:pArGL sxXTE A*AIfSTTMAB MNVLE TAO -j - Itk Thne Orono News f I SntientlElganeeWitkfrishLinen t,; 'The memb6ers of thc Bright girls. Miss Hart is Home Econ- ideas Homemakmng Club met at omist of the Women's Institute the home o! Mrs. Mary Miller. Branch, Department o! Agricul- «'ch girl answered the ral calfure for Durham, Ontario, North- 'wi'th the4 aown idea, on "What umberland and Victo'ia Counties. they would appreciate a house The girls fook part in a demonui- .«cuest ta remember." Topic for stration of surprise cup. ca kes, @9the cvenng was "Entertaining a which were later servcd with oth- bouse guest" which includes:- er refrcshments.1 planning and wclcoming a guest, Mr. and Mu-s. Fred T -iiand .teraam and the respansibilitiesMran Ms.owdWasat 40adtigsacsoldrmme tended the funeral of Mr. J. Dix- sa gucst. Miss Hart spoke about on, Port Hope. ~Sehcveentday, also showed - some well illustrated scrapbooks Annual Sabbath School Con-. and record baoks that explaincd venfion af Darlington anid Clarke ~i~ib wrk litiemar tatheTownships, as wcli as Bowman- ville and Newcastle, was hcid ini Orono United Church February, 4. Mr. M. H. Stapl.es as president, I .c-)nductcd bath sessions, Rev. Eus- tace gave the apenin g address o! 0, ~wcome and in the evening. -Mrs.- e-ee A. A. Drummond demonstrated 13I7~~ ~ the selecting and singing of suif- t a bic hymns for Sunday School worship, assisted at the piano by ,Mrs. M. H. Staples. Wamen's As- Mr.E.Neilson who bas been 111patient l Oshawa Hospital.. Mrs. H. Bresis tkn e place in thc store. Woman's Missionary Society ,P met Fcbruary 3, with Mu-s. Delve, C'a#' president, in charge. It was an- K ual fee day and a large number of ladies were present to enjoy __ ý rayer for February 13 was plan- e-I-0 ned and Miss Edith Sherwin and Today's high compression auto- Mrs. W. E. Armstrong appainted mobile engines generate terrific delegates ta the Oshawa Presby- cylinder heat. Only a motor'oil terial on February 19. Mrs. H. with high heat resistance cana safe- Walsh gave some facts on tem- guard. your motor against the perance; Mrs. N. Porter, short re- darnaging effects of high engine vicws o! the books in the library; operating temperatures. Texaco Mrs. A. A. Drummond, Presby-a Motor Oil is Insulated agaitist terial Christian Sfewardship and heat-against cold ta give you two finance secy., gave a repart on way protection . givings for last year and aims for under ail driving 1]948, aftcr which she favorcd withL conditions. Save! a lavely vocal solo. Miss M. Da- Ask for Insulated T C o vey' gave the study book chaptera Texaco Motor 011 in ber usual interesting manner,a *today! Look for the T telling ai the self-sacri!icing ' ! fe .Texaco Sign-Red .. o! Aconiram Judson. A ten cent t( Star, Green "T". tea was served with proceeds go- ing tawards new li'brary books. Mr. C. T. Miller is on a two-C * months' vacation ta Flarida. Durham Caunfy Orange Lodge 'h held their annual meeting in Or- oolast week. fi "BOB STAULKER M-s. Robert Glanville was anc Gv aio the contestants an the program l B ÀR G E held n Newcastle Community Mrs. Jas. Richards was in To- 'b TEXACO PRODUCTS ronto an Saturday affending thc funeral ai Mrs. Gea. Rycroft, 4 MARAK LBRICTION daughter a! Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. FIRESTONE TIRES MeLean. 153 Kinig St. E. Phone 804 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Maffat. Ou-- ana. entcrtained members o! An- fo bl NEW!l SUITSAND CATS 11*11 a I. AROSE-PATTERNED, white Irish lineft dirask tablecloth, rose pat- teirnçd cbipaand-oweetbeart roses mnade' up intÔ senitimental nosegays pak a: nghtliearted...tea.r %ina for an early sprlng luncheon. A unique e eo .thédecorgtior is $pplacing of flowe4.'instead of candies in the .tzrstp cryeitýl çarnellàbra. tioqh.Farm F-orum. -Monday,,ç.e- ning. - Congratulations fa Mu-. and Mrs. Albert Mitchell.otn theïr eftivai .