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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1947, p. 7

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TEUEDAY JUTN 2tb, 9qTHEZ CANADIAN SYATESMAN, BOWMANIqVLL. ONTARIO PAGE.SEm Wcddings SAIS--PEOtsz A quiet but pretty wedding took Pince,. at the United Church par- abnage, Canton, at three o'clock Batuzsîay, June 21, when Leta >(aybelle Prouse, eldest daughter of Mr. iM4 Mrs. W. R. Prouse, be- came W bride ai George Mel- ville Samls, only son af Mr. and Mrs. Bert Samis. Rev. P. F. Gar- diner officlat.d. The bride laoked lovely ln street length dress of pale blu, crepe trimmed with lace. He shoulder length veil was held by halo of Blue iiowers and her cor sage was American Beauty roseà The bride was attended by he sister, Noreen, who wore rasi crepe with shoulder length ve. and corsage af roses. Charlii Prouse supported the groom. A reception lnv'- home of the bride alter which thi A & PSTORES CLOSED TUES., JULY 1 de- *,, TORE ANtI PA6E DAKED 600DS MILK DBREAD umTLJVT't nn nl w TOJLET SOAP PALNOLIV TOILET SOAP ]PALNOLIVE TOILET SOAP* ODEX 0 CONCENTRATED SUPER SUDS AYLMER TGN.SGUP GRAPEFRUIT jgjE FANCY SLICED 14AF CHESE MEINZ YELLOW NUSTARD BROD lES MAE FLOUE PENTHOUSE SPAGHETTI 15 IPEIINUT BUTI ic TUNA FISH L do j5 A & P. CUTOM GROUND Reg. BOKRAI COFFI Cake8 A-.& P. CUSTOM GROUND Ciake 80'CLOCK CO Cak3 &FnnrsF "k' 10WORANGES CAL VA 3 Tins 259 ORAMES FLC 1Vi 20o.100 LENqONS AI lb CANTALOUPES l38<% LU S AI-IFOIq j:r w 17 awaoTs FR 3-lb. 2 Bec NATI Bas W UFRE ~' OIONSCALIFOI i - .PICNIC ÀMIA1:ç- OLYMPIC SPICED HAM 12S tin 37, OLYMPIC SMIED BEEF 12 oz tin 23g PIC . .- 12 oztin 35 rc c - - -%J& &La ',0% TONATOES - IFO ALEN IALEI FORh AI 'A RC RESH, VE ýEH >RNIj ANISU TEXAS1 CELERY EEARTS POTATOES Lar~ge GEORGIA, LARGE RED RIPE WATERNELNs o i 6P Spe RihtQuai BREKFSTBAONCHOICE SIE BEJILIÇ FOWL FRESH GRADE '"An CCKEN R JJ' MAPLE LEAF ee JE'LIEDBEISIET MAPLE LEAP iv« Food Sugge.1, M"Olf STMS FREIN leugoi WB EFloS ' FREIN LAKCE NIPIGON mOD m Fm='TFREI * a 1.5 1Ythe lb. step study penicillin, in wa ana be. L 1.2 ~ 6< peace, in tie saving ai lufe; de- iydratçd foods in wartimne and anl now hn isolated -areas, would have lbs sui . . *lb 5,<ýex S b. 9 mohe * b.49I * * *Sb. 25M. Sb. Se 4arried en Friday 1 ,uici have meant liltIe lèwithouüt le long-suff ering scicntist bciind le scene. A social period cbosed a vcny (cellent meeting. happy couple let amid showercopeB nih a ocoftifor Ottawa and CopleBnts .e east. For travelling the bride 'r chose a grey figured silk dress, a blue topcoat and black accessor- - les. On their returu the bride s. and groom wiil reside on the r groom's i arm, Newtonviifle. ie ie MCKNIGH[T-ROBINSON Ebenezer Uited Church was the scene ai the wedding on Saturd.ay -aiternoon, June 14, ai Jean Belle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robinson of Courtice, and Wallace Embury McKnight, Bowmanville, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Mc- K.night, Selby, Ont. A floral ar- rangement af lilacs, spirea, irises, tulips was the setting for the cer- emony performed by the Rev. 1 Frank Yardley, assisted by the Rev. T. H. P. Andersan ai Oshawa. Miss Hazel Rundie played the weddin.g music and Mrs. Lloyd Down sang. The bride was given mar- Miss Marlon Gertrude Browrý niage by her father. Her gown of daughter ai Mr. Ernest Brow# white embroidered lace had a fit- ted bodice, torso-length, long and the late Mrs. Brown, Woodý sleeves: and a circular train. A stock, N.B., and Mr. Ronald Nor- halo of orange blossoms held the fingertip veil and she carried a white prayer book bearing a spray er received the guests at the re- of American Beauty roses. ception held in the Sunday School room which was gally decorated Miss Doris M. Robinson, sister with flowers. She was assisted by oi the bride, was maid af honor. the bridegraom's niother weaing The lavender-colored nylon skirt a grey fiowered dress af jersey ai her gown was gathered ta a fit- and red and white carnations. AI-' ted