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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jul 1947, p. 13

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TEE ~ANADIAN ETATEEMAN. UOWMAWVTLLUù flM~PAWYft n__ *~ Z ____ MO¶'-7ack aSM Glady Wùh to danoumc the arriva *asir ma (Thomas John> box bowmanvlfl.Hospital, u] y 14. A baby brother for, L3 4YXWELL-At Oshawa Ger IKr"Ital, onSi aturdy, July 1 4, to Mr. and Ms Hov Say*,efl, Blacketock, a daugl Dorothy Jili, a hhteM for Boi Gi, 2 SUGGITT-Mr. and Mrn. Me Suggltt are happy ta annot -théebfrth of their daughter (J Marile) on July 7, 1947, at1 Perry Hospital. 21 VAS CAMP-Mr. and Mrs. S Van Camp. Base Line, (nee1 en Nerwfclc>, are happy to nounce the arrivai of their dau ter, Mary Louise, at Bowmazv Hosptal on Sunday, July 6, 1 At.STI-In Fernie, B.C., on.J 1t, 1047, Jase ph Austin, belc ]iuaband ci Mary B. Austin father of Evelyn (Mm. C. Hoci WAIIac.burg, Ont Harold, C,,tha'n, and Dr. -harles of n1i cllen, in his 79th year. vice will be held Thursday Ternie, B.C. 2 IN MEMORIAM PRITCIfAID-In memory o. dear husband and father, Geo Ildward Pritchard who dieds dêrily, July 13, 1942. In litfe loved and honored, In death remnembered. -Wife Jessie, children Helený Lillian and Fred. .ROÔIITS-In lovlng memory Ina, orily daughter of Mr.i Mrs. Williâm iRoberts, who lefi to b. with Jesus, July 4, 1935. l'Until the day dawns and Sthadows flee away." -.Mather, Father and.George. 2 ICARDS 0F T-ANK 'otta mda. 28-1 tieral 5th, ward' hter, mnie erlin1 .ince Joan Port an- ugh- ville 947. JulyI Dved anda kin)S Of En- Ser- 7at fa orged ud-û 3.- p N ySf Mr.Don Staplaton, Newton- vilwishes to extend sincere thaflks ta Dr. McXKenalé and the -naraeeoaiBowmmnville Hospital for kitlndasse dtiing hem ilîness; aIs. thanks ta the W.I. af New- tonville and other kind fnlends Who'h, sent fruit,, fiowers and cards. 28-1* ,IJeànne Kerse>' wishes ta ex- lYiiis hem sinceno thunks and ap- piteciatlôn ta her man>' friende, rilatives anid neighbars for the È'bWers fruit, candy and man>' Carda Se erecelved' durlng ber me- cént aperatian. Aiea thanke ta Dr. .qbnmi~, Dr. Austin- and nursing sfAi B) ]owmMwille hospital. 28-1* Iýîà.an rs enneth E. Cx hUýndIe, Dr, Starey Dr. Hame ai IlÏwcstle, nurses ai Bawmanville Hàýpital, miembers ai the O.E.S., ýftev, J. E. Griffith, Mn. and Mns. :bifrence Crydermnan, iniends, mkborpas and relatives ion ahl the Id we s, fruit, candy, carde and loàn ai curs or any other man>' ]indncsses cxténdcd ta them at thie time ai their accident and convalescence ai Mrs. Cox. 28-1* Drn. V. H. Stoney's office wili clbèed fram June 28 ta August1 Trhe £&telle Eeauty Salon wi be closed from July 14 ta Augui 15, inclusive.27 WIth MatrIoulation or Business College Course. To commence work Immediately. Write: Box 922 Statesman office, Bowmanvilie be ust 7-2 OK Eharpens h iGnnding on an Emen» Wheel NOWIRS £UN EASIER.. . . STAT SHARP LONGER - ?BION£ 487 - EIGA» BIVR BTS, Werry Famlly plcnic Saturday, July 19, at Hampton Park. Sparts at 3:30 p.m. Corne early. 28-1* The Crydermian-Ruse lamly pitnic wiil be hold lni Hampton Park an July 1Mt, 1947, at 2:00 p.m. 27-2 The Ferguson and Adams fam- ily reunlon will be held at Gen- eva Park, Saturday, Juiy 19. Dmn- ner wll b. served at 12.,30. Sports in atternoon, rupper at 5:30. A dance wll be held under the auspices of the Management Board in the Newcastle Commun- ity Hall on Frlday, July llth, starting at 9 p.m. Kuss Creighton and kis Variety Bland in attend- ance. Admission 50c per persan. 