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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1948, p. 5

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?HURSDAY, .TA!<UARY 15, 1948 -. THE CAKADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARTO Thne Oroi Mns. Chas. Wood attended a party at the home of her brother, Mr. C. Johns and Mrs. Johns, Bowmanville, as a send off to their sister, Mrs. W. Young, Peterboro, who with Mr. Young and their family, have le! t to spend sever- lamily, have le! t to spend several Mr. and Mrs. Victor Robinson attended the funeral of Mrs. Ro- jL aion'is twin sister, Mrs. Wm. Ir- ,=, in Toronto, on Saturday. Miss Joan Neilson has gone to Winnpegwhere she will attend Ëupert'g Land College. Miss Elizabeth Waddell is now -m".- pu Ut i m Ihu. PIDURING - ECONOMICAL EASY TO CLEAN ýSm the wide variety of cdmors and co binatiou aaiabIe. Bud Bromley PHONE 653 Sheppard & GUI Lumber Co. Limiled Phone 715 -Bolwman le Bowmanvllle Whltby, Bryant Motors READ DOWN WESTBOUND Bawmanville Prestonvale Oshawa Wbitby Base Line Hospital WESTBOUND Bowmanville Prestonvale Oshawa Whitby Base Line Hospital READ DOWN EASTBOUND Hospitel Base Line Whitby Oshawa Prestonvele Bowmanville EASTBOUND Hospitel Base Line Whitby Oshawa Prestonvale Bowmanville Frayer was announoed for Feb. I3 and plans made for the next regular meeting for Feb. 3, when n o N e w sit was decided te, have an aiter- no Newsnoon te:, with proceeds ta go ta the iteatue screaryfor the purchase of new books. staying witb Mrs. Maria Smith. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Truli, Mrs. The funeral oi the late George 0. A. Gamsby, Mrs. Marion Dick- Jamiesan, well known Postmaster son, Orono, and Mrs. Jas. Can- ai Newcastle, was held from Bow- ning, Oshawa, attended the fun- manville lest Wednesday and in- eral services o! Mn. Trull's sister, terment was in Orono Cemetery. Mrs. Elva Lawson at Mr. Richard The remains oi the late Mrs. Ro- Gardiner's, Garden Hill, Jan. 6. bert H. Warder, Bowmanville, Congratulations ta Shirley Par- were elso laid ta rest in* Orono ter and Patricia Yeowho passed Cemetery an Friday. tbeir examinatians for registered Orono Fish and Hunt Club held nurses. a meeting lest week in the Masan- At the marning service ai the ic Hall, when Dr. A. F. McKenzie United Church, a large congre- showed a number af reels ai mav- gatian partaak ai Communion. A ing pictures taken lest summer. rare treat was enjoyed in the two A lunch and social time were en- welI rendered salas by Mr. Al- jayed et the close. bert Wedgely, Oshawa. He bas The Homemeker's Club held a pleesing menner and very clean their fiist meeting o! the year at enuncietian and will be welcomed the home o! Mrs. Ross Gilbert. in Orono egain at any time. The The name chosen for this new evenin.g service is gnowing week club is "The B.I. Club." short for by week as the young people take Bright Idea Club. Mrs. C. E. Mil- more and more interest. Lest ler discussed the topic "Aiternoon Sundey, the Young People's Un- Tee" under the beedings o! equip- lion, con sisting o! bath Orona and ment, food, meking the tea and IKirby Young People met as us- formai teas. Several o! the girls ual at the close oi the services. made fancy sandwiches, which Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bryson, Kirby, were senved leter with cocae. kind.ly opened their home ta the The iirst meeting o! the Wo- gatbering, when a worship peniad man's Missionery Auxiliery ai the was beld, election oi officers con- New Year was held an Jan. 6,' and ducted and a social time enjoyed. proved ta be a most interesting Fallowing are the