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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jul 1947, p. 8

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- A G- - -T - -E- -A N-D-N-S-A T- -N-E-W M-N- -X- -f l-P- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - Fo I AER SAERC PonIyteBUSt QUALITY JJ% The- Quality Tea ORANGE PEKOE wIi TO ILEl PAU TO ILET PAU CONCEI su~ SLICED 'JA VE,,A CLUB H~ oam DL ENDEI FLY SPH TASTY c RMATV- i FREI sa FRE9 UN A VAINA D5USME r 8OAP R - coke 1 ýSOAP ~ l ENTRATED 13ISmJDPka.l311 y CEEE'b- 380 ANN PAGE ma DREAD WHITE or BROWN 24 oz loave8 I5e ES jet.~ ED E 2 Tos25e RAY r et-.390 CRUNCHY =E nTil Pkg. s -MED. SIZE MS - 2bo.9 KELLOGG% NUY CERERM 0Pkus.-6 Varieti« Pkgedc Grac* 4 ta 5: Kenneth Bragg 76, Beverly Osborne 75, Mabel Hone 68j Helen Hone,67. Grade 3 ta 4: Bobbie Stacey 71, Christina Lamb 67. Grade 2 ta 3: Joan Brock 90, Ernest Gilkes 68, Donnie Gikes 67. Grade 1: Brian Cryderman. Christine Thompsan, teacher LONG SAULT SCHOOL REPORT Entrance-Steve Shred, Paul Van Eyk. Grade VI to VIII-Bobbie Bur- gess 78 %. Grade V ta VIl-Betty Burgess 80%; Rose Marie, Prescott 80%. Grade IV ta VI-Biily Ellis 74%. Grade III ta V-Lamne Burgess 7D%. Grade I ta III-Dorothy Bur- gess 83 %. Teacher, Mrs. A. W. Prescott ICELLOGG'8 lICE RISPIES « - 2 picgs. 25r, OLYM PIC SPIE RAM mu12 iitrn37C JOLLY GOOD PEANUT BUTTE a9 z Jar 21c AVLMER IRAPE IJICE 3obtl2Oc32ozbtl45c BLUE RIBBON PAPER NAPKINS a pk eg 15c VEGETABLES GEORGIA WHOLE RIPE Vi E28Iq en89 WAlTRNELGNSAVAG26Im*a89 NATIVE.QROWN, LARGE SIZE Nie. 1 càmo5uAp'qD almon FI.mh, Jumbo 36& ]BANANAS GOLDEN RIZNA, -* lb. blET gw MLONSCALIFORNIA et.23 U CALIFORNIA YELLOW Dox. MAES FREESTONE, ELBERTA 4- -- .0. LARGE 8IZE - lb. 39 cNESL LUSCIOUS, BING TEXAS HAND SELECTED an TOUMTOUS CELLO PKGS.25 CEMY MAITSFamous HoliInd Marah sa. -uELNEIT HOT HOUSE . . t.1Is CUIBAGE FRESH, GREEN, NATIVE Mead 104 BETS NATIVE GROWN, FRE 2bularge9 R igt Q aleàour rBLUE BRAND BIF- a= ONELES& b.490 1111lb. 520 AT lURa IIG b. 18e G R A E & " R A q T N Ql b . 4 5 rd Dugoflga .4&' cmgnu=1Ib. 27o LAKE NIPIGON .J ~k1EI'FN ~ Ib. MILLBROOK CENTRE Granted- Certificate on tbe rec- ommendation of the principal: Marie Armitage, Murrey Arm- strong; Marie Ballantyne, Kenneth Blair, Kenneth Brackenridge, Ma- zel Carr Dennis Challice, Orlo Chalice,' Margaret Earle, Arnold Fee, Marilyn Gibbs; Marguerite Hancock, Robert Kinsman, Anna Manley, Gloria Nelson, Gary New- ehl, Marilyn Palmer, Barbara Pat- ton, Ivan Rowan, Josephine Smith. Granted Certificate on the writ- ten examination: Ray Armitage (Hon.), Allen Baldwin, Warren Challice, Vivian Chapman, Char- lie Danford, Stella Gravelle, Mary Guthrie, Eva Mae Hubbeard (H), Doris Hutchison, Donald Kent, Alan Kinsman, Garnet LUnn Charles Lamne Manley, William Ralph MeLean, Shirley Mînnie, Everett Rowe, Barbara Seeney, Edward Skitch, William, John Smith, Elizabeth* Jane Stinson, Elizabeth Reynolds (medicai. cer- tificate). PORT HOPE CENTRE - RURAL Granted Certificate on the mec- ommendation of the principal: Jean Coates, Eddie Lezon, Mar- garet Lightle, Pauline Sunday, June Thickson. Granted Certificate on written examination: William G. Cann, Grace Cantreli, Verna Coyte, Lily Cresmaz, Kenneth Dolley, Flance Ferguson, Bertram Poster, Marian Holman, Lorraine Munroe, Lois Parnell, Marie Philp (H), Cîco Rowe, Curene Rowe, Stewgrt Rowland, Mary Talla (H), Jean~ Thurtie, William Wade, Edward Walker, Irene