1 ~28-1, Oddfellows picnlc wlll be heid Sunday, July 20 at 1 p.m. at Or- ono park. Picnic sponsored by Durhamn District No. 42 I.O.O.F. AIl local Oddiellows, Rebekakis and their fniends are invited. Sports and games for ahl. Hot wa- ter suppled. 28-2 Lost WATERMAN pencil, green mot- tled colon. Finder please leave at Statesman Office. 27-f DIAMOND out oi ring lost Mon- day morning on King Street be- tween Post Office and Bickell Cartage. Reward. Phone 574. 28-1 34 spoons and 34 forks, 3 saIt and pepper shaker sets belonging to N~ewcastle Mill St. United Church, Thursday, July 3rd, Lakeside Park, Oshawa. Reward. Finder pleàse phone Clarke 1123. 28-1 Strayed FIVE head of cattie strayed from Lot 7, Con. 8, Clarke, about June 15. Reward. Anyone knowing whereabouts plense contact Non- mlan, L. Patton, phone Orono 16 r 5. 28-2* s .1 NOTICE IS HIEREBY GIVEN ai By-Law Numben 1541 ai the Un- ited Counties ai Northumberland and Durham rcstricting the cut- ting ai trees within the Ganaraska Watenshed pursuant ta the Trees Conservation Act, 1946. The following is a summar>' ai the provisions ai the By-Law: 1. The by-law does not inter- icre with the right ai the occupant oi land ta cut trées thereon for his own use, with the ights an powers ai an>' Municlpallty or ai the Hydra Electmic Power Com- mission ai Ontario or ai any other Board an Commission acting for the Govennmcnt ai Ontario, or with the cuttlng ai trees on an>' highway an unapened maad allow- ancc or In an>' woadlot having an area not exceeding two acres. 2. The by-law does nat inter- fere with the cutting ai dcad, broken, stunted, firc-damaged, dis- eased or insect-niested trees on other trees emoved ta improve grawing conditions. 3. The by-law does nat interiere with the cutting af Christmas trees when grawn as a crop ion Christ- mas tnce purpÛses, except under speciai conditions. 4. The by-law dae not inter- feme with the cutting ai haw- thonne, chokcchcrry, red or pin cherry, poplar, inanwaod on Man- itoba maple trees. 5. Except as abave-pmovided and except ili special circumstan- ces with written permission irom the Authorit>', no persan shal within the Ganaraska Watcrshcd dut an>' trees ai less than the fol- lowing minimum sizes: (a) For birch, bladk ash, black locust, cedar, soit maple, tamar- ack and willow trees, ai a mini- mum diameter ai five inches mea- sumed four and ane-hali feet from the graund. (b) For ail trees nat othenwise specified, ai a minimum diameter ai ten inches measured four and anc-bahf feet irom the ground. For funthor details consult the Clenk ai the United Counties af Northumberland and Durham et Cobourg, Ontario, or the undor- signed at Part Hope, Ontario. ai ýA.TED the twenty-fourth day EJune, 1947. H. R. S. RYAN, Secretary, Ganarska River Conservation Authoity. 26-3 Personal HYGIENIC suplies (rubber goode) mailed pastpaid la plain sealed envelope wlth pnice list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 127-9 Radio Service THE Radio Shop, Bowmanville, offer8 honest charges, lateat type equipment and tralned person- nel. Our two radio techniciens bath hold Govennment Cortificatos oi Pnoficlency ln Radio. Phone 573. 