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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jul 1947, p. 4

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j)- «- A w 5-v A w U#P nnpmAiqrvt,'wAwq71Yxm. trUAMT P.~GE POIJE a A N.AV L&W 3TATM A ZI.L wmaI.ii-1-, Y? AYr&& - DeatiulOuaulnlua Real Paradise for Vacatiomist ~'hsla a continuation ai laet reaorts accommodate as many as wýeks report ai the good-wlIl 300 people at a time. tuepn in Ontario with the American Ater Joinlngaurrbuo, w were - ary.taken ta, the DohetyAr Park, P;"s Pry north of Gravenhunat, where mass Faurth Dal aerial fllghts were made over the ,ain Ureatened early Sunday lakes as gueata ai the air park. nIbnng at Panry Sound but the It was the writers' lirait plane ride CI udo soon scattercd an? the re- In 18 years which was thoroughly rInder ai the day was sunny and enjoycd. A tour through the log wjrm. A large party af news- buildings at "Little Norway,V at p*ermen boarded the Dcp't. ai thc park was also made. It was L#nds and Forests Bàat at the bar- explalned that during the war, b*r and were taken on a day- Norweglan flyers were given fly- loeg fishing jaunt some 15 miles lng training. Many ai the build- n«~thward ta the outer islands. ings were built by these "free" b#dering upon the open bay. On Norwcgîans, many oi whomn es- t4p shoals around these isiands caped from their native land un- sq me o! the finest small-mouth der the most trying circumstanc- b - k bass, pickerel and pike flih- es. 1ir~ n North Amenica is available. Gravenhunat Board of Trade Mter rcaching their destination, was hast at a dinner at Vincentps t4~ anglers werc dlvidcd up lnttJ restaurant, where Col. Arthur siriall boats and the day's fishing Welsh, Minister ai Travel and gcf under way. Several members Publicity, jolned the panty for the oýtepat o good-sized bass evenng. The party was taken ta ta ýthe waters, as bass f ishlng as ernight stop. riot permitted tili Ju1lT lat. Dur- sixth Day ing June, the basa spawn In the ooinbrafsathe u- shallow sandy sport a! the outer FkokBainnhea us theaMus. islânds. Later in the dy, arry ort ah nthrae busidge n Klýnmelman of Media, Pa., wonnotwr Baeida. the fishing pool by binging in a other anc ai Muskaka's picture- 14-pound Great Northern Pike. sque towns, and a stop was made Fog again reared its ugly head and whilc, blankets, coats and ather the trip back ta Panry Sound-was wooller's were purchased by the ~slow one, as the skipper slow- U.S. viuitans. The next stop was ~rnosed his boat thnough the at Higli Falls near Bracebrldge, ~allow nec! s. Meanwhiie,1 the and after wc had seen this im- 1'Waty of golfers enjoyed the hos- pressive waterfall, we continued e taiity ai the Parny Sound Golf through Baysville, Dorset and Idurse. Some o! the party wene Minden. Wc encountened hillier flakn on short aerial jaunts. country, and wcre told that wc wcre now in the Haliburton High- Filth Day landsa, anc ai Ontario's fines! sum- MjýAtèr bidding farewcll ta Parry mer vacation aneas. ý,Ëund, we continued eastward ta After lcaving Mindcn, the bus . %bsseau, a nesort spot at the nar- jaurneyed thraugh comparatively ,,khern ecige of the Muskoka Lakes. le-us settled country until we -;'1With steam up, the pleasune reachcd Wig-a-Mog Lodge, one ',<t eamer 'Segwun" was waitiflg tao! Halfburtoh's finest sumimer ho- -ý,take us ta Muskaka Wharf, on the tels. Here wc were greeted at 1ý,outhern edge o! the lakes. The the desk by Miss Edîth White, .weather was sunnY and warM daughter o! Mr. Everton White, and the trip was enjayed by ail. Bethesda, who for the second SA t noon, the "Segwun" was season is spending ber vacation ~alted at Port Carling, at which as a member of the hotel staff. ýýa set o! hanci-operatedi iacks per- Edith is a graduate o! Bowman- =ixits the passage of boats thraugh ville High Schaol and now a sec- *ithe waters o! Lake Rasseau ta ond year student at Toronto Un- '&*lake Muskoka. The Party was iversity. Sight - seeing, fishing * greeted by H. R. Rice, editor o! and golfing constituteci the after- *:he Huntsville Forester. John .ýt_ noon pragram. %ins, former Paper Controller afi In the evening aur party were .Canadà and resident o! the dis- guesta af Uic Haliburton High- .trict, aise greetedi us. Luncheon lands Taunist Association. A ý,'was servedi at Port Carling's Bart- welcome on behal! o! this ongan- r,.