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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1948, p. 12

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PAGETWNL~ ?W CANflIM ~'A'I!WIt ~l1I2WVI-Y. 472LM'Uw Hello Career Girls! It is truc that men go for good cooking! And since it is Leap Year you will have to prove you can make a delectable cake. Deliciaus, fea- ther-light cake along with a cup o! really good coffee may be a wonderful memento of Vaientine's Day, 1948. Here are reliable ne- cipes and precautions to help you. Two-Toned Cake 1/3 cup butter or shortening, 1 cup sugan, 2 eggs, weil-beaten, %k tsp. vanilla, 1¾/ cups sifted cake flour, 2 tsps. baking powder, %k tsp. saIt, 1/2 cup milk, 1 tsp. rasp- berry extract. Creani the shortening until light and plastic, gradually add sugar, creamning until fluffy. Mix eggs and vanilia into batten. Sift dry ingredients 3 or more times to in- sure even distribution and light- ness, then add to the creamed mixture alternately with mulk. Beat until smooth. Put 1/3 of the mixture in another bowl and ad< red extract to it. Using spoons place light and red mixture alter- nateiy in a greased tube pan. Bake 1 hour in an electric oven at 350 degrees. Fool-Proof Chocoiste Cake 11/ cups flour, 1 tsp. soda, cup sugar, 1/ tsp. saît, 4 tbsps. melted shortening, 14 cup cocoa, ¾ý cup sour milk, 1 egg, 1 tsp. va- nilla, %k cup corn syrup. Sift and mix dry ingredients. Add milk, corn syrup, shortening, eggs and vanilla. Beat thorough. ly 3 minutes. Bake in 2 greasec layer-cake tins for 35 minutes ir electric oven at 375 degrees. Banana Cake 2 cups sifted cake flour, 1 tsp, baking soda, Yk tsp. saît, 1/2 cup shortening, 1% cups sugan. 1 tsp. I s TOTAL PAYMENTS TO POLICYHOLDERS AND BENEFICIARIES . a (Death Claims, Matuned Policies, etc.) SURPLUS EARNED IN 1947 . * (Providing premium reductions thirough dividends.) NEW ASSURANCES PAID FOR IN 1947 (A new record.) TOTAL ASSETS..** (Ail de8cribed in Annual Report.) Pink Sky Frosting L 2 egg whites, red coloring, 3/ cup corn syrup, 2 drops pepper- mint extract. Heat corn syrup to boiling and kecp boiling 2 minutes. Beat egg whites until frothy - add syrup without cooling in a thin stream, beating canstantly until ail syrup is added. Stin in coiorîng and ex- act amount o! extract. Beat un- til it peaks. Ffrst Aid for Cake Fallures 1. If cake has tunnels? Next time go easier on the beating when adding flour and liquid. 2. If the centre is soggy but the edges well donc? Lower tem- perature and longer baking time are indicated. 3. If the bottoiff of the cake is burned but top is golden? Check pan you are using. Baking glass, aluminum or ovenex are best. 4. If cake has cracks on top? Use a little less floun or a little more liquid. Batter may be to thick, or oven too hot. 5. If c *ake fails during baking period? Check on freshness of baking powder. Do flot peek in the aven during baking. 6. If cake sticks ta pan? Grease plain cake tin with shortening or oul free from sait. Do flot grease sponge or angel cake tîns-dust with flour. 7. If cake is not c oo ke d through? Neyer remove cake from aven until It has slightly shrunk from sides of pan and un- til a toothpick comes out dlean aften insertion in centre o! cake. Cool cake on a cake rack. The Question Box Miss G. C. asks for suggestions ta garnish sandwich trays at Uiis time o! year. Answer: 1. «Use 2 packages o! white cream cheese and mash it with red coloring ta make it pink. Shape into a baIl and put in cen- tre of sandwich board. Take a half-coring knife or peeling knife and make petals ta represent a rose. 2 . Slice carrot.s very thin long- itudinaily and roll and pin with toothpicks. 3. Slice carnots across and use point o! knife ta cut into coul shapes. 