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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1947, p. 13

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THURSDAY, SEPT. Igth, 1947 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVrIX, ONTARIO est~ BIRTKS Articles For Sale Articles For Sale ALLAWAY-Mr. and Mrs. Ceeil i "BELANGER" enamel kitchen PONTIAC coach, 1928, five new ,4llaway (nee Fern Large) are i range in good condition with wa- tires and tubes. Phone 2780. 38-1 happy to announce the arriva] of ter front. E. A. Fairman, Boys' their baby daughter at Bowman- Training Sehool. 38-3 1McCORMICK-Deering tractor; 2- :ville Hospital on September 16, 1 furrow International plaw; hay 1947. 38 -1 COLEMAN two-burner ho' plate, 1 rake; six pigs 7 weeks nId; sow new, used two weeks, $12; also and 9 pigs, 3 weeks old; De Lavai COX-Mr. and Mrs. James Cox Findlay cook stove $20.- Apply A.1 creamn separator, nearly new; set (nee Essie Bertrim) are happy to 1 t Pierre. Maple Grove school double harness and bridies. Ver- annunc te brt ofther aug -i road, north of highway, above don Lethangue, R.R. No. 2, Ponty- ter. .Kellie Marlene, at Bowman- chol 3.1 po, nt Pon328r1 1 t v!ll~ Hospital on September 5, ..an.381 1947. ')8- ONE Gîbson tractor with bulldoz- ______er blade. Bought in July and USED Kroehler 3-piece chester- hardly used. $575 or best offer. field suite, .cost $450, in appear- WRAY-Grace and Jackson Wray Apply Canadian Carriers Ltd., ance good as new, to clear $59.50, (nee Rundle) are happy ta an- Bowmanville Beach. 38-1* used steel bed. complete with nounce the birth of their daugtr springs $9.50; coal or wood an- Maxine Louise, at Bowmanville i ENGINE, 1928 Chevrolet cýîmplete nex. white enamel, used 3 months,« Hospital on September 9, 1947.1 with pulley and governors, gond cost $63.50, sacrifice $40.00.* Mur-1 3-'running condition. Kid Kan- phy's, phone 811, 57 King St. W. garoo gang plow in good shape. 38-1 WEBB-At Bowmanville Hospi- Phone 2980. 38-1* EGN rvnwsigmcie tal on Friday, September i2th, APPLES-Sl.00 per barrel on the eNGtNE drivenBoxwasng min 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Thornton tree. Hosken Smith, Burketon, Office.381 Ip Webb, a son (Garfield Gil- phone 2154. 38-1 81 t)a brother for Heather Fran- CCSUThymwr e ~rand Thornton John. 38-1* CHEVROLET coach, 1935. ApplY eCO0 cesT T.ay moercarnew, _______________________Poole's Bakery before 5 p.m. buckets on hand; farma fence. W. ENGAGEMENTS i after 6:30 p.m. at 31 Ortario S-,: F. Brownv!. Phone 497. 38-1 Mr. and Mrs. James Curson of LETZ silo filling outfit, Spl T RA.Api atubRR Newcstl. anouce he egag- cmIete3, Bowmanville, at Maple Grove. Newaste, nnoncetheengge-with inside and outside pipes. -1 ment of their yaungest dauehter grinds grain, makes alfalfa or -381 Joan Evelyn ta Stanley William other fodder meal. Wm. C. Par- TOMATOES, by the bushel; aiso Couch, of Newcastle, youngest son sons, phone 2315. 38-1 cutting box M-H.; and 14 pigs 3 of Mr. Harry Couch and the late iotsod hn 96 81 Mrs. Couch. The marriage will RASPBERRY bushes, Latham motsod Phn296 381 take place nn SatuirdaY. Septcmi- and Viking, 4 cents per cane. Ivan TEN bags cement, American at ber 20. 38- 1* Farrow, Newcastle. Phone Clarke $1.35. Apply Canadian Carriers - ___________________3921. 373 Ltd., Bowmanville Beach. 38-1' Applications Wanted GOOD used truck plftforrn 16x8 INTERNATIONAL silo filler, 14" FOR RAD SUERINTNDENT racks . ,PtHpe . 6.3rycut. James Stone, Newtonville. FOR ROA __________________o._1,_PrtHop. _36-_ Phone Clarke 2231. 