-of a tvabY gil,I.M'rgaret Elainêý in 'Sevèral dai'loaSdgof :ci .tizenë at- Lendéd' the '4ce *Edllicý a*f1TMapIe Lcai Carelëns Vaàst w?k,. Mr. and Mrs. Jýos . gtonlïoîiâe and Wallace, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. ,,Ffed,-Truil. ,.i- Miss Marjorie McLaren, Troron- to,2Universify, at home. - .Mu-.!. and,--Mu-s. Wrh.)"Buck-iey, .Newcestle,'ýand Mr. and-Mrs t-O. Buckicy, Hünfsville, WiiW MYý . q Ctirtis and Mrs. -R. A! Delve. : Miss Violaý Noden, ýTdt'bnfd,v'th icu- h«noher, Mrs. 1. Noden. Mr. Dan Chmarra, at,-ih friends. Miss Shirley Pbot-fr, , ÉaW,, Nith Mr, and Mrs. N. Pter."' Mrs. W. A. Moore, Coîbarne, w'ith heu- daxgh1ecry, MtS, K: 'Gàms- PONTYPO OL-',' Wm. Honcybone was à -výisitor a aourdiàtricf. . Bil- says khe -IaÉt time ha wzs Ïi--the vWi.lge,-, flTd ild blacksnxlth a-,hap -ýa stili 9taniding. Hé - vwas .viib1y..irn"-' ptessea by ,t.h*èspl1ndi& ceïitt lock building naw occupying. the ite. S8l far' Nlçk lias' mnanagled ýô keép'the 'ocbcài'o1ehs -guéssglrïg âý ta, whaît'hè jntbn"dsîtb use4th-c * i Torbh2Ôtô, fe folks« arè kièê- ,g up a raw obver fhuire'being'tôo nuch smoke in the air, thus caus- ng a-threaf fa the.peoples htqelth. he..I\XayÔu-anelCity .Counce Lare +kng sfeps ta climin4te some.of ,s nuisance:* Ourýf làéal trustée )oard ought fa invite the Tdranto aouncil f0 corne down .àrrd try ta gure ouf bow fa fix the school urnace, sa fhat.our teachers and )upils won't lhav e' ta stay in a noke-!illed .buiIdine, &iýery day. Bill 'Rnnie docsn't look.o good nce l#fsu-ecent ilines. -He tiaims ie hàý.I-4t tcf poun.ds sinceChris- nas. Being Scotch, .if xvajn-ics iim whcn he loses aiiything-. The writer was giad ta receive inice, -long,, ncwsy, leffar from 3o Sc.ott. When. Bob.- was- in ,rade VI in publiec -schaol, he houglit le-had.plenty ai eciuca- ion ta carry him through lufe, td in spitf e ' ntu-caties, he quit. if er bis mnother dicd he worked or, liltertatio-zal Nick6elCo. ýat lie- îck es a miner, then. wQrlied..fo sigidaire at Leaside.,-. When war woke out,. .Bob, enlisted «in..,- the ýir Farce. Whîle ini the. Air-Force ýe furmed -his a.ften tien ýtçoSta- inary Engimeering,. Upon dis- harge.he-,obt-aioed -a job-as helper ýthe. engine- room. ai-F-rigidaoe. le wrote, and passed. his exaras rw .third, .. cias engineer,,-and-, at e sarne tipie discavcred thât, Lis ick cni eclucationNvas. aa.di,ýtinct andicap in %writing bisý exams, ecaus.e; he -was. unable, to dewsçeibe is rknowledge ithe, proper hraseology. Last faîl ha tried id successfuly . passàedibi's exàms )r second clasg eiigineer. .-. ne are, case af a country boy nalt- ig gaod. But -Bob says it, would ave--béen so inuch e.Iger if.he ad,'atfendcl- publie sehoci- >ong- rwhen urged-fto -do so -by dlis lother and'cfber-relaives. . 1 - Letters weu-e alsor-eccived-'<rom hil Scott of - Oshawa- and Stanley illiield ai Peterboro, .bobth oi îaom are doing- fine. We like-.to >eive riews af absent neighbors - ta know,.they. a're getting ng well. Word just arrived- thaf Mrs. ete Kesslcr-prieserYted Pète witb 9-lb. son onFebruary.2. Thcy re namirig him Johnny, Peter. hey leit thýese piarts fta settie néa'r tarl;viile. ý -Cùngràtul8tionsý - -4 We regret ta repart -the deafh- Mu-. -GÇeorge; Douglas_ who will 2remhembered1asithe man -wbe inaged ax!xx -lcal-,blaokâmithing s-miess f or any ytears. He- was aerly - 90- years- of - age. -. He died bis home-in .4gincourti. whepe has livcd sxne, leaving Ponty- )QI some thirty years aga. Another iId -timer 'rrossed. the >at dwide oiu'Februxry 7, intà ýrson ai Mr. William- Delahay, ho was --nearly 80. Mr, Delahay ,med -fou- sotne yearse- then- soil t, and did teaming loôcally. But ýsome years he bas AIived -re- rd. At the time ai bis deaflî 'Was staYing With -bis 'daugil- -, Mrs. Lance -Plain -cf Bowman. , le. Wce ectend -aur - syrnpa-thy the beu-eaved o! bath gentle- fiý sn si] hE Ir b; a B( fi( ar Ai va F. Ai he tic in HE fai thg la( be h an fpi ifj ha hal er, Bi] Be wlý rec ani al< a r ai bu! neý at he o per tav me HAMPTON F The Women's. Institute held itheir annual "At Horne" in the -basen2ft .o!