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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1948, p. 1

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0uub,îrn VOLUME 94 t4te~m~uT "'Durham County's GIreat Family Journal" r~f~TTT~ff A I»TTT7T T -- ___________________________________ DU VYJYLAIN V11~Li~i, UN1'AIUU. '1't1Ut~St)AY. 1i'ERRITARY 12t.h lQziR Modem Constructiou Design -; Eased On Ancient Practices mbates Rotarian G. Flaxma The fundementels a building winjlows, the direction ai jaists Construction discavemed and em- and sa forth. The iloar plans et ployed by ancient civîlizatians the same scale give the details ta are the ramne todey, said Gardon be ioliowed by the contractof. Flaxman, Bowmenvilè cantrac- Details ai doons, windows etc. are ton, in bis classification address at aIra, drewn ta the ramne accommo- the Rotary Club Fridcy. Archi- ,deting scale. Written specifica- teets down the ages have radical- tlions camplete the banis for esti- Iy cbenged designs and science mcting the uitimete cost. has' praduced r-ew materials iran Agreement with the builden wbich meny assume that modemn may~ take anc ai several fonms: buildens discovered the secrets ai A lump sum cantreet which cov- strains and stresses in the build- ens labor and matemials and the ing industry. But the ancient contractor's profit: Or a cast- Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, plus -percen tege, covering mater- scboaled in geometmy, wonked out jis and labor and a profit mer- * the enduring stength ai the arch gin: or cast-plus-iixed-fee mu- and set the pattern af architec- tueily egneed upan. ture ion ail turne. Foundatjon First Mn. Flaxmnan divided bis re-' Ta the builder the faundetion m iarks inta two phases, a descrip- caefirst whicii bas its vamying tion ai modemn home building and prabes a enn ofoig an bistoricai outline ai ancient and walls. For the smail buàld- and medieval construction. He ing tiiere is littie need for worry was heard with close attentionohetcnasctattebidg particularly emong the members is'to swampy rudo s' ,engaged in aliied trades, and isn a an d tsontsn'te proiyed hîmseli a veny capable bridge ihafwpcsofet spelk er. Introduced by J ack a ntefoigsaorew piecs. f et- knownautseaerow ai l y ga, stone and brick were the knw sved osa i hle ychief mateniais used fan founda- waor nd uceed i te a tians, but today concrete or pre- war nd scceded i aVhen, the ccst concrete is used.t laVe Ted Flaxmnan as a member oalfrtexeirwls) of th Rotry Clb.ai smaii bousing, a wood or franc Single Family Unit construction is used with eitheri In borne building, said Mn. a waad siding on t'nick veneer onr Flaxmnan, a survey undertakenii a composition siding as- stucco. In the USA disclosed that 90 per- wood construction thene is bound i cent ai the people pnefermed what ta be a sliglit settlement, noV only e iV knawn as 'The Single Family due ta the weight ai the building9 Unit" c home ai 700 ta 2500 sq. it. but ta the sbinking ai the wood t and it is likely the saune percent- as weli. Ail lumben shrinks ce-S .âge would be iound in Canada. nors the grain sa ta geV an even a The first step ai course is the settiement, ail sis and plates e selectian ai e building lot. The shouîd bc uniform. This is a good 0 location may welI mean the dii- reason noV; ta build e bouse in oa t, femence ai revend bhundmed dol- 1 big ac Cr. lars. In an established subdivi- 1I hummv. o sion witb noads, water, sewer, hy- Isîto dro and other canveniences, the For jeneral warmth, other than casts are known in these panticu- the lieating unit, there siou ld be lars while in e district noV 5sa seresoa air-spaces. Take forJ senved the' ultimate casts fan instance a brick veneen construc- these services installed privateîy tion, 4" ai brick and 1" af air- are problematical. Then again the saete lne ibidn actuel lot, as Vo size, contours, or- ppssetig hnanpc enation and nearby buildings and a blanket ai insulation and ients rol'n i înniu t finelly the plaster, and the home S ediscussed between the ownem becomes beat and cold re-sistant. g 'the anehitect and the contractas-. Common mtncsfrmsny Planningwells are ai course, brick and Planningconenete blocks. Aiso used 4r n 1'oduce the best resuits at face brick with a bccking ain t ast this niatter ai planning brick or ile or stone with a g entici. The best way tO dV.