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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1947, p. 14

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PAGE POURTEEN ~~~THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, - OWIL&NVILL, ON'TAIOTHSD, VESt 14 The Orono News A very interesting article ini a numbers at the Eldad anniversary Toronto daily la a biography of concert last Wednesday evening. Prof. C. B. Sissons who has now Mrs. Wm. Maffatt has returned retired fram lits position as pro- to her home after being in hospi- fessor of Ancient History at Vic.. tais for the past year in Oshawa, torilk University, which heooccu- Bowmaniviiie and Toronto. pied for 38 years. Pictures are Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. shown of Prof. Sisson.. in hiz study Lloyd Crabbe on the birth of a at the college, spraying fruit trees daughter at Bowmanville Hospi- at his farm near Orono, of the tal. spacious brick house on the farm, of the splendid.bush of Scotch Orono is indeed honored to have pine pianted in 1912 by W. L. a celebration on June i2th for the Smith, the former owner, and of lOth birthday of Mr. Cornelius the Mil just north of the farm Hughson. He hopes to be able Dow owned and operated by Cecil to receive ail his friends on that Lockwood. Prof. Sissons no day who wish to eall, both after- plans to spend more of his time at noon and evening. Congratula- Orono and also at his writing. tions and best wishes to Mr. Hugh- Rev. Dr. W. P. Fletcher had son charge of the services at Orono Mrs. R. H. Kearie and baby girl and Kirby United Churches :ast have returned from Bowmanvilie Sunday. and are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Epliraini White of the 6th A. H. Keane for a few days. line, has purchased the apart- Mr. and Mrs. John E. Arm- rnents on Main St. from Mr. E. E. strong, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Arm- Patterson.1 strong, Bill Grady and Harry Mr. Harry Rowe, Mrs. W. Lynch Grady were in Hamilton on Wed- and Denny, Harry and Bunny nesday of last week attending the Lynch, gave several instrumentai wedding of Miss Ruth Grady ta OnIy the Surge milks with a stimulating, automatio downward and forward TUG & PULL that holds the1 teat cups down where they belong. That allows the snilk to flow freely .. . that enables the Surge to niilk the cows dry with no help from you.' That is why more and more people are demanding Surge Milkers . .. that is why constantly increasing production can't quite catch up with the demand. ..that'swhy itwil pay you well to wait just alittie longer and get a Surge. A modern machine is a better'investment VOUR LOCAL SURGE DEALER WALTER FRANK 13OWMANVILLE PHONE 2403 ONTARIO Mr. Arthur Lloyd. Mosans. O. W. Roipli, J. H. Lowery and J. J. Melon attended the Rotary-Farsner banquet at Newcastle Cammunit>' Hall an Friday niglit. The Woman's As- sociation of the United Churcl i c- tered for the suppen. 1Mis. Geo. Crowther and Chiarles, Newcastle, have been with Mis. Chas. Wood, wlia las been iii but is recovering nicely. Mrs. F. Tamblyn with. Mi. and Mis. Percy Tamblyn, Newcastle, attended anniversaîy services at Cambray, Sunday, and visited relatives there. ?Mrs. Jas. Dickson ententained Rev. W. P. Fletcher, Sunday. Visitais: Mis. A. Lawt'bn and friends from Harwood and Cobourg and Miss Fein Weber and friend, Osh- awa, with Mi. and Mis. Jo&. Walk- or. Mi. and Mis. Russell Vanhoîno, Whitby, with Mis. Fred Tamblyn. Mi. and Mis. W. R. Young, Syl- via and Dennie., Mis. Eva McMil- Ian, Peterboroughi with Mis. Chas. Wood, Sunday. Mis. Regina Neikin and Miss Wanda Hobbs, Toronto, with Mis. James Dickson. Mi. W. Bowles and Mis. Hobbs, Toronto, with Mi. and Mis. R. R. Weddell. Zion Visitais: Misses Edith and Heidi Geiss- berger, Harmony, et Hans Geiss- berger's. Mn. and Mis. Haîîy Fisher and