THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ~OWMAM'UTT.T.~ (~WI'AuT*i ever, our 1948 version turned the .reeptables on O.C.V.I., winning 19-12. Il p h O W Jàf tFirst haif-Score at the end of f~ te first hall was 9-8 for Bow- DU.S " crec O l" manvile LaryChant scord 6 The 'Or GREGRY FIEN, EdtorUrquart popped a basket and Lef- _____________________________________________ ty Allun got one point. The executive of the Or stars, oop ctiitis cotinallSecond haîf-Chant was check- Branch of the Red Cross met Once the basketball season Play they should go a long way. ed tight in the second half, but the home of president, Mrs. stats hopacivtis oninaly Final score was 28-7. B.H.S. line- O.C.V.I. forgot about Don Stutt Armstrong. Reports were gi hog or share the limelight o! hap- Up: L. Fisher (3), P. Dippell (18), who rattled in 8 markers. Ur- concerning the work beingd penings at B.H.S.* Last week R. Evans (5), L. Sudds (2), guards quart was taking wild shots but in providing cod liver oil f0] there were games on three dif- -D. Chartran, P. Bowles, M. Os- located the hoop once for two the school children in Cla ferent days. From ail appear- borne, C. Campbell, J. Dale and points. B.H.S. played very dlean- Township ,through the Cou ances our Junior Girls and Ban- M. Mutton. iy and capitalized on foul shots, Health Unit. Orono Branch tamn Boys, stili unbeaten, are the Our Senior Girls iost 22-14. scoring on most of them. Final donated the money to provide ones to watch. Their recent ef- Uxbridge has a strong team which score was 19-12 for Bowmanville. cod liver oul for the last twoM forts show that they intend to go should be the one to beat from Lineup-L. Chant, D. Urquart, ters and believes it a very wo. >~places. now on. D. Willis and J. Houch D. Stutt, J. Allin, D. Taylor, G. cause. There will be a fiatio Friday's Games sparked the U.H.S. lassies. Piper, A. Maguire, R. White, D. drive for funds in March, wl %The Girls' and Boys' Junior and Playing in a small, crowded and Healdhee rone will b s okd îa niteams travelied to Ux- brick-lined gym, the Junior Boys' Here and There ihenacis hins work and t ige and spent a not-too-pleas- were thoroughiy swamped, 36-6, Although now that basketbaillsvni tcnb ragd ant afternoon bowing to three out with only Don Stutt, a bantam, is the chie! sport, ping-pong still aîg fi a earne of four Uxbridge squads. The scoring on a fieldgoai. Uxbridge continues on the tables in the As- Mrs. J. H. Arnott and baby hi Junior Girls remained undefeat4d played it extremely rough with sembly Hall. The girls and boys gone to Ottawa where Mr. Arn with Peg Dippell enjoying anoth- a total o! sixteen fouis against tournaments are still on, but the hies a position as Assistant1 er fruitful afternoon. If the girls them, o! which J. Munday and J. girls seem too occupied to do mnon Apiarist. keep up their present style o! Cattran scored two each. R. Kes- much about their standings. Mrs. Roy Crabbe, Ottawa, ter with 14 points, R. Barnhartt Pearl Breslin is on top, but bJas companied Mrs. Lloyd Crabbea _____________________with 8 and R. Bail with 6 led the only withstoed one challenge. In Ginny home and remained fci Uxbridge attack. the boys, Bob Gallagher, Ralph few days. The Senior Boys' game was Hilîs, Alan Lobb, Frank Mohun Mrs. Fred Tamblyn returr Singer Seiwing 1contention forerviitig 1 deadlocked at haif-time and again and Gregory Friend are stili in htels ekatrvstn ater the second hal! so that five cnetonfrWetil.duhtyer elst Rsser a So' Mv A H B I1N9E S mutes o! overtime were play- Every Tuesday morning the C. htyheels itra So ed. Dunc Phiilips