Til1~AOTOE 314 ChMdreu-Provide Speclal Servce. -les qut. proper ta havre a .edoge on Yomr home whiie .yo' are*oluve and earnlng tdm imoney' teameet *0 .payments- but, if somethlng shoutd happes, I , you, would yaw wlife end lmily b. able te manage t For nearly 80 years The Mu- ltual fe of Canada has- been helpbig Canadien familles, tfwagh weli-pionned lf. ln- swanc, to meut uncomfortobie emergendies with a minimum of trouble. You are inwted ta con! ar repiesentative end lot hlm show you how te take Caro of 1h mo.fgage Ini sud, an emweency. Iow cst life insurancê ince 1869. - ~- Branch Office 435 George Street Yleterborough, Ontario FGEmypUGI uIznm The lareest congsegation in years attended the Sunday even- îIng service in the Pontypool Un- ited Chusch, fillingpractically' ev- ery pew and chair available. It was the occasion ai the Apnual Schoal Children 's Service which came as a culmination of a serles oi Bible Study Lessons c6nducted in the Pontypoal District. Schaals by Mr. Edwin Hancock, Student Ministes of the Pontypool Pastor- al Charge af the United Church of Canada. The'-chair laft and all the available space at the frontof the chusch Was iilled witb oves a hundsed children from the Lotus, Ballyduif, Fallis' Casscaddea's, Pontypool Junior and Slenios Boom, Drum, New Park and En- terprise Schools. These children formed a massed school choir which sang -as an anthem, l'Al Things Bright and Beautiful.". The pupils af the Pontypool Schaol sang "Faisest Lard Jesus;" the Fallis' Schaol pupils, "Birds are Singing" and Enter p r i s e School supplied a quintet. The chaisman was Alvina Gilbank af Lotus and the scsiptuse lessan was sead by Patricia Gibson .of Ballydufi. Childscn fram DrUim received the oifering and Cars- cadden's supplied the ushers. Each anc ai the schools had some part in the service. The highlight ai the service was the very effective telling ai the story, "Why the Chimes Bang" by lirs. Orme Milles, teacher af the New Park Schaol. For the stasy sermon, Mr. Hancock used an al- asm dlock ta show the childsen that they like thc alasm cdock, bad hands wbich should flot de- ceive those who depend on tbem; an alarm (conscience) which ex- pects abedience and a mainspsing (soul) which must be daily wound by coming into touch with Gad through attendance at Sunday Schoal, Church. or prvate psay- ers. pii .On the previaus Thursday, a Bible Study Test bad been con- ,ducted in eacb oi the schoo]s *with I DEPNDon TUE DES? 80 WNAN VILLE ILEANEIS and DTEE Many, niany familles have got- ton the habit of depending on us for regular "wardrobe maini- tenance." In this way, it's a simple matter for overyono 10, enjoy the pleasure and benefitp that corne from being - *we» groomed. It's nim o 1know tbo, that clothes that are prop- erly cared for, lust longer., I77 NIN ST. W. ègik-up and delivery phone 5200 b w i acaeguA iAin BROWN'zd Our Home and School Associa- tiàn met Oct.:14. It was decided to invite an autside club ta aur Hallowe'ea party on Oct. 31. There wcre'several musical num- bers by Mss, Arcbie Bsown.. The scbool children held theis Public Speaking Contest, the wianer be- iag Peggy Stephenson, who se- presented aur Schoolinl the elim- mnations at Orono on Friday. Ai- tes -the meeting was adjousned, ous. latest bride and. groom, Mr. and Mss. Stan Couch, wesc called ta thé platform and wese' the se- cipicats ai many useful gits. Joan and. Stan graciously tharikcd anc and ail, ai tes whic'h lunch was served. BURKE TON kail schools attaining a very high average an a rathes difficuit test, in fact anc which would have tax- cd many an adult. It was an- nounced that the wianing school was Fallis' with the high average ai 08%. In thia scbaol there'were thsee children who had *one hun- dred marks, a considerable feat as there were only thsee other children in ail the schools who equalled thit mark. Fram Fallis' School Frances Jahastan, Helen Ward and Allan