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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1948, p. 7

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TRURSDAY, FEZ. l2th, 1948 TECNDA TTSA.BWAVLE NAU SPORT NEWS- I fladminion Club Makes Good Showing Againsi Lindsay BownmanviIle Badmin.ton Club came through with flving colons Thursday night when they visitec Lindsay Armouries for the firsI tournament of the new year. The local club travelled from here in '& Garton's bus and made an excel ~Jlent showing in ail departments. Listed below are the resuits, the first named team being the Lindsay group and the last the Bowmanville teams: Ladies' Doubles Gregory and Woodrow vs Dip- peli aid James 15-12, 15-9; Car- ruthers and McArthur vs Oliver and Vandriel 15-6, 17-14; Deyell and Hall vs Fry and Moise 15-10, 13-15, 15-17; Edwards and Shier .11 -Ffrtla CUaiS te. a -Aobft lste MRsumt COMMsiuitu. D4DURING - ECONOMICAL EASY TO CLEAN S«t the wide vaiety ci colours and combinatiot u wilable. Bud Bromley PHONE 653 1 Sheppard & Gi Lamber Co. Limiled Phone 715 - Bowmanvllel vs Roach and Kent 15-9, 15-4; Perry and Ferguson vs Swindel and Clayton 15-11, 15-9; Rowden and Forsythe vs Gilhooley and '- Rourke 15-11, 12-1à, 10-15; Gra- ham and Collins vs Fry and Moise 3-15, 5-15. b Lindsay 10, Bowmanville 6. s Men's Doubles d Clough and Gamble vs Kent ;t and James 7-15, 10-15; Harper eand Carruthers vs Jackson and Austin 4-15, 6-15; Richmond and -Ferguson vs Gatcheli and Dippel 17-18, 7-15; Barlow and Perny vs Johnson and Swindells 7-15, 6-15; Szego and Watson vs Clayton and Gilhoaley 15-10, 15-11. Lindsay 2, Bowmanville 10. Mlxed Doubles Woodrow and Gamble vs James and James 9-15, 11-15; Gregory rand Harper vs Dippeli and Aus- tin 4-15, 7-15; Ferguson and Car- ruthers vs Oliver and Gatchell r15-9, 10-15, 6-15; McArthur and McArthur vs Kent and Kent 18- 13, 11-15, 7-15; Hall and Mackey vs Vandriel and Jackson 12-15, 7- 15; Deyell and Barlow vs Fry and Dippeli 11-15, 7-15; Stone and Richmond vs Moise and Gatchel 3-15, 10-15; Shier and Perry vs Swindeli and Swindell 2-15, 7-15; McArthur and Clough vs Roach and Johnson 11-15, 0-15; Penny and Watson vs O'Rourke and Bagneli 9-15, 8-15; Karrys and Ferguson vs Gilhooley and Gii- haoley 11-15, 13-18; Ferguson and Szego vs Clayton and Clayton 15-13, 15-8. Lindsay 4, Bowmanville 22. Totals: Lindsay 16, Bowman- viIl2 . Canada admitted 75,000 immi- grants during 1947, Recources Minister Glen estimated. This in- cI uded over 9,000 citizens of the United States, and may have in- cluded Canadians returning from the United States-estimated at aven 9,M00. Discontinuance of the eight cent dominion government se tax on smoked and cooked me as a means of alleviating the sh increase in the cost of bacon the consumer, was suggested W. E. Tummon, Foxboro, sec tary of the Ontario Hog Prod ers' Association and the Onta hog producers. per ;les ats, iarp ito by cre- lUc- aro Phone 438 Bowznanvilo 42 King St. E. Team. Coole Mutton Piper Rundie Elliott Bagneli Westlake Luxton Cancilla Cole Williams Osborne Name J. Coole B. Bates A. Piper K. Luxton G. Piper A. Osborne H. Depew R. Oke B. Polley E. Roach B. Mutton D. Carter D. McKnight P. Cancilla A. Spicer H. Palmer R. McKnight F. Williams B. Westlake D. Little B. Hearle L. McFeeters R. Maynard R. Richards C~. Rundle M. Oke Rt. Swindells r. Gay G. Elliott K. Palmer Dr. Rundie S. Woods B. MeFeeters M'. Vanstone M. Dale C. Oke T. Bagnel R. Hayes B. Milne H. Hailmani R. Hearle E.Rundie JBrough W. Shotter G. Moody R. Halîman I I I G i i c 'J i E i F i J 'c' c J ILverages Won il 10 10 9 8 7 7 7 6 6 5 4 Games 14 15 12 9 15 15 15 12 15 15 15 12 14 15 12 14 14 14 10 12 15 15 15 il 15 12 15 il 15 9 15 15 15 15 15 13 15 14 15 15 15 12 14 15 Ladies' Bowling Gani IKeen Competitions iKools Stilli n Lead In league competition the K( are still out mn front although t: oniy took three points from Players. Lucky Strikes took1 games by a large margin from Wings. Tucketts, who for thef time this schedule had a c( plete team, took seven poi from the former second