daughteîs, Osliewa, at Ray Cam- enon's. Mi. and Mis. A. T. Stainton, Peteiboro, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Truil, Miss Muriel Crawford, Hampton, et Jack Ciuickshenk's-. Mn. and Mis. Fred Langmeid, Oshawa, Rev. Cameron Quigley, Bowmenville, Rev. Linstead. of Hampton, Mi. and Mis. A. L. Pas- coe, Soina, et Alex McMaster's. Mr. and Mis. Arche Kesth, Osh- awa, Mn. and Mis. Arthur Moore and Keitli, Enniskillen; Miss Ache Pascoe, Toronto; Mn. and Mis. F. Thompson, Solina; Mi. and Mis. Everett Mountjoy, Kedran, et Frank Pascoe's. Mi. and Mis. Leslie Warren, Thornton's Corners; Miss Eileen Stainton, Whitby; Miss Helen Langmaid, Saline, et Fred Camn- eion's. Miss Paggy Killen, Mi. Thomas Cunnrie, Toronto, et Robt. Killen's. Mi. and Mis. Thos. Martin, North Oshawa; Mis. Deibent Flintof!, Kedron; Mr. and Mis. Stanley Coverly and sons, Ebenezer, - t. Wes. Cameion's. Misses May Harper and Majorie Blewett, Oshewa, et Alex Mc- Master's. Mr. and Mis. Frank Pescoe et- tendedthe wedding o! lis cousin, Miss Marie Awde, Toronto.. 1 Mrls. Alex MeMester 'visited Miss Eileen Steinton, Whitby. Mr. and Mis. Henry Dent and sons visited Mis. I. Spurgeon, Scerboro. Mis. Michael Nemis and Lenry Michael retuîned .froin Bowman- ville Hospital on Seturday. Mr. and Mis. Henry Wilcôx and Madelon, Hampton Mr. Lloyd Ayre, Richimond Hl;Miss Arlene Northcutt, Bowmanvllle; Mn. L. Metcalfe and Larry, Oshawa, at Al!. Ayre's. Mis. A. Thompson and Rata, Oshawa; at Robt. KiUlen's. Mr. and Mis. Chas. Ferguson and Bolibie, Oshawa, at Harvey Ralson's. Mr. and Mis. J. W. Baisais, Miss Audrey MacNab, Hampton; Mr,. and Mrs. Russell Rabbins and Ruth,.Bowmanviile; Miss Marjorie Groat, Oshawa; Mr. Keith Petons, Toronto, at Tracy Glaspei's. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Naylor and sons, Columbus; Mr. and Mis. N. Down, Wesley and Ruthi, Eben- ezer, at Fred Rabbins'. Mr. and Mrs. D. Fiett and fam- ily, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman and Alan, Tyrone; Mr. and Mis. J. R. Kiveli, Miss Pearl Leach, Solina, at Norman Leach's. Mrs. W. Gallop, Niagara-on-the- Lake, is staying with Mrs. Michael Nemis for a fow days. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascae and Grant, Kedron; Mi. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe and Gardon, Mrs. K. Caverly, Hampton; Miss Gwen Brooks, Providence, at Chas. Nay- lor's. Miss Lois Hamlyn, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Miss Hel- en Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gilroy, Osh- awa, at Reford Cameron's. Mis. B. Hubbaîd and Aldezi, Buiketon, at Percy Davidson's.' Mi. and Mis. George. Leach, Manchester, at Alex Fislier's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Venner, Northi Bay; Mi. and Mrs. G. Venner and Leam, Toronto; Mi. and Mis. F. Bowes, St. Catharines; Mis. Thôs. Venner, Goderich, et Arnold Von- nei's. Mi. and Mis. Donald Yellowlees, Miss Helen Yeiiowlees, Mi. Veine Powell, Columbus; Mis. W. Vice Mr. Everett Vice, Sauina; Mi. ana Mis. Hilton Tink and family, Ebenezer, et Gerry Glaspol's. Mi. and Mis. Chas. Warren, Hampton; -Mi. and Mis. Ralph Glaspel and f amily, Tyrone, at Mis. F. B. Glaspel's. Mi. W. R. Westlake, Oshawa; Mr. and Mis. T. Westlake and family, Mis. W. J. Leask, Solina, at Henry Bail's. Miss Helen Ogden, Toronto; Mi. and Mis. Alan Wheeler and Ste- wart, Agincouit, at Mol. Morgan's. Mr. and Mis. Frank Haiicock, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hancock and Jean, Kedron, et Leonard Ball's. Mi. and Mis. Gordon Kidd, Misses Ruth and 'Doris SBaison, Mono Mils; Miss Veima, Balson, Mi. Noble Stephenson, Bîooklin; Mr. Jack Hooker, Kinsale, at R. W. Ball's. Mi. Ai! . Ayie -bas. taken bis sheep ta the feur et Oîmstown, Quebec. Mr. Harold Bennett bas a big smile these days. Reason! The ar- rivai of a son and heur. The Sunday. School anniveîsary services were very well attended especiaily in, the afternoon. Rev. Cameron Quigley, Bowmanville, was guest speaker at bath ser- vices. Miss Gwen Brooks, was sololat efternoon and evening,'Ibe sehool chldren sang in the ai ter- noon and the junior choir in the evening. Proceeds $208.00.