%ood Manor under auspices o! ization was extcnded by Ron Cur- Z te Canadian Weekiy Newspapers rie o! Minden. Visits were made 'Association. Several hours later dunung the afterneon and evening :the "'Segwun" warped inta. the to a number of resort iodges in ýýier at Muskoka Wharf, where the Kashagawvigamog area. One .4the -Party was greetcd by Cyril that impnesscd us pantîcularly was :Vincent, o! the Board o! Trade, "Chateau Woodland," operated lind other civic officiais. by W. F. Salter. It was here I ".,-D uring the day-long cruise, we met bis son-un-law, Ted Deyman, ,ýw numerous lociges and ncsorts, Public Relations officer o! the T. bondering the lakes, and wenc told C.A. at Winnipeg, and bis wife that Muskoka was anc o! the aid- who werc on vacation. Ted is a est and most developedi vacation, son ai Roy Deyman, an aid schooi areas in Ontario. Some o! these mate of mine who for many years Premier of Ontailo Greets Visiting U.%. dMors Premier of Ontario, Col. Georgç vince of Ontario. Premier Drew entrance to the Parliament Build- A. Drew, offlcially welcomed the is seen in a striped suit, standing ings, Queen's Park, Toronto. The group of nineteen United States between Charles Feirich of Metro- editor of The Statesman, who newspapermen during the Toronto polis Ill., and William C. Hearst accompanied the visiting publish- stop-over of their ten-day good- of diarion, Ph. The photo was ers on their tour, is third from will tour sponsored by the Pro- taken on the steps of the main the left in the back row. has been on the Post Office staff in Toronto. Scventh Day An early start was macle for Lindsay and the bus neached the town that calîs itself the "Gate- way ta the Kawarthas" shortly before noon. The Board o! Trade and civic officials entertainedi us at the Lindsay Armouries and at a lunchean. Editor Stan Pitts, a! the Watchman-Warder, greeteci the visitons on bebal! a! the muni- cipality. Lindsay is situatedi in the heant a! a dainying district and duc ta, this proximity ta the Halibunton Highlands and the lake country o! the Kawarthas, piays hast ta a large numben a! taurists. Follkwing the luncheoen, we viewcd a large herd o! pure-bred Holstein cattie, which were ta be exi3oted ta the British Iles for breeclingpurposea. Bidding fane- well ta Lindsay, the party jour- neyed southward ta Toronto. En- trance was macle ta the city from the north where aur panty was entertained with re!reshments at the palatial home o! George Lake, Thornhill, ane o! the members o! aur party'. From thene we went ta the Royal York Hotel for an overnight stop. Elghth Day Carling's Conservation C l u b was bost ta the visitons at break- fast in the Tudor Room o! the Royal York Hotel, a!ter which shopping parties were formed ta give the Amenican editons an op- portunity ta sec Toronto's down- town shopping and business area. At noon wc were taken by ferry ta anc o! Toronto's islands. Mayor Robent Saunders o! Toron- ta, and T. H. R. McNaiiy, o! the Toronto Convention and Tounist Association, were among those greeting the party as it anived at the' Royal Canadian Yacht Club. A reception was helci, fol- lowed by a luncheon, and after a brie! tour o! the Yacht Club propenty, the group headedi back ta the mainiand. Here we crnbussed and were taken ta, the Ontario Panliament Buildings. Wc visitedi the Legis- lative Chambers wherc Ontania 's iaws are enactedi and wcnc in- troduced ta Premier George A. Drew. Premier Drew stated that le lad just returned from a trip ta Germany wbîch had impressed upon him the exceedingly favour- able position in which Canada and the United States are situate-d as friendly democracies. In wel- coming the visitons ta the Prov- ince he urged them ta neturn on future occasions ta enjoy the bas- pitaiity o! tbe vacation attractions in Ontario. Each visitor was pre- sented with a plastic plaque de- picting the coat o! arms o! Ont- aria, by the Premier. A group pictune (shown elsewhenc in this issue) was taken with the Prem- ier at the entrance ta the Pari- iament Buildings, and the party then embussed for the downtown section where an informai visit was macle ta the Toronto Men's Press Club. The Tuder Room o! the Rayai York Hotel was aiso the scene that evening o! a banquet spon- sored by the Ontario Hotel As- sociation. Col. Welsh, Attorney- General Leslie Biackwell, Coi. W. Griesinger, Chairman o! the Liq- uor Contrai Board, Dalton Cas- well, President o! the Ontario Ho- tel Association andi Mickey Wil- son, past president o! the Ontario Hotel Association, were aînong those who welcomed the visitons at thé banquet. Entertainment was provîded by a number o! singens, dancers and comedy acts, a!ter which the Ho- tel Association was hast ta the visitons at a reception. A high- light o! the evcning occurred when, Barbara Ann Scott, world figure skating champion, visited the banquet and was introduced ta the