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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jul 1947, p. 3

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I'EUESDAY, 3ULT lOth, 194? TEE CANAD!AK STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLK ONTAETO IAGI TI~S~~ Elght Tbuasnd Mlle Trp té Paclflc Coast Whomdun Accident Tram Bowmanville ta the Pac- ic Ocean and return, crossing the' Rock y Mountains twlce, bath ln Canada an4l>~e. U.S.A., al wlthaut a sing1Vccident or tire trouble, *as the record set up by a local fantily party home sale and seund alter travelling 8,000 miles ln a new car. The stary will b. ofi nterest ta others wishing ta see something af this continent befare tic next war breaks out. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cryderman, Eowmanvile their daugliter, Mrs. Harry Jase and son Douglas, age 4. wete persuadcd lýy Mr. Harry Jose, noted Holstein breeder, New- castle, ta take the trip. The route was planned ta take in wide farming sections af bath countries and ta visit numeraus relatives aiang the way. The party left Bawmanviile May 22nd, and ar- rived home June 3th, just five weeks and four days ai a grand holiday. Across U.S.A. Crassing Uic border at Windsor and down through Michigan into Indiana the party crossed inta Iowa where Mn. Jase wished ta sec the famous Holstein herds theneabauts and at the famous State Agricultural College at Ames. A bni visit was made with relatives at South Bend thc evcning before. The carn couni- Pepsi-Cola hits thie spot cny timel There's twice os much lnthie big i 2-ounce bottiel "Papd.Coli" llathe r.gistred frae mark ln Canada cf the Pepsi-Cola Company cf Canada LJmt.,f IBORROW WitIuout Endorsers .at HOUSEHOLD. FINANCE CORPORATION At Household Finance Cor- poration, you may borrow from $20 to $1000 without endorsers or bankable security. And, you may take 12 or 15 months to repay. Or, even 20 or 24 months on bcans of larger an-ounts. JUSI 3 SIMPLE STEPS.; to get the money you need, Firtphone, visit or write the Houeiold Finance office nearest your home. Second: decide how much xnoney you need and how you want to repay it. Third: as soon as your application is approved, the money is yours, usually the sanie day you apply. You may borrow at Household for almost any worthwhile purpose- To pay overdue bills Repair your property Educational expenses Purchase new equipmnent Doctor, dentist fees Business opportunitieb So-, next time you need extra money, use Household's prompt, friendly money ser- vice. Phone, write or visit the Household Finance Corporation offiçe near your home today. trY languLshing under rains was iaund not very attractive. Travelling west Uiraugh Ne- braska and Wyoming a stop was made at Salt Lake City, Utah, ta sec Uic huge inland sait lake and thc famaus Mormon Temple and Tabernacle. Averaging 300 miles a day Uic trip proceeded aver the Rockics inta the lower Columbia valley near Uic mouth af which is Uic Rose City ai Pantland, Oregon. Fram thene nonth a panorama af iorcsts and valeys led ta Seattle, Washington. Pacifie Coast A short distance out ai fnl» clty was found Uic natcd Carnation Tarin whcre iamed Holsteins supply much ai Uic Carnation milk found on store shelves. Sccncry along Puget Sound was much like ncanby Canada. Cus- toms at Bellingham opencd Uic way ta Vancouver. Here Uic panty was royally wclcomed by Mrs. T. E. Higginbotham, sister af Mrs. Cryderman. While the grandparents and grandson, Douglas, took in Stan- ley Park and English Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Jase made the crossing ta Vancouver Island and vlsited Uic capital citY ai Victoria and the famed Butchart Gardens. Roses flaurished amidst the rain in this Canadian autpost. The Mountains Turning for home up the Fraser River canyon and the old Caribo Trail through ranch