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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1948, p. 11

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THTIRSDAY, F'EBRUARY 4. 1948 TECNDA TTSA.BWAVLE NAI 1 PAGE ELE VEN Mr. and Mms. Perey Hame, Mr. and Mrs. F. McMullen, Mm. and Mrs. Keith Aiken and Reeve and Mrs. George Walton wiil attend the Charter night of the Miii- brook Lions Club which is being heid at the Kawatba Club on Thursday evening. President Per- cy Hare wili present the Miil- brook Club witb the "Code of Ethies", on behaîf of Newcastle Lions Club. ACTUAI. SIZE Good suppiy of turnace ceai on hand of the best quality guaanteed and welI laund- ered. Owen Nicholas Reading- Anthracite Ceai Semet-Solvay Coke C.N.R. Yards Phone 410 BOWMANVILLE OSHAWA, ONTARIO The Newcasili Phiono: CI Miss Kathleen Tcms spent Wcd- Enesday with Mms. Howard Ommis- tan an.d Diane, Bowmanville. Mm. and Mrs. Ed. Pove~l spent the weekend in Toronto. Miss Margaret Ovens, Newton- ville, xvas the weekead guest cf Miss Eleanor Hanccck. Messrs. Harold and Frank Hoar, Toronto. spent the xvekend witb ,'heirm othem. IMrs. Ed. Hoar. Miss Bcatix MeIntosh is spend- ng a few days in Toronto. Miss Lida Lake, Toronta, bas been visitiag ber niother, Mrs. Frank Gibson. Mms. Mary McEvoy bas been spending the past montb with ber daugbtem and son-in-ia\v, Mm. and Mms. Selby Spencer in Hamilton. The flowcms on the altar la St. 'Georges Church an Sunday weme t in memamy cf the late Dr. and Mms. George Carveth. Dm. Tueken, missianary at the Angola Mission in Africa was guest speaker at the Sunday School cf the United Cburch bn Sunday inorning. He addmessed the cangregation at the morning service. At the evening service lantern slidcs weme shown deai- ing %vitb mission work in Canada. The monthiy business and de- votianal meeting of St. Georges Cbureb wiii be heid in the Parish Hall on Tuesday aftemnoon, Fcb- t-uamy 10, at 3 p.m. The C.G.I.T. Gmoup met Tues- day evening, Januany 27. Aftem the îrguiar business periad durng which the C.G.I.T. xeek %vas dis- cussedi. aise the e-affiliation xitb the W.M.S., Miss Kathicen Toms' conducted a Bible quiz. The meeting adjoumned with taps. For recreation the group xent te the rink. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith on the birth cf a son. Mr. and Mms. Arthur Redkaap cf Newtonvillc had tea witlilMr. and Mrs. Gea. Smith an Thurs- day evenîng., Miss Dorothy and Masten Laur- PHONE ZENITH 13,000 pmodern skating ink, whicb xiiiB SNESM N ,u :aisosesrv'e as a reemeational cen-,B SN S E u tre and be in constant use ditîring the-ether seasons of the ycar. Take a pencii and go dawn the Yssuibsciptien list andchkte mien: you xil see thex-e are ma nwioganie www'vU C t I Newcastle Veterars' Association b as aIse given a doratioac i --,- %EEP PAY ENVELOPE$, W t as aboe speak 50. seit behooves the citizen'-a 0- q * )t a aboe spaks get hchiad this pmject and sub- )Id ta \VOMEN. It scribe ta the uitmost. wntesl othe bev raes dier has donc bis part. but- ah bhis oterbeerg. effor~t and sacrifice will bave.been for nothing. if we who stayed at IGUE ~~~~home. are flot prepared ta carry Bw avlePbi k e F u C. R. CARVETH, Serretary ,b eu-hr sn edt Utilities Commission xoncler haw vwe can help or in. m-hat %cay' v--Give t ta e New~-î GO. E. CHASE, Manager i castie %,emarial Arena." UN m I peciated. At the conclusion La- AIis Antilcalled on aoyMGr Newcast le, mem rial aren Drive 1ýr- le In epen ent-gar, who read a passage of scrip- turc, followed by a lively sing- ýlre 3314 ede Calis for United Effort of Citizeusosng. (By Olga Gibson) rnTpaIrTITrents. adMs rhm ie Stapleton, Newtonville, spent The campaign ta raise $20,000 LDUULand J. JUL the weekend with their aunt and pMrs. Gea. John2st00'andorMrs. unlM.adMs .S i t a ereet a Newvcastle Memarial Bob Barber were in Toranta Mon- unceMr ad rs.Ge. mih.Arena was launched about three Courtice-Maple Grave Brother- dav. HONORS