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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1947, p. 12

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- PAGE TWELVE TEE CARADIAN STATESMAK. BOWMANVILLE. O~TARXO THUBSDAY. JUL? 91.1. 104? "CI Mu lc .H owefl, Ton- onto, spênt the weekend at home. Tbh evnethunderstorm .arly SUZdey monning destnoyed the barnn Chas. Cowan, Cowanvllle. -Mn.,and Mrs. Garnet Hallowell, Toronto, at Mr. W. A. HallowelU's. . Miss Dorothy Farrow and friend, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. -Victor Farrow. Mn. and Mns. Lawrence White, j4aple Grave, at Mn. and Mns. Eaoss Hallowell's. .On Wednesday evening a large numben o! Sioh people gather- e<4 at Sbiloh Church ta do banar do Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Dunn, who, recently maved from this section, taking up residence in Bawmanville. Mn. Dunn was bonn apd raised in this section and livcd bene al bis life until the present time of moving. A nice pragrarn was given cans.Isting of a piano duet by Helen id Amyj Carson, piano solos by Mary Lou Dobson, Mary Hallowell and Mn. 8m1th of Toronto; violin Ue= l1ectlonis by Mr. Jake alw4 reading by Ma: A. Dobsn n vocal soloW by'Miss Helena Hal- lowell. Mr., and Mrn. Dunn and Eleanor were called to the plat- form w*hen Mrs. Dobson read a nice address after which Mrs. Ew- art Robinson and Miss Helena Halldwell presented them with a floor lamp and hassock. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn made fitting replies. The gatbering enjoyed a social hour and a very deliciaus lunch. Misses Helen and Amy Carson are vacationing with friends at Leskard. Miss Eileen Farrow, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Mr., and Mrs. Alex Barclay, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sel Savory. Fashion shows at the Canadian National Exhibition will spot- ligbt faîl clothes designed a n d made by Canadians and presented on tbe runways by Canadian mod- els. LU MBER ______ Il CO.IMM4 ' JUST ARRIVED Canadian Johns-ManviIIe WHITE ASBESTOS CEDAR GRAIN SHINGLES The Sheppard & Giii Lumber Co. Limited Phono 715 Bowinanville 96 King st. E. blu Il[oIhIS1i TH MO EP FELFO L e C M eR Solina Visitons: Miss Sadie Land, Mn. Fred Cook o! Peterbonough; Miss Helen Ste- phehs, Mn. Frank Cook, Mns. Geo. Muttan and Judy, Bowmanville; Mns. F. R. Cook and Eddie, En- field, with Mr. and Mns. Frank Westlake, Jr. Mn. and Mns. Walter Parninder and Helen at Chnis Cook's, Ton- onto. Mn. and Mns. Roy Langmaid, Charles and Helen, and Miss Charlene Scholl with Miss Muriel Langmnaid at Peterborough. Mn. and Mns. Allan W. Balson, Judy and Peter, Cataraqui, at A. J. Ba]son's. Mn. and Mns. Norman Van Nest and son, Windsor, witb friends bere. Mrs. Lynn Ashton, Tillsonburg, with ber sisten, Mrs. Don Yonson. Mn. Charles Scott, Delhii, with bis parents, Mn. and Mns. R. C. Scott. Miss Pearl Leach witb ber par- ents, Mn. and Mrs. Norman Leach, Taunton. Mn. Robent-Scott, Jr., is enjoy- ing two wceks' vacation at borne. .Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Antbes, Jean and Lorraine, Toronto, at E. Millson's. On Sunday rnorning during the terrîflc electrical storm. Mn. Bruce Montgornery's barn, anc bal! mile west o! Bnadlcy's School, was struck by ligbtning and burned. The boît came down in the cernent silo, tearing buge bales in the cernent and entered the barn. Two calves wcre burned but other live- stock was rescued. About 30 tons o! hay wene consumed but by' Uic heroic work of willing friends neanby buildings were saved. The community sympathizes with Bruce in bis loss, as only tbree years ago bis crops werc corn- pletely destroyed by bail. The loss was partly covered by in- surance. Funther damage fnom the storrn resulted when a tree near Mn. Jack Baker's bouse was struck and their telephone ivas disrupt- ed. Mr. H. G. Lougheed, of West- ern Technical School, Toronto, ad- dnessed Eldad congregation in the interests o! the Ontario Temper- ance Federation, Sunday. Owing to the fine at Mn. Bruce Montgom- eny's barn only a few listened ta bis excelknt address. Mn. Lougb- eed was entertained aftenwards at the borne o! Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoc.* Mn. B. G. Stephens, contractor, is at Guelph tbis week building a bouse for Gardon Scott. Gordon is entcning Veterinany Callege at Guelph "hi fall on a four years' Course. Mr. 'and Mn. Tom Westlake have rcnewed thc appearance of their house and store wlth a coat o! paint and Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Wenny have made extensive alter- ations ta Uic vacant bouse on their farm wbene the new school teach- er of Solina School, Mr. Gordon Scott and family, o! Jarvis, will neside. Mrs. Wes Yeflowlecs presided for the tempenance program at the Sunday Scbool when Mns. Russell Gilbert gave the story and Betty Smales sang. Miss Betty Srnales entertaincd a number af girl friends at a mis- cellaneous sbowen in bonor of Miss Ella Millson, Tuesday aften- noan. The boys o! the Football Club are grateful to all wbo cantribut- cd to the success o! the benefit baIl garne Saturday ev.ening when the collected amount o! $75 was given ta Bryce Brown. The score in favor af Courtice was 4-1. Kendal Mn. Bob Alexander, Toronto, with his parents. Miss Jean Elliott, Garden Hill, with ber aunt, Mrs. Gçrdon Mar- tinell. Mn. Alec Little, Toronto, Is on vacation in Kendal. Mn. Aylwand Little was in the village Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Carnpbell, Peterbono, witb John Gardon and Spence Gardon. June retunned with tbern for a visit. Mns. Milton Robinson and Mrs. Wilby spent Monday in Peter.. bora. Mrs. L. Paeden and Mns. Mabel Langsta!f called on Mrs. Jennie Hoskin. Mrs. George Clark, Toronto, is at ber summer borne in the vill- age. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Reynolds and son, Vancouver, and Mns. Reynolds, Sr., Tbnonto, with Mn. Henb Reynolds. Miss Nancy Brereton, Toronto, witb Mrs. Frank Stoker. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mercen attend- cd the Tobacco Growers Field Day at the Tobacco Experimental Station, Delhi, on Wcdnesday. Mn. High netunned with thcm. Work bas commenced on the decoration o! the church by gett- ing the baose plasten repaired in readiness for painting this week. Kendal bas' been visited by sorne severe tbundenstorms late- ly and a great deal o! nain but Satunday was fine and rnucb of Uic bay was put in. The tobacco farn on the boundary suffened frorn hail damage. WesI.yvIII. Owlng -to the severe electrical storm on Sunday there was no cburcb service or Sunday sthool.. ,Mr. Mounteer, Hagersville, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. E. Barrow- clough. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Snell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pency Snell. Mrs. Cecil Shaw and daugbten Marjorie, Clarksburg, spent a few days with Mrs. William Payne. Due to the wet weather wbicb flooded the picnic gnounds, our Sunday School picnic was post- poned until July 30. Mr. Spencer Smith,~ Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Tborndyke. Mrs. William Payne visited ber mother, Mrs. George Jones in Port Hope. Percy Snell lost a cow and cal! during the severe electrical storrn Sunday morning. 7 Mrs. Bruce Dinner bas ber two nieces from Dunbanton visiting her. Among Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne were Mrs. Cecil Shaw and Miss Mari orie Shaw, Clarksburg, Mr. and Mns. G. Falcon and farnîly, Port Hope, Mrs. William Payne and Miss Pauline Peters. Mr. and Mrs. Wanarnaker and daughter, Wellington, spent Fni- day, with Mrs. George Dinner. Haydon Sevenal from here turned out to help whien Bruce Montgomery's barn was struck by lightning on Suinday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart and babe, Hamilton, are bolidaying at Mn. Don Cameron 's. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton and family, Toronto, at Mn. Hen- ry Ashton's. Mrs. Sulas Trewin, Toronto, at Mn. C. Slernon's. Miss Mabel Brown, Toronto, at Mr. E. A. MeNeil's. Mr. and Mrs. George King and Garry John, Mrs. John King, Osh- awa, at Mr. M. Bertrirn's. Lucille and Shirley Bradley, of Hampton, holidaying wit'h their grandmotben, Mrs. Ethel Brad- ley. Mrs. Cyrus Slernon, Bowman- ville, Mrs. fSilas Trewin, Toronto, at Mr. W. Trewin's.f Mn. Fred Ashton, Toronto, at Mr. A. Read's. Mrs. Ashton and childnen returned home witb bim after spending a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn and family at Mn. Fred Black- burn's, Port Hope. SA Glider Land On School Grounds at 7:30 p.m. Attendance Prize- $50 YOU HAVE TO BE ON THE GROUNDS TO WINI1 DRAW WILL B3E MADE AT 8:30 P.M. a à ENTERTAIMMENT ... NOTHING HAS BEEN SPARED TO Katire Prog- aaidoFor CrIpp1ed ChIldren 's Work Miss Joyce Robinson is enjoy- ing holidays with friends at Ot- tawa. .Mr. Simmonds, Sr., Ingersoll, visited his son, Cecil, and Mrs. Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barber and family are holidaying at Waupoose. Mr. and Mrs. De Coe and child- ren are spending a week at their cottage at Stoney Lake. Norman and Mrs. Clemens and Marilyn, Toronto, were weekend guests with Gordon and Mrs. Tre- vail. Tommy and Mrs. Barber visited in Orillia. Best wishes to Do-rotby Hockin, who passed ber Grade V piano examination of the Conservatory of Music. Mrs. Harold Scorgie visited ber sister in Toronto. Speedy recovery is hoped for Miss Gladys Reynolds who is a patient in Oshawa Hospital. Gla- dys recently returned from Ari- zona on vacation with ber par- ents, George and Mrs. Reynolds. During August, supplies will take charge as the pastor and bis family will be on tbeir holidays. Mrs. Wilfred Brown is recov- ering nicely frorn ber major op- eration in Bowmanville Hospital. We also wish speedy recovery to Mrs. Hilton Fink, wbo is also a patient at Bowmanville Hospital. With about 25 in attendance, a family pîcnic was held on Sunday at the borne of Carl and Mrs. Down. Amnon-g the guests were Grandrna Adams and ber brother, Norman Gay and wife and their son, Jay and wife, from Detroit; Gordon and Mrs. Salter and fam- ily, Osbawa, and othens fromn the immediate vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Werry, Mr. and Mns. Elton Werny wene in at- tendance at the annual Wenry pic- nic at Hampton, wben A. B. won a prize for the oldest member pre- sent. Miss Virginia Brown is visitinýg ber cousins, Jerry and Ann Balson at Hampton. Two quiltings wene held at Mrs. George Barber's and one at the McKenzîe home, under Wornan's Association, witb a good attend- ance. These quilts are for pri- vate parties as the ladies have the bazaan qujîts alneady looked after. Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Oke wene in attendance at the Vance-God- den wedding on July 19 when Mrs. Oke was bridesrnaid for ber friend, Marion Cockburn Vance, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Young, wbose manriage to John B. Godden, son of V. H. Godden and Mrs. Godden, took place at the home of the bride with Rev. Hugh Davidson, Knox Presbytenian 'lhurch, Oshawa, officiating. FREE SERVICE DEAD HORSES & CATTLE BEMOVED IMMEDIATELY and WITHOUT CTIARGE Telephone Collect: TORONTO - Adelaide 3636 COBOUJRG - 48J GORDON YOUNG. LMD YOUR EYES and VISION :Ï Br C. H. TUCK Opt. Eyesigbt Specialist Disney Bldg. (Opp. P-0.