Mines L. Bowdon and L. Wigg, Mr. and Mr&. A. A. Elford, Buf- Osha o wre gumts of Mrs. L. J. falo, N.Y., and lins. Perey Elford, SBanton. : Toronto, viaited his sister, Mrs. Dr. an is M. J. A.James Ella Strike, town, and his mother Tobronto, are visitlng frIýiendaP Mlrs. John Elford, Newcastle. relatives ln town. Mr.- and Mir&. Perey Dalton, lirs. M. G. V. Gould, Toronto la Misses Eleenor and Priacilla Dal- spending a few days wlth the k. ton, The Hall, Burley ln Wharfe- ses Allen, Beech Ave. dalle, Yorkshire, England, have Litte KalynMcDonald roc- beeri vislting Mr. and Mr#. Vernon cently Invited seven playrnate lnA. eny ta celebrate her lUth blrthday. Summer really $et in around Mr. and lins. George Chard and these parts Meriday, June 23, with temperature at 86 in the shade. family, Newcastle, spent Sunday Many are now trekking ta the lake with Mr. and lira. Thou. Wright, despite the. unreconstructed road. Mr. and lira. John Zorrison, The heat continue& as we go ta Hamilton, are holidaylng with her press. rnother, Mrs. J. M. Rowe, George Cpanm is ae rw St. who have been in charge of Bow- Mine Carol Martyn là spending Manville Corp of the Salvation lier vacation with. Mns. Harn< Army, have been transferned te Horne, Cartierville, Mortrea , Montreal. They will b. succeed- Que.. ed by Major F. Williams and Capt. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nickerson, To- D. George. ronto, spent the weekend with his Next Tuesday, Canadiens will parents Mr. and Mn.. J. F. Nlok- celebrate the 80th annlversary of erson, dmntie St. Confederation. Caincident la the Mis Mabel Borland and Miss fact that Prime Minister Macken- Geraldine Gracey have returned zie King lias been heaci of the go- from a pleasant tri p to Montreal vernnent 20 yeans or a quarter and the Saguenay River. 01 the entîre period. Mn. and lira. Edward Hawkey, Mr. Don Morris, son of Mr. and Edmonton Alta. are visiting hii Mn. C. G. Morris, has passed hie parents, k. nrd lMrs. Richard first year exams at the Canadian Hawkey and lins. G. McCoy. School of Embalming, Toronto, lira. Vernon A. Henry; Misses with marks ail over 75 per cent. Betty and Margaret Henry, were Don has now neturned to his du- guesta of Mr. and Mns. Perey Dal- ties wlth P. F. Morris Co. ton aet the Royal York Hotel, Tor- Cadet Officer Kenneth Fletch- onto. er, Glasgow, Scotland, necently Mir. and lins. Harry Bland, Orne- arrlved in Montreal aboard his mee, Mns. V. Milison, Peterboro, ehip the Cunard-Donald.son Liner Miss Doris Mighton and Mir. Rus: "S.S. Delîllan" and ls now &pend- sel liciTfaIt, Toronto, visited Mr. ing a f ew days' leave with hie aie- a.nd Mrs. Allen Moffatt. ter, lir&. Wm. G. James. Bld. opri iching good bail Yu R E E S for Naane tis yearHuln Y U ZYE last week lie fanned 12 and hlm- self made the hit that won the gamne. Ed. is manager of Domin- Ion Stores at Napance. lins. Eric Hulatt will leave for V. S I ONVictoria, B..C., latter part o! July .~ ~ . laIt, has been appointed choir dir- - .n UCK ector and onganigt o! the large First United Church which lias OPt. 1700 communicant members. Eyeslght Our attention has been called to Speclalist an error in the sports bookiets is- sued by Nels Osborne for free Disney Bldg, distribution. In the Town League (OPP. 1.0.) Softbaîl, the final June item should read "June 30" the game1 Oshawa, Phono 1514 to be played aI Memonial Park. c (No. 20) Announcing hospital donations a To the condition then where vi- recently, an anonymous donation ' sion le weak and muscular con&ft- was credited te Nanton, Man.a tians of the eyes are not in proper The $30 came from Nanlon, Alta., I torie, waste o! energy is always andl the only Darlington people evidenced. It is readily seeri Ihat araund there are descendants of a any strain on the system is a strain pioncera who uetîled lier. in 1796. M on the eyes