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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1948, p. 7

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1948 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTT.T.~ ON'TAPTfl PAGE SEVEN SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 663 Mrs. W. S. Stapies, Meaford, erican Library Association held was home over the weekend. in Chicago last week. Mr. John Virgin, Toronto, was Mrs. C. W. Siemon gave a re- weekend gucst of Mr. Don Morris. ception at her home on Saturday Mrs. Beatrice Hall and son Bar- afternoon in bonor of her daugh- ry, Toronto, visited her father, ter-in-law, Mrs. Keith Siemon. Dr. J. C. Devitt. The latter's mother, Mrs. Thomp- son, St. Catharines, was Ijere for Miss Irene Roblin, Hamilton, the occasion. spent the weekend with ber aunt, M.JmDvtHlfx .. Mrs.T. H Kniht.district representative of the Con- Miss Fran Gallagber, Pem- foderation Life Assurance Com- broke, was xveejend guest of Mr. pany, was in Toronto last week d ~ Mrs. J. Newman and Ruth. attending the annual meeting of Mrs. A. Varcoe entertained Mr. the company, and spent the week- Nid Mrs. M. Vetzai and son Pat, end wîth bis father, Dr. J. C. Cobourg, Mr. George Moffatt and Devitt. Mrs. O. Meredith to a turkey din- If any of our older readers re- dinner on Sunday. member Andrew Noble and where Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Slemon and bis familv lived around Bowman- two chxîcren, Niagara Falls, were ville back in the 80's or earIy 90's guests of bis parents, Dr. and Mrs. wili they please communicate C. W. Siemnon over the weekend. with the editor. One of the Mrs. John Congdon, Ouhamel, daughters married a Crawford Alta., in sending her renewal, and we believe they later moved writes: I can't get along with- to Haliburton. out my home paper. Mr. Allan F. Annis. K.C., Osh- Mr. Ralph H. Carruthers, Chief awa, former Crown Attorney for of the Photostat Department of Ontario County, has been men- the New York Public Library, tioned as a possible Liberai can- attended the meeting of the Arn- didate in the coming by-election, 1=7a - SPECIAL! VINYL WATERPROOF PLASTIC SHOWER Curtains 72x74 Frilled BATHROOM Curtains 36x54 Frilled KITCHEN Cottage Sets " V I j !î ~Ready ta Ilang .~ t ~ only $2.95 ea. COTTONS White Cotton Seersu.cker, 36" wide, special-------- 79e -yr. Cotton Broadcloth, white or grey 36" 65e yd. White Flannelette, 36" ivide ~------- ------- -- ---45e yd. Checked Glngham, 36" wide, speclal-- 98e yd. Cotton Prints (ends), limited supply -----~ 49c yd. Indian Blankets, 60x80 ---- - ---~--$4.95 ea. Bedspreads $5.95 to $7.50 SWEBER'S FABRIC CENTRE 10O KING ST. E, - COWAN BLOCK - BOWMANVILLE ~WINTER COATS ALL One-Third -Off Just what you have been waîting for! Al aur stock o!fxinter coats bas been reduced one third. Came in today and take ativan- tage o! this tremendous seving. A complote range o! sizes fea- turing ail the papuier styles of the '48 seesan. Be early for these budget savers. ,21" Couch, iohnston & Cryderman PHONE 836 BOWM«ANVILLE w to fill the vacancy caused by the death o! W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C. Mr. Annis is a Durham Counity Boy and a graduate o! B.H.S. Port Hope toWn council bas de- cided flot ta play Santa Claus ta transients who stop over at the "Prettiest Town in Canada" and seek a free meal at the munici- pality's expense. Chie! o! Po- lice Ernest Purdy is instructed to Fgive such travellers the green *ligbt. He reported 10 'guests" *registered during December. r Mrs. Gordon L. Wight, Eulalie Avenue, Oshawa, entertained on Friday afternoon in bonor o! ber sister, Mrs. W. H. Oke, o! Moný treal. Out-of-town guests pres- ent were: Mrs. Kitchener Ten- *nant, Mrs. B. C. Roper, Whitby; Mrs. James Marc, Mrs. J. E. Hobbs, Mrs. C. Robson, Mrs. A. G. Northcutt, Miss Arline Northcutt, Bowmanville. Mrs. M. A. Young, 315 Brock St., Winnipeg, writes: Enclosed find