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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1947, p. 7

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?HURDA'y, SEPT. 1M. 194-r _________________________________ 4 W ~£JJJIN 3T i£ Â5 Nj..r BOUWIANVILE.ONTAMOqIPVAUV.AM AU 5 O- I socIALà Miss Helen Gunarl'oronto, Ited her parents, Mr. and M A. Gunn. Mr. and Mrn. Walter Co( Victoria, B.C., are visiting Jolbn Allun. Mrs. Thomas Hayman has turned from a week's visit Mr. and Mrs. James Hoskin, Harmony. Mr. Bart Smithson, Recreai ai Director, was guest speake Port Hope Rotary Club on day evenlng. àMrs. M. Furber and Mrs. inest Passant are holidayingi Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Jobnsto Lake Cbemong. -Mr. and Mrs. Bigwood, Osbi were Sunday guests of Mr. Mrs. Leslie Jackson. 1 Miss Helen Cox, Bank o f IV, treal staff, was in Kingston, urday, and was a guest at Campbell-Ewart wedding. Mr. and Mns. R. L. Mitc have returned froni an enjoyz ~ac ation through Western C a to the famous Rockies. MËr. and Mrs. Reg. MeNic: Toronto, have been visiting siater, Mrs. W. E. Gerry, and sister, Mrs. Mary Brown, the ter being a patient in Bowrn ville Hospital. Miss Dorothy J. Evans, dat ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. EvE left Friday ta enter the Nur traiig claes at Toronto Gene Miss Helen 'Pritcbýrd of Statesman staff bas neturned ter a montb's vacation with N~ George Harborne, Atherley,E Mr. and Mrs. Fnederick Hug. and Jimmie, Toronto. 'Hap' Palmer of Palmer's Gi age, attended the special coui on outboard motors sponsored the Scott-Atwater Company 33arrie last week. LG0OK! DARK NYLOI For those fail clofhf Fancy Pullovers Cardigans, ail shadE Blazers, red, brown or navy TiheTC, Tubb, Oshawa, assisted in Jury &L 'Lovels store duing M. Stutt's Legio eolufion D PERSONAL The many friends and relatives Asks Preference Given Plion 663of Miss Eva Soucb, Enniskillen, Phon-66 wil bepleas&i ta know that she To Reiurned Soldiers ba a er operation n the Gen- eral Hospital, Toronto, and has vis- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wylie, Mr. returned te ber borne in Ennis- At the resunîed regular n*et rs. J. Don Cox, Toronto, have been killen. Dr. Clarence Hil success- xngs of the Bowmianville Cana spending a few week's bolidays fully removed a cataract from ber dian Legion, a speciai nesolutiar ooper, at Wyliewood, Thurstonia Park, eye and now bier sight is great- was taken at the gatbering Fnida3 Mr&. Stungeon Lake and with their ly improvedi, at the remarkable evening in Legion Hall, ta the efi parents, Mn. and Mrs. K. E. Cox. age of 85 years. fect that gavenniments adhere t( sre- Miss Ruth Abernetby, who At St. Paul's United Cburcb iast therannc erred iyo giin, wîth teaches Grade I, Ritson Rd.' school, Sunday morning the congregation prefeec artre ode nerOshawa, and Mr. Harold St. John, received into its f e 11 w h p where jobs are open in the publi( teacher at S.S. No. 10, East Whit- tbnougb the sacrement of baptism srie tion- by spent the weekend with ber three infants, Nancy G a y i e, Dscussipon ined onmadectEn er at parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Ab- daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. Clare localnapontvment 4 whiby Fn- rnehy.Waklin;Alln Buce of thle soldier preference policy waç Monday night a sigh of relief and Mrs. Allen Cutbbertson; and clearly disregarded and the job Er- went up from most of the citi- Carol Ann, daughter of Dr. Har- ettangdcila or- with zens of the district for the terr- old