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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1947, p. 15

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TEE CAKADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAKVILLE. ONTABIO PAGE F1I'TU ~w - gre~6CUI55/ffE R!,, v LY7TOHD-Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lytord.. ofSyracuse, N.Y., are happy ta announce the birth of their son James Baker Lyford Jr., at St. Joseph's Hospital on No- veniber*25th, 1947. A gnandson for Dr. and Mrs. M. J. A. James of TorontQ and great grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Foster. 13owinanville. 48-if DEATHS COLLIS-At bis residence, Map- le Grave, on November 2th, 1947, Thomas Walter Collihs Jr.. beiov- ed husband of Louise Windsor, ageci. 47 years. Funerai from Mor- ris F'uneral Chapel. Interi. ent Bowmanviile Cemetery. Fog'W~-At the residence, 264 Kingmt. E.. Bowmanvilie, on Thursday. Novemnber 13, 1943, Geokge C. Foster. beloved hus- band ocf Bertha M. Stover and depe father of Helen and Vivian, in his 92nd year. Interment Bow- marlville Cemetery. LAINE-At Bowmanville Hospital an e'ov. 22nd, 1947, Albert George Laný, heloved husband of Gert- rude Crago. aged 76 years. Fun- eral -from Morris Funeral Chapel. Interment Bowmanville Cerne- tery. MARSDEN - Sudûienlv at his home, 559 Milverton Blvd., Tor- onto, on Wednesday, Nov. 19, 1947, Wilfred William Marsclen, beloved husband of Emma Eliza- beth Kempthorn and father of Mrs. Edwvard Cooperth wa it e (Audre.y) af Peterboro, and Mrs. Donald Wake (Shirley'). of Barrie. Resting at the Truil Funerai Home, 1111 Danforth Ave. Service Saturday afternoon at i o'clock. Interment Mount Pleasant cerne- tery. 48-i NICHOLLS-In Bowmanville on Saturday, Nov. 22nd., 1947, Adol- phus Leopold Nichoils, beloved' husband of Jennie Cruickshank. aged 85 years. Funeral was heid from Morris Funeral Chapel on Tuesday, Nov. 25th, Internient ]Bowmanville Cemetery. 48-i TURNER-Entered into rest at Oshawa General Hospital on Wed- iiesday, November 26, 1947, Flor- ence Roselene Robinson, beloved %vfe Mi John Turner and eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson, Newcastle, age 41 years.. -Punerai froni the ý*.rmstrong Fun- eral Home, Oshawa, an Fridty,, Navpmber 28. Service 2 p.m. In- terrient Oshawa Union Cemetery. 48-1 -ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Brookham wish ta announce *ê engagement of their eidest daughter, Beatrîce, ta Joseph Starr, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Stanr, Oshawa. MaimgÉe will take place Dec. 24. -aï 48-1 * Mr. and Mrs. El! Mairs af Nestieton wish to announce the efigagement af their youngest daughter, Joyce Ada, to Reid *Howard Virtue, youngest son 6f Mrs. Rose Virtue and the late William Virtue of Bowmanville. The wedding will take place on Dec. 6. 48-1* m E.Tomlinson EAST END GARAGE Phione 3320 Clarke Newcastle, Ontario W.TOMOBILE AND TRUCK REPAIRS Studehaker Cars and Trucks Immediate delivery on 2 and 3-ton trucks Buehier Farm Equipment Hockey EqulpmeUt CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. George Ç. Poster and farn- ily wish to express to theýr many friends, relatives and nélghbours their heartfelt thanku for the ex- pressions of sympathy, acts of kindness, and floral tributes, ex- tended to, them in the loss of a dear husband and father. Special thanks ta Dr. C. W. Sieman, Dr. Keith Siemon and Rev. J. E. Grif.. f ith. 48-1* Mr. Fred Luxton,- 114 Duke St., Bowmanville, wiahes ta take this opportunity of thanking Drs. C. W. Siemon and Keith Siemon, Dr. Birks, Dr. Ferguson, also the matron and ail the staff at the hospital on bis recent operation. Also thanking his relatives, friends and neighbours for the cards and flowers which he received while in hospital, and for every one who has called to see and enquire about him since he came home. A speciai thanks to yýou ail, it was very much appreciated. 