qqn7~SDAY. NOV. 2Ot~. 104? TBE CANADIAK STATESMMf, EOWMAKVILLE, ONTARTO PAGE TIT~ZEN * If ,r7FI1 vww.~ * 'i * * fi ,f~fJI~~ BIRTHS McPHAIL-Mr. and Mrs. Mac Mc- Phail (nee Marion Welsh), are happy to announce the birth of their son (Ross Rae) at Bowman- ville Hospital on November I4th, 1947. 47-l1* MARRIAGE DENBY-MOUNTJOY- On Sat- urday evening, Noverrier 15, 1947, in the United Church parsonage, Tyrone, by the Rev. A. E. Cress- well, Lillian Mauntjoy, Bowin ville,.daughter of the lateM.ad Mrs. Andrew Sharp, Enniskillen, to Frank Lawrence Denby, Tor- onto, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Denby of Markhamn. 47-l"~ DEATHS PERRIN-At her Los Angeles -iorne on November 3rd, Anna main Perrin, widow of John Per- rin, formerly of Whitby and dear mother of Vida (Edna) Mrs. Task- er, and (Clare) Mrs. Boomer. In- terment at Inglewood Park cern- etery. 47-1f IN MEMORIAM ASH-Memory's tribute to a dear- ly loved husband and father. Gor- don Frederick Ash, who died sud- denly, Nov. l9th, 1938. -Wife <Mary Wetherell Ash), and daughters (Helen and Margar- et), Newcastle, Ont. 47-1* COLVILLE-In Idving memory of rny three sons, Alex, Bill and John (Sandy), killed overseas with the R.C.A.F. My thoughts wander as daylight fades To those happy days which have passed, And memory paints the scenes of old In the gold of the twilight glow. I seem to see in the soft dim light Those faces I loved so much, And think of themn when the sun's last rays Go down in the far-off west. As I watched the lads around corne home, I looked for mine in vain;, I realize now, with an aching *heart They will neyer return again. Many times the note of their fav- orite song Brlngs me thoughts of themn. Always the sound of the passing planes I always speak their names. A token of love and remembrance Of darlings I can neyer forget; But the love of them, who sleep beneath, Shaîl neyer fade away. -Ever remembered by Mother. 47-1 MARTIN-In loving mnemory of Jean MeNaught Martin, who pass- ed away November 17th, 1945. "While she lies in peaceful sleep, Her memory we shall always keep." -Lovingly rmrembered by her husband, Johf, and son-in-law and daughter, Howard and Vivian Pickard. 47-1* ' ',SON-In loving memary of ,dear Mother and Grandmoth- er, Hilda Victoria Wilson, who passed away, November 23, 1940. -Always remnembered by Bella and Arthur Falls and family. 47-1 * Help Wanted NIGHT porter required, elderly man preferred. Balmoral Hotel, Bowmanville. 47-1* WAITRESSES for Olympia Cafe, ta start work Friday, Nov. 28. Ap- ply Mrs. Louis Laskaris. 47-1 CUSTOMS Excise Examiners, $1800-$2220, Port Survey of Bow- manville. Full particulars on Sosters in Post Offices or the Civil ervice Commission, Toronto. Ap- plication forms, obtainable there- at, should be filed flot later thani November 29, 1947, with the Civil Service Commission, Ottawa. 47-1 PROVIDING you are an energetic young man willing ta work hard ta build a successful business and future for yourself, we have an opening for you, now, in this dis- trict, as direct distributor of our products. Previous experience unnecessary. Apply to Home Of- fice Blue Brand Products Co. Ltd., 7227 Alexandra Stree& Montreal. 47-6 E. Tomlinson EAST END GARAGE Phone 320 Clarke Newcastle, Ontario AUTOMOBILE AND TRUCK REPAIRS Studebaker Cars Trucks Immediate delivery on 2 and 3-ton trucks Duebler Farm Equipment Hockey Equipssnent Reserve Wed., Thurs., Fni., No- vember 26, 27, 28, for Bowman- ville High School Commence- ment. 43-5 St. John's Junior W.A. wiil hold an afternoon tea and sale et work in the Parish Hall, Friday, Nov. 28, tram 3-5. 47-2 IDance in Enniskillen Commun- ity Hall, Friday, November 28, sponsorcd by the Enniskillen Ath- lotie Club. Ruth Wilson's Van- iety Band. Admission 50c. 47-2* Home League sale at the Salva- tion Army. Sale of tancy work, home baking and home made candy, on Saturday, December 6, opened by Mrs. C. W. Slemon at 2:30. 