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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Mar 1948, p. 13

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TRURSDAY, MWARCH 4th, 1948 PAGE TmRTEEIq THE CANADIAN STAT~5MAN ~OWMANVTT TW r~rrA nTj% =CE~M5/E r COMING EVENTS IBTOOKTNG-Mr. and Mrs. How» Mr. and Mrs. Norman E.1 Rumnmage 'Sale sponsored by ard Brooking wish ta announce Wright wish to annaunce the en-. the Gîîildettes of St. John's An- the birth of their son, John Greg- gagement of their youngest glican Church on Saturday, Mar. orY, at Bowmanville Hospital, on daughter, Hazel Loreen to Percy 6, 2:30 ta 5:30 in the Parish Hall. M' ch 3rd, 1948. A brother for Albert, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. 9-2* -> LhS Ann. 10-1' Tresis, of Oshawa. The marriage ~SON-To Mr. and Mrs. Glenn i1tkplcthson.11 Dance at Enniskillen Commun- ..~ison a a ugter Parîca Mr an Mr. S.R. cDoaldity Hall, Friday, February 27, un- ibso, adauhter Parica Mr an Mr. S.R. cDoaldde r the auspices of Enniskillen rie 8 paunds 2 ounces, at Mt. announice the engagement of their Athletic Club. Music by Ruth *mI1jton Hospital, Hamilton. daughter, Muriel Bernice, ta John Wilson's variety band. 10-1l Ofton Feb. 27, 1948. 10-l* Rae Abernethy, son of Mr. and ____ Mrs. J. H. Abernethy. The mar- WILKINS-Mr, and Mrs. Harrlid nage wîill take place March 27, A box'social will be held in Wilkins (nee Dorothy Pingle) are 1948.- 10-1* Bradley's School, Friday evening.i1 happy ta annaunce the birth of- March 5. Moving pictures will their son, Danny Morley, born in IN MEMORIAM be shown by Mr. Carveth at 8 Bowmanville Hospital on Febru- p.m. after which the boxes will be ary 27th, 1948. 10-1 BROWN-In loving memorY Of a auctioned. Came and bring a dear mother, Anmie Aifretta friend and a box. MARRIAGE Brown, who passed away March____ MARYN- REIN M. nd6, 1947. Dance under auspices of New- MRY - RWN-Mad"We do nat forget her,cate etrn'Asiton t Mrs. Wm. H. Trewin, Haydon, an- We love her tao dearly Ncastle CommuansAsiat onHallF naunce the marriage of their For her memary ta fade NwateCmuiyHlFi yaungest daughter Claribel Edith From aur lives like a dream, da' Marchestra .m. eDanfo ta James Everest Martyn. eider Our lips need nat speak Hm' rhsr.Pocd o son a! Mr. and Mrs. Glen L . Mar- hnau ertmunsncey Newcastle Memorial Rink. Ad- tyn, Bowmanville. The marriage Foi- grief often dwells' acetkt1uk da.Ams took place at the home of the hr t e'misse. sion 50c. 9-2 bride's parents, an Februarv 28, -Sadly missed and ever r emem- T with Rev. A. E. Crcsswell offi- bercd by June and Tommy, Tho annual meeting of the Bow- ciating. 10-1 Sid and'Ray. 1-If manville Hospital wilI be held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday DEATFIS MOUNTJOY-In loving memory. cvening, l6th March at 8:00 p.m., -of a dear husband and father, Lu- for the purpases of receiving re- CHAPMAN - At Bawman ville ther E. Mount.ioy, whîo passed 'orfs and electian o! the new Hospital on Friday, Febluary 27 th. awav, March 5th, 1946. Board. 1948, Alberta Fcrn Chapman. be- Ris 'memory is as dear todav -P3 R. J. Dilling, Sec.