- LIKE A ONE-WAY STREET (Montreal Gazette) A Socialist paîty undoubtedly has the right, in Great Britain as in other democratie countries, ta appear among other parties and ta attempt ta persuade the citizens to become its supporters. But the socialist experimont in Britain demonstrates that sucli a party cannot be regarded as just among others. Once in power, such a Party can harden a flexible sys- temn of government into a rigid one. It can impose its wîll per- mianently upon a nation. Its pal- icies can survive even their pub- lic rejection. Socialismn may or may flot be a dead end. But the people of Britain are finding that it is much like a one-way streot. The far- ther any nation goes down that street, the harder it is going ta be for it ta flnd the way back. Business Dretory LE GA L W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister .- Solicitor - Notai>' Solicitor for Bank af Montreal Money ta Loan - Phone 791 Bowmbanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON. &A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notany Publie King Street W., Bowmanvllle Phono: Office 688 Residenco 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notai>' .91/2~ King Street E. Bowmanville - Ontatlo Phone: Office 825 House- 409 MISS APHA L HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor ta M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental College, and Faculty of Dentisti>', Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bowmanvilie Office Haurs: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dally 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudel "827. DR. E. W Si5SON, L.D.S., D.D.S.' Office in liii home 100 Liberty SI., N., Bowmanvllle Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dally 9 a.m. ta 12 noon, Wedneuday Closed Sunda>' Phono 604 23-50 Mwonuments The lutter Granite Company' Phono 501 - P.O. Box 622 Part Hope, Ont. Engraving. Goldleafing Monument&. GravesawkeM Due to weather conditions there was a ver>' poor, attendance at Church and Sunda>' Sahool.. 1About 70 People gathered at Miss Olive Marnon'a home,,Tueaday nlight and, showered liher wlth rnany beautiful and useful. -glfts., Mr. and Mns. B. Binsted and famiiy witli Mr. and Mns. Fred Blnsted of Claremont- Miss- Helen Barrowclougli of English Settiement spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-gar Barrowclough. Mis. Marjorie Robinson and fa- mii>', and Mr. and Mrs. Mills and son, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Milis. Mr. Clarence Nichollh spent Sund-ay vislting wltli friends in Toronto. The funeral service of the iate William Payne was iargeiy a&tten- d3ed on Sunday afternoon. We extend our sympathy ta his wife and famiiy. Among those who attended the banquet at Newcastle an Friday niglit were MesÈs. Carroll Nicli- ails, Ken Ashby,,Truman Austin, Clarence Nichoill, Arnold Thorn- dyke and Harold Austin. We are sorry to report that Ronnie Dinner is iii with bran- chial pneumonia in Port Hope Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kenny and Jean,.Markliam, and Norman and Gardon Middleton, Richimond Hill spent, the weekend with Mr. and, Mrs. William Mason. Among those from a distance attending the late William Payne's funeral on Sunday were Mrs. Fred Souch, Mrs. W. Weath- erlt, Mis. Powers, Mr. Kenneth, Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. James Payne and Mrs. LeDrew, Mr. Vie- tor Payne and Mi. and Mrs..DoIph Payne, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sheridan, Mr. and'Mrs. Clarence Sheridan and Mr.' and Mrs. Le