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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1947, p. 9

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THURSDAY. AUGUST 2lst, 1947 * TEE CMiADIAK STATESMAII. EOWMAI4V1LL!. OIITAmO' PAON Niai STUDY TMHE ESE ..Botter ta have your children grow Up to enter the world of af- flairs with les-impressive schol- astic honors, than as neurasthen- lcs whose whole life may have been wat-ped ln the quest for bookc leannina."1 This advice ta parents cornes from heaith officials at Ottawa. They point out that intensive school work can lead ta eye- strain, with consequent harm ta the nervous systeifi and recom- mend that childrcn's vision may be checked lrequently. *1 f.' When we give your car a. dlean bill of health, you may be sure It's ready ta take the road an ail cylinders, and ta give you many miles of riding ease, pleasure and conifort. When our experte service your car you get the best i GARTON'S GARAGE 64 KING ST. E. PHONE 2666 BOWMANVILLE TOBOWMANVI LLE FARES One Way Return MONTREAL---------. $6.90 $11.05 OTTAWA -...5.45 87 CORNWALL_____ 5.15 8.25 P RESCOTT - 4.10 6.60 (Transportation Tax Extra) For full Information, plea se consuit your local agent, GARTON COACH UNES Bowfnanville Telephone 2666 Hello Homemakers! The worid belongs ta the harvesters these days. With so mucli work ta be done and such a short time ta do it in, our men shouid have meals provided on the "dot" and the best meals we can prepare. Finally, if we remember ta put strangens at case In a cool dinîng roam or kitchen, we probably wvon't want for heip next harvest. Amounts required for 12 senv- ingsa Soup, three quarts; veal or beef, eight pounds as purcbased; pota- toes, four quants, prepared; veget- ables, three quarts, prepared; let- tuce and cucumber mix, three quarts, prepared; bnead, one loaf; open face pies, two pies; apple- sauce, two quarta; drap cakes. two dozen; tea. one-quarter pound, Orange Tes, Biscuits Three cupa sifted flour, 6 tsps. baking pawden 1 tsp. sait, % cup shortening, 3 ibspa. orange nlnd, 1 1/3 cups skim milk. Sift flour once, measure, add baking pawder and saît; slft again. Cut in shortening. Add orange rink ta milk and aprinkle into dry mixture until a soft dough is formed. Turn on slightly fioured board and knead hait minute. Ral one-haîf inch tbick and cut witb biscuit cutter. Place on slightly floured pan and bake in eicctric aven at 450 degrees for 12 min- utes. Fresis Blueberry Pies One third cup flour, 11/4 cups of sugar, 1/2 top. sait, 3/4tsp. nutmeg, 3 quarts blueberries, 3 tbsps. lem- on juicc, 3 tapa. lemon ind, 3 tbsps. butter. (Plain Pastny) Line three pie plates wit.h plain pastry. Flute on an edge as for a lemon pie; cut atrips of pastry for piacing acroas the top. Cbill pastry in electnic nefigerator whilc the filling le being prepared. Mix together the flour, sugar, sait, nutmeg; apinkle anec-quar- ter of this mix on the uncoaked crusts. Blend nemainder with bluebernies lemon juice and grat- cd rind; fil pie shells; dot with butter. Lay on stnips. Bake in prcbeated ebectric aven at 425 de- grecs for 45 minutes. Dutch PIum Cake (12 servings) One cup shortenlng, 1 cup sugan, 2 tsp. leman nînd, 4 eggs unbeaten, 2 cups sitted pastry flour, 2 tapa. bakîng powder, % top. sait, 2 doz. blue plume, 2/3 cup white sugar, 1 tsp. cinnamon. Cneam together shortening, 1 cup sugar and lemon nind; beat until fiuffy. Add eggs ane at a time; beat cach into, batter thon- aughly. Add sifted dry Ingred- ients, beat until smooth. Pour hall batter inta greased pan. Cut pluma remave stones and lay piecea on the batten. Caver *ith nemain- der of batter, spreading cvenly. Mix sugar and cinnaman togetherý and spinkle over batter. Bake in preheatcd ciectric aven at 350 de- grecs for 1 hour. Cut in squares and serve warm. Take a Tip i. Do not prepare patatoea more than an baur before coaking be- cause thcy lbac nutritive value and they may also becom-e saur. 2. Yau nay double a cup of sal- ad drcasing by the addition of an cgg and a cup o! milk. Beat thoroughly. 3. Set the table for the baryes- ters well in advancc and pull the shades, put flowers In the noom and close the doara ta kei.p aut exess heat. T1%e Suggestion Box Mns. T. B. says: If your rubber plate scraper becomes sticky. clip off the gun=y part with kitchen scissors. Mrs. J. R. says: A vegeta1)ie pedler is worth twice its cost. It saves trne, nutritive value and in- convenience. Mns. M. B. Baya: To remove but- tons without nicking the fabric, ulide a comb under the button and cut thread with a razor blade. Mns. T. D. says:- Garden tools wiil stay rust-fnee if stacked ln a box of sand moistened with aid crank-casc ail. Anne Allan invites you ta write to ber in care of The Statesman. Send in your suggestions on home- making problems and watch this column for replies. Enniskillen (Intended for Last Week) Mr. Floyd Pethick, Toronto, at S. R. Pethick's. Miss Phyllis Strutt, Oshawa, is holidayang wlth Mrs. E. Strutt. Mr. and Mrs E. Harrison, Tor- onto, and Mr. and Mrs. J o h n Slemon enjoylng two days' holi- day on Prince Edward Island. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tbompson, Larry and Patricia, at Mr. and Mrs. R. Tbompson's. Mr. C. W. Souch, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Reeve, Win- nipeg, Man. and Mrs. Albert Cole, Bowmanvllle, at Miss E. Souch's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fisher and children, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater. Mrs. H. Stevens and Gardon visîted frlends ln Toronto and bad a trip to Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Petbick, Mr. Floyd Pethick, and Miss Nancy Wood with Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Pethick at their cottage at Gravenhurst. Mrs. E. Parrott and family with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wearn. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs and Joan with Mr. and Mrs. E. Strong, Cadmus. Masters Grant and Bert Werry wlth their cousin, Allan Cale, Bethesda. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry and Ted at Mr. and Mrs. J. Borrowdale's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McGill, Russell and Ross, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrn. Harvey McGill. Mrs. Albert Hughes and Lois, Burketon, at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke's. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGili and farnily with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billett, Scarboro Bluffs. Baby Gardon Boyd has ne- tunned home after spendlng a few day with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. McClain, Uxbridge. On Sunday afternoon, Mrs. A. Pinch and son William, Oshawa, visited at the home of Mr. Ken- neth Graham. Although Mrs. Pinch is ncanly 100 years aId., she made a tour of the greenhouses and gandens. Her keen intenest Is explained ln the tact that she an,! ber husband wene gardeners for many years. Meeting of the Service Club was held at the homes of Mrs. Don Carr and Mrs. Leanard Stainton in JuIy. Thirtyr crib sheetg were finished and sent ta the hospital. On August 5 an~ enjayable social evening was spent at the home of Mrs. Cecil Mils, Maple Grave. We are EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS by The path ta siïccess is strewn' with many pitfalis. One which catches man>' victims is the tendency ta regard oneseif as being just another worker among a mass of other workers. Such an attitude stifles achievement. Every man shouid regard himself as an individual with a unique combination of talents and skills. Realizing this be 'will try ta make his own special pcontribution. Then, and oniy then, will he begin to advance. By the samne token, it is important ta take a positive attitude toward each day's work. To ane rman, it is just a matter of so man>' hours of labor which must be doue in order ta pravide the necessi- tics of lie. To another, each day is an apportunity ta prove his akili and value - and ta take another step ta. ward bis goal. It won't be long bef are the second man's attitude pays off in increased income. Every increase in incarne brings with it an opportun- ity ta provide greater fnan- cial securit>' through Life Insurance. The wide varier>' of plans and policies makes it possible ta choose anc that nieets your individual finan- cial requirements. W-207 1sorry t slae Leona as a memboe of aur ClIub. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wenry and family with Mn. and Mn.. Douglas iCole, Bethesda. Mr. Ross Metcalf, Maple Grove, wlth Mr. Allmn Werry. Miss Jean Werry, Peterboroughi hospital, with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry. Mn.. P. Cann, Reta and Joan, Mr. Kcnneth Rundie, Salemi, llttle Miss Carol Yellowlees wlth Mn. and Mn.. John Oke. Masters Bert and Garth McGiil with Mr. and Mrs. J. Borrowdale, Oshawa. Kèndal ChiId Dies Un TorontoHospital Failing ta raily after emengen- cy treatment at the handis of spec- iallsts ln Wellesley Hospital, Tar- onto, little Annette Elliott, ten- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Elliott, Kendal, passed away Wednesday, August 13. The little girl was rushed to Toronto tram Bowmanviile Hos- pital aflter she had taken a sud- den turn for the worse and a nlght-iong battle in whicb treat- ment with an iron lung was-used, proved Ineffective. Annette was injured a month ago at a birthday party at ber home wben she was struck in the face with pellets tramn a shotgun accidentaliy by a playmate. Tak- en ta Bowmanylle Hospital she showed marked impravemnent for some time but a sudden seizure wlth convulsions and a high lever led ta the decision ta take ber ta Toronto, Tuesdlay manning. When she ýailed ta rally, the cansultlng doctars secured an ir- an lung from the Sick Chul- dren's Hospital, hoping that ll.s use might revive ber sufficiently ta undergo a furtber emergcncy operatian but ber atrength ebbed rapidiy away. The entire cammunlty was shocked ta learn of ber passing for coquinies made almost daiiy for some time appeared ta be quite hopeful. Annette is sur- vived by ber parents and two brothers, Ross, 9, and Neil, 7. The -funeral was held