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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1947, p. 8

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TEE C'ANADIAK STATESMAK. ~OWMANVILLE. ONTAMO 9RTTW~nAV~ ~er 1fl~ idi', SPORT NEW-Si boro C. anid V.S.; viae-president, ]Rugy Scedul A.Witherspoon, Bowmanville H. Rugy ShedleS., secretary-treasurer, A. Ln Drawn Up For dy Peterboro C. adVS S econdarySchools tenwpesdn h ps rs ethat since the last meeting of Annual meeting of xutv the district representatives one of of Lake Ontario District Secon- our coaches who had served for dary School Association, was held many years in this district had in Port Hope High School un Fni- passèd away. He was speaking of day evening, September 12. the late Douglas Waugh, former Representatives were present Director of Physical Education in from Lindsay, Peterboro, Belle- Oshawa Collegiate and Vocation- ,ville C.I., Albert Coilege, Cobourg, al School. Mn. Allen suggested T.C.S., Bowmanville, Oshawa, that some form of memorial be Whitby and Port Hope. set up. It was later decided by Election of officers for 1947-48, the meeting that a cup be pur- resulted as follows: chased for Senior Rugby Com- President: B. Goulding, Peter- petition and be known as the 11005 UHui UPIOUTMY NOmU dm CRUIE TmC POWUFUL SPRAYW n FURtpoJE TS.- The Complet wth The attachments 'ACE" $8850J Canadian women who knew the value and performance of Goblin Cleaners before the war will be thrilled with this fine model by the British originators of vacuum cleaning. Let us give. you a Free Demonst ration. Deferred P"ymnts Glctdly Arronged complete The attachments CLEANSWEEP $68.50 (Not Shown) The Radio Shop 38 King st. B. Bowmanville Phone 573 Here's Your Best Protection From Winter and Rough Weather! Prom the middle of the football season to well into April, you'll wear any of oun smart overcoats. For comfort and dashing good looks, they're tops! Corne li and inspect the outstanding features . . . they are worthy of your citical appreciation. We've a size that'll fit you, a pattern that'll please you! A smaU deposit will hold it until you are ready for it this winter. Boys' Tweed Suifs <It- the thing for schocl and best! Smart, mannish styled lboy' Tweed Suits in a large variety of styles, shades and sizes. Couch, iohnston & Cryderman SPliomE 83 BOWIiVILLEC Douglas Waugh Memorlal Cup. Mr. Beech, Albert College, Pre- aident of the Central Ontario Se- condary Schools Association, gave a report on the annual meeting held in Toronto at Easter. He stated that while considerable dis- cussion took place on the question of eligibility no amendments were made in the 1945 constitution. The meeting proceeded with the business of drawing up the rugby schedule for this autumn. The following groupings were de- cided upon: Senior: Peterboro C. and V.S., Belleville 0.I., Lindsay C.I., Al- bert College, Oshawa C. and V.S. Intermediate: Bowmanville H.S. 'Whitby H.S.,' Port Hope H.S. Junior: Group 1-Peterboro C. and V.S., Lindsay C.1. and St. Peter's School at Peterboro. Group 2- T. College School, Oshawa C. and V.S., Cobourg 0.1. Intermediate Schedule September: 27-Bowmanville at Whitby October: 4-Port Hope at Bowmanvilie 1 1-Whitby at Bowmanville 18-Whitby at Port Hope 25-Bowmanville at Port Hope On November 1 the team win- nlng the Intermediate Senies may challenge the winners of the Jun- ior Series, but may use only those players who are 16 years of age or under. The Lake Ontario Dis- trict Finals will be played on No- vemben 8, and the C.O.S.S.A. se- mi-finals in Toronto on November 15, with the finals on November 22. Roiary Juniors Play Gananoque In O.B.A. Junior Semi-Finals Bowmanville Rotany J u n 1 o r Basebaîl teamn were