and Mrs. Ferguson. Rev. G. w en t an age thcivilian ed n at perature dropped ta 42 degrees, Cameron Quigley, minister of St. LCo a aniae TeLgo breaking the heat wave that bas Paul's, conducted the ceremony. accondingîy, bas acted promptly prevailed for the past 10 days. An Englishman touring Canada in this matter. mwa, Straw bats bave been sheived. was staying in a wayside botel. Coisothreltonwr nd Murray Winnacott, age 12, tops One night it was very cold, and forwarded te Prime Minister the record black-mouth bass ne- the Englishman, feeling it pretty King, ta C. E. Stephenson, M.P., 4an- ported in the paper last week. badly, came downstairs early next and ta Dr. R. P. Vivian, M.P.P., Sat- Fisbing in Shadow Lake, Halibun- marning ta get warm. At the the paliamentary representatives the ton, Murray landed a bass that saine time a trapper, wbo bad of Durham County. It is unden- measured 18" in length and weigh- been out looking at bis traps, came stood also that the incident has :bell ed 5 pounds, and he landed the in at the doar. Icicles were'bang- been brought to tbe attention af ,able fisb bimself. ing from b is moustache and frost the Provincial Command of the Zan- Mrs. T. P. Fletcher, Glasgow, was on bis clothes. With a pity- Legion. Scotland, who bas been spending ing expression, the Englishman Simultaneously with the resolu- bfol, the summer with bier son-in-law looked at him and exclaimed: "By tion, The Statesman was informed ber and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. jove aid man, what roamn did You dinectly that the persan given the b is G. James, lef t Sunday for New sleep in?" job in question nesigned Satur- lat- York City where she visited Dr. D. W. Clark, formerly of day nigbt. nan- friends previous ta embarking ta- Bowmanville, and now a retired day via Queen Elizabeth for Scot- physician, living in Peterbono, igh- land. snagged two muskies in Lake Church School Crusade ans, Warrant Officen Donald Cam- Chemang last week according ta rses eron who bas been stationed with The Examiner, and hie didn't trav- Luce oIces erlteR.C.A.F. aiong the Alaska el far from bis summer hometeLuc dfoI ras Highway for several months and do it. Over the weekend, his son, ( the who bas servedi with the air farce Dr. Ralpb Clark landed a 12- fudyAfnac af- for 8 yeans bas neceived bis dis- Pound muskie that didn't even ____ Urs. charge. He spent the weekend tauch the bait. The fish jumped The Board of Christian Educa- and witb bis father, Mr. Hugh Cani- after the bait as it was bauled tion of the United Churcb of Ca- ,hes enon. from the water, and landed in tbe nada is inaugurating a "Church Mr. nd rs.J. . Suttat-boat. It lost the wrestiing match School Crusade" by which it is ar-tened he onenton f te Cn-that fallawed. Clark also landed hoped that 50,000 will be added areainPsegnadTce-g five-paund large-mouth bass in ta the enrolment of its Sunday by ents Association at St. Javite, Ceag Schools wbich at presený is ap- in Que., and later took a trip up the St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the proximately haîf a million. Its Saugenay River. Mr. Garnet home of Mrs. Herbert Layman, slogan will be "Enlistment and Sept. 16. In the absence of Mrs. Enlargement tbrough Evangel- ---------Kenneth Werry, Mrs. Harold Fer- ism" and be called the "Tbree E' guson presided, and opened tbe plan." meeting with a prayer of re-ded- The opening phases will take icatian ta God. Devational periad place in Chatbam and St. Mary's, was taken by Mrs. W. H. Carruth- Ontario, where