48-1* IN MEMORIAM LIVING-In ]oving memory of a dear son and brother, Cpi. Arthur H. Living. killed in action in Itaiy, Nov. 23, 1943: Not dead ta us who loved him, Not iost but gone before; He lives with us in memory, And will for evermore. -Lovingiy remembered by Moth- ,er, Dad, John and Jean. 48-1 FOWLER-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, George N. Fowler, who passed away on December Ist, 1945: When ail is stili and silent, And sieep forsakes my eyes, My thoughts are in the sulent grave, Where my dear husband lies. -Sadly missed by his wife and daughters. 48-1* COMING EVENTS Danïce in Newtonville Commun- ity Hall. Monday. December 1, soDonsored by the Cowanville Bal Team. Admission 35c. 48-1* St. John's Junior W.A. wiil hold an afternoon tea and sale of work in the Parish Hall, Friday, Nov. 28, from 3-5. 47-2 Dance in Enniskiilen Commun- ity Hall, Friday, November 28, sponsored by the Enniskilien Ath- letic Club. 'Ru th Wilson's Var- iety Band. Admission 5,Qc. 47-2* Dance at Bradley's School F-' day night, Nov. .28-under auspices of Solina Women's Institute. Bill Clark'e orchestra. Admission 35c. Lunclh sdid.; _'48-i1 The Womanis Association ai Enniskillen is holding a bazaar in the Cburch basement on Tuesday aiternoon, Dec. 2. Aiternoon tea wiii be served. 48-1 Mrs. T. Gould - Sale ai work in the Sons ai Engiand Hall, Thurs- day, Dec. 11, wide selection ai dalla aprons, infant gowns, tatted band- kerchiefÉ, bom*; cooking, candy, aiternoon tea. 47-3* A sale ai work and home cook- ing will be held in St. Andrew's Preabyterian Sunday Scbool on Thursday, Dec. 4, from 3 ta 6 o'clock. Aiternoon tea wiii be served. 48-1 Ladies Legion Auxiiiary baz- aar at the Legion Hall, Queen St. Saturday, Nov. 29. Home caoking, aprona, fancy work, country store, aitemnoon tea. Came and bning a fnriend. 48-1* Dance unden auspices Board of Management will be beld in New- castle Community Hall on Friday evening, Nov. 28th. Dancing froni 9 until I. Ruas Creigbton's Van- iety Dance Band in attendance. Admission 50c per person. 47-2 Sho.ting Match,- Saturday, No- vember 29, at 12 noon sharp. 100 B.B.B. turkeys, geese and chick- ens. 12 gauge shotguns and .22 rifles used (shelas supplied). Pro- perty ai J. Mercer, Glen Cedar Farrn, anc mile east ai Newcastle on Highway No. 2 47-2* jPlan ta sec "Miracle on 34th Street" starring Maureen O'Hara, Jh o a PayeanNataliMn. es.oodt the Roynal ndhata Mn. es.odad Wedî. night, Dec. 1, 2, 3, sponaored by 13owmanville Home and Scbooi Association. Buy your tickets froni a Home andl Schooi member. 48-1 The annual meeting aif the Dur- hamn Caunty Holstein breeders wi1i be beid on Frîday, Dec. 5, at 1:30 p.m., in the Agicultural Of- fice, Bowmranville. It is boped ail breeders in tbe county will at- tend. Ticketýs for banquet ta be held on Dec. loth will be avallable. Gardon Kellogg, President; H. C. Muir, Secretary. 48-1 Articles For Sale GRNEY ook atove. Apply Henry Nixon, R.R. 2, Orono. 48-1* <'BANNER" small cook stove. Phone Part Perry 165r42. 48-1* STORM. windows, combination doors, made ta measurements. T. H. Tabb, Tyrane. 