-Treas. ]oved daughter of the late Mr. As in the haur he passed away. and Mrs. Isaac T. Chapman, aged -Ever remembeired by Wife and Dance at Solina Sehool. Friday, 53 years. The funeral was held rl'a m ix.10-1 1 March 12th, sponsored by Solinai from the Morris Funeral Chapel r____ Public Library ta increase ther on Manday, March lst. Interment ROESIn loving memnory of fund for purchasing new books Orn eetr 01a dear husband and father who 1 and improving the property. passed away, March 3rd, 1947. Lunch wîll be sold. Admission PATTRICK-Ini Bowý,manville onl A loved one gone, whose mcm- 35c. 10-1 March 1, 1948, George William H. ory~ dear Pattrick, beloved huisband Of We chcrish each passing véar." Women's'Institute Kopper Kair- GeorinePatric, agd 8 ycrs. Gone but not forgotten bv his nival and cafeteria tea at Lions- Funeral from Chapel of North- wife, daughter Peggy and' Community Centre, Thursday, E cutt & Smith. Interment Bow.- grandson Allan. 10-îl: March il from 2:30 p.m. Dra\& i-anville cemctery. at 8 pm. foi'0 aube rze n TRIMM-In ]oving memory of cluding two fancy quilts, electric- SENKLER-At the Ontario Hos- aur Grandmother. Sarah Trimm, dlock, nylons. See display and IC pital, Whitby, on Tuesda , March xvho passed away March 5th, 1943. purchase tickets at Hydro Office, d 2nd, 1948, Edmund (Ted) S. Senk- Not just today but every day March 4th to March lOth. 8-3* C 1er, beloved husband ofte aeIn silence xve remember. Mary E. McLaughlin. Restin -at ,cr remembered by Helen A general invitation is extended- the Marris Funeral Chapel for and Jack. 1()-l* ta attend the services in Hampton service an Thursday, March 4th,___1_ United Church, Sunday, March 14,- at 3 p.m. Interment Bownianville TRIMM-In loving memory of, which marks its 74th anniversary cemeteri'. dear mother, Sarah M. Trimm,' The guest ministeî-, Rev. H. A. ir WILIA S-uddnl a he ltewho passed away March 5th, 1943. Bunt, B.A., Newtanville, will b WILLAMSSudenlvat er ateThere is a sad but sweet remem- preach at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Spe- residence, 44 Brown Street, Port birance, cial music bas been arranged for- Hope, February 27th, FIocnce L. Thiere is a memory fond and true; the services. 10-2 B Legg, beloved wife of Jair.es C. There is a token o! affection, tr Williams, formerlY o! Bowman- mother, Durham County's 27th Annual r11 ville.________ And a heartache still for you. Sale of pure bred Shiorthorns, -Lovinglv remembered by hier wil1 be held at the farm af A. J. L N tcsdaughter Ethel. 10-i: Nesbitt, 2 miles east af Brooklin fc ________________________Continuation Schoal on County ýV Wanda's Beatîty Shap, 80 King TENDERS WANTED road or 5 miles north of Oshawa fr St. West. Permanents that make fair grounds and anc mile west, Fi pergianent customners. For ap- Thursday, March 11, 1:30pm.n psx'~ntpae281 04 FOR SALE BY TENDER Thrhilb fee 3cice à0;,nns phn 85. 1 Sealed tenders will be received young bulls, 1l heifers and 2 cows- th W. Siemon, MD., 38 Cen- by the undersigned up ta noon an with calves at foot. Ahl accredit- tre St., Physician and Surgeon., the 6th day of March, 1948, for ed blood tcsted and illaculated.- Office'hours: Afternûon 2-4, exceptj the property on the south side of Lunch \vill be procurable at sale. E. Wednesday. Nights, Tuesday, Concession Street, Orono, at pres- For catalogue write S. Chas. AI- si Thursday and Saturday 7-8. 4l-tf cnt occupied by Mr. W. A. Reid. lini, Bowmanville, Ont. 10-1 re This property consists of a lot of C R SO H N S - jé~usic lessans given by L. Ven- about four-tenths o! an acre liax- YiRD FTIA K nh/ng, professional teacher af vio- ing a frontage of about 100 feet__________________ l'in, saxophone and clarinet. Phone by a depth of about 165 feet oni Mr. and Mrs. John Poolton wîsh t 2890 or write L. Venning, R.R. 3, vwhich is a frame house covered ta express their sincere thanks B( Bowmanville. 