. Goodman, Mn. and Mns. V. Bannes and baby, To- rente, Mr. and Mis. Henry Adams and family, Hampton; Mn.. and Mis. Ivan Cochrane and childien, Nestleton, Miss Lois -McMullen, Janetville, with Mn. and, Mis. E. Adams. Mr. and Mis. T. G. Bneck, Lon- don, visited fîiends in the village. Mis. Wefly Breck spent the weekend in Pont Hope. Miss Lynda Slingenlend, Bew- menville, bas returned home e!- ter visiting her grandmothen, Mis. B. Hubband. Mn. and Mis. P. Davidson and family, Zion, Mn. Henry DeMille with Mr. and Mis. B. Hubbard. Mn. and Mis. F. Holreyd and femily, Mn. and Mrs. J. Rogers and family, Hampton, Mr. Arthur Tompkins and Gordon, Mn. and Mis. George Tompkins and Jean with Mn. and Mis. A. J. Temp- kins. Mn. and Mis. George Rahm, of Blackwater, Mn. and Mis. Clan- ence Rahm, Weston, with Mis. H. Rahm. .Mr. and Mis. S. Moffat, Miss Marie Hartnett, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. O. Green. Mn. and Mrs. A. Lunn and famn- ily, Kirby, Mn. Loîne Dean, Osh- awa, with Mn. and Mrs. C. Dean. Silence is the safest respen- dent for aIl the contradiction that anises frem impertinence, vulgen- ity, or envy.-Zimmenman. b. Bicycles Tricycles Wagons REPAIRS & SERVICE Guaranteed Workmanship Bicycle Rentais Cemplete Stock of SPORTS EQUIPMENT Special Discount ta clubs McNulty' s Sports Shop DBowanavmle - Ontai-l This Is The Best Place To SeUl Your FARM PRODUCE At this season of the year we are eupecially rood buyers of lIENS - SPRING CHICKENS EGGS - SPRIING LAMBS and VEAL CALVES If we are net gettlng your pro- duce now we would appreciate YOur glvlng un a trial You wilJ flnd aur prices equal ta or botter tisa tis. you eau get eIsewhere. M.Pickering Faims Ltd. Ira. Whitby 336 -Nlght or Day anld l. lVhltby -Matarlo PI Mi. and Mis. "Irvin Pickeil, cf Kingston; Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Car-t thew- and deughter, Vickie, Ton- onto, with Mr. and Mis. Frank Worden. Mr. and Mis. Kelth Ormiston and children with Roy and Mis. McGiil, Enniskillen. Mi. and Mis. Alan Down and childien, Elsie, Grant and Bnien, with Mr. and Mis. Eventon White et Bethesda. Mr. and Mis. Irvin Pickeil, cf Kingston; Mn. and Mis. Orville Pickellqand Noreen, Ajax; Mn. and Mm-. Wm. Canthew and daughter, Toronto, with W. R. and Mis. Pickell and Lloyd and Mis. Down. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Worden, Mn. and Mis, Irvin Pickell, King- ston, with Mi. end Mrs. Orville Pickell, Ajax. .Mn. and Mis. Gordon Vinson were weekend visitons at Niagara Falls and celebrated their Wed- ding anniverery by enjeying Blossom Week., 1Mis. (Rev.) Boyce, Oshawa, vis- ited et the Penfound home and ettended the Weman's Associa- tion meeting. We welcome Mack Penlound whe hes punchased Dr. Davies' property, east of Prestonvale, and will move frem Oshawa. Best wishes for a speedy recev- ery te Mis. George Johnston, who is a patient in Bowmanville Hos- pital. Bob Courtice who has been with the Oshawa Wholesale Limited bas taken a position as driver for Collacutt Coach Lines. A goodly numben tendened San- dy and Mis. Muir a charivari when a jolly time was spent. The couple responded in the usuel mannen. Mis. J. Gearing and her Sun- day School cless held a tea and sale of home-made cooking in the schoolroom eand wene more than pleased with thein retuins. Mn. and Mis. George Reynolds, Mis. Robent Fxood and Reg Fui- neyhough attended the concert at King Street United Church put on by the Gospelaires with Bela Urbanowsky, violinist. A goodly number gatheîed at the home of H. F. and Mis. Os- bonne on Thunsday night when Harold and Mis. Osborne, a recent bride and groom, wene tendered a miscellaneous showen. Mn. Glen Pickell was master o! cenemonies. The young couple were asked te open thein numerous and lovely gifts after which thanks was ex- tended in a fitting mannen. Fruit was served and an enjoyable time spent. No. 4 Mission Band held its meeting. TWo birthdays were ob- served. The annuel picnic will be held on June 17 on the school grounds. The worship peniod op- ened with quiet music. Gwen Os- borne was et the piano. Scrip- tune reading and stoîy were