20-tf Customn Worl CULTIVATING, plawing seeding; aiea John Ddere parts and repairlng dont.. Allen, 44 Concession St. but STUDEBAXER car; 134. AipIly 2 -Liberty St. South. 28-l* MMTICR Chevroiet coach, 1986, li good condition.. Phone 2450. .. 28-le THREE new White grain mils. Appiy Erneagt Alldm-ead, Newcas- tle. Clarke 1203. 28.2* THREE-burn« ceal ail atove,. al- no new McLary cook stove. Phone 172 r 12, Port Parry. 28-1* ICE box, 78 lb. capacity, rangêèt and d.r back couch. MurÎhy, HIAY fork, ropes and vull.y,, compiete, $30. Phone 281b Êow- mffanville. 28-16 CH1MROLET coupe, 1930, new tires, in fair running- condition. Phone 2338 Bowmanville. 28-1 RUOS, mnattress, bedroom suite, parlor cabinet, M.-Il1. hay tédder. Phone 2191. 28-1* ENAMEL basin, tap and trap; verandah and klteh chairs; tub and wringer stand. Phorie 2287. 28-1 ONE Brantfôrd windmili 30'foot tower with self-oiling head. Fori quick sale. J. H. Davey, 34-r-5, Orono. 28-3* SLABS, mixed soit wood, stove length; also few stoneboat planks. Woodley's Mill, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanviile 2414. 28-2* SEVERAL acres of standing mix- ed hay or on shares. Apply La- verne Clemens. Phone, 2436, Hampton. 28-1 OLDSMOBILE, '38 coach, serial No. 836 1109, heater, radio,1 tires goôd. Apply Lloyd Pas-1 sant, 26 Hunt St. 28-1* PIANOS-nnis, Williams, Nord- heimer, ail good pianos, and bar- gains. Telephone 492, Fred J. M/Iitchell, flownianville. 28-1* TWENTY acres, standing hay, good quallty, timothy mnd alfalie. $6 per acre. Phone Bawmanvlle 2318. 2S&4* MASSEY-Harris hay loader in Ai condition. Apply George J. Sta- pleton, Newtonville. Phone Clarke A3611. 28-1* PIROST & Wood 2-furr-ow plow, $10. Riding sgulky plôw $10. Har- row cant $5. Fence stretcher; elec- tric fencer, campiete. Phone Osha- wa 3870Ml-3. 28-1* USED chestemfiàld, Kroehler, $ 12.- 50; uoed chesterftèid suite, 6 mas. aid, velour, $89.50; china cabinet $15; bcd, spring and spring filied mattress $25. Phone 811. 28.1* NEW, modern bedroam suite, bed, dresser, chest ai drawers acca- sianal chair. Also new *lftdlay range. Apply 25 Qucen St., Bow- manville. 28-1 McCORMICK-Deeing side nake and cylinder hayloader wlth ad- justable deck, low steel wheei farm wagon. Ahl good condition. Murray Byr, Bunketon. 28-l* USED scwlng machines, bought and sold. Highest prices paid. Write or, phone Singer Sewlng Machine Company, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696, Oshawa. 23-tf NEW Indian motorcycles, used motorcycles. Parts and accessar- les. Tires, ail and batteries, etc. Repairs. Dac Berry, 313 and 292 Pine Ave., Oshawa, phone 4121J. 26-4 SINGER motors and lights are now available ta attach on yaun sewlng machines, brand new. Motors $28.50 and lights $5.25 al- ea buttonhole attachments $16.75. Singer Sowing Machine Company, 16 Ontario St., phone 696, Oshawa. 23-tf USED De Lavai 2-unit mllker, complete, a good buy for qulck sale; trailer with license; new Case 10" hammermill; new Case rubber tired wagon; 1 set ai new drag harmows; 2 used 2-furrow tractor plows. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer. Phone 497, Bow- manville. ,28-1 OSHAWA'S new furniture store~ Everythlng in modezn. Chester- field, bedraom and dining raorn suites, and studios. Bedig and floor coverInge iCspeclalty. Quai- ity merchandise at comnpetitive pries. Belon. buying visit Brad- ley's New Furniture Store, 136 Simeca St. S.. Oshawa. 