guests. Nlnth Day An early start was macle for Brantford and the bus jounneyed along the Queen Elizabeth High- way. Some a! Ontario's' finest fruit orchards were seen along the way and a brie! stop was macle at the Hamilton Rock Gardens where Hamilton Board o! Trade's sccrctany, Bill McCullough escort- ed us through the colourful rock- ery. Mn. McCuliough explained that the Rock Gardens were part o! a long range program, conduct- ed by Hamilton ta beautify its approaches. It had been buit on unsightly junk, he said, with aven anc million dollars being spent. Aiter a short trip westwand, the bus arnived at the outskints o! Bnantford. Two Indian chiefs o! the Six Nations Reserve in full war regalia were among those who grected the gnoup. As guests o! the Board o! Tndde andi Ratary Club, the visitons enjoyed lunch- con at the Kerby House. Visita ta the historic Mohawk Chunch and the Bell Homestcad wherc Alexander Graham Bell dcvclop- cd the first telephone wene also made. A large bronze tablet was crected to conimemorate the first telephone conversation in h istony, which was made between Brantford and Paris, Ontario, a !ew miles away. From Brantford, the bus cn tinued westwand ta the Norfolk1 county boundary. At this point, Otto King, of the Norfolk Cham- ber o! Commerce, joincd the group and le gave an outline o! the history and growth o! the county, cn route ta Simcoe. -A stop was macle at the Simcac la- goon and the gueàts heard seven- ai musical numbens including the Star Spanglcd Banner and God Save the King, playcd at the o! Lake Erie in Norfolk county, a reception was sponsored by Bill Helmer, o! the Turkey Point Ho- tel. The group next visited the for- estry station at St. Williams, whene J. Newman, supenintend- ant, escorted us through various acreages o! gnawing trees, and' ex- piained that many thausands o! trees are distributed fnom the station ta neforestation areas in the Province as a public service. Along the noac-side, as the bus travelled fromn Delhi ta Tilîson- burg, the visitons wene surpnised ta see large acreages o! flue-cur- ed tobacco. The kilns are build- ings in which the tobacco is curedi after it is harvestedi fromn the fields. It was pounted out that Canada at anc time imported 90% o! its tobacco needs. At the pres- ent time, Canada supplies ber en- tire demand o! tobacco and is able ta expont large quantities. These reversais occurned duning the period o! the past 25 years. The bus headed northward ta Ingersoli, passing fertile noiiing country, manked by fine farm homes and out-buildings. This section o! south-westenn Ontario is noted for its cream, butter and milk production. From Ingersol it was only a short distance ta, London. The visitons notedi that its titie, "Forest City," was most appropniate, as large shade trees line many o! the nesidential and business sections o! the city. At the Hotel London, the party was greeted by Mayor Geoxgc Wenige and other civic and Chamber o! Commerce officiais. A dinner was held at the hotel, aften which the bus departed. southward to Port Stanley, lake port and resort section 'bordering Lake Erie. It was on this tnip that the first beavy ram o! the tour was encountered, and it feli in buckets-ful. Stop-avers were madle at Hillcrest Inn and Orion Hotel. Sight-seeing was limitedi at Port Stanley due ta the beavy fog whîch covered the area that night and the following monn- ing. Tenth Day A stant on the last iap o! the jounney was made fnom Port Stanley ta Union, where the group paused for iuftcheon as guests o! St. Thomas Board o! Trade. The club has one o! the finest golf courses in Canada and as a ne- suit sevenal courageous members o! the party braved threatening skies and wet grass ta play a round. Souvenir cigarette iight- ens and other souvenirs wvere pre- sented ta the guests at the club house luncheon.' The gnoup was told that St. Thomas was one o! Canada's foremost nailroad cities, as it was the central terminus in Ontario for the short rail route from New Yonk State ta the Middle West. flranch Office: 169 Charlotte St., Peterborough P. J. MATHEIR. 