visuHMAY, JUNE tOth, 194?7 __________ TEE ANADAN SATESAN. OWMAVff E. OTART Solina Mirs. A. Gibbons, Mula Vera Gibbons, Mr. Victor Taylor, Mis. Robblns and friend, Toronto; lirs. 8=~ DeweUl, Hampton, at Narval Wottenus. kin. Haîrry Grooms, Mr. RusseflThompson, Mis. S. Thompson, lira. Jenny Frize, lira. Mabel Leslie, Toronto; Mrs. Carl Wllbur, Oshawa, at S. E. Werry's. lira. S. Thompsan observed lier S5th blrthday anniveraary Sunday and lier many friends here off er congratulations. Mr. and Mis. Len Stephenson and Ronnie, Enfield; June and George Cowllng, Mr. and lira. Lee and family, Mr&. McEwen and fa- anly, Whitby, at S. Hockaday's. Mr. and Mr&. WiII Hoar, Orono, at E. R. Taylor's. . Mrs. Chas. Allili, Bawnianville, at Wes Yellowlees'. Mr. and lira. Wifrid Storkey, Miss Ida Reynolds, Toronto, at J. W. Yellowlees'. Mr. and lirs. George Millson and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mnond Anthes, Jean and Lorraine, Toronto; Mr. and lira. Howard Millson, Hampton, at E. Millson's. Mir. and lira. Russell Balson and Carolyn, Bawmanville; Mir. and lirs. J. W. Balson, Mr. and Mis. W. J. Reynolds and Fae, Hamp- ton; Mr. Ralph Larmer, Black- stock; Miss Peggy Snowden, Osh- awa, at A. J. Balson's. Mr. and lirs. John Cruickshank at Minden. Mrs. Orme Cruickshank and Joan, lins. Ida Wilcox, Peter- bora; Mr .and lira. Percy Dewell and Douglas, Hampton, with lirs. H. E. Tink and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink. Mr. Charles Shortridge left last Friday ta, visit lis brother and other relatives in Mianitoba. The teacher and pupils af Bak- er's School held a picnic last Fnl- dgy afternoon when the teacher, lins. Cresswell, was presented with a picture and plaques. The Temperance program, at Svinday School was prepared by Mrs. E. Hockaday and includcd an interesting story by lirs. E. R. Taylor and vocal duet by Donna Vice and Olive Cryderman.' Messrs. A. L. Blanchard, Bruce Tink and John Cruickshank at- tended the Hays Holstein sale at the Coliseum, Toronto. No church or Sunday school service here next Sunday an ac- count of Hampton anniversary. Sincere sympathy is expnessed ta lira. Will Leask,' Barbara, Billy, Bobby, Marilyn and Donnie, on the death af Mr. Leask. Thnee league football games were played hene lait week: Mon- day, Hampton vs Zion; Wednes- day, Enniskillen vs Solina, and Saturdày, Hampton vs Solina. Last year 60,000 furnances were inanufactuned in Canada. Music la the harmony ai being; but the music of Soul affords the only strains that thnill the chords of feeling and awaken the heart's, harpstrings.-Mary Baker Eddy. We know 0;;-0 belng team captain han its ieponsi- bilities. But when you'ro rounding Up your teani, wMl you try flot to make too many cafl at once? Itemember- nome grown- up may need that party Une ia h... Thanlu a lot! PART Y L IME COIIRTESY US CATCHINO...a Putting it into practice on every call you make is your bout guarante. that others wii do the. -Danme for YOU. 1.Keep <alh brief. 2Space yoiar colis Cv. Gr gMt-of-way la wrgocakP 798 BELL TEIPRONE COMPANY' 0F CANADA SBrown's Mun. Geo. Stephienson und went an openation in a Tarai htsjpital. We wish hlen a spee recoveny. Mr. and Mis. W. Farrow, Ne tonville, Mn. and Mia. E. Bur Oshawa, visited Mr. and lins. Turner. Mr. Gea. Stephenson and fai ily and lins. J. Hillier, wcre Toronto. lir. and lins. R. Graham visil et lin. Thos. Gimblett's. Cadmus ler- edy us, C. in ted W.A. and met et Uic home aiflins. Marwood licKee, June 18, with a good attendance o! members and several visitons. President lins. Johnstan opcned the meeting. It was agnced we supply wood for the dhurci. Then followed e discussion on a plan ta raise moncy and it was dccid- cd ta have e play and strewbenry and ice cneam social in July. Col- lection o! $2.30 was reccived. lins. Sweet took charge of Uic prograin whidh consisted o! a reading by