who netted B.C. broadcasts programi designed ville and Rev. and Mrs. J. W. A three out o! the three fouI shots to educate the students on such knoOkod he rceiednealy ut Bwma- tpic asMathmatesFrech, St. Saviour's Anglican Chui '., e rceiednealy pt Bwma- tpic as athmatcsFrechheld its congregational meeti ville in the lead in the extra per- Engiish, Drama and History. Since o aur 9 hnslni -j od with a shot that just rolled out th colhssvrl aisWŽprswregvnb ifrn to! the hoop. Uxbridge got a bas- are able to hear these instructive ganortions. Te yfollow i ket to win a close 27-25 decision. porasinorow oos ieris.ere electe lby he r y Fr UbrigeH. t. ohnwas The date of the B.H.S. "At for 1948: Rector's warden, G, high man with 10 points. Bow- Home" bas been defînitely set as Morton; peoples warden, Fra manvilie scoring was divided fair- February 25. Since this is a Wed- Hall; sidesmen, Herb Murray,J ly eveniy, Captain Tom DeGeer nesday, it will mean that most Armour, John Morris and Ci Spotting 5, Buckspan 6, Rundle 7, of the Grads wili be unable to at- Butters. A social time wasE Paterson 4. Buckspan o! B.H.S. tend, but there seems to be nlo joyed at the close of the meetii Repairs for anv make sewlng and St. John and Barnhart of Ux- other alternative. On February Park St. Cliurch Young PE machines. Frec estimates. bridge had to leave the game be- 21, the Badminton Club is holding pie's Union xvas entertained Eletrc achnts vaiabe orcause of five personal fouis. Ux- its Racket and on the Saturday af- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Per E.1ctrc achnIsavllale or bridge seems to enjoy a good ter February 28, the Girls' Bas- Lunn on Sunday evening. ThE ret rsaegame of rugby-iike basketball. ketball teams are to play in Lind- was a very large attendancea write or phone Wait tilI they see our gym! say for the district C.O.S.S.A. ti- during the programn Jean Raun SINGER SEWING MACHINE tle. and Betty Chapman sang a du COMPANY Wednesday's Gaine February 2, O.L.C. paid a visit Harry Lynch. has been hor (By Jin DeGeer) to B.H.S. on Monday and again from school for some time with 47 Wlto Si, prt Hpe n Jnuay 28 ou Batamproved that even ladies can play severe attack of tonsilitis. 47Pahon . Port Hope 05 O n Janu tary 28, tour BanI.ta basketball. Both the senior and Mrs. J. C. Ga mney returned P(Our e P r taHoe c1015WI oo psat st aee t OshC .I. to . Junior BH S. team s lost, the loc- Sunday from Toronto where s our rieree:veThsals Thedo attiewih Osawa anitams.ofai seniors to Whitby Juniors, jun- was a patient at the Lockwo flowanvîle eeryThur944)Theia B.H.Splay n Ostawao!iors to O.L.C. Seniors. The switch Ciinic. ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ _ 1 44 itao ge, to iy in oh w a w as m ade to see how our juniors M rs. A . A . D rum m ond and M : wasthoouhlydrube. Hw-would stand up to senior comp- R. A. Delve attended the Oshai any. They gave a good account Presbyterial Executive meeting o! themselves, losing 10 - 8, but St. Andrew's Church, Oshawa,i ________________ LUBERhaving a margin in play, The January 23. ___________________ girls from the ladies' college were Howard and Everett Woode completeiy dazzied by the Bow- tertained a number o! young pe manville offensive in the second pie at their home on Monday e' _________________ haif. Behind 10-2 the locais with ning after a sleigh-riding part two baskets by Lois Fisher and Heather Rebekah Lodge v -. - CO.LIMMrD ______ one by Audrey Northcutt came honored by a visit from a numi from behind to nearly tie the o! members from Beehive Lodg score. Had time remained they Bowmanviile, on January 27. i