booked with Gananoque in the semi-finals of the eastern section of the O.B.A. Junior "B" senies and played the first game at Gananoque, Wed- nesday. The return game will be played on the High School grounds, Sat- urday, at 3 p.m. Fans please take notice and be on hand to shout for a win for the local team. Re- sults will appear in next week's paper. Courtice Plays Weil To Tie Enniskillen Un Football Finals In thc first game of tbc finals for the championship of the Dan- lington Footbàll League, Countice went ta Enniskillcn, Wednesday, Sept. 10, detenmined ta press the issue ight from the kickoff. The result was a 1-1 tic leaving the tcams even in the five-game sen- ies which will be settled whcn cither team gets 3 wins. As we go ta press the second game is being played on the Sa- lina field used as home grounds by Countice fan the playoffs. Tele- phoned reports are that about 800 fans will be on hand for the con- test which is expected to be a thriller for Courtice bas a greatly strengthcned tcam. The games will alternatee on home grounds till the windup. Ladies' Majo r Bowling League Elect New Officers On Monday, Septemben 8th, a meeting was heîd o! the Bowman- ville Ladies' Major Bowling Lea- gue and the following officens wcne chosen for the comin_, sea- son, President, Vi Coole; vice-pres- Jdent, Duaine Palmen; secrctany, Muniel Crago; treasurer, Mang E. King. Six teams were chosen with captains as shown: HelI Cats, Dor- is Polley; Ramblers, Vi Coole; Tip Tops, Onie Mutton; Lucky Stnikes, Marg E. King; Atomics, Doris Goulah; Head Pins, Eilecn IlearI. The first game of the schedule will be playcd on Tucsday, Sep- temben 23rd, starting at 7:30 p.m. sharp. Sec you then. Mike's Take Second Un Playoff 'or the Softball Championship Hitting ln the clutches and play- ing a lively defence featured by two double plays, Mike's Imper- ial-Cokes took a headlock on the local Softball Cbampianship, Mon- day cvening by bcating Pepsi Col- as 3-1 for their second straigbt loss. The issue, best 3 o! 5 may be settlcd whcn the 3nd game is played as we go ta press Wednes- day. Pepsis simply couîdn't connect et bat. Gc&tting only 3 bits, Tom Depew bad 2 of them, a double and triple, and scored thein anly run. Mike's knocked 7 into safe tenritony with Ross McKnight getting 3 in a naw. It was again a pitcher's duel with Williams fan Mikc's edging Pollard save in the stikeout column and walks. Mike's countcd 2 in the 2nd on tbree hits and a walk including a double by Ted Bagnell. Depcw smashed a triple in the same frame and Hooper sacrificed him home 'ta get their lone tal]y. Mike's took anather in the 5th on an inficld erron and two hits. That ended it. Mike's: 3 runs, 7 bits, 1 eran, 3 fanned, 2 walked, 0 tbefts, 1 dou- ble, 8 left on. Pepsi: 1 nun, 3 bits, 2 enrors, 2 fanncd, 4 walked, 1 stole, 1 triple, 1 double, 4 le! t on. Mike's Pepsi Umps: bases. 020 010 0 010 000 0 Hobbs, plate; RHE 3 71 1 32 Coyle, In tUic first three months of 1947, Canada exported 4,577,048 paunds of lea! tobecco. The Brit- ish West Iadies took 324,509 pounds, foreign countries 100 pounds, and Uic remeinder wes shipped ta the United Kingdom. Practicelly aIl was o! Uic flue cur- ed type. National Hockey League- 1947-48 Schedule' 0et. 15 Chiceago at Detroit. " 16 Rangersa t Canadiems 2 8 Chi at Canadiens. =etrt at Toronto. P' 9 Toronto at Detroit. Rangers t Boston. 22 Canadiens at Boston. Rangersat Toronto. ' 25 Boston at Canadiens. Chi' a tToronto. X6 C.nado.s t Detroit. Chiengo0at Boston. - 29 Canadiens At Toronto. Boston et Rangera. Detroit et CiCago. to.1 Boston At Toronto. Detroit et Rangera. ' 2 Canadiens et Chicago. Toronto At Rangers. Boston At Detroit. 5 Boston et Chicago. 6 Toronto At Canadiens. 8Rangera t Detroit. 