47-1 Mrs. T. Gouid-Sale of work in the Sons of England Hall, Thurs- day, Dcc. Il, wide sciection of dolîs aprons, infant gowns, tatted hand- kerchiefs, homo cooking, candy, atternoon ted. 47-3* The ladies of Ft. Joseph's church invite the public ta thoin bazaar in the Sons of England Hall, on Fni- day, November 21. Fancy goods, aprons. homo cooking, atternoon tea and draw. Open at 2:30. Tea, 3 ta 5. 47-1* Dance under auspices Boa.zd of Management will bc held in New- castle Cammunity Hall on Friday evening, Nov. 28th. Dancing tram 9 until 1. Russ Creighton's Van- iety Dance Band in attendance. Admission 50c per persan. 47-2 Shooting Match, Saturday, No- vember 29, at 12 noon sharp. 100 B.B.B. turkeys, geese and chick- ens. 12 gauge shotguns and .22 rifles used (shelîs supplied). Pro- perty ot J. Morcer, Glen Cedar Fanm, one mile east ot Newcastle an Highway No. 2 47-2* ' Hampton United Church Har- vest Homo Services, Sunday. Nov. 23, at 2 and 7 p.m. Guest speak- er, Rev. A. E. Eustace, Orono. Special musie by Hampton Choir assisted by Mr. Owen Nicholas, baritone soloist, Bowmanville, in the atternoon and by the Bowman- ville Rotary Club Choir at the ev- ening service. 46-21 Ebenezer United Church special' thankaffering services will be heid an Sunday, Nov. 23, at 10:30 ar. and 7:30 p.m. At the morning ser- vice the new Minshall electrie or- gan, prcsonted by Roy W. Nichols in memory ot his mother and f a- ther, will be dedicated with Rev. W. C. Smith, Port Perry, speciai speaker. Rev. F. Yardley will speak at the ovening service. 47-1 CARD 0F THANKS Mn. and Mrs. Ceeul Collacutt and Marie wish te extend their sincero thanks te, Salem commun- ity and fniends fer the levely gift they neceived. 47-1 Mm. and Mrs. George Osmond, Elgin St., wish ta convoy their thanks ta neighbons and tniends fan beautitul presents and cards et congratulations received on the occasion et their 4th wodding annivcrsary. 47-1* TENDERS will be received by the undersigned addressed to 19 King St. West, up to and including Nov. 29, 1947, for prices and delivery dates on a ¾/-ton and a 1-ton cab and chassis, stating ail specifica- tions of samne. Cab to be equipped with dual windshield wipers, dual rear-view mirrors, heater and de- frosters, also dame light in cab. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Bowmanviile Publie Utilities Commission 47-2 Real Estate For Sale BUILDING lot on Church St. E. 10 Liberty St. N. 47-1* SIX-roomned frame house, 31/ acres of land, Lot 20, Base Line. Apply 24 Liberty St. S., after 6 p.m., or Saturday. 47-1* IN Newcastle, 5-roomed frame house, good garden. Apply Apt. 15, 82 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa. Ev- enings. 47- at 1 p.m., the foilowing: NEW seven room cement block Four Percheron horses; 20 Pollod house, water and lights, hot air Angus cattle; 20 feeder hogs*;b14 heating, built-on garage, quarter owes; 150 puilets; 400 bus. mixed acre of land. Appiy Gardon W. grain; 25 tons hay; 50 tzags pota- Lockwood, Orono Flour Milis, Or- tacs; a full lineofo nearly new ana, Ont. 47-3Caclshutt machineny. Further ___________________________partîculars, see buis. Terms cash. SEVEN-room house, full basemnent No reservo. Jack Reid, auction- tully însulated, furnaco, sewor and, cor. 47-1 w'ater; new eavetroughing. Irm- mediate possession $5,000 cash. Auction Sales Apply Brookdaie-Kingsway Nurs- eries 47-1 Sam McKee, Lot 21, Con. 4. cris. 7-1Cart'wright Township, will seli by Livestock For'Sale public auction on Saturday, No- _________________________ ebr 29, at 12 o'clock noon. SOW due in Decenîber. Orville For particulars s00 bills. Farm Osborne, phone 2480. 47-1 implements, cattie, grain and hay. ____ ___ - -Terms cash. C. Devitt, cierk; Ted FERRETS-Haît mile north and Jackson, auctioneer. 47-1 oneo mile east of Hampton. James Delaney. 