4. Put a mound o! peanut but- ter in centre of plate and fasten tiny rounds o! bread against it with colored toothpicks. Spread a little coiored cheese around toothpicks. This centrepiece can look like a petite nasegay. 5. Cut tiny hearts or cupids from red cardboard and insert toothpicks (pin fashion) through them to stick into sections a! grapefruit. 6. Cut hard-cooked eggs with serrated edge (that is, V-shaped), separate, masi yolks with relish sandwich spread and put back in- ta egg whites. Sprinkle with pa- prika. Anne Allan invites you ta write ta her c/o The Canadian States- man. Send in your suggestions on homemaking problcms a n d watch this column for replies. vanifla, 1 top. lemon extract, 2 eggs, beaten, 1 cup mashed ban- anas, % cup sour milk orý butter- milk. Mix and siUt flour, 9oda and Bait. Cream shortening until soft and smooth. Graduaily add sug- ar, creaxning until fluffy. Beat in flavoring and beaten eggs; add bananas. Add flour aiternately with sour milk beating until smooth after each addition.. Pour into greased square pan. Bake about 35 mins, in electric oven at 350 degrees. Crusty Ieiiig 3 tbspg. melted butter, 5 tbsps. brown sugar, 2 thapa, creani, cup cornflakes. Mix ingredients together and when cake is baked spread this mixture over top while cake is stili hot, and then put it back in hot electric oven at 4,00 degrees to brown. Treasuner's Report Receipts --- $1375.15 Expenditures 843.94 Balance ----- - -------- $531.21 Officers for 1948 are: President, Mrs. L. T. McLaughiin; lst vice, Mrs. F. Heyland; 2nd vice, Mrs. M. Vanstone; cor.-secy., Mrs. R. L. Mitchell; rec.-secy., Mns. V. H. Storey; treas., Mrs. H. Rundie; executive, Mrs. Gea. W. James, Miss F. Galbraith, Mrs. George Alîchin, Mrs. L. Dumas, Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Enniskillen, Mrs. 01- ga Gibson, Newcastle. B B HUDY for Ihai last minute INVITATION with a crisp SUIT! Let Oshawa Laundry keep you poised on the springboard of the fali social season with an expertly cleaned and pressed suit, coat or dress. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleanqn COMPANY LIMITED Phone Zenlith 13000 Oshawa Free Service f r t tc a a ti i CE ,, moflTri4, te TOçtOnTo Perd Helels amrewfefend e.nh'allyleealed - n'estof dme 730 reoms lne«Ch hetel have pdvule bath and roai. Ferre..rvati@ns wtte erwlre the Menas..'wo! n nda& »eofe ntdpoaed nveL. Hospital Auxiliary Reviews Year's Work At AnnualMeeting The annual meeting of the Wo- men's Hospital Auxiliary was held ln the Balmoral Hotel on Fniday, January 9. There are 25 mnembers in thc organization, two of which. contact the hospital each month to see that adequate sup- plies of linen, dîshes, kitchen ut- ensils and silver are maintained. Money was raised during the year by the birthday party, a large bridge in the Lions Recrea- tion Centre, and a hause-to-house canvass of the town. The usual Christmas remein- brance of candy and fruit was sent te the nursing and service per- sonnel. The Auxiliary is indebted to Miss Spargo's group for a dona- tion of six infant gowns, to Trin- ity Church groups, te Mrs. J. D. Stevens' group at Maple Grove, to Mrs. Widdicombe's group at Hampton for assistance with sew- ing and mending and te Ennis- kilfen Service Club for sewing and donation o! 34 infant gowns, 19 diapers, 30,T straps, 34 infant bands and 34 crib sheets. The following articles were pur- chased: 8 dozen pieces flat silver for nurses' dining room and trays, 25 kitchen utensîls, 540 yards of curtaîn material, flannel e t t e sheeting, cotton, linen and towel- ling, 4 pairs blankets, 6 bath mats, 3 tablecloths, 58 wash and dish cloths, 30 nurses' and surgeons' gowns, 100 sheets. From the linen supplies - 433 articles were made by the ladies of the Auxiliary-tea and surgi- cal towels, sterile covers, drum linings, bags, aprons, curtains and aven mitts. 