8Detroit At Canadiens. Rangera t Toronto. ' 9 Toronto et Detroit. Rangersaet Chicago. S12 Chicago at Toronto. Boston at Rangers. ' 13 Chicago et Canadiens. 15 Boston t Canadiens. Detroit nt Toronto. Chicag t Ranger.es S16 C.naditen ent Rnea Toronto et Chicago. Detroit et Boston. '19 Canadiens at Chicago. Toronto et Boston. Rangersaet Detroit. ~ 2Rangersaet Canadiens. Boston at Toronto. ehcg t Detroit. S23Caain et Boston. Detroit et Chicago. "26 Boston et Chicago., Battie of Bulge. ln Softbail Cha.dipionship By virtue of a 6-4 win over the Boys' Training School in the third game of the playdowns, the Pepsi Cola team won the ight ta meet Mike's Imperials for the 1947 soft- bail charnpîonship of Bowman- ville. Billed as the Battle of the Bulge on account of the backers of the two teams, Elmer Ott and Mike Osborne, the first game of a 5-game senies was played at Memonial Park, Fniday evening. The simon pure Pepsis were confident of taking the Imperial- Coke combination and were ahead in the final frame 2-1. But an erron and a brace of hits in the last hall put Mike's out front 3-2 with only one out. The game was manked by some heat and disptedI decisions which had been quite absent during the regular season. Each team came up with a double play, It pnoved a pitchen's duel be- tween Russ Pollard for Pepsis and Williams for Mike's. Both pit- chers figured in hits and runs, Pollard getting anc each and Will- iams two each including a triple. But the box score tells the tale: Pepsis: 2 runs, 2 errons, 3 walks, 3 fanned, 2 stole, 6 left on, 1 three- bagger by Gilhooley. Mike's: 3 runs, 7 hits, 1 error, 3 walks, 3 fanned, 0 thefts, 1 three-bagger by Williams. RHE Pepsis: -000 100 1 2 5 2 Mike's: 001 000 2 3 7 1 Umpines: Coyle at plate, Hobbs on bases. Homne Town B3oys Shine in Playoffs ln Basebail World Thrce local boys have macle autstanding records in outside basebaîl circles aIl summen and are naw making headlines in thc playdowns for Ontario Champion- ships. In recent press dispatches we gathen the following accounts of thein play in recent games. Bill Edgar, son of Mn. and Mns. AEdg ar' Bowmanville, bas been te mainstyo the mound for Peterbona Marines, winnen o! the Senior Lakeshore Basebali Lea- gue. This Class "A" team wcnt into the finals against the chamn- pion Staffords of Toronto, on Set- unday, for the O.B.A. title. Ed. Hoopen, o! the famous KNOX'S HONEY NATURE'S FINEST QUALITY PRODUCT FURS SEE THEM BEFORE YOU WEAR THEM CHAS. Ru KNOX ORONO PH Mtr P.S.-Last eall for Amber fo Il Itnjn FOR AND R ESTAURANTI OnIy the Best1 QUALITY AND SERVICE Phone 855 Y? Toronto t Canadiens Boston t Detroit. 29 Canadiens et Toronto. '30 Canadiens At Detroît. Toronto et Boston. i Rangers At Chicago. àec 5Toronto at Rangera Chica e t Boston. A9ltgt t Canadiens. Chicago t Toronto. Rangera At Boston. 7 Canadiens et Boston Toronto et Chicago. Detroit At Rangera. "10 Canadiens at Rangera. Toronto et Detroit. Bouton it Chicago. Il Rangera At Canadiens. 18 Rangera At Toronto. * 14Chicago et Detroit. 1Caaiens at Chicago. Toronto At Boston. Detroit et Rangera. "17 Boston eit Rangera. Detroit At Chicago. .q 20 Boston at Canadiens. Detroit At Toronto. 21 Canadiens At RAngera Toronto at Chicago. Detroit et Boston. 28 2Rangera t Chirsgo. 25 Toronto t Canisqiens. Ranea t Detioit. Ci cV# et Boston. 27Chicago et Canadiens. Boston et Toronto. "28 Toronto et Rangera. Boston at Detroit. 