directly or reflexly. Rev. and Mns. G. C. Qulgleyc It is aise a direct strain on the and lavis have le! t on, a matera eyes and the eye muscles te be ex- trip througli th. States and will posed ta glare, moving Irafi c, con- vieiltite former'» p a r e ntai stant fixation, etc. Mir. and lins. Sem Quigley, In- Wasted encrgy is nerve wesken- vennesà, Cape Breton. They c' ing and idiscouraging and la a will aise v it Mrs. Quigley'Pa M means of lowcring eflciency. aiter, .Mia Hazel McHardy at ri What does efficiency mean to yau Chathama, N.B.c or your employer? It affects the The congregations of Trinity oý pay envelope and youn hope for United and St. Paul's United e future-promotion or success. Churches wiIl hold union services C In th. Intereet o! education, eyc- each Sunday morning during the sight and efficiency-teachers, pa- summer months. Sunday, June 29 rents and students shouldi eîudy and for the monîh of July, ser- the function of vision and the cane vices will b. canducted by Rev. J.E of the eyes. Parents shouldi know E. Griffith aI Tinity Church. InP because o! their children, and be- August, Rev. G. Cameron Quig- y cause o! thein own eyes earnlng ley will conduct union services in i them a living. Teachcrs because St. Paul's Church. d. o! the cidren in their cane, Ils Active ln the ministry for 44 p necessity in acquining an educa- years, Rev. William T. Bunt, 82, e; tion and findirg thc proper voca- retired Baptist minister, died at h. tion. The student will be in a PO- his home in Toronto, Sunday afler gi sition te know for himsecf when a prolongd illness. Mr. Bunt was le attains ta the age te know, and born in Bowmanville. He attend- s( in the meantime wc muet be ex- ed Woodotock College and gradu- a4 pected te do aur duty as humane- ated from McMaster in 1894. H.e e ly as possible. held pasterates ln many districts ni (Te b continued) inluding Listowel, Essex, Barrie, Befitting the beau tful bride ... alpaILIDelle iVINTIENATI@NA. SIIELINe T R drem isi withn your grmp. Every. thing wonderlul lies ehead. And right in key s Internationmal'& lovely, fltuing pattern, "Pielde" . .. with is theme of tiny flowrs on 4&a s aler shafit. 0 This delicate, brîdeUek design belongs firat among your fifetime poelo.s o... a Étanding tribut. In Sterling ilver, t your 806d tm&. Core ne Md M. as relude "woa't you? MARRIS JEWELLERY à - . .. 'q'elA ~YAWI?. Uu.a.um Welland and Godoich. TruceBlue Lodg. met for the duem meeting this season on l'l- dey evéning la S.O.E. hall with à E ood mttendance. W.M. Harold Z ngpresidedand planeu r rude for joinlng lu Juty 121h cê«- ebrations at Port Hope. A apecial meeting will b. held later to coin- ploIe the July 12th arrangements. Delicicus re!reshments Concludéd the meeting. Regulan meetings wl» b. neaumed ln September. Lait week a large number of local Rotarians and thfr wives aI- tended the 168th Diaetrlct Rotary Continence held inuthe. Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Tiey lncluded Présidient and lira. Heyland, Pros- ident-elect Melville and Mn&. Dale, Secreîary-elect Bill and Mn.. James, lin. and lins. Morley Van- atone, Mn.and lire. Len Elliott, lin. and lira. Blain Elliott, Dr. and Mrs. Howard Rundle, Dr. and lins. Bill Tennant, andi Mr. and lins. W. R. Stnike. S.S. Annlversary At Maple Orove Outotandlng Succest Notwilhslanding tle Inclenient and threatcning weaticn the Sun- day Sclool êrsnivensary held Sun- day and Monday, June 15 and le was a. decided success. Congrega- liens aI loth services on Sunday were veny lange and appreciative. Spring flowers and cedars beauti- fully decoraled tle piatform and lie large enclosed shed. Special selections were sung by lhc school under lhe very faithful and able leadership of lin. Leslie Collacutt, witi Mie 1vrnon Fa- ley, pianist, and Miss M'uriel Ste- vens, Stanley and Bert Snowden, violinîsta. Tic