- backing ai the saine matenýiels. g Oid wary n the part ai the awn- bonded by headers on metal ties. p1 ctcOe with expenience in wali tends ta let damp and fmost m idaoerin design and empiqyment achievement is a hause that casts îe, afiniatenials, for laVer changes are the least ta live in. As an ex- Je an expensive procedume. Today ample the compenison ai a five- TI bouses are desiganed as fer as pas- maom fraee ouse with a brick fi' rible ta meet individuel requine- bouse ai the rame size, shows that a mcli s, thougb certain fundament- aven a periad ai five yeers with f ais are followed such ,as the the depreciction and maintenance squame, the oblong, the "L", theai the farne bouse the cast ai the e -VT" and the "Z. bricks would be paid for twice. us Wbeîî genenal nequiements are netadMorn w known the architeet mughs innetan Mdea plan Vo be develaped inta a full Mr. Flaxman concluded bis cd- thi scale drawung showing ail details. dmess with e brief bistony ai the a The oriientation ai the building is encient buildens, who used ver- Wî mos-t important as the average iants ai the ameh in combinetian 0V sinalbouse weighs an appraxi- with the rectangle Vo ceaVe the NE mate quarter million pounds, noV enduring edifices that bave stood in a hing Vo cansiden maving. Sun- ion 3000 yeems. He told aira ai fic light ,shade, hot and cold winds studying Victanian architecture and privacy iran inside and out while an leave in Englend and are things ta be considered. the classical designs ai such gret IR, General Plans builders s Chistopher Wren. The foundation plan is generel- In laVer timer came the use ai ]y drawn ta '.j scele, showing steel and glass such as the con-61 the cells and bening walls, the, (Continued on Page Eight)6: Chmirmmn of the C.D.C. Board Next Speaker mi Cmnmdimn Club The most talkcd about young Canadien executive will be the guest spcaker et the Men's Cana-I dian Club ai Bowmenville et the Balmoral Hotel on Wednesday eveîîing, February 18. He is Ar- nold Davidsan Dunton, whoaet age 36 is chairman ai the Board af the nationaiiy awned Canadien Broadcasting Corporation. When cge ai 33, there was wide press comment that few men were monre fitted for the job. Barri in Montreel, bie prepped et Lower Canada College end i shunîied* immediate degnees ta seek an international education for the caneer hie lied in mmnd. At Grenoble University lie studied French histary and litereture, then entened McGiil University, for two years. Next hie turned up at Trnîity College, Cambridge, * fan a course in ecanomics. Aiten à tryout in free -lance %%-itbng he became a cub report- er on Beaverbrook's memmoth, A. D. Duntou London Daiiy Express. Then hie _____________ took bis savings ta the University oi lvnich w here lie studied Ger- on Bitain et war. The next year, man Ip~t as Huitier came ta paw- Charles Vining, beed ai the Wer- e. Lter a yeer there lie neturn- time Information Board, sougbt ed tlontreal. Duuiton ion the Ottawa staff, and Aiter another space ai repart- the Standard gave himi leeve ta ing bie buiît up more savings as a take the job. bnush salesman and then bopped Ris mariage ta Miss Kathleen ta Mexico whcure lie tutared stu- Dingay ai Vancouver came un dents in Englisli and himseli 1944 and ber experience as a con- learned Spanisli. A year leter he stitutional îawyer serving as spe- wïs back in Montreal on the Star, ciel adviser ta the Depentment ai Withîîi three years hie was chosen External Aifairs was probcbly the assaciate editor and when J. W. steadying influence thet kept bier McConneîî, the president and pub- globe-trotting husbend on the job lishen, bought the Standard, Dun- and led ta bis present appoint- ton bccame