Shelton, Thornbury; Mr. and Mrs. Sutton, Miilbrook; Mr. and Mrs. Maiiey, Pontypqol; Mr. and'Mrs. Roy Porter,' Lindsay-,' Mis. Sam Beebe and Mr. and Mis.'Clarence Beebe, Mr. Fred and. Miss Gladys Beebe, Mr. Stanley' Payne "and Miss Sybil Hood, Peierborougli. WEDDING Martyn-Mason A very. interesting wedding took place in Wesleyville United Church on Saturday - at 3 p.m. when Miss Olive Evangeline Ma- son. daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. William Mason becamre the bride of Mr. Edward George Martyn, son of'Mi. Edward Martyn and the late Mrs. Martyn of Weicome. Mr. Claie Kellogg piayed the wed- ding music and Mrs. Rankîn was solo ist.* 'Mr., Mason gave his daughter in marniage and she wore a white satin'dress and carried a nosegay of red roses. Miss Muriel Mason was her sister's -oniy attendant weaîing a liglit blue taffeta dress. The flower girl,. Miss Jane Honey wore a pink net dress. The groomsman was Mr. Meli.rin Hon- ey. A réception .foilowed at Idalia in Pôrt 'Hope, 'aften. which the couple I1*ft -on-a' wèdding trip to the Sta.tes. YThey. will reside at Welcome. SCOUTS' PLANT 4,000 TIEES A livinig 'Meiioriàl ta Sir Adam Beck,' . -ounrdet -o!f lydro in Ont- ario, is beittg estabiished'by, Boy Scouts of. the -Ndith Waterloo Dis- trict whio. have.planted 6,000 trees on , Baâden. Hill.. The trees are Norway. Pines and were planted recentiy under the -direction of 1. C. Marit, Gaît, régional.foréster. TO TRAIN MORE SCOIT LEADERS Across Canada this summer there wiil be a series of "Giiweii" camps dedicated ta the training of leaders for Wolf Cub Packs.and Boy Scout Troops. "GilweI" training is the officiai sertes of courges in Scout leadership thrauglicut the worid. 1947 marks the 26th anniversar>' o! Giiweli Training in Canada. E. F. mils, formerly of Winnipeg, jig naw Ex- er-utive Commissioner lor Train- ing at Dominion Scout'Headquart- ers in Otýa*a. Dinnerware "MONTCALM"y .A avourite pattern. Shipments Just received BREAKFAST SETS DINNER SETS - Service for 8 Aimao a gaad aasortment of other patterna. Sec aur dlnnorware departânent before chooalng a set. Lendlng Library New Fiction 30 a day - 15e a week Butt»rlck Patt.rns Prompt service Guaranteed Je Wu JEWIELL PEONE su "BIG m»» Maple Grove Mr. Bruce Lockliart, Miss Dor- othy Matthews, Niagara F'alls, N. Y.,à,.spent weekend with lits aunt and iuile, Mi. *and Mns. Ivison Munday' *and otlier relatives. Mis Doris Stevens attended the dental convention lield ini Toronto on May 19-20-21, aiso attended the dance on the Tuesday even- ing. Ms-s. C. H. Snowden spent the weekend with lier daugliter, Mis. Albert Brown, H{amilton, Master Billie Brown who lias been visit- ing with his.gnandparents retuin- ed home with lier. Mr. R. R. Stevens and Mrs.Stevens have returned home from Toronto. 1Mr. and Mis. Wailace Mi.mday; Misses Anna Fîayne, Dorothy Johns, Mrs. C. Johns, Mn. R. Mc- Donald, tawn, spont Sunday with Mr. Chas. Johins, who is doing car- ponter work for Mi. Dean Hodg- son, et Minden. Sevenal from here attended the anniveîsary et Salem. Sunday School on Sunday et 10 e.m., no church service on ac- caunt o! Ebenezer enniversary. Congratu lations ta Mr. Bob Ste- yens, Jr., on pasÈing lis flrst yeaî examsaet the O.A.C. with honors. Mis. Hoîton, Mr. and Mis. Wm. Morrison, Mi. and Mis. Boit Mai- tin, son Paul, Oshawa, visited at Mis. L. C. Snowden's, Sunday. .Miss Mildred Snowden, spent a few days at Mi. arnd Mis. Jag- goi's home, Toronto. Several ladies o! the institute attended the institute convention at Nestieton on Wednesday of this week. Mis. Lawrence White, daughtei Loryne assisted by some of the neighboîs were co-hostesses toaa miscellaneous shower for Misses Lillien Snowden and Louise Foley brides-ta-be o! this month. The gathering was held in the base- ment of the church which was beautifully decorated for the