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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1948, p. 12

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--- PAGE TWELVE TT?~ ANAnaimlrzi-R A P. IeISWA .TtTT tU à%M'I'AU Last week was a busy one with the ora!torica1 contest, 3rd Form's program, basketball games at Whitby and preparations for the At Home. The big dance will be uniqtue due to the fact that dance progr*ams will be re-introduced. B.H.S. will thus revive this old custom which passed out of use quite a number of yeara; ago. Next week will mark a return to B.H!S. of teams from Ontario School for the Deaf at Belleville. Their Juinior Boys will meet our E.H. uniors at 4:15 on February 23 in a basketball game. w-hile Bellevilhe Junior Girls will try to overcetnnŽ our powerful Junior damse.Is at 7 p.m. 0f special note is the fact that at 3:30 on Mon- day, before the games commence, a demoristration by one of the teachers'. of the school for the deaf, showing speech work and rhy- thm as taught in sehool will be provided' for ail of B.HI.S. and anyone.telse who is interested. It will be.- remembered that Mr. W. J. Mo trison, a former popular princip Pl of B.H.S., is superintend- ent of .3elleville School. a 0 a e c ti A aý o r ri el al p c A e' Used 1940 HUDSON SEDAIE in AI condition 1941 -WILLYS COUPE in good conditi( 1935 DODGE COACIi 1942 CHEVROLET CC 1932 FORD V-8 cash - trade-ins Art's C General Auto Repairs to a] HAMPTON, ONT. NEW!I SUITS ANI FOR spi b One look and you1' qn vinced the new loi c Bountifully exprc.s. -, "i handsome new suit-; m- maculately tailorcd beautifu'ly ztyled . su- perbly crcated. Select your new Spring suit here today' Couch, Johoston PHONE 836 "Sert GREGORY FRU the Lay Association of tbe Pres- Thc crowd and the enjoyment bytery.-1 rt the latcst "Club 15"' dance sur- Arthur McLaren was taken to passed ail other efforts of these Bowmanville Hospital Tuesday imbitious girls. Held at the High evening for an emergency opera- School, the music xvas provided tion. SBernard Tierney's orchestra. Mrs. E. Evans received some %vent Io the Hospital Auxiliary. when throwing some oiiy nags in MAlproceds oftbinsptdance t7, ead urns o er aean ad adddt h vnn' enjoy- Orono women observed World's mn.Some of the lucky winners Day of Prayer Friday afternoon wercMissLov andMr. eri in Park St. School room when Cr ' derman xho won the first spot about 50 turned out to take part dance and Mr. Frank Blunt and in a very fine meditation on "The partner, wvho %von the pnize do- Lord's Prayer." Mrs. R. A. Delve nated by Mr. James Marr. Mrs.prsecan eomdhelis Brue Hgarb hld he innngf rom the Evening Auxiiiary and attendance number and received from St. Saviour's Church. Those a lovelv bouquet of flowers do- on the platform, taking part in nated bv Atkins' Florist Shop. the readings, were Miss M. Davy, SCryderman 'o a cha'rming nosegay in the la- Ms .C aby.Ms .Mr i-s.J. . Dxonw-a th winerMrs. FJ. aly, Mrs. H. Murs- 1dies' tag dance. ray, Mrs. W. J. Stainton, Mrs. W.1 BOWNA.NVILLE The next dance to be beld onE S. Cobbledick, Mrs. Roy~ Goode April 2. is to be called "Tulip and Mrs. F. Lycett. Time- and promises to be just as _Mrs. M. H. Staples gave a short1 popular, so get your tickets eanly. talk and Mrs. A. A. Drummond1 r oodward Wins s Silver Tea Set g SuccessFul Sale! i ng genius, Ross Metcalf, next rendered two vocal gems, Mac- L N Narmara's Band and Eleven More W a v eech 0 ! Months and Ten More Days. Wl [END, Editor tainment was a wrestling match between "Farmer Jacob Brown" - (Pin Morris) and "The Masked op r . Marvel" (Bob Gallagher), with Form Program Frank Mohun acting as referee. (By earlBresin)It was a novel idea and caused (ByPeai Besln)a lot of genuine laughter. Had C lim a x in i Wednesday afternoon, Febru- the end of the "fight" been omit- ry 1l, after a two weeks' session ted, it would have been even bet- . . .. f expectation, the lads and lassies ter, B.H.S. is noted for its cdean t B.H.S. were