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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1947, p. 9

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r7 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMa«VIlJE. ONTAIO P Tau RMAY, OCTOBEKR 23, 1941 Mr M. Andrew E. Devitt visited IMU iE. Henders at Janetville. Miss Lena Haddy, Toronto, was *Weekend guest o! Mrs. Harry Fos- ter. Mrs. James D. Smart, Oshawa, and Miss Helen Smart, Brockville, weme guests of Mrs. R. G. Cowie. Rev. G. Cameron Quigley bas been appointed District Chaplain of the Masonic Order for this dis- itrict. Mr. L. C. Mason has been eleet- 1ed a director o! the Northumber- land and Durham Bar Associa- tion. Mm. and Mrs. P. A. Brown, Ot- tawa, spent several days w it h their daughter, Mrs. J. E. Finne- gan and Mr. Finnegan. Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Morris, Montreal, and Miss Edith Cars- cadden, Toronto, were guests of relatives in town. Mmc. Geo. W. James attended the Young-Bray wedding in Tor- onto Saturday afternoon and spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hoffman. I = E = = = = E I I E H I i = H g Mr. Sidney Casbourn, son o! Mr. and Mmc. H. Casbourn, Bow- manville, has been elected presi- dent o! Branch 345, Canadian Le- gion, East York. Mm. Rupert G. Hamlyn, motor- cd up from Ottawa aven the week- end and Mmc. Hamlyn, wbo has been visiting Mmc. Alex Christie at Port Bowmanville mturned home with him. Mr. and Mmi. Silos Tewin spent the weekend in Hamilton and at- tcnded the reunion and banquet o! the Simcoe Boys Na. 25 C.I. (B.) T.C. at the Royal Connaught Motel. Personalized Christmas Cad- your name and addmess, pinted free on your Christmas cords. Or- dem now from Hobbycroft Supply, 52 King St. West. Phone 2780 be- tween 4 and 6 p.m. The report o! the C:.C.F. meet- ing addressed by J. O. Probe, M. P., is earried aven ta next issue since space is unavailable this week on account o! thc length o! the article. DUBAN (FARMERS) COUTY 1CO-OPERATIVE A irenemal meeting of ail intenested in the County Co-Opemative le beiar called by the Directors WtWI be held in the Orono Town Hall WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1947 AT 8 O'CLOCK IN THE EVENING (This ls o! vital interect to farmers" pl1a n fo be fih er e I Deparimenf of Educafion CONCERT SEllES SECOND*CONCERT Friday, Octoher 31s1 High School'Auditorium - 8:15 p.m. A R T I 8 T S: KATIIERINE IRWIN, planlat MARY MORRISON, soprano BERNARD BRAY, harmonica virtuose MARGARET LEARNER, violinist ail seais reserved Reserved scat Dlan opens at McGregor's Drug Store WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29th AT 13 0'CLOCK NOON BUSINESS ARRANGEMENTS BY The Bowmanville Lions Club Mm. and Mrs. H. T. Pritchard, Mm. George Pritchard, Mr. and Mmc. Victor Pritchard, Mr. Edward Pritchàrd and twins, Alma and Teddy, Toronto, were Sundoy guests with Mms. Gea. E. Prit- chard. Mmc. Dorothy Thompion, Mmi. Ina McNaughton, Messrs. Eric Ar- nold and C. H. <Bud> Pethick, Toronto, and Mi-es Katharine Thompson, Oshawa, were week- end guests with Mr. and Mmc. F. C. Pethick. Mm. and Mmc. Richard Johnstan, Listowel, Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Tmoop, Caîborne, Miss Eleanor Jahnston, Walkerton, and Mmc. Bill Reid, Wallaceburg, wene gueits o! Mr. and Mmc. J. H. John- stan. Bare-headed and shirt-sleeved, local citizens o! ail ages have gone about the streets the past week enjoying summer temperatures o! 80 degrees or more. Reports are that this is the mildest faîl in bistory. Recent guests with Mm. and Mms. Frank Rundie weme Mr. and Mrs. Sid Mughson, Mm. and Mrs. Glen Mughson, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Taylor, Miss Betty McAr- thur, Toronto, Mrs. Alfred Stov- cm and Mms. Gardon Lunau, Mark- ham. Mm. and Mrs. Norman Stanley, Beaverton, Miss Dorothy Stanley, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mm. and Mms. Fred