under the auspic- ers, Mrs. E. Dilling and Mrs. G. es of the London Canference Galbraith. Froni the study of the Christian Education Committee of Bible, the tapic, "Great is the which Rev. Gardon Butt, Wind- Company" was taken by Mrs. G. sor, is chairman and Rev. G. Car- C. Quigley assisted by several lyle Hussen, Dover Centre, Sec- members. Mrs. Quigley explained retany. Coacbing Conferences will INS the translation and writing of the be beld ta wbich key workens, scriptures, which were mare Sunday School Supenintendents widely read than any book. The and Ministera of tbe London Con- inging of a bymn by Mrs. Reta ference wili be braught face ta ,es $1. 65 Dudley and prayer by Mrs. Fer- face with recent developments in gusan closed the meeting. the field of Christian Education, The bicycle-riding youtb of this in the light of wbich their local community wou]d do welî to ac- Sundaýr Schooi work can be ev- 'P$6.95 quaint tbemselves wîth a few of aluated and plans for improve- the laws in our Highway Traffic ment made. Act befare they continue challeng- These coacbing Conferences are es $6.95ing pedestrians and motorists the first of a senies at which work- alike with their wbeeled antics. ens in Religiaus Educatian in the Two or mare cyclists riding United Cburch will' e confronted- abreast an a street or bigbway is with the nesult of a study wbich bath dangerous and against the bas been carka on for the last law. It is also against the lawý four yeans by leaders, theologians, ta ride a bicycle on the sidewalks, educators, community and local $7.95particularly on tbe main street3 church wonkers by the Interna- Yet mast cyclists persist in doing tional Cauncil of Christian Educa the above despite the presence aft- tien, in wbich Religiaus Educa-f times of two mator vebicles bav- tion bas been literally "taken1 ing ta meet while passing them sapart" and revaluated in- thea by. There are many otber points light of modern theological dev- bhich the officiais cf the local elopments in the mast exhaus- W " M at the attention of their members.. Advance in Religiaus Education SUBcceCusmgtbigtvesuyo h il e ae _________________________is tbe new phase of the "Crusade" J ________________________ Wonder haw many of aur citi- wbich during the past two years A zens Will remember the Higgins bas chanacterized the work of the C family who lived at George St., United Cburch of Canada witb D U C N G anound the turn of tbe century? epai n"iiainEagl By chance the editor met Mn. and ePhsso VsiainEag l Mns.ChalesHigins ofLasAn-ism,, and the wonk of the "Cru- b geles, Calif., and bis sister, Mrs. saeCvlae nwi etr Margaret Jones, Toronto, in Car Canada with its visual demonstra-S RetaratFnda nan, tion of the work of the Church at c ter'sRetuat'Fia on home and abroad.c wben many incidents and persan -____CE____ alities of the gaod aid days were f recalled. Chanlie said it was 41 Stymnie, the "raga-to-niches" f years ago bie left Bawmanville and race hanse, was purchased o îi- El one of the last jobs bie worked on ally for $1500, and after that ex- bE Il ere was canverting Adolph Nic- Posed for sale in five cheap dlaim- f ball's Variety Store into a modemn ing races, but not claimed. g brick building (naw the Carter In Hindu-ruled Kashmir, where when y te)Th ap then sChrestenabt primeh. IsWchie. Tns, fae - fTRINofTY UNIeTED abcaUr- Cnlite andrs. Joes, regmnaly (Riev. J. E. iffith, niter an lived attPoen ce pbefscoremvig SudySptere,197 s lti.UIballThreanso taer to iCrop cIlamTeNuey whenthe -Juicrf- -Cbuncrhodi INTROI nt