46-tf OUTBOARD motors, immediate dellvery, 4.2 et $155 350 gallon per hour autamatic pressure sys- temns, cmplete with tank and flttlngs, $109.50. 11/ h.p. gardon tractons, $190. 3 h.p. gardon tractons at $380. Attachments ex- tra. Transportation prepaid an- whene in Canada. Christian'& 2El- ectric and Hardware, Oshawa, Ont. 28-4 CHEVROLET coupe, 1947, radio, heaten, defrostere, etc., must have trade; '46-47 Mencury 118 sedan, heater, defrosters, must have trade; '46 Plymouth Special De Luxe sedan; '46 Chevrolet Fiset- master »edan, houter, defrosters; '46 Chevrolet coach, heater, de- frostens; '41 Pontiac coach, hast- er, defrosters- '41 Pontiac coupe, ln nie. condition; '39 Chevrolet Master Wean; '32 Fard VS coach in excellent condition. Phone 447, 69 Concession St., Bowmanvllle. 28-1* Chicks For Sale BRAY Hatchery stili can give you immediae deliver>' ai chicks, day- aId, sanie started, maut breede. a nd Tht>' ma>' soon oni>' be hatching repair te arder, sa if y ou want Septem- P. S. ber deliver>', thty should be or- Phono dered now a. Agent, F. L. B>'- 17-tf ara, Tyran ..28-1 Classilledl Ad Lates' CASHg RATE& 2 oents a word (minimum 35e) Muet be paid before Insertion IF CHARGEDi 3 oehts a word (minimum Soc> %Se extra for box ndsnbers or rAplies dlrected te this office ADDMTONAL INSERTIONS SAXE RATES Ail CIassIfied Adiets Must Be In Net Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY 'fou mut inelude eush, otamps, or money order, wtth e.,» te tet low rate. Help Wanted BOY, high school age, for general work at booth and gas pumps. Creana of Bariey Camp. 28-1* HIOUAEKEEPER or general, for Modiem home in country, ahl con- veniences; state age. Write Box 920 Statesman Office. 28-2 TWO girls ta work in booth and to clean cabîns. Good wages. Eight-houn day. Apply Cream aof Barley Camp. 28-1* STENOGRAPHER for law office in Oshawa. Muet have good cdu- cation. Êxpenleftce desirable but not essential. Good oppontunit>' for advancement. Write Box 919 Statesmnan Office, Bowmanviile. 28-4 OPPORTUNITY-Powniul com- pany bas apcning in your lacalfty ion honcst, dependable applicant, well acquainted with district. Ex- cellent nemunerations and pros- pects for bright future. Blue Band Pmoducts, 7227 Alexandra, Mantreal, Que. Dept. 0-B-3. 28-4* AN Oppartunity - Established Rural Watkins District availabie. If you are aggressive, and be- tween the ages ai 25 and 55-have or can secure travel autfit, this is your oppartunity ta get establish- ed la a profitable business oi your Own. For full particulare write toda>' ta The J. R. Watkins Com- à ny' Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson t., Montreal, Quebec. 27-. For Rent SINGER portable eiectric in your own home. $5 per month. Sing- er Sewing Machine Ca., 16 On.- tania St., Oshawa, phone 696. 10-tf Wanted Tro Buy GOOD used wooden silo. Write Box 921 Statesmnan Office. 28-1 ALL types live poultry and fea- thens, to prpices pid. M. Flatt, Rt. 1. Bethany, phono Bethany 7 r13. 1-tf LIVE horses for mink- and fox food. AUl hanses humanely slaugh. tered. Call us for highest prices. Margwilli Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyr- one. Phoné Bowmanvile 2679. 13-tf OtD normes for fur farm, $1.00 per hundred, appraximate weight, deiiveredi here. For slightly less we wili humancly destroy yaur hanses on yaur awn farm. Ran- kine Mink Ranch, Hlaydon. Phone Bawmanvllle 2888. 