THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1947 aa~ vr~1~v'uWU THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTAIUO s a~ = - -<-a---' FR *74< - tÀ~6~tdJ5&/F/5D -4 e1 BIRTH-S CONNERS-Mr. and Mrs.Hay Conners are happy to announce the birth of their son, Thomas Mfichael, on October l7th, 1947, at Bowinanville Hospital. 43-1* DELVE-To Reverend and Mrs. SSamuel A. R. Delve, (nee Marion Jawley>, at the Kingston General ~ospital, on Friday, September 1947, a daughter, Janet Eliz- abeth,-43-1* HETZ-Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hetz (nee Estella Mae Lamb), Fairview, Penn., announec the arrivai of their daughter, Edna- mae Faith, on Friday, October 10, 1947. 43-1 McMULLEN-Mr. and Mrs. Roy MeMullen are happy to announce the blrth of their daughter, Linda Diane, at Bowmanville Hospital, on October 5th, 1947. 43-1* PARK-David and Helen Park are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Glenna Joyce, in Bowmanville Hospital, on Oc- tober l7th, 1947. (A baby sister for Tommy and Kenneth). 43-1* « MARRIAGE *~RNSIDE - RICHARDS - Quictly on Monday, October 2th, 1947, at 6 o'clock in Trinity Un- itcd Church Parsonage, Bowman- ville, by the Rev. J. E. Griffith, Dorotby Muriel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Richards, to Kenl- neth Stewart Burnside, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burnside o!, Monts-cal, Que. 43-1* McCREADY-JEWELL - At Ha- milton, on October 4, 1947, by Rev. W. G. Blake, Frances May Jcwell, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Jewell, Bowman- ville, and Robert W. McCready, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCready of Ingersoîl. 43-1 DEATHS ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Stevens an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Ruth Alberta, Reg.N., to Mr. Murray Ross Grant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Grant. The wedding will take place on No- vember 2lst. 43-1 Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mutton announce the engagement of their daughter, Betty Marie, to John Arthur Stonebridgc, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Stonebridge, Oshawa. The marriage will take place the middle of November. 43-1 Mr. and Mrs. Morley Emorey announce the engagement of their daughter Ivy Jean to Gordon Warren Chant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Chant, Martin, Ont. The marriage will take place No- vemb)er 15 at Whitby United Church. 43-1 COMING EVENTS Reserve Wed., Thurs., Fr1., No- vember 26, 27, 28, for Bowman- ville High School Commence- jment. 43-5 lleIp Wanted GENERAL assistant to learn laun- dry work, etc. Balmoral Hotel. 43-1* CAPABLE woman or girl for gen- eral housework. Apply 68 Centre St.. Bowmanville, or phone 766. 43-1 TWO girls for dining room and 2 women for kitchen. Apply Mrs. L. Laskaris, New Olympia, Apt. 3, Cowan Block. 42-4* STATIONARY engîneer, third or fourth class, successful applicant must be ex-service, under 35 years. Steady employment and a pension plan. Apply Superinten- dent Ontario Training School for Boys. Bowrnanville. 43-1 $35 to $60 a week! Your own bus- iness! No boss, no timeclock, in- dependence! The leading line of Home Service Products! If you own a car operate in the country, otherwise pick a city territory. Full information frec on request. Famnilex, Dept. C. 1600 Delirim- ier, Montreal. 43-1 Lost iHEIFER, roan with white mark- Reserve Saturday, October 25, îngs, lI , years old; straycd from for the Beehive Lodge sale of pasture at Nestîcton. Phone 184 home made cooking and articles r 5. Port Perry, W. G. Hooey. and afternoon tea at the I.O.O.F. 43-1 hall. 42-2 PURSE, black leather, lost Mon- Dance at Enniskillen, October day, owners name inside. Finder 24 sponsored by Enniskillen Foot- please returni to Mis. C. E. Sand- baIl~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c Clb uhWlo n e rs, care of Mrs. Wcstlake, King Variety Band. Ad mission 50c.! St. E. 43-1* Corne one, corne ail. 43-1C som W k Womcn's Institute Bazaar. Lions CLIAIO lwn Community Centre, Thursdav, Oc- UTV tNpoi* and tobér 30 at 3 p.m. Avrons, Home seeding; also John Deere repair Cooking, Country Store. Fanc parts and repairing done. F. S. Work, Afternoon Tea. Everyone Allen, 44 Concession St. Phone weicome. 