place1 ports. There were somte nice gar rolîed with Lillian Phillipq of Tucketts bowling a nice triple 759 (259, 268 and 232). H single honors alsa went ta F Beauprie 265, Pat Tait 263c 260, Helen Piper 257 and 249. Avenages Pat Tait --------- --- 203 Ada Tonkin ------ - 201 Bern Carter ---- 201 Kay Beaupnie -------- 197 Doris Joli ----------- 196 Vi Martyn ----------- 191 Helen Piper ------------ 187 Lillian Phillips ------- 187 Rae Wright -- ------- 181 (Intended for Lait Week) The stand of the Ladies' Ma !Bowling League after this wee bowling bnings the Kools out front with 21 points, Exponts no with 19, followed by the Lue Stnikes 16, Wings 15, Players Tucketts 2. The bowling in general m pon with seven games under1 100 mark. Tucketts with ar four playens an deck. again Iý seven points ta the Players. 'T Kools took five points fromt Lucky Stnikes as did the Wir fnom Ihe'Exports. High single gamtes wene Joy Major 275, Marion Swindclls 2 Kay Beauprie 250. High tnil honans went ta Kay Beauprie 6 (231, 210, 250), Doris Joli 6 and Helen Piper 609. Averages IAda Tankin ------ -- 212 !Berna Carter ---------- 204 Kay Beaupnie -------- 198 Vi Martyn ------- - 192 Jayce Majar 191 Rae Wright- 189 Doris Jol ---------- 189 - Dot Mqrris-------------- 185 IPat Tait ----------- 183 iHelen Piper 181 Ave. 244 234 233 231 230 229 229 227 224 223 220 220 219 217 2 f7 217 215 21-5 215 214 210 210 210 210 208 208 207 207 207 207 206 205 205 205 205 205 204 204 204 203 203 203 202 202 202 200 res Bush League Bowling Bill Polley hit the maples for a 769 triple, 284 single, but it al turned out for a losing cause as Walt Polley's team defeat ed Mit- chell 7-0 ta re-capture the leaàue lead. Gallagher and Levett led the winners. Bob Noble's team took an al- most sure hold on fourth place when they handed Bill Woalner a 7-0 white washing. Cowle and Deeley were the big guns for the winners. Osborne showed welh for the Woînen team. The B.T.S. team had very little trouble defeating Courtice 7-0 with Matt Harrison and Jim Thompson leading the way. Vet- zel was best for Courtice. Gara Balson from Courtice took the consolation pnize with 101. Roberts was his closest rival wîth 117, Team Standings Won Lost Pts. Poliey 33 15 80 Woolner 32 19 75 B.T.S. 28 20 70 Noble 24 27 56 Courtice 17 33 39 Mitchell 15 32 37 Averages Player Bob Gallagher Bill Polley Walt Polley Matt Harrison Jim Levett Frank Samîs Dud Deeley Norm Cowle Wes Hurst Porky Osborne Bihl Woalner Games 38 18 46 37 45 37 29 45 37 44 46 Ave. 233 222 207 200 199 193 193 192 190 190 188 jor ek's in Room lots and discontinued lext patterns. Measure your room cky and let us show you how il littIe l wili cosltaeredecor- Was ate. the nly lost Ask te sec aur book 'he the STUDIO MASTERPIECES ngs yee "«Quallty Ilu fot an acident- ý54, It In the result of Intelligent p9i planning." 625 l 2 J. W. JEWELL 12 'BIG 20" 12 12 PHONE 558 12 27 King St. W., flowusanviile 61 121 Wheelers Win Againsi Peterboro On February 5, the Wheelers were at home ta the.Peterboro teami and won 68-20. The.firet haîf featured a blazing, offensive and change of pace by the lacals the Petes couîd flot fathom. the Wheeler defense or stop their at- tack and the haîf ended 30 to 8 for Bowmanvillé. The second haîf was mare or less a repetition of the finît with a few spunts by the visitons, One thing was quite evident, it did not matter what line was on for the Wheelers, they had the upper. hand. The sconing was spread aven practically the entire teain. Mason was the top sniper with, 19, followed by A. Clemence, wlth 16, R. Rundle 13, Doc Siemnon 8, R. Williamsand T. Robson 4, Mc- Intyre 3 and Reddoclc 1. February 12, the Wheelers play an exhibition gaine. here with the strong Peterboro Intermediate A team who arc Ontario Chamn- pions. The locals are stepping. up a class to play against a top flght team. Do flot miss this gaine 1ai the Peterboro A'& are. a classe outfit and will gilve the fans.i real exhibition of fait-biok*éball. As a preliminary 'the Ojshiaa Juveniles are playifig aur -local. Junior team. First gaà1e '4t.7,15. Standing on Febraâry 7 Name Won boi Bowmanville .7 ,O Port Hope 3 2 Port Pcrry -'à --3 Lindsay 2_ 3 Cobourg 1 a Peterbono 1 6 The British government pays a consumer subsidy of 19. cents per Pound on both butter and cheese to maintain the retail price of butter at 28e a pound and the re.'