38-tl Seed Grain For Sale SEED buckwheat. Garnet Rick- ard, phone 2813. 27-1 CLEAN, plump buckwheat seed; also choice Sebago potatocs. Mrs. W. Leask, phone Oshawa 1652W11 27-1 Wanted TRANSPORTATION for studio cauch ta Tilbury. Phone 172-12 Port Perry. 28-1* Livestock For Sale COw, part Jersey,, good family cow due ta freshen in Sept. Phone 2884. 28.1*, TEN Yorkshire pigs, 8 weeks oid. Phone Clarke 3912, A. G. Perrin, R.R. 2, Newcastle. 284* HEIFER caif three weelce old, Jersey and Holstein.. Appl C. Bruce, Scugog Road. 281 NEW HampshireroOgtOrs, à Mos. aid. Apply Mrs. Clarence Tlnk, Hampton. Phone 2361. 28-1 TWENTY Yorkshire e 7 weeks aid. James English, 2E , New- castîe, phone Clarke 12 r 34. 28-1* THREE young white sawe, due soon, alsO 11-hoe fleering àted drill. G. Bowman. Phone 2939. 28-11 THRÈE cows, two tenewed, one Holstein helfer, due ta freohun, 3 years old. Phone 491J2 Och- awa. 28-1* JERSEY milking cow, bull 16 mos. old, red helfer, and 9_plgs 7 weeks old. John Liptay, Haàmp. tan, phone 2738. 28-1* HOLSTEIN h citer, 3 years aid; 1 Holstein 5 years old- Ayràhlre a years old. P. Flrmney, kv!&le Grave phone 2309. 29-1 ONE year old Holstein bull. A- ply James Delanèy, hait mile north of Hampton and 1 Mile etot. 28-1* GOOI) work barge, 8 yeâre aid, weight 1400 i-bs. Alo 7 ft. Deeêr- ing binder with flOw Canfl ves. Phone 2502, Richard Sandereon, Tyrone.20* Pets For Sale, DOG, five monthic aid.J.W Watchorn, R.R. 1, Bownanvilie. BEAGLE haund pups, two mn ths old, frorn goad fox huntimig stock, nicely .mnarked. Male 5 females $3. Roy McLàUghimn, Nestleton. 28-1* Work Wanted PAINTING, intenior and exterior,e and paperhanging. Reasonable1 rates. Phone 2960. 23-tf ( YOUNG girl desires ight bouse- work. Phone Bowmanville 2616. 28-1* ROOF work, shingling and roiled ra9iing ai any kind, prompt ser- vice. Lawn chairs made ta or- der at $4M 3 ach. Phone 2838. 28-1 FREE SERVICE DEAD IIORSES & CATTLE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY and WITHOUT CHARGE Telephone Colleet: TORONTO - Adeiside $638 COBOUJRG b 48J GORDON 'YOUNG, LIMED Thatno manky Business nmen WiiI get up in the morning Refresh theniseives with a dose of advertieed fruit sait, Clean their teeth with an advertised brush and tooth paste, Shave with an advertised razar, Wash and shave with advertised soaps, Put an advertiued underwear, Advertised houe, garters, shirt, cailar and shoes, Seat themeelves at the table And sat'advertised breakfast food and bread, Drink advertised tea, coffes or oocoa, Put on an advertised hat and gloves, Liglit an advertised cigarette, Wlth an advertieed metch, Go ta work in an advertised motorcart Give letters ta a typist Who types on an advertised machins, Une advertised carbone,, Bign thoir letters with an advertised pen Containing advertieed 'ink, And turn down a Proposai ta advertie On the ground that Advertising Doosn 't.?&Y I RelEsa. o 1Sl Au- 1Sae LOT for saie, Nelson St. E. 82'x 1751. Apply J. H. Taylor, 25 Queen St., or phone 410. 28-2 BUILDING lot, approximnately 84%, by 127%/ ft. Apply 114 Elgin St. 82 FARM--151actres, 110 acres un- der~ cultivation, goad brick bouse and bank barn. Axply John Gor- d'on, lt.R. 1 Kendal, phone Orono 23-r-10. 