47-111 Furniture and Real Estate Sale TWOcales or ealng.Austin -I have been favoured with in- TWO alve forvcalng.structions tram Miss Ruby Ratel- Wood, phone 2388, Bowmanvilie.. lick, Lot 22, Con. 7, Hope Twp., FOUR Durham steens and two (at Porytown), ta seli by public heiters, must soîl or can you win- auction on Saturday, Nov. 22, at ton them? Phono 389. 47-1* 1 p.rn., a seven-noomed frame __________________________houso and hait acre lot and its on- ONE two-year aid Guennsey heif- tire contents. Terms cash. Jack or, due January 1. Apply W. S. Reid, auctianeer. 46-2 TWO Holstein heifer calves. four, and seven weeks aid. Phone 2895.j 47-1 GENERAL purpose horse, 4 years old; also auto-trac, motor in goad condition. W. Craig, phone 2365 Bowmanville. 47-1* HOLSTEIN caîf for vealing; also Stewart hand-powered cattle clip- pers. Apply Herman Schmid, in Newcastl. 47-1 HOLSTEIN caîf for vealing; also nino Beatty water bowls, with ro- gulating tank and pump jack. R.!I Le Grosloy, Newcastle. Phono' 1130 Clarke. 47-1 Wanted to Rent TWO or thrcc unfurnished rooms for young couple or will exehange rent for looking aftcr some elder- ly persan. Appiy Box 985, States- man Office. 47-1* For Rent Mr. and Mns. Bob Collaeott wish 351 Li berty St. N., Bowmanvlle. ot take this opportunity et thank- 47-4* ing relatives and tnionds for their many acts of kindness, cards, fruit TWO nooms, ncwly decorated, no and flowers sent during the iii- children. Appiy 2 Liberty St. S. ness et Mr. Collacott, espeeiaîîy, 47-1* thanking the nurses and staff ai TWO large furnished bednooms Bowmanville Hospital and Dr.-V. with or without grill privileges. H. Stoney. 474l* Gentlemen prefercd. Phono 432 Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Goodman wish te thank their friends and neighbons, dompanions et the For- est and the Men's Club et St. John's Church for fruit, cards and flowers and for tho many kind- nessos shown Mn. Goodman dur- ing his stay in the Tarante West- ern Hospital. AU kindnesses wene greatly appreciated. 47-1* Y wish ta take this epportunity of eicpnessing rny sincere thanks ta Durham Chapter O.E.S., Past Matrons Club O.E.S., aise rny many friends and kind neighbons fan the lovely baskets ai fruit, flowers, cards and lettons which I neceived and wore se much ap- prociated while I was in Welles- loy Hospital, Tarante, and dur- ing my convalescence at home. 47-1 -Mns. D. J. Chambens Wanted HEATED noom te store funiture temporarlly. Phono 452. 47-1* iROOM and board wanted for high sehool girl in exehange for light household duties and baby sitting. Phono 2225. 47-1'* Notice Keith W. Slemen, MD., 38 Cen- tre St., Physician and Surgeon. Office heurs: At ternoon 2-4, excopt Wednesday. Nights, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 7-8. 41-tf TAKE NOTICE or'apply39 EIgin ýSt-. 4-7'-Î Wanted To Buy BUCKWHEAT and Rye. Will pay highcst prices for bath. Phone Clarke 33-12. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle. *42-tf ALL types live poultry and fea- thers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bcthany 7 r 13. -tf WE are offering highest prices for Red Claver, Alsike, Alflia and Timothy. Submit samples. Stew- art's Seed Store. Phone 577. 44-tf LIVE horsês for mink and fox food. Caîl us for highest prices. We also pick up dead farm stock free of charge. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bow- manville 2679. 41-tf Custom Work CULTIVATING, plowing a n d seeding; also John Deere repair parts and rcpairing donc. F. S. Allen, 44 Concession St. Phone 594. -17-tf SMALL Gibson tractor work av- ailable. Gardens plowed. ground lovellod;, sidewalks snow-cleaned, at roasonable rates. Apply H. T. Moore, Bowmanville. Phono 671. 46e2* Personal CURTAIN~S laundered and stret- ched. 85 Ontario St., front doar, I Classified Ad Lates CASH RATE: 2 cents a word (minimum 35c) Must be pald before insertion IF CHARGED:, 3 cents a word (minimum 50c) 25o extra for box nummbers or replies directed to this office ADDMTONAL INSERTIONS SAME RATES Ail Classlfied Adiets Must Be In Not Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY You must inelude cash, stamps, or money order, with copy to get low rate. 