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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1948, p. 8

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-?AGE EIGHT ThE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY. FE~. lIth. 1948 FREE SERVICE DEAD HORSES & CATfLE REMOe"ED NMMZDIATELY anid W TOUT CHARGE Telephone Coilect: TORONTO - Adelaide 3636 COBOURG - 48J GORDON YOUNG, LIMITED "Don'I Be Too Sure! *FIRE is a most unwelcome guest, one that can ruin your home.. . and rob you of thousands of dollars, unless you have adequate Fire Ini- surance. And who knows when Fire will cal. today, tomorrow, next month? Pýlay safe. Insure now with Stuart R. James luccessor to 1. 3. Mason & Son INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE * King Street, flowmanvllle S.S. No. 9, Clarke In spite of weather, roads and other attractions we had 145 at aur dance in Newcastle Friday nigbt. We are very graleful ta those --ho braved the elements and hope you ail enjoyed yaur- selves. Home and Scbooi Executive met at the president's borne Mon- day evening ta make plans for fC.ture activilies. Mr. Chas. Glenney had a ms hap when bis car skidded onthe icy pavement north of the sub- way on the Orono higbway on Monday. We are glad neiber Charlie nor wee John were ser- iously injured, alîbough consid- erable damage was done ta the front of the car. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bowen were dinner guests ai Chas. Gib- son's, Saturday evening. Miss Mary Gibson was borne for a week getting rid of a severe cold. Miss Mary Bowen came up from Cornwall on Friday and attended the No. 9 dance. She went back ta Cornwall Monday a!ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson were up ta sec tbe hockey game in Maple Leaf Gardens Saturday nighi. Mr. Henry C. Bowen, No. 9's oldesî resident, passed away on- Sunday evcning. Mr. Bowen was one of the best informed persans in local bistory and bad collecicd one of the finest private libraries ta be found anywhcrc. Miss Betty Osborne was borne from Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Wickeît, Maurice and Beverley, Elroy and1 Jack Gibson, Osbawa, and Mr.z and Mrs. Jas. Garvock, Newcas- 7 tle, and Ronnie, with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Gibson.1 Mrs. W. A. Gibson, Third Line5 East, bas been in poar bcalth. We were sorry ta learn that the doctors bad found il necessary ta amputate Mr. Jas. Branch's lcg last wcck. He is stili in Osbawa Hospital. Mrs. Bill Allin's mother, Mrs. Hill, and ber aunt bave rcturned home. Mrs. Hill bas been withr Mrs. Allin since Christmas. E Riifi ENNISKILLEN W.M.S. met at the borne of Mrs. T. M. Sieman February 10 witb an attendance of 28 ladies and 3 cbildren. Mrs. J. A. Werry bad charge o! _Warsbip period; scrip- turc readings wvere given by Mrs. F. Werry, Mrs. Harold Milîs and Mrs. E. A. Werry. "Crecd o! Christian Living" was given by Mrs. J. A. Werry. This was fol- iowed by Christian stewardsbip reading by Mrs. R. J. Ormiston and a temperance reading by Mrs. Roy McGill. Roll caîl was ans- wered and Mrs. Seymour gave an intcresting chapter of the Study book which was enjoyed. A love- ly solo was rendcred by Mrs. Lloyd Ashton with Mrs. A. Weamn accompanist. A Valentine lea was served by .Mrs. H. McGill's and Mrs. John Slemon's groups. A pleasant afiernoan was brought ta a sad closing when after lea, Rev. Seymour announced the sud- den passing of Mrs. R. Rowan tbat afternoon. Mrs. EL Annis bas been con- fined ta ber bcd for sornetirne with a bad cold. Her many friends wisb ber a speedy recov- ery. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bull and family, Part Hope, were Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. T. Abbott. W.A. wiil meet at Mrs. T. M. Slcmon's on Fe-bruary 24. Mrs. Howard Cale and Mrs. Roy Knox, Hampton, will spcak on Blue Cross graup plan for Hospital Care. AIl ladies are invited. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson and family, Bowmanviile, Mrs. Alice Thompson, Newcastle, with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Tbampson. Mr. and Mrs. R. Yea and Mor- ley, Mr. and Mrs. D. Yeo, Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton and farnily with Mr. and Mrs. H. Siaintan, Hampton. Mr. Howard Stevens is slowly impraving after bis aperation in Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. C. W. Souch, Hampton, vis- ited with bis sister, Miss Eva Soucb. Mr. Gea. Reid witb Mr. and Mrs. S. Dewcll, Hlampton. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and fa- mily spent Sunday with ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech, Hay- don. Mre. W. E. Sanderson, Colum- bus, with ber sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright. Mrs. Frank Dorland spent a few days in Oshawa witb her sister, Mrs. Stanley Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hodgson and family, Bowmanviile, at Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb's. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton an the arrivai. of a fine baby boy. Mr. Ross Ashton, Misses Marie Ashton and Wilrna Van Camp, Toronto, wiîb Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormistan had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanderson, Co- lumbus, Miss Jessie Van Camp, Blackstock, Mr. Ross Ashton and Miss Wilma Van Camp, Toronto, wiîh Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp. Service of World's Day o! Pray- er was beld in the church on Fmi- day. Because a! the Iragic sad- ness in the home of ane o! aur number the meeting was held aI 4 p.m. Those laking part includ- cd Mesdames H. MeGilI, Seymour, E. Werry, and J. Werry, J. Slcm- on, R. Ormiston, A. Wearn and C. Peihick. Musical numbers were given: solo by Mr$. L. Ashton and duet by Mrs. R. Seymour and Mr. A. Wearn. The minister had been as 'kcd la give an address on Pray- er but because o! the icy condi- tions o! moads it was impossible for bîm la return in time. The group Iben spent somne lime in singing familiar bymns. All pres- ent agreed that the lime spent was very belp!ul. Cemetery Board o! Jas. A. Wer- ry, Arthur Bruni, H. Pye and L. Wcarn met in the borne of Mr. Werry. It was suggcsted Ibai the cangregatian elect two more .rembers ta ibis board. On Sun- day, ai the evening service, L. Lamb and E. Trewin wcre elect- ed by vote o! the congregation. Board o! Ushers composed a! M4. J. Hobbs, A. Boyd, M. J. Stain- MOVING WEST M. Rawlinson Llmlt.d regularly makea UP and ahlp Housebold Furniture. Con- moldatéd Pool Cars to Manitoba, Saakatch- ewan. Alberta. British Columbia and te Callfornla. Write, wlre a*iphone for reduced fr.ight rat«s. E&tabllshed 1885. 610 Yonge St., Toroûto. Kingadal. 5125 MOVIN66 PAGEIN% sHippIlue agi SiOaRI* STARK VILLE Mrs. Geo. Ftwell in Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coulson, Osh- awa, wiîh Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim. Mike Shutka in Oshawa. Victor Farrow in Bowmanvilie. Miss Norma Hailowell, Toron- ta, with Mr. and Mrs. Liew Hal- ioweli. Miss Helen Deckert spent the weckend in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. Little and sons, Oshawa, wiîh Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallawell. The comnunity was sarry ta bear o! the fire in Newionville wbich destroyed the mill owned by Hugh Stapleton. Il is a loss ta Mr. Stapletan, also tdOhe farm- crs in Ibis district. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ormis- ion and daughicr, Bowmanville, with Mr. A. Minto. A correction a! last week. It sbould bave rcad "Mrs. Sid Hal- lowell and cbildren with ber un- cie in Part Hope. KENDAL Children's Hospital and $3.00 ta the W.I. ward of Bowmanville Hospital. W.I. were asked ta make a quilt 10 seli to help raise money fer street lights. A few minutes were spent in discussing current events. Mrs. Mary Luxon gave a very intpresting and prac- tical paper on "La arn h e line," folwed bythe fitting of a dress for Hiiditcb. Partners for a safety drivîng contest were found by matching vaientines. Mrs. E. Couroux and Mrs. R. Geach were winners. Lunch and a social chat were enjoyed. March meeting will be in charge of Mrs. Stoker, Mrs. Hilditch, Mrs. Dar- lington and Mrs. Couroux. BHOWN'S Home and School Club met on Tuesday evening ,wbcn lhey bad as their guests, Shaw's H. and S. Club members. Tbe latter pre- sented the follawing cntertaining program: Piano duels by Mrs. Bragg and Ruth; humorous rcad- ings by Howard Foley; vocal solos by Orville Osborne, accampanicd by Mr. W. E .C. Wamkman; chorus by four girls. Lunch was scrvcd and the remainder o! the evcning was spent in dancing. Miss Margaret Fisher, Toronto, raw's. A total o! $14.50 was band- was guest o! Mrs. F. Stoker. c d in being proceeds from card Mrs. A. G. Darlington with Mrs. parties. The members decided ta Jack Glover. knit an afghan, cach anc ta bring Mrs. John Tbompson visited twa kniited blocks ta the next ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Larry meeting aI Mrs. Honey's on Fcb- Wattcrs. ruary 25. Miss Ada Wilsen was holiday- Mrs. H. Reicbrath beld a card ing in Bowmanville. party on Saturday cvcning with Evan Quantrili and famiiy were five tables playing in connectian Sunday guests a! Mm. and Mrs. xvitb the Busy Becs. We had a Reg. Elliatt.. deligbtfuil ime and prizes were Mrs. Wm. Jackson and Mrs. won by Mm. and Mrs. Melville Milton Robinson called on Mrs. Joncs, Newtanviile; consolation Gea. Smith, Newcastlc. prizes by Sid Brown and ,jean This community was sbocked Perrin. The bostcss served a tas- ta bear of the sudden passing a! ty lunch. David Palmer, Dale, husband o! Giad ta repart that the illness Edna Martincli. in aur neigbborbood is sbowing Considerable interest is being improvement. Mr. T. Clark, Mm. taken bere in Breslin's Sunday J. Hillier and Mrs. J. Curson are a!ternoon braadcasi from Osb- all feeling a la,>betier and we awa ai 4:30. A number a! calîs hope Iheir bealiri continues ta im- have been put tbrough ta this prove. district withoui much success sa Mrs. H. Rcicbratb spent Mon- far. This district Jhas an inter- day in Toronto. woven telephone service supplied Mm. and Mrs. G. Stephenson by bath Orono and Clarke cen- and Mm. and Mrs. 1. Colwill took trais. a trip ta Minden. Kendai bad its first main Fcb- Mm. and Mrs. G. Stephenson ruary 13, since back in mid-De- spent the weekend in Ottawa witb cember. Our usual January tbaw Iheir daughier, Betty, nurse-mn- did not materialize Ibis ycar. training aI the Civic Hospital. Some folks are complaining o! Mm. and Mrs. T. Wilson and Wy- empty cisierns, while ahl are cye- llcnc, Ray and Sid Brown witb ing their fast diminishing fuel Mmr.and Mrs. Ellsworth Caswell piles and are haping the long cold ta celebrate wiih lbem their speli bas been broken. Kendai daugbter Elainc's birtbday. bas also a generaus supply a! sna w. 'TTIC Some fram bhere attended the RM F U S amateur show ai Newcastle. We ____ were pleased Ibat Joyce Tbick-, PROVIDENCE FARM FORUMX son and Jae Lewko were amang those in the lead-not Joyce Nix- Our forum met ai the borne o! on aind Joe Bebce as meported in Artbur Barnett with 23 present anc o! aur local papers. Deter- as Mrs. Bragg's lane being too mining xvinnems by the applause unsafe for cars owing ta soit snow. methad makes il doubly difficuit The discussion tapie was "Are for anes outside the "hometown". Farmers Businessmen?" We all Hawever, we undcrstand we are agmee it pays ta keep farmn finan- '10 bave the pîcasure o! bearing cial records. If a farmer daes Joyce and Joe aver CHEX, Pet- nat do so, be cannot know wbicb erboro, soan. depariment a! the farm is pay- A cuchre party was beld Feb- ing. A farmer kceping books is muary 6 in the Public Sehool with mare apitat be a good business the