28-2* COTTAGEC, modemn conveniences, ariall truite, acre land, town line east ct Oshawa, 1 mile north of highway. Phone Oshawa 3870J2. 28-1* FARM-100 acre tarm, hall mile West of Hampton highWay wlth gôodrame buildings with stone faundation and plenty of wâter. Poisessiôn first of April,, 1948. Mr. L. Winterburn, Hampton P. 0. 27-2* NicW 0Oroom triple insulated home 24k34. Hydro, furnace, acre land, fruit trees, low taxes, 3/ mfile north of House that Jack Built. Cash, terms or accept a smaîl farm. Phone Oshawa 3870- BUSINESS for sale-Xew service station in Newcastle. Globe hoist, Air Compressor, bàttery charger, vuleanizer.- Large lut and a go- ing Concern. Apply 14. W. Ward, Box 115 Newcastle, phone 3220 or 4424. 28-1* tOVULY modemn home, 7 rooms, 2 sunrooine. Tîle bathroom,' down- etairo wa*h room. Hardwood flnos,, a tire places, large lot 132x 127. Trwo-éar garage. Bernies and fruit. In Newcastle. Apply H. W. Ward. Phone 4424 or P.O. Box 115, Newcastle. 28-1* FARKv-25 acres, 0 acres bush, balance good garden soul suitable for market gardening or chicken ranch. One milenorth of No. 2 highway betwetn Oshawa and Courtice on1 good gravel road. A. .R. Sincock, Town Line East, R.R. 2) Oshawa. 28-1* ùVEN or 8 acres of g a rden soul, #ood bouse and barn, neyer fail- lnig water,' well fenced, excellênt country home, one mile off No. 2, hlghway between Oshawa and] Courtice on gbod gravel road. Tl'rms cash. Possession Sept. 1. Phone 723 r 2, Oshawa. 29-1* IIOUSE - 1ALÊ BY ITENDÈR TOènders will be received by the undersigned for an 8-rooma brick vender house, woodshed and aven an acre of land. This property is in the village ai Manvers Station, close ta caunty roàd and railroad. Immediate possegsion when deai is closed. Highest tender not ne- cessanily accept. All tenders ta be submittcd nat later than July il, 1947. R. John Payne, Pontypool, Ont. Phone Bethany 10 r 211. 26-3 YOUNG couple desire accommo- dation in or near Bowmanvilie. Phone 104-4 Port Penny, collect. 28-1 * TENTS-Christian camp near Oshawa needs tentes for boan or smÈaIl rentai. Phone Oshawa 4538W. 28.1* HOÙSÈ or living accommodation, today, or in near future, excellent references. Phone 405 Bowman- ville. 28-1 REPAIRS 1119PAIRS ta all makes ai eilg- enatars, domestic and commercial. Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf Farmers Are Advlsed That Flax Assumlng New Importance Since the federal gavernment unnounced the price increase ai flax from $3.25 ta $5.00 a bushe], Canadian fammers have awakened ta, the iact this stcp-child ai ag- riculture hae suddcnly leaped in- ta a position ai considerable praminence. The chief ceause ior this is a world chantage ai linseed ail- extnacted fromn flax seed. Wlth- out this Important ingredient the production af paints, varnishes and lacquons would be a mere trickie. Industries producing rub- ber, stock feeda and damestic shortenlng would suifer heavlly. Flax gnawing in the Dominion has always been regarded with doubt b>' the majanity of aiin- ers. The>' considercd IlUs hazard- aus, weedy crop that dmained the vitalty ot the soîl. Howevcr, mmny flux growers In the prairie provinces have had gratiiying ne- suits. H. B. Somervihle ai Hartney, Manitoba, reports that lat yean he seeded 2,500 acres in fiax which netted hini $35 per acre at the aId pnico as compared ta $25 per acre ai wheat. He claimed ilax ne- slsted mare drought, hall, wlnd- s1tarm