10-l* wîth insul brick - cantaining six and appreciation toa al their K - ~rorns and bath, also garage for friends for the maniv lovcl.v gifts. IN R eception truck, also barn. Inspection at flowers and cards on the occasion lei 1- anY reasonable time. Possession af their golden wedding anniver- g Mr. and Mrs. Charles King will ta be gîven April 1, 1948, if de- sary. 10-1*'jtý receive their Iriends at the home sired. Terms, cash; highest or Br____ of their daughter, Mrs. Charles in 'y tender nat necessarily accept- Mrs. Jessie Brocki Cracklc St Burns, 68 Elgin St., on the occa- cd.* wishes ta sincerely thank ail the - sion of their 55th wedding anni- Dated Fcbiuary 19, 1948. friends of hier aunt, Mrs. Martha M, versary on Thursday, March Il R R. WADDELL, Orono, Ont. Parnal, espccially Mrs. MeMillan col fram 2 ta 4 and 7 ta 9 p.m. 10-1w 11 9-2 Solicitor for W. A. Reid and Mrs. Tebblc, for aIl their Pe kindness ta ber during her life- mi time, particulai-lY during the past I-n jthree years since bier busband loiý WILL TAKE AWAY ALL died and she bas been so alone. tre Dead or Crippled Faim Stock FREE 0F CHARGE Highest Prices Paid for OId Horses PHONE 4026 PETERBORO - REVERSE CHARGES N. PECONI, Proprietor. SEED CLEANING Have your seed cleaned early and avoid disappoiniment. Five good reasons why seed should he well cleaned: 1 . You aie taking the flirst stop) towaîds your obligation of!imeeting Ontario's Lurgentl\y neederi 50 million bushel iincaso in 1,948. 2. X'au get more bushels per acre b ' using better seed whicb nieans greater profits for x ou. 3. Yosi sa\-c valuable hours aI seeding time by baving yanr sed cleatîcri carlv. 4. X'au sluould bave *yaur seeci cleaiscriwhile you have a largcîr quantity ta clcai tramn. 3.43 per cent of tie scerl soxwn in Ontario in 19417 was 'rje ;csrd on mweed content alone. redore your lasses. incroase youî' profits by sawing only seed free train 'secris wilh a bigb germination. BOWMANVILLE Mrs. Fi-ri Rogers wishes ta ex- pr~ess ber sincere and inast grate- fiil appreciation and thanks ta Oui' many friends andi neighbors o! Nestîcton and Part PerrY, Nestle- ton Institute, ai-d X.A. for the kind acts during ber iliness, es- pecialiy thanking Dr. Dymonri andi the staff o! Port Perry Hos- pital. 10-I1, Mr. andi Mrs. Benny King, Glari, Jack and Ferrn wisb ta express their gratitude toalal those who belperi at the 5Oth wedding anni- versary reception for Mr. ai-d Mrs. John Poolton, witb special thanks ta Mrs. Walter Woolley, Mrs. Arnold Lobb, Mrs. T. Gra- ham and Mrs. W. Bates who pre- pareri andi serveri the luncheon. 10-P, Mr. Howard Stevens, Enniskiî- len, wishcs ta take this opportun- ity o! thanking Drs. Austin, Stur- gess, Fergusan and Birks. the Su- perinten-dent Miss Harding ai-d staff at the hospital for their care and attention. Also bis relatives, frienris andi neighbors for the cards, flowers. fruit andi lettors. which he ireceived, xvhile in bas- pital. and for everyone who bias calîed ta sec and enquire about jhim since he came home. A spe- cial thanks ta you ail. It -was very much appreciateri. 10-1* Personal SLENDDR tablets are eff ective. Two weeks' suppiy SiL 12 week-ý $5, at Juryv & LovelI, and McGîe- gar's Drug Store. 10-1 rH Y G I E N I C suIpplies (rubber mU pesi naid i li seaied envelope with price list. bix samiples 2ac: 21 samples $1,00. Mail Order Depi. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91. Hamilton, Ont. 10-9 Sharp Saws Have jour gAws fl,,] and jointed by mahin, me,-anieiliiy irer. alc Q.s it te Sd l ike uur work- ('IAP1A N'S Saw Service Leav-e Vour S A. E. ilcGREG( 7 King St. E. ~a Nis at DR&(O Work Wanted ELECTRICAL cantracting service work and estimates. R. Marcbi- tint. Phono 2468. 