47-3* POWER cutting box, 20 ft. of pipe. Appiy James Meitan, Burketon. 48-1* GIRL'S coat, teddy bear, size 13, neariy new. Phonie 587 or 2637. 48-I SWEET appie cider, by gallon or by the keg. Phone Clarke 2811. 48-i PONTIAC coach, 1934, in good condition. R. Tnimbie, Phone 2244. 48-1 APPROXIMATELY 50 cords of ivood, bard and soit. W. H. Tate, R.R. 2, Bowmanvilie. 48-1 MANTEL radio, 6-tube, Strom- berg-Carlson, 8 months aid. Apply 64 Elgin St., Bowmanvilie. 48-1* 1940 Dodge two-ton stake, in ex- cellent condition. Write Box 987, Statesman Office. 48-1 CHEVROLET sedan, 1946, in AI condition. For quick sale. Phone 653. 48-1* BANN'ER cook stove with ail burners. Appiy 24 Division after 3 p.m. 48-1* WHITE truck, stake body, 1937, 4-ton, also 1932 Dodge sedan and Oldsmobile sedan, 1932. Len Dow- ney, Phone 423. 48-1* GIRL'S grey ski jacket, size 16; baby's blue coat and helmet. size 6 months ta 1 year. Phone 2675. 48-i COATS-one Persian paw, one wine ciotb, size 16, in excellent condition. Apply 4 Liberty St. 48-1 * 50 CORD Elm wood in 4 ft and stove length. Beatty litter carrier comi )ete. ADply Alvin Boyd, Enniskillen, Phone 2487. 48-1 MAN'S overcoat in excellent con- dition, black, size 40. raglan sleeve style, reasonable, Phone 572. 48-1 * GURNEY coal stove, wbite enamel with sheli and reservoir; porcelain enamel aven, new fire box. Mur- phy's Appliance, Phone 811. 48-1 COATS. suits, dresa, skirts, skat- ing outfit. suitable for schooi girls, 10-14. Good condition. reason- able. Phone 2769 or cail 44 Car- lie. 48-1* METAL Bridge Sets-The ideai gift for Christmas, sturdy metal tables and chairs in a choice of colours., Select NOW at F. F. Morris Ca. 48-1 "<MINUTE MINDER"-the perfect present for women-times any- thing ta one bour then rings a bell-see it at The Radio Sbop, Bowmanville. 48-1. NEW set 7-it. powen contrai disc harrows; new hanse nake; new B.T. electrie ginder; used circulator heater. W. H. Brown, Case Deal- er, Phone 497. 48-1 SPRING-FILLED mattresses - A price increase is predicted on most bedding! Make your selection ai the finest in Simmons, -Marshall, Arrow mattresses from the large selection now in stock at F. F. Morris Ca. 48-1 CONTINENTAL BEDS-twin size spring-fîlled mattresses and com- fortable box springs combined ta give the kind of comiont you've dreamed about! Regular $5950 values-2 only clearing at $39.50 eacb. F. F. Morris Ca. 48-1 OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everytbing in modemn. Chester- field, bedroom and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor covenings a specialty. Quai- ity merchandise at competitive prices. Before buying visit Brad- ley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcae St. S.. Oshawa. 46-tf TRADE-in large size coal heater; coal stove, deep firebox, Beach; coal ail stove with aven; kitchen table, 48"x27"; occasionai chair; Sunbeam Mixmaster; kitchen rock- er; studio couch; walnut vanity with chair, like new; metal ice box, 50 lb. capacity, like new; 3-pce. cbesterfield suit<es, like new; coal stove, Princess Pat, large size, with warmîng cioset, $59.50. Murphy's, Phone 811. 48-1* Llvestock For Sale CALF for veaiing. Austin Wood, Bowmanvilie, Phone 2388. 48-1* SO)UTHDOWN ram. Apply Henry Nixon, R.R. 2, Orono. 48-1* 7 PIGS, 7-weeks-old. John Lip- tay. R.R. 6, Bowmanviile, Phone 2738. 48-1* SIXTY Barred Rock bens, one- year-old, laying. Reason for seli- ing, no room. Harold Pascae, Phone 2187. 48-1- THREE-year-old Shartborn bull, registered, first clasa pedigree, very quiet. Otto Friend, Phone Bowmanvilie 2523. 