gucat soioist ah bath services was Mies Orma Fle- ming, Wiby, wio sang very sweetly utthle efternoori service "My Tesk" and in tie evening I Know I SiellV Net Passa Again Tuis Way."1 Rev. Ernest Rands, B.A., pastor e! Woodbine Avenue United Clunci, Toronto, guest speaker, spoke ciiefly la tle children in the aflernoon but judging: by lie attention o! ail, lis discours. bas- cd on the them. "H. shahl be like a tnce plented by lie nivers of wa- ter," and "Be sure your aine wili flndi you out," benefltted. ail. Tic speaker illustrated lis trulîs witi some very eff ective stances. Hie subject ah thc evening service was 'As I See lie Clunch," siowing he saw thaugh lis owri expenien- cs low tie church le worklng and lIat thé ciurch la doing a wonderful wonk merally socially and spirltually. Ho appealed te lis icaners le lielp la tus great effort. On Manday evcnlng a sofîbai game was prayed by the yeung mien o! Ebenezer versus Maple Gnove which provided consider- able pleasure and was won by tie Maeple Grave boys. FollowIng lie game anothen ange audience aîtended a varlety concert an.d the foliowlng pnogram was excellently rendered and well recelved: Solos by Betly Harmer, Oshawa; Sirley Harmer, Oshawa,, Rose Melcalf; duel by Misses; Len- ore Coilacuttand Doris Stevens; euphonium sale, Ray Langficld, Oshawa; guitar duehe, Mrs. Keel and Mr. Jones, Oshawa; cornet olo by Bob Burns, Oshawa. At one-act play-enlitled "A Giostly1 Evening" by liaple Grave Young People, directed by lins. Frank Y'ardley, was pnesented in suci at rianner tiat il was a distinct cre- dit ta both lie leader and ecd t player. Il was a splendid program aci and every artist perfonming his or 1er part well ia higri de- Pester Yarley essisted aItithe. sevice on Sunday aflernoon andt acled as ciairman on Monday ev- ening in lis usual pleasing man- ner. Total grass recelpts $863.00.E H. J. N.Inz Contest Featured This Woek At Harry Ailin's Store Tire. lucky customens Will find shopping profitable et Harry AI- lia's groceny store tuis week for la co-openation with tic H. J. Heinz Co. o! Canada, a guessing conlest lias been c.ranged whici will permit tire. individuels each la neceive a great liamper o! as- sorted graceries. The trick is le guess as close ta correct nuni- ber as possible lie number o! bot- lles o! Heinz 57 Sauce in thie wln- dow display facing Ring St. Tic travelling representative o! the Heinz Co. a created an un- usually attractive display o! Heinz world famous praducts la lie Allia show window. Among tie many items are distribuhed an undisdlesed number o! bailles of H-einz 57 sauce, se ingeniously placed as ho tae som&Ûtme la e- timate the numbcr.-on make an approximate guose. The tire closest guessens wlll wiathie lIrée iempers. As a tipaif il may be suggested liaI contestants wio attemplta do calculating on lhe outside ca gel a beller view by teking lime afler siopping ta cee the display !rom the inlenior o! 1h. store. Slips are available on which ta cater thie guess and nate name and residence, these le le depos- ited with lie store cauiien. Names c! wianera will b. anaounced An tie pross. Il made le added liat 1h. Heinz Ce. lave aIso, providedi fer free distribution o! a neaI 12-page book e! recipes that wil le fouad vcry iandy la the kitchea fer prepar- meg and serving Heinz preducts. Te invitation ta lhe public is: "Drap in without any obligation wiile thé contest lests and try ho wina a andsome lamper." DEATIl' BENNETT, Biva L. Ia Darling- t on on Wednesday, June 25th, 1947, Elva L. Clarke, beloved wi!e o! Grant J. Bennett. Agedi 49 years. The funeral wîhl tae place frani lie !amily nesidence, Bow- manville R.R. 2, on Friday, June 27ti at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bow- nmvifle cem.teny. , The- Staterau Wl.. Tràphy For Third TMme- lm 7 Tear More CntvlbuUno Acknowldg.d Nr Momorlal