officers for 1948: and impressive one. It was beld President, Dewn Moffatt; vice in Park St. School raom, with the president, Carl Flintofi; secretary, president, Mrs. A. Delve, presid- Jean Wilson; trees., Key Gains- ing, and with a good attendence. by; social committee, Florence Installation ai officers for 1948 Linton and John Forrester. was conducted by Rev. A. E. Eus- Police Trustees o! the village tace. An appeel was made for engaged Mn. Lelend Payne and used lothing ta- send ta Western bis shovel ta remove snow from Europe, Jepan and Korea. An- the village streets this week. it nual reports were given by last cetainly makes the crassing oi .ear's officers, showing splendid streets much easier. xç: one by each department, Reeve E. R. Woadyard enter- with the financial returns well teined the Council ta a goose din- above the year's allocation. Tbe ner on Cauncil Day, when the president gave a fittfng tribute ta Road Superintendent, W. A. Reid, a beloved member and arganist, who bas resigned, was pnesented the late Mrs. R. H. Brown, mbo with a lavely fountein pen. bas recently passed an. Mns. A. Visitors: A. Dnummond, Christien steward- Mrs. Marion Green, Toronto , ship secretary, gave a very im- with ber father, Mr. P. Chapmen, pressive New Year's message, and and sistens, Betty and Jill. Mrs. H. Walsh, Temperance sec- Mr. Wm. Rowland, Toronto, retary, spoke on the temperence with Mr. and Mns. H. Rowland.i question. The World's Day o! Miss Fern Webber and Mr. Gar- 30 WMAN VILLE READ DOWN w <00 01 00 i-d. s'du =C=. W c P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. AM 7.00! 6.30; I2.00! 7.10 6.40 2.10i1 7.2 6.50' 2 201 7.25 6.55 2:251 7.25' 7.05 2.35. 1.45 7.15 2.45! 7.55 7:251 2.551 7.301, 3.001 7.50! 3.20ý 8.0W1 3.30' 810' 3.40' 8.15' 7.00, 3.45' 7.30 -' 8.251 7.10! 3.55ý 7.40, 8.35 7.201 4.05! 7.501 8.45 7:30 4.151 8.001 9.001 7.451 4.301 8.151 P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. ^M ied , W>.>. >,m A.M. 7.30ý 7.40, 7.50'ý 7.55! 8.05i 8.15! 8.25' A. M. - * 675 j iý Lindsay, Uni m OsHIRilWi, m LINDSAY EFFECTIVE JANUARY 19,Mi Lv. *Boleaygeon Red Sehool Scotch LUne Dunsford Pleasant Point Ons Factory Ar. *Lindsay Lindsay Janetvllle Yeiverton Nestieton *Blackstoek Burketon Enniskillen Hampton Ar. *Bowmanvile1 W >: W 948 (0:10=(r 0.01 00 A. M. P. Ar. 1.10! 6.C 1.00! 5.1 12.501 5.4 !12.35 5.1 1l225 5.2 ÀZ1.15: 5.1 !12.00; 11.351 1i1.251 111.01 10.40 Lv. 10.30ý A. M. P.!N Mon Bus Terminal don Hornby, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Walker. Mn. Carman Patton and Mr. Al- bert Wedgely, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mns. Percy Patton. Mr. Dan White, Meaford, with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor. OBITUARY MRS'. THOMAS C. BRAGG In iailing health for several years and two days after her 8th birthday on New Year's Day, Ju- lia Bragg, beloved wiie ai the late Thomas C. Bragg, passed peace- fully away at the borne af ber brother, Mr. T. H. Clemence, Shaw's, and was laid to rest in Bowmanville Cemetery on Jan. 6. Her husband predeceased ber 13 years aga. The daughter o! the late Mr. and Mrs. John Clemence, deceas- ed, was born at Kirby, Clarke Township, on Jan. 1, 1868, and was married Marcb 30, 1892. The funeral service was held from the Morris Funerai Chapel. Rev. J. E. Griffith, minister o! Trinity United Church, officiated and spoke words of comfort ta the bereaved family. Mrs. J. A. Gunn presided at the console of the chapel brgan. The palîbearers were six nep- bews, Bert JewelI, Ewart Clem- ence, John Ashton, Allen Clem- ence, Austin Turner and Russell Bragg. Survîving are two brothers, Dr, S. G. Clemence, South