its editar. ment. The Canadien Club ai !w» 1941 lie ilew ta England in Bawmanviîle is fortunate is se- ' ilii:' firEt feur-engined bomber ta curing this brilliant Canadien asi cross the Atlantic ta write a series its next speaker.j Spring Style Show Unique Eveni For Smaii Town Visual display ai weaning a parel thraugh the employment praiessional models bas been t. preragative ai large metropoliti stores for many years. Sa fan we are eware, Bneslin's ai Boi manville is the iirst store outsiý ai the langer cities ta bring ti unique style shawiuig ta a smel] centre. Bnesiun's advertiseme in lest week's Statesman outiin4 the perticulers ai thein "Spri. Styles ai 1948" ta be shown the Auditorium ai Bowmanvil High Scbool this coming Frid, evening, February 13, et 8 p.m. The advantages in this methi ai bringing ta public notice t] modern styles ai today wili be e, plained by a nated authonitv. Ma ris Wetkin, an autstending Cen dian designer ai smart clothe He wiii be essisted by a masteri ceremanies et the microphoneî professionel madels parade acraý the stage. Aineady many ondei bave been boaked fan seats on th undenstending that thene are r reservatians for preierred pas. tians. Added. interest is given the di. play in the feet that Miss S. Jer nings, editon ai Style Magezir will be present with photographe Ralph Edwards ta report the shoý for thet authonitative jaurna Twa, ai the mnodels appeaned i the style show et the C.N.E. la; year. Foliowing the Breslin sho' the artists are booked toaeppea in the ieading cities and tawns o Ontario. The admission ai 35e is for wt mien only and carnies with it add ed community intcrest for thi grars receîpts will be tunned ave to the Bowmanvilie Home an' School Club. In fect the entir arrangements have been conceiv ed in ail particuiers as a mean: of accommodeting the public ir two ways: 'To keep right up tc date in fashions and ta heip warthy cammunity cause." Slewtonviile Mili )estroyed by Fire A fine which broke out sudden- [y et 2:30 p.m., Tuesday in the nrist miii, owned and openated by [u gh Stepieton, Newtonville, ýompietely destnoyed the build. îg and contents. The awncr was in Bowmanville et the time and :wo employees were et work Yrinding grain wben flames broke )t iram an ail beater i. another )art ai the building. The Newcastle Fine Brigade nade a quick run to the scene but he fine bad. made sucli beadwdy het the finemen merely contrai- *d the spread ai flemes toacd- oining premises. The editar ai 'he Statesman with a party ai riends praceeding ta Port Hope xrived on the scene just as the lamer pierced the roof coi miii. The two employeer made their scape without injury but were îabie with the large crowd rhich gathened ta saivage any ai he contents. IV is understood that limited amount ai insurance jas carried and the loss ta the wner will be considerabie. The fwcastle Brigade wene campli- iented fan their prompt and cf- îent services. tecreation Calendar Thursday, February 12 15-Bantam Hockey: Part Hope v~ Bnwman >tt e çif lnr -7:00-Junior Basketbaii: Oshaw vs Bowmanville. 7:30-Public Skating, Rotary rinl 8:30-Inter. Basketbaii: Peterbor "A's" vs Bowmanville. Fnlday, February 13 4:l5-Pee Wee Hockey: Wiidcet vs Mohawks. 5:00-Pee Wee Hockey: Blue bombers vs Killers. I7:30-Public Skating, Rotar-y niný Saturday, February 14 9 a.m.-Bantamn Hockey: Bow manville vs Oshawa "A et Oshawa Arena. 9 to 1l:30-Children's Skating, c Rotary nink. 2 ta 4:30 p.m.