valîcys a de- tour was made ta the city ai Vernon at the hcad oi Lake Okan- agan. Here Mr. Cryderman visit- cd his brothers, William and Car.to, longtime westerners. Miss Hilda Cryderman and Miss Nancy Jermyn, guests in Bowman'ville last summer, reciprocatcd by showing points oi interest ta the easterners. On ta Revelstokc, a detaur aven Uic 190 mile stretch ai the Big Bend Road along the Columbia River had ta be made ta reacli Golden City. Thence east ta Field and sparkling Lake Louise and on ta Banff, the real heant of the Selkirks and Rockies, mast glor- ious scenery in the whole world, bar none. The Prafres A eut-off taken at Calgary led ta Olds, Alta., and a nice visit with Mrs. Brown, daughter ai Fred Hoskin, was in Uic nature ai a Darlington reunion. Beyond came the prairie and a visit with Mrs. Cryderman's brother, Colin McLean, his wif e and two daugli- tors at Irma, Alta. This was Uic last stop with immediate relatives. Cutting south aven the Goose Lake Route the party crassed the mighty Saskatchewan River, skirt- îng Saskatoon ta reach Davidson for a visit with a cousin ai Mn. Jase. At Rosotown a short stop was made with Mr. and Mrs. J. Harris. She is a daugliter ai Uic late Mn. and Mrs. Tom Clark, Hampton. Back Iàome Turning for- home- at last the càr sped south ta Regina, east ta Winnipeg, south ta Uic U.S.A. border at Emmenson, thon Uirough Minnesota and the Mesabi Iran Range and back into Canada via tho Soo. Aten camping at Blind 'River the last lap through Sud- bury and North Bay ta Bow- manville, a distance ai 425 miles was made in anc day. Commenting on the trip Uic opinion was expnessed that no place could compare with old Ontario so iar as the farming picture was concerned and whe- thon prejudiced an not "there is no place like home." Some 32 Canadian Boy Scouts are due for a thnill when, on Auge- ust 2nd, they sail froin Halifax aboard H.M.C.S. Warnior, Cana- da's first airerat carnier. The lads will be members ai the Ca- nadian contingent ta Uic Boy Scout Jamboree ai Peace in France which will be attended by 30,000 Scouts fain 40 dfferent countnies. The Jamboree Troop, which will be representative ai all Provinces, is scheduled to as- semble in Halirax on July 27th, for a six-day training periad at the Halifax D;.strict Scout Camp at Miller's Lake. Three leaders will accompany the Troop aven- seas. Mr. and jurs. W. H. T. Le~wis Whose marriage took place in 1 daughter of Mr. Lloyd Snowden Maple Grave United Church on and the late Mrs. Snowden, Maple June 14. The bride, the former Grove, and the groom is son of Liflian Tryphena Snowden, is Mrs. E. C. Lewis, London, Eng. Brooks'Langmaid Annual Reunion Held at Enniskillen Saine 60 members ai Brooks- Langmaid families gathercd on pleasant surroundings at thc home oi Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill, En- niskillen, on aiternoon ai June 28, ion their annual picnic. Although thc weathcr was warm it was with comiont and pleasure they cnjoyed a bountiful supper in the shade ai beautiful pines on the lawn. An intcrcsting pragram ai sparts followcd, in which old and young took part. Pnizes, were awarded Uic winncrs. A unique icature was the presentatian ai four gift plaques ta each ai the following couples in recognition ai their 25th wcdding anniversaries, aIl falling due in 1947: Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Langmaid, Mn. and Mrs. Roy Langmaîd, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brooks, Mr. and, Mrs. Foster Snowden. Vice-President Roy McGill, i Uic absence ai President Wesley Werry, conductcd Uic usual bus- iness and the naminating com- mittee presentcd the following slate ai officers for camrng ycar: President, Roy McGill; vice-pres- ident, Johti Ashton; secretany- treasurer, Helen Langmaid; sports committec, Jack Langmaid, On- land Brooks, Mrs. Clarence Allun, Mrs. Ray Brooks; Provision com- mittee, Mn. and Mrs. M. Maffatt, Dr. land Mns. Gea. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brooks; Nominating committee, Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Mrs. Ross Pearce, Mrs. Sain Brooks. Mr. & Mrs. A. McKnight Forty Years Married Honored by Friends The spaciaus home ai Mn. and Mrs. Arthur T. McKnight, Selby, was, on Saturday night, June 28, the scene ai a happy event, the occasion being the celebration of thein 40th wedding anniversary, also a community shower given in honor ai Mn. and Mrs. Wallace McKnight, a bnidal couple ai two weeks.' The home was beautiiully dcc- orated with scasonable flowers and the table in the dining room was very attractive with its lace cloth, which held a thnee-tien wedding cake and gif ts ion Mn. and Mrs. McKnight, Sr. and Jr. Af ton the guestsaranivcd, Mn.. and Mrs. Arthur McKnîght and their attendants ai 40 yeans ago, Mrs. Edra Price, Bowmanville, and Mn. Fred Truli, Toronto, and Mn. and Mrs. Wallace McKnight with their littie flower girl, Miss Phyllis Amcy, Switzerville, werc seated in the living room, thc company was called tao rden. A short wedding annivcrsary ceneany was read by Rev. Mr. Merrick who had charge ai Uic prograin. Mr. and Mrs. McKnight, Sr., op- encd with a short musical selec- tian iollowed with a humonaus reading, Courtship Past and Pre- sent by Mrs. Merle Denison. Vo- cal solos were rendered by Misses Hazel Truil, Lois McConnell and Mn. Howard Bell; musical nuin- bers by the Misses Louise Gray, Margaret Rogers, and Barbara Dawson. Another suitable sel- ection was rcndered by the Misses Marié Pnice and Doncas McCut- cheon wl4o appearcd as bride and groom ai former days, singing, "Put On Your Old Gray Bonnet," Lastly humorous cangratulatory messages by Messrs. Percy Hud- gins and Fred Bell which added merriment ta the occasion. Mn. McKnight, Sr., is the son ai the late Mn. and Mrs. Hugli Mc- Kniglit, and Mr». McKnight (Sy- bul) is the daughter ai the late Mn. and Mrs. Casey Trull, Bowman- ville. Their union was blessed with nirre children. The bride and groom ai iorty years ago were the recipients ai many congratulatory messages fain friends present and nat pro- sent. A beautiful upholstered chair was presented by the fain- ily and Mns. McKnight, Sr., ais- ters, also a lawn chair by Mn. T. Truil. At a late houn deliciaus reiresh- monts were senved closing an en- jayable cvening. Their many fieinds left for their several homes wishing for Mn. and Mn». MRK.ight ma ymare Yeu&a et married lufe and prospcrity. The out ai town gucats includ- cd Mr. Percy York and daughter Jean, alsa Miss Minnie Barragar, Smiths Falls; Mr. Fred Truli, Mrs. Berniece Truil and daugh- ters Grace and Hazel,Misses Lois McConnell, and Verna Amney, To- ronto; Mrs. Lydia Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bottomley and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bower, ai Whitby; Mrs. Edra Price, Mrs. Mabel Bennett, and Mr. Jay Trull, Bowmanville; Mrs. Bert Loch- head and Mr. and Mrs. Clair Lochhead, Norwood; also the groom's only sister, Mrs. R. J. Wilson, Enterpnise, and Mrs. Frank Lake, Morven. Enfield (Intcnded for last week) Mr. and Mrs. R. Mofiat, Roland, Man., with Mr. and Mrs. N. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. A. Prescott and family with Mr. and Mrs. R. Glide, Uxbridge. Keith Taylor is holidaying with Brent Cadbourne, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pncscott, Mur- ray and Glenn, at W. Smith's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. T. Samis and Don- na at S. Jackman's, Bowmanvillc. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gray, Toronto, wlth Mrs. W. Gray. Misses Evelyn and Jean Tay- lor, Mr. Bob Smith, Toronto, at T. Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Holsworth and family, Oshawa, wlth Mr. and Mrs. J. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis attend- cd the Allen-Webster wedding in Kew Becch United Churcli, Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Niddcry, Miss Eleanor and Mr. A. E. Nid- dcry, Toronto, at W. Pasoce's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bawman and iamily at Mrs. R. Best's, Orono. Over fifty people attended aur community picnic in Hampton park. The young folk enjoyrcd bail games and the older folk en- joycd a rest and a ncighbarly chat. Thcrc wcrc races and con- tests with pnizes. There was al- so a big supper with !ce cream. Haying has started. Some farmers have a bumper crap. To have what we want is rich- es, but ta be able ta do without is pawer.-George MacDonald. Business Directory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K. Barrister - Solicitor - Natary Salicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan - Phone 791 Bawmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrlster - Solicitor - Notary 9% K ing Street E. Bowmanviile - Ontario Phone: Office 825 House 409 MISS APHA L HODGIINS Barrister, Solicitor, Natary Public Successor ta M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 DEIN TA L DRS. DEVITT & RTJDELL Graduates ai Royal Dental Callege, and Faculty af Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilce Bldg. King Street, Bowmanvile Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 naan Wednesday Cloaed Sunday Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M.. Rudelli'1827. DR. B. W. SiSSON, L.D.S., D.. Office in hi» home 100 Liberty SI., N., Bowmanvll.e Office Houra: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 naan, Wednesday Clased Sunday Phono 604 23-50 1- Monuments i The Butter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Pont Hope, Ont. Engraving, Goldleafing Monuments, Gravenarkoem Leglen Auxilllary Vlsfft Oshawa and Cobourg Auxillarles Thirteen imembers of Bowman- ville Ladies' Auxiliary af the Can- adian Legion were entertained by the Oshawa brane han June 24th. Whltby and Ajax Auxiliaries were -aise guesta at Oshawa, Uic saine eveninig. The visitars were welcamed by the Oshawa president and a fine pragrain of musical selections, readigs etc., was much enjoyed. Con unIty singing enlivcned the supper hour. Oshawa ladies senved a deliciaus supper at ta- bles niccly decoratcd wlth bou- quets ai summer fiawers. Mrs. Annie Clapp, Bawman- ville, won a lovely bouquet ai flowers an a draw. Mrs. James Coylc, Sr., president ai Bowman- ville Auxiliary, expressed Uic ap- preciation of Uic guesta for Uic fine entertaininent which ail had enjoyed. On June 27, twcnty-two mcm- bers ai Bawmanvillc Auxiliary with Uieir president, Mrs. James Coyle, Sr., journcyed ta Cobourg ta attend the Zone nally. A ban- quet was scrved taodver 250 in thc basement ai St. Peter's Church. Reports were heard of the activ- ities ai the Auxillanies in this Zone. Bowmanville report was considered outstanding bath in membcrship and finances. The Provincial Secretary, Mrs. Tolby, Toronto, brought greetings irom Provincial Command, Tor- onto, and arnswered many ques- tions. The Zone rally for 1948 will be hcld in Bowmanvillc and the annual provincial convention Absence ai occupation is not rest; A mind quite vacant is a mmnd distress'd.-Cowper. There neyer was found, In any age ai the world, cither religion or law that did se highly exaît the public good as the Bible.