249 articles for nurs- ery. Women Keep Informed Join Consumers Group Every, woman in Canada may became a member o! the Cana- dian Association o! Consumers by paying the annual member- ship fec o! 50c, according ta Mrs. Gardon Canant, o! Oshawa, who is chairman o! the current rnem- bership campaign o! the associa- tion in Central Ontario. "Backed by 56 national wo- men's organizations including Uic I.O.D.E., Women's Institutes, Na- tional Council o! Women, Girl Guides, aIl religious faiths, Home and School Assoc.,-the Canadian Assoc. o! Consumers is a volun- tary, independent association set up in the intercats o! ail consu- mers," Mrs. Canant said. Executives of nearly every wa- men's arganization 'in the cities, towns and country districts o! Canada have been supplied with membership receipt books, she expiained. Those who are not in touch with a women's graup may send their 50c fee direct ta the Canadian Assoc. of Cansumers headquarters, Post Office Box 500, Station B, Ottawa. Member- ships are also being accepted at the Statesman office here. For this fce, members will ne- ceive the very latest cansumers news and be able ta caîl on the central bureau in Ottawa ta an- swer questions and relay com- plaints an consumer matters. "On an adequate budget, the C.A.C. expects ta kecp its mem- bers informed on consumer prob- lems," Mrs. Canant sald. "'With the support o! a substantial mem- bership of representative women across Canada, the new associa- tion will be in a position ta make their voices heard and their wants known in Uic interests a! ail consumers."l When anc bas no design but ta speai, plain truth, he may say a great deai in a very narrow com- pass.-Sir Richard Steele The highlight of Uic regular meeting of 2nd Company held Tuesday night was the enrolment o! 10 new Guides, the majarity of these 'being Brownies who had flown up into Guides at Christ- mas time. Those cnrollcd were: Shirley Bathgate, Hazel Webber, Marlene Peel, Shirley Pollock, Janice Lake, Marilyn Singular, Kathleen Kane, Grace Quacken- bush, Eleanor Dunn, Darathy Mooare. Square lashing was passed by Noreen Kane, Diana Webber, Dorothy Johns, and Bernice Finn, thus complcting the tests far their Second Class badge. Good work, girls 1 Mrs. Frank introduced Miss Rena Mutton as new acting Cap- tain in the absence o! Mrs. Thel- ma Beanett. Miss Mutton in an the staff o! the Central School, having recently came ta Bow- manville from Coiborne. She wili .be assisted by Miss Joyce But- Ie.ry and Miss Ulva Green, Acting Lieutenants and Audrey Richards Senior Patrol. Following drill practice meet- ing closed with Taps. Girl Guide and Boy Scout Week is being celebrated throughout Uic Province froni Feb. 15 ta 21. Plans are not yet complete but we wi]l attend Tnin- ity Church with the Scouts, Cubs and Brownies en Sunday, Feb. 15. A joint skating Party of ail Guides is being arranged and an invitation has been accepted ta be, the guests o! the B.T.S. Scout Troop. We would like ta introduce aur Brownie leaders: lst and 2nd Packs meet in the Central School on Thureday at 4 p.m. with Mrs. Erie ColweU., and Mrs. Florence Sweete lnt charge. 3rd Pack meets at the School on Wedn esday at 4 p.m. wlth Mrs. G. W. Miller and Mrs. R. D. Dun- canson in charge. 