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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1947, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TRI CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLN, OI4TAfl!O THUESDAY. NOV. Ihi,. 114V The Newcasle Independeni Phone: Clarke 3314 Mms. Amy Hotson, Lake Shore, visitod Lins. Norman Allia. M. and Lins. Charles Bi ereton, Pont Hope, with Mr. and Mns. Ed. Bremton. Mm. and Mns. D. Grifiths and Joy, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mns. H. S. Brittan. Miss Betty Allia visîted with hem sister, Misa Doris Allia, Tom- onto. Misa Marion Allia spent the weekend visiting Misses Dorathy and Louise Tmnwitb, Toronto. Mm. and Mms. Robt. Branscombe, Miss Mary Elliott and Mn. and Lins. Ian MacDonald, Toronto, with Mir. and Lins. T. A. Brereton. Miss Mary Dewdney and hem guest, Miss Honour Edgelow, Springfield, Mass., pupils a! Bis- hap Strachan School, Toronto, spent the weekead at the Rectory. Rev. Frank Masan, former nec- tam o! St. George's Cburch and naw nectar o! St. Monica's Church of Toronto, accampanied by Mrs. Masan and their dauhgtom, Miss Margaret Mason, spent Thursday in the village. Miss Marion Allin spent tho weekend la Toronto wbemo she was guest o! Misses Louise and Doothy Tmnwith. Edward James, infant son o! Mr. and Mns. Harold Edwamd Green, was christened by Rev. Douglas Dewdaey in St. George's Church on Sunday aftennoon. Tho baby wore a vemy beautiful 50- yean-ald long christening robe sent out fnom England for tho 0v- ent by his god!ather, James AI- bort Green, who is a twin brother o! the baby's father. Mms. Nolan Lodgo was gadmother and Mn. George Nelson acted as praxy fan James Albert Green, Pupils o! Newcastle High School had the eniayment o! a day at the Royal Winter Faim. They went by chartered bus on Nov. 30, and were accompanied by Principal, R. W. Goheen and bis assistant, Miss Marion Davis. Mayor Elect and Mms. G. T. Manos, Leaside, wero weekend guosts a! his father, Councillor H. T. Manes. Congratulations are due Mayor Manes who bas been accomdod the honor o! being elect- ed by acclamation as Ma yaor o!f Leaside for 1948. He had very ably fiiled the positions o! Deputy Reeve and Rçeve o! Leaside. Miss Ruth Bonathan, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. H. C. Bonathan. Sacrament o! Baptismn was ob- somved at Mill St. United Chumch Sunday, when Mary Ellen, daugh- ter o! Mr. and Mns. Dean, Lake- shore, Charma Lyna, daughtem o! Mr. and Mrs.' Sydney Ferguson, Catherine May, daughter o! Mr., RtOYAL THEATRE BOWMANVILLE - PHONE 589 THURSDAY - FRIDAYI NOV. 27 - 28 A picture you will enjoy. In beautiful Cinecolor "THRE Vigilantes Return" JON HALL MARGARET LINDSAY ANDY DEVINE SATURDAY, NOVENDER 29 WIILD BIILL ELLIOTT a Red Ryder "Phantom 0F THE and Mrs. John Scott, were chris- tened. Y.P.U. met Nov. 17, with Presi- dent Glenn Aluin presiding. Chris- tian Fellowship convener,, Betty Allin, had charge of Worship per- iod and program. Jane Bennett rendered vocal solos. Paul Ben- nett conducted a period o! recrea- tion. Mrs. Norman Allia had as re- cent visitors, Misses Charlotte and Alma Courtice, R.N., Chicago, Ill., Mrs. Norman Allun and Mrs. Chas. Wight, Bowmanville, and Mrs. T. G. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mason, Bowmanville. C.G.I.T. Group met at the par- sonage on Nov. 18, with Mary Ha- german, vice president, in charge. Vivian Megit, assisted by Helen Ash, took charge of the Worship period. After one game, Mrs. Pat- terson demonstrated the proper way to set a table. Newcastle Lions at their supper meeting on Nov. 20, at Elmhurst Hotel, had as their special speak- er, Lion Jimmy Marr of Bowman- ville, who chose as his topic "Time" and in a most interesting, fluent and vesatile manner, dealt with the means of rnarking the passage of the hours from the pri- mitive way of braiding a rope and then burning it, upta our modern and present methods. Mr. Marr's most instructive and camprehen- sive address was keenly listened to and thoroughly enjoyed. New- castle Lions will have the hyaior of having as their special speaker at the December meeting, their District Governol Maddleton, to their Xmas party on, Dec. 22, they are planning a dance and bingo on Dec. 5, when the proceeds wil go to the Food for Britain Fund. BACKACHES go quickly, often after first dose. Rumacaps two- way action attacks the cause, me- lieves the pain, Dyem's Dmug Store, Newcastle. 48-1 W.A. BAZAAR AND TEA W.A. of the United Church met for a short business meeting Nov. 14, after which the annual bazaar was opened to the public. There was a miscellaneous table in charge of Mrs. Herb. Toms and hem gmoup and the country store with Mrs. Garne't Rickamd and her group in charge. The ladies of the Clarke Church W.A. were present with a good assotment of home made cooking for sale also a quilt which they had made. C. G.I.T. sold home made candy and Christmas Cards while the Trail Rangers weme selling Church Cal- endars. From 4:30 to 7 p.m., a ca- feteria supper was semved in the dining hall by members of Mrs. Percy Bown's and Mrs. J. H. Jos- e's groups. Proceeds o! supper and bazaar amounted to approx- imately $75.00. BURKETON Miss Eleanor Bmock spent a 1wepk at hem home in Bowman- ville. Mr. A. Prentice and Mns. M. Hewitt, Port Perry, with Mrs. E. Caughill. Mr. Chester Hoskin la visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. E. Adams visited her daughter in Peterboro. Mrs. John Carter and Freder- ick visited friends in Brockviile. Rer many friends are sorry to learn that Mrs. Charlie Dean su!- fered a severe stroke and heart attack Friday even.ing. Hem fam- ily are with her and giving every possible care. Mr, Hamry Chilvers, Oshawa, YOUR EYES ýJIch real people, B Such real romance, Such real and rare Seils humor, it becomes Dse It Thse Heart Story Oshawa, Phone 1516~ 0f Our Day! (o 9 By the intelligent employment o! modemn methods and equip- ment a much greater degree o! ac- curacy and efficiency is possible than by the use of drops in test- ing the vision for glasses. A thorough understanding o! the visual and muscular condition of a pair of eyes is essential in ob- taining a comfotable correction. Exercise for building up the tonie o! the muscles of the eyes ia e!- fective in strengthening certain eyes s0 that glasses are unnecess- ary. Consider for a moment the de- mands o! today upon the eyes Written for the Screen and iected by from first waking, through to the GEPOdRGEd WLLAM PRLE day's end. Our eyes are called by WLLIA PERBERGupon for constant duty with very little relaxation. The majority of people no matter in,what walk of life are subi ect to a greater strain Century-Fox Entertainment Miraclel upon their eyes than in the past. Modemn civilization, in many ways FOX LATE NEWS - cARTOON SHORT progressive, is exacting in its sri.