38.1* Applications will be received DAWSON'S Golden Chaf seed ALLIS chalmers tractor, Model B, for the position of Road Superin- wheat, Registered No. 1, Commer- wt oe n o rpcli tendent for the Township of cial. No. 1, guaranteed pure as to vator. H. Schmid, Newcastle. 0 Clarke. , Applicants miust state variety. Apply Garnet B. Rick-v age, qualifications and .3alary ex- ard. Phore 2813. 35-tf 38-1*e Pected. Ahl applications must be UE eigmciebuh PHONOGRAPH; two upholsiercd - in the hands of Joseph J. Mellor, Uand sl igmhties pidcubchis;tw imon inl Township Cierk, Orona, Ontari andsl.Hgetpie ad lbcar;toSm ssnl flot later than twelve o'clock' Write or phone Singer Sewingbesco lte one laundry is tove; -d maon, Monday, September thý Machine Company, 16 Ontario St.n anr rigr w oi twenty-second, 1947. AIl appli- Phone 696, Oshawa. 23-tf oak parlor tables; 40 White Wy- r, andotte laying hiens, 15 months cations ta be in writing and sealed. SINGER motors and lights are old; two lawn mowers, and var- JOSEPH .1. V'VIT 'OR. now available ta attach on your ious other articles. Phone 2578. ti r ' sewing machines, brand new. 38-1 c 37-2 Township'-Clerk Motors $28,50 and iights $5.25, ai- r so buttonhole attachments $10.75. MAN'S bicycle. Apply E. Foster, ri ~.-~-- ~ Singer Sewing Machine Company, 16CurhS. 81 16 Ontario St,, phone 6961, Oshawa. CRIB, 20x40, and mattress. Apply cd 23-tf Apartmýent 1, 71 King St. W. 381* e OSHAWA'S new furniture store- PERFECTION coal ail stove,- Everything in mode.:n. Chester- humner, looks like new; 3-piece qi field, bedroamn and dining roomn chesterfield suite, $35; baby pram ir WIDE RANGE suites, and studios. Bedding and $10. Murphy, phone 811. 38.1* tu of floor coverîngs a specialty. Quai- o ity merchandise at competitivea. C nevaoyprices. Before buying visit Brad- Livestock For Sale i Simcoe St. S...Oshawa. 46-tf COW and heifer, due in October. Music Books - Apply Frank Krolewski, R.R. 3,- : ~~FORD coupe, 1929 Model A, for Bowmanviile. 3- (ALGAE)sale. Apply Tenneth Tubman, 3- (AL RAES Newcastle. 38-1 ONE hundred and fiftv Barred S] CHEVROLET Maple Leaf truck, 1936, 21/2 ton, in good condition. Phone 2341. 38-1* DODGE sedan, 1933, four new tires; also 12-inch Beatty grain grinder. Phone 2341. 38-1* STOVE wood, in blocks, beech and maple. L. Thompson, phone 2302. 38-1* QUEBEC heater with waterfront, nearly new. Phone 766. 38-1 QUEBEC cook stove, round fire box, in good condition. Phone 2528, Bowmanville. 38-1 Rock pullets, six months old. lay- ing. D. Deeley, phone 2391. 38-1* DURHAM cow 6 years oid. due to freshen October 14. Frank Aidsworth, phone Oshawa 491J2. 38-1* FOURTEEN pigs, two months aid. Phone 2178, Thos. Gimblett, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 38-1* TEN yaung pigs, six weeks old; also Cocker, Springer and Setter Duppies. R. W. White, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. 38-1* TWELVE Yorkshire pigs, six wks. nid, weli started litter. R. Steng- 'Ineory I'ads, Manuscript CHEVRLET coupe, 1936, good er, Ennisill1en. Phuone 2824. 38-1 Paper and Dietation Fads tir,ýses, elent motor, $500 or best ONE hundred Leghorn hens, one offer. Phone 52 r 10 Omono. 38-1 year nid, iaying 50 par cent. Ray- ____- CUPBOARD, 3" joist, radio, glass m-nd-Capman, Omono. 8- and other articles. Appiy W. Wil- FOUR fresh Holstein heifers; 4 Prompt service guaranteed cox 58 Queen St. 38-1* yaung Holstein caws, springing; 2 on al special orders USED 1-6 h.p. motor, $10; De- Hostain heiftrs, springing; one Forest mantai radio, 2 manths aid, Jersey caw, springing. Ralph Da- cost $41,95. for sale $25,00; Rogers vis, Hampton, phone 2413. 