'Articles For Sale QUEBEC heater; fur coat, size 34. Phone 579. 47-1 PAIR skies, 7 ft., maple, complete with poles and harness. Phone 2485. 47-1 ELECTRIC refrigerator, new. Im- mediate delivery. Davis & Grant. Phone 2674. 47-1 GURNEY cook stove:, also ram. Apply Henry Nixon, R.R. 2, Or- ana. 47-11 MACHINE and wbodworking bus- iness and equipment. Apply R. Rombough. phone 2703. 47-1 STORM windows, combination doors. made ta measurementq. T. H. Tabb. Tyrone. 47-3* CREAM enamel gas stove; wine folding go-cart; carpet sweepcr. Phone 452. 47-l" MEDIUM size Qucbcc heater with nil burner. Practically nexv. Phono 858, aftér 6. 47-1* DRAINER, heavy white enamel, rolled edge 19x27, $10.00. Phone 840 after six. 47-1i* TWO suits of men's wool combin- ations, size 38, nover been worn. Blake Short, phono 2479. 47-1 GIRL'S groy parka, size 16; baby's. blue coat and helmot, size 6 mon- ths ta 1 year. Phono 2675. 47-1 BOY'S leather windbreaker, sizo 12 ta 14, suit size 14. Aladdin lamp. 1900 washing machine and wringer. Phone 2154. 47-1 COMING EVENTS 1 TENDERS WANTEDR Wood Sale-The unidersigned ELECTRIC nangette, used only six (Intended fan Last Week) auctioneen will scîl by public auc- month; twopairs of xindow sash eprn roaionS - tion for Fred Ferguson, Lot il,28'x28". newk. Apply H. Wcbber. TemprNce. prram on Sun-e o Con. 4, Dariington (tîîree miles cane ai King Tax i. 47-1 Temperance Supt. Douglas Cale. north af Bowmanville, on Manvers PLYMOUTH coach, 1942. Recon- Mn. C. W. Woodley gave the scrip- Road), on Saturday, Nov. 22, four1 ditioned and winterîzcd. Looks tue1 aig;Mro .ih e acres of standing tîmber, ta be and runs like nexv. Privateiy own- citation, entitled "In Flanders sold in quarter acre lots, more or i d. Phono Oshawa 295 r 12, 47-1* Field " Mrs. R. J. Hadgson gave less, consisting of beech, maple, --alsplendid talk on Temperance. hemlock and cedar. Terms cash. TWO pool tables; 2 10-bail amuse- Two lovely vocal duets were given Sale at 1:30. Poney Westlake. ment machines: cuphoard; 12 tt. by MissSeaBstdMisJn clerk; Clifford Pethick, auction- joist. William \Vilcox, 58 Queeni Rainey aceompanied by Mrs. Best, ecr. 46-2 St., Bowmanviiie. 47-1* jail of Orono. Anlene Rosevear 1 hve eenautoried o sllJUST arrived! Shipment ofilhard read a poem. y havebl e auton fzedCharls o aget Bissol"Grand Rapids" by puie a cion or Ch.F. alsball-bearing carpct sweepens. Spe- Macie nd on.Lo 1,B.F. Estial $6.95 each at F. F.Morris Ca. Whitby (Art Pascoe tarrn), on cia . Codg Saturday, Nov. 22, fanm stock, im- _____________4- piements (tractons and tractor -ELECTRIC coff ee percoiato's-,1 Celebrates Ifs equipmcnt, new) trucks, hay, highly paiished chrome, automatir grin ottes n any other shut-aif. A beautiul Chiimas 35th Annîversar y sale of good stock, new impIe- phn1 7 Rdo4 niprat adaki h ments, trucks, etc. Sale at 121:30 - Aniprtn anm- i h sharp. Sec buis. Terrns cash. FOR cleanier milk and taster milk- history ai the Rebecca Ladge xvas Gardon Gifford, clenk; Elmer Wil- ing, use the Surge Milkcr. Dairy ceiebrated Thursday evening a' bur, auctianeor. 46-2 cattie acceptod as payment. WVal- the Balm oral Hatel, when sixty -~ter Frank, R.R. 5, Bawmanville. members gathered ta mark the Wemry and Canr wili soli by Phono 2403. 47-1* 35th. Anniversany. It took the publie auction on Fnlday, Nov. 21,I~-- form of a dinner and social even- at the Byers farm, under the bigI ELECTRIC and gasoline washers, iniof a cards and dancing. Imn- ilil at Enniskillen, the foîîowing: immed'ate dcliverv, tram S$139.50. portant guests present wene Mns. Ton hanses; 75 pigs; 100 cattie, rnpotin prcpaid. Budget M. Bunker, Oshawa, District Dep- these cattie are ail Ontario cattle, termis, special discounîts ta dealers. uty Presîdent, Mns. F. Roberts, extra quaiity, including cows. fat Christian's Electnic arnd Hardxvane. 