43-1* b 7t On Friday evening, October 31, For Rent there *is a masquerade and boxFRNHEeadrom Wit social in Tyrone Community Hall. FBox 968, tateanOfic. 43.1* Those in costume or bringing Bx98 ttsa fie 31 boxes free, others 25 cents admis- THREE rooms, partly furnished, sion. Ail welcome. 43.2* middle aged couple preferred. BELLMAN - Suddenly et bis Adnewi ehl nNw home, 32 Qucen St. E., Toronto, castle Community Hall, under the October 15, 1947, Norman Thomas auspices o! the Board o! Manage- Beliman,' beloved busband of ment, on Friday, October 24, et 9 Berthe Matthews, and dear fether p.m. Russ Creighton and bis Ver- a! Sylvia, Muriel and Norman, Jr. eyBninatdnc.Ams Brother a! Alber:t and Arthur Bell- sion 50c. 42-2 man, Bowmanvilie. Haydon Thank-offering service BROWN-In Bowmanvilie on Oc- will be held on Sunday, Octaber tober 17, 1947, Charles Arnold 26, et 7 p.m. Guest speaker Rev. Brown, beloved husbend o! Mabel R. B. Harrison, Bleckstock. Spe- Dyctt, aged 59 years. Interment ciel music by Saline chair. You Fenelon Falls cemctery. arc cordially invitcd ta attend. - 43-1 OW L - At Bowmanville ipspital, October l9th, 1947, Alta On Friday evening, October 24th Mnaria Browneii, bcloved wife a! et 8 p.m., the 4th Troop o! Boy Jecob Browneli and dear mother Scouts et Boys' Training School o! Mrs. Annie Freser, Whitby; Eva wiil hold their first Boy Scout ver- (Mrs. Harvey Farrow) Newton- icty concert. An interesting pro- ville, and Raymond, Bowmenvillc, gram o! music, skits, imitations, agcd 91 years. Interment Bow- etc.. will be presented, Public is menville cemetery. cordiaiiy invited. 42-2 MASON - In Bowmenvillc, on Dance and Draw, Town Hall, Tucsdey, October 21. 1947, John Oron;o, Fridey, October 31, 1947, James Mason, eged 87 years: be- under auspices o! Heather Social .,,_.oved husband o! the late Rase Club. Three valuable prizes giv- Wigbh,,and father o! Elene, Mrs. en eway ta lucky ticket hoiders. ries, Bowmenville; Inez. Roy Forrester's popular dance rs. J. B. E. Staples, Toronto, and band ini ettendance. Admission ta he late Mrs. C. H. Haddy (Stelle), dance 50c per persan. 43-2 Charles H. Mason and Florence ason. Resting et the home o! The annuel bazear and efter- rs. N. S. B. James, Bawmanville, noon tee o! Durham Chepter, O.E. ntil Thursdey noan. October 23. S., will be heid in the Lions Com- Service from Morris Funerel Cha- munity Centre, Becch Ave., on pel, Bowmanvillc, et 2:30 p.m, Fridey efternoon; October 24th Thursdey, October 23. Interment from 3 ta 6 p.m. A drew will be 4' Bawmanviile cemctery. 43-1 made on an attractive quilt and pair o! piiiow cases. Proceeds SMITH-In Newcastle on Octob- wil be uscd for Chapter Hospital er 16, 1947, Lueila Scott, beiovcd Room Fund. 42-2 wife o! the;late W. J. Smith, in ber 75th yeer'. Interment Bowman- Th Bo enicBamtn vili -emetcry,. Club is sponsoring e Badminton * ___ _________Exhibition, Seturdey, October 25, IN MEMORIAM et 8:30 p.m. Aogtoetkn * __________________________part wili. be: Stan Cutts, worid KING-Sacred ta the memory a! professionai champion; Dick Birch * William Henry King, late night the present amateur singles cham- supervisor Ontario Hospital, To- pion (Ontario); present amateur ronto, who died October 27th, mixed doubles champion (Ontar- 1943, aged 45 years. 2 months. io);* former amateur singles cham- Veteran of World War I, 48th pion (Canada). Anyone interest- Higbiandcrs. . lecd is invited toaettend. 