Allin, Carlisle Ave. Mrs. Mac Rutherford and Miss Ida Peebles, Coîbomne, were Sun- day guests o! their sister, Mrs. C. J. Smale. Charles Camter, Sm., wili speak on the Layman's View at the morning services in St. John's Church, Sunday. At the Fireside meeting in the evening, M. H. Staples, Orono, will lecture on the History o! Hymns and their sig- nificance. Recent interviews with veter- ans who have signed up oi pur- chase agreements for homes on Veteman's Ave. disciose that de- fects in doors, windows, ceilars and painting will have to be at- tended ta before fumther payments can be expected. Mm. and Mmc. Denis Piekard, Jack Munday, George Bmown and John Brooks jaurncyed ta Belle- ville for the weekend. On the way in, they stopped in at Floyd Dudley's cabins for the night, and had a chat with Mm. and Mms. Dud- ley, Jean Don and Bill. It costs reai money fom a mon ta live in Trenton, for the ton- cariai artists in that ambitious town now charge 60e for a hair eut and 35c for a shave. It's ta be hoptd aur Bowmanville bar- bers don't cee this for they stili do a good job at 35e for a hair eut and 20e for a shave. Mmc. E. Marjerrison and Mmc. N. Pingle acompanied by their mothen, Mmc. R. Gmay, Newcastle, enjoyed a vemy pleasant motor trip ta westemn Ontario at the weekend, visiting their aunt. Mmr. and Mmc. George Meirose, Milver- ton, their cousins, Mr. andi IVrs. . Cook, Brantford, Rev. and Mmc. A. R. Cmagg, Waterloo and Mmc. Lit- tlefield, Mount Pleasant. Mmc. A. E. Wrenn, fommerly o! Bowmanville, was guest o! honor at a sumprised party on hem 85th bîmthday on Oct. 22, at the home o! daughter, Mmc. Kenneth 11'et- cher, Harmony. Many fmiends called ta extend congratulations and good wishes in which hem many fiends in Bowmanviile join in hoping she enjoys many more years o! good health. Mm. and Mmc. J. Hoidge, Toronto, called on the editor Fmiday while meturning fmom a motor trip through Quebec. Older citizéns wili recognize Mrc. Hoidge as the former Miss Eva Luttreil who liv- ed in Bowmanville at the turn o! the century and was a popular teacher o! piano, the present ed- 1 PERSONAL. le 663 F FOR DAKERY AND itor being one of ber pupils. How- ever, his musical career was cut short by his teacher getting mar- ried. People may be genulnely work- ed up over high food prices, but the average garbage collector me- mains skeptical. Despite all} the bleating and the blatting, Deport- ment o! Public Works trucks stili cart tons of discarded bread, meat, fruit, vegetables and other eat- ables ta the incinerator. Thé waste cornes from restaurant kit- chens and f rom private homes, some of it, perhaps, unatiaidable, but much of it evidence o! neglig- ence and bad management- Windsor Star. Many Statesman readers wil be interested in a press despatch announcîng 2-year-old Clare Don- ald Bombard as winner of the "Nova Scotia Beautiful Child Con- test." Clare lives with his par- ents at Trumo, N.S., and is known among his friends as "Little Lord Fauntleroy." He is a grandson of Mrs. W. G. Lake, Newcastle, and Mrs. Bombard and the late Mr. Bombard, formerly o! Bowman- ville. It will be recalled that Mr. Bombard was killed in 1933 in a railway crossing accident while driving bis truck. St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the home o! Mrs. Frank Williams and Mns. C. Murdiff, Oct. 21 with a good attendance. In the absence of Mrs. Kenneth Werry, Mms. Har-i aid Ferguson presidéli and open-1 ed the meeting with appropriate poems, "Trench Dream" on aut- umn, and Bliss Carmen's "Aut- umn Thanksgiving." Mn., Reto Dudley apened the worship ser-J vice with a solo, "God who touch- est earth with beauty." Mrs. Geo. Chase, Mms. S. McAllister and Mrs. Harold Ferguson assisted in the worship service. The study book chapter "Great is the Com-Ï pany" was very ably taken by Mrs. Gea. Webstem explaining the difficulty in teaching the Indians and rewriting the Bible. 