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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1947, p. 13

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geârj ÙSDAY, .TUIE 5ti, 1947 -- -------. - -~ ., .-'-.-' W ~ ~ AZMbL~J FAUX T1iIlI~~q ?RU <!AMATiIAT PA'P5~1AM RP~WAImITYW .Y~IIA~W% PORT -Intrnuiedstes iA .iundred shivering fans were itn'xhand at the HIgh Sciiooi dia- ioeSaturday afternoon ta *ilW'-tihe exhibition * fastbafl Lgame between the local Intermned- Why Wax Your Floor Once A Week? Use ALMATEX Liciuid Ps Finish once a year. Migu glons, non-skid easy aPPly, eàsy te keep dlean, Net a paint on s varnish, For Information sud colou cards eall Mlason & Dal HARDWARE Phone 408 36 King St. te [. Ur le . B NTERM BASE 6:301 wedi., J Port-Jo1 VS. Dowmanvi ROYALS High SchoE Grounds ADMISSION -- 'I i 11< JEWI Phone 747 en' - il -'1Z ita admonitionnmd-with-fIun-t--à - '~~" II effort ta no avail are forced ta o~ Don't let car trouble ruin your vacation. Driv II admit failune and even lhough Orseilvcto hc-p-adcnii correction o! tle existing error SIJIPORON reinains'in ou secalvcaio cec-p ndcodll ls now made use o! there ha still i l oco sryn=e.Sxo tle handicap o! bcing bellnd An y e igsry oze.Sxt n.do t to ~ for u cas work wlxîcî takes saine une eight pounds make 100Sios One>g**top de t nyoure reauy ta overcome. Thene la also the Of sPraY; aer.dllg lack :o! confidence ln ance's self crf NdiIg DIA M OND-A NDO bora o! thc depressed spirit o! in- CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED hV F ODIHTRSPTO O RINGS ~~~~capability which was so repeated- pctuaChmaiDIsm W LUI'IU*aouit hîom oteun i nîî HeflIax M hemTnius VIR14 EB..CO IHTRSPUONFR Many coznpliçatcd ca-on, qfWno o! f l iiNew.,,,,,.,,, * chiidren arc sudh as wihl permit= for close work with no apparent I -O N PALMER MOTOR Si airain. No eutward evidenc M- LI.Ctes.evcGsanOlsPlmuh h t~L - lL howlng. Those cases Wbere te îlesSrie a n 15- lmuh h C l I L L »Sstudent la being edueatedte sec. AS~ improperiy are thc cnes thai le-iFro rcs ELLERY AND GIFT SHOP qagm moe. developed mnawith 1rg ruk 28 King St. W. compicaied alo 1ece more'.BWANIL diffculttocorrect. -- (To be continued) dams. Mr. and Mrs. B. Harvey, Mirs. 'ilfred Andrews and DaVid, Tor- ito, with Mr. and Mrs.ý J. Car- er. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. 1Hanthorn on the birth of an- ther daughter. Wedding beils afe ringmng. . ýý-7 6ý Whltb Tiumph.*port News Our Apologies a oa.The. May meetings Ad 0vei *WCaCtlendarIni apîte of contInluig ram morne Inadve$tently oznitted frein last Hard'sand Mrs. Earl Trewin's. wi Thituday*J~,~ 5of the scheed sprts wereply week' e o the fi traclc and' These were bath work meetings on. 6:4hpu.softa, JeSWhitby handed Newcastle thdir cd off last weeked. TeDa-11.1 a metw teaaienfd.Hpslfranautremdnnainestet 6:45 .m.-SoftaU, ika econd straight deleat. ln the lington Football L.eague ran off Witherspoon of the teaching stafsdf oanutgphqi. Osborne's Imperials vs. Annis Iakeahore Intermed.tate BasebS.U two gaines on. soggy fields. But of Bowmanville Higli School. Mr. B and King, Publie Sehool. League at Newcastle, Satra the Bowmanville InterMediate Witherspoon flot only trained the o ie andigsofrftJuiogrund ta FiIday, lune 6 afternoon, Winnxng- 14-6. Wbitby baseball teain eancelled their trip Higli Sehol teams and contestants, B r eo give as nny plafshtiga ossible 6:45 p.m.