Johastôn had one hundred marks each. The ather childrea wlth anc hundred marks were Donelda 'Pawers oi Carscad- den's, Jane Chrysies ai Drum and Donald Fisher- af Pontypool. .The second schaal in standing, and rlght bebind Failil', was New Park wlth an average ai 97 %. The oth- er schaols. al ai which did wéll had average marks ai: Drui 95 %; Ballydufi, 8 7 %; Carscadden's, 85 %; Pontypoal, 82%'Y; Enterprise, 747o; Lotus, 70%. Individual awards and Bible Study Certificates werc presented -.o ail thie cblldren through the dgencroslty ai the aduits of the community, with speciFal first and second prize awards ta each ai the following: Lotus, Ist, Buth Mc- Mahon;' 2nd, Alvina Gill-anlc; B'illydufi, lst, Patricia Gibion, 2 rd, Kathleen McCullaugh; Fallis', lst, Fraivces Johnstc'n, Helen Wasd, Allan Johnston, aIl ticd. 2nd, Shirley Bradley, Murray La- gan, Fsank Darling, ail tied. Cars- cadden's, lst, Doncîda Powers, 2ud, Wilma Wilson. Pontypool Junior Boom, lst, Harsy Monk, 2ad, David Trick, Joan Dunbas, ticd. Pontypool Senior Boom, lst, Donald Fisber, 2nd, Walter Fisher, Teddy Yacynuk, Olà Kirk, Aud- rey Woodrufi, ail tled. Dsum, lst, Jane Chrysier, 2nd, Joan Chrys- les. New Park' lat, Billy Holroyd, 2nd, Doreen Holroyd. Enterprise, lst, Raymond Gobeen, 2nd, Dos- othy Sucee. As a part of the service the children contributed a special ai- fcsing ta bcelp buy a new ."Sky Pilot," a mission boit' on Van- couver Island in British Colum- bia. The cbildren with the, beip oi the aduits contributed oves $35.00 for this cause. Fsiday eveniag, a miscllianeaus ishower was beld at. Ms. and Mss. R, Davey's for Ms. and Mss. How- ard Davey (nce May Hale.) Bey. Seymour as chairman welcomed the guests. The bride *ami groom exprsssd their thanks and iavit- ed on~e and ail to visit them ia their ncw home. Af tes dancing, lunch was served ta approxiniat- oiy 100. Visitors: Oncea Mss. J. Gatchdil,,Ms. E. Dean, Ms. and Mss. Russell Dean at- tended the funesal oi Diana Prim- LOOK pF rase, daughter ai Mr. Sam Mc- ance - Knîght. Mss. H. Rahm attcnded the wed- is quitq ding ai ber graaddaughter, Isa- belle Rahm. caver t Ms. and Mss. J. Porter were in suranci Tosonto for the funeral of bis mothes.. ly prot Mss. Cecil Gatcheil and Tommy, Bowmanville, with Mss. J. Gat- ad-vice chell. ofd Miss Ruby Bailcy, Oshawa, cffd Bey. J. Bick, Janetville, with Ms. ance a and Mss. T. Bailey. Ms. and Mss. J. Katchpew, Pic- insuam ton, with Ms. and Mss. K. Rob- tcs lin. tcs Ms. and Mss. Harsy Bice and Helen, Ms. Norman Hobson, Mss. J. Gregg, Scarboro Jct., wltb Ms. and Mss. J. Castes. Wi Mss. L. Patterson and Mss. E. t c Adamis weela Toronto. INSIRA: Ms. and Mss. J. Tompkins with Sees Mr. and Mss. J. Rogers, Hamt n. ueso Ms. and Mss. A. Ca&ghil, St.Phns1 Catharines, Mr. and Mrss.J . '- Phos Heara, Lefroy, wlth Miss E. Kin St Caughill. Chester Hoskin and Mss. E. IMM Caughill wîth Mss. Ida Smale, Hampton. Mss. E. Strutt, Eaniskillen, with Ms. and Mss. J. Sinclair. Mr.- and Mss. J. Alberts, Osh- awa, Ms. and Mss. J. Butt and son, Ms. and Mss. Broaking, Bow- mnanvilie, wlth Ms. and Mss. R. Davey and assisted with the dance and shower bere. Miss Jean Balson, Hanmpton, is now teaching piano lessons with . 8 pupils. Ms. and Mss. H, Gi and Doany spent the day at their cottage. SOLINA Mr. and Mss. John Naylor, Osh- awa,,Ms. and Mss. Clifford Nay- las, and famiiy, Columbus, at Cee- il Pascae'&. Ms. and Mss. Alf Allia and John David, Boawmanville, Ms. and Mr&. Oscar Janiiesan and sans, Peter- bora, at, Wes. VYellowlees'. Ms. sud Mss. Bruce Montgom- ery and famlly at Oeil Neal's, Peterboro. Gardon and Harold Clendenea attended the International piow- lng match at Kingston and visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Ailazi Balson at Cataraqui. Several other farmers fromi the vicinity alao matosed Idowa for a day. The cast af the drama "Look Out Lizzie" gave its I3th presen- tation, this tume at Columbus,; a year 1OVER your insur- policies annually. It te likely you may dis- bhat some of your in. ce policies do flot fui. ;eot you. If you need )you can place full lnce ini this insur-; agency to sell you ,ce that really pro- krt R. James INCE - REAIL ESTATE mr to J. J. Muaon & Son Office 681 - House 493 Bowmanvlie SORE INROAT Le ri. ,d r S, s 1 Several from here attended thi plowing match near Kingstor Among them were Milton Virtue Mac Hamilton, Wesley Taylor anc Allyn, Lorne Annis, Aldon Hoar Howard Philp and Raymonc Clapp. Mrs. L. Drage, Toronto, witl, Mrs. P. Hayward. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stephens Joan and Louise, and Don arn Brian Stephens, Sutton, with Mr and Mrs. W. F. Park and Wl-] Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner accompanied 'by Mr. and Mrs. A Ayre, Hampton, enjoyed a motoi trip to Sherbrooke, Valleyfield Montreal and other places. Mr. Howard Philp and Misý Jean Philp with Mr. and Mrs. Rus. sell Philp and Mrs. Howard Philp Rannie and Marilyn with Mrs Thompson, Peterboro. Mr. Lloyd Skinner visited witl Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown, Newton. ville. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Scott, Mrs, William Macdonald and Mr. Willis Stewart visited at Mr. Chas. Brown's, Peterboro. Mrs. G. Rosevear, Kenneth and Esther Ann, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. W. Larmer, Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Jewell and Miss Mary Jewell, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Jewebl. Mr. William Virtue, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Virtue. Miss K. Macdonald, Oshawa, with ber parents. A very pretty wedding took Place Saturday afternoon at the Tyrone Manse-, when Miss Isa- belle Mary, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rahm, and Mr. Alex- ander M. Perger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perger, Hamilton, were united in marriage by Bey. A. E. Cresswell. After the cere- YOUR EYES ýs VIS ION C. B. TUCK Eyesight : Specialist Disney flldg. (Opp. P.O. Upon the acquiring of an acad- emic education we are equipped with a mental apparatus endowed 1with many sound theories meant 1 for the success in our future life mentally, physical]y, and spirit- uaily but no mnan is so endowed that he can sit down and say At is now ended. Life has now only begun and it is essential that we add to the structure just begun. Reading is essential every day of your busi- ness career, to retain and to at- tain knowledge once gained. To prepare your receptive mind by reading that which will relax from what has been a mental strain. The future life is greatly out- lived in early life and unless we perfect the many factors contrib- utarY ta it like the whole chain of the fibre it will only be as strong as the weakest point in its make- up and in tuie grows weaker and jweaker. Be fit. keep fit. Don't neglect the eyes if any unexplainable sYxnptoms arises. See your ap- tometrist at once. The Young People beld theis first meeting and crockinale par- ty Tuesday night. The younger set wese these, aiter the game fI u f! these officers wese elected: T E B M N IL President, Mary Burley; vice pres., Fred Bowe; secsetasy, Bud Jones; treas., Dosothy Brown; con- veners, Dorothy Stapleton, KeithBO SC U A S CI T N Stapleton, Jim Gilmer, Fac Jon- cs. It was agseed ta caîl theis organization "The United Chusch arehodn ei Community Club" sa that the old-hodn ier er people would feel more at home in the meetings. Executive will arrange Hallowe'cn party on Oct. 28. Lunch was enjoyed. Ms. and Mss. Iswin Smith, Spa- kane, Wash., visited their aunt, P E R V Mss. Albert Wragg. PPRO A fais congregation greeted Bey. Mt. W'hite, Boscncath, Sun- day evening. Bey. H. A. Bunt 011 was preaching anniversary servic- es in Boscneath. A large number bave taken in the show this week, "The Egg and FRD Y C OB R 2t .Elswosth Caswell and Jim, C. Burley and Keith and Dan Vin- ae ilb oecdfrm6pm t 8 .. kespent the weekend in the Ppr n North country.