Hnpfta mus E. Sexemlth$ Cawken Stores _____ic lirn. M. rerguson Mr. and M.AtSheehan Mn. and Mn.. W. W. Bagne»l-- Mn. mand Mn.. Russell Mouritjoy, Peterboro John H.L Living Percy Brown Russell L. Stainton- Miss S. M. Stanley- John Hately Walter Hately JTas. Brown, Base Line- Gordon Brown -___ 19. S. Varcoe Mir. and lins. E. L. Oliver3 Howard Smythe- J. H. Siemnon, Ennlskillen- M. and L. Siemon, Enniskillen ___1__ Chas. Genrard 1____ R. Ormiston _____ R. McGill _--__ Howard Stevens E. A. Werry Alymer Beecclh____ M. J. Stainton C. Peliick _____ Adam Sharp. lins. J. McGill ____ Lamne Lamb W. Trêwin_____ Cecil Siemon Walter 0k. ------ ,Harold licLaughliri Fred McLaughlin Albert Oke - _------_ Wmn. 1entliem ---- Z Russell McLaughiin Arthur Brent Harvey licGill ____ Eanl Trewln ______ S. Tr'ewin - - L. Ashton- lins. W. Mri ___ John Fox _____ L. Graham -____ H. Ashton --- ____ Alex licNeil ______ Roy Graham A. Milison V-_____ W. H. Moore9 Rusell GnIffin -- -- I Woman's Association, Un. ited Churci, Bunketon--X Mn. and lins. J. Carter ý 25.00 100.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 4.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 5.00 25.00 30.00 5.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 20.00 2.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 25.00 2.00 10.00 5.00 1.50 2.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 20.00 5.00 2.00 10.00 Thursday Nlghters At Boys Training School Enjoy Musical Program Tie Thunsday Nigitens at the Boys Training Sehool, June 19, wene priveleged te icar an cxcep- tianally well mranged muiceal Henaldi a close second. concert pnesenled by local pupils Tie staff at The Stalesman cut a few capers recently wlien a Can- adian Press wire was flashed from Ottawa: "The Canadian States- man, Bowmanvilie, wins the E. F. Stepheneon Memorial Trophy in C.W.N.A. awards for best front page, 1947, among weeklles pub- lishedi in a town o! 4,500 popula- tion or lesIn the Ontario-Queclcc Division." Awards were announ- ced following a twa day conven- tion o! Weekly newsmen from Ontario and Quebec heid in the Chaleau Laurier Hotel in the capi- tai City. The. news was received with added Inhercst in view o! the facl tiat bath partners of The States- man were absent from tic con- ventlih. Geo. W. James wae on a good will tour in Ontario with a party of American journalisîs and John M. James was loo busy gel- ting ouIt the farm edition ta 'make the trip ta Ottawa. But the ncws was con!irmed by a long distance telepione message from Mrs. Gea. W. James who atended tie con-i vention and accepted the tropliy1 ah the banquet on behal! of the publishers. This marks the third lime thati The Statesman lias been lonored i Iri receîving the Stephenson Tro-1 piy. When lie trophy was firsti awarded in 1940 -it fell ta Thel The Trumpeter Annual By Public Schooi Pupls An Attractive Edition Once again w. have pleasuno in nevlcwing lie ennuai edition o! tic "Trumpeter" tic ycar book prepared by Grade 8 pupils o! Bowmanville Public Sdhool. From lie hand donc 4-caler cover by Peuh Vine through lie 28 pages o! texî, lie volume measures up ter tie higi standards o! jounnallrn liaI entnance pupils have dis-play- ed in years past. Principal A. M. Tiompson in his annual messa-ge on page 1, ob- serves tiat lie 1947 volume is thc loti edition and h. compliments tie edihors and contribuIons ia maintaining a high tradition. To grade 8 graduates he exteads lest wisies for success as tiey go on te higier learning. The edilonial is unusually tieugilful and a credit ta hhe board consîsting o! Bernicce Han- sen, Colleen Clarke, Ken Buttery, Joan Wonnacott, Bertha Colville and Jeanette Lobb. Five depant- ments make up tie remeinder of tie pages. World News, ediled by Ken Buttery is a very able survcy a! evenls aI home and ebnoad. School News, edited by Berniece Hansen