-Saftball, Boys pounded out 17 hita, with Yulll t<> Peterboro, Saturday, to Play marked out the field for the races, B r eo prica apaewrkout, the snble a-'t.1 and Dafoe ecd- g.tting four =Ifda exhibition gaine gainst- Ro- but helped greatly t organize the pratic wrkottheInerméd- Taining SCo lvs. Peps. Rad and MacDonald adding three tary Juniors -gt the High School entfre prograrn and was chie! Visitors: iates came through with a 5-2 wln. Cola, Public School. each. diamond.0 Local softball fixtures umpire for the day. He was given Mrs. B. Hubbard and ALden and Up te the fifth the Juniors lad Monday, June 9 Hodgson, Whltby relief hurler, were ail eancelled and the openi- particular praise by recreational Mr. Henry DeMille attended the the cdge 1-0, with Arty Clemence 6:45 p.m.-Softball, Rurals va. was the real lere, allowing only ing gaines will be played when direetor Bart Sniithson. anniversary service at Zion. holding Intermediates ta one Mîlce Osborne's Imperials,, anc earncdrun and.threehuta. In grounds are in shape. The suin- ________ Mr. and Mrs. H. Strutt and Scratch hit and fanning six in Memorial Park. the last live lnnings he fanned mary o! reaulta of gaines played Pyls saa r n r.B thrce innings. 7:30 p.i.-Bantam Softball fine batters and did flot give up a are as follows: PhySligeOhand ;Mr and nda, Bowa. But ln the fourth Gond Sturrock League meeting, Lions Coin- walk. Lycett and Johnson collect. aealE ùs ilnvle with Mr. and Mrs. B. Hub- took aven froin Clernence to pitch munity Centre. cd two hits each for Newcastle. fabl i ja ti-esi9uebarlle ThswsWib' is tr. Bowmanville Interniedi Me~br.JakSih ndOvs the frst gaine of bis career. He Tueaday, June 10 This wasoWtitby-2first atartRotary- . oMsack Sm, ith Mand Ors, rag o unxpcte bntsinthe~ .m.SotbalWhitby ' --060 2Z1.003-14 17 5bne u - wnae oay Mn. and Mns. Frank Dorland Bwavle ihM.adMs ffttatne t o rbt e 5 unsfore anter- 6 Pe5p. soi la v. al 189Newcastlec-.100 031 100- 6 7 3 Juniors, Saturday, an exhibition ih ren s n To nt .J Cu a . Mae o n x et d b nsi h ems oil a rk.L ca 1 9Quantill, Hodgson and Dafoe; contest. w thMisE ens in T rontho. J CuMrs dran.a p on w mediates. Woodward and Gallag- 7.-00 p.m.-Pec-Wee Softball McDnest Sy.ean Wn ers, Wtby ne ateteie a toAMiss Eln, ihMandbernethy Tsten- Mns.FNiddBery, a to, t her were the next Junior batteny. L. uemeeting, Lions Coinmaete as1-6Weit. a y ake h aionrneadn ihm 1rsstr r.H am They held the seniors scoreless GLeague cd ta Ne.cndstle th. saine o and were relieved by Clemer1ce in munity Centre. ___________ ae tucas1-6ie Lksor lisMr whM. and Mrs. Ruol Mlssend Min. Fe aly lcso the 8th who continued the poose WedliCUday, June Il Clre D ligo orning up are conteEts be- M.a ndywt is orHoy Mrs. HaroWdiMiht and lin., sh Clark.th en.&:30p..-IrilngtonBaebaltween Cobourg and Rotary Jun- famîy th isNra oe, Ms H ngtad ocOI ePsoathrtd 63 pv.r deBo asvleai, iQrs, June 4, at the High School, Bureo idnnd.yi Ln awa, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mc- Tom Cowan pitched the first Pr oev. omnîî. Girls, .