43-1 * A littie token, truc and tender Just ta show we stili remember; The re-opening and Thenkoif- Mcmorics o! us ail together' ering services of KEndei United Wiii linger in aur hearts forever. Church will be held on Sunday, -Fondiy remembercd by Mother,I November 2nd et Il e.m. and 7:30 Father, Sisters and Brothers. p.m. with Rev. John McLachlen 43.1* o! Whitevale as guest speaker et ________bath services. Music wiil be fur- SPRY-In loving memary of e nished byi Shiloh choir. An An- dear wifceand mother, Mildred nîversary supper wili be served on Spmy, who passed away October Thursday evening, Navember 6, 28, 1943.1 beginning et 6 p.m., foliowing 4chepârtsmi1e, a heart o! gald, which Mr. Carveth o! Newcastle ge darést Mum, the worldI wiil show moving pictures. Ad- Touid hoid.I mission 50c and 25c. 43-2* ymemaries fond and truc,W nedT Bu uswho thougbt the warld atdT Bu o ou. %Ei.remembcred by Husbend ANY quantity o! manure. Appiy Fred and cbildren Lyness, Jean Brookdale - Kingsway Nurseries. and Son-in-law, Bob. 43-1 Telepho:e 345. 43-i CARDS 0F TlIANKS S. McKnight and 'daughters wish ta thenk Dr. Fergusan and the nurses et Bowmanville Hos- pital. Also fricnds and neighbors for kîndness and expressions a! sympatbv during their recent ber- eavement o! e loving daugbter and sister. 43 Mr. and Mrs. George Finlayson, Biackstock. wisb ta take this op- portunity o! tbenking their friends and neigbbors for dards, letters, and parceis sent to Mr. Finlayson during bis stey in the Toronto General Hospital. Ail kindnesses wre greatiy apprccieted and this is to thank you anc and al for saIne. 43.1* lire !amiiy of thc iatc Mrs. Lu- ce~ Smith wish ta thank their- ru ny friends, relatives and neigh- jys for their kind expressions o! sypathy and for their beautiful fi ai offerin 3. e9pccially thank- S Ie.W.W. Patterson and Dr. J. Btler for bis constant et- tefidarce and kindness during ber' laut illness. 43-1 BARN-34x85. Anyone beving a barn for sale, phone Bowmanviile 2290. Bert Johnson, R.R. 2, Burketon. 43-1 BUCKWHEAT and Rye. WZiil pay bighest prices for both. Phone Clarke 33-12. A. IV. Gicnney;, Newcastle. 42-tf TWO heated furnished rooms. Possession on Monday, Oct. 27. Apply 2 Liberty St. 43-1 LARGE unfurnished room. Cen- tral location. Write Box 969 Statesman Office, Bowmanvillc. 43-1 * MODERN cottage, two bedrooms and bath, oul furnace. eight miles north of Bowmanviile., Phone 2679. . 43-1 Notice Io Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F ALVA WILLIAM ALLIN, late of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, Goodyear Employee, deceased, who dicd on or about the 6th day of August, 1947.% THE TRUSTEE ACT R.S.O., 1937. Ch. 165, Sec. 51. Creditors and others having dlaims against the above Estate are required to scnd full particulars and proof t"lereof to the undersigned on or before the lOth day of Noveînber, 1947, aftcr which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard only to dlaims that have been received. DATED at Bowmanville, in the said County of Durham, this 9th day of October, 1947. NORMAN J. ALLIN, 28 Carlisle Ave., Bowmanville, Ont. by hîs solicitor, LAWRENCE C. MAE ON, 30 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ont. 41-3 Notice tb Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F HARRIET R. LOWES ,deceased. All persons having dlaims against the estate of the said Harriet R. Lowes, late of the Township of M\anvers, Widow, deccased, who died on the sixteenth day of March, 1947, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed Executors on or before the lOth day of November, 1947. Af- ter that date the Executors wil proceed to distribute the said es- tate having regard only to the dlaims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Peterborough, Ont., this 4th day of October, 1947. WILLIAM RENNIE and HARRY M. RICHARDSON, Pontypool, Ont., Executors of Harriet R. Lowes Estate by PECK KERR McELDERRY & e OWELL, 415-417 Watcr St.,i P t, Ont., their Solici- tors. 41-3 Articles For Sale PONTIAC coach, 1934, in good condition. Phone 2244. 43-1 ACE ice box, like new, 50 lb. ca- pacity. Apply Keith Lathangue, 45 Temperance St. 43-1* VACUUM cleaner, tank type. Ap- ply Fred Moore, R.R. 2, Newcastle or phone Clarke 3930. 