(To be Continued) DGN'T INSULATE! unlil You see a different method, use! only by "'Sealtite." This ls something entirely new, and adds much Insu- lation Value ln your attie, ai no extra cost., Phone or writ' SEALTITf-E INSULATION 47 QUEEN ST. - O WMAN VILLE - PHONE 494 visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Ashton. NE TO VIL Mns. J. Rogers, Hampton, with E T N IL Mr. and Mrs. J. Tompkins. Mrs. Leonard Van Volkenbery, We are sorry ta report Mrt. Mrs. Robent Dionne and son, Gary, John Paeden's illness witlh Mrs. Oshawa,. with Mr. and Mrs. J. IN. W. Steven's. Curran and the Dean's. W.A. Bazaar held on Thursday, mulbeleCarter is staymng in BOW- was quite successful, appraximate- The Child Health Conferencely$30begraied will be held in Blackstock Office Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Layton, New- with Miss B. Morlock, R. N in castle, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bur- charge, Nov. 27, 2 ta 4 p.m. »ioth- ley and Kenny, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ers interested are invited ta at- lis Farrow, Mrs. Westol Stnîngen, tend. 'the conference w ~Il b e Gardon Burley and friend Exeter, discontinued until spring. spent Sunday with Mr .and Mrs. Roy Bùrley on their 26th wedding T YRONE anniversary.fomhr the Royal Winter Faim. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam with Miss Hilda Taylor, Ropeneath, Mrs. J. Lillicrapp. is assisting in Lane's Store. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Tabb and A meeting o! the Mission Band Murray visited Mmi. Mabel Brown, was held .Nov. 21, in the school. West Hill. President Doreen Milîson occupied .Master John Virtue held a lucky the chair and Gloria Lane was ticket at the dance at Newcastle, secretary. The meeting opened eceiving a flashlight. with prayer followed by Laurie Sevemal fnom here attended the Stapleton on violin. Scripture Winten Fair at Toronto. was read by Donna Stark. Mrs. Mms. Elva Beckett and Joan, H. A. Bunt read a letter from Bowmanville, Dianne Coulter, To- Pesbyterial Secretary, she also ronto, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue told the stary of the first Can- and John with Mrs. Lauma Virtue adian Bible, -The Birch Bark Bi- who celebrated her 75th blthday ble." Mrs. C. Burley was present on Sunday. Congratulations! for installation of officers. Ted Mr. and Mrs. 1Neil Yellowlees Lane led the band in prayer. and family, with Mn. and, Mrs. N. Women's Institute met Nov. 19, C. Yellowlees, Hampton. at Mrs. Geo. Henderson's. Sec- Mmr.and Mrs. Harry Collacutt, retamy was instructed ta send, a Bowmanville, with Mm. and Mms. -vote a! thanks ta Newcastle Li- W. Collacutt. brary Association for their very Mm. and Mrs. H. Snider and fg- kind donation of 100 books. Mm. mily, Toronto, with Mr. and Mms. j. J. Meilor addmessed the meet- Je!! Giles. ing regarding the hospitalization Miss -Velma Findley, Messrs. plan being sponsored by Durham Bruce and Dean Findley, Union- Caunty Co-operative. Those in- ville, Mr. and Mms. Art Richards, temested in joining as a gmoup Mm. and Mrs, A. Hawkey were were instructed ta notify .either guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton the president or secmetamy within Bigelow. a week. Mrs. C. Burley gave-an Mr. and Mr§. George Rahm, intemesting accaunt o! the tip ta Helen and Ruth, Saintfield, with Guelph, ta the W.I. Golden An- M. and Ms. L.Bct. opsn inversary, after which the rail cal Mr. nd rs. . Tompsn, ithwas called and each o! the twen- Mr. and Mrs. Francis 'homPsOn, ty ladies present responded ta Bowmanville. "~My Favorite Vegetable and how Mm. and Mrs. I. W. Larmer, Mill- 1 cook it." An enjoyable lunch brook, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Rase- was served by Mms. W. Farrow and vear. hiem group. Next