9 -4: )RESSMAKING and alterations done by Mrs. Audrey Wray, 29 Carlisle Ave, 8-3 Waiited To Buy WHEEL for 1932 Willys six cyl- oder sedan, wire spokes. Must be in good condition. Phone 2200. 10-1 3EFORE selling your live poultry ry us. Our prices are higher. I. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone1 7r 13, reverse charges. 4-tf * IVE horses for mirk and fox .od. Cali us for highe.t prices. 7e also pick up dead farm stoGpk ce of charge. Margwill Fur arm, R.R. 1, Tyîone. Phone Bow- Auction Sales The undersigned bas reccived instr-uctions fran- Mrs. Samuel Archer, at Port Hope, ta selI by public auction on Saturday, March l3th, at 1 p.rn., ail her hausehold eets. Sec bills. TermÉ cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 10-2 Auction Sale o! registered and gr~ade Shoîrthoîrn cattlc, liorses, swine, seed grain, farmi machin- ery and milking equipment, the propei'ty of Mr. Charles Wilson, Lot 18, Con. 7, Hope Twp., bal mile west of Perrytown,aon W d- nesday, March 17 at 1lp.m. Fa r turther partîculars sec buis. Farm sold. 'ierms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctianeer. 10-2 The uindersigned bas reccived cIte, Lot 7, Con. 4, Darlington îanville 2679. 41-tf manville, anc mile east af Salem school, ta seli by public auction on Friday, March 19, at 1 p.m., 25 H-eip Wanted head of lHoîstein cattle; four Per- cheron borses; )o tons o! mixed 'XPERIENCED caok-generai for hay. Sec bis. Terms cash. No ;all summer camp. References reserve. Jack Reidi, auctioneer. ?quired. Phone Osbawa 1811W. 10-2 10-1 OUNG man ta work two or C licks For Sale irce cvenings a week. Apply 3owmanville Cleaners and Dyers, PURE Barred Rock (same pop- ing Street West. 10-1 ular strain), and New Hampshire x Barîred'Rock Crossbied chicks. NCREASE your income. Excel- AIl blooci-tested. Try this popu- nt opportunity for alert, intelli- lar cross for hybrid vigor, rapid ent man ta distribute high quaI- growtli ai-d sustaineri production. v products in tbis district. Blue' SPECIAL COCKEREL OFFER ýrai-d Products, 7227 Alexandra Take deliverv 0 f cockercl chicks reet, Montreal. 10-i1 (when available), ai-id for eveîy AN for stcady travel amang 100 taken yuu pay us witb five -nsumers in Durham County. matur-e birds next faîl-that's al]. ermanent connection with large Hatches every Friday-Ask for ianufactui'er. Only reliable 1 free calendar. Don Gibson, phono istier considered. Write Raw- Clarke 3811. Bowmanvilie, Ont. igh's Dept. ML-C-140-131, Mon- 9-tf a1, Que. 10-4 _________________ __ Pets For Sale Real stateGREAT Dane puppies, pure brcd Wanted To Buy from champianship stock. Fawn 1with black mask. 3 months old, ASH bu *ver wants 6-roomed cars cropperi and inoculated. Ideal use un Bowrnanville. Preferably companions andi watch dogs; Ap- rth, buntgalow type. Early ply Reg. Lancaster, Commercial ssessîan. Evelyn E. Cooke, Hotel, Oshawa. 10-1 cai Estate, Newvcastle. 10-1l' _____ ________ !antdto Rnt o B~< Livestock For Sale TWO beifers, 18 months aid and 3 IX roomneci bouse in Bowman- y earling hieifer calves. Phone Ile. Wî île Box 33, Statesman 2129. 10-1* fice. 10P - ___________ DUCKS and drakes, for laying WatdtoR n purposes. Mrs. A. Hughes, _____________________________10-1 NO or thrce unfurnisbed rooms CALF for vealing. Robert Hen- rworking couple. Write Boxr dry, R.R. 4, Bowmanvillc. Phone Statesmnan Office. 10-p-, 504. 10-i* EALL bouse. 4 or 5 rooms. Ap- FOUR saws, bacon type and welI yClarence Osborne, Statesman bred. Would make goad brood ice. 10-1! sows. Phone 2234. . 