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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1947, p. 13

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~. £ I. M A&9. IBI Reeve'and Mru. George Walton and Major H. Dudley are now oeupying their new home on ]&II Street Seath, the former home of Mrs. Widam Chaplin, who since dispouing of her fruit farm, toResve WAalton, has been resid- Ing in Bownianvllle wliere the plans erecting a home. Mrs. Arthur Shipley, Yorkshire, England, is guet of her niece, Mrs. Ed. Barchard. 1Don't forçet te attend the New- castie . Girls Softbefl Club Danice lb Commulity Hall, Prlday, June 2É7th. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Colwill, Mrs, Hutchlnson and Mr. Kenneth- H!utchlnson, Toronto, were Sun- doy guetta of Mrs. W. R. Pearce. Mr. Fred Rowe, Ottawa, is visit- ing at his home herç. Messrs Harold andFrank Roar, Toronto, were home for weekeiàdZ Dr. A. F. i4are left; on Monidai' for Cleveland, Ohlo,. where he ha been eppointed Chief Rouse Sur- geon in St. Ann's Hospital.. Thid is the position that has been so cleverly and brilliar.tly filled by Dr. Jack Rare sinace his return fromn serving over3aas as a med& ical officer. Dr. Jack.Harq is'ne- signing the eppointinent to assume pnivate practice in St. Thomas, Ont. It is an honor for two young Cenadian doctors, and aiso batil jfrom Newcastle and also both with the same surname ta have been appainted to this very important position. We are glad ta w'rlcomne Stanley Graham back ta a bseat in the Vil- lage Council. Stan had a]ready served with ability as a mnember of the council and only resigned from office this year. Re nowv re- sumes his former place as a'mem- ber of the Village of Newcastlé Council ta fi the vecancy caused by the resignation of Councillor Horace Ward who is leaving the village ta reside in Aylmer, Ont. Congratulations to Newcastle Girls' Softbail team for their vic- wiiI youre child have a chance t feruceee? Mony.a fatherleas' yov 6ngster Is going to. âOIege -today -becaus. t thoughtful father pro. vlded for his educafion wlth Mutual Life of Canada Insurance. We invie"you te see Our representative, or 'phono hlm, and let him show you how you con ensure that your children will have th. education bfey doserve, no malter what happons to you. low cottflif. inturance mince 7869. --.Modo Braneh Office *436 George Street *Peterborouth, Ontario tories o'ver Orono, 20-9, and Cour- ti eo 14-i1; aiso to Newcastle Boys' Handball team for their wln aver iCendal 8-2, Monday evenlng. .Several znembers of Young People's Union attended Oshawa Pxiesby1ery Plcnic held in Otona Park, Aune 18th. Newcastle Union obtalned the hlghest number of points for races and centests. Mr. Stewart Milligan, Canad- lan Bank cf Commerce, spent the vMeg4d£ n* VToronto. .Master' bàvidi Hockin enterlain- ed - ie -two -.,eet-granidmothers, ýMrà. George M.lckard and Mrs. WV. Hà Perea4 two gradmothers 9119,. iR. Peà.rce and Mrs. W. J. Rcckin, hi. cg:uins, Larry, Ricky and .,jWaynie 'earce, George Rick- erd with Aheir mothers, and Juanita Muikay at his flist birth- da lry lààt wgee i4,ewceé -,ÉÏâhg: Schoo: "*closed June IR for iurflner vacation with à scekvenger hunt. and, weiner roast . Congratulations ta staff and pupils for .the-splendid record of .al pupils passîing.. The following. pupils;.of Public School passed their Entrance mIet the Righ School without having ta -write Entrance examinations: Vivian Meit, Betty Lou Hager- man, Keith'Mellowk. * Mr. and ias. Arthur Elford, Zuffalo, N.Y., -were weekend guests cf his mother, Mr&~ John Elford and Mr. and Mns. Lorne Cobbledick, Newcastle. A .special meeting, cf- council, with a good représentatioyn of the ratepayers in attendance, was 4eld. Manday .evening.. The prin- cipal item af business and ane that was cf importance ta rate- payers was the revlewing af build- ing permils -that hed been l'ssued, end.ta sge if- they were .com'plying with building regulations. i ad béen lèfrt by the ratepayers that there had been a certain emaunt ai laxity in Ibis respect. Building permits had been granted for cer- tain tYpes cf homes and the own- er or builder had nat carried out the building spécifications for whlch he had been granted a per- mit. The. feasibility. of appolnting à building Inspector' b sec thet lte building regulations wr carried ouI was discussÏed. The -Provincial -Commnittee cf St. George's Church met June 24 wlth Mns. DQ.Ug1ast~Dewdney pre- sldlng. Plans wene completed for th. Strawberry Tea on July 8th from 5:30 te 7 pan., followcd by a.