Whimsett, Hazel White, David Henry Wilson. -W. H. Carlton, Inspector of Public Schools, Cobourg. ORONO PUBLIC SCHOOL To Grade 8: James Bruton, AI- ex Drummond (Hon.), Eleanor Green, Bihl Hooey, Marvin Lunn, Donald Mercer, Gwenneth Phas- ey, Keith West, Dennis Lynch, To Grade 7: Bihl Armstrong (Hon.), Joan Bruton (Hon.), Mar- lene Cantreli (Hon.), Joanne Cor- nish, Edna Goode, Bob Hall, Car- olyn Jones, Harry Lynch, Hiarold Moffat, Eleanor Robinson (Hon.), Anna Marie Sherwin (Hon.), Margaret York. Kate Foster, Teacher. Ta Grade 6: Ann Barrabaîl, Rosemary Bostock, Francis Brut- an, Adele Cooper, Lamna Lewis, ILORDELGI OITTA W' 44,1» 4M0 Outside vooms witf, bath and radio. Air- condilloned Lobby and Lounges. Fireproof nmd centrlly Iocated. 1U7 lune Pooio uRurai Schools Resulta of thec achool year at Hdey Bobby Poole, Forbes Ui Inpublic school are as fol-Fier lows: Promoted from Grade 6ô te IH8T ECHOOL REPORTS Grade 7: Fred Dart, Walter Haas, ___ Shirley Hadiley, John Killen. Grade 8: Valena Copping, Promo'dted from Grade 5 to Hamilton Boyd, Jack Bryson. Grade 6: Grace Stainton (H), To Grade 8: Allen Sholer 59. Audrey Glaver (H), Marie Kil- To Grade 7: Harold Copping len (H), Donna Fice, George Dav- el, Erl Chapnian 79, Marion idso, Joyce Camera» (R). Bayd 68, Lloyd Lowery 62. Promoted fram Grade 4 to To Grade 6;, Gerald Lunn 70, Grade 5: Marilyn Fice (H), Mar- Neil Boycl 57. garet Pascoe (1-I), Isobel Rabbins To Grade -5: Robert Copping (H), Rager Banner, Bertha Geiss- 65. berger, Sylvia H-asiuk, Marris To Grade 4: Viola Alldread, Day, George Fisher (R). Clair Chapman, Reid Cochrane. Promoted from Grade 3 ta To Grade 3: Dareen Capping, Grade 4. Peggy Davidson, Bey- Paul Rutherford. eriy Cameron, Basil Banner, Bob Dart, Alvin Fisher. SHAW'S SCIIOOL Promoted from Grade 2 to JUNE PROMOTIONS Grade 3: Janet Naylor (H), Di- anne Thompson (H), Barbara Iv- Grade 7 ta 8: Betty Brock 80, eron, David Hiscock. Bernice Finn 72, Lorraine Hone Promoted from Grade 1 to 67, Peter Stacey 66. Grade 2: Patsy Venner (H), Jo- 'Grade 6 to 7: Jean Stacey 85, neen Cameron (H), Mac Dunbar Barbara Osborne 84. (H), Harvey Wîlbur (H), Norma Grade 5 ta 6: Mary Husak 90, Giover (H), Keith Fice, Eddie Merrili Brown 88, Terry Price 66, Thompson, Douglas Day, Dale Keith Lamb 59. Bunny Lynch, Bruce Myles, Dav- id Phasey, Barbara Reid (Hon.), Ethel Strickland, Jack Watson, Ronnie West, Marjorie White. To Grade 5: Mary Anne Arm- strong (Hon.), Marion Barabal (Hon.), Jimmy Gamsby, Jim Hud- son, Ross Lewis, Douglas Lycett (Hon.), Donald Sherwin. Gwendolyn Brooks, Teacher. To Grade 4: Betty Alldread, Doreen Alldread, Ann Best, Doug- las Gamsby, Bob Knox, Marie Lewis, Lucille Lynch, Dianne Phasey, Elizabeth Reid, Doreen White, Jack Williams, June Wood. To 'Grade 3. Neil Barrabaîl, Joyce Bostock, Cynthia Bruton, Everett Couvier, Gary Cooper, Bernice Lunn, Marliyn Loch- wood, Glory Pigott. To Grade 2: Wiliis Barrabal, Mary Blue, Gail Cooper, Earl Hooey, Victor Hall, Jean Williams Ann Woodyard. Ruth Goode, Teacher. MOVINO WEST M. Rawlinson Limited reflularly niake Up nd shlp Household Purniture. Con- solidatd PolCars to Manitoba, Seakatch- ewan, Abert., British Columbia and t. Californie. Write. wire or phone for reduced freight rates. Eatabliabed 1885. 