-Pubiic skating, a 1 Rotary nink. 7:30-Public skating, Rotary nink 8:30-Teen Town Valentine Party High Schoaî. Monday, February 16 4:15-Pee Wee Hockey: Piayaffs Rotary nink. 7:30-Public skating, Rotary nink Tuesday, February 17 7:00-Leethencrait clars, Lions Cammunity Centre Wednesday, February 17 7:00-Volicybeil, High School 8:00-Girls' Baskctbail practice, High Sebool Thursday. February 12 8:30- Intermediate Basketbail: j Cobourg vs Bowmcnviile TRINITY W.A. Trinity W.A. met Febnuany 10. Mns. Alldread's group was in charge ai the devational period, the thenie being the apastie Peter. Mrs. Miller in telling ai Peter's leadership seid: Leadership me- quires bath faithfuiness and en- thusiesm. Rev. W. P. Rogers gave a tclk oîn Education. Quoting Dr. Cale he said. Education in relig- ion and maraIs was any attempt toaessist an i mmature persan ta recch the higbest goal anid reai- ize the highest ideals. Miss Mary Alldreed sang two delightful solos "Haming" and "Dawn in the Forest." In the absence ai Mns. C. W. Siemon, the president. Mrs. C. Aliin. pnesuded aven the bus- iness period. Mr. and Mrs. BHarry E. Grooms Describe 10,200 Mile Auto Trip a To Convention of Deafl Calif. te in looking over this month's is- spring eternal from the deep cur- an sue of The News, the officiai or- rent of buman tnibute that wells as gan of the Ontario Association of up to do bornage ta man's ac- ýW the Deaf, we were attracted to hievement in the reaim of the ide one of the Ieading articles in the mortal and spiritual. That is his paper headed "10,200 Mile Auto why the obscure birth of a boy in er Trip Proves Stimulating to Harry a rude frontier log cabin was des- lit Grooms and Wife.' We immedi- tined ta unfald a chronicle that ie ately realized the author and his has become a beritage for the ýng wife, (nee Effie Brooks>, are well ages. So it is that the massive in known ta the editor and many seated figure enshrined in the le people of Durham County. Mrs. white temple in the National Cap- ýay Grooms is daughter of the late ital looks down silently but mov- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brooks, Solina, ingly upan the pilgrims who corne od and sister of Mrs. S. E. Werry, So- to feel the atmosphere of man's ,he lina, Mrs. Wm. F. Quick, Bow- true greatness. By sheer coinci- ýx- manville, Jack Brooks, Oshawa, dence the steadfast gaze of the r- Sam Brooks, Providence and Har- Emancipator seems ta linger car- ia- vey.Brooks, Maple Grave. Del- essingly in the direction af Gall- es. ving a littie further inta the lives audet College which bas enriched of of this charrning couple for the1 the lives ai sa many well-educat- as benefit ai aur readers who are1 ed deaf adults of the world. ss not acquainted with them, we Wor1d's Greatest Caverns rs may state as children they bath We stopped at the littie glass he attended the School for the Deaf bouse on the Wall at White City, no at Belleville and aiter graduating New Mexico ta register before en- si- they were mE.nried.and have since trn ak hnw rcee lived in Toronta. They now have tering a park.aThen waceededi s- three married children and four mtlerofh the canyonalontgsie n- grandchildren. Mr. Grooms forCmilesbai paved h ihwaytda the ie many years has been on the Post Csa d Cnave Arngsitaed stopg r thfe tisf and aForen Mail De-us politely reminded us we had w te Bitili nd oregn ailDe-time for coffee before the tour i. paniment at Terminal A, Toronto.watabinudron.As- n Mr. and Mrs. Grooms were ren would signal the starting ai st chosen delegates last summer ta the tour. W attend the convention in Las An- A .0ocoktesrnsreh 2r geles, Calif., ai the National Fra- eA ts8.3ea'cock thesine ndc eh Df ern l S cie y f t e D af, and in crow d m elted into an ard erly line this article they have related a that seemed ta flow along the mast intercsting account ai their pathway ta be gobbled Up by the Ltrip, covering Î70,200 miles by au- ie ta. It is nemankable ta think they yawning mouth ai the mammcth rwould undertake such an exten- lcave. Befoe. w e reied thay id si ve motor trip, bath being deai o light oadgae. cTre wulsastheg ýe mutes, but it shows their indom- soit lightai elecn tculs atnd -itable spirit and courage in not widsaosa tn al n fceiling. That was it. We were Sletting the handicap ai being deai actuaîîy in the cavenns. Yes, it n' interfere with their taking this astpno l rgadevt ao p a the i p. ulsi ery bit ai what we had heard pe- 1 a prt thirstory as follows: ple talk about. We looked about1 When in my school days I had ourselves a bit nervausly. Wouldt read about the marvels ai Marco the