net only reviews tie year's activ- itics but accords spedial attention ta tic teaciers o! caci room. Tic Literary Section is a sznart compilation of prose and poetry te which many pupils have contrîl- uted. Il is a tep featur, o!the booklet. Sports editor Colleen Clarke has assembled tic nemes of aIl thc winners during lie school season and sic includes a >eem cantnibuted by Syl Apps. Jeenette Lobb edits Humer and vith her associates tley lave ad- Led numerous original items thal greatly bnigilen hhe foregoing text. The concluding page, Honor Roll, liste 1h. :names a! pupils who have won prizes during the school term and those wio were neither laIe non absent for tie entire year. f t e v Il b c n ei CHURCHES EVENING CHURCH SERVICES The fallowing arrangements have been made wheneby an cv- ening service wil le held eacli Sunday nîgil during the menthe o! July and Auguat in lie tewn. July 6 and 13 et St. John's July 20 andi 27 aI Trniiy Aug. 3 and 10 at SaIWation Army Aug. 17, 24 and 31 et SI. Paul's ST. ANDREW'g PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mhaleter: R. D. Duncanson Onganisl, Miss L. Osborne ATCM. il a.m.-Rev. Louis H. Fowler, M.A., B.D., Port Hope. Tic Sacrement o! Baptieni wil l e administened and thIe Sacrameat o! Holy Communion will b. delebrahed et tlus service. * There will be ne evenlng sen- viçe until Sept. 21s1, 1947. ST. JORN's ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. J. deP. Wright, Recton 4tb Sunday after Trnnty 10 a.m.-Sunday Sciool final ses- sien). Picnic, July 2nd. 1l a.mn.-Morning Prayer. Subject: "Quittera.", Nursery, 2 years and over 7 P.M.-Evenin« Prayen :'What Cmxi a Maxi elievet' Stalesman and was won again tle following year. In lie meanlime il was won by tie Newmankeh Ena, 1942-43, by lie St. lianys Journal Argus, 1944-45 and by tie HuaI- ington, Que., Gleaner in 1946. Tic award oniglneled wiea A. E. Stephenson lad the very iand- somely moualed ilver tropiy cre- atedi in memory o! his father, lie late B. F. Stephenson,, publisier and editor o! The. Aunera Banner, lie Bracebnidige Gazette andi New Liekeard Speaker. Il wes present- ed o thie Ontario-Quebec Division, Canadian Wcekly Newspapers As- sociation, for annuel cempetition, lest front page. Ia tie lwo otien competitions held aI thie annuel convention, tic Fort Brie Times - Review once again captunedi lie Legge Edihonial Tropiy for lest editoniel page andi the Stou!fvihle Tribune repeeted by winning lie Joseph T. Clark Memoniai Tnopiy for lest aIl- round weekly in population o! 1500 or less. In ail, 55 papers were rcpresented in lhe lire. competi- tiens. A new Meature aIt tc convention was lie award o! a special pnize e! $25 for lie lest paper le go ail "liome-print" since Januery, 1946. This was won by tie Mild- may Gazette, with lie Dundalk Jergen'a Special Reg. $1.00 Jergen's Lotion end FREE 29e Jar Face Cream 98c of lira. E. Smith Fergumon. The. panel o! twelve claselcal numbers bnought rounds of appîmuse iromn a niost appreciative audience. Owing te illnesa lra. Ferguson waa unable te, attend se Mr. long- uson acled as intenlocutor andi witi much. humer'introduced the Young ladies and announced tliir respective numbens. As each art- isî came ta the. plalfonni Mr. Ferg- uson projected a personal quiz in which oaci explained the numben about ta be played. Il was an In- Ieresting innovation. Mn. Fenguson made a hit wien le said that a two dollar ticket li Eaten's Auditorium couldn't buy lhe clasa a! enîerlainmenî present- cd free te the Tliunaday Nighteri. Ta prove il hene la lhe program: Piano duel, "Joy c! Spring", by Peggy Dippeli and Gwenyth Grif- fith. Piano solo, fnomn Brairms, Helen Turner. Piano duel, "Dance a! lie Demon," Madeline Osborne and Joyce Sutan. Piano solo, "Gypsy Rondo" Gwenyth Grif- fith. Piano sole, "Waltz Miniat- ure" Madeline Osborne. Piano