Saturday tram the family home. Obtain Capital Grant Undor Hospital Act Municipalities planning n e w hospitals or additions or altera- tions ta ald ones naw bave a blue- pnint of an amendment ta the Public Hospitals Act whicb sets forth the scale of capital grants annaunced by the Minister o f Health for Ontario, Hon. Russell T. Kellcy, and otficially appnoved on Julyý 10, 1947. Two items ap- pearing in the Ontario Gazette,j August 9, 1947, P. 1282-83, make the position entirely clear. Thei first outlines the negulations and terme of the arder; the second le a capy of the form ta be used in making application for a capital grant. Grants ta a bospital in group A, B, C, or D in schedule 1, shall not exceed 100. for each bcd. Any other hospital named in schedule 1, shallflot exceed $2000. for eacb bcd. Terme of payment Include anc-quarter of the entire grant at four stages af construction. I n vicw af the tact that Bowman- vilc's new Memorial Hospital Fund bas aimost neacbed a plan-1 ncd objective the abave notice will be of interest ta tbe Hospital Board. It would be wise ta pro- ceed at once ta secure officiai authorization. for a capital grant for tbe project. adian literature. I IK.ep Canada Fr.. FrontSociallet With a blackout of Freedom co- vering more than hait the wonld today under which the individual must contorn in many ways ta flic state pianners or suifer the consequences of socialiat decrees, wlth even liberty-lovlng Britons entering the shadows, It is time fo- Canadians ta do some real thinkinf on this matter of social- is evtude. In order toassist people of this country ta get a proper perspec- tive of the question the Canadian Chamben of Commerce has pub-. lished a senles of bracures defend- ing aur free way of life. From time ta time we shail republiali a number cf these essays, the first of which is: "What Doca Freedam Mean ta You?" "Freedom! q That's a fine word. We see it everywhere. It la used as abn- ner for causes. Big or litte caus es-lt gets used and abused. Iti means different things ta different people. Wbat doca it mean ta you? It means the right ta read this pamphlet, or not ta read it! It means freedam ta nead tbe news- papers, or nat ta nead thcm. It means treedom ta listen or. nat ta listen ta the radio. In more than bal! tbe world taday such free- dam la not given ta the average man. But you are free! Freedomn means your right ta wark or be absent. Did you ever hear of stnikes in Germany, Italy, or Russia, or anywhere cisc ex- cept in lands where free enter- prise exista?* Freedomn means the night ta worship in the church of your choice. What doca that mean ta yau? Freedom! Speil IL. Shout It. Rail it around on your tangue. It is a sweet word. Neyer let it loac its glamor. Brave men bave fought and died for It. In a free enterpnise economy, freedomn means your right ta treedom of thought, frecdom 0of speech, freedom of chaice. It means your right to work for whoma you like, whcne you like, on terms you apiprovc. It means your rigbt ta live wbere you wish. Above ail it la your night ta vote for the man of your choice. Sucli fneedom bninga respansi- bilities ta yaur tellow Canadians. For liberty is not license. Truc treedomn is freedamn within the l- mita of public weifare. One man put it this way: "My right ta swing m'y arm ends whcre the other feliow's nase begina." Some people ask you ta barter your fncedom for the so-callcd efficlency of State ContraI. Thcy offer "securlty thraugb planning," if only ydu give up your freedom and let them run the country in accordance witb their own spe- cial blueprint. . Other nations have soid their, freedomn for such a mess of pot- tage. Will you?1 If not, then be on guard for freedom. Do your part ta sec that free enterpnise la flot nibbled away by bureaucrats and demagoguea. For freedam is often bast by slow degrees. The pnice of freedom is eternal vigilance. Wili you pay that price?" The original manuscript of Kir- by's "Golden Dog" is being boan- cd for dispiay under glass at the Canadian National Exhibition book fair In the Womcn's Build- ing, L. C. Serves is the proud own- er of this historie piece of Can- ParUsa e7iendl.)/ s i YO U... may need money. Why be w' E ..; are niaking hundreds of Per. embarrassed about it? There are thou- sands like yau. Hospital expenses, dactor and dcntist bis, payrnent cf incarne tax, bouse repairs, overdue debts and other emergencies dig deep into earnings and savings. Why flot see us about a Personal Loan? sonal Loans daily ail over the country. We can heip you with friendly, confidential, prompt service. A cail on the Manager of any branch of this Bank is like a viait ta a neighbour. Unload your debt prob. lems on him. He wiiI gladly discuss a Personai Loan with you. THE CANADIANDANK 0f COMMERCE BOWMANVILLIE BRANCH e - R. L. MITCHELL, Mauager NEWCASTLE BRANCII - . . - -.J. H. SMTH, Manager ORONO BRANCH - - - - - - - - - J. BLUE, Manager ( t i MCZ=M 1 THUMDAY, AUGUST 21st, 1947 4 THE CANADIAN STATESILAN. BOWMANVI=. ONTAPJO ' - ;pe4e.«" TU3 * 5 eAlcmu

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