ceiling faîl in? Suppose we1 Polo's travels I little realized it could not get out? Maybe wet was as wonderful as that. It took sbould go back?c me 10,200 miles oif continuous Wbile aur minds were preoccu- travelling the past summer ta ap- pied with alixiaus thoughts we preciate the fact that nathing were warned by aur neighborsf broadens the mind like stirring hthegiewsaottisu V e aoun, sein ne plcesandinstructions. There are same0 meeting new people. things t-hat the vis'ton must do and ( As it was my gaod fortune ta as we studied the face ai the ran-c have been chosen delegate ta the ger-guide we gat the impressiona ssxtcenth quadrennial convention that he carried "I mean what IJ af the National Fraternal Society say" glearn in his eyes. We werer ai the Deaf in Las Angeles, Cali- warned noV to louch the farmna-v fornia, my wife and I set out in tions, ta keep in double file, ta aur car on the day Canada was wthorfoig t.tehs celebrating its natal day. Our first Itc o heur footin, etc.Éiefhis stapover xvas near Elizabethtown sketched. IV was a 9-year-old e, tin Kentucky, the birthplace ai the Mexican boy who first explored I immortal Abraham Lincoln who the* caverns, we were tald. ti in the gaodness of heart had in 1864 signed the charter ta bring Then we began the descent into y rinto being the only college for the the mysteniaus subterranean pas-p deaf in the wald-Gallaudet Col- sage. We 'beheld one surprising L lege. scene aiter another, wandering ta a( As we stiolled around this fam- ourselves that none ahead cauld S' ous shrine we becaine immersed possibly be as impressive as the B in philosophy. We could not help one before us at the moment. But st reflecting that countless legends we were always wrang. The far- t< wavn raud incînkee ~ ther we went the mare immense vý multiplying even ta this day. They (Cntinued n Page Eight) pý Town Council Has Specimi Meeting a Try Io Finish Housing Dealia The chief business at the spe- funther investigated as to sale aW diat session af Town Council, on terms ta the.present occupant and a Tuesday evening was an examina- the Town Solicitor was instruct- tion ai the sale contracts eifected ed ta obtain possession ai the oth- in the town housing praject. With er two in order that they rnay be i ail members present except Dep- advertised for resale if conditians uty Reeve Allison, the whole are not fulfilled unden present p question was explored with a contracts by February 20. view ai settling any differences An advenfisement will be in- 0 outstanding and ta transier ities serted in The Statesman ta secure and secure outstanding funds that an assistant ta the naad superin- wilt relieve the town irom fur- tendent. The Town Solicitor was c ther interest payments on the instructed ta prepare a by-law ex- t money put up for the buildings. empting Legian Hall irom taxes o The civic cornmittee under ion ane year. d chairmanship ai Cauncillar W. G. Anotiier bv-law wvas in the na- s James xvas given authority ta ture ai an a mendment ta increase es spend $60 for repairs ta tbree t -m- r"; Hon ai the Mayor taA houses on which camplaints hav $250 and that ai Counicillars tap been received. The clerk was ai- ýlOU per anrurn. It carried. ti< sa instructed ta write the Toronto Roads anti Streets Cammittee E i i Elecied Presideni ýProblems of National Health . . . .. .. . Fondedon ne Rle f LaiIw Newton John Lander The Statesman is happy ta e press the congratulations ai il -people ai Danlington and Durha County ta Newton J. Landen bis election as president ai Il Continental Lii e Insurance C( Toronto. Durham County bass up samething ai a tradition in tl lufe insurance field for in necei yeans four native sans have wý distinction as presidents aifafo ai the leading life insurance con panies ai Canada. Son ai the late John and Mai (Davis) Landen, wba nesidedo the iamîly farin in Darlingtono the~ town line north af Tauntci Newton John Lander neceived h. education in Oshawa public ai high scbaols. He married M. Flarence Vernon Van CanAl daugbter