VILLAGE CLERK weeks aga and already over $4- hood met January 30 in Courtice Miss Hobert Saunders with Miss Reogiio f h efcin ad000 bas been raised. Church with a good attendance. Reita Reynard, Whitby. and at- Ratf e itinafes fficivent an has been raiscd by public President Clarence Penfound, oc- tended Sunday Schaaol session. foatfl erics f1areyC.ubscription. cupying the chair, opened the Glad ta report the littie daugb- Bonthnas Tawn Clerlk ande troRuslan Ms. eCe treasurer for the Municipality af 1The arena when erected will meeting. toi eetin vrrer rigf Russllbdrs recoeia Newcastle for the past 30 years stand as a living mehiorial ta the1 given by Barry Johnstcn; salas New Year's. banue ad enfrom Newcastle who paid the F.yJareyMKeze;redngu-v The mnany friends of Mrs. petao o t oefarmaf od at F. ThrdM".rGuest speaker, Mr. Frank Worden, who is a patient barqet an f eld watclh.sT He- prme sacrifice in World War Alec Kay, naturalist af Peterboro, nBwavleHoptl*ilb banqut wa heldat Emhurs Ho-II and will also commemorate the gav'e a ~iast interesting and in-f omavleHsîtl ilb tel on Saturday evening, JanuaryI structive address on 'Wild gie lad ta hear she is slowly recov- 31 and those present were the 1 -services, of aur returned men wha onsrain"adtei aisering. present Reeve and Council, also sa unselfishly left their families He received warma applause. The Fred and Mrs. Balson were Sun- the ex-Reeves and ex-membersi and their homes ta risk their social committee served refresh- day dinner guests at the Mechin of the Village Council for the past iives in the cause of world free- ments. home, Oshawa. 30 years. 1 dom. Hom*L and School Club held Congregational meeting of the Reeve George Walton carried1 The question of the erection of their euchre party an January 26 Courtice United Church wvas held out the duties of toastmaster in a suitabie memnorial bas often with1- an attendance to fill seven Janua'ry 29 with a good attend- his usual happy and fluent man- been dîiscussed and w'hile every- tables. Winners were: High lady, ance. Mrs. Talbert Gearing was 1 ner.Coucilor . T Maes ad nc ws a th opnio an shuldMrs. Earl McLean; consolation, appointed secretary . Meeting op- the honor of introducing bis son, be erected, and it was also t he Mrs. Reg. Stevens; high gent, Mrs. ened with prayer by Mrs. Ceci] Mr. Tracex' Manles, who occupies concensus of opinion that a living Lloyd Courtice, playing for gents- Adams. Chorus by junior chil- tbe important position of Mayor memorial was the wish of the ma- consolation, Ed Pidduck. Next dren failoled. Reports given in- oL Leaside and wha xvas the guest 1 jority of the citizens. stili no ac- meeting Fe'bruary 10. ciuded auditor's, treasurer's, Wo- speaker for the evening. tive steps were taken and sa it Best wishes ta Rev. and Mrs.. man's Association, building fund, Toast ta ex-Reeves wvas pro- feIl ta the work of the returned Frank Yardley on the arrivai of M. and M. Fund and parsanage posed by Councillor A. W. Glen- men ta bring it about. their son at Bowmanville Hospi- expensec. Rev. F. Yardley thank- ney and responded ta by ex- On Decemnber 10, 1947, the vet- tal an Januarv 22; also ta Eldon cd the ladies for co-operation in Reeve Butler and Britton. crans met and organized the New- and Mrs. EsEery on the arrival of mnany ways. Mrs. Cecil Adams Toast proposed ta ex-Council-1 castle Veterans' Association and their daugbter at Bowmanville gave a poem 'Now." Violin and lors by Councillor Tam Brown, anc of the first matters under dis- Hospital on January 22. piano accordion selections, Mrs. and responded ta by ex-Council- cussion was the great need of a Among those entertained by Bob Barber. Barry Johoston and ]ar Brantan, Cauch, Jase, Philp cox ercd rink. where hockey, skat- Geo. and Mrs. Goddard in bonor Mrs. J. McKenzie; reading. Eddie] and E. Walton. ing and oiher recreational facili- of their daughter's sixtli birth- Warburton. Refresbments were Ex-Reeve