a- ig ýs ic t ie ih as 3d a, FIRST ESTIIMATE ON GRAIN CROPS The grain supply situation ln anada for the 1947-48 crop year less favourable than a year ago, ays the Current Review of Agri- iltural Conditions in Canada. e carry-over f wbeat and )arse grains from the 1946-47 'P is again at a near minimum ýate a reduction, af 15 per cent hile a reduction of 19 per cent anticipated for coase grains. e eanlier favaurable autlaok for od yieids in Western Canada terionated in July when iugn npenatures and lack of ramn ex- ided aver wide areas. Tbis was Iowed by insect, and bail dam- district.- ust Pernmitted ripening cf fall- disrit.10 a.m.-Sunday Scbooi sown and early spring - sown Weather conditions appear ta Il a.m.-Morning service. Sub- grains. In the Maritimes, ade- bave been favorable for the devel- ject: "Came." quate rainfaîl and warmn weath- opment of blight this season. The 7 P.m.-Evening service. Subject: en nesulted in prospects for good $4 .0to blight which turna tomatoes dark "Go." yields. ýtj in spots is similar ta the spore Monday afternoon the Mission - The 1947 Canadian wbeat cnap $15Wof the musbroom. Once a plant Bn ilme t4pm ntei estimated at 358,786,000 bus- is ffcte te isesespra BaSndaywioll eerao4m. i h els, cf which 336,000,000 bushels rapidi ta other plants. The bs s undhe"etenpodcinyy TIle greateat value occasioned bas been heavy in the Review. Total coarse grain many districts of Ontario. Meth- ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN production is Sstimated at 567,- 0da of cantrol are being studied CHURCH 404,000 bushels. The total yield tu the hfWiy for subsequent seasona. Rev. J. dePencien Wright, Recton of oats is placed at 400,000,000 Mr. Summers also stated that 16th Sunday after Triuity bushels, a reduction of 27 per cent oflfine watchiglg bligbt bad also struck several la- il a.m.-Morning Prayer in bath Eastern and Western Can- cal potato crops and some loss is Subject: "1The Battie of Bitain", ada. Barley production estimat- expected when the drap is bar- Nursery, 2 yeans and aven. educton987000 pen e froma1946 vested. Contrai measunes advo- 2:30 p.m.-SuyS dbool andfT3eer cex tedt 146 cated are that tapa be killed off Bibe C ass. h ad h rye crp i pectec at ta prevent spores descen diro- ta il Cas amount ta 7,448,000 busbels, an atac te ubrsinth goud P.mn.-Evening Prayer increase of 80 per cent. Eastern Ithis connectian, Henry Blake.* Subject: "Wbhene Are the Dead?)" Canada's coanse grain Production Il? i, oattack the tueaointhe gmpord- la 27 per cent below 1946. in -~ l otpooeo h rpr-ant growers in the county, is ne- ST.* PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Western Canada where about 75 parted ta have negatiated for an Minlater: Rtev. G. C. Quitley per cent of the cauntry's coanse airpiane ta spray the patato tops Organist: Mrs. Reta Dudley, grain will be produced this year, with a chcmýca1 solution whicb A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M. oft6h e rceint.out t total U'ill %itj-en the leaves and kilI Choir Dîrector: D.Alex>McGregor o 1Trut ceernt. h ele. W00(1 thercs fro lageairt udyaSp.2îTuhnve utdtetl Wih ottoaccae hot10 amn.-Sunday School Rbet ronig L_"hlight rz:orted in manY sections a.m-Nursery School A lie left ta itself is nat so soon ýtff2rel tha: there will be a I a.m-Worship: "Cross Road destroyed as it is with the belp ~ £a.. C o r: ~ inOnana Dcias. of truth-telling....Mary Baker Ed- i crops this seasan.- 7 P.M.