43-1* LARGE Quebec heater, good con- dition. Sid Brown, phone Clarke 2531. 43-1* TWO pool tables; large Quebec heater; some ten foot joists. Wil- liam Wilcox, Queen St. 43-1* WALNUT dining room suite in good condition. Phone Oshawa 710W. 43-1 DODGE sedan, 1934, in good con- dition. Apply Clarence Bell, 111 King St. E., Bowmanville. 43-1* TABLE turnips; Tolman Sweet and Spy Apples by bushel. Ap- ply F. W. Brooks. Phone 2227, Bowmanville. 43-1 MASTERPIECE cook stove, with pipes and waterfront, Sulent Glow oil burners, complete with 45- gallon drum. Phone 486. 43-1 McCLARY ice boxes, high lustre ,white enamel finish, 50 pounds ice capacity, $46. The Radio Shop. Phone 573. 43-1 BEDROOM suite, practically new, complete with dresser, chiffonier and bed, haîf rice. Phone 811. 43-1* CHEVROLET Master sedan, '34. Heater, good tires. Apply Ross Allin, R.R. No. 1, Newcastle. Phone 2622 Clarke. 43-1* USED rangette white, guaranteed, $22.50; table rangette $12.50; baby pram $5.00. Apply Murphy's. Phone 811, 57 Kýing St. W. 43-1* LATHAM raspberry canes, strong, healthy stock 4c each. Small canes and shoots 2c each. A. Laird, Maple Grove, phone 2109. 43.1* SWEET cider 50c a gallon. Cider custom pressed. La Salle, Lot 2, Con. 3, East Whitby. Phone Osh- awa 3430J1. 43-2 E. TOMLINSON, East End Gar- age, Newcastle, agent for Stude- baker cars and trucks. Also 1938 Hudson sedan for sale. 43-1* "MINUTE Minder"-thc perfect present for women-times any- thing to 1 hour then rings a bell- sec it at The Radio Shop, Bow- manville. 43-1 WOOD lathe, typewriter (port- able), basket-ball, table tennis table and set complete. Mackin- aw and breeches ouffit, size 12-14. Apply 13 Carlysie Ave. 43-1* ONE set used dise harrows; set of used spring tooth harrows; new Case horse rake; used two-furrow tractor plow; one-furrow riding plow; used electric stove: used Quebec heater. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer. Phone 497. 43-1 GABARDINE, tailored suit, red currant, twenty dollars. Also a black wool Dressmaker suit, twen- ty dollars. Both size fourteen, lovely materials, beautiful made- worn very little. Each forty-five dollars originally. Phone 647. 43-1* PONTIAC coach, 1941, heater and defroster, Model 25. 1941 Ponti- ac sedan, heater and defroster, new tires, very dlean. 1941 Dodge sedan, radio and heater. 1935 Chevrolet coach, heater; 1933 Pon- tiac sedan, $275. Apply G. Woods, 69 Concession St., Bowmanville. Phone 447. 43-1 OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Evcrything in mode.-n. Chester- ffield, bcdroom and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverîngs a specialty. Quai- ity merchaudise at competitive prices. Before buying visit Brad- ley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S.. Oshawa. 46-tf USED coal heaters, $10; Kroehler chseterfleld, looks like new $25.010; folding baby pram, $10.00; solid walnut gate legged table $45.00; +,- Leie o 9lts, (l A 4! 1 A Personal china cabinet, $10; used table ran- -- gette $15; uscd mentie radios, me- HAND SMOCKING on childrcn's conditianed, $10,00. , Apply Mur- wear, etc., choice o! patterns . Ap- pby's, 57 King St. W. Phone 811. ply 24 Carlisle Ave. 42-3 43-1 ATTENTION ail British wverPesFrSl brides-Harry Allin's have just: ___Pets____For___Sale __ received a hipment o nf- --'------ 1 AKRRdbachudpp ALL tpes lvepotryandafa- Pamer iscuits fromhom e 4-1 $5. D. Ado nempton 43.1* TE thers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, befor RHR. 1, Bethany. phone Bethenv BACKACHES go quickly, aftenDAH UN fea upis14 7 r 13. i-tf a!ter first dose. Rumacaps ta from registered parents, ten weeks signe - - way action ettacks the cause, e- aid. The. perfect pet and bouse b usin RECENTLY returned soldier wi-th lieves the pain. McGregor's Drug1 dog. Phone 2679. 43-1 know family. requires smell place inI Store. 43-1'1_______________ country. Would take place in - _____________ necd o! repeir. Write Box 964 HYGIENIC supplies (ru bber Radio Service Stree Statesman Office. 