treated to a sup- wrestling shows. r-duper hour of entertainment Tschaikowsky's beautiful Con- )y the talentedi third-formers and croN.1wsvr bypae ,ommercial students. Yes, it vas croN.1wsvr bypae Âmc for their mighty program - at two pianos by Audrey North- Mfter the minutes of fourth form's cutt and Kay Lycett. Audrey sup- ýk- îrogram were read by secretary plied the melody and Kay, the 3obKno, tatpoplarjeserchords and accompaniment. An- %rthur "Bucky" Buckspan, acting' other play -followed, entitled, "A is M.C., started the program witb Pair of Lunatics," starring Ross few jokes. His stooge was none Metcalf and Jane Marjerrison. )ther than Bonnie Woods. While These two very ably acted accord- o Oscars were awarded, it is ing to the titie. The program ,umored that Bucky and Bonnie ended witb a Form song. -eceived an offer from local farm- ýrs to encourage or shame their Basketball orn nto rowng S ricly. Our Junior Girls are still un- One of the highlights of the beaten in league play, the ban- fternoon wvas a plavlette, starring tams going down under Whitby at Bowies, Frank Mohun, Chris. High School Thursday, to leave ambel Lois Fisher, Russell only one unbeaten B.H.S. team. lldread, Bob Gailagher and Dor- sPark. With time for very few Girls' Games ehearsals, thîs performance prov- The Juniors won 23-6. A re- d to be a great success. The sing- markable showing on the part of the guards bas a great deal to say in the now lofty standing of the Juniors. In no league en- counter has the opposing team ev- er scored more than seven points against thcm. Sucb consistency is lacking even in the forwards a r .1 and coach Mrs. Lewis feels very proud 6f her defense stalwarts, ~ Pat Bowles, Madeline Osborne, m e KI S O L Cathenine Campbell, Janet Dale, Marjorie Mutton and Doris Char- tran. Th ese girls may not make q, radio and heater the headline.3 in a scoring way, but they certainly pack a lot of Lthroughout punch bebind the ten second line. The Senior guards also used their defensive to good advantage, nearlv whitewashing W.H.S., to W E ARE PL' on ~the iune of 18-2. Joyce Grant,evnn Pearl Breslin and Virginia Hop- kins seem to be inspired by the Silver Tea Serv [, just like new' words of the first War's Verdun vice Station attg beroes: "They shahl not pass." Junior scorers: Evans (2), ed the winner. )A H new tires Northcutt (3), Fisher (2), Sudds ivtdt ec (8), Bates (2), P. Dîppeil (6). ivtdt e c Senior scorers: Heyland (13), drd ballots and J. Marjerrison (3), D. Buttery (2). * o eay trmsThe Boys' Games James is showr - oreasyterm Themen didn't fare so well at w'hile the smilE Whitby. The Seniors lost a toughie 20-19 on a last second Inventory Sale field goal. Our heretofore invin- cible bantams, minus Don Stutt, didn't need a sl ýaae wbo bas the flu, lost 18-11. Whit- Il ake an Moelsby Juniors also won, beating B. is a connivancE Jl Mkes nd MdelsH.S. Juniors 21-10. PHONE 2148 The big games of the season __________ are coming up this week against Uxbridge, whom no Bowmanville teamn, except the Junior Girls, bas beaten. The bantams also have a mid-week encounter with Osh- Mn tcll what B.H.S. teams will go on Now that the Sale Io the COS.SA. elimination ser- HoprItako ies. who helped to cie Senio Oratrica Con.stfAmarcharndise whi Senir OatoicalConesthad so much of it, (By Gwen Griffith)I ryiflg us for somet ETuesday afternoon, February done a wonderful S 10, aIl the students of the school us and we hopE )O T Oae '1 heauiorum har1 prices helped you. S e ni r O at o r c al C o nt st .W e a re n o w b a c k pelI, in choosing the topic, "New- brthncai. foundland, Canada's Tenth Prov- left here and the sr ince," mentioned the many bene- fits that Canada would receive if____________ Coat go o al lenths his she allied herself with Newfound- Co asgontoail egths thisland. new easo tomake~YOUaIl Gregory Friend took a very em- the more alluring, the more phatic affirmative attitude toward attractive! See our bight the question, "Will the Marshall-1 c new