2nd BOWMANVILLE GUIDES YOUNG-BRAY Amidst a setting of bronze and yeilow 'mums in St. George's Un- ited Chumch, Toronto, the wedding took place Saturday afternoon, Oct. 18, of Gwendoiyn Susanne, daughtem of Mr. and Mrs. George J. M. Bray, Toroqto, and Rev. George H-enmy )Éoung, son of Mr. George A. Young and the late Mrs. Young, of iiamilton. Itev. Wiiliard Brewing, assisteci by Rev. Clinton J. MacKay, conducted the service. Wedding music was play-. ed by Henry Atack with James ±'1uci<em as soloist. The bride was given in marriage by her father anci wore a gown of scalloped ivary brocadýe with a Juliet cap Vrimmed with satin roses holtting her finger-tip veil. She carried Talisman roses in a cascade bouquet. Miss Mary Bray, the bide's sister, Mrs. GSeorge Campbell and Miss Leonore King- horn were the bridai attendanis. Their gowns were of turquoise velvet with bandeaux of 'munis. They camried cascades of the samne flowers in shades of bronze and yellow. Robert Miller was the groomsman. Thomas Bolton, Ew- art Abray, Warren Main and' George Campbell ushered. At Women's Art Association, guests were received aftemwamds. 'l'lie couple left later on a honey- moon in New York and Montreal The bride attended Victoria -Col- lege. The groom gaduated from1 McMaster University, the Univer- sity of Toronto and Knox College. OBITUARY NOMAN BELLMAN Active in the restaurant busi- ness for 40 years, Norman Beliman died at his home, 32 Queen St. east, Toronto, Oct. 15. He retired 10 years aga. Born in Bowmanville, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. .Ed. Bell- mnan, Mr. Beilman went ta Toron- to as a young man and opened a restaurant on Queen St. East, along with his brother, the late Merkley Bellxhan. He was a mem- ber of the L.O.L. and the I.O.F., as well as a member of the Sher- boumne St. United Church. At one time he was a member of R.C.Y.C. and the Booksville Hunt Club.. Surviving are a son, Norman Bellman; two daughters, Mrs. Chester Thompson, Windsor, and Mrs. William Brown, Toronto, two brothers, Arthur and Albït Bell- man, bath of Bowmanvill. VITAL VITAMIN If the respiratory tract is kept healthy, suscepti*bility ta infec-' tions which couid enter the body through that channel wilI be me- duced, and food authorities an- nounce that Vitamin A helps maintain body tissues, partîcular- ly of the mucous membrane, in good condition. Most MOTHU8 DO 1H15s Nos A CoId Jit 11EITIME tuib 101181S Fle sS thmolt, chut, bock wIiIIe hlld alnpsl. with Vapoftub. Ré. 1Qon: by momifia Iifblllgaction most distresi of RESTA UR AN T 13Bu a set m Uv distreis of childrenla colda la OnIy the Best comtorting Vlcks VapoRub. EPven whflo you rub It on, QUALITY Vapoalub atarta to work to PhND eue diatreu .. .andlt keffl ANDonworklng durlnt thenight. WEDDINGS EA-RAH3AM in te pasnsage of Trlnity Un- ited Cuc1Bwanviile, on Sat- urdoy evening, Oct. 11, the mar- riag e o! Elsie Lousie Graham, Halifax, Nova Scatia, and Alfred Beal of Oshawa, wos zolemnized by Rev. J. E. Griffith. The bride is the daughtem a! Mm. George E. Graham, Halifax, and the late Mrs. Graham, and the bridegroom is the son o! the late Mr. andi Mmc. William Beal o! Manchester, Eng- land. The bride was in periwinkle blue crepe with motching Ihot, shoes and accessomies. Hem flaw- ers w&me roses and Miies o! the volley. Witnesses at the ceemony were Miss Ruth Aldworth a! Bowman- ville and Mr. Fred Pawson, Osh- awa. *The couple left on a wedding trip ta Kingston and eastemn points. The bride was wearing a steel grey taillred suit with black accessories and fox furs. They wili return ta live on Buck- ingham Avenue, Oshawa. BURNSIDE-RICHARDS Trinity United Church parsan- age was the scene a! a quiet wedi- ding on Oct. 20, when Dorothy Muriel, eldest claughter of Mr. and Mms. W. J. Richards, became the bride o! Kenneth S. Burnside, Toronto, son o! the late Mr. andi Mms. Robert Bumnside, Montreal Rev. J. E. Griffith officiated. The bride ware o