10-1w' VO or thrcc unfurnished or fur- FOUR pure bred Sbarthorn buils, bced light housekeepin.- roams, ready for service, !ully accrediteri, ateri, for quiet middle ageri good calors. Must sel ta m-ake uple, non smokcrs, abstainers. room. Albert Wri gbt, Nestîcton. .bhin twa or three blocks o! the i.10-1* .vmanville Post Office. or )uld consider raoms aver store. JERSEY cow, 2 years aId; Jersey Il Editor James, phone 663. cal! (heifer), 2 months old; «table ______________________ j odel (DeLaval) Separator No. -2. Apply after 6, 99 Lakeshore Real Estate For Sale Rd. 10-4* IALL farm an bighway, 65 THREE young Hlstein cows, anc res, near Welcome, hydro. good res M e otheis due ini April and ise~~~~~ Mnibr.ApyW . ay: also two Herefordi bulîs, ane useoadsR.b artHpe . 10-1 grade and anc registered. Lewis ynodsR.. 1 Prt op. 1-1J. Wood, Oîono. phan 8 r4 DOD selectian of farms. Large 1- d small holdings. Evelyn E.N A LEi ike, Real Estate, Newcastle.- *A U C T ION C T 10-i1 o w SIE vil off TV for 34, SmV ply Offi TV, nisi hea cou Wil Bov %VOL1 cal. SMý acrE li ai Rey GO( and Coc FARM, 72 acres, nea- Nestîcton, Wrightson Wight, Lot 7, Con. I, suitable for tobacco or mixel Darlingtan, having sold bis farm. tarming: buildings in nîeed of re- wiIl selI by public auction aIl o! pair. Write Box 999, Statesmnan bis livestock, implements, etc., on Office, Bowmanviile. 1-tf* Wednesdlay, March I 7th. Watch for detaileri Iist in this paper. ONE hundred acres, 50 acres Elmer \Vilbur, auctioneer 9-2 workable, balance bush and pas- turc, goori bouse and buildings, REPAIRS drive shed., lots of water, price -______________ S3.500.00. Situate Lot 10. Con. 6. REPAIRS toa allniakes o! refrig- Orano. Ont. 10-l' Higg-on Electric 42 King St. E., $6.700-Twýo-storey house, Qucen poe48 6t St.. Bownmanville, seven rooms NEAT-Way Sboe flepair: Goori, and bath, soliri brick, large gar- substantial workmansbip. reluabil- age. bot air bcating, goo>d furnace, itv, cîyeing. soling, sewing, etc. fuill 'v insulatcd. Early possession. TrY thýe Ncat-Way, opposite Bow- Phone Bowmanviile 494. 10-1 1 rnanvile Cleaners. 7-tf BIRTH-S Mr,, and Mrs. Neil Yellowlccs andamy have moved ta their own hom recently purchascd from Mrs. J. McRobertsý. Mr.q.and Mrs. N. Yeliowlees, Hampton, at Mr. F. Wright's. Mr. and Mrs. G. Rosevear vis- ited bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- gar Rosevear, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hall, Toronto, spent wcekend with Mrs. W. T. Worden. Mr. and Mrs. A. Caverlcy, Syl- via and Sheila, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Park and cbildren with Mr. and Mrs. W. Park. Mr. Lloyd Hoar, Harrowsmith, with Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hoar and Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. Er~nest Hockaday and Evelyn, Solina, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Macdonald entertained a number o! friends last Fî'iday ovening. Mr. and Mrs. Everton White at- 0-~<ç b funeral o! their sister-j in-law, Mrs. Russell White at CHEVROLET coach, 1942, ini A-1 condition inside ai-d out; 1935 Fard coach, ini goori condition: '36 Oldsmabile sedan: 1938 Chevro - let haîf-ton panel truck: 1937 Chevrolet coach. Art*s Garage, VENETIAN- Blinds-Free esti- Imates, measuring and installation at FF. Marris Ca., distributors for Kirsch. Met-Wo and Hees Re- movable Slat Blinds. Choice o! steel, alumninum. or woad siats. 10-1 INVENTORY clearance sale. Real bargains on English pattery, swirl mixers, table and pin-up lamps. bcd lamps, w'all aîrnaments, elec- trie irons, electric cups, electrie heaters. glass coffee percalators. The Rado Sop, phone 573. 