undoubtabiy would have. Rebekah Degree was conferredi It seems to have missed the the Heather Degree team, whic Ifow About school press, but a report on the was invited to visit Bowmanvil girls' game at O.L.C. on January on February 23, to put on a Di 26 was forthcoming. The Senior gree there. A concerted effort "'TH NEW L 0 JK irlslost to the O.L.C. Seniors, being put forth by Oddfeilov a member o! which is Joan and Rebekahs in support o! tý FOR YO R H MEGreenfield, former B.H.S. stu- Order's C.P.T. Fund. The figl FO Y UR HO Edent, butth Juniors won. to eradicate cancer, polio and tt ________________ berculosis is being waged by OdÉ feilowship ail over the continen InselBric or oll rickAntioch Farmi Forum was er Jnse-Brck r fou BickMAP E G OVE tertained at the home o! Miý MaryndMr Robt. Robinson0 Either the top quality insulation job or the economy Job Monday evening and a profitabl wit th sae otsde pperane. lfetme urfceDon't forget the Women's In- evening enjoyed. withthesam ousid apearnce A ifeimesurace stitute on Monday evening, Feb- Mrs. A. A. Drummond, super with no upkeep or maintenance cost. ruary 9, at 8 p.m. intendent o! United Church Sun Miss Marion Snowden, Toron- day School, was hostess to the of Giveus cal w wil gadlyestmat yor t, sent he eeknd t hme.ficers and teachers on Thursda: G i v e u s e a w e w i i g l d i y e s t m a t y o u t o s p n t h e e e k n d t h m e . e v e n i n g . A s i n g - s o n g o ! f a v o r it requirments.Mrs. W. Patterson, Verdun, Gospel hymns and an introduc reqirmens.Man., visiting at her brother's, tion to a Bible Study course b, Mr. E. Kerr. Rev. A. E. Eustace were enjoye( Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Percy, Mar- in and Rickie, Port Perry, with The Sheppard & Gil r. and Mrs. C. Mills. [ Phione 715 Lumber CO. Limuited daughterMredi. VtvîsitCo-ber Ul RY BO]YS Bowmanville 96 King st. B. bourg. Britain needs food. Yes, the U I IS Food-for-Britain campaign. ba Britishers are aiiowed iess than b * * * * * *a quart of miik a week. We like î MODEq.N__FUEL__FOR_______________ a quart a day. Repienish their '\' ' suppiy by contributing Ito the Food-for-Britain fund. - You1l fnd tat yu ca0gai $3.5 Io$10.0 $.50be more cordial. $305 la 1000 $.50But - be carefu! to avoid Including Shamnpoo, Cut and lVlth Cut, Shampoo and sheer flattery. This is easily Fingerw ave ,Flngerwave detected and wiIl have the opposite effect. Say oniy those A PERMANENT TO SUIT EVERY PURSE favourabie things wbich you can say sincerely. Beautiful 011 and Cream Solutions. Al Iaboratory lested Ofaltewyst hwju COMPETENT. QUALIFIED OPEFRATOR 0F TWELVE YEARS STANDING WILL famdly how,much you think G I V E Y O U G U R A N T E D W V E .o f t h e n , n o n e is m o r e p r a c t i - cal than an adequate invest- p h 0 8 455ment in life insurance. It DONT BE DISAPPOINTED-MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENTS EARLYibrnspceeseceo mmnd both to themn and you. ThisGret Brgan i forOneNonh Ojy!And it is an investment which ThisGrel Brgan i forOieNonh OIy!is so read ily made by regular, systematic savings. j W-32) j OVING WEST1 36" Whie 120 Pure Linen M. Rawlnson Limited regularIy malk* upand uhIp Houmehold Purniture. <Con- ewan, Aberta, British Columbia and to Lallfornia. Write, wlre or phone for reduced frelght rates. Bt&blihed 1885. Theres bound to be a rush for this item SECONDS, in a pure linen Tea Towel 610 Yonge st, Toronto. Kingadal. 