48-i PURE-BRED Holsteins (vaccinat- ed) two heifers, due now; two 5-yr.-ald cows, due early Decem- ber, ail bred ta Glenaiton R. A. Reliance, several year-old heifers; young bulîs, service age. from R. O.P. dams up ta 4%/' testa; also 7-year-old chestnut mare. weigbt 1500 lbs. James T. Brown, New- castle. 48-1* Notice Keith W. Siemor, M.D., 38 Cen- tre St., Physician and Surgeon.. Office bours: Afternoon 2-4, except Wednesday. Nights, Tuiesdav, Thursday and Saturday 7-8. 41-il For Sale by TE Ni E R Business Block a.nd Apartments ln Bowmanvig1o The business and apartment building known as the Horsey Block, situate on the south side ai King Street in the Town ai Bowmanville, having a frontage ai approximately 66 feet and run- ning from King ta Queen Streets, has not yet been sold by the Town. Offers for the purchase ai this building will be accepted by the Town Clerk up ta November 29tb, 1947, at 5.00 p.m. Higbest or any offer not necessarily accepted. A. J. LYLE, Town Clerk. 48-1 Eleclion Cards TO THE RATEPAYERS 0F CLARKE TOWNSHIP Aiter some persuasion by a number ai ratepayers in the Township ai Clarke, I have con- sented ta let my name stand for election' for Councilior fan the year 1948. I urge every ratepayer ta exer- cise his franchise and vote for a full slate, tbereby sbowing con- cern for civic affaira. James T. Brown, Newcastle 48-1* TO THE RATEPAYERS 0F CLARKE TOWNSHIP On Monday, Dec. lat, you are asked ta select a Township Council for the ensuing year. It has been my honour ta repre- sent you as Councilior for the past two years. During this time, I have endeavottred in every in- stance ta deal faînly and work for conditions that would do the most good for the greatest number ai aur citizens. On this record ai service, I would respectfully solicit your vote and influence for re-electian as Councillor in 1948. G. Wiifred Hawke. 48-1* Notice NOTICE 0F DISSOLUTION 0F PARTNERSHIP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the partnership heretofore subsistirg between us, the t'nder- signed, as HOBBYCRAFT SUP- PLY, 52 King Street West, Baw- manville, Ontanio, bas this day been dissoived by mutuai consent. Al debts aWing ta the said partnership are ta be paid ta, F. C. Crowe, Esquire, 52 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario, a- faresaid, and al daims against the said partnership are ta be pre- sented ta the said F. C. Crowe by wbom the same will be settled. DATED at Bowmanville, On- tario, this Fourtb day of Novem- ber, 1947. Signed: K. Nicks, F. C. Crowe. Witness: W. F. Ward. 48-1 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS wili be received by tbe undersigned addressed ta 19 King St. West, up ta and including Nov. 29, 1947, for pnices and deiivery dates on a ¾/-ton and a 1-ton cab and chassis, stating aIl specifica- tions ai same. Cab ta be equipped with diýaI windsbieid wipers, dual rear-view mimrons, heater and de- frasters, also dame light in cab. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Bowmanvllle Public Utilities Commission 47 -2 REPAIRS REPAIRS toalal makes ai refrig- erators, domestic and commercial. Higgon Electnic 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf NEAT-Way Sboe Repair: Good, substantiai workmansbip, relia- bility. dyeing, soling, sewing, etc. Try the Neat-Way, King St., W. 30-tf Radio Service, THE Radio Shop, Bowmanville, offers honest charges, latest type equipment and trained person- nel. Our two radio technlclans bath hold Gavernment Certificates ai Praficiency in Radio. Phone 573. 