subseription for 1948. Was glad to see tbe names under "Dim and Distant Past" of some o! my >High School friends, namely, Grace Laing, Edna Fielding, Mag- gie Bogue. These friends are scattered, some o! them I know not where. Like sbips tbat pass in the night. These memories are pleasant to recaîl. Wîsbing your family and business staff a pros- perous and Happy New Year. Mrs. M. E. Aluin, Los Angeles, Cali!., formerly of Newcastle, in sendîng the editor a picture post card o! the Daily Times building writes: Hope you are having good weatber. We bave had tem- perature from 80 to 87 degrees since middle o! December, but need rein desperately ta, lessen the fire hazard. Election year is full o! political controversies. We don't expeet our delirium Tru- man to be re-elected. Another chapter in a story o! 55 years o! ministry was written when Rev. T. H. P. Anderson submitted bis resignation as pas- tor o! Centre St. United Cburcb, Oshawa, at the congregation's an- nuel meeting. Beginning in 1893 when he became pastor in Plev- na, North Hastings, Mr. Anderson served in sucb places as Hamp- ton, Hastings, Smitbfieid and Ne- panee. Mr. Albert Manning, Ontario St., celebrated his 77tb birthdey on Sundey, February 1, with a birtbday party. It was bis first day out o! bed for nearly three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Man- ning, Toronto, Mr. and Mcs. Lay- tan Souch and Jimmy, Oshawa, Mr .and Mrs. Evecett Wînacott, town, and Mrs. Jim Clarke, wbo lives with him were present at the pacty. Mr. Manning has an- other son, Sam, xvbo lives in Sault Ste. Marie but was unable to be present for his fatber's birthday. Mrs. Thos. Hughes, Brown St., entertained eigbteen sister mem- bers o! Rebekab Lodge at ber home on January 29. Bingo games wece enjoyed and lunch was serv- ed by tbe hostess. Among those present were: Sisters Bagneil, F. Moore, B. Hackney, A. Wood, A. Wright, H. Samis, S. Levett, E. Kilmer, E. Richards, V. Flett, C. Needbam, L. Webber, L. Bic- keil, H. Humphrey, J. Wood, T. Richards, A. Powell, G. Murdock. Chie! o! Police W. J. Carey o! Cobourg plays fia favorites. Last week be issued a polite summons to Crown Attorney Harcy Dey- man who bad to answer a charge o! ignoring the town's parking meters. As the Cadi said: "It doesn't matter wbo you are the meters will get you if you don't watch out." St. Paul's C.G.I.T. was beld on Wednesday, January 28. Mrs. Quigley bad charge o! the war- ship service in which Isabelle Ccuickshank gave a reading and Ruth Bragg read the seripture. The reaffiliation program was discussed in tbe business and two bymns were leerned for it. Do- nations up to 19% lbs. ta the av- erseas box were received. Mrs. Quigley toid the last chapter o! the study book whicb dealt witb the Indiens' representetion and right to vote and Cept. Peter Kel- ly. Postmaster C. B. Kent was ahl bet up like a house a fire and gave the editor blazes on Satur- day beceuse' the Statesman pub- lished an ativertisement lest week inserted by the Dept. o! National Revenue, edvising farmers ta "get youc copy o! the new Farm Ac- count Book et your local post of- fice." As a resuit o! this adver- tisement, people flocked ta the oast office for e copy o! the book, but the pastmaster didn't have a single capy, nor bati be any word about tbem. Well, it wesn't the Statesman's feult this time, but the much ebuseti government for nat deiivering the books as adver- tised. Be patient, friends, as soan as Mr. Kent lets us know wben the books arrive we'll pass the word elong in these columnns. The Wakelin group o! St. John's Anglican Church met Januacy 6' et the home o! Mrs. Wakelin for business, considering ways and means o! making money foc 1948. A series o! eucbres bas been plan- ned anti already two eucbres have been beld. One by Mrs. Hawes and oneby Mvrs - Montgomery. Town CouRcil (Continued from Page One) cillor Mason opposed the scheme. Membersbip $10.00 in Association of