meeting at Mrs. Mm. and Mrs. Sherman Osborne C, Hancock's, Newcastle, on Dec. and M. andMrs.HamryTham - 1 in charge of Mrs. Haigli, con- son, Toronto, at Mr. L. J. Good- vener o! Historical Research. Each man's, and Mm. and Mrs. Norman member is requested ta bring an Woodley's. atqe Mm. and Mrs. H. Stainton, atqe Hampton, Mm. and MTs. G. A. Steight, Oshawa, with Mn. and' mlpw Mrs. Henry Stainton. Miss Jean Philp with the Miss- es Oke's in Oshawa. Mms. S. Jewell visited Mms. Jas. Cookson, Maple drove. Mr. Archie Cation, Mr. N. C. Yellowlees, Hampton, Mr. Don Yellowlees, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. s Ken Flint and Brian, Maple Grave, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright. R Miss Evelyn Beckett is with N OME COeNOMIST Mr. and Mrs. Len Bradley, Ennis- killen. Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp and ohil- Hello Homemakers! Entertain- dren with Oshawa friends. ing ta us is what 'Hula" means to Mms. H. Hill has gone ta spend the Hawaiians-a speciality. Can- the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Al- adian women are noted for their bert Hill. hospitality and during the festive A shower was held in Tyrone season they will be vemy busy Çonmunity Hall on Nov. 21, in hostesses. But the limits o! the honor o! Mr. and Mmi. Roy May- family budget must stili be ob- nard (nee Mabel McRoberts), served and one way ta help is ta when over 100 friends and rela- conserve leftovems. Heme is a sim- tives weme present fram Oshawa, ple eview a! cooking hints, which »owmanville, Long Sault and Ty- will al, save money. rane. A clothes basket, decanated 1. Keep youm flour frcsh by held the beautiful gifts, including storing tightly covered in a cool a gift from Tyrone Recreational place. Park and football team. Rev. 2. Replace flour with oatmeal, Cresswell was chaimmian. A de- comameal. or graham c r a c k e r liciaus lunch was served. Remain- crumbs. dem of the evening was spent play- 3. Put dry bread ta be used as ing gaines and dancing. Those cumbs through the food chopper. who assisted in the evening were: 4. Use smallem portions o! meat Mrs. E. A. Vintue, Mrs. G. A11 - langer.amounts o! vegetables. dread, Mrs. R. Sim and Miss Gmace 5. Use standard necipes a nd Smith. We wish the happy cou- simple menus-and skip evening ple many years o! married life. snacks for awhile. Mr. and Mms. V. W. Miller, Mur- 6. Clai!y and use meat dipp- physboma, Ill., visited with Mr. ing. and Mrs. W. J. Miller. 7. Keep le! t-ovem egg yolks cav- .Mms. H. Skinner and Dorothy ered with water in refrigerator; spent a couple o! days in the city egg whites just cayemed in small and attended the Wintem Faim. deep dish. The many friends o! Mm. Sid. T. 8. Use a rubber scraper to clean Hoar are giad ta know that heie s out all cooking, baking and senv- doing as well as can be expected, ing dishes. having undem gone a major opera- 9. Remeiqber that pork liven is tian in the Western Hospital, To- cheaper andf more nutritious than onta, on Friday. other kinds; that stews are more economical than oasts; that bran WOMEN'S INSTITUTE tea biscuits are cheaper than mu!- WiTe N of. 1-Mwih. leIf t- mV ndcd;in preferenc ta- r i-c-h andi the women were urg.d ta New sewlnt machines are study national questions and well. Electrlc cabinets, treadies and! being. Many fine thoughts were! Portables. Immediate deliv- brought forth. 