42-2* goods> maiied postpaid in plain THvai hoBw v ille, scaled envelope ith prîce list. TERdoSoBwavle imate LIVE borses for mink and fox Six sempies 25c; 24 samples $1.00. offers honest charges, iatest type King food. Cal us for higbeît prices. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- cquipment and treincd persan- TENI We elso pick up deed farm stock, ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Onit. nel. Our twa radio techniciens by a free o! charge. Margwill Fur 36-9 bath hold Government Certificates the T Farm. R.R. i. Tyrone. Phone Bow- o! Proflciency in Radio. Phone ville manville 2679. 41-t! Wanted to Rent 573. 20-tf ale 1 befo. AGED man and wi!e want smell URGENTLY requircd by October Offîcer: "Wby were you rading posil place toi have gerden, cbickens, 31st ros prmn rhuetruhtw tta ae ce etc. .Will pey cash and wiliing ta jta r * aam, Phon n rbus bog ow te ae 4". 4-1e repir roprty Wrte ox 65- Man: "My brakes wtrd out o! Statesmen Office, Bawmanvil!e. ROOMI on7N- for business girl. Ap- order and I wantcd ta get home 42-2* Iply The Iris Beauty Salon. 43-1* before theme w-es an accident. 143-2 Livestock For Sale SEVEN Yorkshire pigs, 8 weeks old doing well. Phone 2662. 43-1* GOOD Percheron hôrse. Phone 2335. 43-1 SHiROPSHIRE 3x shearling and ram lambs. A. H. Brent, R.R. 5, Bowmanville. Phone 2274. 43-1 JERSEY cow and one Jersey heif- er, 6 months old. Earl Dorrel. Blackstock. Phone Port Perry 187, 3-2. 43-1* FOURTEEN purebred Shropshire ewes, 1 purebred Shropshire ram. Apply K. E. Dean, R.R. 3, New- castle. 43-1 FIVE close springer cow% will seli any one or two. TB and blood tested; 13 good pigs about 60 lbs. Phone 2498, Allan Down. 43-1 PURE bred Holstein bull 1 year old. fromn cow testing 4 per cent. Collic pup 2 months old. Apply Fred R. Stevens, phone 2234. 43-1* FIFTEEN Holstein heifers, fresh- ening this faîl and winter; ten Holstein yearling heifers; ten Holstein heifer calves, six months old; four Reg'd. HolMtein bulls; two Reg'd. Holstein cows, four years old, frcsh three weeks. Ap- ply Walter Frank, R.R. 5, Bow- manville. Phone 2403. 43-1* Real Estate For Sale FIFTY acre farm, Lot 17, Con. 9, Darlington, about 2%~ milez west of Enniskillen. Phone 2759. 43-2 CHOICE building lot near Orono; also large quantity of dry lumber. Write Box 971, Statesman. 43-1* BUILDING lot, 66 ft. frontage, 165 ft. depth, Liberty St. S. Ap- ply 111 Liberty St. S. 43-1* CHOICE building lot for sale on Loyers Lane. Apply Bill Clarke, Loyers Lane. 40-4 HOUSE on corner of Church and St. George Streets. Apply Brook- dale -Kingsway Nurseries, near C.N.R. Station. (No telephone calîs please.). 43-1 PARTLY finished cottage, 3 rooms with some furniture, on Lakeshore road. Cheap for cash sale. Im- mediate possession. Phone 697. 43-1 FARM-150 acres, more or less; 8 room frame house in good repair; good barn, cernent floor; chicken house: 100 acres workable, ap- proximatcly 25 acres mixed wood and 25 acres pasture; hydro avail- able. Con. 9, Lots 26 and 27, 2½/ miles southwest of Burketon. Write Box 970 Statesman Office. 43-2 REPAIRS REPAIRS to ail makes of refrig- erators, domestic and commercial. Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf NEAT-Way Shoe Repair: Good, substantial workmanship, relia- bility, dyeing, soling, sewing, etc. Try the Neat-Way, King St., W. 30-tf Announcements Mrs. Gordon Harle, teacher in singing. Studio 111 Ontario St. 41-3 I wish to announce the re-open- ing of the barber shop at New- castle, formerly operated by H. Toms, on Monday, October 27. H. Quinney. 43-2* Notice Keith W. Slemon, M.D., 38 Cen- tre St., PhysiciLn and Surgeon. Office hours: Afternoon 2-4, except Wednesday. Nights, Tuesday, Thurscqay and Saturday 7-8. 41-tf Shooting match will be held at Lot 14, Con. 3, Manvers Twp., on property fo Fred Nimigon, one mile north and one mile east of Pontypool, on Saturday, Nov. let, at 12:30 p.m.. for 75 B.B.B. tur- keys 14-30 lbs. Twelve and six- teen gauge shotguns, 22, 30-30, 303 calibre rifles. Shelîs supplied and gpns if necessary. 43-2 For Sale by Apariments IN BOWMAN'VILLE MDERS wvill be received on or )re 5:00 p.m., an October 3lst, e, t the office of the under- id for the purchase o! the rîess and apartment building wnses the Horsey Block, sit- Son the south side o! King ýet in the 'i'awn a! Bowman- ýhaving a frontege o! apprax- ely 66 feet and running !rom gta Qucen Street. MERS must be accompanied acertified cheque payable to reasurcr, Town a! Bowman- efor 5 % o! the purchase price, ine in cash on closîng on or )re December Ist, 1947. De- tat be returned if tender not, ýptcd. The highest or any ten- not necessarily accepted. A. J. LYLE. Town Clerk Bowmanville CIasUfied Ad Lates CIASH RATE: 2 cents a word (minimum re- Must be paid before Insertion WCHARGED: 3 cents a word (minimum 50c) 25c extra for box numbers or replies dlrectedl to this office ADDMTONAL INSERTIONS SAME RATES Ai Classified Adiets Must Be In Not Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY You mnust include cash, stamps, or money orjier, with copy to get 10w rate. TENDERS will be rcceivcd by the undersigned* up ta noon, Octaber 30, 1947, ta wrcck a framc build- ing, 30x40, at the rear a! the Hy- dro office. Party wbose tender is eccepted ta reccîve ail the mater- iai taken down and dlean up the space wberc removcd. Evcry- thing to be remaved ,by Novcm- ber 8, 1947. Bowmanviiie Public Utilities Commission Auction Sales Mr. Cyrîl Darkc, Lot 12, Con. 1. Hope Twp., et Port Britain, wil seli by public auction on Friday, October 24, et 1 p.m., al bis farm stock. impiements and some fur- niture. Sce bills. Tcrmq cash. Wiliard Lord, cierk. Jack Reid. auctioneer. 42-2 Trhe undersigned will seli by public auction on Saturday, Oc- tober 25, farmn stock, impiements, bey, 400 bus. mixed grain 100 bus. of wheat; elso furniture, etc. o! Oliver Hubbard, Lot 2, Con. 9, East Whitby (2 1/2 miles eest of Raglan). Tcrms cash. Sale at 12:30 p.m. sharp. Sec bis. Clif- ford Pethick, auctioneer. 42-2 1 have been authorized ta sdil by public auction for J. Stork, Lots 18 and 19, Whitby Twp. (¼1 mile east of Dryden farm, near Brooklin) on Wednesdey, October' 29. a quantity o! one-horse impie- ments, lumber and furniture in- cluding stoves, kitchen and bcd- roomn furniture and numerous smail articles. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auc- tioneer. 43-1 1 have rcceivcd instructions from Mr. G. N. Smith, Lot 3, Con. 5, Clarke Twp. first farm est o! Shiioh Church, to seli by public auction on Wednesdey, October 29, at 1 p.m. the entire household effccts o! bis ten-roomn house. This sale will include the best in mo- demn and antique furniture. For further particulars, sec bis. Tcrms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioncer. 43-1 The executor o! the estate ai the late Thomas Burkell, Lot 14, Con. 2, Clarke Twp. (opposite Lancastcr's Garage) will sdil by public auction on Saturday, Oc-i tober 25, at 1 p.m., the cntirc con- tents o! 7-roomcd house and some farmn machîncry. The farm, con- sisting o! 70 acres exceptionehiy wcll built on, -wili be offered for sale subject to a reserve bld. Terms on furniture sale, cash. Sec bills. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 42-2 Farm Stock and implements, property o! Richard Senderson, Lot il. Con. 8, Darlington Twp.1 (1/4 mile north o! Woodlcy's saw miii) on Tuesday, October 28, two horses; fourteen head of cattie; « scycnty hens; fulli une o! farmn machinery; fifteen tons o! bay; fifty bushels o! oats and some household effects. At the same time and place there will be of- fcred for sale the farm, consist- ing o! 105 acres, 85 acres work- able, balance in wood and pasture with running water. Terms on real estate given day o! sale. Terms on stock, cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Theron Mountjoy, dlcrk; Clifford Pethick, auctioneer. 