10-I TRADE-in- Coal ail stoves. thrce- buriner. $5; xvalnut dresser, $15: chiffonier, $7.50; Wiltan rug 9x12, I $10: electric radiator, $25; occa- sional chairs, $5; spool bed,' $10; coal stoves, $19.50; coal heaters, S5: Sunbeam Mixmaster,$5 Murphy's, phone 811. 0l BEAUTIFY your home with the1 enduring loveliness o! the famous Met-Wo Venetian Blinds. Be ahead of spring with a "new look" ta yaur home. For free estimates, under- no obligation, phone or write Ken Cain, your local Met- Wo agent, at 56 r 19, Orono. 10-1* FRIGIDAIRE electric range, anc year ald, iîsed three montbs, with elcctric dlock, autamatic cooker, thermiser. cake timer, aven lig ht, ovcn, warming aven, twa starage drawers, in excellent condition. Price $298. W'rite Box 32,Stes man Office. 0l McCORMICK Deering, aIl steel, thresher, size 28"x46" equipped with grain thrower and 30 feet of carrying pipe, adjustable ta 16 feet high, aIl steel seed recleaner with full lino sieve, good belting, drive belt 11l0'x7"; excellent con- dition. Apply Earl Bradburn, Burketon. 10-1 SEED for Sale-Ajax and Cartier Dats grown fromn Registered seed: Regîistered Barboif Barlcy: a lim- ited quantity of Colorado Springi Wheat: aisa good mixed grain (Ajax Oats and Barba!! Barlcy) suitable for seed, !rom lM46 crop.* Order earlv while supply iasts. James T. firown, Newcastlc. 9-2* WHOLESALE prices on new fur- niture-Sce Morris Ca. windo\vs for cash weekend specials in living roorn, dining room. bed- roorn suites nt factory prices. Miorris Co. must rrdure their1 large stock o! fine furniture fori store alterations. 20 per cent cash discount on aIl other floor sample suites purchased for immediate delivery.92 OSHAWA'S new furnîture store- Everything in mode--n. Chester- ield, bedroomn and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and flar coverings a specialty. Qual. ty merchandise at campetitive prices. Before buying visit Brad- ey's New Furniture Store, 156 Sirncoe St. S., Oshawa. 4641f v n ri si d si il 0 E fil st fil lit Pl le S Phone 778 ENGAGEM ENTS Most People Feel Best in Summer ... ..and indeed there is a very good reason for that feeling. Plrnty a! sunsbine and garden-!resh fruits and vegetables furnjich an in- creased supply o! the vitamins essential ta vigar and health. ,Wben vitamins !rom dictary sources are inadequate ta mai?îtain a feeling of weIl-being a supplementary source is available in the form o! vitamin cancentrates. A complete range o! these vitamin products, available in tablet, capsule or liquid form, is obtainable at your Rexall Drugstore. Vitamin Products PURETEST Vitamin Min- erais. Capsules 59's $1.98 100's $3.49 PURETEST Vitamin A, B, D and G Capsules 25's 85e PITRETEST Plenamins% PURETEST HalIlbut Liver 011 Capsules, plain, 50's -31.00 100's -31.50 PURETEST Extract of Malt wlth Cod Liver Oul 16 oz. 75e 32 oz. -- ------- - .- 3- 1.25 PL'RETEST Rum, HoîWy and Cod Liver 011, 8 oz. 60e le oz. -- -- 1.00 PURETEST Vitamin Tonie with MineraLç 8 oz. $1.09 Lantigen "A"-For the treatmeuit of and immnunity from common colds. "B"-For the treatment of Ca- tari-b, ebronic bronchitis and branchial asthma. "("-For the treatrnent of rlieumnatic and arthritle pa ins. "E"-For the treatment o! and lmmunity from hay fever. "G"-Fnr the treatment (o! bronchitis and branchial asthma due ta upper respir- atory infection. each bottie of 17 ce.6.00 RexaliMnth Fume ('rystals t Paradichlorbenzene) JURY (& LOVELL YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE When We7 Test Your Eyes it ls Done Properly C.N.R. Tickets TeCANADIAN STATESMAN Classilied Advertîsing Rates EFFECTIVE JANUARY 23, 1948 BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. CARDS 0F THANKS - $1.00 pcr Insertion ffl MEMORL4AMS - $1.00 plus 10c a line for verses per Insertion NOTICES, COMING r ENTS, ARTICLES FOR SALE, rLIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, WANTED, ETC. r ash Rate: 2c a word <min. 35e). Must be paid before insertion If Charged: 3e a w.io.