5125 at this pie ot nwwie 36 inch ta ilke ordse n lse PACK.ISNt,4nowibit, tat wii&eep ouTdisasiad gisse NOVS. FAKIO. HIP1N al SOIGIwide flannelette. Limit 10 yards to a sparkiing. Size opproximately 22x33, ~IIIfIIIIIIlInrnnurInnmnIflucustomer. wîth coiored bordera. WELING29cyd 39c eau Jim Cameron LESKARD - ONTARIO-- Phione Orono Ir 5 Formeriy Cameron Weidint Servie, Tront ELECTRIC & ACETYLENE * WELDING ÈCylinder Blocks and Heads EWelded. Specializint In Alu- silnum and White MetaL. (Ail Work Guaranteed) 1 lPhone 451 TH-E MODERN STORE Bowmanville TRURtSDAYr, FERUARY 4, 1048 ------Foresters Hold Gala F R O U Nations can't exist hall rich and FARM FORUM bai! poor-rich in materialan W SNight nt Pickering& poor in spirit. ron.o N ~ew Courts Bowmanvilie, Oshawa S .N.4DRIGO The oniy real reactionary is tIiq and Whitby gathered at Court S.S. No. 4 Darlington Farm For- man who refuses to change. ------- -Du!fins, Pickering t hold a spe- uni met at Ebenezer Sunday rono by ail present. Several matters cial joint initiation, when candi- School with Providence and Motorists are reminded that t at pertaining to work o! school were dates from the district were given Shaws Forums as guests. Total great many tu-ban traffic accideni V. E. discussed after wbich a social time their initiatory de gree. attnane wa proiatiu douto! arkngfspace.h iv' wsejoè.The degree team under the 100.vise driver wiil look care!ully b* done Mrs. Brecken bas returned to supervision o! Bro. Bill Hawk-foeutntth rail her apartment at Mrs. J. Richard- shaw, youth!ul but energetic de- The meeting was caiied for 8 fr swinging otit h ter arke son's after spending several weeks gree Marshall, was highly con- o'ciock and previous to the broad- o! trafflic and be sure he is'd .inty with relatives in Toronto. officers ony s cast films were displayed by the sticking his bumper and bis ne grtuaedbysnior stre:rs o bs Visitors: the splendid presentation o! the International Harvester Co. out too far and too fast. A the when drivi-ig down the street1 .in- Mrs. N. Rickard and Mr.. and initiation ceremony. Members o! The close attention that was epany onfr tr » rthy Mrs. Ken Werry, Newcastle, witb this team are ail teen-agyers and paid to the debate at Brockviile kees n eutopen or otarkig lca& anal Mr. Orme Gamsby who bas been as was pointed out it is'unusual on the question o! oleomargarine nongut!thipakgplcs 'hen con!incd to bis home. to see such youthful members tcsti!ied to the keen interest be- ssist Mr. and Mrs. Jas Mowat Tor- present in such difficuit work. ing taken on this subject by al aiso onto, and Mr. and Mrs. Melvilie The degree team wvere greatîy as- butter producers. The gen.-ral life J. Burns and son, Peterboro, *t sisted by Bro. H. Maguire Of feelings o! the group was that 1. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hamm' w hi y whose music w~as most M r. Love presented a strong ar- W T H ave Mr. John Delve, Oshawa, witb inspiring. gumient against the production WT -nott is mother, Mrs. R. A. Deve. The visitors were welcomed a nd sale o! this product in Cana- Do- Mrs. Clara Huggins, Peterboro, Bro. John Powers, Chie! Ranger .-D PA D VI with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duncan. o! Court Duffins, who stressed Our leader r. eith Ormiston IR PR1 0 ac- Mrs. John Blue and Mary witb the importance o! the stop taken then extended a welcome to our and relatives in Palmerston. and the necessity o! exempiifying guests and a short discussion fol- r a Miss Helen Partner, Oshawa, in their daiiy lives the principies lowed regarding co-operative car - with Mrs. H. Curtis. o! the order. insurance but as littie informa- for satisfaction ,ned Miss C. McKay with relatives in Guest speaker was Bro. Cecil tion could be had by our Secre- er Garden Hill. Lockwood, P.C.R. of Court