31 Bouton At Rangers. Chicago At Detroit. Jan. 1 Canadiens et Toronto. Rangeaet Boston. Detroit et Chicag~o. a Boston et Canadiens. Rangersaet Toronto. Hooper basebaîl clan of Bowman- ville, canried Napanee to the top in the eastenn section, O.B.A. In- termediate "B" playdowns and pitched against Pont Hope Ontar- ios, Wednesday, in the semi-finals. He gave up only 4 hits, fanned 9, hit a triple and double but lost by a 1-0 score on an unlucky break. Boyd Slemon, son of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon, who has play- cd sterling baill on Houck's, Ni- agara Falla* for several seasons, again figuned pnaminently in win- ning the O.B.A. senior loap title this yean. Boyd at lst base pulled off an unassisted double play and figured in another in a close 4-3 game. Champions last year, Houck's are favorites ta repeat again this year. Newcastle Bike Club Entertained by Lions Bicycle Club A delegation from thc Newcast- le Lions Bicycle Safety Club ac- companied prexy Russ Pollard ta Bowmanville, Saturday morning ta attend as guests at the finst fail meeting of the Bowmanville Bicycle Club. Probably due ta lack of pnior notice, no members of thc Bowmanville Club turned out, but the Newcastle boys and girls were cntertained just the same. The delegation was met at the Lions Community Centre by Lion Chairman Ralph Ames and the youngsters were taken on a tour of the building and grounds. Since no formal meeting took place they were next entertained at thc Carter Family Tearoom with light refreshments and wcre grected by Lions International Counscîlon, Charles Carter Jr. who oiginated the Bicycle Club idea. Declaning that they had enjoyed the visit which they would be glad to reciprocate, they proceed- éd home in the car providcd by Mn. Pollard. The party included president, Cathenine Dewdney, secnetary, Karen Ainslie and Tilly Harris, Jack Allin and Gordon Garrod. The Newcastle club will meet in Newcastle Community Hall, Satunday morning, Sept. 20. Anoiher Durham Boy Enfers ihe Realm 0f Big Business 4 Canaihuns t Detroit. aCatup At Ranterd. Y Agr t Detroit. S eri t Canadiens. 2' 0 Rangersaet Canadiens. Chicago At Toronto. Boston At Detroit. Il2 Canadiens at Rangers. Toronto at Detroit. Boston at Chicago. "14 Chicago at Rangers. Det e t Boston. 15 Toronto et Canadiens. "17 Chicffo et Canadiens. Bouton et Toronto. Jan. la Canadiens et Boston. Toronto et Rangers. Chicago et Detroit. 21 Caadi.sut C>i.t Toronto at Boston. Detroit et Rangers. 24 Detroit et Canadiens, Cicg et Toronto. S25 Caaiens t Detroit. Toronto at Chicago. Rangersaet Boston. 28 Canadiens At Toronto. Rangersa t Chicago. Detroit At Boston. 31 MRangera At Canadiens. Detroit At Toronto. Chi. cana uten Boston. Toronto at Detroit Chicafoet Rangera a e.%fot Chicago. 4 Toronto at Boston. Rangera et Detroit. " 5Chica et Canadiens. " 7Detroloat Canadiens. Rangera et Toronto. s Rangersa t Chicago. Boston at Detroit. Il Chicago at Boston. "14 Canadiens et Toronto,' TYRONE Miss Cana Scott, Toronto, and Miss Florence Werny, Bowman- ville, visited with Mn. and Mrs. R. B. Scott. Mrs. William Macdonald spent the weekcnd with Mrs. A. Mac- donald and Miss Minnie Macdon- ald, Cobourg. Miss Della Wyborn, Grand Ra- pids, Mich., is visiting her cous- ins, Mn. and Mrs. Russell Virtue and Mn. and Mrs. Leon Moore. Mrs. William Wright, Newton- ville, is visiting Mn. and Mrs. Rus- sell Wright. Mn. and Mns. Errol Hughson, Toronto, with hîs mother, Mrs. Mina Hughson. Miss Edythe White, Toronto, is visiting with Mn. and Mns. Ever- ton White. Mns. C. M. Cannuthers, Salem, visited with Mrs. R. B. Scott and Mns. William Macdonald. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees and children in company with Mn. and Mrs. Henb Rundle, Hampton, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Lazin, Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. F. L. Byam, Clif- fond and Grenville, with Mn. and Mrs. Earl Byam, Bowmanville. Mn. Robt. Cameron and Mrs. Herb Cameron with Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Webb, Pontypool. Mn. and Mrs. Clifford Larman, Millbnook, with Mr. and Mns. Gus- sie Rosevean. Mn. and Mrs. Luther Goodman, with Mn. and Mrs. Earl Goodman, Toronto. Miss J. Robson, Toronto, with hen sisten, Mrs. W. J. Miller. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Richards, Mn. and Mrs. Albert Hawkey, and Mrs. T. H. Richards with Mns. Howard Findley, Unionville. Mr. and Mns. C. W. Woodley with Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Dud- ley, Trenton. Mn. and Mrs. Don Thompson and son, Harmony, with. Mn. and Mns. Art Youngman. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Philp, Marilyn and Ronnie, Miss Jean Philp and Mr. and Mns. George Alldrcad with Mrs. T. Philp, Pic- ton. Don't forget the S.S. meeting tto be held, on Thunsday cvening of this week. Rev. A. E. Cnesswell is attend- ing the Alumni meeting at Em- lanom set Bostos 25cm"disaietchiea8go. Toronto et Rangera. Detroit At Boston. 2 8 Detroit et Rangers«, Boston et Chicago. "29 Toronto At Canadiemi. 21 Boston et canadiens. Detroit At Toronto. 22 Canadiens At Detroit Toronto at Chicago, Bouton et Rangera "25 Boston et Toronto. oChe et TaraNtm. 29 Canadiens At Rangers. Bouton et Chicago. Mur. 2 Toronto et Rangera. '~3 Canadiens et Toronto, Rangera At Detroit. Chicago at Boston. 4 Boston et Canadiens. " 6 Canadiens et Detroit., Rangera nt Toronto. 7 Canadiens et Chicago. Toronto et Boston. Detroit et Rangers. et 9 Detroit et Chicago5 "10 Rangera et Boston. Chicago et Detroit. il Toronto et Canadiemw *2 3 Rangers et Canadiens. Bouton at Toronto. et 14 Canadiens At Rangers. Toronto At Chicago Boston et Detroit. le1 Boston et Ranea '17 Rangera et Chcag. .<2 Detroit et Boston. 20Chicago et Canadiens. Detroit et Toronto. 21 Canadiens et Boston. Toronto et Detroit. -Cicago et Rsan"ers. manuel College in Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. R. B. Scott with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, Col- umibus. Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Rahm, Weston, Mrs. H. Rahm, Bunketon, with Mn. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Mn. and Mrs. W. Park and child- ren, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Gibbs and baby, with relatives at Peterboro., Mrs. H. Steel returned home with thcm for a visit. Thursday evening Rev. and Mrs. Cresswcll entertained the young ladies' class of the S.S. to suppen at the manse. At the close of the meal, Miss Helen Miller, who was leaving the next day for training in the General Hos- pital, received a handkerchief showcn from the girls of the class. Bessie His, on behaîf of the Y. P.U., presented her with a lovely Bible. We all wish Helen well in her new undertaking. We hope Mrs. Joe McRobcrts will soon be up and around again. W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. C. Woodley, with 18 present and Mns. A. Hilîs, president, in change. It was decided to send canncd fruit to the Bowmanville Hos- pital. Mrs. R. Hodgson was caîl- ed upon ta say a few words on behaif of the W.M.S. of t1ý.e ap- preciation of the time Mrs. Sid- ney Hoan had given of hen talent. Mrs. Hoar was pnesented with a Life Member Certificate, at the same time Mrs. Eventon White was presented with a Life Mcm- ber Centificate which was a gift from Mn. D. C. White, Oshawa. Program was in charge of Mrs. Geo. Alldread's group. Devotion- al by Mrs. C. Woodley, piano solo by Mns. S. Jewcll, readings by Mrs. J. Cook and Mrs. Jewell. Mrs. Jewell moved a vote of thanks ta the hostess. Sandwich- es, ice cream and cake, were serv- cd. Mn. and Mrs. Ina Erbe and Lar- ry, Carsonville, Mich., Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Purvis, Applegate, Mich., spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Otto Virtue. Though &Il the winds of doc- trine were let loase ta, play upon the earth, so Tnuth be in the field, wc do ingloriously, by hi- ccnsing and pnohibiting, ta mis- doubt hen strength.