38-1 Je W. J E W EL L mantel radio, recondition $14,50; esF rS l "BIG 20" recards regular $55 for $30; __________________ tube Philca cabinet radio, recan- ENGLISH Spaniel pups, maie, me- PHONE 556 ditianed and guaranteed, ta clear gistered stock. Aisa 200 apple 27 King St. Bowmanville at $29,50; DeForest cabinet radia hampers. Appiy Part Hope Block ta clear at $9.75. Apply Murphy's, & Tule. Phî)ne 43W Port Hope. - - - -- - - - - -phone 811.. 57 King St. West.38* __________________________________38-1 3-< JUNIOR O.B.A. DASEDALL (semi-finals) ,'RETUIRN GAME GANANO QUE versus BOWMANVILLE SA TURDAY, SEPTENDER 201h 3:00 p.m. HIGH SCHGGL GROUNDS - - 25c Wanted To Buy PIANOS-Srnall or medium preferred. Te1ephgne 492 ùrv Box 353, Bowmartville. Frei Mitchell. DRY hardwood, four or five cc Rob Roy, phone 2126. ALL types live pouîtry and thers, top prices paid. M. P R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Beth 7 r 13. LIVE horses for mink and food. Ail horses humanely siat tered. Caîl us for highest pi Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, rone. Phone Bowmanville2 WESTERN saddle. Phone2 D. Caverly, Bowmanville.1 Wanted to Rent APARTMENT, three or1 rooms. Glenn Virtue. Phone For Rent SINGER portable electric iny own home. $5 per month. Si er Sewing Machine Co., 16 taria St., Oshawa, phone 696.1 Hlp Wanted GIRL to do ironing. Apply Bi nanville Cleaners. WVANTED-Waitresses, at the1 tario Ladies' College, Whil Good wages; board and room1 nished. Apply to the Mati Telephone 551, Whitby. 3 -tANDYMAN wanted for Sat days. Apply Bowmanville Cle ers.3 VE are constantly receiving uests for our guaranteed produ in your locality. Why flot han re agency and derive an inco f $35 to $60 weekly? Exclusiv ssured. If you have selling ai y, start now! FAMILEX, DE B1600 Delorimier, Montreal.3 iLENDOR Tablets are eff eet Sweeks' supply, $1; 12 weeksf iMcGregor's Drug Store. I YGIENIC supplies (rubt rods) mailed postpaid in ph ;aled envelope with price l ;lx samples 25c; 24 samples $1 ail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Ru ýr Co., Box 91, Hamilton. On 3E 2 ai Hi go Si, Me be: isize write ed J. 38-tf ords. 38-1 fea- Flatt, ýhany 1-tf 1fox tugh- ices. 'Ty- 2679. 33-tf 2332, 38-1* four 486. 38-1 your ;ing- On- 10-tf 3ow- 38-1 On- itby. fur- tron. 36-3 tur- .ean- 38-1 re- ucts ndle ore ývity bil- ýept. 38-1 tive. S$5, 8-1t )ber list. -00. ýub-r lit. the f bus fi on r 4, si an 1 -ry.b 1*oi iite or w- F se H- )r- ni 1* hr -Pl Si ids E e- i t g1 2di )s e) riN IL J. se Lor fo er re ro ch se, Ch stc >ch ph tai ch wr dri be, kir th( set Pol an( cri. sav ton W. thi, Lost WILL the person who tookt wrong coat fram Garton's b from the Exhibition groundsi Thursday night, Septernber kindly phone 2253 and arrange exchange. Mrs. Wes. G. Werr 38. GRAY steer and red and whi heifer, one year old, strayed fro Lot 29, Con. 8, Clarke, an( about August 27. Anyone knov ing their whereabouts pleaý phone E. R. Bryson 58 r 17, C: oflo. 38-1 Notice Dr. Keith W. Siemon inteni opening an office for general m dical practice at 38 Centre S Bowmanville, September 29. 38 Dr. Rundle's office wiil be ciaý euî rom aeptemoer 14 ta Septem- Real Estate For Sl ber 28, inclusive. 3- COTTAGE at Bowrnanville East Dr. C. J. Austin, C.M., wili have Beach, four rorns with screened office hours at Enniskilien from verandah. Phai 2780. 38-1 4 ta 6 p.m. every afternoan except Wednesday and Sundays, and 7:30 FIFTY acre famm ýleared, house until 9:30 Wednesday evenings and barn, near vrane.. Good until further notice. At Bowman- roads, immediate 1 asessian. La- ville regular dactar's hours wiii verne Clemens, Ha '.ptan, phane be held. 37-1 2436. 38-1 GOOD 7-roomed bai. ý with hy- Seed Cleaning dro,. on good road nez Bawman- ville. Immediate pas. esion. Al- SEED cleaning plant open morn- 50 15 acres of apple oi bard and îngs and Tuesday and Thursday crop and ather buildiz 's if de- evenings ar by appointment. Sit- sir'ed. Laverne Clemen Hamp- uated on highway one mile north ton, phone 2436. 38-i af Burketon. Emnie Swain, R.R. 1, - - urkeon.34-tf FA'RM-28 acres. 5 acre orcb- Buktn ard, 7 motm brick houst goadRai Sevc barn ' pig pen and hen hop.is, just Radio_____Service____ autside Comoratian of IBo,ý man- THE Radio Shap, Bowmanville, ville, C. W. Dawney, R . 2, offers hanest charges, latest type FOUR-raam bouse, hardw ýod nel. Our two radia tec.hnicians floors, 3-piece bathroam, mod, mn bath hold Government Certificates conveniences. Possession armai. z- of Praficiency in Radio. Phone ed. Phone 670. 38-.* 573. 20-tf BRICK bouse, six raoms with aIl conveniences. Possession in aboutj a manth. Apply 17 Park Raad S., Oshawa. 38-1 BUILDING lots, appraximately 240 feet frantage, an St. George~ Street. Apply Brokdale-Kings-1 way Nurser'ies. 38-i1 REPAIRS REPAIRS to aIl makes of refrig- erators, domestic and commercial. Higgon Eiectric 42 King St. E., phone 118, 26-tl NEAT-Way Shoe Repair: Good, substantiai workinanship. relia- biltv, d-c iing, soling, sewing. etc. Try the Neat-Way, King St.. W. 30-tf I WANTED ABusiness ln Bowrnanville or Distict refeablywithliving Iquarters. Can arrange for sale of 6 roam detached bouse in To- ronta if necessary. ýpply Box 951 c/o Statesman Off ice SUGAR BAGS White, strong bags, useful fer dish towels, pillow slips, table- cloths, etc., 7 fer $2.00 postpald, or $2.20 C.O.D. Money back guarantee. Send cash or MO. te: ELIVEL DISTRIBUTING CO., 5363 Park A1%ve., Montreal 8, Que. Accommodation ROOM and breakfast for two tE perate, respectable business rr Phone 2379 or eall at 24 George 38 -Cust9?n Work temn mn.r eSt. Classified Ad rates I, ci A seasonai warning is issued frat Ottawa on medîcai check- ups to ensure fitness for fun, Since many young people will be faking up sports and engaging in vigorous recreation p r ogr amts, with retumn ta chasses in the faîl, the medical authorities urge par- ents, teachers and directors of athicties ta insist an physical ex- aminations befare they ailow the young péaple ta exert themnselves. This, it is pointd aut, will ensure that there arc na hiddcn factors which WauIld make ±trenuous play inadvisabie. FARM -SOLD 1 have been authorlzed ta seli by public auetion for H. C. McClure LOT 6, CON. 4 DARLINGTON, on tgle piow; gang plow, Kangamon; Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Barber BROWN'S 1grain grinder, Cockshutt, 10", and Carl and Mrs. Down at Tren--____ >nearly new; sieighs; farks; hoes, ton. . Brawn's H. and S. Association etc. Mm. and Mms. Wm. Young, Mm. held their first meeting of the DAIRY EQUIPMENT and Mrs. Jack Goddin an d Mm. year, on Sept. 9, with election of De Lavai Sterling milking ma- and Mms. Gea. Wright with Mm. officers as follnws:-pres., Mms. chine, 2 unit, near2v new; strain- andM1,rs. Douglas Oke. June Wilson; vice-pres., Sidney er and plunger. L. J. Courtice, Harold and Mms. Brown, Bill Morley, Mrs. Rîh Burnharn and son, at