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ms. and Mss. Lennox Vasey,fo Port McNichol, at home. N T:Diei A E Sidney Lancaster and Harold N T :Diei o A E only Busley attended the plowing match at Kingston. . -1o rags or iran. A bus service betwecn Newton - ____________________________ ville and Kendal began on Oct. 22 fou tbl nd tlsewh ofe la hs plae " *hiu4 22.l Tie tal nd asifi aeinpoils pea have your ppe ie adon tecr issue. Congratulations ta Mss. Asnott Tuesday night. Women's Institute met àt the church, Oct. 9, when Mrs. 0. W. Rolph, Orono, gave an instructive address on "Cltizenship" and fav- ored with a vocal solo. Mrs. John Baker alsa sang. Meeting was conducted by president Mrs. Roy Langmaid. Tuesday e v e ni1 n g about 75 people fromn Hampton and Sauina were prlvileged ta be present at Eldad Church when Miss Lawson, Department of Ag- riculture, gave an illustrated ad- dress an frozen fruit, vegetables and meat. Mrs. Ken Caverly and Mrs. Howard Milison, accompan- led by Miss Jean Balson, Hamp- tan, delighted everybody with a vocal duet. The speaker and guests were lntroduced by the president, Mrs. Roy Langmaid, and lunch was served by the Sa- lina ladies. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cowan, Bur- lington, Miss Myrtle Fawcett, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mclntosh and David, Toronto, Miss Muriel Langmaid, Peterboro, at Roy Langmaid's. Women's Institute bazaar bas been postponed ta Friday, Nov. 7. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry at- tended the Young-Bray wedding at Toronto on Saturday. I Bus SERVICE Newtonville and Kendal 1047 Sunday Sunday Daily Daily Daily Daily Sunday Suaday Only Only Ex.Sun. Ex. Sun. Ex.Sun. Ex.Sun. Onbly Only P.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. arn. P.m. p.m. p.m. 6:5 10:30 ':40 7.40 NEWTONVILLE 6:25 10:40 4:50 7:50 - CROOKED CREEK 6:30 10:45 4:55 7:55 6:40 10:55 5:02 8:02 STARK VILLE Newtonville Io Crooked Creek 15c; Refurn 30c. Newtonville fo Sfarkville 25c; Reiurn 50c. Newfonville to Kendal 45c; Relurn 80c Iur-ley Lus Service 8:25 5:28 :2:38 7:25 8:15 5:18 12:28 7:15 8:10 5:12 12:23 7:10 ?WELVE 1;t. ~.1 'b. Il 3 e i hegius OCTODER 219 Schedule fa April l5th, 1948 mony a reception was held at the bride's homeé. Among -thase at- tending were Mrs. W. H. Rahm, Burketon, lira. Mary Griffin, En- niskilen, Miss Jean Griffin, Pur- pie Hil, lMr. and lMra. Grdon Whittaker ami Eva Ann, Mir. and Mrs. FrankPerger, Mr. and Mss. John, Perger, Hamilton, Mir. and IM. Frank Perger Jr., and child- ren, Simcoe, Mir. and Mss. Ray Grahami and Rena, Haydon. Mr. rd lrs. Francis Hall, Tas- onto, hve purchased the farm ftèhx Alvin Bayd, farmerly the Elias Tsimm praperty. Goidon Baker bas purchased Harry Fraser's farm and expects ta move in the spring. . r. and Mss. George Graam and Barbara, Bowmanville, at Mr. Don Stainton's. Ms. and Mss. Rusell Worden, Maple Grave, Mrs. C. Nesbitt, Winnipeg: with Mss. W. T. Wor- den. Ms. Roy Maynard and Miss Ma- bel McRoberts with Miss Phyllis Maynard. Mrs. Stan Beckett and Joan, Bowmanville, with Mrs. Laura Vitrue. Mr. and Mss. H-. Wannacott and Ms. and Mrs. T. Southwell and Susan, Dixie, Mr. and Mrs. C. Shaw and Ralph, Bowmaaville, at Mr. E. A. Virtue s. Mss. C. Colbary is. nuch im- proved and able ta be up. Mr. and Mrs. George Caulter and Dianne, Toronto, were guests ai Ms. and Mrs. Percy Haywasd. Ms. and Mrs. Cecil Babai, Bur- keton, Mrs. Mary Griffin, Ennis- killen, Mss. J. E. Griffin, Laura and Muriel, Janetville, Miss Jeani Griff la and Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Griffin, Purple Hill, with Ms. and Mrs. W. A. Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell, Clarence and Phyllis, Toronto, Mr. and Mss. Lew Hayes and Gesald, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mss. J. H. Darch, Port Hope and Ms. and Mrs. Fred Partner, Tyrone. Miss Helen Partner and Miss Joan Collacutt, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner. tended special services at Trinity IChurch, Bowmanville -and Ennis- killen an Sunday. , Rev. Ms. Gardner af Coluibus Wiill accupy the chu:ch puipit an Sunday evening next. Rev. E. S. Ltnstead will have charge of an- nivessasy services at Columbus. We welcome ta aur village Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Collacutt and d'aughter ai Salem, who bave bought the property formesly owned by the late Mrs. Chas. Langmaid and has lately been oc- cupicd by Mr. and Mss. Lamne Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley are now occupying their cottage which they secently purchased from Mr. Clifford Allin. Sorry ta lose Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billett from our community. Tbey will reside in Port Perry, having sold their farm here. Mr. and Mss. Laverne Heaslip, Donnie and Catharine, Trenton, Michigan, Mr. -and Mrs. Best Mc- Mullen and Gary, Janetville, Ms. and Mrs. Gardon Hilîs and boys, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mc- Mullen and three children, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tom- linson and son, Bowmanville, wése visitors at Mrs. F. Rogers. On Tuesday evening af last week a large crowd gathered at the church basement for a fare- well get-together for Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billctt, who have secently sold their farm and are leaving aur midst ta reside in Part Perry. Rev. E. S. Linstead actcd as mas- ter of ceremonies and after tbe singing of "O Canada" asked the honored guests ta came ta the platform. Mrs. L. S. Niddery, sead a few appropriate lines, ad- dressed ta them, and Mr. Will Wil- bur on behaîf ai the community presented them witb a trilight floor lamp. Audrey Kerscy on behaif ai ber Sunday School class presented a lovely scarf. Iaclud- cd in the presentation also was a gold key chain ta Keith who was unable ta be present. Mr. and Mss. Billett bath fcelingly thank- ed their many friends for the ta- kens of esteem, aiter whieh all joincd in singing "For they are jally good fcllows." They will be missed in ail the community and church activities where Mrs. Bill- ett has been a faithful wosker. A short program followcd consist- ing of solos by Mir. Bert Stevens, readings by W. W. Horn and Miss Mary Niddesy, and mouth organ music with piano accompaniment by Ms. Wes. Hoskin. Mss. K. Cav- erly led in a lively sing - sang which concluded the enjoyable pragsam after which sefreshments were servcd by the ladies. 1 1 - ------------ .......... ~1Mss. W. W. Hora visited friends iOsbawa on Friday. Ms. and Mss. J. Purdon and daughters visitcd relatives at Jan- etville, Sunday. S Mss. Elmer Wilbur bas setusnec from Woodstock. Bey. and Mss. W. Backbamn vis- ited their daughter-, Mss. Bruce Hogarth. Mr. Will Anderson, Jaaetville, and daughter, ai Toronto, visited at Bruce Fcrguson's rcccntly. Ms. and Mss. Jack Niddery and Connie, Bowmanville, at Mss. L. S. Niddery's. Mss. Howard Psice and son, Billie, Willowdale, Mss. Dr. C. W. Slemon, Bowmanville, Ms. and Mss. Fred Billctt, Douglas and *Jimmie, Scarboro Bluffs, at A. E. *Billctt's. Ms. and Mss. Albert Beckett, Remble, called on a number af friends in the village, Fsiday. Ms. and Mss. Chas. Warren spent Thanksgivinig weekcnd with Ms. and Mss. A. Alexander Lista- wel. Miss Wilma Leach with friends at Wbitevale. Ms. and Mss. Norman Mount- joy, Blackstack, were visitors on Sunday witb Ms. and Mss. Bruce Ferguson. Mss. W. T. Pcssett, Malton, witb Mss. Pcrctt and family. Mss. W. Hoskia visited Oshawa relatives. Mr. and Mss. Earl Stevenson, Beverly and Yvonne, Maple Grove, visited Ms. and Mss. Ahf. Bandla. Ms. and Mss. Wiifsed Greena- way with friends at Enniskillen. Mss. Bcth McKay, field secre- tasy ai the W.C.T.U. spoke in