Assessing Officers and $7.0 Sewage and Sanitation Associa- tion renewed. At thîs point the Labor Coun- cil resolutions reported above were deait with. General Reports Reports: Police report and Fire report for 1947 tabled with high commendation for both. Details will be published Jater. Finance Minister Mason submnitted current accounts o! $2,761.18 including $245.00 for hiring snow scoop and $102.00 for removi.l of trees at a cost of $17.30 fhr c6ch tree. Mayor, Deputy Reeve Allison and Councillor Patterson reported on visit to Port Hope to study parking meters. The delegation appeared to favor the scheme. On motion of Allison-Patterson, the firmn engaged in crecting meters xiii be- asked to appear before council, next sitting, to explain aIl details. See separate report on this scbeme. CoId Feet Interlude: - Night Constable Hall was then received by council as above reported. Story willap- pear next week. Councillor Jam- ieson received permission from Mayor to retire and get his gai- oshes since heating was inade- quate for -comfort. Councillor Dilling, property committee, reported on sale ar- rangements of Horsey Block. A real estate age~nt who had apprais- ed the property. at flot less than $10,000 xvas giveni exclusive list- ing with good prospects for an early sale. Councillor Dilling ad- vised that property committee re- commended that ship's bell of H. M.C.S. Bowmanville remain in the Town Hall for the time being. Legion Gets Bell Councillors Niddery and Pat- terson disagreed with this fence- sitting and carried a motion that the bell be awarded the Boxvman- ville Legion with title rigbts re- maining with the town. Legion had submitted a petition with 250 names contra to the request of the Beach Association for custody of the bell. Mayor called for a standing vote. The motion car- ried 100 per cent. President Clif! Samis, on bchalf o! bis Legion Comrades, thanked the council. Councillor Diiling objected to the evening's procedure. He said that delegations should wait their turn ta be heard after communica- tions had been disposed of. H4e noted that delegations walked out after being beard with disregard of common business and discour- tesy to çouncil. The question was left in the air pendîng revi- sion of the 1875 regulations. Night Parking- Out New business: Reeve Baker called for enforcement of deci- sion to compel car owners not to use public streets for ail night parking. His motion to instruct police to enforce action xvas car- ried. The Reeve reported Coun- ty Council appointment of Wal- ter Rundie as county representa- tive on Board of Education. and Deputy Rceve Allison as county officiai on the Hospital Board. Councillor Patterson, chairman, Pql ice Committee invited the ,Mayor, hus committeo and Chie! o! Police Vento¶i to be his guests at a dinner following the meet- ing, with Night Constable Walter Hall the honored guest. Parks Commission Councillor James initiated dis- cussion on the proposed P a r k s Commission. This toucbed off a lengthy discussion xith Council- lor Mason explaining the Munici- pal Act in the case. The particu- lars wili be given in a separa te report et a later date. An enab 1- ing by-law wili be prepared meanti me. Conclusion: Mayor called for a special meeting a! whoie coun- cil at an early date to discuss committee estimates in prepara- tion for annuel budget to bc tab- led at the March meeting. Churches Mvoney nas also bven i ascu LJ a couple smell tees. The graup TRINITY UNITED CHURCH is lookîng !orwerd ta heving a Minister: Rev. J. E. Griffith draw and Hall Euchre in the near Organist: Mr. W. E. C. Workmen future. Along with, other things SnaFbur ta raise money for the church, the SnaFbur group feels very lucky and thank- Il a.im-Gotting Religion ful for the many gi!ts that bave "The Spirit and the Bride say lbeen hended in ta tbem for eu- 1Came." chre and draw prizes. It really1 7 P-m.