@ftball Longue with thc return gaine at Cobourg, MseVia ndSblLg- Laughlin. three innings for Intermediates, June 7, bath league gaines. maid, Oshawa, were guests o! Mr. Miss Isobel Lockhead, Miss Ann yielding three lits and a run ia SOFTBALL On May 29, girls' bail teains Intermediates journey ta' Whit- anid Mns. Ray McGill. Hopiey, Toronto, Mrs. Culîhain the first, including a brace of two- from Ncwtanvile, Orono, Cour- by June 6 for their firat league M.adMs.J .Gt H . n n hlrnwt r.TmHp baggers by Rundie and Martyn. Town League tice and Newcastle, met iai,New- gaine away from home. famnily, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. H. ey. Doug Furey took aven frain Cow- The Town Saftball League wil astle Commupity Hall tao rgan-FtI Bull and family, Part Hope, Mr. On Wednesday evening, May 28, an and was nicked for a lone tally play their opening gaine (weathcr Ize thc Clanke and Darlington Fotball and Mr's. Laurier McKenna, Osh- in the church, Hampton Women's in the ninth on an ernor, and a emtigtogha hePbe Townships Girls' Softball Lea- Sln continued its winning awa, wîtn Mn. T. iAooott's. Institute gave their play "Stnike pase hall de e atnun la thefi .Sehool Grounds, with Mike Os- gue. form by taking Orono at SaUina, Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Mn. and Mrs. of the Ladies' Aid." Proceeds a om rn n hefi t.borne's Impeniais piaying Annis The officers elected are: 2-0, on wet grounds, Saturday ev- O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles about $40. Suxnmary: Clemence fanried 8, and King. Tomorrow nigît the Hon. Presidents: W. Frankc ening. with I. Travell's, Oshawa. Miss Ruby Baiiey home. waiked 0. Sturrock fanned 4, Boys Tnaining School meets Pepsi Rickard, Newcastle, Wiibur Han- Zion was billed ta play ai Cour- Mr. and Mns. John Siemon visit- Mrs. H. Gil and Donald with walked 2. Woodward fanned 2, Colas also at thc Public Sehool. tock, Newtonivilie; Bill Armstrong tice the saine evening but due ta ed !riends in Tdronto recently. Mrs. Bnock, Coîbonne_. walked 1. Cowan fanned 1, walk- It is haped ta play the future Orono; Roy Nichais, Courtice; wet grounds thc gaine was piayed Mrs. Albert Cale, Bowmanville, Mrs. Fred Adains and Eunice, cd 2. Funey fan.ned 9, walked 1. gaines starting Monday at Mcm- presideat. Bernice (Pete) Stark, at Zion. Courtice took the ver- with Miss E. Soucl. Hmtn ihM.adMs . Hit by 'tcher, Crombie and Wil- anial Park. Newtonvilc; lst vice, Joyce Ten- dict 3-1. Mr. and Mns. R. McNeil ~Htn with M.adMs lim. uiorc tl ,err ,- Bna egennOoo n vice, Betty An- , According ta the hancsome Mr. F. Cowling's, Cartwright. le! t on base 7. Intermediates stole BatmLa iii, Countice; sccretany-treasuncr, pocket-size sports caiendars being Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs.= 9, rros 3 l! ton as 7.Hît Apreliininary meeting was hcld Mrae sNwate ic- given away by Nels Osborne, this A. Leadbeater an the anival of a È Juniors 7, Seniors 9. Haine rua, Monday nighi ait tc Lions Coin- tons, foun coaches, Stan Payne, wcek's league football is: June fine baby boy. Padget; 2-baggers, Rundle, Mar- munity Centre for the purpose o! Orono; Frank Gilmore, Ncwton- 4, Bowmanville at Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Oke, Oshawa, tyn, Cowle, Funey. formiag a Bantain Softball League. ville; naine of coach for Courtice Hampton ai Tyrone. June 7, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Juios: Clmece DdsnUnfontunateiy, pantiy due ta the nat available ai tineofo seading Zionat