fashionable grey wool jersey dresi with black accessanies and corsage o! deep pink carnations. She was attend- ed by hiem sister, Mrs. Paul Chant who chose a navy blue crepe frock with black accessaries and cor- sage o! pink carnations. Mm. Ed- word J. Richards, brother o! the bride, was best mon. For hiem daughter's wedding, Mrs. Richards wome a teai blue frock with black accessories and pink carnation corsage. Fallowing o wedding trip ta the Laurentians and Montreal, Mr. and Mms. Burnside wiil reside in Toron~to Rayve Sharnpoo Viialis Hair Tonie Wildrooi Cream-Oil Halo Shampoo - Nesile Colorinse 2nd Bowmanville Guide Com- pany met Tuesday night under the leadership of Captain Robson, Lieut. Bennett, and Senior Patrol Leaders Joyce-Buttery and Aud- rey Richards. Mary Elliott was passed on her useful article while Lieut. Ben- nett tested her class on morse code and Joyce Buttery continued her class on square lash. Audrey Richards passed Pat Hooper on her Tenderfoot and now Pat is ready ta be enrolled. The meeting closed at 8:30 with a sing-song. Next week is the party, girls, so rEmember no hard soled shoes. Churches ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Ministe,: Rev. G. C. Quigley Organist: Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M. Choir Director: D. Alex McGregor Sunday, October 26 10 a.m.-Sunday School Il a.m.-"Changes and the Unchanging" il a.m.-Nursery School. 7 p.m.-"Friendship." ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. J. de Pencer Wright, Rector Mr. R. G. Harle, A.T.C.M., organist Laymans Sunday 10 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class. il a.m.-Morning Prayer Speaker: Mr. Charles Carter, Sr. Nursery, 2 years and over 7 p.m.-Evening Prayer Preacher: The Rector Fireside Mr. Mel Staples, Orono, "The Hymns I Love ta Sing." TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister, Rev. J. E. Griffith Sunday, October 26 i1 a.m.-"Banners Flying," an autumn meditation. il a.m.-The Nursery 1Il a.m.-Junior Church 2:30 p.m.-Sunday School. "Let the beauty of the Lord be upon us." 7 p.m.-"Patience a Virtue" A universal necessity ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCR Organist: Miss L. Osborne Minister: R. D. Duncanson 10 a.m.-Sunday School. Il a.m.-Morning Worship, sub- ject-"An Argument Settled by St. Paul." 7 p.m.-'-Evening Service, subjeet: "The Bail and Mesage of Amos." lst hubby: "My wife tells me that almost every night she dreams that she's married to a mîllionaire."1 2nd hubby., "You're dam ]lucky. Mine thinks that in the daytime." i blLiLÙI Moade & ý5 10 For 5OWIth a2F" es Od" Your Local I.D.A. Druggist House Management In Moihercrafi Is Topic ai Maple Grove At the regul or meeting o! the, Maple Grave Women's Instituté held on October 14, esolutions which have been prepamed by the Districts eomprising aur amea ta be pesented at the area conven- tion in November weme pesented for cansideration of aur members.! Mmi. Clifford Swaliow is official delegote ta the convention. Mrs. Hammy Wright, Home Econ- amies Convener, in charge of the pragmam, was fortunate in secur- ing Mms. J. C. Tamblyin, Orono, as guest speaker who spoke on Home Management in Mother Cnaft., Momemakers and young mothers, present weme highly pnivileged ta! leomn fmom Mrs. Tamblyn o! the mothcmcraft pmoject co successful- ly carricd on in Orono. AIl bmanch- cs o! home management were dealt with, especially those things which must be observed if we are ta have safe, happy, r e a 1 homes. The came of babies and small chilcfren was particularly stressed. To giye childmen efficient and en- joyable came a mother must have working conditions which con- rerve bath time and energy, and ta give a mother tîme for enter- taining bath hem own and hem family's friends at home. This is Anacin Tablets ---25c, 49e Alka-Seltzer --- --29c, 57e Baby's Own Tablets ----23e Bromo-Seltzer -25cP49c Chase's Nerve 1 Food -. - S6c, $1.50 Dodd's Kldney Pilla .