lins. McQuade and a very inter- esting talk on "India" by Mns. Harrison. Whule Uic ladies werc liaving their meeting the gentle- men enjayed a game o! crokin- ole in the kitdhen. lins. McKee and a few af the ladies servcd a lovely lunch. Thc hostess was tendercd a vote o! thanki ionrlier liospitality. Thc annivcnsary service, Sun- day evening was very well et- tended. Rev. Mr. liorwood, Osh- awa, preadlied e wonderful ser- mon using ion lis theme "Thene lsae lad here," stncssing Uic im- portant place aur young people hld bath in the dhurci and out. The S.S. choir furnisliod the music with lins. Gibson and lins. John- stan as thein directons. Maple Grove lir. and Mrs. Everett Hall, Misses Muriel and Audrey Hall, London, lirs. S. T. Bartlett, To- ronto, vislted thein sister, Mrs. H. R. Foley, Saturday and attendeci the Bell-Foley wedding. Mr. Ross Langmaid, Oshawa, is visiting lis cousin, Miss Muriel Stevens. Miss Donna Snowden, Toronto, la visiting her grandparents, Mn. and Mns. R. R. Stevens. lins. Ross Stevens, lins. Hilda Moon, Salem, were gucuts cf lins. Dean Hodgson, et Minden. Little Miss Gloria Moon, Salemi, visited et lins. Ross Stevens'. Rev. Linstcad, pastor of Hamp- ton circuit, will occupy the pulpit on Sundey. Rev. Yardley will conduct annivenaary services et Hampton. Several Institute members et- tended the Institute Jubllee et Guelphi. Misses Muriel Stevens, Greta Snowden and Cathanine Camp- bell, members of the Scwing Club, went to Guelphl lst weelv to the W.I. Convention and toolc part in the pageant "Let there be light."' The many friendi aoflins. Grant Bennett are sarry ta hear o! her seriaus illness; na improvement at time of writing. Pontypool Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Bernstein have arnived from. New York to spend the season et Manetta's summer resant. Mr. and lins. Lew Williamson visited relatives et Enniskillen. Mn. and Mrs. Colin Richardson and Mrs. Lily Richardson were 1 business visitors to Peterboro. lins. Carl Liebers, Peterboro, spent a short holiday with Mrs. Charlie Chapman. lins. Clay and family, Oekwood, ar with hen uncle, Fred Graham. arw T. E. Hancock, B.A., suf- fered a mild attack o! the flu. Sundey, June 22, was the finst meeting of the comblned services, churcli and Sundey achool, which will take place et 10:30 a.m. dur- ing the summer months in Ponty- pool United Church. The service was well attended and the ser- mon delivered by Mir. Hancock an inspiration to ail. Mr. Dave Sexsmith who suifer- ed a heart attack ia now feeling greatly improved Mir. and Mrs. Walter Bradley, Toronto, are visiting Mrs. Ernest Cavano. Congratulations to Mr. and lins. Steve Yecynuk who have a baby girl, sister for Teddy and Roy. A tragic accident happened on Friday when Neil Curtis was pull. ing a truck loaded with wood up a hill by tractor. The tractor tunned aven and caught fire, the gesoline sprayed on Neil. His two brothers-in-law helped tear the clothes off hlm, but it was al burnt except the buttons and his boots, including $200 he had in his wailet. At present Neil is in Oshawa Hospital suif ering with second degree burns. Twelve rel- atives and friends gave blood transfusions on Sunday, and many others wiil be called on to go, as he la being given blood plasma. We sincerely hope for a rapid recov- ery. Tîhe following pupils from Pan- typool school will be going to, Be- thany to tny their entrance exam- * mations, June 26th and 27th: Ruth MacDonald, Jean and Don- othy Fisher, Patricia Crowley, Oie Kirk, Yvonne Hudson, Ennie Youngman, Berney White. We wish al af them, success. lira. Norton Chambers, Toronto, has been veny busy ail week and now we sec little curtains flutter- ing from evcry window. Their cottages are ail rcady for thie suni- mer tourists. lira. Sidney Bernstein lias le- turned fnom Kitchener wherc she spent a short holidey with lier mother. Have a licant that neyer hiard- ens, a tempen thet neyer tires, a touch that neyer hurts.