Enniskillen; Bownaville Albert Oke. Junor: leenc, _donon Cowie, Hoopen, Rundle, DeGeer' weather, there werc not enough this ia; George Crowther, New- at Tyrone, Mrs. A. Sharp with Mn. and Mrs. H. St4irrock, G. Sturrock, Wil- boys present and therefone it was castle and the officers.B. Kay, Toronto. hiams, McIlveen, Sleep, Wood_ decided ta hld another meeting The home teain must supply a HARDBALL SCHEDULE Mns. H. W. Gregg and Donald='uFI ward, Gallagher, Cox.' on Manday, June 9th ai 7:30 p.m. new Poftball aad the base umpire have gone to jain Lt. Gregg. Inemdats oa, rmiat the Lions Community Centre for evcry paine, the visitons will Up ta the present oniy three Mn. Drew Doane, Westmount, PARK, TOI Intrmeiats: owa, Combeand ail boys who are 12, 13 or 14 bring the plate umpine. Hom teanis have entcred the handball Québec, Mn. and Mrs. W. M. Hen- Ferguson, Gillooley, YouthRi years old and who would like ta teain muai noti!y secretany 'as league for Clarke Township, be- ry, Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. A.M. dhards, Aines, T. Bagneil, Padgett, play softbaîl are asked ta le on soon afi.en. île gaine &a possible iag.Newcasthe, Kendal and Onono. Henry and Judy, -Lindsay, Mn. Furey, Al Osborne. Umps, Coyle hand. . as ta winnen and outcome-thîs is Though with three teams enter- and Mrs. George Rahin Saintield, bat pat ad ase! o isuts.Pee Wee League for press purposes. cd this year it wil le a stan ta with Mn. and Mns. A. H. Sharp's. It s aso laned o frm Pe Sceduelelp revive handball in this dis- Mn. and Mrs. F. W. Beckett at-- Canaa tîs earmaypia hat I isaisoplanedta ori a ee eheuletrict, and prabably by next year tended the funenal o! lis uncle , Candaths ea my la hstWee Softball League and ail boys The following schedule,- with more teains will enter the league. Mn. Tlompson at Meaford.= ta 25 million tourists, and reccive under 12 years of age, May Isi, ail gaines starting ai 7:30 p.imShdueFins n egbor !E $250 million wortl of tounist busi- who wouid like ta play softball D.S.T., was dnawa up: May: niakiien and nighon m fEnt ness, an increase of nearly 25% are asked ta be at île Lions Coin- June: 2-rn i ecsl.Enxiskillen Comaiuniiy Hall for over the record set las' year, a munity Centre, Tuesday, ai 7 p.m. 6-Countic at Newcastle2-rooa e. afnwl rsnaint r a sunvey by The Financial Post ne- 6CuMns. NwcslW2-rooa Knal areeltc Reain"tandr.aiyd veals. 9-Newcasîle ai Newtaaville June: Ms atrRhnadfml Canadien Foresters lO-Orono at Courtice 3-Kendal ai Newcastle. wlo have le! t aur cammunity ta 12-Newtonvilie ai Oroîu. 5-Kendal ai Orono.- take up residence in iheir new_ Open Bail Soason 16-Cauntice ai Ncewtonville l0--Newcastle ai Orono. hoine at Tyrone. Mr. Edgar jf f 17-Newcastle ai Onono 12-Newcastle ai Kendal. Wright acicd as clairman. Mns.j I E D I A T ~ With a break in tle weathcr the 20-Newtonville ai Countice 17-Orono ai Newcastle. H.SeesadMs .Pg s-I Canadian Order o! Foresters got Orono ai Newcastle 21-Oroao at Kendai. conted Mn. and Mrs. Rahin la theM of! ta a good stari Tucsday evea- 23-Orono ai Newtanvifle 23-Keadal ai Newcastle. platforin. Mrs. T. M. Shemon read =3 wlen players coagregated ta dlean 25-Countice at Orono July: Laughlia presented a gifi of M À u hedaon. Atr okwas 27-Newtonviile ai Newcastle 1-Orona Field Day. money. Mn. and Mrs. Rahin bath PRMI ta