Gate, Cal., end T. H. Clemence, Shaw's, ta- gether witb four sisters; Mrs. John Campbell, Toronto; Mrs. Maria Jewell, Mrs. W. C. Ashton 'and Mrs. H. J. Babcock, Bowmanville. Two sisters and one brother predeceased ber, Mrs. S. Turner passed away in 1912, W. J. Clem- ence in 1945 and Mrs. W. C. Allun in 1946. WHICH? "0f course I must ask you for a deposit," said the lady. "Certainly," replied the new tenant, banding aven the required SUM. "Thanks. Now, shall we trust each other or do you want a ne- ceipt? "-Exchange. m WRITBY ]Please read achedule carefuliy and avoid confusion x w>~ A. M. A. M. 6.20ý 6.10 6.35 6.25 6.451 6.40; 6.55ý 6.45! 6.501 A.M. A.M. 7.20 7.35 7.30 7.45 7.40 7.55 7.451 7.50J 81 n).001 0.0 1.4to 0 1 .1520 0 3B35 8.30 9.15110.15 11.55 1.023 1.30 2.15 3.15 3.50 8.301 8.40 9.25! M0 112.15 12.20112.45 1.40 2.30 3.301 4.05 8.40 8.55 I10.40 1 1.15j12.25 12.30112.551 1.501 2.4513.40J'.1 8.451 11.20112.30 j I2.501 . 45 8.50 j il11.25 12.35 J j2.551 >'.ý,> ?sý x > ý xx ý ,x x P. M. P. M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P. M. P. M. 4 0' 4 23514.40 5.051 5.4 0 6:20 4 2014:401 4'55 5.201 5.55 6.3 4.35ý 4.50 5.15 5.305.306.15 6-.5 4.451 5.00 5 30 5.45 5.4 6.40 6.55 4.50 5.05 5.50 550,î 6.451 1.001 4.551 5.10 5.551 5.551 6.501 7.051 A. M. A. M. A 17.10 6.20 7.15 6.301 7.20ý 6.45 7.301 7.00! 7.151 k P.M. P.M. P.M. 5.101 5.101 5.15 5.15, 5.20j 5.201 5.45, 5.301 5.30ý 6.08' I5.40 6.201 I5.55 6.351 >ý x>, >' - c! 2i , P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P. m. P. m. 6.55 8.00' 8.45' 9.00119.50110.40111.40' 7:10 8.15 9:00 9.15110.05110.55111.55 7 .20' 7.35ý 8.25 9.10 9.30110.15 11.05j12.05 7.30; 7.451 8.351 9.201 9.40110.30111.15112.201 7.35 ~ 9.25ý 111.250 ý x.>x .M. A. M. A.M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M, 8.10 9.10 11,40 8.15 9.15 111.45 1 7.30 8.20 8.30 9.20, 10 50'11.50 12.351 7.45 8.30 840 9.30t 10.00 11.05 11208112:45 7.55 8.50 9.40 10.10 11.15 112.20 12.55 8.10 9.051 9.5511i0.25 11.30 12.351 1.10ý wu~ P. M. 6.201 6.30 6.40ý P. M. 6.20ý SOI P.M. 7.05, 7.10 7.20 7.301 7.401 7.551j j > , )j >C , j , > w w w '1<1b-" 0 ' P.M. P.M. P. M. P. M.1 1.05 3.401 3.40 11 3.45 3.45 1.15 2.451 3.50 3.50 1 .30 8.001 4.10 4.00 1.40 3.101 4.20 4.101 1:551 3:251 4:351 4:251 P.M. P.M. 4:451 5.20 j .5.35 m le )5. .0 Wý 0 E 0Wr r P.M. P. M. P.M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. 7.0 93511.451 7.10 9.40 111.50 7.20,80 .0 9.50 9.50 10.50112.00 7.30' 8.151i 9.15 0,10 î.05111:0..i12.10. I8.25' 9.25110 15l10 1511.15112.20 I8.401 9.40)110.30110301î1.30il12.35 BOB CAYG EON BEAD UP qi, i, Io 4 a . s s>ws,. s> ,. ( .05 1 1001 il 00 <0 .451 9.45, 10.45 35ý 9.351 10.35 :30 9.301i 10.30 .20! 9.20 '10.20 10' 9.10 100 I Lt 1 1.0 1 a Ina * M. F 5.40! 5.30: P. M. P. M. P. M.P.M 11.15 11.05 10.51 10.45 10.35 P.M. *Connections et Lindsey for Toronto, Peterboro, Fenelon Falls, Heliburton. Orillia, Kirfield buses, C.N.R. trains *Connections et Bowmanville for Oshewa, Whitby, Toronto, Pont Hope, Cobourg, Belleville, Kingston, Montreal. Inaugural Session Clarke Council Held Lasi Week Clarke Township Council held its inaugural meeting on Jan. 6, with ail members iresent. Rev. A. E. Eustace opened the meeting with reading ai Scripture and prayer and decleretians a!f ofice were taken. There were a great many metters ta be discussed and an adjourned meeting had ta be heid on Thursday afternaon. Mr. C. F. Awde was eppointed Scbooi Attendance Officer for 1948 and also authorized ta continue col- lection af taxes until Feb. 9. Reeve E. R. Woodyard and Councillor J. H. Devey were eppointed Coun- cil representatives ta Orono Park Board; Clarence