- tail price of cheese at 2Qe a Pound, Food Minister John Strachey said in London recently. Thirty4ive persons have been convicted since last May of "ový- er-facing" or covering poor or un- graded fruit or vegetables with a top layer of a graded product and selling it as graded produce. Over-facing is an offense under the Ontario Farmn Products Grades and Sales Act. Genuine good taste consista In saying much in few words, in choosing among our thoughts, in having order and arrangement in what we say, and in speaking with composure.-Fenelon YOUR EYES VISION C. B. TUCK opt. Eyesight Specialist DheyDdt. <p.P.O.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 (71) Those premature conditions, however, may be overcome but those conditions due to age can only find relief with the assist- ance of the necesaary glasses and are neyer cured. Relief with the , - sses bowever, is very valuable help becausethe proper correction will make the eyes normal with their use. The patient being well advanc- ed in years. may often fear tftat the vision is seriously eridanger- ed. While in a lew cases this may be true, the mnajority of cas- es respond to the. correction and many. -even do sp bà»tter than1 young people. 1t is suéd .indeed,1 to meet with that case in the veryj advanced life where the patient1 expects to havre visioni normal or better and will mueit that if glais- es are worn they miuit güa*r&nte'e to suit themn in every way. I mayJ say that nothing can be done forj this type unles they- chanige therir way of thinking. "There isiia'6e11 s0 bllnd as he who will not sec."1 (to be continuedj 1 BIRDLAND INDnVmIUALITY To the casual observer, ail mcm- bers of a partîculai' species of bird are identical. They actual- ly have individuaîity, which shows in the song, appearance. and behaviaur; but ta deteet this the nature lover requires a sharp and retentive car, a watchful and dis- cec.rning eye, the opportunity for close inspection and expenience. Although the sang patterni of any species neyer changes, every bird han its own manner of 'sing- ing. This is more. apparent with some kindi than with others. It takes thte trained listener ta dis- caver any difference between the vaices of two Chipping Sparrows; but Song Sparrows show remank- able variation in thein tunes. Ev- en Robins can be known, apant by their sangs; the dispanity may be mn tone,. rhythm, or expression. You mnay imagine that evcry Redpoll looks like every other Rcdpoll. But had you the chance of seeing. a llotk for some time at clone range, you would find that in spite of the universal general characteristics, individuals differ considerably. According ta. P. A. Tavernen, Swainson's H aw k "shows, a bewildering variety, of coloration." Sharp - s h i n n e d Hawks are fan fromn uniform in size. Certain birds have idiosyxh- crazies. There arc isolated cases of a bird sparting one white fea- ther for several years, though moulting must have taken place in between observations. A bird bander will tell you that aIl birds do not behave alike wPen handled Some always lie quiet- ly until the operation hits been completed, tmre fight against it, othera show great fear. Re has fotcnd, that the saine bird, caught in 'his trap a number of times, will always act ila the saine way. And this bninga us ta another point: There are those which secin ta ýdeniv@ pleasure from being lrappcd,- because they return aven and o$pf again, even whcn taken to a'distant spot. Oui, Mkthed .