and ex-Warden C. R.1 ties could bc enjoy cd. It was ac- day were Mr. and Mrs. J. Kemp served. These Sunday School of- Carveth read an eulogistic ad- cordingly passcd at the meeting and son Donny, Oshawa, Master ficers will carry on for 1948- drcss and made the presentation that it was the desire and hope Wayn Hoy and hier grandmo-SptEWrbrn;as.ut, of a bandsome gold watch ta the cf the veterans of Newcastle that ther, Mrs. Annie Simpson. This Mrs. Heron; secy., Lamne Pen- guest of honar, Town Clerk H . C.i such a building be erccted, ta be birthday lwas announced over C found; asst. secc)., Mrs. R. Fow- Bonathian, who expressed bis knawni as the Newcastlc Mcm- KDO. Oshawa. Ic1r; treas., Mrs. Cecil Adams; mis- Ilns n appreciation for the anial Arcna. The vetemans im- Emnie Rundie disposed of four sionamy supt., Mrs.. Clyde Saun- honor bestowed an him and in a mcdiatciy made plans ta bring cf his fancy rabbits at a substan- ders, tempemance supt., Mr. Brad- very intcresting manner gave a this into effect. tial sum. ley; teachers, 'beginners class, Mrs. resume of the histary of the MIun- Iii a previaus issue of The Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hancock E. Warburton: asst. beginners, icipality cf Newcastle for the past Statesman, full particulars were wcre. Sunday guests .with their Mrs. Robt. Bar-ber; primary class, 30 years. given as ta the size, cost and loca- son, Frank and Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. R. DeCoe; asst. pnimary, Mrs. Councillor Stanley Graham hadi tien of the proposcd arena, 50 I Kedron. Gca. Johnston; junior boys, Mrs. the pleasant duty of presenting ta xvilnat epeat if bcrc, suffice ta Norman and Mms. Clemens and George Re nolds. juniors girls, the guest of honor, a lovely bau- say that the committee in charge Marilyn w'cre Sunday guîests lwith Mms. H. Scorgie; initermedia te quet cf fiowers ta be given ta have gonc about it in a most thor- bier parents, Gardon and Mrs. Tre- boys. E. Warburton; intermedi- Mrs. H. C. Bonathan. 1augh and business like manner vail. ate girls. Mrs. J. Gearing; young Ex-Reeve, ex-Warden and ex- and have ]eft ne stane unturned Ansan and Mrs. Phair \vith Rus- peaple's classe Mrs. C. Penfoundý' M.P., W. F. Rickard. movcd the ta obtain ail valuabie information seli and Mrs. Luke, Hampton. adult class, Mms. Cecil Adams; C. vote of thanks ta Mayor T. Manes finsi. hand, rcgamding ather aenas Donald and Mrs. Tbompsan and G.IT. graup is ta arganize with for bis very excellent and enjoy- that have recclntly been complet- sol, visitcd his father, Mr. Leslie Mrs. Bridges as leader, assisted by able address. cd. In the previaus article the'Thonipson, Tyrone. Mrs. Thos. Barber, Mrs. C. Pen- A hearty vote of thanks was al- many purpases the arena can be Much sickness is repomted in found and Mrs. J. Gearing. so tendered Mr. T. Taylor, pro- uised for was alsa fully explaincdl. the vicinity-flu, colds, mumps, prietar cf Elmhumst Hotel far the A fcw ycars aga NexxAcastle was and a case of scariet fever. Pu- w gotinEladbeg very deliciaus banquet. The evc- rather a siecpy, placid, littie viii- plis at No. 8 receivcd attention Tw gatinEgnd eg ning closed witb ex-Reeve C. R. agce but it is naw rapidly becom- during tbe week, as a preventive transported by rail, ate each oth- Carvetb, shawing some of bis very ing mare cf an industrial centre. of the fever. er's destination label, and nobody- fine moving pictures. We have twa factaries employing- Gardon and Mrs. Wiibur and cauid remember where tbey were approximately 200 men betxveen Donna, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. going. tbem. Mare recently the Adams' Gea. Wright, Oshawa, with Daug -__________________ S OLINA. Lnmber Co.bas locatd in te las and lrs. Oke.5Laig pîcyces of these industries are tane with hier mother, Mns. Mabel Mr. Jack Baker attended the married men with children. New- Bennett jat "The Grange." Sbortborn Breeders' annual meet- castleelbas a well arganized and Intermediate Girls' Su-n d a y ing and Messrs. John Cruickshank enthusiastie Town Hockey League Schoal class cf Courtice Church, and Bruce Tink attended the an- camprising four teams-o ne from g ave a pîcasant surprise birthday sian Association, bath in Toronto onc from Kari Weyrich Co., and Gearing. Askcd'ta attend a meet -_____________ this wcck.. two tawn tcams. 