'bivisional Manager I ?HUBSDAY, JTJLY IMt, 1947 Holiday Casualties Mar- ndependence Day Observing Independence Day, Juiy 4, as the great national holi- day in the U.S.A., a tradition has grown up among the people of that great republic, that their in- dependence cannot be expressed better than by competing with death on the highways and other foolhardy risks undertaken to mark their accession to liberty of the individual. Adding up caiýualties over. the weekend it was found that 427 were killed outright and thous-, ands injured. Motor cars, water, firewater and fireworks were pro- minent ingredients in total toil. This holiday payoff and crime in the news adds greatly to the glee o! big newspapers as mourning enters countless firesides. War casulties sink into insig- nificance compared ,wîth the an- nual peacetime toîl of killedi and injured. According to 1947 f ig- ures it will be seen that Canad- ians with a growing tradition to imitate our neighbors to the south are competing in this destructive pastime as well. In proportion to population we run a close second to the U.S.A. Motoriste Comg9laln Bad Crosslng et C.P.R. Holiday matorists registered complaints that the C.P.R. cross- ing on Scugag St. wat in such condition as ta make it danger- ous in stalling cars in spite af the automatic signal and prob- abiy to, cause damage ta cars talc- ing the crossing even at moderate speed. If not put in better con-. dition it is feit that a serious ac- cident may resuit. - - The main complaint la that of the three tracks at this point the centre «one, which'is thcemin line, la where the worst bumps are encounter and is af cours» thc mast dangerous hazard. SIev-' cral motarists have telephoned The Statcsnan ta ask that thc situation be brought publici1 to the attention of ail concerncd There is no mortal truly wise and resticas at, once; wisdam la the repose af minds.-Lavater.., Mlany new industrial plants have located in the municipallty -dur- ing the past few years. St. Thom- as ia the birthplace of Ned Sparks, of movie lame, and it was here that Jumbo, the world's largest elephant, met his death. Durlng aur bni stop ini St. Thomas' business section we tricd ta con- tact our octogenarian triend, Gea. A. McMurtry, native of Bowman- ville, but we were unsuccessful. Through the lush garden caun- try of Western Ontario, the bus headed south to Rondeau Park, several thousanda of acres ai pen- insula jutting inta Lake Erie which have been perpetuated in their native state. The park and. its wild animal lie are maintairi- cd by the Provincial Government. After viewing sections af this rec- reational area and the nearby lànd-locked bay where many ac- quatic sports are leatured during the summer months, the bus again headed southward. A brief stop was made at the Glen Gordon Manar, a huge es- tate lying between No. 3 High- way and the Lake Erie shore, wh.lch will shortly be converted into a well-appointed summer hotel. The xnany - roomned man- sion was formerly the property of JeanGardon, well-known Met-* ropolitan Opera star. Wc were shown through the praperty by Howard James and Bill Gray,' and refreshments were served be- fore departure. Soon the skyscrapers of De- troit could be seen on the flat horizon as the bus proceeded into Windsor's suburbs. A .5op was made at the Prince Edw drd Hotel and the party was received by the Essex County Hotel Assoc- iation. A farewell 'banquet was held at the hotel, and then, one by one, the visitors bade fareweil as they lef t Windsor ta make connections with planes and trains td their homes. A surprise was in store for members o! the host group when the newsmen made presentations of attractive gifts "in recognition of the courtesy and friendliness shown during the tour." Next week we plan ta publish extracts of reports from the vis- iting American editors' papers giving some of their impressions o! their trip through Ontario Wl See theý new Summer Togs we have on display in our store New Shipment of Summer Dresses New dresses ideal for these hot suimmer days and ln th.e latcst.styles you're sure ta like. Visit aur ready-to- wear department and see these new beauties. They'ne easy an the budget. Bathing Suite Smart for the water or Just loafing on the beach. You 're sure ta like them. Be sure ta gçt yours moon. Slacks Ideal for loafing an your summer holidays. Design- ed for cool comfort and stylish appearahnce. Large selectian from whioh to choose. Couch, Johnston & Crydérman PHONE 836 BOWMANVILLE 'i "I i F i In our modern dairy, under sclentiflcally controlled condi- tions by trained workmen your mllk la hottled with the utmost came. Our cap on the bottie is your guarantee of purity and sanitati on that cannot be excelled. Order from us now and get that rich, creamy miIk that adds deIiciofrà- ness and health to your table whenever served. Glen Rae - Dairy PHONE 444 FOR DELIVERY N £urr"'7L PUT NEW LIFE IN YOUR CAR WITH THIS POWERFUL SUPER SERVICE BATTERY Pu F. amieson milE DEPOTr Comaer Kng aMd Bver Sts..Phone 467 1 1 THE GENERAL BAT TIERY ) 1 --i.- -- - - - SMART SUMMER WEAR.... For Play and Social Activities.

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