-Sir John Suckling. I Once to every man. and nation cornes the moment to decide, In the strife of Truth with Falie. hood, for thc good or cvil aide.- James ]Russell LowelL. NGW IN STOCK RUNNING, TRACK and BOWLING SHOES Gym Trunks - Uweat and T-shirtg (plain and created) WOOL SWEATERS WOOL SOCKS Loafer Coats sutd Wlndbreakers Athietie Suppýorts, Table Tenj Sets, Rugby aud Footballs - Rugby Rule Books and Retere Whlstles GUNS, CLEANING RODS and AMMUNITON Buntlng Knlvea - Duck Cauh Recoil Fada and! Decoys cNuIIty's Sports and Cycle Helpful Hint s for care of your Diamond Rings When yau do your house- work or place your hands in liquids it is a good Idea to ne- move your diamond rings. Your diamond lu usually mounted in a delicate setting of yellow gold, platinum on white gold. If dint is allow- ed In behind the stone of your ring it has a tendcncy todoncc the stone out. This, howeven is veny Improbable but with dirt bchind your diamond it loses much of its sparkling lustre. So, wben you think your diamond is getting dull drop it into your jewller-he will be glad ta dlean and ex- amine it for w.ar. In most cases you will find that there is little or no cost but will help in the safe keeping of your'amond. HOOPER's JEWELLERY & GlIFT SHOP 28 King St., W. Bowmanvlllei According ta a formai an- nouncement recently reccivcd by the editon, wc are pleased to add ta aur file "Country Boy Makes Good" the name o! Norman D. Hogg, M.B.E., B.S.A., who be- cames president of a new finm, N. D. Hogg and Company, 95 King St. east, Toronto. Organizcd by Mn. Hogg the company will deal in grain, fecd ingredients and floun end will conduct a Feed Consultant Service to the Cana- dian Feed Trade. Francis F. Gosselin becomes secretany-treas- uren of the new firm. Bath officiaIs are vetenans o! the late war. Mn. Hogg served five years on active service, rose ta the rank o! Major and was awarded the M.B.E. for service in the European theatre. Mr. Gosselin scrved four years on ac- tive service and was a Warrant Officen Class 1, with the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps. Raised on thc family farm ent Orona, son cf Thomas Hogg and the late Mrs. Hagg, Norman grad- uatcd from the Ontario Agnicul- tural College in 1933 with the B. S.A. dcgree. While a student, he was a memben of the World Champion Grain Judging Team et the World Grain Show in Regina and also won the Robent Graham Memorial Shield for judging han- ses et the Royal Winten Fair in 1932. With the exception o! wan ser- vice he has been identified with the Maple Leaf Milling Ca. as a fced specialist, Manager o! Feed Promotion and Feed Formulation. He is the authon of "Facts for Feeders" and for some time was heard aven thc air as a Fanm Rad- io Commentator. He is a memben of the Agicultural Institute of Canada: the Canadien Society cf Anim~al Production and Poultry Science cf America. Major Hogg bas one sisten, Mrs. Garnet Ooheen, Bawmanvi 1Ile, with whom thein fathen, Thomas Hogg, now makes his home. The Statesman offers congratulations in behal of the community ta Major Hogg an bis enterpnise and initiative in entering a campeti- tive field. The anticipeted Canadien ap- pie yicld for 1947 of about 15 mil- lion bushels is 22 per cent below Uic 19,282,000-bushel crap cf 1946. Estimates for British Columbia and Nova Scotia point ta, a de- creese of about 20 per cent, whene- as e substantial increase is fore- cast for Ontario. 'r' omwwoàmmwgà PAGE EM-r THE CANADIM ST4TESUM. BOWIL&NVnLLF, ONTAMO TMMDAT. OMPf. le& IÏ47

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