- band . concert on, -the recîory 'iwn.at 8ýp.m.-..-ý A wedding ai interest ta New- clAtIe à*xdi district was solemnized in Hart House Chapel, 'Torento, on Saturday, June 14, when Mar- gert C. MacGrcgor ai Semans, Sask., and william Coulson Hun- tern were united in Inarriager by Ëevý. Klng$lèy Jobli. TJhe groom isa graduate ai Toronto-Univ'ers- ity and is a son ai Mr. and Mrs. Hu4h ÇeuL9wn Hunter. Following a reception aI the Diet Kitchen, the couple lef t by plane for a honeymoon ini the United States. Her niany fniende will b. glad beéâtI that Mn:. iRaye Cern of Capreol ia much improved in health. CâaOt.and Mrs. Brown Mov.d to Montreal Captein and Mn:. ýBrown who have been in change ci The Sal- vation Arniy toi- thse past six months ha * been transferred to Montreel.* Both Captain -and Mrs. Brown wiil lontg be remembened fan their kindly deedes nd cheer that they brought te -all claseésai people. 1'Truly they wceireel rcp- nesenlatives ai The Armny ai the Ifelpjng Rend. Ceptain. Brown servcd during the war wlth The Auxiliary Forces, and Mns.i Brown was a nurse et Grâce Hospital pnior ta ber marniage. The citizens ai Bowmanvillc wish thern eveny auccesa in their néw field cif labor. It Wudi fficuit to say which may, be the most, miscbievous to the humen hpt the praise or the dispris. of men. -Mary Baker Eddy. Haydon SuBdiy' School 80hANNIVIIRSARY wM lb. held June 29th and JUIF lot on Su.nday, Juno 29, Services, at 2:-30 p.=.(I. Guest Speaker: 1EV. J. dePUONOIBR WIIGHT, St. John's Anglican Ohuroli, Bowmanvile 7:30 m.( T.- Guest Speaker: lIV. R. D. DUNCANIoer St. Andrew's Prebyterian Ohuroh, Bowmanville Ipecial music by the sohool under lea4eu 1pof KM. L. R. Ashton, assisted at bothbU se :by' Tyrione Maie Quartette. COLLECTION DI.AID 0F SOHOOL lUNDO TUESDAY9 JULY 1S97 - 4 P.Mm lProgram of Sports conslsting of -races, peanut scramable, @e., and men's basebail game, Tyrone vs. Haydon. 5Sp.m. - T« wIiIb.m.rv.d ~8 pm.- Vrety ShOW wW lb. given by' the Dennia Players, Oshawa. Good program of uinglng, com.dy, tap dancing and music wlth fanoy couumeu..t ADMISSION: Adulta: Tea sud Concert 75o Chfdren: T& snd Concert 40o - Concert Only 40o - Concert Oniy 25o TEE fAM<AMAN MTATIMUML OWMMIV= Ot DTAM ~A~5UAIPAJfl X~ i UA1~ dUIi6~ ~ - t. -. -. On the Stepe -etRideau HeU, Ottawa Obituary WVALTER DELINE In the death of Walter DeLine an June 151h, Newcastle lost a citizen who had made 'e great contribution in the business life' ai the village for over 30 yeans. Mr. DeLine wes born at Cloyne, Ont., and was son ai the làte. George DeLine and Mrs. rpssie 1 eLine af Toronto. He started working at his profession ai bar- ber wben he wes 19 yeans ai age, learning his trade with Mn. J.' Ferguson ai Napance, and laee wonked et hi.s uncle's shop, Mr. tBert Wickwarc in Toronto. He Lopened a business ai his own in eKingston in 1913 and had pnev- iously bad a shop in Sharbot ELake where be met and. mernied 1Leaphe May Davis in 1910. In 1915 be purchased thé shop ai thé laIe Asa Otten in Newcastlc which was on the site ai bbc pre- sent Newcastle Community Hall. In 1922 wben the building wes demolished ta meake way for the >Cammunity Hall Mn. DeLine pur- chesed tbc store and dwchling on the south aide ai King SI. from, >the laIe 1Benjamin Moise, and had carried on business there-until the lime ai bis death. He had not been wchl since Fcbruary wben he suffered a scv- ere ettack ai flu but he was only taken citically iii a few days be- fore bis death in Bowmanvil Hospital. The funeral was held June 17 inom Newcastle United Church, when his pastor, Rev. W. W. Patterson conducted the service. MS. E. 2. Fisher presidcd etthe argan and members