torso-length bodice af embroi- so greeting. the guests was Mrs. 4,. dered lace. J. Robinson,' grandmother ai the Miss Verna Amey, Toronto, bride. Lunch was prepared and niece of the bridegroom, and Miss served by the women's class af the Joyce Robinson, sister af the bride Sunday Schaol. were bridesmaids in nylon gowns For travelling ta Ottawa where of forget-me-not blue anat carna- the haneymoon is being spent, the tion pink. They ware headdresses bride chose a light blue silk'jer- ta match their gowns and ail three sey dress with navy blue acces- carried colorful nosegays. Little sanies and a brown squirnel stoie, Miss Phyllis Amey, niece af the the gif t of the bridegraam. The bridegroom made a chanming couple will live at Courtice. fiower girl in yellow organza with Guests at the wedding wene a matchîng bonnet and carrying a from Whitby, Toronto, Neývmark- small basket ai sweetpeas and tu-eBleilDeeotNpne lip leaves.etBelvle eeotNpn, The best man was Mr. Alman Selby, Enterpnise, Kingston and McKnight, brother of the bride- the State of Michigan. groom. The ushers were Mr. Alex Coulter and Air. Ray Balson. MssL So e ca s Wearing powder blue mesh, fig- 'isL o esae ured with white, and a corsage ofi Showered with Gifts pink carnations, the bride's moth- O o igM rig About 25 friends assembled at the home af Miss Lorraine Som- erscale, Church St., on Monday evening ta shower hem with gifts and good wishes on her approach- ing arriage. The living room was nicely decorated with pink and white streamers forming an arch irom which harmonizing bal- loons were suspended. The guest af honor was escort- pink and white placed under the arch. A large hanmP-ier af assorted parcels was placed before her which contained a nice collection After recovering from hem sur- prise, the bride-ta-be opened her __3 gifts and read the accompanying messagles ai congratulation and good wishes. She passed the cards and gifts around to show her friends and gracefully thanked '-hem for their thoughtfulness. Several games of bingo wereen- joyed and the following won small Q. prizes: Edith Carter, Bonny Wood, ........Doris Polly, Margaret Corson, Ada iiadson, MVrs. Clapp and Mrs. Quinney. Prize ia a bean guess- ing contest went ta Mrs. Mont- ~ i gomery. ...............Deliciaus refreshments were1 served by Mrs. T. Carter, Mrs.i Corson and Mrs. Clapp and after again expressing their best wishes ta Lorraine, the guests wendedc their way home. - 216 oz tins23 Maple Grove W.l.f Hear Reports of TER ozjar21c West Durham Annu.al ght Meat 7 oz tin 49c Grave reg-usl m tueetnga Maple on June l7tii. Reports from the c annual meeting af West Durham c EE. - wlb 9c District were presented by Mrs. tl mersiord. ti Information on co-operative hos- m IFF E * n' 5c pitalization brought from a recent B IFFEXib35C meeting at Orono was filed for a] future study. It was decidcd ta tc hold a garden party in August. L its an i thIàà Mrs. W. H. Brown- oenr a i #& iay b.Warninq bmm& P" wa &W" rut. DM Sall h. 1h em"s sE ham "Mdsbiasé. Mal w" ah.doi. esdda" miale =mi 1.sd& mal hveà. ;« b-61 e drdi . d. lais, ta be there will flot soon foz'get. Before leaving for bomne we Moale into Uic then a lmast deserted Memarial Hall and noticed a Ilie gize portrait -oai Hope township'% own Prof. J. B. Reynolds. It was witlJ. nm1ngled feelings we stood ia'hat haflowed place: Thankiul- ness for tic rich heritage that is ours and thc youth ai aur land who have kepl us frec; pride la the arganization, wiich although mindful oi the past is laaking int Uic future with dlean, intelligent eyes, and la nat ashamed ta sali her hands ln service; deep humil- ity as we measuned aur human resaurces wihh le gigantic task af Peace Building whici lies ahead. To us tuis was a praper ending ta a saul scarching as weli as a soul satisfying day. Starkville Our heartiest congratulations and good wishes ta Mm. and Mrs. Jacob Halloweli who cclebrated their 5ti wedding annîvemsany. AU members of their family were preseat. Messrs. Calvin and Mumray Dunn, with thein fatier, M. Ar- thur Duna. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner and daugiten, Newcastle, withMn. and Mms. Llew Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Etwell at their cottage, Seabnight. Mm. and Mns. Claude Henry, To- ronto, are holidaying with Miss Nomma Hallowcll. Mm. and Mrs. Thos. Falls, Ken- dal, wîth Mn. Orme Falis. M. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell and family, Miss H. Dechent, hn Peterbomo. Mrs. Warren Carson hn Osbawa. Mm. and Mns. Herb Gilmer and Miss Gwen Gilmen, Bowmanvîlie, withiMm. and Mrs. Clarence Gil- mer. Mm. and Mrs. Allan Jamieson, Cold Spings, at Mr. and Mrs. Ja.j cob Hallowell's. Mrs. 1. Paeden, Newtonville, and Mr. Herb Paeden at M. Lamne Paeden's. Mr. Art McKay witi Mrs. H. Barowlough, Weslyvill. M. and Mrs. Morley Robinson motorcd ta Niagara Falls. M. and Mrs. Ganet Hallowell, Toronto, and M. and Mrs. H . Sta- pleton and sons, Newtonville,ccl- ebraled Mn. Wm. Halloweli's. birthday wlth hlm. Shiloh' anniversary on Sunday was well attended at both ser- vices. Rev. Cresswell, Tyrone, was speaker at bath services. The school children, had charge of the mugie ln thc aiternoon under thc leadership ai Mr. Neil Stewart. The Osborne quarte, Bawmaü- Ville, had charge ai thc music in thc evening. Miss Ethel Rutherford and Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hallowel. Several in this neighborhoad are Poitical or proiessional reputa- tion cannaI last fomever, but a conscience vaid of aifence befome ALongDominion Day Wookend For Our Employees In order that aur staff may enjoy a long week-end, this store will close ahi day Monday, June 301h, as well as Tuesday, July lst. TO *OUR MANY CUSTOMERS Will you please assist us by planning your holiday shopping, Thursday, Fiday and Sat- urday. tare closes Saturday, 9:00 P.m. and romains closed uNti ALYWednesday, uy n;a :0a OPEN LL DY WED»SDA SPhono 451 The Modern Store Bowmanvile Newtoitville Lady Gives Impressions Of WlI. Jubilee (Mn.. Agnes Burley> East may be East and West may be West, but the twain did mcdt ha Guelph on June 18. ,Sa said the speaker froni Bmitish Col- umbia at the Golden Jubilee ai tic Women's In-stitute.' The weathem was perfect and so muci dependent on that for it was an entimely ouhside pnogmam. As we wandered lhrougi Macdon- ald Hall which means s0 much ta tic rural waman and the Admin- istration Building wîhh its bustling visitons, we could breatie in the atmospiere ai dignity and culture, thus dispelliag the hurry and un- rest in our own soul. Those within driving distance took their own lunch and jolly Institute graups were picnicking everywhcre. If we interpreted the speeches ai the aiternoon aright thcy wene summed up in tiese few senten- ces: "It is well for an organization ta pause occasionally and look back, nat ta boast ai past accom- plishments, but that we may keep ha mind tic truc purpose for wiich it was omganized." "The Women's Institute was and is bcing built on Christian princi- pies but it i. .cognizes no anc creed; works hand ha hand with, goveraments but is non-political." "Hem aim being ta educate home- rnakers hem progmam is adaptable ta ail classes and races from the King's Palace wiere the Queca is a member ta the homemakers hn the huts ai Africa." "She has the opportunity ta break down barriers between rur- al and umban women by advertis- ng farm life as a way afi lue." .'No country can mise higher than the level ai its homes." "It is ai national imp'ortance ta create a healthy atmnosphere ha the agricultural aneas which sup- >ly healti and iappiness ta tic world." "A Canad-ian memben whcreven cer dweliing place must put tic goad ai hem province second and 'ive tic good ai ail Canada first 'lace." "Instinct ha tihe eants ai women inot enaugh ta make themn effi- lent homemakers and mothers :f a nation." Ail speakers were outstanding oti irom home and abroad but 32-year-old Laura Rose Steven, irst lecturer and superintendent )f Womcn's Institutes, stole the ;ow with hem neminiscenses