1 ey The fallow/ing business was! REPAIRS transacted; Donation o! $5.00 ta toaial makes.o! iewing Salvation Ammy; Mns. Woodley machines and Mrs. Glaspell appointed ta REN send carde -ta aged and shut-ins. i portable Electrie lni your Apply for provincial grant and!I own home. $5 per' month. apply it on the girls' wark; Mmi. Singer Universai Motors Rosevear spoke o! the. Training 25 1<, 75 cycle..-..300 Sehool for leaders in connection Singer Llght. --$5.25 wlth the. "Girls' Club'" held ne- auttonhole Attachmenti $19.75 cently ln Bowmanville. Mr&. Yel- Singer ..utomatic lowlees. Mr&. Ramevear, and Miss Electio]Irons - $ 9.75 Joyce Hills attendlng ane. .Each Sewing Cabinets girl is ta be given a special ec-' (wainut) - - $47 ognition fQr.'finishing unit. Their Sewint Stools $14-00_ projeet la "The Club Girl Enter- Skfrt Markerm 82.Se tains." Ail girls interested ia this, Singer Houzehold mron -$812:95 activity are urged ta have the ad- vantage o! this Horne Training. SINGER SEWING. December meeting Dec. 10, ait 2 p.m. in S.5., wi.th W.M.S. as aur NJAC I' f' guests. Members are reminded ta ' NE CO repart any iliness ta Mrs. W. Park. i6 Ontario St.. Tel. Oshaw~a, 696 I At the close of the meeting a i OSHAWA dainty lunch was served by Mns. D. Staintoii and hem group. i cup bread crumbs, 2 beaten eggs, i cup milk. 1 Mix ingrdients (except applea> and put hall the mixture into a greased Icat pan, caver wlth sliced applea, thon put an nemainder o! meat. Bake in electrlc aven for li/2 houns at 350 degrees F. Polenta ai Tomatoes ½cup comameal, 1%, cups wa- ter, %, tsp. sait, 11/2 cups milk, i cup watem, i tbsp. fa.t, i onion, i cup grouad meat, 1 cup tomatoes, 3% tsp. saît and f.g. p.epper. Boil comamoeal in the 1'/a cups hot water for 8 minutes. Add moat, continue caaking 5 minutes. Stim la emaining Ingredients, and thon. pour ln greased baking dish. Bake in electric aven'at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Pumpkin Custard 1 cilp cooked pumpkin, 14 cup bmown sugar, 14 tsp. sait, 1/ tsp. cinnamon, 1/ tsp. ginger, 1t tsp. nutrnog, 1 ogg, 1 cup milk. Mîic sugar, sait and spicos with puriipkin. Beat egg, add milk and combine the two mixtures. Pour into custard cups set la a pan of hot. water and oven-poach in a modemately hot aven, 375 degrees F., until set, about one boum. Six servings. This mixture may bo poured inta an unbaked pie sheli and makes one medium pie. Applesàuee Cake ½cup shortening, 1/ cup white sugar, 1/2 cup cama syrup, 2 egg yolks f(unbeaten), 2 cups pastny flour, 1 tsp. baking soda, 14 tsp. sait, i tsp. cinnamon,, ½ tsp. claves 1/ tsp. nutmeg, i cup thick apple- sauce (unsweetened). Cream shontiz>ning; add sugar and symup. Add egg yolks; blend. well. Sift together flour, soda, sait and spices. Add ta creamed mixture alternately with apple- sauce. Pour inta pan 8" x 8" x 2" lined with waxed paper and greased. 13ake in an electnîc aven at 350 degrees for 1 boum. Th: Question Box Mrs. J. M. asks: Why doos a crack famm betweea the jan and the wax top o! the jelly? Answem: Glass contracta 10 times as much as wax per degmee o! cooling. Therefome, lot the jan partially cool thon add wax that is melted aver warm water. Put an a thin film and when cold add anothen layer o! molted wax. Mrs. J. E. says: Can you scal-, lop turnips? Answer: Scailoped T ur n i p s: Slice naw tunnips faimly thin and place in layers in a greased cas- serole. Sprînkle with sait, pepper and a little nutmeg. Add milk ta within an inch a! the top o! cas- serole. Sprinkle i tbsp. gratod cheese and i cup fine bmoad crumbs. Bake in a moderate aven 375 dogrees, for 1 hour. 1Mms. C. D. asks for Weinor and Macaroni Salad. Answer: Welner and Macaroni Salad 3/4 cup raw