ai the late Lewis V. Camp, D.D.S., ai Kitchener, ais a native ai Durham County. Mnr.and Mrs. Lander have tw sons and one claughter, Lieut-Co Kenneth I. Lancter, R.C.A., Car adian Active Anmy; Major Jol L. Lander, F.C.A., Canadian Ac tive Arrny, and Mrs. Louise M Page. Mr. Lander Sr. is a mer ber ai the Board ai Governorso the Women-s Coliege Hospital,o the National Club and the Tara. ta Hunt Club. He is a inembe OÉ the United Church ai Canadi and an enthusiastic golfer. Mn. Lander joined the head af fice staff ai the Continental Lii wvhen the campany was formeý and in paint0ai service he is th, oldest empioyee today. In du course he became chief accaunt ant and office manager and i January, 1928, was appointed sec retary ai the company. In No vember, 1933, he was -elected t( the Board and appointed Manag ng Director. If -Jà ir"- 1942, he was eêct ed vice president, cantinuing a, Managing Dinector and has helè these positions until elected thi, yean as the company's fourt. >resident. He is a Past President Lie Insurance Institute ai Car- da and ai the Canadian Lufe In- ýurance Officers' Associa tioanr Both play a vital part in lufe in- zurance arganizations in Canada to which Mr. Lander has made ealuable and constructive contri- butions. In meny years ai active pertici- ýation in Canadien Lufe Insurance afiairs, Mn. Lander has become xidely known and bighly regard- ad in Canada and the United tates. The ennauncement oa is advancement ta the presidency of ontinental Lufe has been greeted vith expressions ai satisfaction rid eppraval iram rnany sources. iasty P's Regimeni ?lanning Museum )f Military Relics Probably the first ai its kind in ,anada, wbich wiil perpetuate he memory ai militia regiments , this district frarn the canliesi îys, a miiitary rnuseum wili be stablished in the Church Street rrnonies, Bellevile, if tentative lans ai the Regimental Associe- [n ai the Hastings and Prince lward Regiment matenielize. This was decided at a meeting fthe association held with eut.-Cal. A. A. Kennedy, M.C., fOwen Sound, president ai Vhe Crown Attorney Tells Lions National Health Week was ab- Nurses, Oshawa, ai which he wae served by the Bawmanville Lions the fist president. Club, Mondey evening, Februeny The Subject 9, by turning over praceedings ta Mn. Hall, one ai the keenest the health committee heeded by thinkers and one ai the best ara- Ted Chant. The abject was ta tors ta be beard in local service impress on the members and vis- clubs, introduced bis subject, "Na&~ i t o r t h n a i o n l o b i g a i o n o f t i a n a l H e a it h " w i t h t h e o b s e r v a - sharing in a cantinuing campaign to hta ulesrath to imprave conditions in the No. wsViante as a pli evnt h 1 problem of the human race, soaliitw, ed ncexpressin er- namely, Vhe prevention and cure onaviewft sp eceofpbe coniine ai the ils that attack the global n~ l a a p cs a u lc h inhabitants, anim te and inani- bthed"ciic n dth plit ical" a d e mate, that make Up what we coin-th cv adplia"aseel monly cal the "cosmos." Dr. ped n democracies under the George Miller, editr ai the Lions ule aif law. His rapidly spoken ex- Bulletin, was the chief architet precepts on these two divisions he in fashining an appropiate set- txed ccurate reporing, but the am tng or he ocason.follawing may be taken as a fair- arn tigfrteocasion. ly accurate summary ai his ne- onthertin mankeble address.. o. Around the walls ai the ban- In a brief outline ai what ao set quet oom in the Lions Commun- been accamplisled by medcal he ity Centre were draped posters science since the turn ai the cen- nt emphasizing the wrk ai the tury, M. Hall quted these sta- rnHealVh League ai Canada. AV one tistics: In Ontario the incidence )ur sid e was anll ntd epiaioftuberculosis in 1921 xas 71 per M - o th h u m n f a m e b ro u ht nto 10)000. S cien ce an d ed u catio n hem ribbed relief hraugh X-Rays. On reduced that ratio Vo 25 accord,- the tables were illustrated bulle- ing Va 1945 figures. Maternai iry ins issued by the Health League. mrtality, 1921-25 wes 12026 or 5 on Beside every plate was a big, ned, 'per thousand. By 1941-45, it had an Ontario -apple donated by Lion lalien ta 2.9 on a ratio ai 29 ta tO0. ý)n Russ Osbrne. At the head table But the supreme accomplishments UiS president Eenl Riddoils explained have been in the realm ai inten- ndthe whole setup Va the guestsiecmucaldsae. is speaker, Alec C. Hall, K.C., Gre omuiablRecdes. 