Duf- t ary, Arthur Found, no definite and re MisBtyLinton, Toronto, fins, one o! the mon primariîy steps couîd be taken on this pro- resnbep cs uff-withMr.and Mrs. G. M. Linton. responsibie for the founding o!f.iect. esnb pi s Wi- Miss Anna Staples, Toronto, this Court. His subject was "We Elmer Cox o! Shaw's presided BisgY rWac ToU ilwith Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Stapies. are Master Builders" and in a for the program by the two visit- rfgYu Wae ToU rcb __________ stirring and inspiring address îng groups and called on Grant ing pointed out the great work that Brooks who favored with two re culd e acompisbd bythesolos. Garnet Rickard made a ALL WATCH REPAIRS orNew dl ifo society for makid, nt %vrkng fe w remarks and aso explained of- nLibayShle as individuals but as one frater- the presentation o! the group of GUARANTEED ctr nLirayShlvs nai minded group acting with thlm a i ptresnsfohon wr l. nu ýeo. _____faith, courage and initiative. He tvery interesingtuertaionn ad ar rme Fickonemphaszed the fact that Cana- vr neespeciaîî the n ndFrO eY r Fias.o Tii .4.dian Forestry was demnocracy in ed vatio n. Wes eytha nkeMr. MAJNSPRINGS INCLUDED re. G htleA t o action and if fraterna isni per- Ro s n a d il t se r s n ib e_ _ _ _ ýen- Ghscat and Mrs. Muir Dick ished mankind was doomoed. for hiservahon. W h r PIo K atcyhStLanster Bro. Charles Ferguson J.P.C.R. Mrs. Otto Bragg and daugbter eo- FuIll Moon Wodehouse o! Court Oshawa gave instructive Ruth entertained with a piano atWind in tlNe Wiilows Grahame examnple of Court procodure and duet xvhich was very much enjoy- M I ,rcy stoiîessed the necestofmtig iere Proeicial Lady Deiafield sten odcessityano!metingsed. adTeHeart is Highland Roybigcnutdi noery We also Ad another guest, Miss MR V ned Jenny Villiers Priestlv and fraternal manner. Neddler o! the Provincial office J ,E~~Ea uey. Nothîng So Strange Hilton Bro. George Graliam, C.R. o!foc! Farmi Forum, Toronto, whase EL E Y )Me Vespers in Vienna Marshall Court Bowmanville. proudly con- main object was to try to find haAftermath Habe gratuated is young degree team ways o! making our questions in BOWMANVILLE aEast Side-West Side Davenport and urged the sacredness of the Forum Facts mnore interesting 43 King St. W. Phone 463 onGus the Great Duncan initiation ceremony be kept in and helpful for the discussion she Proud Destins- Fenchwanger mind at ail times. graups. odSulent Four Plummer odHouse Divided Williîams Irs. Dark Interlude Cheyney Victorian House Hewlett 'wa Colorado .Bromfield WLE' in Came a Cavalier Ke3 s on Grass in Piccadiliy Streat!meld WLE' en- Song o! the Green Thorn io Tree Barke r D ve- Slver Nutreg Lofts I u- ty. Titie No-itn Author AilR bas Free Gold Hoffman 2cr, History Worid War II Miller ge, Inside U.S.A. Gunther My51 'h The Lord's Prayer Sockman chSar i n my Crown Brown le Titie Author isBambino Schriber SAnne a nd Maryke FabresCO T N E he Henrietta Hale *hit Uncle Remus Harris t-Master Shylark Bennett n.Collection Turner Thurs a rd y aud ~YOUR EYES )le r- and' n- Final Clearance By 1 j 1S 0 j Fali and W<Xinter Specialist Disney Bldg.. Oshawa, Phone 1516 .A person accustomned to good D R ES E vision in early life does flot will- ingly give it up, yet it is surpris- ing how many gradualiy lose vi- sion and nover seem to note the loss. It being so graduai and ex- ]R eg. $12.95 $13.95 tended over sa long a period, Then again a low error that can be avercome is more likeiy ta cause a noticeabie strain than a came by strain. Many o! tho symptoms .o! eye-strain coming1 ;i ý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTAlRTn