MAE FOUR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "- 1~NESTLETON ' Netleton W.A. and M.S. met at the home of Mis. Stanley lff Ml<co#, Oct. 16,i charge of Mis. Wm. 'Steele's group., Meeting op- ened" 'with hyinn ' followed by çLord's Prayer in unison. The 33rd Pam was îead responsiveliy. 1,There were 12 ladies and Rev. 'arson present. Mis. Steeie at- ..... ... ...... If' ' '4Su 'e'a the whole The qu is the rea s ' housewuvt When y( IS tarch1 Corn Ste ity ensur( Atso Manufacturers of Crown Brand Corn Syrup YORK BRAND -SOUP SALE - JITAIL CLARK'8 2 Tains15 TONATO Clarks 2 Tins l5e HEINZ GREEN PLI 2 Tins 2V< CAMPBELL'S BEEF 14WDIE 2 Tins 234 A'YLMER SASPARAGUS 2 Tins 179 CAMPBELL'8 CHICKEN NOODLE 2 Tins M9 ANN PAGE-WH4ITE or BROWN 14ILK DREAD1 - A. & P. CUSTOM GROUNC, 81TO OCGKCOFE ROBINHOOD FLOUR - Bag ANN PAGE-NEW LOW PRICE N&YGNNAISE- HANDV HEINZ DILLED SPICED NCKqLE SLIUE FANCV ION^ (PECTIN ADDEO> ~rAPE JAR AUSTRALIAN SIILTANANAIIN tended the W.A. Convention at Whitby and gave a report. There were îeadings by Mis. D. Black, Mis. S. Malcolm and Mis. L. Job- lin. Solo by Mis. Wm. Steele. Ladies decided to buy certains for the basement of the church and have a social in the near future. A deiicious lunch of sandwiches, cookies and coffee was seîved and Mis. Malcolm and gîoup in charge were given a hearty vote of thanks ure it's delicious, when you ike it -iith. Canada Coin Ld it will bc a favourite with uality of Canada Coin Starch ison for its popularity mith es from Coast to Coast. ïoui recipe calis for Coin ho sure to use Canada taich," its dependable quai- oes excellent resuits. CC' for a profitable afternoon. No- vember meeting in charge of Mis. Ailan Suggitt's group. .1 Mi.'and 'Mis: -L. -Joblin'. enter- tained the discussion group -Wed- nesday evening, Oct. 15. Discus- sion was on recreation. They xie- cided to entertain the yourig peo- pie in the evening of Nov. 14. Mi. Sharpe invited ail to his home for the next meeting. Mi. and Mrg. Smith visitec Mi. and Mis. Kenneth Sameils. Mis. Fiorence Tripp visited friends at Manchester. Mis. L. Joblin visitèd Mis. R. M. Hoskin. Mi. and Mis. Malcolm Emerson visited Mi. and Mis. Chas. Taylor, Aurora. Mi. and Mis. Normian Malcolm and Gien, Biackstock,'visited Mi. and Mis. L. Jobiin. Mi. Byron Hyiand, Omemee, visited his parents, Mi. and Mis. Fred Hyiand. Miss Margaret Steele, R.N., Lon- don, vsited her parents, Mi. and Mis. Wm. Steele. Mi. Frank Emerson and -Mi. Richard Bowies, visited their par- ents. Mi. and Mis. Norman Malcolm and Gien, Mi. and Mis. George Johns, Mi. and Mis. 'L. Joblin, visited Mi. and Mis. L. H-unter, Port Peîîy. Next Sunday is Anniveisaiy Sunday with services in the Un- ited Church. Rev. R. Seymour, Enniskillen, will speak. Nestieton W.I. are sponsoring a Hallowe'en paity. Congratulations -to Mi. and Mis. R. M. Hoskin who celebrated their 43rd wedding anniveîsaîy. Mi. and Mis. Lew Williamson, Pontypool, Mi. and Mis. Harold Wheeler, Blackstock, visited Mis. Jas. Williamson. Mis. Wm. Thompson is in Port Perîy Hospital. We ail hope she will soon ho able to be home again. Miss Louise Johns is in Toron- to iecovering from an operation. Mi. and Mis. Stanley Malcolm' visited fîiends In Toronto and En- niskillen. Enlighten the people generally and tyîanny and oppressions of both mind and body wiil vanish like evii spirits at the dawn of day.. -Thomas Jefferson Florida &GRA EE 24-oz.10 Loaf e lb. 45< - 16-oz. Jar - 20.oz. Tin .24-oir. Jar - lb. PONTYPOOL Percy Coin intends tenting house, stable and,-garden fîom Tom 'Pewai. Still oui nice weather contin- ues, - ne of oui local celebrities suggests that it wouid be nice if it stayed this way tili next March and then 'vaimed up a littie.. Sonie earth has beehidîawn lat- ely in an, attempt to level up the local cemetery. .We have îead many articles about how the displaced people in Europe are pîacticaliy starving, have no ciothing and have been abused beyond human endurance. But the pictures of these so-caiied unfoitunatos, now arriving in this country, seem to belie the former reports. Did you ever see a health- ier, better diessed gîoup? If they have suffered awful abuses as suggested, they have made a won- deitul îecoveîy, and quickly. Eu- opean labor was run into the lum- ber camps aftexf Woîid WarI , the wages went down and did not re- cover for 25 years. Hope the same thing is not happening îight now! We weîe sorry to leain of the death of Charlie Brown. No mat- ter. wheîe Charlie lived, ho al- ways.refeîred to Fenelon Falls as "'Home." He used to work -for Massey-Harîis in Toronto. Most of us around here became acquaint- ed with hîm when he and Mis. Brown and their boy, George, de- cided to run a tinsmith and hard- ware shop in this village. Fîom here he went to Orono, thence to Fenelon Falls, and the next we hoard of hum, he was in Bowman- ville, wheîe ho died on Oct. 17. For some time before his death ho was parts manager for the Hancock agency of Massey-Haîîis. He was an excellent tinsmith and machinist, a- hard workeî in fia-, ternal societies, and an ail round good feliow. We, in this commun- ity, extend the hand of sympathy to his widow and son as they take him on the last sad journey to his beloved Fenelon Falls. It strikes us old "hay seeds" ýb back here as rather odd that, inr, the recent election held in the s home of the Roman Catholic re- ti ligion, Rome, the Communists a came out on top, but in France, where they have been exposing a t Communist tendency for quite a 0 number of years, the vote wentp for Gen, DeGaulle an ardent Cath-m olic. Which bîings us to. the 64 a dollar question, "Who's going to t 'win this week's election in theS Maritimes, Grit, Tory or C.C.F."0 Before this appears in print, wo l will know the outcome via radio. t( A signi has been orected on tse e east side of Highway No. 35, op- fi posite 14cCrea's Chuîch, pointing 1 the way to Durham Forest. ThisE is a move in the right direction,T as many people, wishing to driveT to the Forest are neyer quite sure of the sideroad to use. On Oct. 11, Mi. Norman Green, wardenv of the United Counties, Mr. Artv Runnaiis, Chairman of the Gan-I araska Authority îecommended I 'that the sign be erected. On Oct. s 18, it was in place, thus proving9 that aleit municipal officiais area ail that is neecled to bring about adjustments that will of ton bho very much, appreciated by th e general public.E A successful missionaîy meet-S ing was held in the United Church hero on Oct. 19, at 7.30 p.m., child- ion from the districts of Lotus, Bailyduff, New Park, Enterpruse, Manvers, Drum, Caîscaddèn and Pontypool taking part. The family, at present managing the local hotel, are busily assist- ing in apple picking in the New- .castie aiea, they commute by car eachmorning and evening. ENNISKILLEN A large congregation attended the Thankoffering service last 1 Sunda3e evening when Rev. Bick of Janetvilie conducted the ser- vice. The chuicis was tastefuiiy decorated with fiowers and the Solina choir îendored fine seiec- tions in the service of praise. Lunch was sorved the choir af- toi the service by oui ladies. SMi. and Mis. E. O. Pethick, Toronto, with Mi. and Mis. S. R. Pethick. Mis. E. Strutt at Mi. Jack Sin- clair's, Buiketon. Mi. and Mis. Herbert Rogers, Stanland's, with Miss E. Souch. Mi. and Mis. S. Stainton and famnily with Mi. and Mis. C. Eng- lish, Orono. Mis. R. Acton, Donald and Bar- bara, Uxbridge, with ber sister, Mis. L. Wearn. Mi. and Mis. W. Armstrong, .Nestieton, at Mi. John McGill's. Mr. and Mis. Stanley Malcolm, Nestieton, Mi. and Mis. Roy Tre- win and Donna, Loîne Park, Miss Helen H ainstock-, Toronto, Mr. and Mis. Fred Trewin, Biackstock, with Mr. Sid Trewin. Mis. J. McGill picked a beauti- fui, îed rose from her gardon this week measuriqg 43/4" in diameter. Rev. Buck, Janetvulle, wth Mi. DAGEPEKOS TEA Dl "l seu' ri oquicC I ,uCr;bloc - or I ii'01 ip -w- IWUIISAY. OCTOEU 33, UtI Cololurful, NEW va4 ed"1 I 1 a] r b Ir ri e E s 9 a f; E iý r E .P a 17 End Mrs. W. H. Moore. Mrs. E. Thompson, Bowm-an- villd, Mr.,.Riisgëi Thompson, Mis. M. Leslie, Toronto, and Mrg. Etta Page *ith Mir. *and Mrs. Arthur Brunt. Mt. and Mrs. F. Bray and fam- iy, Columbus, at Mr. E. A. Wer- y's.- Miss Muriel Langmaid, Peter- boro, Helen and Charlie Lang- maid, Solina, with Mr. Roy Mc- Gill. Mr. and Mis. J. McGune, Bow- nanville, with Mis. J. McGill. Mrs. H. McGili, Mis. Cecil Sie- non and Mis. E. A. Werry and babÈ, Mrs. D. Cole and Jean, Beth- esda, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Brooking, Port Britain, and Mrs. S. Lancaster, Newtonviile Mr. and Mrs. Albert Short, Sea- grave, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mustai'd Lnd Stanley, Uxbridge, with Mr. anld Mrs. Frank Dorland and Mr. anld Mrs. John Doîland. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carr and 'amily with Mr. and Mrs. Alymer 3eech. Mi. and Mis. A. Sharp attended Mfr. Will Byers funeral, Port Per- ry, on Monday. Mr. and Mis. Rupert Byers, 3owmanvllle, with Mr. and Mis. A. Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rowan and famiiy vith Mr. and Mis. -Iacker Midland. Mi. and Mrs. H. Mills entertain- ed a number of friends to, a fine goose supper M'onday evening. The W.M.S. meeting was held at the home of Mrs. E. A. Werîy on Tuesday, Oct. 14 with a good attendance of 28. Minutes weîe read, roll cail answered. Devo- tional opened with hymn and îrayer by Mis. Stenger. Psalm s'as read 'by Mrs. Sid Trewin, 'eading by Mrs. H. McGill. Mrs. Ai. Sharp took charge of program, reading Mrs. T. M. Siemon, read- ing by Mrs. Stenger. Mrs. Sey- mour gave a very interesting chapter of the Study Book. Read- ing on Thanksgiving by Mis. J. Ai. Werry. Meeting closed by singing hymn no. 75 and prayer )y Mrs. Seymour, Mis. E. A. Weî- *y. Mis. A. Sharp's group served sandwiches and tarts. A vote of thanks was given to Mis. Werîy and the group. Enniskillen Service Club held their meeting Oct. 14, at the home of Mis. Richard Rowan with 15 present. The sec. tieas. report .vas given for the past year and adopted. The report of work for the year was given by Mis. John Slemon. There were 133 articles of clothing sent to Bowmanville Hlospital. The election of officers took place with Mis. A. Leadbeat- er in the chair, the following of- ficers were installed. President Mrs. L. Stainton, vice-pies. Mis. D. Càrr; sec. tteas., 'Mes. 'R. rhompson; assist. treas., Mrs: E. rrewin; social conveners, Mis. H. Vhlils and .Mis. F. Beckett; buyer, Mrs. John Siemon; hospital con- vener, Mis. O. C. Ashton. The in- viting of new members, Mis. A. Leadbeater and Mis. H. Ashton. In conclusion a nice lunch was served by Mis. R. Rowan and her group. Next meeting to be held at Mis. Alvin Boyd's. Mis. Elizabeth Patteison visited with friends in Toronto. ,oMrs. Mary Griffin attended 'the Rahm, and Perger .wedding on Saturday at Tyrone. Mr. and Mis. Leonard Bradley Blacksiock School Has Capacity Crowd Ai Speaking Conle'st On Friday evening, Oct. 17, our Community Hall in Biackstock was f illed to the doors with pupils and inteiested aduits. The occa- sion was the Public Schools of Cartwright Public Speaking Con- test. The members of the Board of. Education weîe ail preent to see that things ian smoothiy and Mr. Wallace Mariow, chairman, acted in that capacity. F.ollowing is the list of contest- ants and their subject: Ruth Hamilton-"'The Earliest Amorican;" Betty McAithur - "The Life of Sir Fîederick Bant- ing;" Joan Young-,'Tiopical Dis- ease-Yellow Fever;" Nina John- ston-"Life of the Honey Bees;" Jean Trembiay - "Measuies of Time;" Alian Weiiy-"Alexander Graham Bell-," Shirley Hamilton -"An Aeîoplane Journey over Canada;" Phyllis Stîong-"Story of China;" Ruth Whitfield-"Al- exander Graham Bell;" Gaîry Ferguson-"Keep Tiying;" Lorna Harîis-"Queen Elizabeth;" Dor- een Cochane-"Alexander Gra- ham Bell;" Dawn Black-"Ma- dame Curie;" Margaret Fitze- "Mosquitoes." The speeches were inteiesting and informative and the contest- ants are ail to 'be congratulated on theirfine attempts. Music by the dfferent schools was given af- tei every second speech. We were glad to have Inspector Mi. Mc- Ewen, Oshawa, present, who spoke to the gathering. Also Mr. Dickson, oui new music teacher for the schools, who led in com- munity singing. The judges weîe Mis. W. G. Bowles, Mi. Crane, principal of Port Perry High School and Mi. R. P. Allin, oui continuation Sehool principal. Their decision was as follows: lst, Jean Tremblay; 2nd, Betty McArthur; 3id, Shirley Hamilton; 4th, Doreen Cochrane; 5th, Dawn Black. Trustee David Wilson present- ed the prizes and each contestant received one. Also Mis. Dalton Dorrel ieceived the prize foi the teacher training the lst prize speaker. The prizes were donated by the Port Peîîy Lions Club, the chair- man Wallace. Marlow, the sec. treas Henry Thompson and the Board of Education. The final contestf for Durham County wiil be on Nov. 7 in oui Community staîting at 7:30. A veîy enjoyable evening is prom- ised, with the prize winners of each township competing,, and special musical numbers from Bethany expected. You wiil have to be on hand eaîly to get a seat. visited with Mi. and Mis. Walter Oke. The W.A. will meet at the home of Mis. Donald Cari, Oct. 28 at 2:3 0 p.m., Mi. and Mis. John Oke at Mi. and Mis. Hleib. Rundie's, Hamp- ton. IMr. and Mis. Walter Oke are sporting a new Ford car. Six TUNE UP FOR WINTER and proleci your family front cold-wepther driving hazards! Assure you family's safety, comf ort and convenience by having your car coni- pletely checked and adjusted to cold-weather driving. A winter tune'-up now will save your time and texnper ]ater and pre-cancel expensive repair bills that otherwise would a crue. We 're the authorized representatives cf many higli-standard, nationaliy-advertised brake and wheel services .. and exper- ienced in servicing every car that runs on the road! BER US ABOUT YOUR CITIE13 SERVICE ANTI-FREEZE N 0 W 1 PA LMER MOTOR SALES PLYMOUTH - CHRYOLER DEALER - FARGO TRUCK8 SCOTT-ATWATER OUTBOARD MOTORS 20 King St. B. Bowmanville 'Phone 481? q'f AMAMlAN Sq'ATES.MAT 1BOWMANVILLIE, ONTAMaO u .4 I I A& P MEAT BUY OF THE WEEK 621 FEES iou 3JJ WHOLE OR HALF lb. -3w< FUg SMICSUME FOIE», SCENTRE CUT lb. END CUT lb. 45< - De FPOd Suggestions SOEFM=LTSFR5814 l b. 45. Con HlETS =FR5814 lb.32% SAmelNON SEAKSOR CDTflECMfSILVERBRIGHT 1b4 Interior Decorator Shades Northern Electric's Baby Champ is fuit of harmony -melodious jin ton. and har- monious ini colours. Six, soft shades to blernd with room interiors., Carnalion Red 9 Blue e Green * Red GoId a ivory , Brown 5-Tubes--Extra Largo Permanent Magnet Speaker "The Biggest Little Radio In The W@rld"! Se. ti Hear ti IN OUR SHOWROOM $3350 Brown only $32,50 THE RADIO SHOP wýý [;A LIQUID zyr PASTE STOVE POLISIH è,ý wý lu «Pepsi-Co" rlathe regli -&ed Stade mark ln C * de of the Popit-Colo Company of Canada Unattad 48 .01