-Worsbip: "Wanderland." J1 dY. MWORE' RURAL PEONES Although contlnuing equipment uhartages and rising demand have slowed down achievemient cf ser- vice to ail applicanta, the aven- aUl prograni fot rural areas of the Bell Telephone Co. of Canada is progressini' steadiiy, reporta The Financia1 Post. Slxty-five major a SIL VER WEDDING SNOWIDEN--JEWELL On Sept. 6, 1922, at the resi- dence of her niother, Mrs. W. E. Jewell, Horsey St., Bowrnanville, by Rev. Roy H. Rickard, Rena Pearl, daughter ot Mrs. Jewell and the late W. E. Jewell, to Will- iam Eber Snowden, eider son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snowden. On Saturday evening, Sept. 6, about 85 relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Snowden, Osh- awa, assembled at the spacious home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Cox, Kingston Road East, ta celebrate with' Mr. and Mrs. Srrowden the Silver Anniversary of their marriage. The bouse was tastefully decor- ated throughout with beautiful vari-colored gladioli from the gar- den of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cryderman. The dining room, table which was covered with a ]ace cloth was decorated in pink and white with tail white tap- ers in silver candle holders and centred with a three-tjered wed- ing cake. The bride and groom and daughter, Margaret arrived about 9 o'clock with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Osborne where they had been in- vited to dînner and a drive after, destination unknown and very un- def inite! Upon entering t h e hause, Mrs. Chas. Osborne inned a lavely corsage on the bride and a boutonniere an the groom. The guests were received by Mrs. No- ble I. Metcalf, Mrs. A. J. Lymer, Oshawa and Mrs. K. E. Cox. The wedding mnarch was played by Mrs. Reta Cole Dudley, A.T.C.M., who was soloist at the wedding twentY-five years ago. Mr. Chas. Osborne, acting as capable chairman, in a brief op- ening speech of congratulation, aild something of how Eber se- cured his bride over 25 years ago. F'ollowed a well-worded address, composed and read by Miss Ev- elyn Gay of Oshawa, in a book bon nwhite satin and ribbon which was later signed by the guests and presented ta the bride. Miss Mary Cax presented the happy couple with a cabinet of ilver. Their daughter, Margaret nd Mr' Ralph Larmer also gave them mare pieces of silver in the same design. Eber responded in happy mood with thanks and ex- licit explanations on the man- er of meeting Rena. The bride, n her turn, expressed heartfelt Ippreciation ta the assembled uests, thanks for the lovely gifts ind ta ber sister and brother-mn- aW for opening their home for is occasion. The Chairman then called on Ir. ROSS Stevens, Mr. Kyle ;uair, Bawmanviîîe, Mr. Ray riawden, Toronto, Mr. Harold ay and Mr. Gea. Hart of Osh- ma, who made brief speeches of ongratulation and cammendation ir the contributions which the Side and groom had made in ommunity and church activities. ,tters of regret at inability to be resent were received fram Rev. nd Mrs. Cornett, Mr. and Mrs. faurice Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. ?erson, Oshawa. A ýshort program of readings ,s well given by Mr. Harry Staf- )rd, Oshawa, and Mr. Howard oley, -Bowmanville, followed by sing-song with Mrs. Dudley at ie piano. ,A dainity lunch was served iby sses Mildred and Margaret owden, Mrs. Don Ailman, Mrs. ik Wylie, Miss Gweni Osborne, sses Helen, Joyce and Mary 3x. MIr. Geo. Hart, Oshawa, pro- «ed the toast to the bride. ln Stoast, be cammended Eber on sfine wife be had won for bim- If and feit that without her be uld not have attained the suc- sa he bad. Mr. Hart also re- rrred ta the 25 year.s of faîth- service recently camPleted by er with the Oshawa Dairy when was presented with a beauti- y engraved silver tray in âpe design. ýmong those present were sts fram Toronto, Pickering, awa, Maple Grave, Cobourg, Frlndy PrsNlSrve - LOwestPrcS WAMPOLE'S Cod Liver Extract 810 KEPLER MALT sud Cod Liver 011. 