damage, bout and other un- favorable condition. than any crap ho ha rown. At Tille>', Alberta, C. Coîbent neaped 35 bushels ai flax from each acre af rrIguted land. While weed control in flux fields hbas been accomplished by sound culturul practices in the puet, tests are naw being conduct- ed ta determine how chemicai weed killors nia> be used for this purpose. As a protection against seed de- cay and soedllng blights resulting fromn diseage spores carried on the seed an.d la the sali, neanl>' a&U flax saed la Western Canada la triated before plantingwîth se.d dîsinfectunts such as Ceresan at-the ate of ane and oat-hell ounces p«rbuâheL. Having beeft lnstructed by the iExecutors for thé Estate of the 1late Mn.. Thomnas Gibeon, I wiUl Bell by public auction at New- caltie, <Just flrth of d&mmunlty 1hall), on Juiy l9th, housthold fur- niture. (3oads listed xrext week or sec bille. Sale ut 1.30 p.m. TPerms cash. Lloyd Stephenson, auctioneer. C. Carvoth,-clerk. Hâayln< received instructions from Cook Bros., Lot 29 Con. & Dérlington (2 miles west of En. niskilleni and hall nilIe north), 1 wllBell by public Auctioft on Frf day, July il, 1947, hie farin stock and lmiplehients including Cock- shutt bînder and MasseYt.Harris hay loader both neariy new. Terms cash, io réerve. Sée bis. Sale at 1 p.mnt Clifford Pethlck, auc- tioneer. 28-1 In order ta settle the Dingmnan Estate there wlI be offereci for auction sale a large quantity of household furniture and lurnish- ings at 103 Scugog St., Bôwinan- ville, on Saturday, July 19. Sale will include piano, 2 antique cou- ches, hall rack, several bèdroom suites, springs, mattresses, odd ta- bles and chairs, millinery show cases and equipment, dlocks, lampes, hand made silk quilts, walh stands, churn, crocks and numeraus other articles. There wlll aiea be offered for sale 12 good building lots facing on Scu- gog and Prospect Sts. Sale et 1:30 p.m. Terihs cash. Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer; T. S. Mount- joy, clerk. 28-2 (Intendcd for lant wcck> Mn. and Mro. W. Hloîniem W.Ith Mn. and Mrs. Glenn Pollard, Brampton, Jimmy Pollard re- turned home with his grandpar- ents. Mn. and Mms. Les. Alldred with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Alldrtd. Mn. and Mms. La-vêrnn Souch, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mr&. W. Adams. Severai attended Decoration Day at Omono Cemeter>'. Miss Audrey Adams spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Haer- ald Hughes, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Alldred and family and Mn. and Mre. Chas. Alldned and famil>' attcnded a iamily picnic at Orano Park. Mrs. A. E. Hitson in Taronto. Glad ta have Miss HAmiltan with us as teâcher for another year. Mn. and Mme. H. Rowland and Miss E. Holmes, Orono, with Mn. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mn. and Mme. Wm. Rie, Mrg. J. Brown, Mn. .loe and Roy Brmown, Toronto, haver ben hollduyitxg ut A. L. Blanchard's. Mrs. C. Blanchard, Saline, Mn. and Mrs. A. Northcutt, AnImne and Audrey, towmanvillé, at A. L. Blanchard's. doctar's arders precisefy. You don't need te go tlwough ta thoving torture every mcmîng-no if ycu get 9ACAELOI SUA VING CR EAM-For Bachelor gives you a new feeling af comlort, does way with #hot hot, butalng. ulinging feeling. f makes YOMeface 9le1 lrwh qs a daisy, and saves on hem having rrifated ,'in Try if Io-doyl Shaving Croam Phone 778 WHEN WE King nt. W. TEST EYES r COMING EVENTS AMtiles For Sale Efflclency in handling locomo- tive, frêlght and passenger car re- Pi ra In the shops af the Canadian Natibonal Ra!lways has increased by,ý twenty ta thirty percent since 1928. IDOGS HOARODI DOGS boarded. Phone Whitby 839, LoWes, R.R. 3, Oshawa. 