Orillia. rath, Stanley Couch; secty., Miss HARNESS Mms. Gus Oke, Toronto, with Joan Curson; treas., Mr. T. Wil- One set of team harness. the Bickle and Oke families. e son, carresp. and press secty., Mrs. GRAIN A gatheming was held at theA. Stephenson; pianists, Mrs. Quantity of grain. Ross Pearce home on Saturday Booth, Mrs. A. Brown; auditors, Ternis Cash. Sale at 1:00 p.m. night, when friends and relatives Mrs. Farrow, Mrs. Raichrath. EVERTON WHITE, Cierk. helped Mr. and Mrs. Faster Snow -_________ den, Kedmon, celebrate their 25th ELMËR WILBUR, Auctioneer wedding anniversary. ENFIELD 38-2 ______________ The building situation is irn- proving. The Varcoe Hall is mak. CARDS 0F TI-ANKS ing pmgress. Nick Siblock's home Mrs. J. Stark, Mrs. N. Stirsn îs nearing completion. Gardon and Anne visited Mrs. F. Kiley, Mrs. Fred MRoberts, Howard Tevail's home is being enovat- Merrittn. and Lillian, wish ta thank friends ed. Cedrie Robinson, having pur- Mm. W. Hepburn and Miss Lau- and relatives for their many acts chased a lot at Prestonvaleý has ella Hepburn, Kedron, Miss Helen of kindness during theim recent the cernent poured for the foun- Gray, Toronto, at H. Srnith's. bereavement. Also Dr. McNeil dation and the Couch home is ai- Mm. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott and Rev. A. E. Cressweli. 381o:50pmgressing at Prestonvahe. and famiiy, Mm. and Mrs. E. Pres- Gardon Vinson and Douglas Oke catt and Glenn àt Wilbert Smnith's, have about compieted their hou- Oshawa. Mrs. Hilton Tink wishes ta es Mrs. W. Argue, Pantypool, Mns. express sincere appreciation t Two pleasant gatherings were L. Argue and famiîy, Burketan, relatives and friands for theuir held at the Clarence .Penfound Mm. and Mrs. R. Stinson and Day- many kindnesses, flowers, gifts home. On Friday evening rela- id, Miss Vera Stinson, Miss Eliz. and cards sent during hem stay in tives of Sint and Mrs. Penfound, abeth Reynolds, Toronto, at N. the hospital. She also wishes to recent bieadgom neMr Sisns thank Dr. C. W. Slemon and thebrdadgomneMr- tisn. staff of Bawmanville Hospital. CULTIVATING, piowing a nc seeding; also John Deere repaiî parts and repairing done. F. S Allen, 44 Concession St. Phoni 594. 174t Auction Sales Sept. 29-Alex Segal, lot 13 con. 3, Reach township, 3 mile north of Myrtle, 7-12 hlghway, wil sell by auction his accmedited herc of Reg. Hoisteins, together witl horses, hens, grain and feed, im. plements and furniture, Term! cash. Sale at 1:00 p.m. sharp. Tec Jackson, auctioneer. 38-1l The undersigned will seli bý public auction for W., A. Lavis & Sons, Lot 4, Con. 3, East Whitby Twp. (3 mileq northeast of Osh- awa) an Saturday, Sept. 20, ah his; farm stock and implernents in- ciuding 50 head of cattle. cansist- ing of springers, fat cattle and stockers; Ford tractor and tractor equipment; grain grinder and belt practically new. As farm has b~een soid there will be no meserve. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 38.1* I have been instructed ta sell by public auction the househoid ef- fects of H. Covert, "Royal Pines" 280 King St. E.. Bowmanville, Sat- urday, Sept. 27, at 1:30 p.m. Sale will include kitchen, dining raam and living mont fumniture, rugs, grandfather cinck, and samne very excellent mirrars and floor iamps, as well as many other useful and valuable articles. Termç cash. T. S. Mauntjoy, clerk; Wm. J. Challis, auc- -- 38-2 Mr. Fred b.ccnychyn, Lot 28, Con. 5, Hope Twp., qne concession south of Osaca, has sald his farm. and will seli by public auction on Thursday, Oct. 2, at 1 p.m., aIl his farmn stock, implements, feed and sorne furniture. This sale wiil in- clude a full line of nearly new fart machinery. For further par- ticulars see bills, Terms cash. No reserve. Wiilard Lord, clerk; Jack Reid, auctianeer. 