springtime collection of Plan effect the Salvation of Eu- fascinating fashions -each nope?" He reviewed the causes and everyone so different- - of the conditions in Europe and 28 KING ST. W. gave the origin of the Marshall each one a favorite new i Plan as well as the urgency of style. the execution of the plan. Jacqueline Heyland spoke on ----- " The Evils of Communism." Af- ter giving the definition and ex- amples of Communism, sbe show- J (' le is over we, at >r many friends cear our shelves hich, because we 1had been wor- time. Yfou have Jjob of hclping pe the bargain k t normal and The money you space we obtain- PHONE 747 mo News sang very feelingly Malotte's composition of "The Lord's Pray- er" accompaniedby.Mrs. Staples. Rev. A. E. Eustace pronounced the benediction. Mr. Henry C. Bowen, a life long resident of Clarke Twp., passed away Sunday night and was in- terred in Orono Cemetery on Wednesday. A bus ]oad of members of Or- ono I.0.O.F. lodge journeyed to Peterboro Monday evening, when Orono degree team put on the 3rd degree. At the Women's Association meeting in Park St. United Church, Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, pres- ident, conducted the business, which consisted of reports from the treasurer concerning the sup- per served at the convention and reports fromn different secretaries, also plans for several social eve- nings. Mrs. N. F. Porter conduct- ed the devotional period, taking the word Mizpah as her theme. An interesting program consist- ing of a --ocal solo by Mrs. A. A. Drummond, and readings by Mrs. EcI. Dean and Mrs. Victor Robin- son, Orono Athletic Society had a successful dance in the Hall on Friday evening. Miss Beverley Payne under- went an emergency operation for appendicitis on Sunday afternoon. Several carloads of Orono citi- zens interested in the abolition of Women's Beverage Rooms attend- ed a meeting in Newcastle Com- munity Hall on Monday evening. when Rev. George Little and Mr. Fred Lewis were thie speakers. Mr. Orme Gamsby who has been il- for several weeks, is now a patient in BowmarFville Hospi- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ransberry, Montreal, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Lewis and other relatives. aMiss 1. Stephens, Bowmanville.I ed by clearing our showcases will enable us to purchase more of those Bluebird Diamond rings. Wm. A. Rogers Community Plate, 1847 Rogers Bros., 1881 Rogers Silvcrwarc, Shelley China, Glad- stone, Rolex and Lorie watchcs, Westclox cdocks, trophies for al occasions, fine lamps and a wide selection of other jewellcry, and git items. Whcn you need any- thing in our line we'll be delight- cd to be of service to you. BOWMANVILLE with Mrs. Annie Roy. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hay and fa- miiy, Bowmanviile, with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan. Misses A. and E. Morrison with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Anderson, Hamilton. Mrs. Henry Smith and son, Hornepayne, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Deb Myles. Mr. Chas. Wood, Kitchener, at bhom e. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane, Sam Keane, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Keane and David, Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Keane. EMiss Shirley Myles, Toronto, at home. Mr. and Mrs. L. A .Da:cb, Lake- view, and Miss Joyce Tennant, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tennant. Mrs. Jas. Dickson witl. Mr. and Mrs. Bick, in Hamilton. Mn. A. A. Drummond with bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. A. A. Drum- mond, Toronto. Misses A. Basnett and F. Gray at their homes in Toronto, CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Clarke Township Council met February 9 with aill members present. A number of important1 decisions were made anising from corresponoence. W. A. Anderson' wrote that the matter of snow blocking noads ieading onto Pro- vincial Highways would be at- tended to; Dept. of