*the church'on Thurs- day evèning wlien Dr. Sherwin of Orono gavýean intcresfing and in- ,fbrhitf'ýve'adc'css on his trip fa P'Fo-lànd ând also shawed a number ai pctues.Mrs. E. H. Cale, WVI. ,pxicýent, conductcd a few items Of businesý in whic'h Mrs. Gordc;n ýW1buý gave a full report aofthe ýsikathg 1iý-nmanagemýenf, lUnan- ces, etc. MuÉic was given -by Mr. -ýAIec Sfackaruk and, Misses Mary Niddery and Jean Balson. An ,enjeyable, social hour wifh re- ;frteshi-etits served :by the !ladies - uThe Editor's Mail February 6th, 194à ô ' 1waeding cheque for q.ubscrlption ta yôur paper. 'It is alWàys itre*sting; but ai course cmewhat sad very often as sc imaiiy of the old friends, about my 0WII age arc ptissîng. 13y. the way, 1 had a visit yes- terday from Mr. and Mrs. Hodg- snfrom Tyrone, who are visit- ingths wstcoat.Came down fruni Vancouvcr a.nd intend going to Victoria and are talking af go- ing down to Los Angeles, if ar- rangements can be made safisfac- tarily. We had aur first spell af coici weathcr this wcek, Fo they dici not find our usual mild wea- ther. Now must close with the usual best wishes and hope these rapid changes in the worlrl arder wili not keep us toa bewildered. Best regards ta al vour family and besf wishes for a happy future. W. C. Frank Salada Tea Company 'f Canada Limited, Toronfo 1, Ont., January 29fh, 1948 Dear Mr. James: The contract covering aur 1948 advertising with your publication has been rcceivcd and we look Sforward to another year of pleas- ant business relations. Salada Tea sales for 1947 show- ed a substanfial increase for the thi 'rd' su *ccessive cear, the total be- ing almosf double the average an- nual sales from 1935 to 1939. As we have said many fimes before, we attribute a great deal of the credif for fhiz amazing growth ta the high quality ai aur tea coup- led with newspapcr advertising program almost continu o u s 1 y maintaincd since 1892. Plense accepf our thanks for your part, as a ncwspaper pub- Ilsher if bringing Salada Tea so effectivcly ta the attention of the buying public, and al aur best wishcs for the ncw year. Yours truly, Salada Tea Company of Canada, Limited. per: R. K. Bythell '.cuncluded. the meeting. Dear Sir: MI n r.S Kre r e I have been in Canada almosf ýceivi'ntg cohfgatulations 'ai their Si monfhs now and as I go about flrlnds,'thcy having reached their making new iriends, anc o! the '2Ut'~ èddng anivrsay ~ first things fhey always ask is Febtua»W ,nghcniva gathe "What made you icave the Old 'mWàý h'l bt-their home'in tfhair Counfry?" They want ta know bhôtot; Jrid' they' were pres ent cd too why a Young maia who spent ~i~i'~ 11 faf\are et nd hree ycars ab road in the Wa'r wi1'à;ovey shold fnalieg te*bck tabi àfhiei' gifts. The evening was sol ial e akt i spent in games and social chit- home and bis friends and aiter a *hât aftcr xvhich dainfy refrcCh_ sparse 18 mnonths xith them, de- rncehts-we7re ser\'ed including a de- cide ta chuck everything, gef an iiious qwedding cake made -by the an acroplane and begin life over Chu-fer BakerY and which adorn- agaîn. cd ithe fable. Th-ose present in- Wel i. sir, I'm typical, I believe, i1udred fhé famîly anfd a fcw oth- ai the,,fhous'ands who have al- cx- !eàis. ready got ouf and ai the millions 'MVr. :ànd r. Ross Klein and who are waifing fhcir turn ta two 'èhIClrein, Toron~to, Mr. and leàve Britain by every availabie Ir. .Simmons and son, Osh- ShiP; ahrism bc