20-tf HOUSE. partly flnisbed, and some land. Apply Lot 13, Con. 3, Dar- lington. 48-1* SIX-ROOMED frame bouse, 3U4 acres ai land, Lot 20, Base Une. Hydro, immediate possession. Ap- ply 24 Liberty St. S., aiten 6 p.m., or Saturday. 48-1* NEW seven raom cernent block bouse. water and lights, hot air heating, built-on garage, quarter acre ai land. Apply Gardon W. Lockwood, Orono Flour Mills, Or- ana, Ont. 47-3 Wanted ROOM and board for young man wvorking in office. Write Box 989. Statesman Office. 48-1* Auction Saled POSTPONED-Samn McKce's auc- tion sale advertised for Saturday, Nov. 29t, bas been postponed indefinitely. 48-1 Mn. W. E. Lewis, at Welcome, will seli by public auction. on Saturday, Nov. 29th, at 2 p.m., anc double lot, six tons ai. bay, 125 Rock pullets and many ather articles. Ternis cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 48-1 POSTPONED-Tbe auction sale ai standing timber, sawmill, trucks, tractor and equipment, praperty ai B. W. Haynes, Lot 33, Con. 7, Hope Twp. (3 miles east ai Ken- dal and bahf mile sauth), will be beld Monday, Dec. lst, at 1 p.m. Sale will include: 12 acres af standing tumber consisting ai pine, ash, maple, cedar, beech and hem- iock. It is estimated ta be 50,000 it. ai lumber. Hundreds ai corda ai Wood. Also ta be sold 100 corda ai dry maple; 60 cords ai slabs; one sawmill compiete; one McCormick-Deerîng W-30 tractor on rubber; one '37 Fargo two and a balf ton truck; one White truck, 3-ton. For funther particulara see bills. Terms cash. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. .....- 48-1 FARM SOLD GRADE SHORTHORN CATTLE IMPLEMENTS The undersigned bas receivcd in- structions from T. H. Clemence LOT 3, CON. 2, DARLINGTON (21/ miles east ai Bowmanville off No. 2 Highway), ta seli by public auetion an Wednesday, Dec. 3rd The following: HORSES Bay hamac, 10 year old Belgium; bay hanse, 8 year aid Percheron. HAY Quantity ai bey. PIGS Yorkshire sow, bred Sept. 15tb; Yorkshire sow, bred Oct. Ist; Yorkshire bog, 2 years; 21 York- sbire pigs, 2 montha, weancd. IMPLEMENTS Massey-Harnis binder, 7 it.; Mas- sey-Harris seed drill; Massey-Har. ris hanse rake; Massey-Harris cul- tivator; Massey-Harris mower; spning wagon; fiat bottoni wagon1; bay rack; orchard aprayer on trucks, 160 gal. tank; Kangaroo 2- furrow plow; single plow; 1-hanse scuffler; set ai barrows; 1 atone- boat; scales, 2,000 lba.; turnip pLlper; buggy (rubber-tined); set ai double harneý,s with collars; Renfrew creani sepanator, new; quantity ai tools. CATTLE (Grade) Shorthorns Red caw, 8 years, renewed; grey cow, 7 years, renewed; red cow, 6 years, due in January; white cow, 6 years, due in March; roan beifer, 3 years, due in January; 2 beifers, 2 years (beef); 3 steers, 2 years (beef); 2 steers rising 1 year; Durham bull, 2 years. FURNITURE Bedroom suites, extension table, odd chairs and tables and many other articles tao numerous ta mention. Sale at 12:30 p.m. Ternis Cash Theron Mauntjoy, clerk; Elmer Wiibur, auctioneer. 48-1 Houses for-Sale $2500-Good brick bouse, 4 acres gaod land Lot 21, Con. 6, in Clarke Twp. $7,000-In Orono, beautiful new cement block home, 7 roôms, al city conveniencea, tiled bath, shower, attached garage. Pos- session 30 days aiter sale. $4.500-Near Newcastle, insul brick bungalow, hardwood floors, bydro, 112 acres. Im- mediate possession. $4,200-In Newcastle, 6 roomed fanme bouse, heavy wiring, 4 acres goad land. Never-dnying stream. Possession April 1. Farms for Sale $10,000-Ncam Sauina, 80 acres af good land, new double bouse, insulated, upper duplex renta for $20 per month. Fruit. Creek neyer dry. $5,000-101 acres, Lot 11, Con. 4, Clarke, frame bouse, barn, 3,000 strawberry planta, % mile ironi scbool. Will exchange for Osh- awa property. contact (Mrs.) E. E. Cooke REAL ESTATE, NEWCASTLE For Rent THREE rooms. Apply 19 Brad- shaw St., Phone 812. 