Highways ap- proved the purchase of the Cica- trax Tractor at $12,450; a letter in response to a report from the Inspector of Vital Statistics was rcad and bbc clerk instructed to prepare a resolution asking that a better system of recording vital statistics be set up bo enable town- ships to keep a full record for its own use. Cutting of trees on Township roads was left in the hands of bhe Road Superintend- cnt. Resolutions were passed ask- ing Dept. of Highways to subsi- dize on the amount of $55,932.74 spent on Township roads during 194-4; granting to the Orono Libr- ary $25; permitting Reeve and Enniskillen Churcli Reports Active Year At AnnualMeeting Annual meeting of the congre- gation of Enniskillen Unîtedc Church was beld in the Sunday School room with a good attend. ance. The meeting opened with read- ing of scripture by F. Ellis, clerl4 of the session and prayer by Jas. A. Werry, recording steward. The minîster, Rev. R. M. 'Seymour, gave a summary of notes as to ac- tion of Trustee Board regarding tbe McLaughlin bonds and their administration. This was order- ed by the meeting to be placed as records in our books. The thanks of the congregation was extended to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Werny as custodians of these bonds. Sunday School report was pre- sented by Mrs. T. M. Siemon, in the absence of ber husband and sbowed that the school bad an in- come of $515 for the year ex- clusive of M. and M. givings. Mn. Jas. A. Werry gave an ac- count of income by interest and expenditure of monies connected with bonds and made special ne- ference to expenditure on the par- sonage duning the year. In the W.A. report Mrs. Fran- cis Werry, treasurer, reponted the success of this society baving raised $157.90. W.M.S. bad a successful year, raising $99.18 and exceeded al- location by several dollars, Mrs. Jas. A. Werny, treasurer, wbo gave tbe report, moved its adop- tion. These twc societies tbrough a com'bîned committee bave arrang- ed for tbe meetings for the entire year for both groups in the homes of our people. Invitations to six more homes tban were needed were also received. C.G.I.T. reported a small bal- ance due to inability te find girls of sufficient number and the membersbip is nlot large. Choir report in absentia was presented by the minister, $10.00 being on hand. It was suggested by A. Wearn, choir leader, that this amount be used to purchase new choir books. Report of the session was giv- en by clerk F. Ellis and showed that 177 people bad celebrated the Lord's Supper during tbe year. Tbere had been four funerals, five baptisms and two marniages. The session wbich bas been composed of five members, Jas. A. Werry, W. H. Moore, F. Ellis, T. M. Slc- mon and L. Ashton, bas been in- creased te ten members, the fol- lowing, being added: R. J. Ormis- ton, John Siemon, Milton Stain- ton, E. A. Werry and Edgar Wrigbt. Tbe meeting passed a motion making these new nom- inecs eiders. It is hoped tbat a service of consecration will be beld to officially instal these new- ly electeci mernbcrs. Mr. Ellis . ve the report of the funds received for Temperance Federation, tbe Institute for the Blind, Bible Society and Lord's Day Alliance, a nice suma being raised for each. Report of Adult Bible Class was presented by Mrs. A. Wearn, treasurer, showing $30 bad been naised, exclusive of about $20 to M. and M. Fund. Young People's Union reported $20 on hand. It was suggested to devote part of this money te M. and M. Fund. The minister thought that a good idea but that the young people of the group should decide this among them- selves. No report beifig present for the organîzed class of Mn. Alvin Boyd, it xvas said tbat the class bad been vcry successful in membership and finance. The saine was said of the organized class of Mrs. L. Wearn, having raised $13.92.' Committee of ladies composed of Mesdames Siemon, Stevens, Paige and Griffin were ne - ap- pointed te care for preparation of lînen and elements for the