duet, "Qui Vive, Glen Hodigson, KyLyceît. Piano solo, "'Sena- lina,"I Joyce Sutton. Piano solo, "Rhapsody Mignonne," Glen Hod- gCon. Piano solo, "Impromptu, Peggy DippelI. Piano solo, "lSon- aIe," fromn Beethoven, Janel Dale. Piano solo, "Pohish Dance," Kay Lycett. Two piano numbersarananged for cigit hands, "Sang o! thé Ton- eader," froni. Carmen, completed the concert. This was nendercd by Gwenytli Griffith, Peggy Dip- peli, Kay Lycett and Glen Had-1 gson.1 Thanks o! the echool officiais1 and rounds a! applause conveyedj lie feeling tial lhe concert. wae lhe ht o! tie season.1 Tiinlc net home faitiful who Sra ise ail lhy words aand actions,1 u hie.wio kindly repreve liy1 s[l F l n , P e s n l S r i e a d L Is.-.-- o m pe s. v bit wri elc m 6I.D.A. Specials Epsom Salt. 1-lb. Reg. 15e-- - - - - -Oc Bonacic Acid. 1-lb. Rer. 250 ------18 Ie Re 1 5cee - lb.----------- l Rer 15. licid 4,Hydr6oen P-------oxide cO Sod Bica6-oat-ce. c29 Soad Bcaronate,-------- c-8 4da and 16-s,-----01i% Reg.s890T--b-eb--- - -0 63 Repr. 89-_____63 iphur 150-lb. Vacation Needs At home ar awmy. YoÙ'Il bc runninir mb osuch sum- mentime neede as white shoe cleaners. insect re- xelents. etc. Check over the suirgestionu ithis ad . .. popular produobs at economy xprices. PIRST AID KITS - for camp or 'ar ....... ... 95o up THERM.IOS _BTTfLE - Pint size ...... $1.19 - $1.50 FLASHLIGHTS - Ray--Vac" ................ $1.30 Up GABY UNTAN LOTION .......................... 35c - 65e BATHING OÂPB .............. . ............... 350 - 390 - 50c OIL F QITRONELLA, I.D.Â., Relr. 25o ...........18e POISON IVY LOTION, I.D.A., Reg. 25o .......18c GRAY'S BALM - for uiburn, bites ............ 43e - 79o NOXZEMA SUNTAN OIL ......................-300 - 60o Eno's Fruit Sait ----------59c-98c 1'4 EnnihHealth Salte 590 L il Sun uMass Palm Beach "rtxSn 2 Bnitish Consol Cira. .WHITE 25's -------------- SHOE Tan-Gel CLEAN ER Oinment c-15 -do., flot rub of f Fly-Tox 24c-48o-78e COUtS Le$$ Because Sheiltox 24c-43c-73c It Go.. Farther Tat Ant Traps _. 35c.3 for $1 -exCellent for Cieanirg White Noxzema Special 4 et. bs.t« 25 hcandbaigs. 10-o. jar - 9e 46tBW ASI( 27e per cake 3 forSelo' FOR RAY FEVEt MACLEANS PASTI lmOtA SEITA., ;d, e $6.OG Im in.x~Y* Palm Beech White Pollsh 25e Snowban Suntan Cneam--- -49e Gaby Buntan Lotion 5-c Skêl _ -------------- - - 58c-lc Veto Deodonant - 89e-SOc I Softerl Saferi Al ex MGeorsi IOWMANVILLE Your Local I.D.A. Drugglst11bwON79 4 Try Lady Esther's MALIBU TAN It's New It's 19MSrt 29c 55C - -ia Ofe DRENE SHAMPOO 75o Size Plus 15e Size 90e VALUE Introduclng Revlon's New ""FASIIION PLATE" Crosa Wafer Face Make-TJp NIOUF UNIFORNI PIXSIU»«' u S E ClgM,. PB E L L PLOUR mmmmmmý m Recreation Ca1endai &rdY' lune 11 Memenial Park. 7:00 p.m.-Lacnosse Practice, High Sohool. Satundar, lune lmt 2:00 p.m.-Juvenile Basebail, 2 game, igh Sehool. &ody, lune lOth 6:45 p.mn.-Softball, Annis-Xing vs. Ruas liemnial Park. uas Tueaday, .Tuly li 3:00 P.m.-Junior Basebali, Peterboro vs. Bowmmnville, Higi Sciool. wednesday, .Tuly lad 6:30 ?.m.--Junior Basebaîl, B'Nai B'Riîh vs. Bowmnanvlle Higli SdIoi. Thursday. July 8rd 3:00 p.m.--Soflball, Pee-Wee League, Xigh School. 6:45 p.m.-Sfitball, liike's Imp. vs. Pepsi Cala Memorial Park. ]PEE-WEE SONTBALL Two games were played in thé Pee-Wee Sofîbll League durlng lie past. week, On Saturday mnorn- ing the teani captained by Neel Dudley de!eated Teddy Colwell'a teamn by the score o! 23-22. This was a very, thrilling game wilh tie losing tearn hlaving tie tiel;ng and wining runs an base whcn tii. third boy was ouh. In the secend e~ ame laed Monday afterhooon asl u Dley's teainagmin -won, thi. lime by the score o! 20-0: The next gamie Will be play.d ohi Tiunsday July 3rd, at 3 p.m. &t the. Pub lc Sclool. Ail boy& be- tween the ages a! 10 and 13 will el,"% 0.o TRU MAT, juif 2le4 lm Li 2 ON @« - "Au 31çý