- Bacon. Famillar Terms The movie man liad written a farmner about the possibility ai buying the latter's place. in replying the farmer statcd bis price and added this: "'You will find I have a mnag- nificent hog liouse and a colossal barn, too." C.wan Bbock Extsnds For New Olympia Caf. Wark commenced JuIy I on the foundation for an extension 'ta the Cowan Block to accommad- ate the new Olympia Cafée plan- ned by proprietor Louis Laskar- is. The new building which wil be af one starey at the eat side of the present structure will cov- er the space naw occupled by the Olympia kitchen and the 25 feet adjaining. When completed the fixtures will be removed frein the presently occupied portion of the main block to the new apac- ious quarters. el'the c9ntractor isitpd hloto aa ianhats waet~?P#and the trenc waa ecood to* morne ex- tent at -the beginning but witli this setback nôw overcome, work ia Ibroeeèdlng an the ceoit toun. dation. The contract for the building han been let te local con-, tractera, Mutton ding the touâ- dation and Flaxman the carpente ry -work. Charge thim that are rlch 1* this warld, that they b. net hIghe niinded, nor trust An uncertain rcebut In Uie living God, who gvtusarlchly ailthing. to en- Joy.-I Iftzothy 6:17. . APPLE CAKE % cup lukewarm water, and let stand 10 minutes. The stir WefL. Sculd % cup milk, add 3 table, spoons shortening, % 4COp Msu and 1/2 teaspoon sait and cool go lukewarm. Add 1 cup sifted gBouc go make a bitter. Add yeait ma" ture and 1 beaten egg. Beat welL Add 2%s cups sifted gour, Or enoeagh go make a soft dough. Knead Iightly and place in greased bowl. Caver and set in wmrm place, free from draft. Let rise until doubled lfl\bulk, about 2 haums When light, punch dough down and divide ino 2 equal portions. Roil dough % inch thick; place in 2 wel.gressed pans (8% x 11% x 2" deep). Brush tops with melted ~~ butter or shortening; sprinkie wh 14 cup granulated sugar. Peel and cote 12 apples; cut loto eightdus press into dough, sharp edgcs downward; close together. Mix 1% teaspoons cinnamon with 1 cup granulated ugir, ipri"k.~ over cakes. Cover and let riss in warra place outil light, about % bout. Bake in moderate oven me 4000P. about 35 minute&. E (a ,,1Pf COTTON TWILL Overalis Hene's 'a stundy cotton twill overail that wMl give long liard wean. Ideal for haine on beach.' Generously eut with bib and over shoulder straps. Two patch pockets. In khaki or gray. tn Siýzes 2 ta 6. EAOHI.......... ».... .............................-119 STRIPED Cotton Jerseys Bright coloured striped jerseys for boys or girls that have so many uses; on cool evenings or duli days. You wil want sevenal at this price.98 Sizes, mediuin and large. EACH . ............. .. .....- 98 BROADOLOTH Shirts Little boys' shirts for dress up ivear. Finely woven broadcloth in1 white or blue. Short sleeves and breast poeket. Sizea 2 ta 6x. $110 ea. WOOL CHECK Pants Here 's a dandy pant for best on Sunday wear. Fine checked wool pants with matching shoulden straps and hip poeket. Sizes 3 to 6. $2,29 pr, MADE IN POR"PGAL Madeird Dresses Lovely hand-embroidered Madeirg dresses for the new baby. Made in Port- ugal. Two styles ta ehoose froin, makes a lovely gift(~Q Pure white. EACH ............. ....$28 COOL Sun Dresses Keep thein cool and comfontable in anc of these sun dresses. Fine bnoad- cloth with cyclet cmbroid- ci-y timh. Sizes 3..4 and 5. $1.89 oa. GIRLS' Drill Shorts Going .camping? Yodr girl wili want several pairs of these shorts. Good quality cottan drill shorts that are well eut and styles. Navy onr1 2 white. Sizes 8 ta 14z. PAIR ..... 12 " x 729Y $1.75 Here's a saving you can't afford ta miss. Save on laundry bis during the hot weather, with one of these transparent table caver». Small leaf diesigns in white, green, gold or red. Note the aize! Note the price I On ale Thursday, tFriday and Saturday. Phone 451 THE MODERN STORE BewunanvaIc 15 Simca. Street South Caver Kresge's) Phone Oshawa 3601 OSHAWA, ONT. Houm 9 M à orhi aaooinlunal - Loan mode tof fous and rsidoi* of nourby f owm SPECIAL PURCHASE Plastic Table, Covers 99x 5" $1.49 la - 1 y 1 - - il 3ULT 1M, 1947 TM CANAIMS STATBOMMI JBOWMANvn= CMAMO

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