4th Pack meets at tie Sousth Ward School on Friday at 4,p.m. with Mrs. V. Jeffery in charge, assisted by Misses Shirley Piper, Barbara Seilars, and Jeannette Lobb. High SchèoolChoir At TrinityW.M.S. February *meeting of Trinity W.M.S. was hcld in Uic Sunday School room Feb. 3. Meeting opened with quiet music played by Mrs. Aildread. Mrs. R. J. Hoskin, lst Vice- Pres., conducted the business. Mrs. A. S. Baker, Rec. Sec. read the report o! the aninual business meeting of Uic executive held on Friday, Jan. 30. At this meeting thc members were asked to give a cent a day, with a short prayer each day through lent. The Senior choir of the high sechool favored us with three bea- utiful selections which w er e much enjoyed. Mrs. Dippell's group had Uic Worship Service, taking as their theme "Christian Feilowship". Mrs. Slemon gave the study book in a very interesting man- ner. Mns. Hoskin closed with pray-J GIRL GUIDE £NEWS (Intended for Last Week) The regular meeting o! lst Company Girl Guides was held Monday night with about 25 girls present. After Patrol inspection and Horseshoe formation, Mrs. A. J. Frank, our Commissioner, wel- comed back to the Company Mrs. Jean Devitt, who has been absent for a fcw monUis, to act as our new Captain replacing M rs. Frances Ames, who has acccpted a position as teller in Uic Cana- dian Bank of Commerce and with home duties found it impossible to carry on. Many thanks for ail your help in Uie past few months, Frances. Our new Lieutenant will be Mrs. Frances Sweete <nee Flo- rence Shotter). Mrs. Sweete was a Lieutenant in the C.W.A.C. serving in Ottawa and at the West Coast for four years. We know we are going to like her. Folk dancing was enjoyed for haîf an hour under Miss Mari ory Couch and we always look for- ward to that. Following games, and a sing-song, Uic meeting clos- ed with Taps. bintafled in Any Type Jack DroughI Phono 2U84 3 Ring 8t.W. ii1e.tIiCse daysr Often a woman becomes panicky and gives way ta fears and nerves -when perfectiy natural changes are taking place in lier systeni. And the unfartunate part is that these dark dreads and fears may cause a nervous breakdown.. neediessly! Plenty of sieep, freeli air, wholesome food and Dr. Chase's Nerve Food will help ta build up your vitality and tone up the whole systeni-so that nerves and hystenia are forgotten. Yes, when you're in good shape physically and mentally-with no condition of "nerves" ta mag. nify the. eliglitest change-you can keep serene and happy niglit throughi the moat trying timnea So remember, at the first sign of the fidgeta, hysteria or nervous doubta-start building yourself up with Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. You'll rest botter, look botter, beel botter. Keep yourself in good condition with this time-proven remedy which lias helped thou- sanda of Canadian womon. The name "Dr. Chame" is your assurance. Dr. Chase'9S 2 NERVI FOOD- =- FOPNf iEPendEFRY - - - - - - - Sein a Bottie of MiIk? * M S Do you se e healIthy, roguish baby, dimpled and ador'- able? or husky youngsters, romping tireiessly? Or do yau simply see beauty . . . clear, radiance for your own skin, eyes, hair? Or do you se0 flic usefulness and wonderfut versatility in a bottle of miik. perfect basis for tompting soupa a*nd oxciting desserts for your huagry crew? Or do yau perliapa look further back.. ta the wide green rneadows and dlean white buildings of the dairy farr . .. ta the spotless laboratories where mon af science test the rnillf ta maure its purity for your faxniiy? Yes, ofdcourse, you se. ail of these thinga ... protection, vitaiity, flcrvor, and health oach tiras you look behind the acens of your milic bottie! 