-Dickens. Praise, like gold and d.iamonds, owes its value only ta its scercity. It becomes cheap as .it becomes vulgar, and wvill no longer raise expectation or animate enterprise. -~aulJohinson. Nestleton W.A. met June 19.- Meeting was in charge o! Mis. W. D. Fenguson's group with 16 la- dies present. Scripture was nead by lira. Hedge and devotional by Mns. E. Bradley. Plans were made for Uic Sunday School supper. Ladies punchased a new nug for thc front o! Uic chundli. Prograni: Solo, Mis. Wm. Steele, "He Livetli Long;" needing, lins. R. W. liar- low, "Kcep Muni;" reading, lira. J. Gnieves, "Smiles." Tables wene set and e dainty aftennoon tee was enjayed. lins. Ferguson's gnoup was given ealiearty vote af thanki. lins. M. Emerson invited ail ta hen home for the July meeting. Mis. Florence Trîpp visited witli fniendsaet Prince Albert. lins. Wm. Steele visited fniends et Manchester. lins. R. W. Marlow visited lins. Harold Wlieeler. A numben o! W.I. ladies enjoy- cd a trip ta Guelphi on June 18 ta the 50tn jubilee clebration. lins. Jas. Williamson, lins. Jas. Dickey and lins. Dan Black are1 on the sick list. No service in United Churdl i lest Sunday owing ta anniversany services et Blackstock and Ced- MUS.1 Mn. and Mis. George Johins and 1 Nesdeton Mr. and lira. L. Joblin vlited Mr. and Mis. H. Wblieler.' Congratulations to Mr. and lirs. Norman Rorlier on the arriv- al of a young son in Port P".r Hospital. Mr. and Mia. Stanley Malcolm Laurance and Jean, Mr. and Mii Marvin Nesbitt attendcd th4 Grant-Banfield wedding i Tor. onto. lir. and lira. Harvey Scythck Emerson'& Beach visited Wi. an > Mis. -Stanley Malcolm.. lin. and lins. George liagor~ Denver- Colorado, visited tlie* cousins, Mn. and lira. Lewis Fi and Mr. and lins. Wilmer Fitze Miss Hilda Johns, Bowmanville visited hen parents, lin.,and lis, David Johins. Enfield Thc Prescott families attended' the annuel ne-union of the des- cendents ai Charles Prescott and Elizabeth Handyside, pioncera af Reach Township. The picnlc was held at Kiwanis Camp, Satunday. lins. A. W. Prescott attended the funeral aoflier cousin, Mn. Levi Skinner, Tyrone. Mis. Rhoda Dunimore, Miel., Mr. and lins. Hugh Hcmphill andj Mr. S. H. Moore, Mr. and Mnl. Charley.Moore, Mr. Nelson Moore, lira. Harold Rachar, Moaunt Foreit, werc wcekcnd guests at the Pres- COU homes. Mia. G. !Bowman, Mary Helen mihd Ganry.attended the Pascoe picnlc in Haïkpton Pa#c. Mr. and lira. A. W. Presaott, Mi. Edgar Preicatt, Mrrlrames IRarris, Mr. Aylmc r encatt at- tended the funéral of Mn. James Davidson, Oshawa. 1Lillan and George liarlow, bowmanville, et F. R. Cook's. Mis. F.. R. Cook went on a boat tritRochesîter. The Pnescott familles attended decoration services et Prince AI- bent Cemeteny. vicertlinc Sundas wh le ar Thcesfrre l e Sno c hrli son- paston, Rev. R. M. Seymour, is having a vacation. Sacrement o! the Lord's Supper was observed on Sunday. After the service a meeting was held to decide an installing hydro In the churdli. The motion was pased. Music la thc harmoniaus voice of creation; an echao! the invis- ible wonld; one note o! the divine concord which the entire univense is destined ane day to sound.- --cl r'coer -ug rdcn -Diazii.1 reatin ttndd n mteofth tOnlyfremo-iv ul 1ou - The answeor to '<Workor, Want"' lu "'Want to Work." CLOSEO. B ackstock St. Jahn's W.A. met June 19 at the homne of Mia. J. Carter, Burk- eton. lira. MéXlbbon gave a short telk on thc servL.c et St. James Cathedral whcn Bishop A. R. Bey- erley, M.A., D.D., was cntlroncd. Study book, "Woman - thc Bridge" was veny ably taken by lins. Fred Hamnilton. lins. Herry licLauglilin reported that a bale cnsisting o nchall outfit for an Indieàng girl lied arrived et W. A. House. lins. Henry Hall danated top fan a qullt. Mis. H. licLaugli- lin and lira. T. Smith