610 Yonge St., Toronto. Kingadale 5125 Movima, PACIKNS)IIIppiN m n1101*01 ROOFING ASPHALT - FELT - SHINGLE Brick SidIng Eavestroughing FUIRNACES A» OILDURNERS Cali on us for Guaranteed Work DAVIS & GRANT, PHONES: 2842 - 2674 i s R c LU THTRSDAY. JUTLY1& lA CAEBARBA IHOOL Entrance: Mary Hooyer, suc-1 cessful. Grade 7-Donald Proutt 68 per cent; Jean Tremblay 66 per cent. Grade 6-Ben Haoyer 64, Ron- ald Burr 61. Grade 5-Alan Ja-kson 77, Gar- don Gettins 67, Melville Sameils 65, Waynq Wilson 64, frene Em- erson, recomnMended an trial., Grade 4-Beth Proutt 82, Mar- ilyn Jackson 81, Allan Werry 80, Vonnie Grieve 79, Shirley Inglis 70. Grade 3--Clifford Jackson 77, May Werry 76, Anna Samelis 65, Josie Haoyer 64. Grade 2-Glenn Wheeler 86, Dorreli Watsan 84, James Trem- blay 78, John Prout 75, Russeill Oliver 68, Jimmy Grieve 65, San- dra Tremblay 63, Percy Frayer 62, Bill Sheppard 62, Joe Frayer, flot promoted. Grade 1-Gloria Sadier 81, it. Vine 64, Brian Stapies, flot pro- moted. -Mrs. Dalton Dorreil, teacher NEWCASTLE CENTRE Granted Certificate on the rec- ommendation af the principal: Karen M. Ainsiee; Catherine E. Dewdney, Betty Lau Hagerman, Keith A. Mellow, Vivian L. Me- git. Granted Certificate on the writ- ten examination: Keîth Aiken, Patrick Creamer, Edna Denault, Rita Gibson (Hon.), James Stu- art Gilmer (Hon.); Philip Gilmer (Hon.), Robert Martin (Han.), Arthur Norland, Jean Stacey, Jack Williams. vNTRANCE RESULTç ORONO CENTRE Granted Certificate an the rec- ommendation of the Principal: Charles G. Armstrong, Verna Elaîne Berry, Laura V. Burgess, Ray C. Burgess, Betty Lauretta Cooper, Vaiena Mae Copping, June Louise Glanvilie, Robert J. Goode, Kathleen F. McKenna, Jean Elaine Moffatt, June Muriel Neiison. Granted Certificate on the writ-j ten examination: Hamilton Boyd, Jack Bryson, Francis J. Cowan, John Forrester, Helen Getlick, William Jackson, Christina Jili- sen, Gardon Johnston, Eileen Is- abel Jones, Lois Knapp; Raymond H. Moore, Doreen Wity (Hon.). Ahl candidates were granted1 H.SJ. Entrance standing. S.S. Annivorsary At Hampton Outstanding Succes Sunday School Anniversary was held on Sunday with Rev. F. Yardiey, Ebenezer, as guest spea- ker at *both services. His me- marks in the afternoon were ad- dressed ta the children and young- er portion of the Sunday School, a part of which furnîshed the mu- sic which consisted of several hymn selections under the direc- tion of Mrs. Billett with jean Bai- son and Mary Niddery accomp- anying. At the evening service Rev. E. S. Linstead assisted in the service. Mr. Yardley gave a practical and helpfui message, stressing the great need for consecrated work- ers in the Church and Sunday Schooi. The church choir under the leademship of Mrs. K. Caver- ly provided splendid music and were assisted by Mrs. A. A. Crowle, Oshawa, whose solos at each service were much appreci- ated. She was accompanied by Mrs. G. Fleming. On July lst a picnic was held lni the. park iùcluding races for the children, a softball lgame b.- tween th~e Young married womcn and single; one between married and-single men, and a football game between Courtice and Hampton. In the evening Maple Grave Young people presented their anc act play "A Ghostly Ev- enlng."1 Betty Harmer, soloist, Oshawa; accompanied by Mns. Harmer; Dick Morton, trombonist, and Glenna Wilson, elocutianist, Osh- awa, provided an interesting pro- 1 'Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Merwln Mountjoy spent Dominion Day weekend at Mount Albert. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray, Miss Ei- leen Wray with Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray, Oshawa. Raymond Petit, Long Branch, spent the weekend at home. Mrs. Gillette and daughter June, Mimico, visited her sister, Mrs. Jack Reynolds. Mr. and G. Keetch, Brooklin, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gilbert. Mrs. Nelsan Reynolds, Toranto, with Miss Wîlma Leach. Mr. and Mrs. T. Salter and Mr. and Mrs. H. Salter visîted rela- tives at Coldwater. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heasiip, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wright, Janet- ville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davey, Part Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barra- bail and girls, Orono, were visi- tors at the Salters'. Miss Gladys Chapman returned to duties at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toronto, after a pleas- ant holiday at home. Relatives from Hampton at- tended the Blackburn-Hardy pic- nie at Orono on July lst. Women's Institute will meet this Thursday afternoon in the church basement.' Program by the Grandmothers. Ail ladies wel- came. -The ladies presented their play at Nestieton Anniversary, Manday night, June 30. Miss Irene Allin is holidaying wîth Mr. and Mrs. Everett Allun, Grade Ia First Chuu Hooa, Turner, Joyce Sutton, Dlm W ber, Bona Mary Griffth, Mme Cooper. Honours, Dennis Lî&F4 Wanda Malley. Fu Fu MfORRIS 66th An niversary Sale and Mrs. Jno. Willis and grand- deughter Donna Plott, Toronto, wxth Miss fleatrice Colwill. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred BilIett, Dou- glas, and Jimrme, Scarboro Bluffs, Mrs. A. Crawle and Mrs. G. Fle- ming, Oshawa, at'A. E. Billett',%. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blackburn, Toronto, at M. Biackburn's. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kelly and Nancy, Oshawa, at T. Honey's. Miss Betty Knox and friend, Toronto, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tatter- sali, Ottawa, with her nxother, Mrs. Leta Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kiveil, Miss Pearl Leach, Ileen Baison, W. Westlake, Bob Scott, Solina, Mrs. M. Afiholder, Oshawa, at J. W. Reynolds'. Rev. F. Yardley, Courtice, at tihe parsanage. Mr. and Mrs. Brown and child- ren, Courtice, at Gerald Baison's. Mrs. M. Goodman and Louise with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Parker, Toronto. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Orono, at Bruce Ferguson's. Mr. Ted Chant and Gary at Oak Lake. Mrs. A. Trenouth, Maple Grave, with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Chai- lener. Mr. Murate Robbins, Toronta, visited his mother, Mrs. R. Avery. Mrs. Will Rantan, Smith's Falls, at W. W. Horn's. Roy Brown, Toronto, at A. L. Blanchard's. Miss Gladys Chapman, Toron- ta, at home. Miss Gwen Caverly, Taronto, at home on holidays. Mrs. L. Hutchinsan wîth Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jebson, Dorothy and Eileen, Columbus, at Russell Luke's. Mrs. F. A. Cale, Toronto, guest of Mrs. E. H. Cale. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, June and Ray Wilbur, Jr., Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton, Enniskillen, P.O. Reg. Kersey, Trenton, Ted Kersey, Hamilton, Marion Ker- sey, Oshawa, Lloyd Kersey, Bow- manville, at S. Kersey's. Mr. and Mrs. Brodie, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds. FRE.E 0F CHARGE Highest Prices Paid for Old Horses PHONE 4026 PETERBORO - REVERJSE CHARGES Closed for Holidays from Mon., July 14th to Sat., July 19th, inclusive Owen Nicholas, Fuels Reading Anthracite - Semet Solvay Coke Phono 410 Bowmanvillê I C.N.R. Yards Tomorrow .'s Furni"ture Trheory Music Resuits Conservatory of Music The following is a Eist of suc- cessfui candidates in theary ex- aminations held recently by the Toranto Conservatory of Music in Bowmanville. The names are ararnged i order of merit. 