1 Whitby, and three original char- cattle, stockons. and caives. Sale Oshawa, Ontario. 454ter membens, Mrs. M. Bagneli,! at 1 p.m. Cattie solcifrt ThisBUC sea,13 Mrs.J. Prout, and Mrs. Kinken- lietokwifbes lcnt. p UC sdn,13 Special, ex- dal. Toronto. The tourth member lîvstok wll o sld.cienîn Upecîlent condition. rcccntly aven- aur summer 's business. Tenms hauled, anc owner car, heater, slip Mr. W. Bagnoîl, could not ho pros- cash. Under presont conditions cavons, soaled beam headlights. cnt. and prospects ot aur Canadian cat- Phono 890 between 5:30 and 7, Afttr the deliciaus dinner sorx'- tic going ta the States, if interest- p.m. 46-if cd by the hotel staff, Mrs. S. Loy- cd in cattle it might well pay you- itt, Noble Grand, was mistness bi ta attend. Credit înay be an- USED set spring-tooth hanirows; ceremnonies, assisted by the Vice nanged. Roy MeGili, clerk; Clif- used riding plow: xîsed circlllatinlg Granid, Mrs. G. Muidock. The Re- fond Pethick and Jack Reid, auc- heater; uscd smaii Quebec heaten; becca Assembiy was toasted by tioncons. 47-1 new Case hay rake; ncw B.T. ei- Mns. M. Tamblyn ta which Mns. _______eetrîc gnînder 3 h.p. moton:* new Bunker responded. Mrs. F. Ba- Auctian sale et standing timben, tires at low prices. W. H. Brown, ken proposed the toast ta the char- sawmnill, trucks, tracter and equip- Case Dealer. Phono 497. 47-1 ten mernbers and Mrs. Prout mo-1 ment. Pnopenty et B. W. Haynes,OHAASnwuntreso- plied. Mns. G. Murdock purpos- Lot 33, Con. 7, Hope township, 3 EOnyhing i nedefun.Ce ste- c1h os ath usst hc miles cast of Kendal and haîf mile Eeyhn nmd-n hse-e h os oteget o\hc south. To soul by public auction field, bedroom and dining noomn Miss Lenone Harding nesponded. on Monday, Nov. 24, at 1 p.m., suites, and studios. Bedding and The 35th Annivensany Birthday 1 12 acres of standing timbem con- fleen ceverings a specialty. Qual- cake was beautifully decerated sisting of pine, ash, maple, cedar, ity merchandise at competitive with fnosting and 35 candles which beech and hemiock. It is estimat- pricos. Betare buying visit flrad- wene lightod by the charter miem- cd ta ho 50,000 ft. et lumber. Hun- ley's New Furniture Store, 156 bers and aftenwards they cut the dneds et cords of wood. Âlso ta Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf cake %vhich was enjayed b 'v al ho sold 100 cards et dry maple;BinsFF.Mrs present. Worthy of mention were 60cod o las oesawmiîî VENETIAN lnsFP.Mri the lovely bronze and yellow 60 ord etsias; flOCa. offer froc estimates, measun- 'mumi bouquets adomning the ta- complote; anc McCommick-Deen- ing.and installation on Met-Wo, bics. Aften the banquet Mns. H. ing W-30 tractor on nubber, anc Hees, Sun-Ray, Kirsch venetian Samis and Mns. F. Moore present- '37 Farga 2 1,1 ton truck, one White biinds, steel. aluminum and wood c it !c'.sadsuest h truck, 3-ton. For funthen partie- slats available, choice of colons in echartr membes.n Murs Bunker ulars soc buis. Terms cash. Jack,,sae n aegaate ei-ca.e imes r.Bne Reid, auctieneer. - 62sae n aes unneddlv eceived a candv jan and Mrs. -2 ey wihin day ofmeasuring. Roberts a horti of plenty vase. Room and Board C46 40 dy 4- ______i__ I HAVE accommodation for lady in refined home, winter months, longer if desired. Phone Clarke A11-33. 47-2f REPAIRS REPAIRS to ail makes of refrig- erators, domestic and commercial. Hîggon Electric 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf The annual meeting of Ithe or phono 2630. 45-4* NEAT-Way Shoe Repair: Good, South Darlington Township Area substantial workmanship, relia- School Baard will be held at Ma- HYGIENIC supplies (rubber bility, dyeiftg, sollng, sewing, etc. pie Grave on Wednesday night, goods) mailed postpaid in plain Try the Neat-Way, King St., W. Nov. '6 at 8 p.m. sealed envelope with price lîst. 30-tf Garnet Rickard M. J. Hobbs Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1,00. Chairman Sec.