48-1 VACUUM Cleaners, $2.00 per day. Murphy's, Phone 811. 48-I TWO unfurnished roams. Apply 89 Liberty St. S. 48-1* Room and Board ACCOMMODATION in refined home for semj-invalid or conval- escent; private or semi-private. Write Box 988, Statesman Office. Ar- 48-2£ Classified Ad Lates CASHF RATE: P. cents a word (minimum 35c) Must b. paid before insertion IF CHARGED: 3 cents a word (minimum 50c) 25c extra far box numb ers or replies directed ta, this office ADDITIONAL INSERTIONS SAME RATES Ail Classified Adiets Must Be ln Not Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY Yrou must Include eash, stamps, or money order, with copy ta Cet low rate. PERSONALIZED-C hnri st ma s Cards-Yaur name and address printed free on your Christmas carda. Order now fram Hobby- crait Suppiy,- 52 King St. West. Phone 2174, between 4 and 6 p.m. 44tf Lost LITTLE girl's pet kitten, light coloured, part Persian, bahf grown, vicinity Liberty and King, Phone 662, Reward. 48-1* Strayed STEER, strayed to premises ai James Melton, Burketon. Owner may have same by paying ex- penses. .48-1* P>ets For Sale WELL bred Police pups, reason- able. Jack W. Purdy, Jackman Road, Bowmanville. 48-1* Heip Wanted WAITRESSES for Olympia Cafe. Apply Mrs. Louis Laskaris. 48-1 PROVIDING you are an energetic yaung man wiiling ta work bard ta build a successful business and future for yourself, we have an apening for you, now, in this dis- trict, às direct distributor ai aur products. Previaus expenience unnecessary. Apply ta Home Of- fice Blur Brand Produets Co. Ltd., 7227, Alexandra Street, Montreal. 47-6 OBITUARY MRS. JOHN TURNER Ill for the past twa yéars Mrs. John Turner passedaway in Osh- awa General Hospital, Wednes- day, Nov. 26, 1947, at the age ai 41 years. She was beloved by a great circle aifnfiends and prior ta ber iliness tck a very active part in social and fraternai circles. Her death came as a great sbock ta many wha were boping for ber ultimate recovery. Florence Roselene Robinson was born in Clarke Township, Oct. 25, 1906, daugbter ai Mr, and Mrs. George Robinson, Newcastle. She was married an Marcb 6, 1922, ta John Turner and they made their home in Oshawa for the past 24 years where their two sons were raised and educated. Mrs. Turner v, as a member ai Oakleigh Lodg,,e No. 15, L.O.B.A., Oshawa, and the Re-Echo Lodge L.T.B., Oshawa and for years con- tinued as a Guardian ai the Juv- enile Orange Lodge ai that city. But in aillber activities she con- tinued as a faithful wlfe and mo- ther. There remain ta mourn ber passing, ber busband, two sons, George ai Oshawa and John A. Turner, E.R.A. ai the Royal Can- adian Navy, naw stationed in Ire- land; also heip parents in Newcas- tle; two sisters, Mrs. Gardon White (Helen) af Tyrone; Miss Margaret Robinson, Newcastle; two brothers, R. G. Robinson, Bawmanvllle and A. C. Robinson, Toronto, and two grandcbildren. Funeral wili be held fram the Armstrong Funeral Home, Osh- awa, en Friday, Nov. 28, with ber pastor, Rev. J. V. McNeeiey, aif King St. United Cburch, Oshawa, conducting the services. Inter- ment takes place in the Union Cemetery. Oshawa. Tuberculouis Iu caused by a genni, the tubercle bacillus. The germ is transniitted fram ne ncper- son ta anather. Qiten people d not knaw they bave the disease and give it ta menibers ai their. iamuly or their associates at work. Christmnas Seai maney is used ta discover thes. early T.B. cases Wanted To Buy CHEAP farmwlth bush -or swamp with or wlthout buldings. Write Box 986, Statesman Office. 