-folk have food ,préf«tenccs also. We may spcak bioadlyof Red-talod HlWks tak- iiig more nmce ýtananyethcr pzi)MV. yt'-onc :Rcd-tail may ac- idma lante fer chickens. Ct b#*d arc noted for their ahýyhis; If their nests havýe be;èn diseover- cd they inimediately IcaVe Uthe WA l li(k TIIEATRE - BOWIMANVILLE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Feb. 12, 13, 14 ,(, - I ill rEDDIE BRACKEN Virginia Welles CASS DALEY City Slickers On a big town spree, with a ' million Laffs' "'ýLADIES' ýýI Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Feh. 16, 17, 18 SFCOND FEATTiRF x ERROL FLYNN el I Used Cars BOUGHT and SOLD 1940 HUDSON SEDAN in AI ccndition throughout 1941 WILLYS COUPE in good condition 1935 DODGE COACH, just like new 1941 DODGE SEDAN, very low mileage 1932 FORD V-8 cash- trade-ins - or easy terms Art's fCmrdie Gweneral Auto Repairs to aIl Makes and Models HAMPTON, ONT. PHONE 2148 - YOU CAN HAVE MODERN WIRING, TGO! Why be content with aid fashioned, inefficient electrical wiring when, for a camparatively modeit sumn we can modernize your wiring and save you money, too. Give us a ring. We wili be glad ta go aven youn house and advise yau what is needed. No charge for estimnates. HIGGGN ELECTRIC Your General ElectrieAÂppliance Dealer lrd%%Xrl OiN y rân --il il -1 1 Technicolor cartoon ý Majori iy of Bowlers Average Over 200 Points in League Thene was a houd crash of lim- ber on alleys 3 and 4 on Wednes-; day night every time Bihl Hearle' smacked the ald mapies. Bihl hit them ta the tune of 820 for three, games made up of 285-304-231. Jack Coole's slow baîl was work- ing ta perfection on the late shift and came up with 805, made up of 202-322-281i. Other nice trip- les were Jim Callan 764, Harry Depew 757, Ron Maynard 728, Ted Bagnehi 711, Hap Palmer 714, Fred Cale 707, Frank Samis 704. Ken Palmer 701. Jack Coole with 322 won the Royal Theatre tickets for the high single game. Dave McKnight was next with 309, Ken Palmer 307, Bihl Hearle. 304, Fred Cale 300, Harry Depew 294, Jim Cahlan 292 and Ron Maynard 290. For the second straight week Sid Nichais won the Iow honors; with 78, the season's best low score. Sid decided ta show ev- eryone that this was not a fluke, and came back with 106. Russi Hayes was next with 105 and the. senior member of the Men's Ma-, jor League, H. C. Osborne, hadj 109. President Jack Cole's team had high team triple of 3349 and Geo. Elliatt's team high single 1199. This week 46 bowlers had an average of 200 or better, whichi represents approximately 50% of the league's membership. We wonder how many other leagues can boast of that record. Keep up the gaod work boys. Standing UNWINNINO TiL 'ENT IRE RouTI WirtMOUTDROPpiWb WR1 M1 ST ORy TO'PUL LF F 'w!.MATOASTo) ýýAw r ;a' ýa ia 1 et lu ai HokyIidpJames T rwn ecatehors- an ochsare in evt wus re-elected to the Board of dence again in England. February 6 the first home and Directors of the Hoîstein-Friesian Rockets arc praving practicabi. home games in the windup of the Association of Canada at the an- for laying wire over riverï, ra- O.H.A. Juïamfie "B" league was nual meeting held February 4 in vines and cliffs. played in Orono and Port Hope Toronto. Mr. Brown will also cime out with a 7-4 win over serve as a member of the Nation- Normal pay in the crack French Breslin's Red Raiders. It was ai Extension Committee of the Foreign Legion is equal to abouJ close going with the Raiders ha&'- Association. five cents a-~ day. i.ng the edge in the firit period.Atoneraon(87apa Flcscouh an gli W mjos t'iD FORUM failed that woulId have made 'TePrsentered the second 7L.LL Newfoundland part of Caiinda. gaùme at Port* Hope, Monday nigbt Off-the-hiahway trails are plajq. wlihth U , 3-goal advantage and S.S. No. 4 Darlington Farm ned in France ta minimize trafflo cinchedthe titie with a 5-1 wmn. Forum met at the home of Arthur acdnst ies Total gopis 2 to 5. Found. The topic for discuussion acdnst ies _ .maIlleGoGlghr was "What Price Shall We Ask?" Under Britain's labor directioý defence. Breslîn, Rice; centre, Me- Question No. 1: "Should food program, "drones" are those wii Gregor; wings, Cattran, Hutton; subsidies be cstablished as a long do nothing; "butterfies," noth'ni altseriates, Langtôn, Jewett, Ham- terni policy in &~der to keep useful. "Splvs" are the chialerio ilton, -Mundta3, Lab, Lunney. prices down ta the consumer ____________ without lowering the farmer's re- Mldwef Losetuhile farmers do not generally The "Bb*mianville O.,M.H.A. favor subsidies because they feel Midgets playing home.And-horne that the price of their products fnl.thPqrt,,Hope, won in Or should be high enough ta give ona on Febftiai'6;ýby a score of them just return for their labor, 5-4. Tbýy,eame frori behind ta nevertheless the cansumers seem- win wilrChant spariking the re- ed more satisfied under govern- ifrprts' from ment subsidies, regardless of the covrý:f e scoreact that the article of food was ra ievetsed In Port Hope'Mlon- bringing approximately the samne day nigbt wth the Ports register- ; piece to the producer as it is now ing. a6-0 whitewash. an his co fthedifference Bowmnville: .Pon Stutt, Bobinbsct. Bieiefl. Prngl, Rn Hyne, ~Subsidies were Daid chiefly for Dpnle -B.e,arryCat Kch w proe: oke dw h Shaklton aEwîe Broo, G . cost of living for the consumer lfti. Td t errirJm and ta encourage the production DeQee ot Bure Is. ' of needed foods. All the farmer asks now is aON N ' N T price that will provide parity liv-ON MA S K T OHNA. Jr. 1" i ng for f arm people comparable ta other people in similar lines of League games on February 6, work. 18 DONE #p % tasty turn by in.the O.H.A. Jr. "«B" senies gave We found iA difficult to decide Oshawa a 7-4 edge over Orono, on which of several suggestions Fine, properiy regulatcd. But but in a return game the teams the price of aur goods should be uncontroiled Fire ean be a ticd 2-2. Sturrock and Siblock asked for, but this is our problem venomous dose of death and. led the Orono attack in which the and should be worked out by the West brothers and Elliott shared. producers. destruction. Hooper and Cç'wle weire in on Whether it be marketing boards the scoring f?,' Oshawa against parity prices, cast of prodjuction Check your Ffro Razards their formner teammetes. plus a reasonable profit, through Orono: Goal, Hooper; defence, aur gavernment supporting prices today! Flintoif, Coi; centre, Siblock; by subsidies and floar prices, or wingsRundle, Eiliott; alternates, shall we have ta curtail our pro- And proteet ynur proper- J. West, D. West, Johnston, Mc- duction ta ensure fair prices for Ivor, Perfect, Sturrock, Pattum, what we praduce, as it seems the ty dollars with adequate Fie Rowe, (sub goal), manufacturer already is daing. Insurance. Cali on Number present 18. Next meeting at the home of O..."treit0A"P Howard and Florence Cryder-St a tR J m e Gilhooley a nd Yourth:starred in man. the OHA. Intermediate '.A"St a tR J me game against Cobourg, February vicinity. But 'at least two Cat- 4, but the Ports lost 9-7. GiL was birds have been tamed so that Successor te J. J. Mason & Sms ini on. 4 counters and Maxie 3. they would came right inta a room INSURANCE- REAL ESTATOI League ,standing. ta date: if their favarite delicacy were Points left there. For ane, the attraction King Street, Bowmanville Trenton -- ------------------ 16 was butter, for the other it was Cobourg ------- ------- 8 cheese. This species is supposed R.C.A.F. Flycrs 6 te live on fruit and insects. Port Hope ------------------ 4_______________ Other results gathercd at ran- dom ini the absence of timé etaYR N attend gamnes; Jr. "-Oron Feb. 2:' O.H.A.Jr B Oon 7, Lindsay 3; Lindsay 8, Whitby ,A h , , A ~ N 1 5. 9b : OHA. Intermediate SK T N WR I A "A"ý-Trenton. la, Cobourg 5; Sponsored by the Tyrone Recreation Park Trenton 10, Port Hope 2, Gilhool- ey gctting anc goal. O.M.H.A. Juvenile "B"-Port SATURDAY, FEIRDà»U,4aRY 4th Hope 7, Bowmanville 4. O.M.HA. gantam - Bowmnanville 3, Part AT 8 P.M. SHARP Ieb 1*OM.A. Jr. "'"-Dou-InteB k bic bil at Oshawa: Whitby 3, Osh-IR heE k awa 1l;,Éycrs.2, Lindsay 1. Out COME IN COSTUME - 1 PRIZEs of thcs0: fast- and. rough games, Whitby ýtakes the league lead by SPECIAL PRIZES FOR VALENTINE PAIR anc oin ove Byrs.ENTERTAJNMENT BETWEEN ACTS - MUSICI BULTISFROM Admission: Adulis 35c Children lSC THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO - PAGE REVVIM 1 , . ..

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