0 Gien'Rae Dairy PHONE 444 FOR DELIVERY King St. W. Bowmanville We Pay your phonoe au. R..1, TYRONE HEAD OFFICE LOUIS L LANG, Phone Bowmanvllle 2679 PHONE BOWMANVILLE 2679 0 0 $ 16,304,410 a $ 5,432,440 0 0 0 0 $109,042,828 0 0 a *$305,233,411 *$93 7,404,062 Red Cross Drive For $3,000,,000 Set for March With emphasis on the urgent need for kindness and neighbour- ly help ta relieve human suffer- ing, the Red Cross will open a national appeal for $3,000,000 an March 1, ta carry on its peace- time work in Canada, it has been annaunced by Arthur L. Bishop, chairman of the Red Cross na- tional executive committce. "The Red Cross is a symbol o! unfailing help at time o! trouble in almost every country o! the worid," Mr. Bishop pointed out. "The work of the Society in Can- ada is the expression o! human kindness by which anc neigbour lends his hand ta anather, and is the agent through which citizens of every creed may work for the betterment of national health and the relief a! human suf!er'ing." Mr. Bishop referred particular-i ly ta the Saciety's health and medical services. "Much remains ta be donc in this country ta bning1 modern medical aid within reach o! ail," he said. "This year the Red Cross hopes ta extend the free national Blood Transfusion Service, already operating in Bni- tish Columbia and Alberta, ta othen provinces so that more Cai- adians may receive the iife-giving miracle o! biood transfusion ther- apy at time o! iliness or accident, "The Outpost Hospital Service, at present serving 71 frontier aommunities across Canada, must keep pace with the pianeers whoi are striking off in ever-increasing1 numbers ta found new settie- nents and utilize the far-fiung ne- sources o! this country." Other Red Cross services for the protection of Canadian lives, thc promotion o! better heaith nd the relief of human suffening1 riclude work in Nutrition, Dis-1 ster Relief, First Aid, Swimming and Water Sa!ety, Mobile Mcdi- ,a and Dental Clinics, Veterans' Welfare, Junior Red Cross and rippied Childrens' Hospitais. "Next month the Society will Inrn onqe more ta the people o! anada wha have neyer failed Qe Cross in the past, and wha iil, I am confident, support Red ross again in its great human- anian efforts an behaif o! aur anadian people," Mn. Bishop mnclu ded. Dead or Crippled Horses or Caille removed at once without charge MARGWILL FUR FARM Wkat Do 2/du Outstanding items from the 78th ANNUAL REPORT Figures significant of the service given Canadians by this Company TOTAL ASSURANCES IN FORCE, DEC. 31, 1947 (Almost entirely Canadian.) À4 copy of the complete report of the proceedings ai the Company's annual mneeting, hel.d at Head Office on February 5, 1948, will be sen: on request. THE MUTUAL LIFE 'Assurance Company 0F CANADA N ATERLOO, ONTARIO 'W. IL SOMERVILLE, VsoePreUaidnWd CeairaiMssq 1 1 1 0 WEDDING SKINNER-PARK Shirley Ruth Park, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Park and William Lloyd Skinner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, al of Tyrone, were united in mar- niage at Tyrone parsonage on January 31 at 4 p.m. by Rev. A. E. Cresswell. The bride chose a street length grey wool dress, grey hat and ac- cessories. She wore a corsage of Red Carnations, Mrs. Walter Park, cousin of the bride, was the matron ofhonor and she wore a Fuchsia wool suit and black bride's mother wore black silk. carnations. Mr. Walter Park, ai- so, cousin of the bride, wa.s best man. The reception was held at tie home of the bride's parents. The bride's mother wore Black sik. The bridegroom's mother wore black crepe. For the wedding, trip to points west, the bride wore grey with brown top coat Mý i ON and4 accessories. O0n thefr returt the young. couple will live at Those attending the receptioa were Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Bragg, Karen, Sandra, Donna and Phillp Bormnv lle, Mr. and Mns. Wal- ter Park, Cecile and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. H. Skinner and Dorothy, Doris Park, Rev. and Mrs. AX M <Creawell, Tyrone. Critical people are net the an. swer for critical days. Rot Water. Heating Repairs Agent for OIl.0-Magie 018 Burners PAGE TWILVX 1 "M CANADIM STATZMUN. '.

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