38-2 I have been autharized ta seli by public auction for Melville Lathangue, Lot 6. Con. 5, Man- vers Township, (l½/ miles west of Ballyduff), on Wednesday, Sept. 24, alI his fart stock and impie- ments, consisting of 2 horses, 35 hiead of cattle, 45 pigs ranging fram 10 weeks ta 4 manths; 100 aying hens, a fulll une of farm nachinery in gond condition; also orne household effects. Sale at 2:30 o'clock. Temms cash. See bills. His 150 acre fart is also ffered for sale. Keith Lathangue, lerk; Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 38-1<' Two-day Auction Sale of Mm. Franklin Gilmour, Lot 11, Con. 9, Hape township, one concession orth of Campbellcroft. He is giv- ig up farming and wiil seil by ublir auctian on Wednesday, eptember 24, at 1 p.m. sharp, 3 Percheron horse, 10 milch cows, 15 Durham stockems, 7 bmood sows, [00 bus. mixed grain, full line of ,ood farma machinemy including qcCarmick-Deeming tmactor, Goa- isan threshing macIbine, bath in ýce1lent condition. Wednesday, ctober i there will be sold at the urne place the entime contents of s eight roomed bouse. Further irticulars, see bills. Terms cash. .o reserve. Wiliamd Lord, clemk; ack Reid, auctioneer. 37-2 T'he undersigned auctianeer will Ill by public auction for William irtue, in the village of Tyrone, n Saturday, September 20, the )lwing: Electrie toaster; Gen- ah Eiectmic radio, neamly new; npire caok stove, six lids, with aservoir, nearly new; dining arn table and six cane battomed airs; silver tea service; dinner ýt of china; sideboard: eight-day c ýck; coat and waod heater and s ve, day bed; three rocking n airs; twa rugs; organ, gramo-F aone; round table; thmee staîl bles; kitchen cupboard and kit- 5 ien table and five chairs; couch; 'iting desk; bot plate; chest of ,awers; two wash stands; three P ýdroom suites; bedding of aill"1 nds; three mattresses; goase fea- p er tick and pillows; two toilet rn s; two tables; kitchen dishes; SI ts and pans; pictures; curtains, F 1d glasswame: tea kettle; tea pot; ai uet set; water pail; two hand w vs; wash tub; small garden Ils. Terms cash. Sale ant 1 pn.m Mr. and Mrs. Baden Pingle, Hampton, wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to their. many friends and relatives for the kind wishas and gifts received on the 25th anniversary of- thei wedding. 3- COMING EVENTS Don't forget the 75th anniver- sary of Maple Gmove United Church ta be held an Sunday and Monday, Septamber 28th and 29th. His Honor Judge Hawiey S. Mott of Toronto wiii be the guest speak- er at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., E.ST. Special singing at bath services. On Manda y at 5 p.m. an excellent upper wil i be served followed by a 3-act play entitled "Look Out Lizzie" by the Sauina Young Pea- ple and special musical numbers. F'ull particulars next week. 38-1 The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion wiil hold the irst of a seies af euchres at the Union Hall, Saturday, September 0 at 8 p.m. Admission 25c. Good rizes, also a season's prize. Rose Bate, secretamy. 