macaroni in ¾ pieces, 4 cups boiling watem, 4tp Phone 836 sait, 5 weiners (% lb>, U cup welseaaoned French Dressing, 2 tbsp. mlnced onion, 2 tap. lemon julce, * % cup diced celery, %.4 cup cucumber, i tbsp. slivered green pepper, i cup dlced tomatoes, % cup mayonnaise, speck pepper, %4 head lettuce, shredded. Cook macaroni tender ln the boiling water, to which à tapi. sait have been, added. Pive minutes before macaroni la done, add wel- ners; cook 5 mina, longer. Then drain. Remove weiners, and rinse macaroni in boillng water. Cut w-mners in inch pieces. Chili wei- ners and macaroni. Toss ail ln- gredients together just before ser- vlng. Serves 4. Anne Allan invites you ta write to her in care of The Canadian Statesman. Send in your sugges- tions on homemaking problema and watch this column for replies. à WIT! ETOYS & CAMIES * PROM a Ellioil's Variely * House *Santa's wamies are aven à when ho sees the amazing 10 selection af tays and games jfeatured in aur stome. Lots of o! ld games that are alwaIyIs Epapular plus many new and5 Eunique toys and games. IFor a botter choice drap in =and see our stock. We are sure ta have something you *want no matter who the glft *e is for and ail at budget prices. UGREET]ING CARDS j for every oc casion ELLIOTT'S m Varieiy Bouse I i 65 RING STREET EAST j Opposite Garton's Bus Station! TubÈrculoSls recognizes nq-fron- tiers. It is equally at home'iii any country and as longés it exW. lats anywhere it is likely to spread. These days there la so much TM,. abroad that we in Canada must be on guard more than ever agaifr- st this di.sease. The public cati help safeguard their own heelth by buying Christmas Seals. 1... Tuberculcf was the cause cd the rejectids of approximately 15,0001 Canadian men and wamqi« for military serXice in World Wai' IL It is still a force ta be reokôn- ed with. Buy Christmas Sebb, and help de! eat this ènemy at home. inexpenstve Chris tmas suggestions lECbiLDren'sý ALBUMS Snow White and! the * Seven Dwarfs J I Cinderelia The Unsuccessful E If Dumbo (Walt Disney) FJACK and .IILL SINGERS. Three Blind! Mice pHumpty Dumpty Oh! King Cale FMary Ha! a Little Lamb FHickory, Dickory Dock à 131 Diddle Dlddie FJingle Bells FThe Farmer ln the Delli SALL UNBREAKABLES TE Radio $hop mu8 eigt. E. Phrne 573S BOWMANILE Bawmanville m RODES 50 PRETT'Y \ AND TOASTY WARM for a ~NERRY CHRISTMAS What a perfectly wondemful Christmas it will be for hem Vhen she breatCilessly opens you.r gift and finds a beautiful robe or ingenue pajama set. How coipletely feminine la thia pnint- ed rayon quiltod robe in baby pastels-how appealing and pmetty this pair o! aoft, floal-designed pajamas. When you give hem dainty femininities, yau're giving hem the gi!t sh@ loves. Visif Our Store NO0W for a complete seleciion of. gifis for the whole family j - iii Lingerie - The Ideal Giii S Like dainty cloud dmifts is this bewitching and alluring lingerie, so perfect for Christmas giving. Discover aur complete and magnificent treasure chest overflowing with filmy black gowns and slips, dainty intimate apparel, handsome robes and lounging wear. It's the find of the season. N4illinery Reduéeil Ail our flu and winter siock of ladies'- mil- linery has been reduced Io clear. A won- f' derful selection of hais Io suit every person- / alify. Corne in early while the seleciion is good. Couch, J ohnston & Cryderman -71 PAGE six TEM CANADL4» STATIMUN, BOWIL4NVfflýX CMAMO. TEU SDAT, NOV. - 2m, 104Y . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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