idea o! starting a fund ta put man and a mare aýfficient farm- ligbts on Kendal streets. A goad cm. A successful farmer is anc crawd turned out. Miss Selena wbo uses bis land, capital, labar Therteli and Mms. T. Hildiich were and equipmcnt namely, livesiock, first and second ladies' high win- seed, machincry and buildings, ta ners, xvhiie Mcl Wilson and Gea. the best advaniage and improves Mercer were bigh gents. Conso- the quality a! bis holdings. latiori prizes went ta Miss Isobel The main factors that have Moore and Chas. Kenny. Crok- brought farmers success are a mnole is ta be included in nexî good wi!e, good management, party. gaod land and co-operation witb Kendal WlI. met ai the borne bis ncigbbors, also courage ta o! Mrs. W. Mercer, February Il. take the knocks and came up smil- Roll eaul was answered iby "A ing-and the ability ta take ad- kind o! material and what you vantage o! the breaks wbcn thcy wauld like made !romn it." Five appear. dollars was donatcd 10 the Sick Mr. E. A. Summers, Agricul- m *I.J!i III E.fl~W Moden-Haney Flavoumed Horsey B3rand-Sweetened FIG BAR BISCUITS ib 29ç ORANGE JUICE Ouickly Relieves Distress of Spa eau c fdotrlpmt doi ike treofllad ol directions ln package. VICKS VATRO-NOL Newcastle Boy Wins Ail-Canadian Junior Judging Award J. Earie Brown, 15 - year - oid Newcastle boy, was winner in this year's Junior Judýgihg competition beld in connection with the selec- tion of All-Canadian Holstein cat- tle. Earle's winning score of 144 points was just six points less than the possible 150 and lied the 1946 winning score which up ta that lime was the highest ever recorded in the Junior Judging competition. A total of 505 mem- bers of Caif Clubs fram coast ta coast took part. The officiai list of Ail-Cana- dians was chosen by a panel of the judges at the ieading shows in Canada in 1947 and in the fifteen classes, Earle missed only twice, reversing the Ali-Canadian and the Reserve AIl-Canadian in the two-year-old heifer class and put- ting Otonabee Pabst Review, Hon- orable Mention two-year-old bull in as Reserve instead of the offi- ciaI choice of Baralee Pabst Rag Apple Sovereign. This is a very remarkable shovring indeed. Earle Brown is a son of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Brown of New- castle, his father being a National Holstein director. This is Earle's second year in Calf Club work, he being a member of the South Durham Club coached by Agri- cultural Representative E. A. Summers, Bowmanville. He was the leader in his club for aggre- gate score on the entire 1947 pro- gram and in 1946 stood first witb his cal! at the Achievement Day. It is interesting ta note that his 13-year-old brother, Gerald, wbo this year was in cal! club work for the first limne stood 26th with a score of 130 points. He was second with his calf at the Ac- hievement Day Ibis year and was fourth in the over-all score for the year's work. Francis Jase of Newcastle, also a member o! the South Durham Club, was tied for l7th place with a score of 132 points. Special prizes are being given the first 100 i the competition by the Hol- stein-Friesian Association of Can- ada. The open competition in which breeders from ail parts of Canada and the United States tried their skiil was won by J. J. Murphy, Huntingdon, Quebec, with a score of 148.' James T. Brown, New- castle, father of Earle, had a score of 136 and E. J. Brown, Orono, a score of 135 in this competition. tural Representative, and bis wife bonored us with their presence. Mr. Summers gave a very inter- esting and educationai talk on warble and bot flies, poînting out the darnage these pests do to cat- dle and horses and explaining how same could be controfled. Next meeting at Mr. and Mrs. C. Turncr's on March 1. Special Bacon Show New Feature ai Quinte Seed Fair John Rickard, Newcastle, presi- dent Quinte District Seed Fair, bas released an important an- nauncemeift wbich