1P, Crown Attorney for the County Gn190reaateo, red e a n a i O n t a i . I 9 0 i o o t , t e e w r I Doc Miller, who is aisora ro 21,258 cases ai diphtheria wiVlh ai director ai the County Health 254 deaths. In 1940 there were 'va Unit and a veteran with Biga- no cases, no deaths from this D.der rank in the late war, tauch- former dread disease, due ta the ýn ed off the proceedings with a Vwa dîscovery ai Vaxoids and the ap- hn phase euiogy. First he bnought plication ai science ta publie 'c- The Statesman 'reporter widcly health. In ail these cases it should W. awake with a burst o a or be remembered that Vhe popula- 11 lauding reprtorical exactitude for in ai the country and the city of the past eight years and li ae d a increased n r o sy He c ai bis accolade with a much appre- the ratia should be scaled down ýn ciated gift from the Lions Cltub* accordingly. This by noa means er N ext he introduce d M n. H all as e h u t d h - i t a d M . H l da an officiai possibiy known ta a but it indicated cleenly what lew local residents ini is officiai could be done in attcking other f- capacity. diseases cmmon o he whole fe The Speaker world. E Mn. Hall, native son ai Oshawa, Having fixed attention an the he graduate ai the University ai To- physical aspects ai the preven- XC nantà and Osgoode Hall, woripub- tion and contrai ai srme ai the ýt lic notice in bis appointment as killers that bave raged for cen- ini Crown Attorney, Ontarioa nttunier among aIl races ai the l-priar ta Worid War IH. He onity globe, Mn. Hailtre t osd a- Huns hedrain n aiter the enation ai the development ai the tHuswere raunded Up he became rule ai law in human aifairs. Ris 9- Judge Advcae General, 3d Can- whole point was ta bring rigt adian. Division, and n demobili- omne the fact that if we obeyed t- zatin resumed is position as established laws d e v e ape d s Crown Attorney. Associated with thrugh centuries ai experience Id many rganizations folowing is we culd apply the lessons learo- s term as Mayor ai Oshawa during ed effectively ta conquer the comn- bh the depression, one ai is chief mon enemy ai disease. t, interests is the Victonian Order i (Continued n Page Eight) Communily Council Executive Plans .é Drive for Finauciel Support i- Readers ai The Staterman wl ýe necaîl the publication a e Be porter S howered ýeweekr ega ai the splendid repart -_ ai Bart Smithson, recreational di- By Lions Cu d nectar for the Bowmanvilie Coin- iCu is munity Council. At that time a ýf nequest was made for a continu- Lion Dr. George Miller et Mon- d ing grant fom Town Council td, day's meeting ai the club, eoused n carry on he good work. It is now mucli curiosity when e rose ta undenstooci that this grant bas ne- make a presentetion in bebali ai ceived favorable consideration. the members. Withhoding the Sinice flic activities for the pres- niame as e paid extravagant tri- ent year will be greatly expand- bute ta nc "1wha had rendeed ed, a meeting ai the executive exceptional service to the Lions was heid Monday evening when during the past eight years" the president A. M. Thampson led a reporter for The Statesman bd discussion ta explore plans for ta be revived when is naine was raising the additional funds e- coupld with the sentiments ex- quired. The mount equired in pressed. addition ta the municipal grant, The recuperetion pnescnibed by c wil bcapproximtely $2,000. flic Doc took the form of a git s IV was decided, therefre, ta p- enclosed in a box the size ai a prach local oganizations and continental freight car, wrapped tclubs for contibutions and ta op- lin white tissue and ied with sil- ýen a public