given by Mis. Stan Coverley. Raymond Osborne closed this period with prayen. The program presented încluded a. story by Erma Rocko, a poem by Lloyd Coverley, chorus, "The Maple Leaf Foieven,II by the band, tempenance reading by Mil- ton Arneld and a story by Gwen Osborne. Woman's Association met et the home o! Mis. Clarence Penfound with an attendance of 22. First vice-president Mis. Penfound was in the chair. Business items in- cluded a quilting in two weeks' time et Mis. McKenzie's, nuel picnic in July and àlso eny- thing in clothing or canned goods for Bnitain te be le! t et Bob Ban- ber's by May 28. Scripture need- ing was given by Mis. Luther Barrabal and nicely commented on and closed with prayer. A hymn was sung with Mis. Bob Barber and Phylis Adams accom- panying with vielin and piano. Mis. Tooley contributed a vocal solo. A reading was given by Ann HaIt, a violîn selection by Mis. Barber and the topic given by Mis. Yardley. The meeting wes in charge o! Mis. Shipman and Mis. Fred Balson. Lunch was served by Mis. Pen!ound and Mis. Simmons. The next meeting wili be et the McKenzie home with Mis. Choate and Mis. Bob Bar-; ber in charge of pîogîam. 'ie lunch cemmittee will be Mis. An- tiI and Mis. Nichols. HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB Home and School Club met with president, Mis. C. Hockin, in the chair. Installation o! new efficers was conducted by Mis. E. C. Mounce, past president of the Home and School Council, Osha- wa. Those installed weîe: Pies- iclent, Mis. Lloyd Courtice; vice- presidents, Mis. Eldon Essery and Mis. Clyde Saundens; secre- teny, Mis. C. Hockin; treasurer, Mis. Norman Hinds. Business items included officers reports. Plans for field day ciscussed. De- cided te hold meetings the second Tuesday o! the month with the June meeting on the lOth. Mis. Hockin, pest president, thanked ahl hon ce-openation during bei term of office. Miss L. McQuade favoned with piano solo and Viv- ian Sniden gave two piano num- bers. Mis. Fulton eccempenied hensel! fon two vocal solos and elso pleyed foi a lively singseng. Refneshments were served. The committee serving were Mis. Hind, Mrs. Saundeis, Mis. Hooey and Mns. Courtice. S.S.. No. 9., Clarke Several of the ladies-, cf oui ccrnmunity accepted Miss Belch's Invitation te the achool lest Thux-s- day te enjoy thefine Empire Day Program put on by"the childien. Every child waa included and eech and ail teck their part well dolng credi t te thein teacher, To. con- clude the progiem the five child- re ho.opoke et thie W.C.T.U. Public Speaking Contest-a few days before gave their speeches. We regret to report that Mr. Jas; Braneh- i. - M. We Und.natand that Kolver -and COurù-S i<ELLOGG'S or QUAKER COINFLAKES O 5 QUAKER PUFFED WHREAT SPAIKIES MACARONI RCAIJ U PURITY FOE 7-1b. M BRODIES SELF RAISING CAKE FLOUR- a a. TOILET SOAP PALMOLliVE WHNl AVAILABLE'ÙUse SUPER SUDS e APPLE SAUCE EMPTE NEW LOW PRICE-AYLMER ONION SOUP « o NEW LOW PRICE-AYLMER CLAN CHOWDEE iT'S NEW-VAN 'KIRK'S CHOC. ICING WflH. 1 Mrs. A. W. Pnescott with Rev. hand you'll put your bot in it. 3 Pg. 254 2 Pkg130 2Pkgs. 170 24-1b.73 aie.ti Cake 9% a Pkg. 26* 12-or. 2119 Tin 3 Tins 25U 2 Tins 230 7!/- o Z. H. Gibson have sold the property new occupied by Mi. Cox to a re- sident of Bowmanville. Aise that Austin Turner has purchased the faim ecross the highwey known as the Dickson faim. Mis. W. H. Gibson spent Sun- day as guest of Mn. and Mis, W. Harold Gibson. Mns. Harold Gibson entertained the Evening Auxiliaiy o! the An- glican Church lest Wednesday evening and the same evening the evening brench cf the United W.M.S. met et Mis. Austin Tuin- er's. Leslie Gibson has gene te Stun- geon Falls where he has secured employment with the Abittibi Pulp & Papen Ce. 3cAJ 1b, 149 Do& 250 DoL 359 Dom. 3n e ". 199 bh. 27% oh . 1 0 lb. l9e lb.170 t9 FLOOR CRAN WAXI l 639 CHAN SPEED COAT P!n59 WHEN AVAILABLE USE IVORY SNOW Pko. 24e CLEANER DBABO «* aa 2fo250 HEINZ WHITE VINEGAI . - Bti.210 A.