48-2 BUCKWHEAT and Rye. Will pay highest- prices for bath. Phone Clarke 33-12. A.,IV. Glenney, Newcastle. 42-tf ALL types live poultry and fea- thers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bethany 7 r13. 1-tf WE are offerlng highest prices for Red Ciover, Alsike, Alfaif a and Timothy. Submit samples. Stew- art's Seed Store. Phone 577. 44-tf LIVE horses for mink and fax food. Cail us for highest prices. We also pick up dead farm stock free of charge. Margwiii Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bow- manville 2679. 41- f Custom Work CULTIVATING, plowing a n d seeding; also John Deere repair parts and repairlng done. F. S. Allen, 44 Concession St. Phone 594. 17-tf Personal CURTAINS laundered and stret- ched. 85 Ontario St., front door, or phone 2630. 45-4* BACKACHES go quickly, often after first dose. RUMACAPS two- way action attacks the cause. re- lieves the pain. McGregor's Drug Store. 48-1 HYGIENIC supplies (rubber gooct) mailed postpaid in plain seaied envelope with pnice iist. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 45-8 RHEUMATIC pain, sciatica, lum- bago quickiy relieved by using Rumacaps. Recommended by thousands wha have gained bet- ter heaith. McGregor's Drug Store. 48-2 1911 1941 Buddhist 10,012 15,635 Confucian 14,562 22,233 Jewish 74,564 168,367 Pagan 11,840 2,908 The big increase in the Jewish figure was probably due ta im- migration, and that may account ini a lesser degree for the increase in Buddbists and Confucians, wbo are- iargcly Chinese. The heavy decrease in the Pagan figure may be due ta missionamy work among the native Indians and Eskimos. The Census gives the number ai Roman Catholica in Canada as 4,986,552 (including Greck Cath- clics), ai which figure 2,204,875 are liated for Quebec. As ail Ro- man Catboiics are regarded as members ai the Church, there is no way ai determining the pro- portion ai actuai* attenders, but it is generally admitted that Roman Catholics arc more faitbiul ta their Cburch than are thé Protes-1 tants. At the samne time, it sbould i be stated that the membemsbip1 figures for Protestant churches quoted above do not fairly repre- sent the number ai people wbo at- tend the services and are more or iess ciosely associated with local congregations. Many non-mem- Personal Greeiing Cards from your own snapshat negatives 1dozen (black and white) 98o and 31.50 1 dazen <hand colored) $1.98 and $3.00 (complet. wlth envelopes) Gifis for Men WOODBURY: SoaIP, Brllilantine, Afler- Shave Lotion and Shave Stick................------ -59e Soap, Brilliantine, After Shave Powden and Lotion and Shave Stick .. 310 BACHELOR: Shavlnt Creani and After Shave Lotion.........3----- 1.25 Shavlng Creamn, Atter Shave Lotion -and Talc $1.75 After Shave Lotion, Talc Shavlng Saap _ 2.50 Cameras Our Christmas shlpment of Kodak, Box and Folding Cam- éras has Just arrlved. Choms yours early whiie aur sWok Ih complete. bers attend chu.rch regularly and others occasionally. There are 1 large number ai children who at- tend Sunday Schoois, Chlldren'u Services and yaung peoples go- cieties and groups, who are nol registered members. Neverthe- less, there are hundreda af thoue. ands of Canadian.s who declared ta the census-takers that they be. longed ta the Anglican, United. Preabyterian, Baptist and -otheZ, denomInations, who take hto la* terest whatsoeèer in those ehurl es. The Christian Churches stan4 for ail that is spinituafly and mor» aily uplifting in aur national lieq and it is sureiy the plain ciuty o every citizen .who calis himseif * Christian ta -support the Church- ta wbich he professes ta belong. ?lum bing> Rot Water Heating Repairs Agent for Oii-O-Maglc. 