38-i Dance will be held in the New- !astle Cammunity Hall under au-i ;pices af th(ý Board of Manage- nent on Fridlay, Sept. 26 ,mt 9 p.m. luss Creigbton and his Variety land in attendance. Admission oc. 38-2 Fmazen Food Films on the pre- laratian of faods for freezing, 'rappings, apematian af lnckeri lants, in Tyrone Sunday Schonl' ~omr on Sept. 23 at 7:45 p.m. harp. Spansared by Tyrone W.I. utls pesented by representativeý f Institute branth. AIl men and amen invited. Admîssion-free. 38.1*1 Annual Fueld Day at Ontario raining School for Boys. Bow- ianville. Saturday, September 27. st event called for 1 p.m. 'Ihe ublic are cordially invited. In ise of ain it will be held Octo- Dance will be held in Newton- ville Hall an Monday, Sept. 22. commencing at 9 ptm., sponsored by Cowanville BaIl Team. Old time music. Admission 35c. 38-h Burketon United Church Anni-' versary Services wiIl be held at' 2:30 and 7:30 p.m., Stînday, Sep- tembler 2lst. Mr. 'r. E. Hancoel< will be guest speaker at bath er- vices. 38-1-1 The children and Youths of the communlty are back to school te their ABC's. Nowadays there are other ABC's wnhich make up that Important Vitamin family whlch Is so necessary to the health ef the Individual and cern- munnty. NOW is the tîme for everyone to begin their Vitamin ABC's to help insure a strong, healthy body to proteet airalnst wlnter chilis and Ills. For quallty and economy in drugs It is Jury & Loveli, the Rexali Drut Store. Haliborange, pleasani la take - 85c, $1.50 W ampole's Exiraci of Cod Liver Ayerst 1OD Cod Liver f,:r: Oil 67c, $1.69 Oleum Percomorphum 85c, $3.40 Puretest 1H1alîbut 011 Capsules 90c, $1,50 Puretest Multiple Vit- amin Capsules $1.10, $1.85 Scott's Emulsion 59c, $1.19 <.. 75c,$1.20 Extract of Malt wth J Z ~ 3 . Cod Liver 011 -.65e,' $1.00 ________________ Puretest Vltamlin Tonie $1 JURY C& LOVELL The Rexali Store Phone 778 C.N.R. Ticke ts. WHEN WE TEST EYES IT ES DONE PROPERLY KinLy St. W. Bowmanvfll e CASH RATE: 2 cents a word (minimum 35c) Muet be pald betore insertion IF CHARGED: 3 cents a word (minimum 50c) 25c extra for box numbers or replies <rected te this office ADDITIONAL INSERTIONS SAME RATES Alil Classified Adiets Muet De In Not Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY You muut include cash, stamps, or money order, with copy te get low rate. d ir ,e 3, e-S il d ,h l,S d y k y S Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard and fam- ily wish ta thank their friends and relatives for their kind ex- pression of syrnpathy during the passing of a beiaved husband and 1 Standard Piano Books Juniors, Intermediates and Seniors POFULAR MUSIC Vocal and Instrumental Sheet Music and Folios Admission PAGE THIIRTEE19 BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain, Tim- mins, are visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Boaker, Trenton, with Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Devitt. Mm. and Mrs. Rudd Heaslip, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wallae Marlow. Mrs. Luther Mountjoy spent a few days in Port Perry. Mrs. George Fowier is visiting at the Long Sault. Miss Norma Hooey is teaching an the occasional staff in Oshawa. Mrs. Franks, Peterbomo, is vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mount- j oy. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey went to Niagara Falls for the weekend. Rev. and Mrs. Merle Ferguson, and their four girls are home on furlough from their mission post in Africa. They are with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill, and Mr. W. C. Fer- guson. A welcome home was held for thern in the United Church on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clemnents, Stayner, are also visit- ing with Mr. anti Mrs. Cecil Hill, and welcoming their daughter and son-in-law' and family from Af- rîca. Mrs. Archie Newton, Toronto, with Mrs. George Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith H{enry, Kingston, with Mrs. Jas. Henry. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Mountjoy and Audrey ta their home in the village. The League of Lnyalty held a picnic on the lawn of the Rectory Friday with 17 childmen and 7 ad- ults preseht, with lots of fun and pienty to eat. tha Shipman) presented the Young couple with numerous lovely gif ts. Saturday evening a community I'arty was heid when Rev. Yard- ley aeted as chairman, and after givlr1g same tirnely advise and .iokoes, Messrs. Talbert Gearing and Wesley Oke presented the Young couple with a food mixer and oc- casional chair and an envelope cantaining some greenbacks, They also received some individuai gif ts. Sim and .Martha responded in a fitting manner. An abundant lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. Among those pre- sent were the groam's grandmo- ther, Ms. (Rev.) Boyce, Miss Jean Timmins, Messrs. Don and Bill Clarke", Oshawa. Courtice Home and Sehoal As- sociation met Sept. 9 with the president, Mrs. Lloyd Courtice, openirw the meeting. The new school principal, Mm. Winters, Vas introduîced and gave an interest- ing talk an behavinur and cleanli- ness of the pupils. Lunch was served by Mesdp'mes Courtice and Hinds. October 14 will be date for next meeting. Warnan's Missionary meeting was held September 9, with de- votional period in charge of Mrs. James Hancock. Two paragraphs from Study Book were read by Mrs. Hancock and niceiy explain- ed. Vivian Snider favared with! a musical number. Mrs. Russell Gay introduced the new Study Book and also gave some remarks on the theme of the study book for the yeam, "The Bible for ahl the Womld."1 Mrs. A. J. Gay, Mrs. Glen Pickeil and Mms., Werry assis. ted in presenting the study for September, "The Bible for Eng- l.and." Mrs. G. F. Annis cantmib- uted a vocal solo. Eight ladies gave interesting parts concerning the Bible. Business was deait with by President, Mrs. A. J. Oke. the fallawing: HORSES One gray mare, aged; one gray horse, aged. .DAIRY CATTLE Holstein caw, 7 years oid, just renewed, Holstein cow, 7 years old, bred Jan. 15; Holstein cow, 6 years ald, just renewed; Holstein cow, 3 years old, bred March 30: Holstein caw, 4 years old, bred March 31; Holstein caw, register- ed, bred March 28, 5 years nid; iHoîstein cow, bred June 14. 5 i yeams aid; Holstein eaw, bred May 27, 5 yeams nid; Holstein cow, bred June 9, 5 years ald; two Holstei- heifers, 2 years old, due time of sale; Guernsey cnw, bred April Il, 4 years nid; Holstein cow, bred May 20, 3 years nid; Holstein hei- fer, bred July 20, 11½ years nId: Holstein heifer, bred July 1, 2 years old; Holstein heifer, pasture bred, 2 years nid; twa Holstein heifers, not bred i!,ý years nId; five Holstein heifers, 10 months ald; Ayrshire caîf; three Holstein calves; one registered Holstein heifer; Holstein bull. FIG S One sow, due before sale. IMPLEMENTS Binder, M.-H., 8 ft., ail bath, neamly new; sping tonth harrows,1 3-sec. McCormick-Deering; culti- vatar, M-H., 13-tooth; manure spreadei, Cocksruutt No. 4, new; tractor plow, 3-furrow, Cockshutt; harrows, 3-sec.; farm wagon; hay 1 1 1 t t c 0 e s c si a L P F c fil u V Pl B Ca sp m Ri Bi 50 m 91 311 '0, ýhi vc 7i n" ak ýej r It ri e r 1 l5Ar-,v ÇWMMM"M ri e 11 lý $1.00 1 imaitoi $1.19, $1.98 11 1 urefest Cod Liver Oil

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