&P. CUSTOM GROUNO DBOKAR COFFEE lb.39 A. & P. CUSTOM GROUND b ANN PAGE MILK BREAD WHITE or BROWN .024 oz loaves 1m5c DANANAS GOLDEN RIPE s ORAGESNEW CROP VALENCIAg, 2M8. ORANGES' FLORIDA VALENCIA, 161 PINEAPPLES UBAN FRESH GRAPERUIT TEXAS MARSH, 5 LENONS CALIFORNIA, FRESH, 252% TOMATES. SELECTED QUALITY ~UCUNBERS LARGE FANCY CEER HATS FLORIIDA b CARROTS LARGE ORGNL GREEN BEANS LOIIN ONIONS TEXAS YEL.LOW No. l'a - -2 p~%YTIM4~ mm.ATLANTIC PACIFIC,.... A HEA~¶ & 'p -super RigtQuality Meuts SNOKED. Bu CHOICEWHOLE OR HALF th . 4e< PORK SAIJSA&E PURE, SMALL LINK osseel.390 BOILING FOWL FREIN GRADE A *eSseel.339 FIRYNC CEC K NS GRADE A ALVES e e e e lb. 55< svea &Food Suggesrtions TEOUT FREIN G.EORGIAN BAY * - - - l.43 11fE FISEFRE&INLb.»9< COD 1FllulFRIN b270 IHAIDOÇE FLL~fl AIJEUT nI"'D FRESN * lb. 39< FREIN e e e * lbfl< -- ___B and is. E. Barrowclough.* We are sonry to report the MI- ness of Rohnie Dinner who Is au!- fering from an ettack of esthma. Mi. and Mis. Carroll Nicholis with her -parents, Mr. and Mis. Shields, Mount Pleasant. Misa Jean Rowden, Bewdley, Wlth Ruth Payne. Mr- Victor Thorndyke, Mi. and Mis. Arnold. Thorndyke and Carol with Mrs, W. Thornidyke in Port Hope, who, bas recenlty returned from Niagara Falls. Miss Peuline Peters with Mi. and Mis. C. Payne,. Mr. Bill Glever, Peterborough, with his aunt, Mis. L. Holdaway. Mn. end Mis. B. Binsted and family with Mr. and Mis. Charles Binsted, Peterborough. Mns. John Goheen, Ajax, and Mis. Hicks, Coîbyville, with Mn. and Mrs. ichard Best. Miss Hazel Sanguin, Sunder- land, spent e f ew days visiting friends in the cexmnunity. Mi. Mureay Payne attended the Toronto General Hospital Nurses' Graduation Dance et the Royal York on Monday evening. Efi el1d Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott and family, Mn. Alymen Pnescott with Mn. and Mns. J. S. Eddyvean, Richmond Hill. Kenneth Smith, Oshewea, with Murray Prescott. The wenld will werk night when we live righit. If you try te tek. t» much ln Wesleyvle Sunday School was held with ail teachenspresent and an attend- ance of 37. Church was held at 11:30 with a goed ettendance and the Junior Choir furnîshed the music. Dr. Oke preached a very good sermon on Christian Education. Miss Helene Barrowclough of the English Settiement, with hen parents, Mr. and Mns. E. Barrow- clough. A shower was held in honour of Miss Olive Mason on Wednes- day, afternoon at the home of Mns. Arnold Thorndyke. The bride-to- be was presented with a corsage of roses by Miss Canol Thorndyke and she received many beautiful and useful gifts. Mrs. Archie Ford and daughter are spending a few days with ber mother, Mrs. W. Tufford on their retunn from the hospital. Among weekend visiters with Mr. and Mrs. William Payne wene: Messrs. James and Victon Payne, Toronto; Mrs. George Dinnen and Ken, Mrs. G. Jones, Mrs. W. O'Neill and son, Maurice, Mr. D. Jones, Mrs. Ethen Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jones.' Mrs. Arnold Thorndyke and Carol with her sister, Mrs., Walter Longyean, Elizabethville. Miss Bennett, Peterborough, at ber sisten's, Mrs. H. Reeve. Mr. G. Helmer, Malton, with Mn., m MMI ÉEýý J. A. and mma.Plant rxight. Mi. and Mim Carl FPru-an ats famlly,,Union, Mr. -n m r" T S. Eddyvean, Richmond XI i A. W. 'Preseott's. M. And Mms.XE.Precoti, MIu%. * îay and Glenn, 'at 2. Glboànm Gretnbanc. Miss Ruth Prescott apet a w»ek ln Richmond a~ nd Toront,. W . are scniW oue Mr.. ani Mis. Charles Heniy, Barbai.. and Doris, frem oui community. They have preae téfaim near Columnbus, vaceted by Mi. L. Stem. phenson. Mis. Norman Stinson la ln Bow. menville Hospital with a new daughter. SW.A. met et the home f Ms. E. Piescott with nino ladies pies. ent. Discussions about the corné ing enniversaîy toek consldorable time and everycue enjoyed the fine pîogrem which followed. Miss Ruth Prescott and Mis. R. M. Seymour gave humorous reed-. ings and Mis. J. Herris played a piano selection. The ladies scrubbed the church, Tuesday. Mis. G.- Bowman la txaInInX% the children for the aiveray Several néw phones- have bee installed. Many buildings are belng wlred for hydre. 1 1 1 1 10 1 PAM XIGIVr THE CANADIM STATEMUN. nowmANVmix. ommAwTn MISSION BAND MEETING WOMAN'S ASSOCIATION àke m