43-1 AUCTION SALE I have been authorized ta seli by public auction for the Estate o! the late William Leask LOT 34, CON. 6, DARLINGTON (2%~ miles northeast of Taunton) on Tuesday, Ociober 28 the following, HORSEb Gclding, 9 yeers aid; bay mare, 8 years aid; bay mare, 10 years aid. POULTRY Number o! Plymouth Rock hens. IMPLEMENTS Binder, Deering; 2 mowers, Deer- ing; binder, Frost & Wood; 2 cul- tivetors; gang plow; Oliver trac- tom plow, 2-furraw; roller; rake; 2 gang plows; corn cultivetor; scuff- 1er; seed drill (fertiiizer); set o! sleighs; sceles, 2,000 lbs.; circuler sawing machine; roller; harrows, Ayersi COD LIVER OIL blologically tested 55c, $1.29 10D COD LIVER OIL, rich ln Vitamins A & D 67c, $1,69 ALPHAMETTE Liquld ------------ $1.65, $3.00 ALPHAMETTES contain Vitamins A and D --------- $1.00, $1.85, $3.50 ALPHAMIN Capsule con tain essential vitamins and minerais ---- $2.25, $3.75 Revlon's Lasiron A new longer wearing nail en- amel ln ail Revion colors ---75e Calendars Made from your own Negatives compiete wlth envelopes 2 FOR 25o Seasonable Specials Firstaid Hlot Water Bottie $1.50 Roxbury Water Bottie ----99e SYMbol Hot Water Bottie $1.75 Kantieek Water Bottles --- - .- - $2.50, $3.00 Puretest Russian Minerai 011 -- - -- 59,, $1.17 Silque Hand Lotion - 60e Jergen's Lotion-- 29c, 49c, 98c Trushay --------- -- -49c Bisma-Rex.-- . 50e, 75c, 82.00 Mllk of Magnesia ---2',, 50o Cascara Sagrada Aromatie 25c Certlfled Dry Cleaner, gai. 59e Container 25o Refundable Pholographic Christmas Cards Made from your own Negatives 1 doz. black & white 98c, $1.50 1 doz. hand colored $1.98, $0 JURY and LOVELL THE REXALL STOR E Ring St. W. PHONE. 778 Bowmanville A U M T10 N S A L E! Preceplors' Night I have been authorizcd to sell Held ai Blacksiock by public auction for___ The 18th annual Past Prccep. (~t tor's Night of R.B.P. No. 398. O. K. usiJorne BBiackstock, was held on Tus CON. 2, LOT 4. DARLINGTON day, Oct. 17, with a good attend- milepastof oys'Traiingance of visitors and local Sir Kts. (3~ ile aitof Bys'TrallnThe visitors inciuded the follow- Sehool), on ing: Robert Ritchie, Peterboro, Grand Master of British America; 29Ea Draper, Prescott, G.M. of On- Wednsday Octber ario E.; A. G. Menzies, Yorkc County; S. P. Gascoyn 337. Toron- AT 11 O'CLOCK SHARP to; Tommie Tucker 1232, Toronto; the foliowing: John E. Walker 686, Toronto; Dr. 1"LEENTSSpcncc 686, Toronto; Geo. T. Muc- IMPLEENTSk le 342, Toronto; John Virtue, McD. 3-furrow tractor piow:, disc Toronto; Arthur Holden P.G.M., harrow: Wilkinson 8, gang plov; Ontario E; W. R. Sweeting and M.-H. binder. 7-ft. tut,« McD. sin- Wilbert Fallis, Millbrook; R. W. gle piow; oil-bath McD. mower; Craighcad, W. E. Bell and H. W. M.-H. 13-hoe drill (new); Deering Smith, Lindsay; Rcv. R. M. Scy- hay rake; harrows; McD. scuffler; mour, Enniskiiien; H. Lowery, Or- thistie-cutting scuffler; set of to- ono; and John Payne, Pontypool. boggan sleighs; set of light These distinguishcd Sir Kts. and sleighs: wagon; single light wa- visitors were wclcomed by a re- gon; McD. heavy duty 17-tooth cord attendance of Local Sir Kts. cultivator; M.-H. 2-row corn scuf- Rt. Wor. Sir Kt. C. P. Devitt oc- fier; cutter; rnilk cart; peils; cupied the chair in his usual cap- straîner; plunger; Melotte crcam able manner. Wor. Sir Kt. James separator; wheel-barrow; flat Byers, who wili next year be celc- rack; M.