J. Allin appointed livestock valuer for 1948 at a fee a! $3.00 per trip; Dr. A. F. Mc- Kenzie appointed Indigent Med- ical Officer and Dep. Reeve J. H. Lowery ta represent Council on Federation o! Agriculture. Plans for snowplowing roads in the township were discussed at length and laid for work done in a similar manner ta lest year un- der the strict supervision o! the Road Supeintendent. Herry Wade addnessed Council concerning di- vision o! roed between Lots 14 and 15, B.F. The matter will be neferred to Board of Railway Commîssioners. An agreement was made with R. Burley ta run the small plow. The charge for same will be $5.40 per boun and for the Township plow, $7.010 per bour. By-laws were passed appointing J. C. Gamey and M. H. Staples auditons for 1948 and R. G. Moi- fat assessor. Discussion wes beld on necessery changes in Town Hall ta meet Fire Marshell's re- quirements and arranging for municipal offices. The following buils were onder- ed paid: Charity, $5.00; after cere, $32.001 and $10.00; relief, $5.00 and $15.010; Mrs. E. J. Randaîl, R. vs. F., $32.00; N. F. Porter, treasur- en's bond, $12.00; Orono Weekly Timnes, printing, $5.00; bank char- ges, $20.70; J. J. Mellor, postage, rent and P.O. box, $14.03; R. H. Wood, cane of Hall, $22.50. Council edjourned to meet et 10 e.m. on Feb. 9. MAPLE GROVE Mrs. H. C. Hunlburt, Toronto spent the Christmas bolid'ays with hen parents Mn. and Mrs. A. F. Spencer. Sonny ta ]ose Mn. and Mrs. Whitney Gnose fnam aur com- munity. We understand they have punchased the Brunswick Hotel et Winghamn, and bave gone there ta neside. We wish thern eveny succcss in their new undertaking. Miss Edna Swallaw spent the weekend with Rev. and Mns. W. C. Smith, Port Penny. Miss Ruth Robbiný, town, with Miss Doneen Jeffery. Mn. andi Mrs. Clarence Bell, town, with Mn. and Mns. Howard Cryderman. Mrs. L. C. Snowden wes in Tan- onto a couple o! days lest week, and attended the Federetion ai Agriculture convention. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. White, Starkville, spent lest week with thein son, Mn. Laurence White, and attcnded the speciel services at Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hockin, Mn. and Mrs. Sewand Tyler, Mn. Fred Hockin, visited their cousins, Mrs. Courtice, Mns. R. A. Delve, Orono, an Satunday last. Mrs. J. H. Munday, Mrs. R. L. Wonden, Mrs. Wallace Mundey, Mns. Ted Foley, daughte'r Dora- thy, were among the guests enter- tained at the borne o! Mns. Leon- ard Richards, town, on Jan. 7, et an aftennoon tee in bonor af their sisten, Mns. H. Vickeny, it being the occasion of hen 73nd birthday, othen relatives fnom town and a few friends made up the panty. The regular meeting o! the Ma- pie Grave Women's Institute was held on Jan. 12. During the business period e letton was read from Miss S. Laird, Edinburgh, Scotland, giving a wealth of intenesting news fnom bath England and Scotlend. Mon- YGUR EYES (Op.PO. Oshawa, ]Phone 1516 (No. 62) Reading, ta be o! velue, must be interpreted and in this we must have a netentive mmnd. Our mem- ony must function or we cannot cancentrate. It should not be necessary for a growing, developing child ta 50 cverweight this effort as ta be putting mare effort into the devel- cping o! bis mind than a full- grown edult would expend upon his day's work. Don't entirely '.