an exhibition gamne, whidh tley July: At no tine during World War iavitiing tim ta caine and 'sec los bu weproise no tomen 2-ewtnvilè t OonoII werc the United Nations sotîcemin iitheir new home. Mns. T buonte coe att ic - CuNetoillat ewantleo! anc a! tle masi impontant Lloyd Ashton led in comniunity T ru n e ILL NextTucsday evening secs these 7-Countice ai Newtonvilc uý trategic mineals-the industrial singiag accompanied by Mns. Gar- M tascanipeting in île finst gaine 8-Newcastle ai Onono diamond. don Yeo. Mns. Francis Wenny gave«= achdul an ilne loud l-Netonilî aiCouue.twa very interesting recitations. =-w beadifferent slowini. 1 1-Orono ai NewcastleLnc watensvdan arn Sciiedle lOono ~1wLonvue - n fl~j social hall ifour enicoyed, aften r» , J Sedl 4-Orn'ai Netàil... ëfwhich tle ren-ainder of tle ev-* SJune- 15-Newcastle ai, Coutilce eaîng was spent in dancing.à 1O-Millers vs. Flyers 17-Countice at Orono, Messrs. Stuart Hoaey, Norman M I 12-Quakers vs. Rayera 18-Newtonville ai Newcastle P iI'IU IStiason, Roy McLaughlin- and M 1-oesvs. Millers The playoff s will begin July. 21 L U I Leonard Stainton suppiied thce M IRST 19-Flens s. Qukers with îhe. firsi and third teain in S m9Fyr s.Qaesiusic -on piano and violins. =n 111- 24-Rayers vs. Quakers beague standing, piaying the lest S[ We welcone MNi. and Mrs. JohnE U .W 26-Flycrs vs. Millers iwo oui of tlree gaines. Thc sec- juic a urvhîge3 Juy nadfut em ildo the C. ~Hene's lopîng île weatler mayEVRI 1---Quakers> vs. Flyers saine. Then the winaerso! the, C nto.EV R 1-Qakes s. lyca emi-finals will play tle best-twa dlean up for the league football il e3-Millers' vs. Rayera out of three gainemrles. The * gaines ta be played Wednesday= 8-Rayera vs. Plyens teain higler inlau tnigFungo__ ahd Satunday evenings, June 4 10-Quakers vs. Miliers bsp ifrne !werestading and 7. 15-Fyersv9~. Rovers hspeeec fihr lyf 17 illers vs. Quakers gamebs shalil e playeci, îîrougii- Diseasesl (,,lu Ahi gaines will e played ai Oui playaffs. SERVICE CLUB NEWSA ds io Creain o! Banlcy Park.1 A correspondent af Answers, nogottecunyaeptngvcClb eehldaMs.H- Reports slow that eustomer Meetings of thc Enniskillen Ser-= CHILDREBN UNDER SIXTE London, suggests this appropniate tr ai tecutyar gugod Milîs and Mrs. Floyd Beckett's motta for the Mlnistny of Fuel: up a sti!! resistance 4aansi high in the month a! Apnil. Thc firsi "You can fuel saine a! îhe people pnices. They anc greatiy aided if was a very successful meeting, TOP NOTCH LUN( - 25call e lime, and all e pebple thîscmagn by a shortage aofthen 50 pieces o! work for tice 2 esaine of tle lime, but you cannai !nds.'rb ker In The New aospital wene finished. The other fuel ahi île people al h ti me." Yorker. meeting was equally as successful YMUR EYUS OCA~ C. H. TUÀCK\ il c,, 1 nPleey etbiuphr UNE 4 U NE il puma ading Tax) $lm20 CEN NOT ADMITTED CH COUNTER ve in today for onlng service. uninterrupted, AFE DRI VINQ trysier Cars 20 Klng St. E. 1 e * EP sZ Save on the w~hole fant- ily's shoe costs through thec ycar - by keepi thern ln good repair wlth our fine workmanship a nd, tough quality materlals. Whule-you-wait heel and tip replacement and shines. Dowmanville Shoe Repaît 12 DIVISION STaRELT ERIN= RONTO 1. THE CANADUN STATESMÀN. EbWitAwviT.".- nwmAwlrn q ý IALES

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