-d (minimum 50c). Add 25e extra for box numbers or replies dlrected ta this office. (Additionil Insertions at Same Ri,,tes) ALL ÇLASSIFIUýD ADS MUST BE IN NOT LATER THAN NOON WEPNESBAY. Cash, stamps or mon- ey order with order to get lowv rate. CLIP THIS OUT FOR HANDY REFERi-îNufl. Sow lhe Best - Feed Ihe Resi PHONE 2813 GARNET B. RICKARD w. i -'j Articles For Sale Articles For Sale FINDLAY eleetric range. Applv INDIAN handmade apple baskets. 21 Liberty St. N. 10-1* Buy now for next faîl. F. W. -- Brock and Son, Port Perry, Ont. FUMED oak china cabinet. Phone Phone 43. 9-2* 784 or apply 30 Silver St. 10-1* E orDra Fres 1 150 fence riosts 8' length. Nick County Ca-Dp. for farm supplies, Jlasluk, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. feeds, seeds, fertilizers, spray ma- 101* terial. Sec aur catalogue or con- suit the manager, R. Glanvilie, WOOD--Eight cords of 12" wood, Orono, Ont. Phone 37-1. 9-4* îr.ostlx- cedar and pine. Phone 2557 TWD used hand washers, Ren- ior 859. 10-4*! frew Washrite; one new Gilson el- -- . ectric washer; also taking orders PtANO-Upright, mahogany, in for spring and summer delîvery p'ood condi<tion. Orono, Box 25 a! washers, either electrie or gas or pone18 101 l0 drîven. If intercsted, phone or write O. J. Hyland, Burkcton. QUATIT o!¾ ich ew ai-Phone Port Perry 111 r 5. 9-2* -i~nized pipe. Phone Oshawa_______________ 181W.10-1 USED Case tractor on rubbcr; - uscd Case tractor on steel; used CIRCULAR saw frame; set o! M.-H. 13-disc seed drill; used M.- teamn sleighs; also several young H. manure spreader: new Case broad sows. Phone 2231. 10-1 hay rake, 10'; new ail brooder: - rubber liners for ail makes o! FORD deluxe Mode] A, 1931, 600- milking machines. B.T. steel stalîs 16 tires. Stacker's Garage, phoanc and stanchions on hand; steel rims 804. 10-1 for wagons. We have tires for i vur car as low in price as can QUANTITY o! good faîl wheat, be purchasèd anywhere. Swift straw, balcd. Clàre E. Allîn, Canadian fertilizer. W. H. Brown, Phone 2847. 10-2"e Case Dealer, phone 497. 10-1 MAPLE and beech, split body wood, in stove wood lengths. TYBONE Phione 2432. 10-1<* LADY'S spring coat. size 42, like Mission Band met aftcr school, new; boys' windbreaker and trou- Feb. 26tb, witb Il childrcn pres- sers. sîze 15. Mrs. Moffat, 49 King cnt. "Jesus Loves Me" was St. . 10-l'* sung. Scripture was read. Min- -utes o! last meeting were rcad MILLER Ideal incubator, 200 egg; by Doreen Rahm. A story was coal brooder stove, 300 chick size. given "Wang in the HosaDital." Mattbew Brown, Newcastle. Business was discussed. World Phone Clarke 1112. , 10-l1' Friends were sent out ta be sold by several children. FINDLAY 3-burner gas stove, Mrs. H. Hall had a bîrthday par- wh'ite witb black trim, ncarly -tvn honor o! ber brother, Mr. ncw. Apply 64 Wellington St. î- Roy Maynard. Mrs. Laura Virtue and Milton TRACTOR cultivator, DeLaval %witb ber son-in-iaw, Mr. A. H. milking machine, ail brooder Spicer, Bowmanville, who is im- stave, feed grain. Apply W. B. proving niceiy but confined ta his Reynolds, R.R. 1, Port Hope. 10-I bcd for a montb. - Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hodgson, DIL brooder stave, uscd one sea- Bowmanville, were dinner guests son, good condition, $18; regaister- laszt week with Mrs. W. Miller. cd Yorkshire boay, anc year old, Mr. and Mrs. H. Moses and Mrs. $50. Apply Murray Bycrs, Burk- S. Hodgsan, Bawmanville, xvitb eton. 10-1 Mr. L. Thompson and Arth ur.Mr. and Mrs. E. Stainton and CHILDREN'S unbreakable pic- !amily, Bowmanville, with Mr. turc records, stories and sangs. and Mrs. H. Hall. Play on any pbonograph, anly Mr. Bert Mason, Marchant 49c. 