-. 43o s Ex-Lax GI1N PILLS 39c 7 69c Ise, 33e Kkovah Saits ---29e, 79e Lysai ---.......... 35c, 65e Miliburn'., H. & N. PUIS - - - ---- . 55e Morse's Pis - ----Bâ Soi Hepatica - S3c, 63e DRUGS a must in satisfoctomy home life.1 Mrs. Tamblyn also gave valu- able advice ta wivet and mothers in. ecognizing their responsibili- tics in regard ta business motters ond in taking a keen interest in9 the affairs of Governments which affairs and legisiation have such great influence on aur home mak- ing. Mmc. Ray Bowen read a humor- ous poem on 'O.ld Fashîoned Courtin'." Miss Edna Swallow, on behol! of the members, tendcred Mmc. Tamblyn a vote of thanks and a social haîf hour follawed. CARWRJGHT COUNCIL 1 Cartwright Counclilheld its Oc-( tober meeting with membens al 'liG TOE Friendly Personal Service -u KEPLER Malt Extract and Cod Liver 011 ---------90c, $1.50 COLD NEEDS Idaphedrin-I.D.A. Noce Draps ------------------- 5C Mustard Rub-I.D.A. Chest Rub ------------18e Gmave's ÇoId Tabiets'29c-49c Buclrlcey's Mixture -- 40c, 75e Vicks' VapoRub cm VaTreo ---------- -4.9 Vickis Inhaler -------- 39c Thermogene Wooi ---- - 49c Menthofax Chest Rub.--55c Bayer Aspinin 18e, 29e, 79e Gray's Baim ------- 43c, 79e - - - 75c, $1.00 - - 53c, $1.07 - - 59c., $1.09 - 29c, 49c, 89c - - - 15c, 35C Brylcrecm Main Dressing Charrn-Kuri Cold Ivave Kit Fitei Slam'ýoo 25,-, 49e $1.791 special ---- -----e---- -- Hollywood Wavcset --- 19e 1yL Hudnuf Ilair Pre.. pamations,ca. - ----$1.25 ~ CgL Nestie Halabe. 35e, 65e Pinaud Eau de Quinine ---65c, $1.25 Cocoanut 011 Sham-i poo -------------- 25c, 39e FLUID FOR CHILDN I I.D.A.- Brand Si Low est Prices VITANINS 17ampole's Cod Liver Extract--------- -.X Mead's Cod Liver 011 5Oc, $1 Ovaltine Food Drink 58c, 98e fIdamait-Mal±. & Cod Liver ci --------- 59c, 98c, $1.69. V;taDlet Capsules $1.15, 2.70 Pwricaps, SO's and 90's ----- --------$1.25, $3.25 Aycrst 10-D Cod Lîver 011 -- ----- 67c, $1.69 Idafer Crpsules --- $1.15, $3.45 N.C.F. Capsules 1.25, 2.25, $5 24 DAYS' SUPMY $1.13 72 ZAYS SUPPLY 2.43 144 @YYs' Ws, 4.45 Corera -..- 23c, 39e, 6e A.S.A. Tablets 100's ----19e SZ-25 Lactoren for. .5 ENO'ys 'FRUIT SAIT' Phone 792 W. Doivoi WéCÀSPREAD or HAIR EEDS $25,000 PRIZE CONTEST to get you to try NEW, IMPROVEI The concentrated vifa- min fpdwith a delicous orange flaveour Mep build resistancÔ. qetGa/a4 td- 1 lb $1.9-2Ibs. $1.98 APoutof the Ovoitine Roeorch Loboratories PRE - CHRISTMAS OFFERING OF CHOICE DliANÙNDS Do diamonds ail look alike Io you? We've ofien heard people say fihis . . . and lhey are amaz- ed when we démonsirate how much every stone differs from any other. Let us help you select the ring or rings that are such an important pari of your life. You can rely on aur judg- nient and our reputation. MARR'S Jewellery CREDIT TERMS EASILY ARRANGED SOFT, WHITE TO!LET TISSUE 4 rolls for 23c ACETONE-1 oz., reg. 10o ___S e ALMOND LOTION-6 ozs. reff. 50o - 39c ALUM POWDER-4 ozs. reg. 10e Se BORACIC OINTMENT-reg. 25o 180li CALAMINE LOTION-4 ozs. reg. 25o -18e ECZEMA OINTMENT-rez. 39o _____28e FULLERIS EARTH-4 ozs. reg. 15e De1l PABISAL TABLETS-10O's, reg. 59e ______47e 0][L 0F WINTERGREEN-Syn. reg. 25c ----18e - -u PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX McGREGORK present ànd Reeve N. Qrèmhf4 . siding. Communications wer. as to4h lows: J. Harris me conditiosa Oâ. moad and requested 'purchîsê ot culvert; Mrs. Babcock re d.t which wos me!erred to RoasI erintendent; Counties' bl spraying, error in mnileage ret* red- to Clerk te 'correct; b~1fro. T. Fitze and G. Johns fer shov ling snow, no action taken, ? W. Fitze applied to: tp boundory line, Con. 7. Grant Treasumer to pay the follo'W*2' occounts: H. E P Hall Angi and Garage, $16 19R. iaksheb valuotor. $2.00;,E. Gibona killed, $10.00; Ariculr1a1l, ciety grant, $200.00. Council adjourned to rmeet NoY., 1, at 2 p.m. 1

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