will add much interest ta the annual Seed Fair ta be held in Peterboro, March 15- 20, 1948. The twa days, March 18-19 will feature a speciai Ba- con Show at which Wilshire sides will be judged and cash prizes given the lcading winners. A Grand Championshîp and Reserve Cbampionship will carry extra cash awards. Pen entries o!f ive bogs each may be sent fram the nine caun- tics of the district. These must1 be delivered ta the Peterboro plant a! Canada Packers 1y Tbursday or Friday, March 4 or 5, for slaughtering and the sides will be judgcd by a commitîce aI the fair on the days designated. WiIh grain and bags allied in farm production Ibis new depar- Sew a success f ui suit.. lns Our Quality Woolens and ~Ç4~6d~J Gel a thrif t beadstart on Spring ward- robes for yau and your family. Beat the price a! fashion .. . and still look fashion- able. Sec aur distinctive fabries... complete sewing essentials . . . compîcte range o! easy-to-scw patterns in aur Fabric and Notions departments. Wda4 StG4e d PHONE 451- The Modern Store BOWMANVILLE Van Camps-In Tomato & Molasses Sauce PORE & BEANS 2 ln.. 9 :1 O 154 Green Valley--Standard Quality Tins13 PEAS ungraded 2 îno 29e Fancy Qua]iiy Horsey or Apte Brand-Sweetcned Red Gla-Chalce Quality PINK SALMON 871o 22Ç lýn 37e BLENDED JUICE 2Tiný 14Ç TOMATO JUICE 2 Tins25 Kr'ta SALMON Ilorsey Brand-SweetecÉ 3 ~ GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Simple Simon Campbells GINGRBRED MI140-< :29Ç TOM ATO SOUP 2 Ilarvest-Choice Quality PITTED CHERRIES Red CIa -!Standard Quality Tins lle TOMATOES Tins19 Kent Farm-Siandard Quality 10 2F GOLDEN CORN Tins 1 California Navel Sunkist - 288's Oranges - - doz. 31c Marsh Secdless, Texas 96's Grapefruit- 6 for 25c Tender Green Texas New Cabbage - lb. 5c Ontario Gro-wn Washed. Carrots - 3 lhs. 27c Ontario Grown Waxed Turnips - 2 lbs. 9c 20 Oz Tift Stoney Creck-Choice Qualty 27 20 oz 27 PEACHES Halves in S3tocçton-Choice Quality PEACHES , 29Ç Barton-Chioice Quality GREEN PLUS 2 Ay lmer-With Pectin RED PLUN JAM 20 0z25 Ti.m J4ars1 F~m -m---- I AYLMER I CHOICE QUALITY GREENGAGE !PLUMS! HEAVY SYRUF I 2 2 i O0z. 2 -'0 u- 2- mm ~mO SOf mI~ This concert consists displays of Cubbing on by Bowmanville and Cubs. Everybody Welcome of skits, songs and and Scouting, put and B.T.S. Scouts m Silver Collection BOWMANVILLE SCOUT and CUB CONCERT IN THE High School Audilorium ON Friday, February 201h 7:30 p.m. WILL TIUE iAý 6It VALL Dead or Crippled Farm Stock FREE 0F CHARGE High.st Prices Paid for Old Horses PHONE 4026 PETERBORO - REVERSE CHARGES N. PECONI, Proprietor. How About "THE NEW LOOK" FOR YOUR HOME Insel-Brick or Roll Brick Either the top qualiiy insulation job or the ecanomy job with the same outside appearance. A lifetime surface with no upkeep or maintenance cosi. Give us a eall we will gladly estimate yaur requiremnents. The Sheppard & G1"i Lumber Co. Limited Phono 715 Bowmanville 96 King st. E. L. s. i s s 1 ADVERTISED LI F__Ê] .1- ý",'PAG£ XIGHT 1. 'rHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEt. Igth, le48 ture is creating much interest. The Durhàm County Seed Fair wili also be held in conjunction with the Quinte Show and the committees under president J. T. Brown, Newcastle, are busy per- fecting ahl arrangements. Secre- tary -treasurer, E. A. Summers, bas issued mimeogl-aphed' bulîle- tins giving particulars of the en- tire proceedings at Peterbor¶o and any farmer requiring further par- ticulars should contact Mr. Sumn- mers. South Darllngton Area School Board South Darlington Township Ar- ea Schoal Board met February 10 with ail members present except- ing Garnet Rîckard who was in Toronto. Minutes were read and bis ee amined and ordered paid. There is litIle ta repor.t of any interest with respect ta this meet- ing because of its being of a pure- iy routine matter. Next meeting at Maple Grave, March 9 at 8 p.m.

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