aur school on Friday aiternoon. She was a guest of Miss Mary Kater- son while ia the village. Ms. and Mss. Herbert Rogers, St. Anne's, visitcd C. W. Souch and Mr. and Mss. Ken Cavesly. Miss Bertha Armour spent the weekend with Miss Gwen Caver- ly, Toronto. Mss. G. Adcock and son, Harry, visitcd relatives in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mss. Gerald Black, Tos- onto, Mss. Edjth Black, Bowman- ville, and Mss. W. Gay who bas rcccntly rctusned fram visiting ber daughter at Timmins, were visitors with Miss Wilma Leach. Miss Phyllis Niddcry, Tosonta, spent Sunday at bame. A number from Hampton at- who celebrated a birthday on Wednesday. Mr. Ray Dudley, Bowmanville, has commenced teaching a clàss ln piano on Saturday afternoons in the school house. Ele-zen have en- rolled. li r. and. Mrs. Willis Farrow with Mr. and Mrs. Russell McNeil, Oshawa. Municipal Oiling and Spraying Co. have secured the contract for sanding of highway during com- ing winter. Little Betty Marie and Winni- fred Gibbs had their tonsils re- moved ln Bowmanville Hospital this week. :We are sarry ta report the ili- ness f Mrs. Joe Sexsmith in Port Hope Haspital. Congratulations to Doreen Mill- son and Laurie Stapleton who tled for first place ut the public speak- ing cantest in the United Church basement Wednesday evening. These coming young orators took second and third place for the townships an Friday evening. Mr. Roberts, Port Hope, Mr. L. Hughes of Port Britain and Mrs. Raby, Zion School, were judges here. Mrs. Lionel Hughes gave two fine numbers. Mr. Carruthers, chair- man, and Mrs. Geo. Stapleton, secy.-treas. of Ratepayers Assoc-1 iation, spoke on the importanoce of attending ratepayers meetings. 1 Mr. and Ms. in. Adiams, Mtt. Dwight Northups Maurice and Dwlna, Miss E. J. Golla, Rochest- er, Mr. and -Mrs. E9ver.tt ormis. ton, Bowmanville with lira. W. J. brmiston. - 'ct~ Mr. and Mrs. EarlP ect Long Sault, at A. W. PresmoWs. Mrs. F. E. McDonald, Toronto, Mrs. Ernie McDonald, Orono, at J. W. Bowman's. 1 Norman Stinson at P.,Kflney'st Merritton. Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Tor- onto, Miss Dorothy Cunninghamn Palmerston, at W. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. J. -W. Bowmani and family at J. Tamblyn's, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stinson and« son, Miss V'era Stinson, Mr. J. O'Rorke, Toronto, with Mns. H. Stinson and Norman. .Raýly Day was observed Sun- day. Rev. J. R. Bick, Janetvile, gave a fine message for the oc- casion. Threshing, silo-filling, and pot- ato pîcking are finally completed. There is a lot of plowing to be done. New RANGETTES Terms GladIy Arranted Floor Mais - 79C up Three-Piece Velour Chesterfield - $179 Oil Burners For Heaters and Kitehexi Stoves Feliol Rugs AiU Sizes M UR P HY'S APPLIANCE AND FURNITIJRE STORE Phone 811 57 King St. W. MAPLE GROVE Sunday chýoal Bally was held Sunda in the Church with a fairly good attendance. Bev. Eus- tace, Orono, gave a vesy inter- psting talk on "Crusading in Our Church School." Bey. Yasdley also gave a short talk. Music was furnishcd by the choir. Mrs. A. Trenouth is visiting friends in Toronto. Ms. and Mss. Boy Metcalf and Boss visited Mr. and Mss. Chas. Wood, Osono. At the Sunday cv- ening service oi Park St. United Church, Boss was guest soloist. Ms. and Mss. W. J. Snowden are visiting their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Ms. and Mrs. Ray Snowden, Toronto. Mr. and Mss. Wallace Munday, Mss. J. H. Munday, spent Sunday with Ms. and Mss. Theodore Wil- kins, Oshawa. Mss. C. E. Nesbitt, Winnipeg, bas returned home after a pleas- ant visit with ber brother, Ms. B. L. Worden. Congratulations ta Ms. and Mss. Ted Hutton, (nee Betty Stevens) on their massiage. Ms. and Mss. George Campbell, (nec Margaret Everson) Montreal, callcd at Mss. L. C. Snowdcn's an 1 i. THE CANADUN STATEShi«. BOWILANVUJ..E. ON TARIO 1 READ UP HAMPTON NEWTONVILLE