Sacra- ment . These ladies bave always been very kind, thoughtful and efficient in this work. Report of stewards was given by treasurer, Mr. A. Wearn and showed $2,065.63 bad been raisedi Road Supt. to attend Gov't. Roads' convention in Toronto; closing the piece of road from Jaynes' cross- ing to the Newtonvillc noad on the Lake Shore because of the dangerous condition of the Lake bank; that Ross Dickinson be ask- cd to work witb W. A. Reid at an bourly wagc of 60c and if satisfac- tory to the counicil a by-law be passcd appointing him Road Supt. for the Township of Clarke at a salary of $1,800 per year plus the usual allowance for transporta- tion. Reeve réported on the condition of the Hall and a funther report is to be brougbt in at the next council meeting. By-laws were passed appointing Line Fence Viewers and Pound Keepers; this list can be found in the clerk's office; asking for ap- proval by Dept. of Highways on spending of $53,200 on Township roads for 1948. Bis werc passcd amounting to, $3,507.18. Council adjourncd toE meet March 2, at 10 am. i present members were doing good work and no additions were need- ed. Mrs. Francis Werry spoke in be- haif of decoration committee, corn- posed of A. Wearn, Mrs. R. Orm- iston, Mrs. H. Milîs and R. Mc-. *Gi, who had charge of arr:-nje- d ments for redecoration of our ycburch, notir.g the spiendid work *thev bad donc and the great amount of time and energy, ask- ing the meeting to express i's ap- kpreciation lvhich thcy did gen- s. erousiy. e Report for M. and M. Fund was given by treasurer, Mn. Lloyd Ashton, showing $236 bas been graised by the three appcintments. rThe minister said, "that wbilc we * adn't reached our allocation à $325 %ve bad raised $200 to tbe i* Sary, a grant wve received in formi- cer years, with the decoration of ýour church and other funds rais- cd be w-as proud of the Enniskil- ]en Circuit and giad to be its min- nister. He aiso referred to the im- provement made on the circuit since he became its pastor, Enn- field Church liad been ne-decor- -ated and elcctricity installed, Burketon Church bad been sided up, with'insul brick. goodly dona- tions given to Britain, etc., for d food and necessities. He made speciai refcrence to Mr. Pye, care- faker of this church, for the love- ly warm church in which to come after a Sunday's work, Mr. Pye eis a very thoughtful, painstaking 9caretaker. The meeting closed with a mo- tion in which Mr. Jas. A. Werry thanked the minister and the sec- retary, M. J. Stainton, for their Dvery fine work. The minister repiying for both bimself and the secretary, then pronounced the Rbenediction. BABY LC-ICKS ii S.C. WHITE LEGHORNS BARRED ROCKS We opertte a breeding farm not a commercial hatcbery. Aillbatcbing eggs produced on our own farm. 100% clean blood-test Fcbruary and March pu I make best fali produce :! I Orchland Farm , H. J. BROOKS Bowinanville Phone 2636 " ron~onTO Ford Hotels aire freproof and centrally Iocated - Most of the 750 rooms in each hotel have privte bath and radio. Forreservations writeor wire the Manager weII in ad- vance off anticputed arriva. " Do women need t suffer uo?"-motheru ,'. arc often asked. One motiier %erites: "The company nurbe QUC when iny daugh fared she would à' RELEFher job because of fi lteach rnonth. NoUI rlief aiesno from iand ach des anotferpalin o Chase'fort your assur-" anc.INrr Paradol teawr if opr mnwse. f R. C!. K LEASED to announce that on Saturday at 9 o'clock the draw was made for the vice with Walt Woodward, popular Ser- tendant at Mike Osborne's, being select- Geo. W. James, Statesman editor, was h into the carton containing several hun- 1 came up with Walt's purchase slip. Mr. n with the ballot just after it was drawn ýe on my face indicates that the After- Dwas a huge success. Incidentally, I shave quite as badly as pictured. That :e of the p1wtographer and engraver. Thanks, CustomersI 1 THE CANADIAN STATP-qmAj t,%mTÀPrr% ýla - 93S

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