28-4* Bgirthu, Marriageai, Deaths, Cards of Thanku, In Menianiame and Engagements;, minimum charge froin this date wilI be FRESH Kodak Films ' in the Yellow Box - ALL SIZES- ENLARGEMENT SPECIAL 5" x 7" In a Certified Easecl Mount Special - 57c Summer Salines Fnoc ... 9c-98c Nottingham Salts 59e Andrev's .-35c-65c Fruit Saline- 43e (and Tunibler) Kkovah . - - 29e-79e Sal Hepatica --33c-63e-$1.27 Grape Saite ..ý. - .- 15c Brome Reltzer -25c-45c-95o Alka-Beitser........57e PRELL 15RAMPOO In thé Stand>' 0 Tube 27e 63c - 89e NFW. .DIFFERENT Check Perspiration Amid ________39c-59o Mum ..______39e-63c Bachelor ________ 40c Fresh ----- ____ 39e-59e Veto . . 39c-59c Odorono Cream ...39e-OSe Non spi----- ---...... 49c-89c Neet . ____ __ 39c LOVELL Ill Store C.N.R. Tickets' [T 1S DONE PROPERLY Bowrnnl Pharmaceutical knowledge plus abgolute aceura r> 19 what Ynur dactor deuends unon ln pnescrlbiniz medicines. Your Rexali tharmacist follows ynuir Real Estitte For sale - 1 1 L bi IrArtz 1 TM CANADM STATEMUN. IBOWMANVrLLM CMAMD Auctlon Sieles SUVEVT SHOWS RATIO POOA SEED PLANTED A partial *eed survey made lni 10 caunties of Eastern Ontario ut seeding time in 1946 pravlded ton- vincin.g evidence that rmueh ot the eeed aown b>' the fermnera ln that aeea was of pour quallty with loW germnihation and with fer tôe many weQd seeds. Five hundred tnd eenty-nine sampies Df grain and smtail soedi, whieh had beeri taken diret fram individuai farner'us led tboxoS, Wore examlined. Thé seeds in- cluded. oats, barle>', wheat, buck- wheat, oatâ àand barley, corn, peas, tlmothy and claver. Of the total lample, 38 per cent were grade a.1, 16 per cent No. 2, il per cent No. 3 and 35 per cent were rejected. Couch grass seed was faund in 30 per cent ai the sam- ples and wild mustard in 21 per cent.Of the samples which had en p Wer tleaned 54 per cent graded No. 1 snid 22 per cent werc rcjected. Only 8 per cent ai the samPles werc ire fram weed geotie, the average impurity be- ing 15 pen cent weed seeds per pound, with worst sam-ple contain- ing 7,200 weed seedis per pôund. The average germination ai 100 sampces was 73 per cent. Paon or low grade seed meuns a substantial financial los@ tuaa ,armer. It pays tu use the béât seed available and wvhenever pas- gible ta uge registened sec d, which là p ac tically free irom %weed Beeda and other impurities, ls te- haâble, weli cleaned, and is gradêd And Mealed accordîng tO the ne- quimemnelits af the Dominion Seède Act. This Act classified neglster- cd séed lni three grades: Regis. tered No. 1, Registered No. 2 and Reglstered No. 3. Fl'ild inàpece ion o0 the growing crop is à me- quelte ion neglatered seed and is a guârantee t hat the final séaled ProdUct Is free f nom secd-borne diseases and uther vatieties. Re- gletered seed ig the highest grade of se2ed obtainaible. It is seed af good variety with a recorded an- cestry and possesses a high de- greco ari ital punity.

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