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 - Inthe (No. 27) Inteprocuring of an educa- tion it is to be expected tbat the eyes play their part and this should be done in a manner na- tural to the comfort of tbe person seeing. So natural should this be that it might be said that you would not know you had eyes. What are some o! tbe things to interfere? It seems almost the natural tbing to mention first of ail, disease, yet disease only touches a small percentage of cas- es, the greatest intenference to vis- ion is found in the use of the eyes and their exposure ta things not the best for thern. I will endeav- our to enumerate a few of these most commonlY met with in the use of the school child's eyes, which if neglected may became so fixed and uncomfortable as to re- tard the child in bis school work, 1 rendering hirn Iow in bis efficien: cy, open to certain habits which corne readily ta him because he is flot open ta apply bis mind free- ly to his work owing to some de- fect not corrected. Don't be too quick to blame your child for sornething he cannot bel. Re- move tbe handicap if possigle, and allow him to finit his place prop-. enly and natural]y. (To be cantinued) Cowanville Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Kinsman, nephew and niece of Mn. Thas. *lCui a, are vislting him at Uic Millson borne. Mrs. Sid Hallowell and cbild- ren are visiting in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bandy and Hanry have retumned borne after spending a week's vacation around Hermon, Ont. Clarke W.A. will bold their August meeting at the home of Mrs. Wes Stninger. Mrs. Arthur Wanamaker and daughter, Wellington, visited at tbe Milison borne. Mr. Hollingswortb, Toronto, visited bis brother, Mn. R. Hol- lingsworth. We extend sympatby ta Chas. Cowan wbase barn was burncd ~uring the. bad electnical storm atunday night. Mn. Les Reid had bay and sorne implements stored in the barn. Courtice LakeShore, Clarke Miss C. Hearn, Toronto, vislted ber nepbew and niiece, Mr. and Mns. W. Adams. Miss Audrey Adams is spendingý a week at Oak Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin and family attended thc Newcas- tle United Cburch Sunday Scbool picnic at Cobourg. Miss Rae Ven- nen, Hampton, visited the Mantins and attended the picnic witb tbem. Mrs. Ed. Dean, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dean. '"Rain, ramn, go away. Don't corne again for many a day, 'Cause Farmer Jones wants to draw bis bay."' Last year at this time many farrncrs in this district werc fin- isbing stooking of their grain, and look at us now! Don Leach, Port Credit, and Miss Muriel Roadhouse, Dixie, visitcd Mn. and Mrs. H. Leach. More than seven out of every ten yards of woven wool fabnics used In Canada in 1946 were made by Canadian workers in Canadian milis. Plshing - Swirnring Rooms with Board, by the week COOL AIR CONDITIONED COOL THURSDAY - FRIDAY - July 31 - August 1 Gail Claire Ann Adolphe Russell Trevor Dvorak Menlou "The Iachelor's Daughters" - Added Attraction - A Iaugh-packed thriller that mother, father and children will enioy "Home Sweet Homicide" SATURDAY - AUGUST 2 ALSO "Twice N'~o" -Two Cartoons in Color - Sunday MiduNite 12:01 a.m. Mlonday,. Matinee 2 p.m. "BLUE SKIES"II MON. - TUES. - WED. - AUGUST 4 -5 -6 IN THE NEWS SPECIAL - U.S. Battleshg> Iowa of Pacifie; War Fame GoodwIIl Visit tb E.C. ... Whallng ln Antartlo -. . New 011 Boom Developed on Alberta Fars... Champ. Ionship Water Sking ThriII. Cartoon ln Technicolor R0B!ALE THEATRE I. AWhole. might of fun BIRINO ALL THE FAMILY FOR A SOLID- NIGHT 0F FUN AND ENTERTAIMMENT LUCKY TICKET DRAWS A Made-to-Measur. Suit, and Overcoat, and Hat wilI b. gîven away. Purchase tickets bron members of BOWMANVILLE ROTARY CLUB TM CAIqADL« STATESWAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAIUO TMMAT, imy Sint, li47 PAGE TWELV MOW OPEN LAKESIDE LODGE. Newcastd%.on-B.ach Bpeciafzingi CHICKEN and StEAK DINNERS REFRESHM ENTS

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