'nhe Radia Shop, phone 573. Grove, ýask., Miss Jennie Beck- 10-1 ett, Maple Grave, with Mr. and STUDIO couch xvith 2 matching Mrs. O. Beckett. chairs, bcd, spring and mattress; Miss Helen Partner an d girl electric range, two-burner wvhite friend, Oshawa, with ber par- enamel, like new. Apply White ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Partner. Rose Station, 180 King St. E. Mr. and Mrs. N. Yellowlces and Bowmanville, phone 662. 10-i children with ber parents. Mvr. and Mrs. H. Rundle, Hampton. F'ORD, 2-ton stake body truck, ar Mr. and Mrs. H. Wood ana chu- Nili cxchange for other suitable dren, Long Sault, with Mr. and truck or car. Apply Ernie's Ser- Mrs. Roy Maynard and Mrs. J. vice Station, Highwav 35, north o! McRoberts. Kirby. Phone Orono, 57 r 16. Murray Tabb visitcd friends ati Elizabethville on Tuesday. The ladies of Club 41 plan to s.hold a pot luck supper an Friday r.March 2th in Bthesda Schoot, t.Proceeis in aid of parsonage fund, Further annauincements later. Came to the tea at the S.S. roorm, Saturday, March 6th, 2 to 4 p.=i held by the "l'Il Try Class," pro- ceeds for a needy famiiy in Eng. land.7 Will aIl tiiose who contemplat. joining Tyrone cburch at the Eas. ter service kindîy meet in theS, S. room, Sunday, March 7th, 37:30 p.m. Monday, March Ist at 2:30 p.ni. aur pastor, Rev. A. E. Crcsswcl% prescnted an essay on "The Mean. ing o! History" ta the West Dur. ham Ministerial Association. Thj- paper was based on a study oA i history by A. J. Toynbee. The meeting xvas held at Newcastle Unitedi Cburcb. For an cvening of entertain- ment a number o! the Tyrone Jr. Young People journeyed ta Baw- manville last Friday night ta sce the show, "~My Brother Taiku r With Horses." The hockey game Saturday, night betwecn Courtice and Tyr-; anc was a wcll played game. The; boys played the puck flot the man. Caurtice won the game. Monday night Hampton and Tyrone.piay-: cd with Hanmpton the wînner. Games were played an the Tyrone rink. Snow fell aIl day Tuesday and roais are filled again but the men xvho run the snow plows have! donc a splendid job kceping the'i roads in shape this winter and; will soon bave them open again.1 Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. i Aýrthur H. Brent wbo celebratcd their golden wedding anniversary i on Wednesday, March 3rd, at their home. W.M.S. wiII mneet this Tbursday, March 41- at the home o! Mrs. W. Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm Clem and Doreen with Enniskilîeni frienris. Mrs. S. Duval, Peterborough, bas spent a short time with ber son and daughter-in-iaw, Mr. an-d Mrs. W. Park, Jr., is Ieaving this weck for the Toronto General Hospità'I where she wili take treat. ments. WATCH REPAIRING for satisfaction and reasonable prices Bvlng Your Watch To Us ALL WATCH REPAIRS GUARANTEED For One Year MAINSPRINGS INCLUDED JEWELLERY BOWM1ANVILLE 43 King St. W. Phone 463 ,Àý mý r THE CANADIAN STATËSMAN. BOWMA=,LE. nNT,&iz-re% 1 SI.75 1 5 Ibs. -. .- . --- 1- - - - $2.55 !,-i

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