subscniption list and ver ribbon. Druggist Alex Me- tinstitute e doon-to-door canvass Gregor in suggcsting, sotto, that lae in May. Te set the bal ral- the box be noV opened until tk- ing, president Mei Dale ai the Ro- en home, made him liable for a ary Clu b announced its donation fine t the next meeting. ai $100. An invitation was ac- Ovewhemed with the git ceptc-d ta visit the Oshawa Re- which \as wrapped in a dozen creationai Association's building old newspapens, the uncovcning on Gibb St. at an eanly date recalled the lines ai y-oung Peter- lein wha found somctlîingi "round and smooth anîd bard." Cunios. MenuMakrs' lub ity was shared with an ldtime MaeuFruit salubs iriend, Colin Glencennon on shore M ak e ruit alad sleave,.inom the Inchclîff e Castie. saciarstio n thmchir.stMn, Pic wen, WellingtonoToKintstand Pic- tanWeoinofthenTorat adist- f'1/TT~T1vvtrict. COMMUNITY CUU CIIL NEWS It is pienned ta gathen dacu- ýments, weepans, unîfarms, etc., which represent militie regiments TEEN TOWN BANTAM HOCKEY ai this district since their in- TeenTow ar hodingther a- 1ceptian and place hem in the Ten on rehldngtei a- The Bawmanvi. B anitaim armories as an bistonical tribute nual Valentine Dance an Satur- hockey teem wbich was picked ta the galient men ai the district day, Feb. 14. The executive haveSardy itnon paed n ohvekpismiiayecd planned sevenai novelty numbers audyatron lydi hhvekpismltr ecd and speciai prizes and promise ta Part Hope Mondey nigbt ageinst on a par with the best in the give ail who attend an evening ai the Pc'-t Hope Bantams in the Dominion. fun and dancing. The snack ban finst game ai their home and home Re-union Discussed wiIl be weil stocked for those wbasre.A eul fter3t Among ather business conduet- becorne bungry or thirsty. PlanseisAsaeuta tir3a1 ed by the association wcs the dis- ta be in attendance. vuctamy aven the bigger Pont Hope cussion ai plans ion the 1948 negi- teain they carry a 2-goal lead into mental ne-union. Efforts will be PEE WEE HOCKEY their return game tonigbt et made ta bave the Trenton Air Twa mare exciting games were Orona. The winner ai this round Station as the locale ai the get held in the Pee Wee League lest together thus yecm. Cept. Fned Thumsday with the Bluebombens 1 meetsee wiuîner ai the series be- Bumtt, Trentan, wili heed e cam- defecting the Mohawks 1 t a adtween Whitby and Peterbara. The mittee nemed for this purpase. the Wildets beating the CarlisIe local team will play an exhibition Let ,o.Rg St. "Killers" by 3 ta 2. Games game with the Oshawa Bantams Let ,al e.Abd this week will be played an Fmi- audymmigmt9acaki Kingston, wds appointed chair- day with the Wildcats and the the Oshawa arene. Future gaines man af a committee which wil Mohawks in the first gemne and wiIi be announced next week. The investigate the possibilities ai se- the Bluebombens against the Kil- Bantams are the only Bawman- curing canteen iunds for purpose ]ers in the second game. Playoffs ville hockey teain leit in the play- ai assisting in finencing the negi- will stant Monday night. Tbe afs and they are hoping that all mental scholanship. standing is as folîows: the local fans will came aut and Regimental Sengeent Majar Won LosV Tied Pts. help cheer thein an tonîght et Or- Angus Duify was narned chair- Wildcats.......---2 o 1 5 ana. As theme are twa other gaines man ai a cammittee ai the negi- Mohawks-_ 1 1 1 3,also being played tanight in Or- mental association which wil BI1uebombers I 1 1 3 ana the Bantain gaine ine is 6:15 look into the natter ai the mu- Killers........--- 0 2 1i 1 i ...seuin. wnucn lielpeci ta make a very ap- eývening se-rvice s-being planneëd. petizing lunch. Miss Creasser told the story ai Next meeting is ta be heîd et [James Evans and illustrated iV by the home ai Mns. F. Bruce, Queen a mao showing rame Indlien Mis- St., on February 17. sion Schoals. 1 A& PRP r.Opv JJU W MAN VILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 12th. 1948 XTTTI91DVID lu

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