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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1947, p. 7

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THU SDAT, ZONE Dlii, 187 Thevoautë e i.dopedel j ~phonie. _Clak.8sud FPa=nr-of the Township of Clarke were boita tei Port Hope Rotary Club at a banquet held in Newcastle Cammunity Hall on Fniday, May 30. Over 150 were i attendance with Mr. W. F. Rick- ard acting as chairman. Mn. E. A. Sunimens, Agricultural Represent- alive, Bowmanville, introduccd the us speaker, Mr. W. J. Wat- son cf 1th. Livestock Branch of Uic Dept. Of Agriculture, Toronto. Mn. Watson gave an informative ad- dreus on Agicultural Conditions hiJ Englland and Uic, Eurapean Cauntrici, Excellent musical en- tertaininent was pravided by thc Aflin quartette. Members of the W.A. of the United Church pre- parcd and servcd the supper. Friends of Mr. Walter Black- burn were interested in seeing a picture i The Evenmng Telegram of May 28th whene he stands be- 'fore his dlass in the Reform School for Senior Juveniles at Bramp- ton. The fine work carried, on thene, where tie boyf learn use- fui trades, is described, in some detail. Walter Is a graduate of Newcastle High School and en- tered the Bramptgn School as ac- ademic initructor upon completion af his finit year i the School of We'11 SoIve your Problem If you havea problem about the wiring in your home or farm we'I1 be glad to help you. Our technioians have been uolving wlring problems for years and thry willb. only too glad to boan you their knowledge. W. are Specialists at Hous and Parm Wiring Tree Estimates gladly furnished on request [A Limited Supply of Tri-Llght Sockets I f you have been waiting for these come early as we only have a limited ýquantity of tri-light sockets. .Higgon Electric Phone 438 42King St. E, ONTARIO REGULATIONS are now in effect in Ontario reiating to the licencing and inspection of I s', r TOURIST -cAmos. and thc foni and, contents of al ADVERTISING *MATTER perainngto Hoteis, Supimer Resolts, ishing, MngTravel Vacationing or other. accommo. daian or facilities for tounisti. Isiterested persons. ma secure a copy of the Re"u lions by *writing: The Director, Deveioprnent ]Branch, - HON. ARTHUR WRSH . -oe TOM C_ M<CALL Dop«yAIW*w1647 1~ Social Work, UTniversity of To- ronto. The Newcastle Masanic Lodge will hold their Annual Church Service at St. George's Church, Ifewcastle, Sunçlay evening, June 8th at 7 p.m. Sunday guests wlth Mns. Scott Howard were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Howard, Toronto, The Consul for Santo Domingo, Danilo Brugal and Mrs. Brugal, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Siliva, daughter, Yolanda and son. Ariel, Havana, Cuba. Dr. George Clemence, Californ- la, Mrs. Wes Ashton and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Babcock, Bowmanvflle, Dr. and Mrs. Harold Martyn, Strat- ford, Mrs. Tom Clemence, Bow- manville, recent callers of Mrs. George Rickard.. Miss Minnie Pearoe, Toronto, with her mother, Mrs.- H. R. Pearce. Miss Pauline DeLine spent the weekend in Toronto. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hocken and Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Ferguson on the birth of daughters and to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gray on the birth of a son. Hugh Aiken, R.C.A., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. Aiken. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Kay have returned from spending the winter in Florida. Mrs. Bertl1a Hunter, Miss Bar- bara Hunter and Mr. Jim Hunter, Toronto, with Miss Cora Butler. The United Church* Sunday Sehool held its Annual Anniver- sary Service June lst with Rev. Mahoney, Knox Church, Peter- boro, as guest speaker. He took as his text "The Lord is my Shep- herd." Miss Gviendolyn Brooks, Bowmanville, was guest soloist, ber selections were "The Lord is my Shepherd" and "Green Pas- tures."l The choir was made up of the Intermediates and Senior mnembers of the Sunday School and was under the direction of Mrs. J. E. W. Philip. Their sel- ections were "We Corne" and I'Love's Song." The regular meeting of the Evening Branch of St. George's Church W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Alfred Garrod, Wednes- day evening. June 4th. The Pres- ident, Mrs. D. R. Dewdney, pre- sided and the principal item of business before the meeting was to complete arrangements for tea the branch are holding on Friday afternoon, June l3th. Rev. W. W. Patterson attended the Bay of Quinte Conference last week and on Sunday took the services at Knox Church, Peter- boro. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, Miss Mar- garet and Mr. Alfred Gibson, Cort- land, N.Y., Mrs. Cecil Cannon and Miss Joyce Cannon, Toronto, visit- ed Mrs. T. M. Gibson and Mrs. Robert Gibson, Saturday. Confirmation was administered by Rt. Rev. G. A. Wells, former Bishop of Cariboo, and Seniorý Padre overseas, at St. Gëorge's Church on Sunday morning, June lst. Thos'e confirmed were Ruth Doreen' Lake, Phyllis Marlene Edwards, Marion Elizabeth Mar- tin, William.Cecil Finley, Robent Williams Parnaby Martin, Zrriegt .Richard Spencer, Roland- Bèinett Spencer'and Mary Lorine Holu- benko was admitted to -commun- ion. The members of* the Evening Branch of St. George's Church W.A. were the guests of the Ev- ening Branch, St. John's Church, Bowmanvillc, Friday èvcning, May 3Oth Wheh Mrs. George Nicholson gave a talk on the work in the Arctic. At the conclusion of Mrs. Nicholson's address the members of St. John's Everiing Auxiliary served refreshments. Rev. and Mrs. D. R. Dcwdncy attended the 25th ainniversary.of Rev. D. R. flewdney's graduatiig', class whîch took the form of .a banquet at Trinity College, To- ronto. Christianity is flot a theory or speculation but a lite; flot a phil- osophy of lite, but a lite and a living process.-Coleridge HALl' PRICE- WOMEN'S AND CI-ILDREN'ps Spring Coats No need te go longer without that coat you've pnemised yaurseif. The balance of our Women's and Childnen's Spning Ooats reduced ta Ha]! Pnice te Clear. The season 's outatanding sale event. Be on baud early for the best selection. HALF' PRICE Phono 451 Thé. Xodera store Bcwinanville 'l'~ ~AWAflTAW MTATI2MMAW UfIWAV~TX.W v'i'Auwi _________________________________________________________ A2L~~ - V~I NEWCASTLE W.C.T.1Jý The regular meeting of the Wemen's Christian Temperance Union was held May 29, Uic Pres- ident, Mrs. Mellaw, pmesiding. Mrs. Baskenville read a portion of scipture and Mrs. Mellow offered prayen. A veny comprehensive financial statement, including ne- ceipts and expenditures connected with the Medal Contest, was nead by the Treasuner, Mrs. Awde. Miss -Trenwith and Mrs. Awde were appointed 'te- prepare the Junc meeting. Mmi. N. Ritkard reported the Ceunty Convention heid in Osh- awa. She gave special emphasis te Uic fine address -of Mrs. R, M. Seymour of Enniskilien. We were advised to read the report in iast week's Statesman. In the "In ,Memoriam" service twe white carnations. had been place& in the vase in memory ot aur iately de- ceased members, Mns. R. E. Men- ton and Miss Lillian Srnale. The clip-sheet, on the subject of Cigarettes, conducted by Mrs. L. Toms, brought'te aur notice many facts it weuld be ot interest ta. young people to note. - Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Howard .Price, Wiilowdale, visited at A. E. Bu-. lett's and the Salter home. Mrs. Ted Chant bas returned fnom Belleville. Giad to know ber mother. Mrs. Marshall is im- provcd in heaith., Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Hilîs and boys, Hamilton, JvIr. and Mrs. Fred Muir and sons, Caledonia, visited their father, Mr. F. Rogers and Mrs. Rogers. Mrs. W. Rackbam, Manilla, at Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth's. Mr. and Mrs. S. Nash and son, John, Detroit, Mich., Mn. and Mrs. Jack Gibbs, Tyrone, Raymond Petit, Hamilton, were visitons at W. Chapman 's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Willit and Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Wiliis, Toronto, with Miss Beatrice Colwili. ', The funeral of Mn. A. Peters was held from the home on Wcdnes- day atternoon and was vcry large- ly attcnded and was conducted by Rv. E. S. Linstead with buril in the north cemetcry. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Farrow on the gitt of a son. Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Percy Allun (nec Acy Horn) on the gift of a daughter, and to Mn. and Mrs. Donald Adcock on the gitt of a son. Mrs. Jno. Williams, Oshawa, with Miss Mary Peters. Mn. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, David and John with relatives in Toronto. Mr. A. E. Wilson, Garden Hill, Miss Elizabeth Howc, Hamilton, Misses Margaret Purdon, Cherry- wood,' and Dora Purdon, Port McNicboll at J. Purdon's. The National Filmn Board pic- tures presented at the school were interesting. Special mention could be made of the "Temperance" one which was impregsive. Cccil Car- veth of Newcastle; was in charge and Mn. Burt,>represÈented the Na- tional Filin Bbardf was present and gave a short talk regarding their work. They wene present at the scbool in the atternoon when a number of pictures were shown also te the âchool.'pupils. Will White, President of thc Home and Scbool Association, made explana- tions regarding the quilt made by the school PuPils some tirne ago and' wbich bas been on display in J. R. Reynold's store window. Many tickets on the' quilt have been soid. Mx's. C. Warren, teacher in the junior room thanked pupils and members of the Home and Schooil Association for quilting and' work done, and statcd that $51.70 had been realizcd lromn the sale et tickets -.hait of proceeds wili go toward the new Bowman- ville Hospital Fund and the bal,- ance fon Crippled Chiidren Fund. Mrs. Eva Turnbuli, Pasadena, California, w,--, Puett ot Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Biliett. GOODrYEAR TIRES 0 It's a wise motoriat milesof dependable servie... at iower coat-per-ile. We have Goodyear@ in yeur iz. . .. corme ini today. .GOOD/ftEAit IBowymanville Motoîr Sale 'C.--E.. Murril DODGE - DESÔTO. »EALER lI Klit nt., -É. Phione 585 Enfield Mr. and Mis. W. Bowman mnd family at L. Ashton's, Haydon., Mn. and Mrs. E. Prescot t, MWs Jessie Hooey, Long Battit; Ken- netii Pmescott, Oshawa, at A. W. Pnescott's.- Mn. and Mri. George Hoopen and famlly have moved to'Osh- awa. Whiie the wcather la quite.de- pressing for farmers, rememiber that tears add to Uic maisture. What we need is an election coin- ing up with the ccompanying huge blasts oet "bot.air.' Most £aimera in this community have about hall thc usual amount sawn. Lake Shore, Clarke Mn. and Mrs. Fra"k Gibson and son Alfred, Couriand,. N.Y., and Mmi. D. A. Valleau, Oshawa, witb Mn. and Mmi. W. Holmes. Mr. and Mmi. Fred Adsett and Mn.ý and Mn.. Harvey Murphy, Tenonte, ut Adecliffe, Cottage. Mr. iW. Adams bas purchascd-g new car. Mn. and Mrs. W. Holmes had dinxier with Mn. and Mn.. H. Row- land, Orono, and suppen with ,Mr. and Mns. F. Bowen, No. 9.' ýMiss Elaine, Powell celebrated, ber th birtbday with a lew et ber smaii friends. Several Lake Shore farmens at- tended the banquet in Newcastle, at whicb the Clarke Township farmers entertained the Port Hope Rotanians. Mr. and Mns. Wesley Graham visited Mn. and Mrs. Jack Holmes. Solina Visitons: Mn. and Mns. Wes. Yellowlees and Harold at Clare Aliin's, Bow- manvilie. Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patsy, Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Yel- lowlces at Harold Reynolds',' Ta- ronto. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Lycett, Doreen and Dalan, Entield, at Erncst Hockaday's. Mn. and Mrs. Chancis Smith and Anna, Oshawa, at Russell Gil- bert's. Mn. and Mmi. Harvey Hanris and Billy witb relatives at Bnooklin. Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto, at Arthur Meorc's. Mrs. Chas. Blanchard, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Blanchard with the lorrner's sisten, Mns. Cook, Col- borne. Mn. Charles Brewn bas returned tram Christie St. Hospital, Tenan- te, ta the home cf Mn. and Mrs. Yanson. Mn. Don Yonsen spent the week- end witb bis parents at Simca.. Mrs. Yenson and Peter neturned borne atten visiting ber sistens at Landon and Tillsonburg and Mn. and Mrs. Yonson at Simcoe. Several lrom ber. attended Zion Anniversany Services, Sun- day. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Wcrry an thc birth of1 tbein son, Gien Wesley. The Women's Institute membens present thein play "The Farier- cIte" at Enfieid next Tuesday night. Concluding the anniversany services at Solîna, a drama "Look Out Lizzie" was pncsented by the Young People's Union, Wednesday evenîng, giving exceeding enjay- ment te the audience, assembled. When lite on a back woods fmm in Indliana becomes duil, Hazel Long, portrayed by Eunice Leask, trys te impose city amenilies on ber parents, Harvey Yeiiowlees and Betty Smales, and thein heuse- bold staff. The resulls are lud- icrous, cspecially when Hank Blink (wbo really steals the show in tb. persan et Ewanî Leask) ih forced ta tonsake bis indolent ways and don tbe dignity et a butier, and Lizzie Blank, in the acquimccq guise etftnaid, seeks romance. The beroic mole of Richard Bilîmone, young ciîy sîrangen, for wbom bis sctting was cneated, was played by Harold Ciendenen and a happy climax Is neached despite the dire threats et plutocratiz Day. Hinkle (Stanley Milîson) and the medd- Iing power Minnie Hall (Jean Montgomery). Excellent music was pnovided betore and during tbe play by the Lynch Orchestra, tram Orono. Proceeds fnam th. evening's cntertainmenî amounted te $70.00 and tb. Sunday offering was $150.00 fon wbich the'Sunday Scbool is graletul. Starkville Mr. Percy Farrow bas returned tram Bowmanvilie hospilal where he underwent an appendctemry. Miss Beulah Halloweil, Tenante, with Miss Norma Hallowei. Mn. Walter Farrow, Newcastle with Mn. Howard Farrow. Mn. D. Shutka; Miss N-ellie Shutka and lniend, Oshawa, at M. Shutka's. Mrs. L. Jamieson, Camborne, visited ber parents, Mrn. d, Mm. J. Hallowell-> The W.A. et Sbileh Chunch met at Miss Norma HailoWell'a, Wed- nesday evening along with the men et the Cburcb Board. Mn. George 2&rsan, Orano, at Warren Carson's. Mrs. J. Hallowühi and Mmi. Jamieson visited Mrs. Wm. Stutt, Orono. Mr. and Mmi. Wark, Weston, visited Miss Norma Halloweii. Some tram this district attend- cd the lunenal et the late Wm. Payne, Wesleyville.. The wcathen conditions are causing the farmens much anx- iety. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Caldwell and Mn. Eagieson, Torante, were wcek- end guests ut Mr. and Mri. Gea. Smitb's. Mr. andi Mri. Ge. Stajpieton and family weme Sunda;r visitons at George Smith's. No More Stuck Dlera? United States Department of Agriculture chemisti bave devel- oped a non-swelling Wood which promises to eliminate the nuis- ance of stuck drawersand doors. .Blackstock Blackstock Intstittute met at thc lavely home af Mrs. Ernest Lan- mer last Wednesday afternoon with the new president, Mrs. Earl Dorreil and thc new secnetary, Misa Aima Graham in their places. Mrs. A. Bailey gave the Bible reading. The roil cail was an- swered with the name ot a dis- tinguished waman. Mrs. Norman Malcolm volunteered te assist Mis 'a B. Morlock on Thujrsday at the "Well Baby Clinic" to, be con- ducted the fourth Thursday of eveny month at Miss Morlock's of- lice. The ladies have chartcred a bus te attend the 5Oth annîver- sary of the Institute at Guelph on