90c, $1.50 FROSST'S NEO-CHEM][CAL Food Capsules -- 1.25, $2.25, $5 IJALIBUT LIVER OIL Capsules 69e, 81.19, 84.49 i lb. 59c - 2 lb. 98c - 4 lb. $l.69 ITANIN CopodUS WIAERBURY'SVccinp s.$250 $.0 VITA-KAAX olVccneCs $.$20 f 0$.10 SCOTT'S Emulsion-- 59c, $1.19 OVALTINE Foo-d Drink- - 58c, 98c Start the chlWdenmow takInt I.DA. EXTRACT 0F MALT AND COD LIVER OIL An aid Englisb style preparatIon containing needed vitamîins. Palatabie and nutnitious. KLEENEX Pv F A @liNDY599 .usterole------------------5C Previne Nase Drops 75e lnacin Tablets .2------ Oie 2DAYS' SWPY $1.1j FLUI1 il PAYS' SUPK, 2.4s FOR CHILOREN tu4 DAV hIWPY 4.4& BR CRE 25~.49< ~1.12 Oie s~se and uealp M IMM Lisierine TOOTH POWDER 25e ad 40o gises for 49a Noxzema 93c, bartalu pice 85o S Gin Pis Drene SHfAMPOO 750 and 150 sise« both for 67o Filch's SRAMPOO PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX MoGREGOR Carter's Little Liver Pilla 33c, 67e Cheae's K. and L. Pilla--- 35c Feenamint - -19e, 33c, 69c Frultatives - - 23c, 43c Beecham'a Pilla - 23c, 49c IBuy Toduy! $1312M Your Local I.D.A. Dmgglst Phone 792 DRUOS We Deliver this yewr. About 9,200 new rural tele- phones were added to the systemn in the finst seven months cf 1947. In 1946 more than 12,000 new ru- ral telephones were added, more than double the previaus 1945 re- cora of 5,900. Long range expansion plans for rural areas In Ontario and Que- ACETONE, 1 ounce. reg. 100 _________se ALUM POWÇDER, 4 ounces, reg. 1e ________se AROMATTC CASCIARA, reg. S5c, 65eC2e,53C BABY CREAM, 3 ounces, reg. 50e --39C ECZEMA OINTMENT, reg. 39e 27e FULLER'S EARTH, 4 aunces, reg. 15e I______ lc MAGNESIA TABLETS, 100's aud 300's 27c, 63e PABISAL TABLETS, 100's, roeg. 59e . _____ 47e SYRUP WHIT PINE sud TARt, 4 oz. reg. 25C _____180 WITCH HAZEL, 4 ounces, reg. 25e ______19C WORM SYRUP, recular 35o ___-270. BUCKLEY'S Mixture-- 40c, 75c BAYER Aspirin - - 18c, 29c, 79C IDAPHEDRIN - I.D.A. Nose Drops 50c BRONCHIDA Cough Syrup, 8 os. -50c C B0GYE "S Cold Tablef: BELP RELIEVE THE MISERIES OF COLDS 29c 49e CGLD REMEDIES DRUGS Phone 792 We Deliver Club 15 EI.ctNew Offleers Comlng Trerni "Club 15'" started out ita 4th season by maklng plans for thefr finst big dance to be held in Oc- toben. The new officers kre: pres., Lyn Oke; sect'y, Helen Depew; treas., Freddy Ames; social con., Ev. Dunn; rec'd. sect'y, Jean Ray. Ta maintain the high standard of the food made and served by the girls at their dances the club bas found it necessary ta' ralse their pnices slightly. The pro- ceeds of these dance& are used ta veny good advantage as can be seen in the 1946 financial repart. Net proceeds, 1946, 388.66 Donations made ta Peter- bora Vet. Hospital, book shelves 71.00 Bowmanville Memonial bosp. ------- _ 179.00 Lions Club Community Centre -- ---60.00 Aid to China fund 15.00O Red Cross - ____ 15.00 'PAGE SEVM cOnRuction proecta for rura bec U IFO nv alvdtheadiincf5 araiar ~~u~ orcopE 000 rural eloe eten4 Pand 195R It i l n an and flot in bis cix'-J cumstances that the secret cf bis destiny resides.~Canlyîe. I m 11 6 10 1 m ým 1 93c 43c 1 1'U STRE Friendly'Personai Service m Lowest Prices SPECIALS ON I.B.A. BRANDS

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