aou ~w;VtlMr. and Mrs. R. Met- life in Brifain today. calf Jr.; War experiences brought me P iends fuom Tyrone enjoyd a back ta England with a broader livly ain ofhokeywit Hap-mmid, à more toierant outlook on lively gaxheof hockcay it I-ampd ican d a greate r belief in rmv- f~nboy onModaynigt, ndself than ever before. The m at- others from the Oshawa Mission-. ary College on cca~ nighf îing with my friends and relations, %vhich affordIed much pleasure for however, after the initiai joy1 the young falk. provcd disappoinfing, for I found _________________ themn narrow-minded, prim ancd unelastic. Unable ta sec things Human felicify is produced fat beyond their nases they bccame so much by grcat pieces ar gaod more and more difficulf fa coni- fortune that seldomi happen. as verse with wifhouf incessant argu- by littie advantaÉcs thaàt oc.rinmenf and remanstrations. The; every, dayNý-Benjamin Franklin1 truth in fact was I didn't falk T-Trsév Brand- Seetened ORANGE JUICE Y-Tosev Erýand--S'.veetened BLENDFD JUICE 4oi,'ev Bra id---Sweetened 'URAPEFRUIT JJCE z\ ,Iincr--Pure Orange MARMALADE« Ly -nn- Valley-Standard Qualify PESSize 4/7"s 20 0 lo;dern-Honcy Flavoured FIG BAR BISCUITS Lb D.S.L.-Goq4 Value .TEA pOz S.S. No. 9, Clarke A greaf many ai No. 9 residents attended the show in Newcastle Communîty Hall. Helen Turner, Norma Allin and Glenn Allun fook part in the Amateur Show. Glenn Aluin won first place and wiltic heard in a near future bu-aadcast in radia Toronto. Our Home and School meets tonighf (Tucsday). We hope for a good attendance. Dont fargef the annuai Valen- fine Dance advertised in 'Coming Events." MAPLE. GROVE Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden were Friday visifars wifh Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snowden, Oshawa.j ivr. i. . t IeVrnan. spevAiL. 111 we2kend at her daughter's, Mrs. E. Gilbank, Shaw's. The Happy Homemnakers met on February 5, at the home of the group leader. Mrs. A. Sands, with nine members present. President, Joan Wright, presided. Miss Ka- thcrine Graham was elected trea- surer. Roll cali was "One duty of a pleasing house guest." Sub- jeet for the meeting was "Table Manners and Table Setting." Next meeting will be Fehruary 26 at the home of president Joan Wright. Lunch was served by Mrs. A. Sands. v 1~~-Iorn X.- sorted Flaveurs njuLejiuDE LUXE JELLY POWDERS Pk. 19' Domina Duy-(Plus Depasif on Baffle Quaker -Refurnabie)» 20 Oz 15 ON FLAKESp 9z 8z- 25,GINGER ALE 2 toz27e F.nnc.v Quality Bartn--Chace20 O T.14e PINK SALMON %'Tzn2 Tin6 37e PEACHES' Hcavy syrup Donmest c- Red Cia-Standard Qualiiy 2 2T Oz lçSHRTENING >ud3çTOMATOES io19 1-)o-in;onVan Camps-In Tomnato and Molasses Do'nn:onSauce ,,z34' I'LANUT BUTTEh Jarz 391 PORIK & BEANS "22Z(. Harri --Pure 14Ç SOAP GRANULES Lu.or 29Ç LIFEBUOY SOAP A%.lmcr-With Pectin 37Ç RED PLUM JAM Crax "'gg 251~ BUTTER WAFERS Mot hers 17 Br1VMINCEMEAT Ayimcr Green Gage Jar 31Ç PLUMS Pkj, 3 Lb TI s SPECIAL THIS WEEK Studio Couches IN REPP OR VELOURS 0F STURDY CONSTRUCTION Lamp Table AND Smoker's Stand f IVITH EACH PURCHASE 0F THREIE- PIECE STUDIO SUITE Suite includes Studio Couch plus two Easy Chairs, &UInh veioi 10 per cent down - 18 months Io pay MhÂL' iAppliance & iv rpiY S Furniture Store 57 KING ST. W. pR0fE 1M Tender and Tasty New Green Texas Cabbage - IL 6c Texas Marsh Seedless Size 96's Grapefruit - - 6 for 25c Ontario Grown, Waxed 1Turnips m 2 lbs.9c California Faney Red Emperor Grapes - - - lb. 20c Ontario Grown, Washed Carrots - 3 lbs. 25c Very Sweet and Juley Mexican Mesh ]Bag Oranges - 6 lb 69c q.~~,- 1: Coafs go foalal lengths this- new season ta miake you ahl the more alluning, the mare attractive! Sec aur bright riew springtime collection of fascinating fashions -each and everyone so different- each anc a favorite new style One look aî'id you'll be con- vinced the new look is heu-el Bountiiully expresscd in aur -handsame new suits so im- macuiateiy tailou-ed .. -beautilly styled- ...SU- per~bly created. Select your new Spring suit here today. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman WhiteRock, B.C., V. -àlý-r 1, . -. -àMmmMýk- , ý. 'f ý,àëèà,, - ý . ', !.', - - _ - - '..;. r- Tfft CANADIAX STATESMAN, BOWMAN'VILLE, ONTARIO TRURSDAY, FEB. 12t'h. l"é 1their language anymore. Not the Jo. Maynard editor promised to write Andr Socialism in Britain bas brought * Clarke to get more detaiLU about bureaucratic officialdomn into the Who LIeVOIIn*fl owlvile the Joe Maynard he mentloned in. limelight as neyer bef ore. Their his broadcast, but It sIIbped Mrt attitude has become correspond- This item is written for the spe- mind. -ingly more officious with their cial benefit of two out-of-town However, the mystery or should power. With a pile of forms and subscribers to The Statesman. we say the toplc under discuailon Ba take-it-or-leave-it attitude they Last summer when Rupert Ham- was solved last week when it wai can annex what property they1 lyn, Ottawa, and Charlie Boun- announced in the Toronto papers r nccd in the intercsts of the State; 'sali, Malton, were back in the that "Joseph P. Maynard ded sstcp firmly on any attempt at old home town on their annual February 4 in St. Michael'. Roi- private enterprise by anyone; de- vacation they got rcminiscing pital in his lO5tb year'and would cide what work a man may do With the editoi at the post office tic buried in the Roman Catholle and where; snoop in private hous- corner. In the conversatioA Char- Ccmetery in Port Hope on Sit- es ta check on clectrie lighting lie inquired if we heard Andy urday. Born in Montreal, he =nv. meters; order housewives to emp- Clarke in his Sunday morning cd to Port Hope as a young min. ty shopping bags for their inspec- "Neighborly News" broad c a s t where hie was associated wlth *tion and a lot more of this kind mention that Joe Maynard, Tor- Helm Foundries Ltd., for »0 of thing. They have the power, onto, formerly of Durham Coun- years. He went to Toronto 29 and it's in the "interests af the ty, had recently celebrated bis years ago. *State." lO4th birthday. That couldn't be Our octagenarian. frieid aMe Well, Sir, this addcd to the Joe Maynard, thc well-known local historian, Wesley Pery housing shortage, the clothing painter who lived in Bowmanvillc forms us that Joe Maynard7P;s shortage, the food shortage, the In aur boyhood days and painted ther ran the Farmer'S Hotel Ini fact that there is no gasoline for the scenery on the drop curtain the early 80's where Couch, John- a man ta put in his car, that noi the old town hall, cammented ston and Cryderman'a Store now ane can ever get abroad for a holi- Rupert. The editor contendcd stands. A brother, John, wuas day from it aIl, 'brings life in that painter Joe Maynard had jeweler here for niany years un-' Britain today on a par with un- been dead for years. Wcll, insist- til he moved to Campbellfôrd mitigated rniser3-. ed Charlie, I thougbt Andy Clarke where he died a number of rearg It's why 1 left and camne ta Can- said he was a native o! Bowman- ago. ada where I live wvthout medd- ville, and therefore hie must bc Jing from governmental snoopers; the wcll-known character about Promising marriages fai by net where if I own a piece of prop.er- town whcn we werc kids. The kceping the promises. ty be if large or smal], if's mine and won't be snatched away by the covefous arms o! the State; whcrc I have been given.the op- portunify to put my hopes and ambitions into practice and know that thcy have a chance af lcast of evenfual fulfilment. William Sparke T UI Toronto, February 5, 1948 Il~mu - a $39.50 ap £-UN ârxiimu PRONIC 836 L