ai the choir were in attendence. Pelibearens were H. S. Britton, Fred Graham, Horace Werd, Ir- Win Colwill, Cecil Carvcth, How- ard Toms. Interment took place et the family plat in Bond Head Cemetcny. Among the meny and beautiful floral offenings wcre very hand- same arrangements ai flowers from tbe Business Men af New- castle and the Adams Furnitune Ca., ai Toronto. Re wes a member ai thc United Church and a steunch Conserve- tive. Leit ta mourn the loss ai a dcvoted husband and loving father are bis widow and anc son, Harold ai Toronto; twa daughters, Mrs. E. Freidlander, Toronto, and Miss Pauline et home and three grand- childrcn. He is elso survived by bis mother and two broîbers and three sisters. OuI ai town relatives and iriends attending the funcral were Mrs. R. W. Rogers, Haileybury; Mrs. Essie DeLine, Mn. Harold DeLine, Mr. and Mns. Dave An- derson, Messrs Pcrcy, Frank and Harold Wickwere, Mn. Harold Roar, Mr. and Mrs. E. Frcidlander, aIl ai Toronto; Mn. and Mns. W. Quinn, Cepreol; Mrs. J. Collins, Ottawa; Mns. A. Riddell, *Sharbot Lake. The sympaîhy af tbc camrnunity !S exlended ta his- widow and cbildren in the great loas they have sustained. Newcastle Beats Whitby nt Basebaif By Score of 4.3 .Playing a scheduled Intenmed- iale Lakeshore Besebail geme aI _Whtby, June 3MtbbcNewcastle teami tock the Caunty Town down a peg by winning 4-3. Sendy Grajam.rated as just about bhc steediest'pitcher !in the leegue, was ln rare iorm for Newcastle. Gaing int Uic strctch .iii.bbcelest inning with th. tying end winning runs on bases, Sendy fanned two in a row to end a bard fougbt game. The Newcastle team heu bbe material and a number of exper- ienced players to Just about top the league if given full opportun- ity for preetice biut they are busy men. In reporting their gemes, just as in meny others, includlng foltbaUl leagues, juvenileA~eagues and football leegues, il bas been Impossible tb get'abouîta ogather thc bighlights for there are two or Ithree games under way each ev- ening. The next game scheduled tu Bowmanvill eal Newcastle, Wed- nesday, June 25, but the result eLannot be publisbcd until next week's issue. Pleying ut VWhitby were: Newcastle-Gray lb, Win- ters c, EllioIt 2b, Middleton 3b, Wallon ni, Sprout If. Wand cf, Creamer as, Graham P. Ail Toachers Romain Un Clark. Sichool Ar.. Clarke Township School Arca met June 18 in Lockhart's School. A report from the secretary on hià trip to, Toronto on school businessi was favorably received. Aiter much planning the neces- sary repeins and improvements in, the severai achools was decided. The chief attention being centred on No. 21, which school is ta have a thorough overhauling. Bills amountinig t $548.94 were ordered pald. Contracts, for all the teachérs werc completed. Mn. Carlton dis-, cussed the malter of the five new schools entering the area, L.e., Part; Gran'by, Lake Shore, iCendal, Mc- Leans, and Newtoiwli1le,ý and a veny careful survey was made of. the whele malter. Il was dcciflcd that the Area:Boaid would meiet the trustees of the above schools in Atioch School bouse on June ý4 et 8 p.xn., D.S.T., wlth Mn. Carl- 'Ionpreiding. Il was decided to, withdrew board meetings during July and August and that thc ncxt regular meeting would be held on' Sep- tember- 17 in S.S. 21, eat 8 p.m. D.S.T. Secretary was instructed ta su- pervise the w.ork of the mainrten- ance men during the holideys with the power ta cail the board if dcemed necessary. 'S> The board lipleased to have the same teachers remain ln the area for enother year. Weeleyvii. Sunday School was held et 10:30 with ail teachers present and an attendanice of 40. Church followei with the junior choir providlng the music. .Mrs. Ken Ashby, Mrs. Page, Mrs. C. Beighton, Miss C. Darke end Misa Berniiece Best motored to Guelph, Wednesday ta attend the celebraîlon of the 501th Anniver- sary af the Women's Institute. .A -presentation Xwas held at Mrs. B. Bindsted's Friday evening when the school children present- ed Miss Margaret . odgins with a beauliful car rug. Mr. A. J. Nichoils, Bowman>ille, with Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nicholîs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larrow- clough and - Billy with. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boughen. Congratulations ta Mrs. Lor- raine Dunbar who Won the Rolly Memorial Trophy et Toronto Un- iversity. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Best, Ber- niece, George and Harold attend- ed the White-Cathcart wedding on Saturday. Among those attending the Federation ci Agriculture picnic, Orono on Saturday were: Mr. and Why Do You Need Insurance YOU want to be able to replace your property with- out. financial loas to your- self, when the unexpected happens - that's why you iniure. And it 's betterto always have insurance and neyer need it than to need it just once and flot have it. For adequate inaurance, consuit this agéncy. SlutrR.. James MUEANE- EMAI, UTAT Suecemr T . .. Massa & Smu ftlise: Office al1 - Bouge .498 KtgSt. ematl Mrs. A. Thorndyke and Canal, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nicholîs. Miss Margaret Rodgins with Mrs. S. O. Milîs, Port Hope. Mrs. Shields, Mount Pleasant, with her daughter, Mrs. Carrol Nicholls. Misses Doreen Bec and Betty Cork, Port Hope, spent a week et Willow Beach. Mr. Clarence Nichoils with fri- ends in Cemilla. Mn. and Mrs. Allan Peters, Pauline and Mildred Jane and Miss Ruth Peters, Toronto General Rospital, Miss B. Langdon and Mr. and Mrs. C. Langdon, Canton, with Mn. and Mrs. C. Payne. There is ne time for small men in big jobs. Wc nced, greet men ini ail j obs--even little anes. The Nwatefdpzdm Plions: CIke 3214 On and after Juiy I st, 1947, your driver': license and il motor vehicle permits registered in yaur name wlII b. suspendedif, following an accident in which any persan j: injured or any property is damaged, you are convicted cf. (a) Any violation cf a provision of the Highway Traffic Act. or (b) If, upon conviction for a violation of the Act even though no accident occurred, th. penalty imposed by th. Magis- trait. includes suspension or revocatien of your driver's lîcense or motor vehicle permit. orN (c) If you are convicted cf a criminal offence Invoiving the use of a mator vehicle. Zion Mr. and MMs. Coz, Mn. .and Mrs. F. Bell, Miliken, at Harold Gif- ford's. Mr. and Mis. Archie K-eith, Oshawa, Miss Ada -Pascoe, To- ronto, at Frank Pa.5coe's. Mr. and Mns. Tomn Samson, Mrs. W. Samson, Toronto, Mrs. R. Wil- cox, Owen Sound, at Russell Per- kins'. Mn. and Mis. Frank Pascoe and daughtert attcnded the Pascoe picnic ai Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Al Ayre attended the funeral of Levi Skinner at Tyrone. Mr. and Mra. Bent Hoskin and family, Harmony, et Refond Camn- eron's. Mi. and Mis. Percy Davidson and family at Russell Couhnane's, Brady. Mn. and Mis. Ralph Glaspel and iamîly, Tyrone, et Mrs. P. B. Glas- pel's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rabbins at- tended the wedding ai her, rdece. Miss Audrey Down and Mn. Frank Sullivan aI Albert St.. Church, Oshawa, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Flett and family, Enniskillen, at Norman Leach's. Rev. and Mns. Arthur Siater, Celifornia, at Nathan Rincock's. 1Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chant, To- ronto, at Arnold Venner's. 1Mrs. Arnold Venner is holiday- Ing in Toronto. Mrs. N. Leach visited Mrs. R. Rabbins, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Reber Dd'wn, Brooklin, at Fred Rabbins'. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Johns and Murray, Maple Grave, at Wes. Camenon 's. Mr. and Mrs. Ali Ayre. Miss Arlene Northçutt at Richmond Hill. Mr. Donald Downs, Haliburton, at Alex McMaster's. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf and Larry, Oshawa, at Alf Ayre's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, Wisconsin, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wil- son, Mr. and Mrs. F. Johns and After Juiy ,!s, 1947- your driver', license and ail motor vehicie per- mits registered in your name wil be suspended if you fail ta satisfy a (udgment secured against you for damages on account cf lnjury ta or death cf any persan or on accounit cf damage teproperty. Such judg- ment must b. satisfied et beasf up ta the limits cf $5,006.00 for personail injuries ta one persan, $ 10,000.00 for two or more persans and $1,000.00 for property damage arising eut cf any'oné ,accident. Application of Suspen'sions Whoe a suspension la applied followlng the registration cf a conviction, samne will romafi in effect until proof cf financial responsibility ls filed. Whoe.ai suspension lu applled for fallure ta satisfy a judgment, saime wiil romain in eff oct until th. judgment ha: been satisfied or arrangements made for ils pay- ment by instalments and proof of financial responsibility is also flled. Proof cf fInaincial responslbility may be flled (a) In the form of an insurance policy certificato; (b) the bond of a guarante. companyi (c) the deposiling of money or securities ta the value cf $11,000.00.3 .1 Application of Penalties The penalties for a persan operating a motdr vehicle whlle his lcense fi- uuder suspension iruclude a fine up ta $500.00 and Imprisonment up ta six months, aise the impounding of the motor vehicle operat.d. The penalty for the operation cf az mofor vehicle, 1he permit for whlch is under suspension Includes a fine up ta $500.00, -imprisoniment for six months and the for- felture of the vehicle ta the Crowné DRIVE CAREFULLY AND AVOID ACCIDENTS DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS OEO; H. DOUCETI minlmter r .1 ON TARI O AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO TH4E MeOTORING PUBLIC, Re: 1947 Amendments to the Ontario Highway Traffic Act Every motor vehicle owne'r aùnd driver shoulId become famtiliar wvith the new 1947 amendments ta the Highway Traffic Act. The purpos. of this legisiation is ta encourage safe driving and ta assure the collection o. damages owarded by our Courts for personal injuries suffered or property damagodi On and After JuIy lst, 1947 fmyOshawa, tai Rrod ce Mr. Reford' %m ainri id opera"ot o a OWmmvitIlOHsta for abuesa ,on the bowel ono cM,- dey. Miss Mary Gtsqgr'ia hostess for. a masellanei>U Ahkw- er for Miss Winnie .G1over,,-bide. to-be. this week. I. -' Everybody bring your' beakts for supper at the Sund&Y MSIo plcnic at Geneva Park on Fridày. June 27th. Supper at &W30pm Sports afterward. Burketon Womnan!s Auxiliary cf StJgbon'a Church, Elackstock, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. ýCarter'. Sympathy Is extended tp the relatives of the 1lite. Mr., B. Tribk Oshawa, and to Mrs. e. H'jbiýarâ on the death of hier brothér, 4r. J. Davidson, Oshawa. There will be no chigrch *uer- vices here on June 29, July .8 and Ju.ly l3th. Visitors: Mrs. Jack Smith and -Owens. Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mns. J. Curran. Miss Ruby Bailey, Oshawa, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Northk, Mr. and Mrs. C. Jolliffe, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Bailey. Mrs. J. Carter attended the cele. bration of the Women's Institute'u 5Oth Aniniversary at Guelph. Mrs. H. Osborne and Paul Graham, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. H. Thompson, Picton, Mrs. Hel- ena Graham, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. K. Roblin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Needham spent the weekend in Toronto. Mrs. C. Clements returned with them for her vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery, Sr., Haydon, Mrs. Lelia Cochrane and Harold, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bin- neli, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Starn Moffat, Oshawa, Mr. and IMrs. E. Luke, Oshawa, Mrs. Cooke and son, Enfield, with Mrs. Harry Rahm. His Excellency the Gernor- the Canadian' Weekly Newspapers i1s0 , B. SImith of The Creemnore lworth of The Watford Guide-Ad- General and a group of the ladies Association in Ottawa last week. 1 Star, and on the immediate left of vocate, immediate past president 1il1 of the Ontarlo'-Quebec Division of who attended the convention of At the extre.me left of the picture H is Excellency is W. C. Ayles- 1t.he C.W.N.A.

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