af cmr days ai service, the perîod 'hen formers were petitioning go- 7enments ta ban motor cars. Ten thousapd five hundred 'ere served su bstantiai bag lun- îes and hot coffee without haste Sconfusion which spoke weii for he magnificent planning. Tic campus, fringed wîhh beau- !ful oId trees wihh tic grey stone vails af the Administration lilding beiind and only tic sky aove was tic setting for tic uis- nicai pageant "Let There Be gît." This was tic story ai Le iounding and growti ai tic 7omen's Institute. Mrs. John lodiess wio bost hem own ciild irougi. ignorance of nutrition ras delemmined ta give hem lufe )save atien cidren timougi ucating rural homemfkers in ir specializcd task. Sic ap- roached the Farmen's Institute at cmi meeting hn Guelph Agnicul- al College. One ai tic mcm- ýrs was impmcsscd, callcd toge- iem a gnoup ai wamen n his dis- it ai Stoney Creek and hhus tic -anization came inta being ln *7. Tie first president was Mns. E. Smith, mathen af Mns. Gardon Dnant, Oshawa. It grew from Le village ta proviacc-wide, Do- inion and now ia nearly cvcny antry ai lie wamld. Icannat lake tie space la des- ibe aid-lime costumes, banners id fiags ai provinces and nations tic world, music, etc., but ose wia werc fortunate enough en iflpQssible. In anc ycam fammens af Qucbc d Ontamio provided 60,000,000 ai o whcy ion penicillin, milk Seèrsucker O veralls No îroning with tliese overialls. Just wash them, dry thieni, tien put them on. Brigit seersueker overalls in plaid desugas%. ( S Sizes 2, 4 and 6. PAIR .....................$1 9 Swi*m Suits Everyone's going swimming and Walker's have just the suit for the lad or lass. One and lwo- piece styles ail la brigit summer colours, sanie plain, sanie pinted. -29 Wd.~&~&Sto4e~, .&mded Phone 451 TuE MODERN STORE Sowmanvlfle pJ~ a 24 oz boaves ý Z ý t, -C - - , - - , , - - Tau MAT, 3u" MI lm SECOND TROOP ýACiXI On Thursday -evening, Soj Troop held a hike with:e«Ch trol bringing food and others lecalke and milk. Leaviing f 72,we started west to the ovep. head bridge -anid there, we turne« sauth. Continuing south for abogt a mile and a half we then turid west again for another mile- and then swung south ta the camp. ing site. While ane patrol and the scout. master made cocoa and fixed the lunch, the rest of the scouts p1ae- ed flaga with captains, Allin'and Mason. We ail had a very Ëaod time but we didn't finish the game. Lunch was served and then vie man Cole, son of Mrs. W. H. Cole P and the late Mr. Cole, Bowman- ville, wha are to be married, June 27th. Both formerly servedi Tons of fun for littie ones ail throDugh summer in these cool comfortahle Sun clothes. Made to take plenty of rough end tumble wear - to go through the laundry over and over again with nô complaint. Sun Dresses Dainty lutIle suni dresses in small flowered print or stripes. Easy bo latinder and keep lookig fresh. Bright sumimer col- ouirs. Sonée triniued with riek-rack braid.$2 8 Sizes 8 tb 12. EACH ...........29 Gingham Sun Suits You an keep thc young lass or lad cool this hot weather in a sun suit. Fine checked giagham of rcd, bliie or green. Sizes 2, 3 and 4. Al EA CH .. . ..............................» 9 ee I tc M' à am M-PJM WOMEN'8 ÂA» MISSES' Seamless Rayon Crepe Hose Wehave just received a shipment of these popuarly priced, first quality rayon crepe s9tockings. The cotton tops, soles, toes and heels, make them splendid for hard summer wear at the cottage or in town. Popular sunflure shade. Sizes 81/ to 10'/. 9c PAIR 1 Cotton Shorts Futie quality cotton drill shorts for cQmp or arouuid home play. Pleated front and side button fasteninig. Colours are red, whitecor bNue.$12 Sizes 8 to 14x. PAIR . ........$ 29 Jerseys A practical liglit weegot rayon and cot- ton jersey with short sleeves for cither boys or girls. You w'ill want several at this price, colours are ycllow or light bine. Sizes 2, 3 and 4. i EACH ...................:.....................8c or^ Phone 451 THE MODERN STORE Bewmanvole 1

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