oc- casion. Aîter the paîcels lied been unwrepped and passed arou 'nd, a dainty lunch wes sony- ed and a souial time enjoyed by aIl. Tyrone Thse Tyrone Jr. Young People met ihi thé Bethesda sehool on May 30tli witli a good ettendance. Raîpli Hilîs' gîoup «"Rec-reation"' wes in charge of the program. Veranice Fîiendgave the scrip- tune; Shirley Park îead a stoiv, after Which Doris Park'and Don- othy Skinner conducted contests. The meeting closed with an en- joyable lunch served by the group ini charge. Rev. A. E. Cr.essweil attended the Bay.of Quinte Conference et' Brockvihle lest week. Churcli service next Sunday at the usuel bour. Mn. and Mis. O. Beckett accom- penied Mn. and Mis. Floyd Bock- ett of Enniskillen, ta Meeford ta attend the funenal o! the former's uncle, Mn. Bort Thompson._ Mn. John. Beckett, Brampton, with bis parents, Mn. and Mis. M. ett choni O. eckett uîkon visiting lien ddpghter, Mis. Everton White. Mn. and Mis. John, Jolinstone, Grafton, visited with Mi. and Mis. W. Miller. Mr. end Mis:' Henry Miller, Douglas,,Maîshal ând Dawn, Hal- ibuttofi, with thè foimer's mother, Mis. Addie Miller. Mr. and Mis. J. Griffis, Kath- ormne and Bill, Port. Arthur, spent the weokend with Mn: and Mis. Lairne Annis. , Mn. and Mrs. F. L.* Byam, C 1f- fard and Grenville visited with Mn. and Mis. Earl Coulter, Camp- belîford. Mi. and Mis. Walter Park, Cocule and Douglas and Miss Yvonne Byam wlth relatives at Peteibona. Mn. and Mns. Donald Davey and childron with Mi. and Mis. 'New- ton Heckney, Oshawa. Mi. and Mrs. Frank Seweli, Mankham, Mn. and Mns. Harris Little, Miss Eileen Annis, Mr. Wel- tes- Annis, Dunbarton, witli Mr. and Mis. Howard Brent. -Mi. and Mis. J. B. Frost and Katherine, Mi. and Mis. Cassai Larmer, Roy and Robert, Osh~awa, with. Mr. and Mis. Gussie Rase- vear. Mr. end Mis. R. B. Scott, Mis. W. Macdonald, with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cairutheis, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mis. Frank Hall, Ta- ronto, with Mis. W. Worden. Mr. and Mis. Earl Stephens, Joan and Louise, Sutton, with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor and Mi. and Mis. H. Burgess. Mr. and Mis. T. Aked and Miss Aleen Aked, Toronto, have ne- tuîned ta their summer home, Quaifit Acres. Mrs. Mina Hughson us spending a few days in Toronto. Mis. Victor Freeman, Belleville, levels. 4 i witli Mn. and Mrs. Howard Philp. Mn. and Mis. P. Reynard, Mis. A. S. Wilson, Sylvia and Dudley, Whitby, Mr-. and Mis. Gordon Yeo and childien, Enniskillen; Mr. and Mis. Delboît Yeo, Oshawa; Ms-s. C. Colville, Bennice, Bertha and Jack, Mr. and Mis.. George 'Yeo and famil>', M d Mrs. Lloyd Yeo aud baby with Mis. J. Yeo wlo lias been confined ta lion bed thiaug i llness. We hope for a speedy recover>' for Mi. Sidney Jewell who -ha& been very sick with pneumania. The W.M.S. wihl holdý their June meeting on Tuesday, Jilne 10th et 2:30 et the home of Mrs. Everton White. Guestspeekei, Mis. Chas. Wight, Bowmanvilhe, 'and special music, and Mis. R. Wright wilI give enother o!flien intoresting talks on the study book. Ail ladies invited. Vocational schools in New York are going ta teacli students a "pleasent" menner. The aim, wo gather, is ta instruet them how to win jobs and influence wage- Here are bins and shelves brianful of the clioicest fooda for 'your table ..,. produots that will bring yau big returns in appetizing, healthfui meals ...and at money-saving prices. Sliap here today and everyday. Fresh Fruit and Vegetahies - High Quality Groceries Fresh - Cooked Meats Edunondstone's Market 29 King St. E. Harvey Joint, Prop, Bowmanville Phone 3751 Your R.CUA. Victor Dealer The Radio Shop 38 King St. B. BOWMANVILLE Plione 573 HONOR DAD S UILDER 0f OUR CKILDREN'S FUTURE FATH ER'S DAY...e JUNE 15 PAGE TOURTEM Tmnýq»AY, Rffl sth, 1947

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