lune 18. All members were ask- cd ta attend the District Annual at Nestleton, June 4th. Mrs. L. Thompson's greup gave the -pro- gram on "Citizenship."1 Each num- ber was very much worth while. Mn. Howard Bailey gave a splen- did paper on "Civil Government."1 Mrs. Stantord VanCamp read "The Right Use of Time," and Mrs. Lorne Tbompson gave a pa- per an "Unity in the Community."1 A conteat was conducted and a visit enjoyed. The W.A. of the United Church met at the home of Mn. Hector Shortridge on Tuesday, May 27 with 14 members present. The meeting opened with pray- er by President Mrs. Norman Mountjoy and Scripture reading by Mrs. Clarence Mariow. Roll cali was answcired with something to be made for the bazaar. Let- ters wvere- read from the sick thanking the W.A. for fruit sent. The program was in charge of Mrs. Shortridge's greup. Mrs. H. Hooey, a reading, III Wish I Had $100.00." Mrs. James Strong, a reading "'Model." Mrs. John.Mc- Kee, a. reading "A Dreamer." The hostess was thanked for her hos- pitùlity. Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Cobblcdick, Or- ono, with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. 'Cecil Hyde and family, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Argue.. Miss Verena Graham, Toront, with Miss Alma Graham., Mfn. eynolds, -Petesboro, with Mr. and Mni. Leslie 1ountjoy. 1Misa Gertrude - Henry, -Toronto, with Mre.- James Hcnry. Miss LucIlle Farder han com- pleted ber business course ln Bowmanville and is worklng at the Agricultural office with Mr. Sumnmes. A number of mothcr'ç took ad- vantage et the Baby Clinlc last Thursday. -Ail babies and pre- scbooi children w.elcome.". .Rev. John McKibbin, teck his place 1A St. John's Anglican Church an Sunday fonrUiche r- vice. Yeiverton Young ]People pre- .sented& their play i the bail lait ffldxy ev hg T1Ie Mlflbrook* boys'. bell- tsmn came to-Blacetock 1a Thursday a!$ernon and pla>'e4 the Contini- uation School team ln ' a league game. ýThe local boys were thé winners. Ontario poâiaeses the moat mO&, ern network of htghways li a»' Canada, a network that comprpý fav urably with, Ual cf any state -i the United States.- Highwaye on which no tolas are charg- ed; higbways built foer iccer-, font and convenience not oniy of curselves, butfor that of or vis- iter, es weIl. W. believe you wlU dnjoy motcrhig over lhssm. a TRINITY Sunday Sohool Anivers ary AND F1ow et Snday S U NDAY,iJU NEÈ 8th, 1947 1 I a.m. - Rev. Roy Hicks, B.A. Aurora, Ontarict. 7 p.m. " M. H. Staples, Orono Appreciation cf Hynins ROTARY CHORUS flMembers of the congregation. whc can spare flowers for decorationa please send btute churoh, Saturday morning between 9 and 12 faoon. SOCI ETY DOG FOOD a 20oz tins27c IJAVINVE JAVEL, pkg 14c A. & P. CUJSTOM CROUNO BOXAI COFFEE ANN PAGE-WHITE or BROWN NqILKDREAD -a EMPIRE STATE-SWEETÉNE1D APPLESAICE FAJCY JUICE VAN KIRK'S, mot iiifç SUGAR BLUE RIBBON PIPER NAPKINlS HARRIS' PURE SOAPGRNUE ffk k I__________________ DEPARIMENT 0F TRAVEL & PUBUICITY PARLIAMINT DULDINOS TORONTO 'i - I. E1MA OANGES CALIFORNIA.a a DOL25 ORAGESFLORIDA -agD«x.3 LENONS CALIFORN sDL 9 ~~~ ~ TEXAS MARSH oqu GRAERUITEEB SEEDL.ES8 96's 5 '270 pCALIFORNIA " CANTEI.OPES SALMON FL ** 19 PLUM . BEUTY x 5290 CHLRMS - UALIFY4xS DING* lb. 49 CHERRIES LARGE, SWEET-m . 9 PINEAPLESCUBAN, FRESH 241@ 29. CAhOTS TEXAS, FRESH 3 Ibo.21 GREEN BEANS Run Iina::.2.. -2 * * " a B. 39< SHRIEDDED I 2 15u KEL..OGG'8 - AUL WHET 2 Pkg.23 PURE FANCY JUICç TinLENN -3 Tins 1< CATELLI * h.QUAKER -Pe NUFFES 2Ph170 46'P SprRight ult.Mes B ACON CHOICE BREAKFAST, SLICED i b.51 PMR SAIJSAGE PURE, SMALL LINICe IsL.39 DOHJNG FOWL PRESH GRADE A eoeseB DU=C LA MAPLE LEAP -ee .370 BACON 81LIVm SAUSAGE MAPLE LEA.sI.1 ULBTýSyFo Dgoeln - MMMM-M lei- - - - - - - - - - - 95q - pi THE CANAT)IAN STATZSMAN. BOWMAnviLLi. omTAmn 1bAý mwwww x a

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