1Grade V History, Honaurs, Ray Coleman Dudley. Form, First Class Honours, S. Pearl Breslin. Grade IV Counterpoint, First Class Hon- ours, Peggy Dippell, Gwyneth Griffith (equal); Ray Coleman Dudley. Honours, Gien Hodgson. (Intended for Last Week) Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Sa- lina, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore and Keith, Enniskillen, Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto, at Joe Chap- man's. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rae and Mrs. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Clemens and Marilyn, Toronto, Mr. and, Mrs. A. H. Clemens, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hastings and family, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. John Siemon and Kathryn,1 Enniskillen, at Laverne Clemens'. Mrs. H. Layman, Bowmanville, guest of Miss M. Katerson. Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto, at home. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. A. Reynolds, R. H. Reynolds and son Alan, To- ronto, with Miss L. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith and Anna, Oshawa, at Lewis Trull's. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Warren, of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ross-Law and Sherilyn, Whitby, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clarke, af Greenwaad, Mr. and Mrs. M. Cry- derman, Joan and Grant, and Nfrs. Ettie Hastings, Oshawa, Mrs. Ernie Smirthwaite, Concord, at L. Cryderman's. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fordý, Mr. and VIrs. E. R. Davies and son, David, Mr. J. Courtt, Toronto, at Miss MI. Horn's. Misses Jean Keetch, Ethel Gil- bert and Patricia Ryan, Toronto, Lt G. Gilbert's. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Doidge, Osh- awa, with relatives. Miss Jean Kersey with Mr. and ilrs. Gardon His, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. P. McMahon and on Wayne, Toronto, who have been holidaying at "Good-E-Nuff " ottage, Bowmanville Beach, vis- Led his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ai- *ert McMahon. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Metcalf, Streetsville, with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Metcalf. Mr. Ray Wilbur, Toronto, at G. Adcock's, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Willis, Mr. To-day!' Syderàs Sectional LIVING ROOM FURNITURE super "F RED o aulx ST aK - DEE»f, FLD 8SH RESTIGOUCI4E UL SuaI WILL TAKE AWAY ALL Dead or Crippled Farm Stock 15 Here ... . . . . . . . Adp 1 MIL Whatever thse make or model of your autornati. refrigera- tor whether 1t's. Cas or ele- trie - we can repair lh for you, -supplying worn or misslng parts. Thtis is the. time of year you need thse Most service from your re- frigerator: well se, that you mi HIGGON. 1 1 il ELECTRm PACM MORT "' TEE CANADIAN STATMM« BOWMANVnýLE ONTARTO e 42 KIng St. E. Phone 438 1 Phone 410 Bowmanville 207 1 eAý m i M. PECONI, Proprietor. featured at cou

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