-Focsaken or Forgiven gives the members a! the group a "Son thy sins are forgiven" grand feeling ta know they have 11 a.m.-Tbe nursery so many !riends who are interest- Junior church ed in their good work for St- 2:30 P.m,.-Sunday Scbool feels they will go aver the top ST PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH with their objective again this Minister: Rev. G. C. Quigley yer.Organist: Mrs. Rete Dudley, A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M. FaIsehooti is in a burry, it may Choir Director, D. Alex McGregor1 be a an moent etetedand10 .m.--Sunday Sehool be t ay mmet dteced ndIl a.m.-Nursery Schaol punished; truth is calm. serene: *1ila.m.-Worshi .p: * ns judgment is on high: its k ing ~Wbat Arc You Wor-th*. cometh out o! the chembers o! et- p.-Wohi ernity .-Joseph Parker. " A Weekend Frienti" Chamber of Commerce <Continued from Page One) andi their families together with the entire citizensbip. More Support Witb all these cansiderations in view it sbould be considered sur- prising that s0 few, approximate- ly 65 in Bowmenvîlle, were mem- bers o! the Chamber a! Com- merce and less tban bal! o! these carried the ýnajor burden o! ts activities. Tbe speaker suggest- ed that the membership should be more than doubled and the work shared an a representative basis. In taking out a member- ship the question shouid be flot "*How will this add ta my per- s;onel prasperity,,' but rather .Will it contribute ta the pros- perity o! the people as a whole" For, ta inecse general presper- ity leads directly ta individuel prosperity. on three levels, the Community, the Province and the Dominion. Completely federated the joint objective was practical planning in each spbere to give effeet to the universel desire ta make a stronger and a wvealtbier Canada and ta, protect the freedoms won by our pioneers and by the sac- rifices o! the youtb of Canada in the wars that bave threatened the !reedom and destiny of this great country. President Walter DeGeer and Secretery Charles Carter .Sr. fol- lowed Mr. Mzêtthews with ad- dresses that ampiified tbe great message heard xith details o!, plans for 1948. A drive for new, memberships wIli be instituted and another enthusiastie meeting is anticipated for the annual ban- quet to be beld in April. Road Estimates Up County Council Budget, Cash Saving. In bis report ta the January Touching an the question o! session o! County Council the unauthorized solicitors coming in Raad Superintendent, J. M. Jor- from outside ta seil fly-by-night dan cecommende-d an outlay o! advertising and other get-rich- $304 '000 for 1948 o! whicb the quick sehemes, Mr. Meattbew,&s government would pey $162,500. said that merchants and profes- The total in 1947 was $293,800. sional men were tauched annuel- However, the increase in the 1948 ly for sums that represented estimates includes bridge con- thousands o! dollars. Membership struction on which there is an 80 in the Chamber of Commerce xvas 'per cent government subsidy, insurence et smeli cost ta curb whicb wili reduce the counties this nuisance for these solicitors share o! the entire outley ta the would simply be directedti t theJ same amount as in 1947. Secretary ta examine the boac While it was good business to fides o! their schemes and if keep construction as low as pas- found legitimate, issue a cerd o! sîble in view o! high costs, it wes epproval. This protection was poor economy ta let roads deteri- wacth meny times the smell cast orat- too much, Mr. Jordan told o! membership in a Chamber of counicil a!ter presenting bis re- Commerce, port. There were some aid brid- Greatest Good ges that had ta be replaced and The speaker declared thet the shoulti be done while the 80 % work of the Chamber o! Com- subsidy was in effeet. Same o! merce xvas fer more ta be veiued the paving done in 1940 was in for its active înterest in pramot- bad shape andi needeti replecing ing community wclfare than in ho seiti. wbet is consideret i ts traditionel Wants