-Treas. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- Radio Service 47-1 ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont._______________ Lot45-8 THE Radio Shop, Bowmanvîlle, _____________________ RHElUMATIC pain, sciatica, lum- off ers honest charges, latest type POS ofic ad hus ke, n bago quickly relieved by using equipment and traîned person- leater ca ho 283. 47î uaas eomne ynel. Our- two radio tcchnicians leater ase Phne 203.4ý th usaads. whomav eid bt bath hold Govemnmcnt Certificates LAYS lvebue aknb to halt h hvegained - of Pficien in Radio. Phono LAY' govs bue tke yte alh McGregor's Dmug 573.cency mistake tramn the homeofo W. -Store. 47-11~20t Cann, Bowmanville, Nov. 13.1 Phone Beryl Thompson 2714. 47-1 PERSONALIZED.- C h r i s t m a s The first Canadian Scout Troop Cards-Your name and address was formmed in 1908, the same year TWO houinds, anc large Blue Tick printed free on your Christmas as the Movement got under way ansd feinale \hite hound. Lost cards. Order now froîn liubby- in Great Britian. The Boy Scouts n'iîti of Buuwmaîîviile. Reward. craft Supply. .52 King St. West. Association in Canada was incor- I coiird Ta.ylor, North Oshawa. Phone 21 ï4. between 4 aind 6 p.m.iporated by an Act of Parliament iPhone 436 r 3. 4-110, 44tf on June 12, 1914. NEW velour 3-plece chesterfleld suite $118.50; new velour 3-piece chesterfleld suite, tub size, $225.00, terms and trade-ins accepted. New Spartan mantel ivadios, reg. $32.50 for $25.00; ail burner heat- or, $42.50; installed ail burners for kitchen staves (mnetal tanks) $49.- 50; new washers $149.50; electric ranges, table top, 4 burners, $269.- 00; now steel beds, 4' 6", $9.75 ea. Apply Murphy's, phono 811, 57 King St. W. Open ovonings. 47-1 TRADE-in vanity with chair, wal- nut, $29.95; drosser $10.00; infant's bcd with castors $7.50; baby bath- moette $7.50; battory radio rocon- ditioned, guaranteed $19.50; kit- chen table, $9.50; modern design wooden ice box, 50 lb. capacity, $10.00; metal ico box, like now, 50 lb. capacity $39.50; white kit- chen buffet, $7.50; 3-pioce chest- erfield suite in good condition $35.00. Flndlay space heater ane month old, $79.50. Apply Mur- phy«s, phono 811, 57 King St. W. Open ovonings. 47-1 The chain letter craze bas brok- on out again. A shavo specialist says that ai farm-er's beard graws taster than his towfllow'8. ANNL'AL FLOIVERS FOR CANADIAN GARDENS There are many ways in which annual flowems can ho used, and even the smallest gardon can grow a few which will add ta the appearance of the homo. They are particuiarly useful ton plant- ing in the gardons ot a new house rand will provide colour and in- terest befone permanent planting can ho done. Many people who live in nented bouses by a small outlay on seeds et hardy annuals can improvo the appeamance of the home and provide fiowens for indoor doconatien. However, whether the gardon be lange or amaîl, er whethem much timo and labour are spent an it or net, the publication No. 796, entitled 'Annual Flewers for Canadian Gardons" by Isabella Preston and R. W. Oliver, Divi- sion et Horticulture, Expenîment- ai Farms Service, w~ill undoubt- edly be heiptul to the home gar- dener. In it la valuable infor- mation, such as te sketch and explanation et a plan for armange- tment et annual flower beds, seed iand sowing, soi], insects, a des- )criptive liât of annuals, a list of TYRONE Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Walker and baby, Gail, Langstaff, Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Findley, Thorn- hili, Mr. Bort Fîndley and Miss Helen Bail, Tarante, with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sproule, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Larmar, Toronto, with Mr. and Mms. G. Rosevear. Mrs. S. Jewell with Mrs. Foster Snowden, Ked.ron. Mr. and Mrs. George Arnold and Mary Maralyn, Toronto, with Mns. Mina Hughson. Mrs. William Macdonald with Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Barber and hem aunt, Miss E. McKenzie, Tor- ente. Mrs. Jas. Alldread, Mns. Gee. Alldread and Mr. Lloyd Aildread with Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Robinsen, Pontypool. Mm. and Mrs. Roy Graham and Rena, Haydon, and Mrs. G. Nid- dery, Hampton, with Mn. and Mrs. W. A. Rahm. Mr. Lloyd Skinner enjoyed a maotor trip through the States as far as Connecticut. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott and Sandra, Peterboro, Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Wright, Blackstock, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright. Mr. D. White is visiting at Mr. Everton Whites-. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mases, Bow- manville, with Mrs. L. Thompson. Mn. L. Thompsan has gone north deer hunting. Mr. and, Mrs. Hamry Spragg, Bill, Judy and Cheryl, Hamilton, Mrs. Jim Shorten, Bobbie and Jimnmy, Mn. and Mrs. Hall, Tor- onto, with Mrs. W. T. Worden. Mrs. E. A. Virtue and John at- tended the Santa Claus parade in Toronto and also visited with Mn. and Mrs. H. Wonnacott, Dixie. Mr. and Mrs. Joe MeRoberts in- tend spending the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maynand. Mrs. Herb Burgess, Orono, with Mns. R. Burgess. Mrs. Wm. Hooey is with her daughter, Mrs. A. Abbott, Osh- awa. Chicago Livestock And Horse Show Opens on Nov. 29 Opening this year on Nov. 29, and cantinuing through ta Dec. 6, the International Livestock Ex- position and Horse Show, held in the International Amphi*theatre at the Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Ili., observes its 48th anniversary with the biggest show ever staged. Entries are already in for a showing of mare than 12,000 head of beef cattie, draught and pleas- ure horses, sheep and swine. Priz- os totalling $100,000 are offered in the competitions featuring 4 difforent breeds of boof cattie, il breeds of sheep, 9 of swine and 5 of draught horses. Several hundred of the best saddlc and harness harscs and po- nies of the continent iviii campete daily in the famous International Horse Show which will be the chief cntertainment of the Exposi- tion. Junior Livestock Judging will also be a leading event. At the same time the International Grain and Hay Show xvill mark its 25th PRESCI twelve annuals best suited to var- ious sections of Canada and also of the twelve best for outside sowing, list of annuals for spocial purposes, overlasting flowoms for xinter bouquets, cut flowers, an- nuals that selt-sow, annuals that will fiawer in partial shade, draught - resistant annuals, and those for rock gardons and win- dow boxes. A copy of the pub- lication may be obtained by writ- ing ta the Dominion Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. SEED SURVEY 0F ONTARIO PLANNED As a flrst stop towards greater1 production of feed grains in On- tario during the year 1948, a comn- prehensive seed survey of the en- tire Province is being undertaken by the Ontario Department of Ag- riculture. This wiil be the mast complote survey of its kind e__ undertaken by the Department, with the agricultural representa- tivo branch, the county weed in- spec.tors and the Crop Improve- ment Associations ca-operating in the wcrk, declares John D. Mac- Leod, dîrectar af the Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch. The objective for 1948, says Mr. MacLeod, is an increascofa 50,000,- 000 bushels of feed g-ains-wheat, oats, barley, mixed grains, corn for husking and buckwheat, over the ten year average production af the Province. This objective xvas tixed by crop improvementý officers attonding a conterence on increased production, and was based on the tact that in the last year, subsidy was paid on the movement of 56,999,000 bushels of teed grain tram the west. The overaîl objective for 1948 is there- fore 200,896,000 bushels et feed grain, and the first ossential in planning for this production is ta make sure that ample supplies et seed of the highest quaiit,,r are available. Like your doctor, your Rexail pharmacist keeps fully abreast of al scientific developmonts in the art of preventing illness and re- storing health. When yau bring your prescription to hinm, you are certain that it is in competent prafessionai hands. Plenamins Yuand your farni should supplement y.ouro diet wiîh Pienanls. They art filled with po- tentiaI health benefits. IM' PLENAMINS pravide 0 delly Supplement of the es- sentiol vitamins - plus the odded btneAt of Liver end hron. Box of 50 Cap I ,à suies, î5 days supl.75 Razors THE PRACTICAL GIFT Packard, Twin Dual, complet. ln leather case -..--- --- $24.50 Sunbeam Shavemiaster or Schick Super $2 1.50 Giliette Aristocrat, one-piece razor--$6.00 Schiek InJeetor Razor with 20 blades---------3$1.49 Phoi ographic Greeting Cards Personalize your Christmas treetings. Made from your own negatives. doz. black and white -- --- - . ý 98e and $1.50 doz. hand eolored $1,98 - 3.00 Yardley Gifi Sets Lotus Cologne and Ltv- ender busting PoNvder 3.50 Engiish Lavender Perfume Tollet Soap and Taleum Powder -- - -.- $2.25 Yardley OId English Lavender -3- 1.25, 1.95, $3 CUTEX BUGLE CORPS Leather Case ---- REVLON GIFT SET Bliack Plastie Case--- $4.001 32.95 JURY and LOVIELL TUE REXALL STORE Kint St. W PHONE 778 Eswmanviile il anniversary by a 30 per cent hi- crease in cash premlumu. Many from Canada plan ta go on ta Chicago after the close of the Royal Wintor Fair, Toronto. The Statesman acknowledges with thanks two season's passes to the Chicago International. ZION Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron and .ToYce at Morley Flintoff s, Maple Grave. l1ans Geissberger has returned home with R deer from Millbridge. 1Messrs. Chas. Mitchell and Wil- fred Campbell, Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rae, Markhaça, at Russell Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rabbins and Isabel at Russell Osborno's. Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspel and family. Tyrone, at Mrs. F. B. Glaspel's. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Ayro at Lloyd Metcalfe's, Oshawa. Ait Ayre has returned with a deer fram Thurston's Camp. AIt and Boyd Ayre are attend- ing the Royal Winter Fair. (Intended for Last Woek) Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach at Arthur Youngman's, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Slingerland and LS'nda, Bawm-ianville, aýt Percy Davidson's. Mr. and Mrs. Retord Cameron, Jean and Lynda, at Bert Hoskin's, Harmony. Mr'. and Mrs. Russell Staintoxi and Grace, Marie Killen at Bern.A, ard McEwen's, Kleinburg. Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Gerry at Mrs. F. B. Glaspel's. Hans Goissbergor, Ray.Cameron and Jack CVuickshanks are deer hunting. W.A. had a couple of quiltings at the Sun-day School roomn. Mrs. Hans Geissberger was prcsentéd with a black leather purse by the ladies before gaing ta Switzer- land on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Bryce, Tor.- onto, at Fred Cameron 's. Set of twelve kiddies' animal story books, beautlfully illus- trated in full color, sent post- paid for only $1.00, excellent Christmnas gif t. Write Dopt. 514, Children's Book Service,J 9 Harcroft Rd., Toronto, Ont. SWELDING Jim Cameroni E LESKARD - ONTARIO= !e Phone Orono Ir 5 ~Formerly Cameron Welding * Service, Toronto- ~ELECTRIC & ACETYLENE - ~WELDING , ~Cylinder Blocks and Heads SWelded. Specializing In Alu- E minurn and White Metal. E (A <i ork Guaranteed) RIPTIONS AUCTION SALE J. R. Gordon LOT 24, CON. 7, HOPE TWP. (1 mile east cf Elizabethviile on eounty road) has sold bis farmn and will soîl by public auction on Wednesday, Nov. 26 1 m TEZ CANAIDIAN STATESMAN, BO'Wýý, ONTARIO PAGE MFTMM TEMMAT, NOT. 20th, 1947