-H. hay loader; gravel brating his 6th anniversary as a box, electrie fencer; Stewart ci- Royal Black Knight, occupicd the ectrie clippers; electro pail; whif- Dep. chair and other chairs were fletrees;, neck 3-okes; pair sleigh filicd by Past Preceptors. bunks;, set pony ncck yokes; set A very profitable time was o! Gurney beam scales; 8,000-lb. spent iistcning to the leaders of platform scales, good order; forks; the Order in Canada and discuss- hay fork; siing ropes; railway tics; ing matters of vital importance to hand grass seeder; circular saw; its well being a! ter which ail ad- iawn rnower. journed to the Community Hall HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE where a bounteous banquet was Extension table-, davenport- hallý spread Iby the ladies of Pride o! rack, wash stands; odd chairs; Cartwright L.O.B.A. Many of the bedroom suite; kitchen range; visitors on looking at the tables box stve. >remarkcd "the war is over and box sove.the Packers strike has no cffect At 3 o'clock Sale of Accredited, at Blackstock -homemade pies Vaccinated Herd of AYRSHIRES and more pies, jUst the thing to (blood-tçstcd for sale): appease the appetite of a city dwellcr." After ail the Sir Kts. Herd Sire had partaken of ail they dure eat Senior yearling, Hermitage Cup the foiiowing toasts were propos- Bearer. ed: The King by C. P. Devitt, the Cows Toast Master; The Royal Black In- stitution proposed by John E. Cow, 7 years old, calved August Waiker and rcsponded to by Ro- 10, cow, 5 years old, calved Aug- bert Ritchie, G.M. of B.C.; Earii ust 25; cow, 4 years old, bred Draper, G.M. of Ont. E., Geo. T. February 13; cow, 3 years aid, Muckle, W.P. o! York County; bred April 6; cow, 4 years oid. Hartwchl Lowery, W.P. of Ponty- bred February 22; cow, 4 years pool; R. W. Craigheed, W.P. o! old, bred June 4. cow, 4 ycars Lindsay and Rev. R. M. Seymour old, bred April 15; cow, 4 years who gave a very inspiring address; old, bred June 2; cow, 8 years toast to visitors proposcd by old, bred May 30; cow, 4. years James Byers and responded to by old, bred in March; cow, 4 years Sir Kt. Arthur Holden, Peterboro; oid, bred May 13. W. C. Bell of Lindsay; Tommie Helfers Tueker of Toronto who exprcssed Heifer, 2 years oid, bred April 30; the regrets of the Dep. G.M. of B. heifer 2 years oid, bred in March; A. who was unable ta be present heifer, 2 years oid, not bred; heif- on account o! sickness and thank- er, 2 years old, bred in March; ed the preceptory on behaif of heifer, 2 years oid, bred in April; Toronto ýeisitors for the hospitai- heifer, 2 years oid, bred March 26; ity extcnded to them; Wiibert Fal- heifer, 2 years old, not bred; beif- lis of Millbrook; toast to the ladies er, 2 years old, not bred. Ten was very ably proposcd by Auc- year-oids and 3 calves. tioneer Jack Payne in his usuel humorous manner and responded PERCHERON HORSES to by Mrs. Royal Whitfîeld, W.M. One, 8 years old. 1600 lbs; one, 9 of Cartwright L.O.B.A. in ber us- years aid, 1700 ibs.; two, 7 years ual manner. oid, 1600 ib.s. Other speakers included Rev. J. HALNESS R. Bick and V. R. Sweeting wh extended an invitation to cci-P Two sets double harness; 1 single brate Derry Day in 1948 in Mill.. light harness; 1 set top coliars, brook. brass mounted; 2 sets brass moun- A very enjoyable evening clos- ted breechings (new); 6 hors@ cd with the National Anthem. collers, 4 long straws, 2 shorts.____________ PIGS FTESFRWE Sow wif.h 7 pigs; saw duc before FTNSFRIFE sale; sow due in November; sow Just keeping fit isn't quite en- due in December; 1 hog. ough, if one has to grappie with CHICKENS some o! the communicable diseas- 75 year-old Rock iýens, laying es. Fitness may help to throw good; 75 Rock puilets, iaying. off infection, but it isn't complete FEED protection against such things as 75 tons o! hay, 600 bushels mixed bronchitis, pneumonia and inf lu- grain. (No-barb barley No. 2 and enza. Ajax oats, suiteble for seed). To fortify us and help to stave off certain ailments, there are Terms Cash. Lunch Available available such formns o! immun- ization as vaccination. For raf- No Reserve ety, it is essential that ail sucli Ted Jackson, auctioneer; J. D. protedtive measures be taken, par- Hogarth, clcrk. 43-1 ticularly for children. PRSCRIPTIONS- SCIENTIFIC TRAINING, a rlch heritage of pharmaceu- Mial experience and a constant awarcness of his respon- sibilities uuallfy vour Rexali »harmacist to serve you and the community falthfully ln ail prescription work. TE% CANAD-IAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV=X. ONTARIO 1