Paving raie, attracting new industries ta W. Flynn, chairman o! tbe Sub- town. The latter is mecely com- urban Road Commission, told the plementary ta the main objective. council that the commission would Warking hend in baud with the need around $6,330 in 1948 and Town Council and thus giving- would ask for $7,800, being the representation toalal the people maximum ta xvbich they were en- embracing every interest the titled in order ta bave enaugh raunded picture was domocracy extra for future improvement. O! in action toaechit-ve the greaest this the Dept. would pay $3,900; goad for the greetest number. Nortbumberland County $1,950 Three Levels andi the town o! Trenton $1,950. In summing up, Mr. Metthews E. Marsden, district engineer o! reiterated that the Chamber «of the Dept. informeti council tbat Commerce movement ooceratLed the Dept. favored some nerman- KLEENEXI ent paving being done each year so long as it could be handled xithout issuing debentures. Breakdown The 1948 road estimates consist o! commissioners fees, etc., $7,- 000; administration, $1 3, 0 0 0; equipment, $35,000; snow plowing, etc., $35.000; !rost bouls, etc., $7,- 000; gravel, resurfacing, $20,000, greding, etc., $15,000; brush and weed control, $5,000: stabilizing an~! dust iey~ni~. ~10.000: pave- ment patching. $3,000; guide rail and signs. $1,000; bridge and cul- vert repairs. $5,000; priming and sur!acing primed roads, $18,000, contingency reserves, $10.000; suburban road commission, $3,- 000: and the balance for roads andi bridges. It is good for us to keep some account of our prayors, that we may not unsay them in our prac- tice.--Matthew Henry. SECOND BIG WEEK Semi-Annual Sale SKIRTS $ 9 regular to $7.95 ---------- 4 9 DRESSES$5O regular to $19.95 --------- 5 0 See the BIG ""SPECIALS" for this final week of our sale Thme Town SIuop 85 KING ST. W. BOWMAN VILLE Men's Specia! WILLIAMS Shaving Cream Aqu a Velvac After-Shave Lotion Regu!ar 98e Value both for 79c IDARUB Chest Rub - --- --30e Bayer Aspirin ----18e, 29e, 79o Aika Seltzer ----------29c, 57e KEEF A WELL-STOCKED MEDICINE CHEST Check your Medicine Chest today! Be sure to have safe, laboratory-tested medical assistance in time of emergeney. Ointments, Boracic, Suiphur reg._25c-19c Eye Cups, for bathing the eyes 9c Medicine Glasses, special ----------9c Antacid Stomach Powder 59c, $1 ý50! Health Sats, I.D.A., 16 ozs. SPECIAL IDOL -AGAR 1.D.A. Minerai 011 and Agar 16 ozs. 49c Reg. 69e 40 on. 89C I.D.A. Specials Grove's CoId Tablets- Analgesie Balm I.D.A. GIN PILI Anacin Tablets 25 9c, e 74o Buckley's Mixture 40c, '75c 29c, 49e 25e Ls S 590 Bronehida Cough Syrup, 8 onzs -. -- -- ---- - 50e Castor Oul, 4 ozs., reg. 25e ------18, 011 of Eucalyptus, reg. 20c, 35ce - 16e, 29e Dettol Antisentie 53c, $1.60 Beecham's Plls -- 23c, 49e Pertussin --------- -- 59e. Waterbury's Compound 100's reg. 37e -- 27c NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM Regular 25c size --19C Drugs Phone 792 vi J $100.00 Given Away Weekly (IN CASH) PLUS MONTHLY JACK-POT PRIZE on I.D.A.'s MIDGET QUIZ Full details on entry form at your I.D.A. Store Pinex Cough Compound 49c! Borax, 16 ounces, Thermogene Med. WooI --- 49e re.2c-------- 6 Eczema Ointment For TIRIFIT Shoppers! 114j oz. reg. 39c ---27e Essence Peppermint 1 oz., reg. 25e ------ 18e t t Salt Petre, 4 ozs. -reg. 10e ------ -- 8c Toilet Tissue, reg. 32e, for 4 rolis .--27c Worm Syrup, 2 ozs. reg. 35e ------- 24e 4S PAOS $ 1 9 wciïae Alex We Deliver McGregori Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store M PRE, LLS FLOUR PRÈSr-oit L.I«;#ITER - IWORE TENDER CAKIES ANI) PASTRIIES PERSONAL SERVICE a nd LOW COMPETITIVE CITY PRICES ILI A ý5e0 :ONOMY SIZES ------- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - v . THITRSDAY, FEBRlUARY 4, 1948 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO -ý vy IVIJ«L£l v %.Jl'l 1 til-uv HAI TUE ECC 7.1

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