011 Burners Census Christians Church Ailendance (By Lewls Milligan) If the census figures are talcen at their face value, it may be claimed that about 98 per cent ai the people ai Canadà are pro- féssedly Christian. But at thia time, when the Protestant church- es are making, special efforts ta enliat the youth ln Canada in churcb activities and membersbip, it.is weli that we sbould remind ourselves ai the fact that thene are millions ai proiessed Chnistians in Canada who neyer attend a church service from one year's end ta the other. This is shoWn by the foilowing comparative fig- ures for the four leading Prôtes- tant churches: Census Membersbip Anglican 1,751,188 800,000 United 2,204,875 739,079 Presbyterian 829,147 173,482 Baptist 483.592 137,474 Totals 5,268,802 1,850,035 Thus out ai a total ai 5,268,802 persans who were listed witb the census takers in 1941 as belong- ing ta those denominations, only 1,850,035 were enroiled as church members. According ta the Census for 1941, theme are 30 religiaus de- nominations in Canada, ail but four ai which are Christian. Tbe non-Chnistians listed are: Budd- hist, Confucian, Jewish and Pag- an. Out ai a total population ai. 11,506,655, only 19,126 clairned ta bave "No religion." This was a deciine ai about 6,000 campared with the census ai 1911, although the popfflation increased about 4 millions in the meantime. Sa tliat it would appear that people are less and less inclined ta admit they have na religion. An even greater decline is shown in the number ai people wbo would not tell the census-taker what their religion was. In 1911 there were 32,490 people wbose religion was "Not stated," whereas in 1941 there were only 17,159 iisted in this categary. Of the non-Christians the fol- lowing comparative figures May be ai interest. Jack *Drough I Phone 2384 3 King st.W. SPECIALS For Chrisi mas NEW STEEL BEDS each $10.06 New Three-Plece CHESTERFIELD SUITES velour, $119.50 DAVENO BE» COUCH reg. $89, for $59.50 Westinghouse MANTEL RADIOS $31.95 RUGS 6x9 reg. $54,50 for $39.50 RANGETTES AN» ELECTRIC RANGES lu stock M U R PHY'S APPLIANCE AN» FURNITURE STORE Phone 811 57 King St. W. Gifis for Women EVENING IN PARIS: Perfume and Tollet Water --- $1.50 Face Pou-der and Tollet Water $ 2.00 Face Po ivder and Per. fume -- - 3 2.00. $2.65 Tale. Tollet Water, Per- fume and Llpstlck ---34.00 HELENA RUBINSTEIN: Apple Blossam Coloine and Body Powder $1.50, $2.00 fleaven-Sent Face Powder Llpstlck and Nail Pollsh $4.10 Apple Blossom Bath 011 -- - -- .- 31.25, 32.25 Heaven-Sent Cologne Compact- $1.75j Command Performance Tallet Water - $2.25, $3.75 ADRIENNE: Bath Powder and Bath Beads ----- .. .... 3ý--- 2.50 Face Powder, Liqatlck and Rouge.......---$2,25 Face Powder, Perfumne and 3 Soap...............3- 2.50: Cologne, Rouge, Compact, Creami, Powder and Lip- stick on Luette Tray ---- $19.50 Inhtalled ini Aiy Type of Furace WULL TAKE AWAY ALL or Crippled Farm, mommab 2M, IM 0 TM CANADMS STATESMAN, BOIndANVr=. ONTARIO PACU

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