90% cf the ing ta bc beld and upon entering Mr. Frank Gilbert is in Toron- men -wba play on the Smith and tlhc roam, the girls surrounded ta hospitai for x-ray treatment Weyrich teams are returned men. Mrs. Gearing and sang "Happy an bis cyes.. Mrs. Gilbert accam- These teams journey ta Omono Birthday" in a jovful manner, panied him. evcry Tuesday evening ta play and then escorted the gucst cf Men's Brotherhood expects ta their games in Orono cavered bonor ta a chair. A lovely Inn-I meet at Eidad on February 17. rink. cheon was served by Margaret The Y.P.U. dramatic socictv Then there is the Newcastle Li- MeGregar and Muriel 'Î\iit, and presented "Look Out Lizzic' ans Juvenile Hockey Tean- for which was opened with leader, twice last week-near Pefferia,.w players under 18 years cf age. Dorotby Hockin leading "Be pres- and at Oshawa. This teama is entcrcd in the O.M. cnt at our table Lard" in unison. H.A. Juvenile "B" and have ta A lovciv bîrthday cake with ligbt- The men cf the village and dis- pay ail their home gaies at Or- éd candes, was pmsented to Mrs. B E R the hall Saturday evening, Fcb- forbid the playing cf officiai bac- smaller cake ail aglaw witb can- ruary 7. key on open air rinks. dies was prcsented ta Lorraine Sorry ta report that Mr. Percy We are living in a young pca- MeGregar, who was also celebrat- fi was recenty estimnated by a. Westlake is confincd ta bcd. ple's worid a world where im- ing bier birthday. A loveiy bone The men and boys cf the com- portant things are heing done for china cup and saucer was theni abstainers fn Newcastle. TIerel munity enjoyed an evening cf 3 ou.ng people. It, themefore, prescntcd ta Mms. Gcaring by the 1 estimate must "indulqe;" samnei hockey at Biackstock rink, Mon- secmns fitting that this memamrial yaungest class member, Edythe some in hotels. Since no ane1 day. aena wiil no'l only be a tribute Dciine and fccliagly responded ta should anyane other than the m Visitors: of appreciation and thanks ta aur by the eipient. A fine gesture the Ladies' Beverage Roams? Mm. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlecs, veterans, but it xiii also bc a on the part cf Mm. Eami Tmuil was Camai and Donna, Tyrone, at Er- source of pîcasure and recreatian la danation cf severai bricks cf nest Hockaday's. to thiemsclIves and their cbiidmen ice eeam which \vas mtîch ap-I Misses Helen Baker and Verna and the village as a wholc. o Cizes fN wc% Glebe, Taranto, with Mr. and Mms. The money subscribed wiii be Jack Baker and Mr. and Mrs.,J. he!d in tr~ust in Newcastle Bank. t C. Smaies. 9 cf.Commerce unili fuît ameunt is wno prefer fo drinlk in. Miss S. Malcolm, Brougham, raised. The expenses ini regard with~ ~ be itr m.Jh ni Vetemans' Association. ING ïuuU X AF ER I IÀ Upon comipietian of the amena, I... the Vetenans' Association wil present it hy deed te the Munici- .IJÇ\] u fýýýfNdrT_.,elmini-tration1cf sponsored by THE FOUR FREED OMS LEAGUE Does Not Want L A O l ES AQE ROOM$? in ardent abstain er that there were less than one hundred total 'fore, the remain izg leur hundred odd citîzens according Io this in theîr own homes, somc in other people's homes and of course has dreamcd cf deprivinq home drinkers cf their privilege, why minority qroup of total abstainers, vote against the continuance of asile, if you are "Wei," in fairness to Ihose holels, let t hem continue fo do so by PLAC- IYES an February 18th, next. rate in a small municipality profitably ice of its beverage roomns. During the 'ing groups have enjoyed Newcastle's icatering experience: inners and ME IIES - Dinners ýnners [PAL - Dinners eetings iers and Socials -ociations - Banquets, Dinners, Meetincrs riches and Dinners f ber e fao r e Are IPeeficial c Ccmmunity s p on s ored b y Freedoms League -i There IS a differeuce in dry cleaning-a Sdifference you can see and feel with the very first item we dry clean. *MORE DIRT REMOVED *BETTER PRESS HOLDS LONGER *COLORS REVIVED TO ORIGINAL BRIGHTNESI EVELEIGH'S CLEANERS IN CONJUNCTION WITH OSHAWA LAUNDRY WHO WANT WOMEN'S DEER il They consider Women's Beer Ro TH "RY"DOofe a bad system forth irbu THE "DRY "" D N"Tbe a social curse. THE MODERATE USERS DONCT hoTheve e most heartily the "drink mlii, down-the-hatch" atmosplhere of th conduct cf many cflits patrons. Even those %vho patronize themi THE WET" D N'Tthat they are an affront te thie THE "ETS" ON"T ocial standing and sef-respect. THE OTEMEN ONTIt Is aur information that THE OTEL EN D N'T hotel proprietors have i'olu: Beer Rooms, foregoing the profits from them out of a sense of pu] Sc, Citizens of Newcastle, add your voice Iot hi put your X alter NO on February l8th. Are you in favour of the contlnuance of the sale of beer only under Public House License for consuxnption on licensed premises ta whlch wamen are admitted? Kindly note the legal wording of the balloi of one thing only-rooms where BEER is sc' has nothing ta say about eithe r ladies or NEWCASTLE CITIZENS' LEAI R. W. GOHEEN. President MRS.( THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVIILLE, ONTARIO Jr * asktbaiersoffs to enter the Ontario finals. Jrn 13showdown in The first game will be piayed In Sowdo inWhitby on Tuesday of this With Whitby Club, week and the retumn game will ________be played ln the local High Sehool The Rotary Club is sponsoring Gym. Wednesday night, Febru- twa classy basketbail teams this ary 11. Total goals will decide the issue. Bill Dadson who piayed season, Intermediate and Juniors. Intermediate last ycar is tlhc key The former bave made a namne for man with the Juniors this year. themsel- ves and according to Bath games wiii be double- chaimman Walt DeGeer and coach headers witb the Bowmanviile Dccc Goddard, the Juniors will Girls' team piaying their Whitby soon te in the class cf the older rivais befare the beys' teams tan- group:gle' Seats arc at a premium for groupo: ehiitongae .p the decîding encaunter on Febru- J Takng onexhibtion ames ri- y 12, so the eamly rail bird will or ta playing scheduicd league get the preference. Mark the date games, the Juniors won handily on your caiendar. ln Cobourg but lost in Petemboro ta Bey. Gouiding's cagers. Nowx tbey are ail set ta play home and home games mîtb Wbitby in the Canadian and Eumopean salm- league which also means the play- on meet near Icciand. THE FOUR FREEDOMS LEAGUE URGES EVERY INDIVIDUAL IN NEWCASTLE Io asseri his or her right Io their democratic heritage of FREE ON 0 SPE CH:The right te 'olce an FREED M OFSPEE H -9honest opinion wlth- out fear of repercussions or malicious criticlsm. FREE ON 0 WOR HIP:The right te worship FREE OM F W RSHI - od achin bis own wt.ay and yet enjoy the saine prestige as a nelghbor whose creed perchance differs. FIREEDON FRON WANT:-0 ta h s sso aur economie structure is "Supply and Demand." Cut the supply and the dcmand or w ant increases. Right now a want for a glass of beer can be iegally satisfied. Curtail the supply by closing the hotel beverage reains and the want wvl1I increase. W/ho %vill satisfy this increased w~ant? Yes, ladies and gentle- men you surînise correctly: the bootlegger Nvilil again fiourish. FREEDON FRON FEAR: ty htwethe n- atie jealousy af a small groun find aur councils. baards, recrea- tions and sparts domlnated hy thîs group in the future. W'hatever your opinion exercise yaur right as a citizen and vote If a total.,abstainer put your X alter NO If not a total abstainer put your X after YES î t t c it r r

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