offcrcd ta buy lining and bat and have it quilted fan aur feUl bale. Arrange- ments were made for a bootli on July lst et Uic street dance. Miss Eva ]Penn offcned ta look aiter flawcrs for thec durch during Uic summer. A vote aoftlienks was tendered thc hast and hastess. Thc newly onganized Cartwright Fife and Drum Band ettendcd the celebration et Devitt's Hall Fni- day evcning and plaed sevenal times. Rev. Marwood, Oshawa, prea- ched at Uic United Church An- nivcrsany Service, Sunday morn- ing. The Sundey Sdliool dhidron provided the music. A good con- mumpi epidemie. lirs. Libby Banton lias been visiting Mr. and lira. Wm. Fon- der. lin. and lirs. Alvin Bruce, Sea- grave, visited lins. Rabt. Bruce and Miss KCing. Mr. and lira. Norton VanCamp. Listowdl, spent Sunday wltli Mn. and Mns. A. L. Bailey. lins. W. A. VanCamp netunned home alter a visit et Listowel. Several from this community attended thc Pine Grave Cemetery Deconation Services at Prince Albert on Sunday. Misses liabel, Helen, Wilma and Jessie VanCamp and Miss Audrey Campbell, Cookitown, with lin. and lira. Wm. VanCamp. lira. Lewis Henry was ln Bow- manville visiting lier new grand- daugliter. Alter being a pnivate sccnetary with a law firn,, Toronto, and teaching eveningsaet Shaw's Business Callege, Mis3 Pearl Wright la visiting lier parents, lir. and lins. Carl Wright. Whien Pearl gaci beck ta Toronto she will be pnîvate secnetary to the Vice-President o! Householci Fin- ance Corp af Canada.- Congratu- lations Pearl! Inclusive JOHN LEN Sho. Repaira 39 KfflG STIREET E. ~"~b~~S'*S aVaLLILI.* ~~aton tten~"I IJnîT r&lie Lin.,1 BOWMANVILLE Pblic0 Seool TH la Case ot raia Carnival wIll b. held Saturday, July s5th 10 --LUCK'Y NUMBER DRAWVS SEE THE NEW GIANT CAÀLi ITHIUMPIAÀN PARADE BANDS FLOATS a FLAGS PARADE PRIZES MONSTER CALITHUMPIAN PARADE CHILDREN'S CLASSES WilU form ulp at Bob Ewer 's White Rose Service Station, the Corner of Ring and Liberty Streets - at 7:30 p.m. 1. Bout Decorated Doîll's Carria«e, Girls ...............1.00 .65 .35 2. Boit Decoratod Wagon, Boys ....... ....... 1.00 .65 .35 ROUTE O PARADE3. Best Docorated Tricycle, Girls and Boys ............1.00 .65 .35 ROT-F PRD .Bout Decorated Bicycle, Boys and Girls ............ 1.50 1.00 .75 Will start from Corner King and Liberty Streets, wost on King Street ta 4 5. Bout Pony Outfit............................................ 1.50 1.00 .75 Silver Street and north ta the Public School Grounds. 6. Boit Character Group, at least three .................1.50 1.00 .75 7. Bout Clown or Comia Costume ..................« ..........100 .65 .35 8. Boit Patrlotic Costume ..................... .............. 1.00 .65 .35 PARADE PRIZES. Will be presented on tho grounds at the Sound Truck immediately OE LSE after the parade. 9. Boit Morchant's Dooorated Motor Float 5.00 3.00 10. Bout Merchant 's Docorated Float, horse drawn .. 5.00 3.00 11. Bout Patriotic Float .................................................. 5.00 3.00 - Fun and Excitement for Everyone 12. Boit Decoratod Car ...................... ...................... 5.00 3.00 13. Boit Adult Character Group ..........-........................1.50 1.00 14. Bout Aduit Clown or Comic Costume ...............- 1.50 1.00 BE BURETO BUY ICKETS OR THE15. Bout Adult Individual Patriotic Costume ............1.50 1.00 BESR OBYTCESFRTE16. Most Unique Vehicle with Operator................... 3.00 2.00 PUPPY DRAW Free Uc. Cream Con. or Pop t. Every ChIId ln the Parade A Cute Little REMISTECRED BLACK COCKER SPANIAL "Lucky" Tickets for Ail the Draws may be Purchased from Any wiIlb. resnte totue uck Tiket Holor.M em ber of the Bowmanvllle Lions Club. NEW DOOTHS - NEW -CGAMES- FUN FOR AL Estire Proees o! CarnIval for Conuunty Worlk LIONS ----------- I Grounds HOLIDAYS FOR THE CANAZ)L« STATESMAN, BOWMANVMU, ONTAMO 1lot JuIy to Sth JU From ?t, t: .1 b I "y z b 1 . -1-