-)ame the child. The method used mnay nat apply ta, thet particuir child. The reeson this is true Ys obviaus if you compare the wank in the schooi for the blind with the wonk of othen students. These students with no sight compete zuccessfully with those who see in academic and music, etc. If it wene possible for the scbool noam ta be more of an opportun- ity raom, this child ehould be aI- ]owed to leern at his own speedi and a standard set eccardingly with the teachers free ta aid eacb eccording ta bis speed. A full ne- cognition given for the capacity a! the individuel ext'nded and the superion intelligence given an op- pontunity ta raise the standard and vice versa. (To be Continued> New lufe insurance put in frce in Canada duning 1947 totelled ov- Ridiculous ey was. voted for assistance to needy folk o! Europe and plans mads for quilta to be madle for this project as well. rGood neighbor committee re- ported an social work being clone. Mrs. Arthur Speer, citizenship convener, took charge o! the pro- gram. A solo "The Serenade oi the Relis" by Miss Lenore Colla- cutt, accompanied by her father, was much enjoyed as was a duet by Mrs. E. Twist and Mrs. Howard Foley. Mrs. Speer presented material on "The Canadian Consumers' Or- ganization" and conducted a ques- tionnaire an thîs subject. Mrs. L. C. Snowden neported on meetings of Ontario Federation of Agricul- ture held in Toronto last week. Women's Institutes are urged to co-operate more closely with Fed- eration of Agriculture. Bath or- ganizations are working for homes and country and are affiliated groups and I5oth are workiçg along with the Consumerâd group. Miss Harriet Parsons represent- ing the Consumers' group spoke ta the women in conference at the meeting in Toronto. Delightful refresbments were served by Miss Speer's group. Canadians Assisi Snow Removal New York Cify W. L. Paterson, vice president Downham Nurseries, Chief Whip Wood's Senate and member of the Bowmanville Board of Education has lately returned from New York City with bis son Jimmy, af- ter attending the annual conven- tion of the New York State Nurs- erymen's Association held in the Pennsylvania Hotel. Telling about the huge snowfall that blanketed New York, Mr. Paterson discl'osed a news story overlooked by the metropolitan press or possi'bly censored by agreement. The fact was that this largest city of the world petitioned Montreal for snow removal equip- ment and crews ta help clear the streets of Gotham and the work was completed- with Canadian in- genuity. Traffic was at a standstill and the city government m.ade no great effort at snow removal until en- gineers calculated the immensity of the tons o! snow lying above the foundations and tunnels af the city. The figures given promp- ted the hasty cali to the Montreal City Council and equipment was rushed in record time. At the convention Mr. Paterson discovered that the president, J. A. Armstrong, from Ontario, Cali- fornia, was an old family acquain- tance from his birthplace, Clinton, Ont. Next week Mr. Paterson will attend the biggest nursery- men's association in the world at Chicago. Leading Canadian Nurs- erymen are members o! these as- sociatioyns. Wood's Senate bas been in session bearing above news. m Absurd Morris Ca. cen cdo little about high pnices in other retail lines, but ta OUR MANY CUSTOMERS we pledge tbe follawing policy will epply in 1948 on ehl furniture prices in aur stores: 1. No pnices will be advanced on aur stocks aven 1947 levels! In spite o! meny wholesele increases already in effect- goods thet cennat be retailed et 1947 levels will not be cerried. 2. Marris Ca. will continue the policy Below are listed a dew typical examples of Simmons Beautyrest Mattress Simmons Beautyrest Box Spring Gold Medal Chesterfield Suite Kroehler Chesterfield Suite ------ Princess Pat Continental Bed -- 34x60 Office Desk -------------- Deluxe Velour Studio Lounge Paris Ice Refrigerator --------- Daybeds (roll edge mattress)- Drop Back Divanettes ------ Dlstributors for KELVINATOR, Canada's oldest home retnilgeration. ln jour home, as low au $283.50. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. J. Harris and Lin- da, Oshawa, at E. Prescott's. Ross Smith, Oshawa, with Don-' ald and Herbert Prescott. W. Pascoe and Mrm. G. Bow- man, at H. Beaton's, Oshawa.* Good roadr. and fine weather resulted ln a large congregation; for Communion, Sunday. The farmers who are shipping! milk are enja3ring the goodi roads; 50 fer this winter. We ar e en-1 joying splendid service from thei snowplow and hope for littie more. snow as the sides are building up in places. COMMUNICABLE DISEASE REPORT Week ending January 10, 1948 Municipality No. ai cases Chlckenpox Brighton -- Clarke Twp. 3-_____ Cartwnight Twp.1 Millbrook --- _______ 3 Measies, Red Se>ymour Twp.1 Darlîngton Twp. 2 Port Hope 1-_______ Mumps Cobourg----------------- 101 Darlington Twp. 1 Port Hope------------- 4j Bowmenville 2 Whooping Cough Derlington Twp. 3 Most any poor old iish Can drift along and dreemn, But it takes a reguler live ane To swim against the stream. Just Arrived FOR THAT EARLY SPRING SEWVIN0Z New Spring M RAYON CREPE RAYON JERSEY-, Rled, blue black, lime, white, turquoise.1, 1{eavy quality, à4" wide. $2.625 yard Ail Wool - Plaids Tartans, checks, Shetlands. 54" wide. $2.95 to $3.95 yard IDRAPERY- by the yard WE INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUJR DRAPERY STOCK. MWE HAVE' ROD S. T RAC K, C RA NES and H OOKS, WEBER'S FABRIC CENTRE M 10 KING ST. E. - COWAN BLOCK - BOWMANVILLE m Unnecessary used ion aven 67 yeers: "The finest possible quelity et the lowest passible price." $50 cash rewerd whene we feu to underseli Toronto stores an edvertised staple furni- ture lunes. 3. 10% cash discaunt on ail regular fur- iliture stocks duning the Januery Sale! (Floor samples naw reduced 20 ta 50%', excepted)., 4. Lowen cash prices than any competi. tive store. Terns when desined. savings this pollcy provides: Natlonally Advertised 1948 Frics $79.50 69.50 195.00 297.50 119.00 95.00 95.00 59.50 29.75 49.50 January Sale Cash Price $ 60.50 59.50 149.00 269.00 89.00 69.50 69.50 49.50 23.75 39.50 7 cubic foot models installedý / GAlITON COACUHLUNES HEAD OFFICE: BOWMANVIILLE, ONT. PHONE: 2666 2667 EFFECTIVE JANUARY 17, 1948 BOWMANVILLE- OSHAWA WHITBY - BASE UNE.- ONTARIO HOSPITAL (Port Whitby> BOWMANVILLE BLACKSTOCIC - LINDSAY - B0BCAYrEON - CHARTERED COACHES FOR ALL OCCASIONS - FOR INFORMATION PHONE: . 2666-2667 Oshawa - 22 - 1085 Bobeaygeon, Roekland House - 2 O '0 .0 .0 .0 a .0 ~0 .0 MS 0 DO WMAN VILLE F. F. MORRIS CO. agree with the many Consumer Groupsg, Toronto Papers, Union Officiais and the Retail Merchants! Association, that in many instances... i Present High Prices Are We f avor immediate retum to Government controlled Prices and Profits Connections at BoNvmanville for: Hampton, Enniskîllen, Burket.on, Blackstock, Nestleton, Janetville, Llndsav'. Thurstonia and Bobcaygeon. Connections at Oshawa for: Toronto, Columibus, Port Perry. Connections ab Whltby for: Manchester, Sunderland, Lindsay.1 LOCOMOTIVE ELECTRIC WASHERS. Brantford built for aven 27 years, th1e ment economical, trouble free, simply operated wuaher on th1e market, 4-vane reniav- able agitator, fImous Loveli wninger, Installedl as low as $119.50. If. If.0 tcrriS c. etherwfise you maygel JIOTHING oraoWRONG I .Umgtm Ar Ikl 44)n n(Ift n(in 1 ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'MU LqDAIr, ZANUART 15,1948 -- . THÉ -CANADIAN STATMMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO - 20 9

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